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Am. J. Hum. Genet.

69:1095–1112, 2001

The Y Chromosome Pool of Jews as Part of the Genetic Landscape

of the Middle East
Almut Nebel,1 Dvora Filon,2 Bernd Brinkmann,4 Partha P. Majumder,5 Marina Faerman,3
and Ariella Oppenheim1
Department of Hematology, Hebrew University–Hadassah Medical School, 2Hadassah University Hospital, and 3Laboratory of Biological
Anthropology and Ancient DNA, Hebrew University–Hadassah School of Dental Medicine, Jerusalem; 4Institut für Rechtsmedizin,
Westfälische Wilhelms-Universität, Münster, Germany; and 5Anthropology and Human Genetics Unit, Indian Statistical Institute, Calcutta

A sample of 526 Y chromosomes representing six Middle Eastern populations (Ashkenazi, Sephardic, and Kurdish
Jews from Israel; Muslim Kurds; Muslim Arabs from Israel and the Palestinian Authority Area; and Bedouin from
the Negev) was analyzed for 13 binary polymorphisms and six microsatellite loci. The investigation of the genetic
relationship among three Jewish communities revealed that Kurdish and Sephardic Jews were indistinguishable
from one another, whereas both differed slightly, yet significantly, from Ashkenazi Jews. The differences among
Ashkenazim may be a result of low-level gene flow from European populations and/or genetic drift during isolation.
Admixture between Kurdish Jews and their former Muslim host population in Kurdistan appeared to be negligible.
In comparison with data available from other relevant populations in the region, Jews were found to be more
closely related to groups in the north of the Fertile Crescent (Kurds, Turks, and Armenians) than to their Arab
neighbors. The two haplogroups Eu 9 and Eu 10 constitute a major part of the Y chromosome pool in the analyzed
sample. Our data suggest that Eu 9 originated in the northern part, and Eu 10 in the southern part of the Fertile
Crescent. Genetic dating yielded estimates of the expansion of both haplogroups that cover the Neolithic period
in the region. Palestinian Arabs and Bedouin differed from the other Middle Eastern populations studied here,
mainly in specific high-frequency Eu 10 haplotypes not found in the non-Arab groups. These chromosomes might
have been introduced through migrations from the Arabian Peninsula during the last two millennia. The present
study contributes to the elucidation of the complex demographic history that shaped the present-day genetic
landscape in the region.

Introduction Polymorphisms on the nonrecombining part of the Y

chromosome have become powerful tools for the in-
The Middle East played a crucial role in early human vestigation of genetic diversity in males, complementing
history. Its strategic location at the crossroads of three the information from the maternally inherited mtDNA.
continents facilitated the movements of peoples and the Y chromosome variants were shown to be much more
spread of novel technologies and ideas. At the beginning localized geographically than mtDNA or autosomal
of the Neolithic period (∼10,500 years ago), the Fertile polymorphisms (Seielstad et al. 1998). The study of
Crescent of the Middle East was one of the few centers population history has gained enormous momentum
in which the transition from hunting-gathering to per- with the recent introduction of a large number of new
manent settlement and farming took place (Bar-Yosef binary or biallelic Y chromosome polymorphic markers
1995). Previous genetic studies suggested that demic dif- (Underhill et al. 2000). The typing of these markers in
fusion of Neolithic farmers, rather than cultural trans- a set of worldwide populations led to a comprehensive
mission, was responsible for the dispersal of domesti- and detailed Y chromosome phylogeny.
cates and technological innovations from the Middle When microsatellites are analyzed within a haplo-
East to Europe, North Africa, and southwest Asia (Cav- group classified by binary polymorphisms, a measure
alli-Sforza et al. 1994; Richards et al. 2000; Semino et of diversity is added that allows evaluation of inter-
al. 2000; Quintana-Murci et al. 2001). population affinities at fine resolution (Hurles et al.
1999; Helgason et al. 2000; Nebel et al. 2000; Thomas
Received June 18, 2001; accepted for publication August 27, 2001; et al. 2000; Kayser et al. 2001). In addition, microsat-
electronically published September 25, 2001. ellite variation provides an estimation of time depth
Address for correspondence and reprints: Dr. Ariella Oppenheim, and, hence, facilitates the investigation of the origin and
Department of Hematology, Hebrew University–Hadassah Medical
spread of haplogroups and permits placement of the
School, Jerusalem 91120, Israel. E-mail:
䉷 2001 by The American Society of Human Genetics. All rights reserved. genealogical projections in the context of known or sur-
0002-9297/2001/6905-0018$02.00 mised historical events (Zerjal et al. 1997; Hurles et al.

1096 Am. J. Hum. Genet. 69:1095–1112, 2001

Table 1
Y Chromosome Haplogroup Distribution

Muslim Kurdish Sephardic Ashkenazi Palestinian

Kurds Jews Jews Jews Arabs Bedouin
NUMBERa DEFINITIONb (n p 95) (n p 99) (n p 78) (n p 79) (n p 143) (n p 32)
1 NTGCATGGG⫹AG .168 .202 .295 .114 .084 0
2 NCGCATCGG⫹AG NT .168 .061 .115 .063 .063 .063
3 (Eu 19) NTGCATGGG⫺AA .116 .040 .039 .127 .014 .094
7 NCGCATCCG⫹AA 0 0 0 0 .014 0
9 (Eu 9) NCGCATCGG⫹AG PG .284 .152 .154 .240 .168 .031
9 (Eu 10) NCGCATCGG⫹AG PT .116 .222 .128 .190 .384 .625
21 PCACATCGG⫹AG .074 .121 .192 .228 .203 .187
26 NCGCATGGG⫹AG .042 .192 .077 .038 .070 0
28 NCGCATGGG⫹GG .032 .010 0 0 0 0
Designation is as presented by Rosser et al. (2000) and Semino et al. (2000).
Haplogroups are defined by the allele status at 13 binary markers in the following order: YAP, 92r7, SRY4064,
SRY⫹465, sY81, Tat, M9, M13, M17, M20, SRY10831, p12f2 and M172. P p YAP insert/p12f2 deletion present
(8-kb allele); N p no YAP insert/p12f2 deletion (10-kb allele); G⫹ p guanine present; G⫺ p guanine deleted.

