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Key Indicator – 1.4 Feedback System

1.4.2 Feedback process of the Institution maybe classified as follows:


1) Feedback collected, analysed and action taken and feedback available

on website
2) Feedback collected, analysed and action has been taken
3) Feedback collected, analysed and analysed
4) Feedback collected
5) Feedback not collected



1 Certificate of HOI
2 Feedback Collected
3 Feedback Analysis Report
4 Action taken Report
5 Feedback on Website
To whomsoever it may concern
Our Institution has committed in the following

1. Feedback collection analysis

2. Action taken based on feedback analysis
3. Posting feedback link and action taken report in the Institution website

1.4.1 Feedback Link

User Name:

Password: *******



S.N Excellen Very Goo Fai Poo Percentag 3-Scale
Question's Weightag
o t Good d r r e Weightage
Rate the sequence of the
courses that you have
studied are in sequence to
what you have studied in
1 the previous semester 138 83 25 0 0 1097 89.19% 2.68
Rate the syllabus of the
courses that you have
studied in relation to the
competencies expected out
2 of the course 38 182 26 0 0 996 80.98% 2.43
Rate the relevance of the
units in syllabus relevant to
3 the course 74 101 71 0 0 987 80.24% 2.41
Rate the allocation of the
4 credits to the courses 101 98 47 0 0 1038 84.39% 2.53
Rate the distribution of the
contact hours among the
course components
(Lecture-Tutorial Lectures-
5 Practical) 72 145 29 0 0 1027 83.50% 2.5
Rate the offering of the
electives in terms of their
relevance to the
6 specialization streams 73 107 66 0 0 991 80.57% 2.42
Rate the loading of the
7 courses in semester 91 104 51 0 0 1024 83.25% 2.5
Rate the percentage of
courses having LAB
8 components 52 155 39 0 0 997 81.06% 2.43
Rate the experiments in
relation to the real life
9 Applications 78 112 56 0 0 1006 81.79% 2.45
Rate the composition of the
courses in terms of Basic
Science, Engineering
Science, Humanities,
Discipline core, Open
10 Elective and Projects 103 99 44 0 0 1043 84.80% 2.54
Rate the electives offered in
relation to the technological
11 advancements 70 141 35 0 0 1019 82.85% 2.49
Rate the relevance of the
Text Books and reference
12 related to the Courses 75 101 70 0 0 989 80.41% 2.41
Rate the courses in terms of
extra learning or self
learning considering the
13 design of the courses 87 110 49 0 0 1022 83.09% 2.49
Rate the domain used for
designing the experiments
14 for the LAB components 53 161 32 0 0 1005 81.71% 2.45
Rate the evaluation scheme
designed for each of the
15 course 72 114 60 0 0 996 80.98% 2.43
AVERAGE SCORE 1,015.80 82.59% 2.48

S.N Excellen Very Goo Fai Poo Percentag 3-Scale
Question's Weightag
o t Good d r r e Weightage
Rate relevance of the course
1 in relation to the program 31 22 7 0 0 264 88.00% 2.64
Rate the sequence of the
courses included into the
2 programs. 13 39 8 0 0 245 81.67% 2.45
Rate the competencies in
relation to the course
3 content. 12 38 10 0 0 242 80.67% 2.42
Rate the overall faculties
4 skills of the program. 22 24 14 0 0 248 82.67% 2.48
Rate the offering of the in
relation to the specialization
5 streams. 18 29 13 0 0 245 81.67% 2.45
Rate the offering of the
electives in relation to the
6 technological advancements 16 33 11 0 0 245 81.67% 2.45
Rate the courses which are
7 skills related to the industry 14 36 10 0 0 244 81.33% 2.44
Rate the domain used for
designing the experiments
in terms of the suitability of
the tools used in the
8 industry. 23 21 16 0 0 247 82.33% 2.47
Rate the experiments in
terms of their relevance to
9 the real life application. 17 29 14 0 0 243 81.00% 2.43
Rate the courses that you
have learnt is related to
10 your current job. 18 27 15 0 0 243 81.00% 2.43
AVERAGE SCORE 246.6 82.20% 2.47

