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Grade –6
Subject- English
Time: 70 Min/ 80 Min Marks:30
• Read the questions carefully
• Write neatly and legibly
• Pay special attention to spellings
• Make sure that you have correctly attempted all the questions before submission

Please write the following information on the first page of the Answer Sheet

Student Name
Roll No

Section A (10 Marks)

I.Read the following passage and answer the following questions [0.5x5=2 ½]

Fishing is my favourite sport.I often fish for hours without catching anything. But this does not
worry me.Some fishermen are unlucky. Instead of catching fish they catch old bootsand rubbish.Iam even less
lucky.I never catch anything –not even old boots.After having spent whole mornings on the river.I always go home
with an empty bag.”You must give up fishing”,my friend says.Its a waste of time.But they don’t realize one
important thing.I’m not really interested in fishing.Iam only interested in a boat and doing nothing at all.

1.)Some fishermen are unlucky because

a)They never catch fish.

b)Fishing is not their favourite sport.

c)They fish for hours together.

d)Sometimes they catch old boots an rubbish instead of fish.

2.Fishing is the writers favourite sport as he

a)always catches fish.

b)Finds it a funny sport.

c)Enjoys doing nothing while sitting in a boat.

d)collects old boats.

3.The writer is not a good fisher man because

a)He never catches anything.

b)He only catches old boots and rubbish.

c)He goes alone.

d)He spends hours fishing.

4. The bag that the writer carries home is------



c)full of fish

d)full of boots and rubbish

5.The writers friends ask him to give up fishing because

a)They are angry with him.

b)They want him to try another sport.

c)They want his company.

d)They think he is only wasting his time.

II.Read the following passage and answer the following questions [0.5x5=2 ½]

Sunil’s friends were passing their vacation at Sunil’s home .Sunil’s request pleased his father
to take them to view the circus.They were six in number.Sunil,his parents ,sister Veena friends ,Geetha and
Raju.They came out and waited for the bus for sufficiently long time.Sunil’s father decided to carry them on
scooter.Veena sat between her father and the mother.Sunil along with Raju stood before his father and the
mother.Sunil along with Raju stood before his father and Geetha sat behind Sunil’s mother.Due to heavy load, the
tyre of the scooter got punctured and stopped on the road.They became sad and came back to home.Sunil’s father
realized his mistake.

1.Sunil wanted to go to-----------

a)Zoo b)Circus c)Park d)School

2--------and-------- wereSunil’s friends.

a)Raju and Veena

b)Veena and Geetha

c)Geetha and Raju

d)Geetha and Rahul

3.Sunil could not go to circus because ------

a)It was delayed.

b)Father was busy with the work.

c)His plan was not right.

d)The scooter got punctured.

4.How many were the members in Sunil’s father’s family?





5.Sunil’s father committed the following mistake.

a)He planned to take them to the circus.

b)They waited for the bus.

c)Loaded excess weight on the scooter.

d)He took away Sunil’s friends to the circus.

III.Match the job on the left with its description on the right [0.5x5=2.5]

1.Politician a)Designs the system by which a

Computer runs or gives information.

2.Engineer b)Works in sports such as running,

Jumping etc;

3.Athelete c)Plans the design of a building,town or


4.Computer programmer d)Reports on recent news for news

Papers,radio or T.v.

5.Journalist e)Works in politics,usuallyby standing

for elections.







Section B (20 Marks)

I.Answer the following short answer questions.(Answer any four questions out of six questions given below)

1.How do you know Akbar was fond of Tansen?Give two reasons. 4x2=8M

2.What did the other courtiers feel about Tansen?

3.Where do all the teachers live according to the poet?

4.Which is Peter’s favourite day of the week and why?

5.How did Ray communicate with him?

6.When did the unfriendly face of the visitor turn truly friendly?

II.Answer the following long answer questions.(Answer any four Out of six questions given below) 4x3=12M.

1.What made Ray think the visitor was not a shopper?

2. “The watch was nothing special and yet it had great powers” ? In what sense did it have great powers?

3. Why did Swami Haridas say Tansen was talented?

4. What happens if Raga Deepak is sung properly?Why did Tansen’s enemies want him to sing the Raga?

5 .What do you think these phrases from the poem mean?1.punished in the corner 2.leave their green.

6. How does the poet plan to find out?What will he do once he finds out?

*****THE END*****


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