1998; Quintana-Murci et al. 2001). Particular high-fre- otherwise randomly selected, self-designated Ashkena-
quency modal haplotypes have been shown to be as- zim in Israel. The Ashkenazi subjects’ paternal families
sociated with genealogies defined by religious status came from various parts of Europe, spanning areas from
(Thomas et al. 1998) or surnames that are transmitted Germany, in the west, to Russia, in the east.
along male lines (Sykes and Irven 2000). The Cohen Sephardic Jews.—DNA samples were extracted from
modal haplotype (CMH) has been described as the sig- mouth swabs collected from 78 paternally unrelated,
nature haplotype of the paternally inherited Jewish otherwise randomly selected, self-designated Sephardic
priesthood (Thomas et al. 1998). Jews in Israel. Here the term “Sephardic Jews” refers to
Previous investigations based on binary Y chromo- Jews from Mediterranean and Middle Eastern countries.
some polymorphisms suggested a common origin for Our sample consisted of two groups. The first, desig-
Jewish and non-Jewish populations living in the Middle nated the “North African sample” (55 subjects), com-
East (Santachiara-Benerecetti et al. 1993; Hammer et prised 37 individuals from North African countries (pri-
al. 2000). Our recent study of high-resolution micro- marily Morocco), 13 from Turkey, 3 from the Iberian
satellite haplotypes demonstrated that a substantial por-
Peninsula, and 2 from Bulgaria. The second group was
tion of Y chromosomes of Jews (70%) and of Palesti-
designated the “Iraqi sample” (23 subjects), and it con-
nian Muslim Arabs (82%) belonged to the same
tained 20 Jews from Iraq and 3 from Syria.
chromosome pool (Nebel et al. 2000). Of those Pales-
Kurdish Jews.—Y chromosomes of 99 Kurdish Jews
tinian chromosomes, approximately one-third formed
from all over Israel, unrelated at the paternal great-
a group of very closely related haplotypes that were only
rarely found in Jews. Altogether, the findings indicated grandfather level, were analyzed. Most of the DNA sam-
a remarkable degree of genetic continuity in both Jews ples (79) were anonymously obtained from the DNA
and Arabs, despite their long separation and the wide collection established in our laboratory for the study of
geographic dispersal of Jews. hematological disorders. The remainder (20 samples)
In the present study, we examined the genetic rela- were collected, by mouth swab, from randomly selected
tionship among three Jewish communities, the Ashke- volunteers of self-identified Kurdish Jewish descent. The
nazi, Sephardic, and Kurdish Jews, who were geograph- paternal ancestors of the majority of the subjects had
ically separated from each other for many centuries. By lived in northern Iraq.
comparing data from these groups with data from other Muslim Kurds.—Ninety-five DNA samples of Muslim
relevant populations, we looked for information about Kurds were obtained, as described elsewhere (Brink-
how the Y chromosomes of Jews fit into the genetic mann et al. 1999). The large majority of the subjects
landscape of the Middle East. originated from northern Iraq.
Palestinian Arabs.—Data on 17 Y chromosome poly-
Material and Methods
morphisms of 143 Muslim Arabs residing in Israel and
Study Populations the Palestinian Authority Area (designated in other re-
Ashkenazi Jews.—DNA samples were extracted from ports as “Israeli & Palestinian Arabs [I & P Arabs]”)
mouth swabs collected from 79 paternally unrelated, were as reported elsewhere (Nebel et al. 2000, 2001).
Nebel et al.: Y Chromosomes of Jews and Middle Easterners 1097

Figure 1 Network of Y chromosome haplogroups (Hgs) based on the 13 binary polymorphisms analyzed. Unblackened circles represent
haplogroups observed in the six Middle Eastern populations. The area of each circle is proportional to the frequency of the haplogroup in the
total sample. Small blackened circles denote unobserved haplogroups. Arrows indicate the direction of the defining mutation. The haplogroup
classification follows Rosser et al. (2000), except for the “Eu” designations, which are classified according to Semino et al. (2000). Hg 7 is the
root. Eu 10 and Eu 9 are sublineages of Hg 9 that are distinguished by the mutation at M172. Hg 3 and Eu 19 appear phylogenetically
equivalent in our sample. Hg 3 is defined by the reverse mutation at SRY10831 and Eu 19 by the polymorphism at M17.

The same specimens were typed, in the present study, described by Thomas et al. (1999). Haplogroup defini-
for two additional markers (p12f2 and M172). tions, based on the allelic state at the binary markers,
Bedouin.—Anonymous DNA samples of 30 male Bed- are presented in table 1.
ouin from the Negev were obtained from the National Chromosomes classified on the basis of analysis of the
Laboratory for the Genetics of Israeli Populations, Tel above 11 binary polymorphisms as belonging to hap-
Aviv University. Two additional samples were from our logroup 2⫹ (Hg 2⫹) were further analyzed for p12f2
DNA depository. [DYS11] and M172, in a duplex PCR assay. The marker
Other populations.—Data on 122 Russians, 112 p12f2 distinguishes Hg 9 from Hg 2 (Bosch et al. 1999;
Poles, 41 Byelorussians, 167 Turks, 89 Armenians, 126 Rosser et al. 2000), and M172 (Underhill et al. 2000)
Spaniards, 385 Portuguese, and 129 North Africans subdivides Hg 9 into the two lineages Eu 9 and Eu 10
(Berbers and Arabs described by Rosser et al. [2000]), (Semino et al. 2000). Typing of p12f2 was based on the
along with data on 89 Syrians, 31 Jordanians, and 30 absence (Hg 9) or presence (Hg 2) of an 88-bp PCR
Lebanese (R. Villems and S. Rootsi, unpublished data) product (Rosser et al. 2000). As an internal control, a
were used for comparison at the haplogroup level. 148-bp product encompassing the M172 polymorphism
The volunteers gave written informed consent before was coamplified using the primers M172-F 5-atcccccaa-
samples were collected. The study was approved by the acccattttgatgcat-3 and M172-R 5-ggatccatcttcactcaatg-
Hebrew University committee for ethics in research. ttg-3. PCR amplification was performed in 10 mM Tris-
HCl (pH 8.3), 50 mM KCl, 2.5 mM MgCl2, 0.2 mM
Typing of Y Chromosome DNA Polymorphisms of each dNTP, 0.2 mM of each p12f2 primer, 0.3 mM of
DNA samples were typed for 11 binary Y chromo- each M172 primer, and 0.2 U of AmpliTaq Gold (Perkin-
some polymorphisms (YAP [DYS287], 92r7, SRY4064, Elmer, Roche Molecular Systems). Cycling conditions
SRY⫹465, sY81 [DYS271], Tat, M9, M13, M17, M20, were as follows: initial denaturation and AmpliTaq Gold
and SRY10831) and for 6 microsatellite loci (DYS19, activation at 94⬚C for 10 min; 30–35 cycles of dena-
DYS388, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, and DYS393), as turation at 94⬚C for 30 s, annealing at 58⬚C for 45 s,
1098 Am. J. Hum. Genet. 69:1095–1112, 2001

Table 2
Analysis of Genetic Differentiation: Pairwise FST Values between Populations
Muslim Kurdish Sephardic Ashkenazi Palestinian
Population Kurds Jews Jews Jews Arabs
Kurdish Jews .032a … … … …
Sephardic Jews .023b .012c … … …
Ashkenazi Jews .016b .024b .021b … …
Palestinian Arabs .069a .030d .059a .026d …
Bedouin .183a .129a .178a .125a .043b
NOTE.—Analysis is based on frequencies of haplogroups defined by 13 binary
Y chromosome polymorphisms.
P ! .001.
.05 1 P 1 .005.
P 1 .05.
.005 1 P 1 .001.