S.N Excellen Very Goo Fai Poo Percentag 3-Scale
Question's Weightag
o t Good d r r e Weightage
The learning objectives are
clear and appropriate to the
1 program. 8 0 1 0 0 43 95.56% 2.87
The curriculum and syllabus
are well organized and
2 suitable to the program. 5 4 0 0 0 41 91.11% 2.73
The text books/reference
books are well suited to the
3 courses. 3 4 2 0 0 37 82.22% 2.47
The system followed by the
university for the design and
development of curriculum
4 is effective. 3 2 4 0 0 35 77.78% 2.33
Provision to update
5 curriculum time to time. 4 2 3 0 0 37 82.22% 2.47
Rate the distribution of
6 hours in the course 4 5 0 0 0 40 88.89% 2.67
The curriculum has a good
balance between theory and
7 practical. 4 3 2 0 0 38 84.44% 2.53
Rate the electives offered in
your program for the
8 advancements. 1 7 1 0 0 36 80.00% 2.4
AVERAGE SCORE 38.38 85.28% 2.56

S.N Excellen Very Goo Fai Poo Percentag 3-Scale
Question's Weightag
o t Good d r r e Weightage
Rate the sequence of the
courses that you have
studied are in sequence to
what you have studied in
1 the previous semester 101 12 4 0 0 565 96.58% 2.9
Rate the syllabus of the
courses that you have
studied in relation to the
competencies expected out
2 of the course 52 65 0 0 0 520 88.89% 2.67
Rate the relevance of the
units in syllabus relevant to
3 the course 70 39 8 0 0 530 90.60% 2.72
Rate the allocation of the
4 credits to the courses 48 55 14 0 0 502 85.81% 2.57
Rate the distribution of the
contact hours among the
course components
(Lecture-Tutorial Lectures-
5 Practical) 59 42 16 0 0 511 87.35% 2.62
Rate the offering of the
electives in terms of their
relevance to the
6 specialization streams 49 53 15 0 0 502 85.81% 2.57
Rate the loading of the
7 courses in semester 58 42 17 0 0 509 87.01% 2.61
Rate the percentage of
courses having LAB
8 components 50 53 14 0 0 504 86.15% 2.58
Rate the experiments in
relation to the real life
9 Applications 55 48 14 0 0 509 87.01% 2.61
Rate the composition of the
courses in terms of Basic
Science, Engineering
Science, Humanities,
Discipline core, Open
10 Elective and Projects 52 50 15 0 0 505 86.32% 2.59
Rate the electives offered in
relation to the technological
11 advancements 55 49 13 0 0 510 87.18% 2.62
Rate the relevance of the
Text Books and reference
12 related to the Courses 53 46 18 0 0 503 85.98% 2.58
Rate the courses in terms of
extra learning or self
13 learning considering the 53 50 14 0 0 507 86.67% 2.6
design of the courses
Rate the domain used for
designing the experiments
14 for the LAB components 60 39 18 0 0 510 87.18% 2.62
Rate the evaluation scheme
designed for each of the
15 course 62 35 19 1 0 509 87.01% 2.61
AVERAGE SCORE 513.07 87.70% 2.63

S.N Excellen Very Goo Fai Poo Percentag 3-Scale
Question's Weightag
o t Good d r r e Weightage
Rate relevance of the course
1 in relation to the program 23 14 1 0 0 174 91.58% 2.75
Rate the sequence of the
courses included into the
2 programs. 23 15 0 0 0 175 92.11% 2.76
Rate the competencies in
relation to the course
3 content. 20 15 3 0 0 169 88.95% 2.67
Rate the overall faculties
4 skills of the program. 25 13 0 0 0 177 93.16% 2.79
Rate the offering of the in
relation to the specialization
5 streams. 18 18 2 0 0 168 88.42% 2.65
Rate the offering of the
electives in relation to the
6 technological advancements 20 17 1 0 0 171 90.00% 2.7
Rate the courses which are
7 skills related to the industry 31 5 2 0 0 181 95.26% 2.86
Rate the domain used for
designing the experiments
in terms of the suitability of
the tools used in the
8 industry. 22 16 0 0 0 174 91.58% 2.75
Rate the experiments in
terms of their relevance to
9 the real life application. 23 15 0 0 0 175 92.11% 2.76
Rate the courses that you
have learnt is related to
10 your current job. 35 3 0 0 0 187 98.42% 2.95
AVERAGE SCORE 175.1 92.16% 2.76

