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US International Studies

Classroom Test 1

Course code: HIST 12 Course Title: US History Since 1865- present

Date: 12/15/2021

Time – One Hour

5 marks

DO NOT COPY FROM THE INTERNET. Answers should be in your own words and any plagiarism
will be marked with 0.

Write your name on the answer sheet.

Open Book
Based on Chapter 17 – The Industrial Age – provide answers to the questions given below

Short Answer Questions (Provide an answer of 75 words or more)
1. State how electricity changed America.
2. Was price gouging a fair practice? Give reasons
3. How did Andrew Carnegie change steel production in the United States?
4. Through an example from your text book say whether monopolization was a good business
5. Explain how Rockefeller manipulated railroads to benefit his business.

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