and extension at 72⬚C for 45 s. The final cycle ended (Excoffier et al. 1992). At the haplogroup level, AMOVA
with an additional extension of 10 min at 72⬚C. A sub- was applied to estimate variance components and F sta-
sequent restriction digest of the PCR products with tistics, by taking into account both frequency and mo-
NlaIII (New England Biolabs) allowed us to differentiate lecular content of haplogroups at different levels of hi-
between the M172 T allele (not cut) and the G allele erarchical subdivision (among population groups,
(cut into a 122-bp and a 26-bp fragment). NlaIII diges- among populations within groups, and within popula-
tion of p12f2 resulted in a 57-bp and a 31-bp fragment tions). For this purpose, we generated a distance matrix
in all the samples. The digestion products were visualized that was based on the number of mutation steps between
on 3.5% NuSieve (FMC Bioproducts) agarose gels. all haplogroup pairs and on the known Y chromosome
haplogroup genealogy (fig. 1). At the microsatellite hap-
Statistical and Genealogical Analyses lotype level, FST values between population pairs were
Haplotype diversity (h) and its sampling variance (v) calculated using the sum of squared allele-size differences
were estimated as described by Nei (1987). The rela- (RST) as a measure of haplotype distance (Michalakis
tionships among populations were studied by construct- and Excoffier 1996). Microsat (version 1.5d) was ap-
ing unrooted neighbor-joining (NJ) trees that were based plied to compute the genetic distance measure “average
on the genetic distance (DA) (Nei 1987), using Y chro- square distance” (ASD) (Goldstein et al. 1995). NJ hap-
mosome haplogroup frequencies. The software package lotype trees on ASD were drawn with the Phylogeny
DISPAN was used to calculate the DA matrix and phy- Inference Package PHYLIP (version 3.5c).
logenetic analyses. The software package Arlequin (ver- Genealogical relationships among microsatellite hap-
sion 1.1) was used to compute FST values and to perform lotypes within haplogroups Eu 9 and Eu 10 were re-
population differentiation tests (Raymond and Rousset constructed using the program Network 2.0d (Bandelt
1995) and analyses of molecular variance (AMOVA) et al. 1995; Bandelt et al. 1999). To adequately deal

Figure 2 Unrooted NJ tree depicting relationships among the six Middle Eastern populations, based on DA distances. The distance matrix
is calculated using frequencies of haplogroups defined by 13 binary Y chromosome polymorphisms.
Nebel et al.: Y Chromosomes of Jews and Middle Easterners 1099

Figure 3 Simplified network relating the five modal haplotypes found in the six Middle Eastern populations. The haplotypes are defined
by alleles at six microsatellite loci in the order DYS19, DYS388, DYS390, DYS391, DYS392, and DYS393. Lines between the haplotypes
represent single-microsatellite mutation steps. The frequency of the modal haplotypes in each population is shown. AJ p Ashkenazi Jews; SJ
p Sephardic Jews; KJ p Kurdish Jews; PA p Palestinian Arabs; B p Bedouin; MK p Muslim Kurds; MH p modal haplotype; and CMH p
Cohen modal haplotype. Note that the CMH and the MH of the Muslim Kurds are only one microsatellite mutation step apart but occur on
different haplogroup backgrounds (Eu 10 and Eu 9, respectively).

with the fast-evolving microsatellite loci, the reduced me- weights were assigned: DYS388 and DYS390 p 1,
dian (RM) (r p 2) and median-joining (MJ) (e p 0) al- DYS391 p 2, DYS393 p 3, and DYS19 and DYS392
gorithms were applied sequentially (Forster et al. 2000). p 4. According to Forster et al. (2000), length variation
Moreover, a weighting scheme was used to compensate of different segments within one compound microsat-
for the widely differing mutation rates at the six micro- ellite locus can lead to artifacts in the network construc-
satellites. On the basis of locus diversity, the following tion. Therefore, the complex DYS390 repeat region was

Table 3
Proportions of Haplotypes (ht) and Chromosomes (ch) Shared by Population
Muslim Kurdish Sephardic Ashkenazi Palestinian
Population Kurds Jews Jews Jews Arabs
Kurdish Jews
ht .213 … … … …
ch .314
Sephardic Jews
ht .208 .296 … … …
ch .289 .390
Ashkenazi Jews
ht .263 .214 .296 … …
ch .345 .292 .382
Palestinian Arabs
ht .133 .142 .153 .198 …
ch .160 .198 .167 .225
ht .024 .027 .053 .082 .157
ch .016 .017 .055 .099 .217
1100 Am. J. Hum. Genet. 69:1095–1112, 2001

Table 4
Genetic Variance within and between Population Groups
Jews .011 .092 … … … … … …
Transcaucasians .006 .089 .000 .411 … … … …
Arabs .062 !.001 .079 !.001 .021 .018 … …
Eastern Europeans .215 !.001 .222 !.001 .396 !.001 .030 .006
NOTE.—The analysis is based on data of haplogroups defined by nine Y chromosome
binary polymorphisms (without M13, M17, M20, and M172). Variance component is
calculated within (FST, diagonal) and between (FCT, below diagonal) population groups.
Ashkenazi, Sephardic, and Kurdish Jews.
Palestinians, Jordanians, Syrians, Lebanese, and Bedouin.
Muslim Kurds, Armenians, and Turks.
Russians, Byelorussians, and Poles.

sequenced in two Ashkenazi and three Sephardic Jews. and Ashkenazim on the other. The most-distant group
In all samples, only one component, the n segment, was from the four non-Arab populations were the Bedouin.
found to be variable. We further examined the relationship among the pop-
The start of rapid expansion of Eu 9 and Eu 10 ulations by incorporating microsatellites in the construc-
chromosomes within the populations studied here was tion of haplotypes. The six microsatellite loci defined
estimated by use of the mean variance of microsatellite 250 different haplotypes within the nine haplogroups
repeats (Slatkin 1995; Kittles et al. 1998) averaged (Appendix). Haplotype diversity was high (h 1 .970) in
across the six loci analyzed. The generation time was all populations, except for the Bedouin, who exhibited
set at 25 years (as a mean of the commonly used es- a low value (h p .923) (Appendix). Microsatellite hap-
timates) and at 35 years (as suggested by Tremblay lotype variance among the populations was assessed by
and Vézina [2000]). The average microsatellite-mu-
use of AMOVA in a pairwise manner. The pattern ob-
tation rate for the six loci was set at 1.8 # 10⫺3 (95%
tained was similar to that observed at the haplogroup
confidence interval [CI] 9.8 # 10⫺4 to 3.1 # 10⫺3)
level (not shown). Notably, we found that the variance
(Quintana-Murci et al. 2001).
between the North African and Iraqi Sephardic samples
Results was insignificant (FST p .013; P 1 .05), thereby justify-
ing the pooling of the two data sets.
Genetic Relationships among the Six Middle Eastern The relationship of the five modal haplotypes that
Populations were found in the six populations is presented in figure
3. The most-frequent haplotype in all three Jewish
The genetic affinity among the six populations—
groups (the CMH [haplotype 159 in the Appendix]) seg-
Ashkenazi, Sephardic and Kurdish Jews, Muslim Kurds,
regated on a Eu 10 background, together with the three
Palestinian Arabs, and Bedouin—was first assessed at
modal haplotypes in Palestinians and Bedouin (haplo-
the level of the 13 binary polymorphisms. The 526 Y
chromosomes were classified into nine haplogroups (ta- types 144, 151, and 166). The dominant haplotype of
ble 1). The genealogical relationship of the haplogroups the Muslim Kurds (haplotype 114) was only one micro-
is shown in figure 1. In Sephardic Jewish communities satellite-mutation step apart from the CMH and the mo-
from both North Africa and Iraq, the haplogroup dis- dal haplotype of the Bedouin, but it belonged to hap-
tribution was very similar (Population Differentiation logroup Eu 9. The three modal haplotypes in the
Test; P 1 .05). Therefore, in subsequent analyses, the two Palestinians and Bedouin were entirely restricted to the
groups were pooled as Sephardic Jews. The pairwise FST two Arab populations. On the other hand, chromosomes
values were statistically significant for all population with the modal haplotypes of the Jews and of the Muslim
pairs, except for Kurdish and Sephardic Jews (table 2). Kurds were observed in all the populations except the
Ashkenazi Jews differed slightly from the other two Jew- Bedouin. The three Jewish communities had many ad-
ish communities. Kurdish and Sephardic Jews also clus- ditional haplotypes in common with Muslim Kurds (ta-
tered together on an unrooted NJ tree (fig. 2). Interest- ble 3). They shared more haplotypes and chromosomes
ingly, the position of the Muslim Kurds on this tree is with Muslim Kurds than with either Palestinians or
between Kurdish and Sephardic Jews on the one hand Bedouin.
Nebel et al.: Y Chromosomes of Jews and Middle Easterners 1101