S.N Excellen Very Goo Fai Poo Percentag 3-Scale
Question's Weightag
o t Good d r r e Weightage
The learning objectives are
clear and appropriate to the
1 program. 4 6 0 0 0 44 88.00% 2.64
The curriculum and syllabus
are well organized and
2 suitable to the program. 3 7 0 0 0 43 86.00% 2.58
The text books/reference
books are well suited to the
3 courses. 5 5 0 0 0 45 90.00% 2.7
The system followed by the
university for the design and
development of curriculum
4 is effective. 5 5 0 0 0 45 90.00% 2.7
Provision to update
5 curriculum time to time. 6 4 0 0 0 46 92.00% 2.76
Rate the distribution of
6 hours in the course 6 4 0 0 0 46 92.00% 2.76
The curriculum has a good
balance between theory and
7 practical. 7 3 0 0 0 47 94.00% 2.82
Rate the electives offered in
your program for the
8 advancements. 4 6 0 0 0 44 88.00% 2.64
AVERAGE SCORE 45 90.00% 2.7

S.N Excellen Very Goo Fai Poo Total Percentag 3-Scale

o t Good d r r Weightage e Weightage
Rate relevance of the
1 course in relation to the
program 24 24 0 0 0 216 90.00% 2.7
Rate the sequence of the
2 courses included into the
programs. 21 27 0 0 0 213 88.75% 2.66
Rate the competencies in
3 relation to the course
content. 24 22 2 0 0 214 89.17% 2.68

4 Rate the overall faculties

skills of the program. 22 21 5 0 0 209 87.08% 2.61
Rate the offering of the in
5 relation to the
specialization streams. 27 16 5 0 0 214 89.17% 2.68
Rate the offering of the
electives in relation to the
advancements 24 19 5 0 0 211 87.92% 2.64

7 Rate the courses which are

skills related to the industry 22 22 4 0 0 210 87.50% 2.63
Rate the domain used for
designing the experiments
8 in terms of the suitability of
the tools used in the
industry. 23 17 8 0 0 207 86.25% 2.59
Rate the experiments in
9 terms of their relevance to
the real life application. 18 18 11 1 0 197 82.08% 2.46
Rate the courses that you
10 have learnt is related to
your current job. 23 21 4 0 0 211 87.92% 2.64
AVERAGE SCORE 210.2 87.58% 2.63


