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Third edition: September 2007

Livery rather than a new policy decided

upon at Mansion House.
4. LORD MAYOR LOCUM It has been agreed that to facilitate the
arrangements for Common Hall on 1
TENENS (LMLT) October 2007, Liverymen will enter the
The Private Secretary to the Lord Mayor Great Hall via the Guildhall Art Gallery.
took the opportunity to remind the Liverymen will then be directed to the
1. FROM THE CHAIRMAN Livery Committee that the appointment cloakroom to deposit all bags,
of the LMLT was in the gift of the Lord briefcases, umbrellas and coats before
Welcome to the Third Briefing of the Mayor. proceeding to the Great Hall unless that
Livery Committee. This edition outlines, is full to capacity, in which case,
amongst other things, the issues Therefore, if the Lord Mayor was not
Liverymen will be directed to the
considered at the 10th September able to be present at a Livery Dinner, he
overflow area in the Art Gallery.
meeting when I was honoured to be would decide which Senior Aldermen
reappointed Chairman for a further year would attend as Lord Mayor Locum The entrance will be clearly signposted
and Ken Ayres as Deputy Chairman. Tenens. This point would also be and there will be staff on hand to direct
conveyed to Livery Companies when Liverymen.
As I have said before, should you have they were organising their dinners.
any comments or suggestions on how
this briefing can be improved, please 8. CLERK’S BRIEFING
contact our Clerk, Louise Hart – on 5. RETIREMENT OF LORD
Members of the Committee were
02073321399 or MAYOR’S DIARY informed that the next Clerk’s Briefing ASSISTANT would take place at Skinners’ Hall on
Monday 10 December. The Briefing
The Private Secretary reported that Anni will be for all Clerks. The first part for
2. PRESENTATION BY Gale, the Lord Mayor’s Diary Assistant, the new Clerks and the second for all
THE CITY would be retiring at the end of October Clerks with an emphasis on the Business
REMEMBRANCER after 24 years service. A great asset to City and the route to Common Council.
Mansion House would be lost and the
At the meeting , the City Remembrancer Private Secretary asked everyone for
Paul Double spoke about the historical their support in ensuring a smooth 9. LIVERY PROFILE
background of the role of transition for the new appointee.
Remembrancer. He then spoke about It was reported at the last meeting of the
his current work which involves liaising Whereas in the past dates may have been Livery Committee that the questionnaire
with Parliament, protocol issues, communicated over the telephone, the for the new Livery Profile would be
working with the Comptroller and City Private Secretary emphasised the distributed to Clerks in the next few
Solicitor on Bills going through importance of now receiving requests weeks. It was hoped to print the profile
Parliament which may affect the City. for dates etc, in writing. in time for the next Clerk’s Briefing on
Also the many ceremonial events he had 10 December.
The Chairman said he wished to place
to attend at foreign Embassies and on record the sincere thanks of the
similar venues. Committee to Anni Gale for her great 10. CITY OF LONDON
The presentation was well received by work over the past 24 years. CORPORATION IS
Members of the Committee. SERVICES
On Wednesday 19 September, the City
3. CIVIC PARTY ALDERMANIC Corporation’s Information Systems (IS)
The Private Secretary to the Lord Mayor ELECTIONS Team held an open day for all Livery
reported that some feedback had been Companies. This provided the
The Town Clerk reported that the date
received at Mansion House relating to opportunity for officers at the City
had been set for the Candlewick Election
the size of the Civic party at Livery Corporation to demonstrate those IS
to fill the Aldermanic vacancy in the
Dinners. services that they may be able to provide
room of Sir Richard Nichols.
to Livery Companies, in particularly
Some Livery Companies felt that the The Wardmote will be held on 23 web development and IT training.
size of the Civic Party was too large October at 12 noon and if the election is
particularly at some of the smaller For further information about the IS
contested, the poll will be held on 24
Livery dinners. Division or other services it may be able
October between 8am and 8pm and this
to provide, please contact:-
The Private Secretary reported that would be followed by the count and
Livery Companies would be advised that adjourned Wardmote. Both wardmotes Ellen Murphy: 020 7332 3992
it was not obligatory to have the full would be held at the Church of St
civic party at all their Dinners and was Clement Eastcheap (off King William
keen to emphasise that this was in Street) and will be presided over by Sir GEOFFREY C. BOND, Chairman
response to feedback received from the David Howard as LMLT.

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