Figure 4 Unrooted NJ tree depicting relationships among 18 populations based on DA. The distance matrix is calculated using frequencies
of haplogroups defined by nine binary Y chromosome polymorphisms.

Genetic Relationships of Jews with Non-Jewish the grouping were justified. Of the total variance, 18%
Populations was attributable to differences among the four groups
(P ! .001). The interpopulation FST variances within
To place the six populations studied here in a broader
Transcaucasians and Jews were negligible (table 4, diag-
geographical context, we expanded the analysis to in-
onal). Pairwise comparisons yielded an insignificant FCT
clude eight additional populations in the region (Rosser
et al. 2000; R. Villems and S. Rootsi, unpublished data). value only for Jews and Transcaucasians (table 4, below
AMOVA was performed on data of haplogroups defined diagonal). In contrast, Arabs showed small, yet signifi-
by nine binary polymorphisms (data on M13, M17, cant, variance components with both Jews and Tran-
M20, and M172 were not available for all populations). scaucasians. Eastern Europeans represented an outgroup
To compute variance components at three different in this comparison, yielding high FCT values with all
levels of hierarchical subdivision (within populations, three Middle Eastern groups.
among populations within population groups, and Further analysis, which included three additional pop-
among population groups), the 14 populations were ulations, was performed by constructing an unrooted
classified into four groups according to ethnic affiliation NJ tree (fig. 4). For this purpose, the Sephardic Jews
(Jews: Ashkenazi, Sephardic, and Kurdish Jews; Arabs: were divided into a North African and an Iraqi sample.
Palestinians, Syrians, Jordanians, Lebanese, and Bed- The Arab populations (including the North Africans)
ouin) or geographic proximity (Transcaucasians: Mus- formed a distinct cluster. The Europeans and the Ar-
lim Kurds, Armenians, and Turks; Eastern Europeans: menians made up another cluster at the opposite end of
Russians, Byelorussians, and Poles). We estimated that the tree. The four Jewish communities grouped closely
80.8% (P ! .001) of the total genetic variance resulted with Muslim Kurds and Turks. Neither Ashkenazi Jews
from differences within the 14 populations and that only nor the two Sephardic samples clustered with their for-
1.2% (P ! .003) was partitioned among the populations mer host populations (non-Jewish Eastern European,
within the groups, indicating that the criteria applied for Iberian, and North African populations). This finding is
1102 Am. J. Hum. Genet. 69:1095–1112, 2001

Figure 5 MJ network of Eu 10. The network shows the genealogical relationships of the 47 microsatellite haplotypes found in 133 Eu
10 Y chromosomes from six Middle Eastern populations. The areas of the circles are proportional to the haplotype frequencies. Branch lengths
are proportional to the number of mutational steps, and parallel links in a reticulation represent the same mutational changes. “Median vector”
stands for a presumed haplotype not observed in the sample. The various populations are represented by different colors, as designated. The
number next to the circle refers to the haplotype number in the Appendix. Haplotype 159, at the center of the network, is the CMH. The Arab
clade haplotypes that have been defined elsewhere are underlined.

supported by highly significant FST values (all FSTs 1.12; also found in Eu 10 (haplotype 167). Interestingly, the
P ! .001) between Jews and their respective host pop- microsatellite constellation of the dominant haplotype
ulations (not shown). in Iranians (Quintana-Murci et al. 2001) is identical to
that in Kurds and also segregates on a Hg 9 background
Haplogroups Eu 9 and Eu 10 (M172 was not assayed in that study). In addition, both
Eu 9 and Eu 10 were characterized by a very high fre-
According to Underhill et al. (2000), Eu 9 (H58) quency of alleles with ⭓15 repeats at DYS388 (83% for
evolved from Eu 10 (H71) through a TrG transversion Eu 9 and 93% for Eu 10, respectively). These alleles
at M172. Eu 9 and Eu 10 together make up the Middle with high numbers of repeats were found to be essen-
Eastern/Mediterranean Hg 9 (Semino et al. 2000). In the tially restricted to the two haplogroups.
total sample analyzed here, nine instances of homoplasy Figure 5 displays an MJ network relating all 47 hap-
were observed between the two closely related lineages. lotypes of Eu 10, representing 133 chromosomes of the
For instance, the microsatellite constellation of the CMH sample. The CMH occupies the central position in the
was also detected in Eu 9 (haplotype 108); the constel- network and is connected to eight haplotypes, suggesting
lation of the modal haplotype of the Muslim Kurds was that it was at the core of expansion of the Eu 10 lineages
Nebel et al.: Y Chromosomes of Jews and Middle Easterners 1103