S.N Excellen Very Goo Fai Poo Percentag 3-Scale
Question's Weightag
o t Good d r r e Weightage
The learning objectives are
clear and appropriate to the
1 program. 8 1 0 0 0 44 97.78% 2.93
The curriculum and syllabus
are well organized and
2 suitable to the program. 8 1 0 0 0 44 97.78% 2.93
The text books/reference
books are well suited to the
3 courses. 7 2 0 0 0 43 95.56% 2.87
The system followed by the
university for the design and
development of curriculum
4 is effective. 5 4 0 0 0 41 91.11% 2.73
Provision to update
5 curriculum time to time. 7 2 0 0 0 43 95.56% 2.87
Rate the distribution of
6 hours in the course 1 8 0 0 0 37 82.22% 2.47
The curriculum has a good
balance between theory and
7 practical. 4 5 0 0 0 40 88.89% 2.67
Rate the electives offered in
your program for the
8 advancements. 0 9 0 0 0 36 80.00% 2.4
AVERAGE SCORE 41 91.11% 2.73
S.N Excellen Very Goo Fai Poo Percentag 3-Scale
Question's Weightag
o t Good d r r e Weightage
Rate the sequence of the
courses that you have
studied are in sequence to
what you have studied in
1 the previous semester 106 16 2 0 0 600 96.77% 2.9
Rate the syllabus of the
courses that you have
studied in relation to the
competencies expected out
2 of the course 76 47 1 0 0 571 92.10% 2.76
Rate the relevance of the
units in syllabus relevant to
3 the course 71 46 7 0 0 560 90.32% 2.71
Rate the allocation of the
4 credits to the courses 72 42 10 0 0 558 90.00% 2.7
Rate the distribution of the
contact hours among the
course components
(Lecture-Tutorial Lectures-
5 Practical) 62 50 12 0 0 546 88.06% 2.64
Rate the offering of the
electives in terms of their
relevance to the
6 specialization streams 58 55 11 0 0 543 87.58% 2.63
Rate the loading of the
7 courses in semester 69 44 11 0 0 554 89.35% 2.68
Rate the percentage of
courses having LAB
8 components 68 52 4 0 0 560 90.32% 2.71
Rate the experiments in
relation to the real life
9 Applications 84 35 5 0 0 575 92.74% 2.78
Rate the composition of the
courses in terms of Basic
Science, Engineering
Science, Humanities,
Discipline core, Open
10 Elective and Projects 76 41 7 0 0 565 91.13% 2.73
Rate the electives offered in
relation to the technological
11 advancements 75 35 14 0 0 557 89.84% 2.7
Rate the relevance of the
Text Books and reference
12 related to the Courses 68 47 9 0 0 555 89.52% 2.69
Rate the courses in terms of
extra learning or self
learning considering the
13 design of the courses 66 54 4 0 0 558 90.00% 2.7
14 Rate the domain used for 70 45 9 0 0 557 89.84% 2.7
designing the experiments
for the LAB components
Rate the evaluation scheme
designed for each of the
15 course 79 41 4 0 0 571 92.10% 2.76
AVERAGE SCORE 562 90.65% 2.72
S.N Excellen Very Goo Fai Poo Percentag 3-Scale
Question's Weightag
o t Good d r r e Weightage
Rate the sequence of the
courses that you have
studied are in sequence to
what you have studied in
1 the previous semester 89 5 0 0 0 465 98.94% 2.97
Rate the syllabus of the
courses that you have
studied in relation to the
competencies expected out
2 of the course 34 60 0 0 0 410 87.23% 2.62
Rate the relevance of the
units in syllabus relevant to
3 the course 32 60 2 0 0 406 86.38% 2.59
Rate the allocation of the
4 credits to the courses 50 42 2 0 0 424 90.21% 2.71
Rate the distribution of the
contact hours among the
course components
(Lecture-Tutorial Lectures-
5 Practical) 45 46 3 0 0 418 88.94% 2.67
Rate the offering of the
electives in terms of their
relevance to the
6 specialization streams 43 46 5 0 0 414 88.09% 2.64
Rate the loading of the
7 courses in semester 41 49 4 0 0 413 87.87% 2.64
Rate the percentage of
courses having LAB
8 components 44 45 5 0 0 415 88.30% 2.65
Rate the experiments in
relation to the real life
9 Applications 54 39 1 0 0 429 91.28% 2.74
Rate the composition of the
courses in terms of Basic
Science, Engineering
Science, Humanities,
Discipline core, Open
10 Elective and Projects 53 38 3 0 0 426 90.64% 2.72
Rate the electives offered in
relation to the technological
11 advancements 43 47 4 0 0 415 88.30% 2.65
Rate the relevance of the
Text Books and reference
12 related to the Courses 45 48 1 0 0 420 89.36% 2.68
Rate the courses in terms of
extra learning or self
learning considering the
13 design of the courses 49 43 2 0 0 423 90.00% 2.7
Rate the domain used for
designing the experiments
14 for the LAB components 51 40 3 0 0 424 90.21% 2.71
Rate the evaluation scheme
designed for each of the
15 course 55 39 0 0 0 431 91.70% 2.75
AVERAGE SCORE 422.2 89.83% 2.69
Very Total 3-Scale
S.N Excellen Goo Fai Poo Percentag
Question's Goo Weightag Weightag
o t d r r e
d e e
Rate relevance of the course
1 in relation to the program 23 9 1 0 0 154 93.33% 2.8
Rate the sequence of the
courses included into the
2 programs. 25 8 0 0 0 157 95.15% 2.85
Rate the competencies in
relation to the course
3 content. 27 6 0 0 0 159 96.36% 2.89
Rate the overall faculties
4 skills of the program. 31 1 1 0 0 162 98.18% 2.95
Rate the offering of the in
relation to the specialization
5 streams. 21 12 0 0 0 153 92.73% 2.78
Rate the offering of the
electives in relation to the
6 technological advancements 19 13 1 0 0 150 90.91% 2.73
Rate the courses which are
7 skills related to the industry 19 11 3 0 0 148 89.70% 2.69
Rate the domain used for
designing the experiments
in terms of the suitability of
the tools used in the
8 industry. 27 6 0 0 0 159 96.36% 2.89
Rate the experiments in
terms of their relevance to
9 the real life application. 20 10 3 0 0 149 90.30% 2.71
Rate the courses that you
have learnt is related to your
10 current job. 26 4 3 0 0 155 93.94% 2.82
AVERAGE SCORE 154.6 93.70% 2.81
S.N Excellen Very Goo Fai Poo Percentag 3-Scale
Question's Weightag
o t Good d r r e Weightage
The learning objectives are
clear and appropriate to the
1 program. 9 1 0 0 0 49 98.00% 2.94
The curriculum and syllabus
are well organized and
2 suitable to the program. 9 1 0 0 0 49 98.00% 2.94
The text books/reference
books are well suited to the
3 courses. 8 2 0 0 0 48 96.00% 2.88
The system followed by the
university for the design and
development of curriculum
4 is effective. 5 5 0 0 0 45 90.00% 2.7
Provision to update
5 curriculum time to time. 5 5 0 0 0 45 90.00% 2.7
Rate the distribution of
6 hours in the course 9 1 0 0 0 49 98.00% 2.94
The curriculum has a good
balance between theory and
7 practical. 9 1 0 0 0 49 98.00% 2.94
Rate the electives offered in
your program for the
8 advancements. 7 3 0 0 0 47 94.00% 2.82
AVERAGE SCORE 47.63 95.25% 2.86