in the populations studied. The two modal haplotypes Discussion

in Palestinian Arabs, on the other hand, lie at the pe-
riphery of the network and have fewer links to neigh- Genetic Relationships among Jewish Communities
bors. In the MJ network of Eu 9, the modal haplotype
of the Muslim Kurds (haplotype 114) is in the center It is believed that the majority of contemporary
with nine links radiating from it (not shown). Jews descended from the ancient Israelites that had
Eu 10 was the most frequent haplogroup among lived in the historic land of Israel until ∼2000 years
Palestinian Arabs and Bedouin (table 1), with a low hap- ago. Many of the Jewish diaspora communities were
lotype diversity (h p .82) in both populations. Forty- separated from each other for hundreds of years.
two percent of the haplotypes and 47% of the chro- Therefore, some divergence due to genetic drift and/or
mosomes in Eu 10 were only observed in the two Arab admixture could be expected. However, although Ash-
populations. Palestinians had ∼42% of their Eu 10 chro- kenazi Jews were found to differ slightly from Sephardic
mosomes in common with Bedouin but had only 11% and Kurdish Jews, it is noteworthy that there is, overall,
in common with the other four populations. The com- a high degree of genetic affinity among the three Jewish
monalities with the other four populations resulted from communities. Moreover, neither Ashkenazi nor Sephar-
the sharing of low-frequency haplotypes. In contrast, in dic Jews cluster adjacent to their former host popula-
all the other haplogroups (except Hg 7, which was ob- tions, a finding that argues against substantial admixture
served in only two Palestinian individuals in the pre- of males. These findings are in accordance with those
sent study), Palestinians shared 20%–46% of their chro- described by Hammer et al. (2000).
mosomes with the four non-Arab populations. Thus, the Ashkenazi Jews.—Ashkenazi Jews consolidated into a
genetic distinctiveness of the Palestinian Arabs is mainly distinct ethnicity in Germany during the Middle Ages
seen in the presence of specific high-frequency Eu 10 and spread eastwards to Poland and Russia in the 13th
haplotypes not found in non-Arab groups. century (Ben-Sasson 1976). Previous studies of Y chro-
Elsewhere, 12 haplotypes of the Palestinian Arabs, mosome polymorphisms reported a small European con-
including their two modal haplotypes, were reported to tribution to the Ashkenazi paternal gene pool (Santa-
form a clade on an NJ tree (designated as “Arab clade”), chiara-Benerecetti et al. 1993; Hammer et al. 2000). In
with a moderate bootstrap value (Nebel et al. 2000). our sample, this low-level gene flow may be reflected in
The tree was constructed with haplotypes of Arabs, the Eu 19 chromosomes, which are found at elevated
Jews, and Welsh that belonged to a haplogroup defined frequency (12.7%) in Ashkenazi Jews and which are very
by only six binary markers. It actually represented a frequent in Eastern Europeans (54%–60%; Semino et
compound of the six haplogroups Hg 2, Hg 7, Hg 26, al. 2000). Alternatively, it is attractive to hypothesize
Hg 28, Eu 9, and Eu 10. In the present study, the Arab that Ashkenazim with Eu 19 chromosomes represent
clade haplotypes were all found to be part of Eu 10, descendents of the Khazars, originally a Turkic tribe
confirming their genetic clustering. However, as shown from Central Asia, who settled in southern Russia and
in figure 5, the Arab clade haplotypes are dispersed eastern Ukraine and converted en masse to Judaism in
throughout the Eu 10 network, indicating that they do the ninth century of the present era, as described by
not represent a separate genealogical lineage but are an Yehuda Ha-Levi in 1140 A.D. (Dunlop 1954).
integral part of this haplogroup. On an NJ tree of Eu Kurdish Jews.—The Jews of Kurdistan lived—until
10 haplotypes, nine of these haplotypes grouped in two their immigration to Israel in the early 1950s—as a
neighboring branches but without any bootstrap sup- closed ethnic isolate, mostly in northern Iraq and Iran
port (not shown). and in eastern Turkey. According to an old tradition,
We have performed genetic dating on the basis of mi- the Jews of Kurdistan are descendents of the Ten Tribes
crosatellite variation (Slatkin 1995; Kittles et al. 1998). from the time of the Assyrian exile in 723 B.C. (Roth
For a generation time of 25 years, the estimate for the 1972). Genetically, Kurdish Jews are not closer to Mus-
start of the expansion of Eu 9 was 7,038 years ago (95% lim Kurds than are Sephardim or Ashkenazim, suggest-
CI 12,900–4,100 years ago), and that of Eu 10 was ing that reciprocal male gene flow between Jews in Kurd-
6,426 years ago (95% CI 11,800–3,700 years ago). The istan and their Muslim host population was below the
expansion of Hg 9, which includes both Eu 9 and Eu detectable level. The acceptance of Judaism by the rulers
10, was dated to 7,492 years ago (95% CI 13,760–4,350 and inhabitants of the Kurdish Kingdom of Adiabene in
years ago). For a generation time of 35 years, the date the first century of the Common Era resulted in the as-
for Eu 9 was 9,854 years ago (95% CI 18,095–5,705 similation of non-Jews into the community (Brauer
years ago), and the date for Eu 10 was 8,997 years ago 1993). This recorded conversion does not appear to have
(95% CI 16,520–5,215 years ago). The expansion of had a considerable effect on the Y chromosome pool of
Hg 9 was estimated to have begun 10,488 years ago the Kurdish Jews.
(95% CI 19,265–6,090 years ago). Sephardic Jews.—Iraqi and North African Jews are
1104 Am. J. Hum. Genet. 69:1095–1112, 2001

Figure 6 Geographical distribution of Eu 9 and Eu 10. The haplogroups are represented by different shades of grey as designated. The
number in each pie indicates the population analyzed. The data are from Semino et al. (2000) for the following populations: 1 p Sardinians;
2 p central-northern Italians; 3 p Calabrians; 4 p Greeks; 5 p Macedonians; 6 p Ukrainians; 7 p Turks; 8 p Lebanese; 10 p Syrians;
and 12 p Georgians. Data from the present study are from the following populations: 9 p Jews; 11 p Palestinian Arabs; and 13 p Muslim

both considered to belong to the ethnically heteroge- that the latter, in turn, cluster very closely with Kurds
neous group of Sephardim, although the two commu- (Cavalli-Sforza et al. 1994). These findings are consistent
nities were probably separated for 1,000 years. The Jew- with known cultural links that existed among popula-
ish community in Iraq was formed by deportees during tions in the Fertile Crescent in early history.
the Assyrian and Babylonian exiles (723 and 586 B.C.) Muslim Kurds.—The Kurds are considered an ancient
and by waves of immigrants in subsequent centuries. autochthonous population (Kinnane 1970; Pelletiere
Communities in various North African countries and in 1984) who may even be the descendants of the shepherds
the Iberian Peninsula were established primarily in the who first populated the highlands during the Neolithic
course of the Muslim conquest in the seventh and eighth period (Comas et al. 2000). Although Kurdistan came
centuries. After their expulsion from Spain in 1492 A.D., under the successive dominion of various conquerors,
Jews were dispersed in North Africa and Southern Eu- including the Armenians, Romans, Byzantines, Arabs,
rope (Ben-Sasson 1976). The two Sephardic communi- Ottoman Turks, and Iraqis (Kinnane 1970), they may
ties and Kurdish Jews are very closely related to each be the only western Asian group that remained relatively
other. Thus, these populations seem to have preserved, unmixed by the influx of invaders, because of their pro-
to a large extent, their original Y chromosome pools. tected and inhospitable mountainous homeland (Pelle-
tiere 1984). The Y chromosome variation of Muslim
Genetic Relationships among Middle Eastern Kurds falls within the spectrum observed in other pop-
Populations ulations (Turks and Armenians) living in the same re-
In a report published elsewhere, we recently showed gion. The three populations are closer to Jews and Arabs
that Jews and Palestinian Arabs share a large portion of than to Europeans. This is in good agreement with data
their Y chromosomes, suggesting a common ancestry on classical markers (Cavalli-Sforza et al. 1994). How-
(Nebel et al. 2000). Surprisingly, in the present study, ever, on the basis of mtDNA polymorphisms, Kurds were
Jews were found to be even closer to populations in the reported to be more closely related to Europeans than
northern part of the Middle East than to several Arab to Middle Easterners (Comas et al. 2000).
populations. It is worth mentioning that, on the basis Palestinian Arabs and Bedouin.—Bedouin are largely
of protein polymorphisms, most Jewish populations nomadic Arab herders, with a tribal organization. They
cluster very closely with Iraqis (Livshits et al. 1991) and live in all Arab countries, constituting about one tenth
Nebel et al.: Y Chromosomes of Jews and Middle Easterners 1105