S.N Excellen Very Goo Fai Poo Percentag 3-Scale
Question's Weightag
o t Good d r r e Weightage
Rate the sequence of the
courses that you have
studied are in sequence to
what you have studied in
1 the previous semester 65 35 0 0 0 465 93.00% 2.79
Rate the syllabus of the
courses that you have
studied in relation to the
competencies expected out
2 of the course 49 49 2 0 0 447 89.40% 2.68
Rate the relevance of the
units in syllabus relevant to
3 the course 59 39 2 0 0 457 91.40% 2.74
Rate the allocation of the
4 credits to the courses 36 61 3 0 0 433 86.60% 2.6
Rate the distribution of the
contact hours among the
course components
(Lecture-Tutorial Lectures-
5 Practical) 45 49 6 0 0 439 87.80% 2.63
Rate the offering of the
electives in terms of their
relevance to the
6 specialization streams 40 54 6 0 0 434 86.80% 2.6
Rate the loading of the
7 courses in semester 50 40 10 0 0 440 88.00% 2.64
Rate the percentage of
courses having LAB
8 components 41 54 5 0 0 436 87.20% 2.62
Rate the experiments in
relation to the real life
9 Applications 55 37 8 0 0 447 89.40% 2.68
Rate the composition of the
courses in terms of Basic
Science, Engineering
Science, Humanities,
Discipline core, Open
10 Elective and Projects 47 49 4 0 0 443 88.60% 2.66
Rate the electives offered in
relation to the technological
11 advancements 52 42 6 0 0 446 89.20% 2.68
Rate the relevance of the
Text Books and reference
12 related to the Courses 38 57 5 0 0 433 86.60% 2.6
Rate the courses in terms of
extra learning or self
13 learning considering the 50 43 7 0 0 443 88.60% 2.66
design of the courses
Rate the domain used for
designing the experiments
14 for the LAB components 58 39 3 0 0 455 91.00% 2.73
Rate the evaluation scheme
designed for each of the
15 course 53 42 5 0 0 448 89.60% 2.69
AVERAGE SCORE 444.4 88.88% 2.67