of the population (Cavalli-Sforza et al. 1994). The Bed- Jews and Arabs and from the Turkic speakers in Turkey
ouin population of the Negev desert was found to be (Pelletiere 1984). Like Kurdish, the Armenian language
most distant from Jews and Muslim Kurds and to be is also of Indo-European origin, but it forms a separate
closely related only to Palestinians. Both these Arab branch within the western group of this family. The high
populations differ from the other Middle Eastern groups genetic affinity across major language divisions therefore
sampled for the present study, mainly in having a higher suggests that the Y chromosome pool of Middle Eastern
frequency of Eu 10 chromosomes, the majority of which populations is ancient and predates the emergence or
they share with each other. Traditional marriage prac- introduction of different languages into the region.
tices—such as male polygamy, a high rate of consan-
guineous marriages, and patrilocality—may have en- Geographical and Historical Origins of Eu 9 and Eu 10
hanced the low haplogroup and haplotype diversity of
the Negev Bedouin, as was suggested elsewhere for the Eu 9 and Eu 10 make up the Middle Eastern/Medi-
Bedouin tribes in the Sinai Peninsula (Salem et al. 1996). terranean Hg 9. They are characterized by a very high
We propose that the Y chromosomes in Palestinian frequency of DYS388 alleles with ⭓15 repeats, which
Arabs and Bedouin represent, to a large extent, early are restricted to these two haplogroups. This finding
lineages derived from the Neolithic inhabitants of the confirms our previous hypotheses, which postulated that
area and additional lineages from more-recent popula- low- and high-repeat number DYS388 alleles segregate
tion movements. The early lineages are part of the com- in distinct haplogroups, that high-score repeats are the
mon chromosome pool shared with Jews (Nebel et al. hallmark of Hg 9 and, hence, that DYS388 is a useful
2000). According to our working model, the more-re- Middle Eastern–specific marker (Nebel et al. 2001).
cent migrations were mostly from the Arabian Peninsula, Hg 9 was shown to have spread from the Zagros
as is seen in the Arab-specific Eu 10 chromosomes that Mountains in northwestern Iran (Quintana-Murci et al.
include the modal haplotypes observed in Palestinians 2001). Our data confirm the Middle Eastern origin of
and Bedouin. These haplotypes and their one-step mi- Hg 9. Its two sublineages (Eu 9 and Eu 10) show clear
crosatellite neighbors constitute a substantial portion of opposite clines, with a north-south frequency gradient
the total Palestinian (29%) and Bedouin (37.5%) Y in the Middle East that decreases for Eu 9 and increases
chromosome pools and were not found in any of the for Eu 10 (fig. 6). Thus, the possible place of origin for
non-Arab populations in the present study. The periph- Eu 9 could be in the northern part of the Fertile Crescent
eral position of the modal haplotypes, with few links in and that for Eu 10 in the southern part. However, since
the network (fig. 5), suggests that the Arab-specific chro- data for some relevant populations are not available,
mosomes are a result of recent gene flow. Historical re- this interpretation should be regarded with caution.
cords describe tribal migrations from Arabia to the The dates for the start of expansion of Hg 9 found
southern Levant in the Byzantine period, migrations that here (∼10,500 and 7,500 years ago, based on generation
reached their climax with the Muslim conquest 633–640 times of 35 or 25 years, respectively) are in good agree-
A.D.; Patrich 1995). Indeed, Arab-specific haplotypes ment with estimates published elsewhere (Quintana-
have been observed at significant frequencies in Muslim Murci et al. 2001). This range of dates and the ones
Arabs from Sena (56%) and the Hadramaut (16%) in obtained for Eu 9 (∼9,800–7,000 years ago) and Eu 10
the Yemen (Thomas et al. 2000). Thus, although Y chro- (∼9,000–6,400 years ago) cover the Neolithic period and
mosome data of Arabian populations are limited, it the beginning of the Chalcolithic period in the region
seems very likely that populations from the Arabian Pen- (Bar-Yosef 1995; Levy 1995). These estimates and the
insula were the source of these chromosomes. The ge- geographic distribution of both Eu 9 and Eu 10 support
netic closeness, in classical protein markers, of Bedouin the model of demic diffusion from the Middle East dur-
to Yemenis and Saudis (Cavalli-Sforza et al. 1994) sup- ing the Neolithic period (Semino et al. 2000).
ports an Arabian origin of the Bedouin. The alternative The p12f2 deletion defining Hg 9 has been dated to
explanation for the distribution of the Arab-specific hap- 14,800 Ⳳ 9,700 years ago (Hammer et al. 2000). The
lotypes (i.e., random genetic drift) is unlikely. It is dif- discrepancy between the older mutation age obtained by
ficult to imagine that the different populations in the coalescence dating (Hammer et al. 2000) and the esti-
Yemen and the southern Levant, in which Arab-specific mates based on microsatellite variation (Quintana-
chromosomes have been detected at moderate-to-high Murci et al. 2001 and the present study) may be the
frequencies, would have drifted in the same direction. result of any of the following: (a) a lag between the
Linguistics.—The high degree of genetic similarity of mutation event proper and the expansion of the lineage
the Middle Eastern populations studied here is not re- it defines, (b) microsatellite saturation, (c) overestima-
flected in linguistic affinity. The Kurdish language is re- tion of the microsatellite-mutation rate, or (d) sampling
lated to Persian and belongs to the Indo-European fam- bias (Bosch et al. 1999).
ily, which sets the Kurds apart from the Semitic-speaking In the present sample, the modal haplotype of the
1106 Am. J. Hum. Genet. 69:1095–1112, 2001

Muslim Kurds is at the core of Eu 9, and the CMH that Jews exhibit a high degree of genetic affinity to
is at the center of Eu 10, attesting to the antiquity of populations living in the north of the Fertile Crescent.
both haplotypes. Their close microsatellite constella-
tions (they differ by only one microsatellite mutation)
suggest that the expansion and genetic divergence of Acknowledgments
the two haplogroups followed closely the TrG trans-
version that split Eu 9 from Eu 10. The high degree We wish to thank Professor Richard Villems and Siiri Rootsi
of homoplasy between Eu 9 and Eu 10, together with (Estonian Biocentre, Tartu, Estonia) for sharing their typing
their very similar microsatellite allele spectra, corrob- data before publication. We are grateful to Dr. Mark Thomas
(Department of Biology, University College London, United
orates this hypothesis.
Kingdom) for inviting A.N. to type the Kurdish samples in his
In conclusion, the present study shows that the Middle
laboratory. We thank Professor Israel Eph’al (Department of
Eastern populations we analyzed are closely related and
History of the Jewish People, Hebrew University of Jerusalem,
that their Y chromosome pool is distinct from that of
Israel), and Professor Sergio della Pergola (A. Harman Institute
Europeans. Genetic dating performed in the present of Contemporary Jewry, Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Is-
study, together with age estimates reported elsewhere rael) for historical insights. We would like to acknowledge Dr.
(reviewed by Bosch et al. 1999), suggests that the major Peter Forster (McDonald Institute for Archaeological Re-
haplogroups observed in our sample are much older than search, University of Cambridge, United Kingdom) for helpful
the populations in which they are found. Thus, the com- suggestions regarding the use of the Network program. Special
mon genetic Middle Eastern background predates the thanks to Dr. Mira Korner (The National Genome Center at
ethnogenesis in the region. The study demonstrates that the Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel) for assistance and
the Y chromosome pool of Jews is an integral part of advice in DNA typing. This work was supported by a research
the genetic landscape of the region and, in particular, grant from the Israeli Ministry of Science, Culture and Sport.


Table A1
Distribution of Y Chromosome Haplotypes in Six Middle Eastern Populations
Hg 1
1 16 13 23 10 13 13 1Iq 1
2 16 13 23 10 10 14 1NA 1
3 16 12 23 10 10 14 1Iq 1 2
4 15 12 24 11 13 13 1 1 2
5 15 12 24 10 13 13 2 2
6 15 12 24 10 13 12 1 1
7 15 12 23 11 13 13 3 3
8 15 12 23 10 10 14 1Iq 1
9 15 12 22 10 15 13 1NA 1
10 14 12 26 11 13 13 1Ib 1
11 14 12 25 11 13 13 1Iq 1
12 14 12 25 11 13 12 1 1
13 14 12 25 10 14 12 1 1
14 14 12 25 10 13 13 1 1
15 14 12 24 11 14 12 1 1Iq 2 2 1 7
16 14 12 24 11 13 13 1 1
17 14 12 24 11 13 12 1 4 2 3 10
18 14 12 24 10 14 12 2 3NA 1 6
19 14 12 24 10 13 13 2 2
20 14 12 24 10 13 12 1NA 1
21 14 12 24 10 12 12 1NA 1
22 14 12 23 11 14 12 3 3
23 14 12 23 11 13 12 1 1
24 14 12 23 10 13 13 1 1 2
25 14 12 23 10 10 14 2T, 2Iq 4 8
Table A1 (continued)


26 14 12 23 10 10 12 1 1
27 14 12 22 10 16 13 1NA 1
28 14 12 22 10 15 13 2NA 1 3
29 14 11 23 10 13 13 1 1
30 13 13 24 11 13 12 1 1
31 13 12 24 10 14 13 1 1
32 13 12 23 11 13 13 1 1
33 13 12 23 10 15 14 1 1
34 13 12 22 10 15 14 1 1
35 13 12 22 10 15 13 2 2NA, 1Ib 1 1 7
36 13 12 22 10 11 13 1 1
Hg 2
37 17 12 23 11 11 11 1Bl 1
38 16 13 24 11 11 13 1 1
39 16 13 24 10 11 13 1 1
40 16 13 23 10 12 14 1 1
41 16 12 22 10 11 14 1T 2 3
42 16 12 22 10 10 14 1 1
43 16 12 20 9 11 15 1 1
44 16 10 24 10 11 13 1 1
45 15 13 26 10 11 14 2 2
46 15 13 22 10 11 12 1 1
47 15 12 23 11 11 13 1Iq 1
48 15 12 23 10 13 13 1 1
49 15 12 23 10 12 14 1 1
50 15 12 23 10 11 14 1NA 1
51 15 12 23 10 11 13 1 3 4
52 15 12 23 10 10 14 1 1
53 15 12 22 11 11 14 2 2
54 15 12 22 11 11 13 2Iq 2
55 15 12 22 10 11 13 1NA 1
56 15 12 22 10 10 14 1 1
57 15 12 21 11 12 15 1NA 1
58 15 12 21 10 11 14 5 5
59 15 10 23 10 12 13 2 2
60 14 12 24 10 12 13 1 1
61 14 12 23 10 12 14 1 1
62 14 12 23 10 11 14 1 1
63 14 12 22 11 12 13 2 2
64 14 12 22 11 11 14 1 1
65 14 12 22 10 12 13 1 1
66 14 12 22 10 11 14 1NA 1 2
67 14 10 23 11 11 15 1 1
68 13 12 25 9 11 13 1 1
Hg 3 (Eu 19)
69 17 12 25 11 11 13 1T 2 3 6
70 17 12 24 11 11 13 1 1
71 16 12 25 11 11 13 1 2 1 4
72 16 12 25 10 11 13 5 1Iq 1 7
73 16 12 24 11 11 13 1 1 2
74 16 12 24 10 11 14 1 1
75 16 12 24 10 11 13 1 1NA 2
76 16 12 23 10 11 15 1 1
77 15 12 25 11 11 14 1 1
78 15 12 25 11 11 12 1 3 4
Table A1 (continued)


79 15 12 25 10 11 13 2 2
80 15 12 24 11 11 14 1 1
81 15 12 24 11 11 13 1 1
Hg 7
82 15 11 22 10 11 13 1 1
83 14 15 23 9 11 12 1 1
Hg 9 (Eu 9)
84 16 16 23 10 11 13 1 1
85 16 16 23 9 11 12 1 1
86 16 15 23 10 11 12 1 1
87 16 15 22 11 11 12 1 1
88 16 14 24 10 11 12 1 1
89 16 12 23 10 11 12 1 1
90 15 16 24 10 11 12 1 1 2
91 15 16 23 9 11 12 3 3
92 15 16 22 9 11 12 1 1
93 15 15 25 11 11 13 1T 1
94 15 15 24 10 11 12 2 5 7
95 15 15 23 11 11 12 1 1
96 15 15 23 10 11 12 1 1NA 1 1 4
97 15 15 23 9 11 13 1NA 1
98 15 15 22 10 11 13 1 1
99 15 15 22 10 11 12 2 1 3
100 15 15 22 10 8 12 1 1
101 15 14 23 9 11 13 1 1
102 15 13 25 10 11 12 1 1
103 15 12 24 11 11 12 1NA 1
104 14 18 23 10 11 12 1 1
105 14 17 23 10 11 12 1Iq 1 2 1 5
106 14 17 22 9 10 12 1 1
107 14 16 24 10 11 12 1 1
108 14 16 23 10 11 12 3 1 4
109 14 16 23 10 11 11 2 2
110 14 16 23 9 11 16 1 1
111 14 15 26 10 11 12 2 2
112 14 15 25 10 11 12 1 1
113 14 15 23 10 11 13 1 1
114 14 15 23 10 11 12 1 2NA 2 9 2 16
115 14 15 23 10 11 10 1 1
116 14 15 22 11 11 13 2 2
117 14 15 22 10 11 13 1 1
118 14 15 22 10 11 12 1 1NA 2 4
119 14 15 22 10 11 11 1T 1
120 14 15 22 9 11 13 1Iq 2 3
121 14 15 22 9 11 12 1 1 2
122 14 14 25 11 11 12 1 1
123 14 14 24 10 11 13 1 1
124 14 14 24 10 11 12 4 1 5
125 14 14 23 11 11 12 1 1
126 14 14 22 10 11 12 1 1
127 14 13 24 10 11 12 1NA 1 2
128 13 17 23 10 11 12 1 1
129 13 15 24 10 11 12 1 1
130 13 15 23 10 11 12 1Iq 1
131 13 11 22 10 11 12 1 1

Table A1 (continued)


Hg 9 (Eu 10)
132 15 18 23 12 11 13 1 1
133 15 17 23 11 11 12 1 1
134 15 17 22 11 11 12 1 1
135 15 16 23 10 11 12 1 1
136 15 16 23 10 11 11 1 1
137 15 16 22 10 11 11 1 1
138 15 15 24 11 11 12 1 1
139 15 13 23 10 12 13 1 1
140 15 13 23 10 12 12 1 1
141 14 17 24 11 11 12 1 1
142 14 17 24 10 11 12 1 1
143 14 17 23 13 11 12 1 1
144 14 17 23 11 11 12 12 12
145 14 17 23 11 11 11 1 1
146 14 17 23 10 11 13 1T 1
147 14 17 23 10 11 12 1 1NA, 1Iq 2 1 6
148 14 17 22 12 11 13 1 1
149 14 17 22 11 12 12 1 1
150 14 17 22 11 11 13 1 1
151 14 17 22 11 11 12 20 3 23
152 14 17 22 10 11 12 3 3
153 14 16 26 10 13 12 1 1
154 14 16 25 10 13 12 3 3
155 14 16 23 11 12 13 1 1
156 14 16 23 11 11 12 1 1 2
157 14 16 23 10 13 12 1 1
158 14 16 23 10 11 13 1 5 6
159 14 16 23 10 11 12 6 2NA, 2S, 1Ib 10 1 3 25
160 14 16 22 11 11 12 1 1
161 14 16 22 11 11 11 1 1
162 14 16 22 10 11 12 1 1 2
163 14 16 22 10 11 11 1 1
164 14 15 24 10 14 12 1T 1
165 14 15 23 10 11 14 1 1
166 14 15 23 10 11 13 1 7 8
167 14 15 23 10 11 12 1 2 3
168 14 15 22 10 11 13 1 1
169 14 15 22 10 11 12 1NA 1
170 14 15 22 10 11 11 1 1
171 14 14 23 10 11 12 1 1
172 14 13 24 10 11 12 1 1
173 14 13 23 10 11 12 1 1 1 3
174 14 13 22 10 11 12 1 1
175 13 16 25 10 11 12 2 2
176 13 15 25 11 11 12 2 2
177 13 15 24 10 11 12 1 1
178 13 13 24 10 10 12 1 1
Hg 21
179 16 12 25 10 11 14 1 1
180 16 12 24 10 11 13 1 1
181 16 12 23 10 11 13 1 1
182 16 12 22 9 12 13 1Iq 1 2
183 15 14 23 11 11 12 1NA 1
184 15 13 24 11 11 13 1 1

Table A1 (continued)


185 15 12 24 11 11 13 1 1
186 15 12 24 10 11 14 1 1
187 15 12 24 10 11 13 1 1NA 2 4
188 15 12 24 9 11 13 1 1
189 15 12 23 10 11 13 1 1
190 15 12 22 10 11 13 1 1
191 14 15 24 10 11 13 1 1
192 14 13 25 10 13 13 1 1
193 14 13 24 10 11 13 1 1
194 14 13 24 10 11 12 1 1
195 14 12 26 10 11 13 1 1
196 14 12 25 10 11 14 2 2
197 14 12 25 10 11 13 1 1 2
198 14 12 25 9 11 13 1 1
199 14 12 24 11 11 13 1 1
200 14 12 24 10 11 14 1 1S 2 4
201 14 12 24 10 11 13 1 1 1 2 5
202 14 12 24 10 11 12 1 1
203 14 12 23 10 11 13 1Iq 3 4
204 14 12 22 11 11 13 1NA 1
205 13 13 26 10 11 14 1 1
206 13 13 24 11 12 13 1 1
207 13 12 26 10 11 14 4 4
208 13 12 25 11 11 13 1T 1
209 13 12 25 10 12 13 1 1
210 13 12 25 10 11 14 1 1
211 13 12 25 10 11 13 3 1Bl 3 7
212 13 12 25 9 11 14 2 2
213 13 12 24 11 12 13 1 1
214 13 12 24 10 11 14 1 1
215 13 12 24 10 11 13 3 1NA, 1T 5
216 13 12 24 10 11 12 2 2
217 13 12 24 10 11 11 1 1
218 13 12 24 10 10 13 1 1
219 13 12 24 9 11 14 1 1
220 13 12 24 9 11 13 1 1T 1 3
221 13 12 23 11 11 13 1 1
222 13 12 23 10 11 13 1 1NA 1 1 1 5
223 13 12 23 10 10 13 1T 1
224 13 12 23 9 11 13 1 1
225 13 12 22 10 11 13 2Iq 1 3
226 11 12 23 10 12 13 1 1
Hg 26
227 15 12 24 10 14 13 2NA 1 3
228 15 12 23 11 13 15 1 1
229 15 12 23 10 14 13 1 1
230 15 12 23 10 13 13 1 1
231 15 12 23 9 13 13 1 1
232 14 14 26 10 13 13 1 1
233 14 12 24 11 13 13 1 1
234 14 12 24 10 13 13 1 1
235 14 12 24 10 13 12 1 1
236 14 12 23 11 13 13 1NA 1
237 14 12 23 10 15 13 2 2
238 14 12 23 10 14 13 6 1 7
Nebel et al.: Y Chromosomes of Jews and Middle Easterners 1111

Table A1 (continued)


239 14 12 23 10 14 12 1 1
240 14 12 23 10 13 13 1 1Iq 6 3 11
241 14 12 22 11 13 12 1 1
242 14 12 22 10 14 11 1 1
243 14 12 22 10 13 13 1 1
244 14 12 22 10 13 12 2 2
245 13 12 24 10 13 13 2 2
246 13 12 23 10 13 13 1NA, 1T 2
Hg 28
247 15 12 23 10 14 12 1 1
248 14 12 23 10 13 11 1 1
249 14 12 22 10 14 11 1 1
250 13 12 22 11 16 11 1 1
Total 79 78 99 95 143 32 526
hb .986 .990 .977 .985 .971 .923
vc .005 .004 .006 .006 .008 .029
AJ p Ashkenazi Jew; SJ p Sephardic Jew; KJ p Kurdish Jew; MK p Muslim Kurd; PA p Palestinian Arab; B p Bedouin; NA p North
Africa; Iq p Iraq; T p Turkey; S p Syria; Ib p Iberian Peninsula; Bl p Bulgaria.
h p Haplotype diversity.
v p Sampling variance.

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