S.N Excellen Very Goo Fai Poo Percentag 3-Scale
Question's Weightag
o t Good d r r e Weightage
Rate relevance of the course
1 in relation to the program 58 4 0 0 0 306 98.71% 2.96
Rate the sequence of the
courses included into the
2 programs. 42 20 0 0 0 290 93.55% 2.81
Rate the competencies in
relation to the course
3 content. 35 27 0 0 0 283 91.29% 2.74
Rate the overall faculties
4 skills of the program. 37 25 0 0 0 285 91.94% 2.76
Rate the offering of the in
relation to the specialization
5 streams. 44 16 2 0 0 290 93.55% 2.81
Rate the offering of the
electives in relation to the
6 technological advancements 38 24 0 0 0 286 92.26% 2.77
Rate the courses which are
7 skills related to the industry 44 16 2 0 0 290 93.55% 2.81
Rate the domain used for
designing the experiments
in terms of the suitability of
the tools used in the
8 industry. 42 20 0 0 0 290 93.55% 2.81
Rate the experiments in
terms of their relevance to
9 the real life application. 48 14 0 0 0 296 95.48% 2.86
Rate the courses that you
have learnt is related to
10 your current job. 56 6 0 0 0 304 98.06% 2.94
AVERAGE SCORE 292 94.19% 2.83
S.N Excellen Very Goo Fai Poo Percentag 3-Scale
Question's Weightag
o t Good d r r e Weightage
The learning objectives are
clear and appropriate to the
1 program. 7 6 0 0 0 59 90.77% 2.72
The curriculum and syllabus
are well organized and
2 suitable to the program. 7 6 0 0 0 59 90.77% 2.72
The text books/reference
books are well suited to the
3 courses. 5 8 0 0 0 57 87.69% 2.63
The system followed by the
university for the design and
development of curriculum
4 is effective. 9 4 0 0 0 61 93.85% 2.82
Provision to update
5 curriculum time to time. 5 8 0 0 0 57 87.69% 2.63
Rate the distribution of
6 hours in the course 6 7 0 0 0 58 89.23% 2.68
The curriculum has a good
balance between theory and
7 practical. 5 8 0 0 0 57 87.69% 2.63
Rate the electives offered in
your program for the
8 advancements. 9 4 0 0 0 61 93.85% 2.82
AVERAGE SCORE 58.63 90.19% 2.71
New file
S.N Excellen Very Goo Fai Poo Total Percentag 3-Scale
o t Good d r r Weightage e Weightage
Rate the sequence of the courses
that you have studied are in
138 83 25 0 0 1097 89.19% 2.68
sequence to what you have
1 studied in the previous semester
Rate the syllabus of the courses
that you have studied in relation
38 182 26 0 0 996 80.98% 2.43
to the competencies expected out
2 of the course
Rate the relevance of the units in 74 101 71 0 0 987 80.24% 2.41
3 syllabus relevant to the course
Rate the allocation of the credits 101 98 47 0 0 1038 84.39% 2.53
4 to the courses
Rate the distribution of the
contact hours among the course
72 145 29 0 0 1027 83.50% 2.5
components (Lecture-Tutorial
5 Lectures-Practical)
Rate the offering of the electives
in terms of their relevance to the 73 107 66 0 0 991 80.57% 2.42
6 specialization streams
Rate the loading of the courses
91 104 51 0 0 1024 83.25% 2.5
7 in semester
Rate the percentage of courses 52 155 39 0 0 997 81.06% 2.43
8 having LAB components
Rate the experiments in relation 78 112 56 0 0 1006 81.79% 2.45
9 to the real life Applications
Rate the composition of the
courses in terms of Basic
Science, Engineering Science, 103 99 44 0 0 1043 84.80% 2.54
Humanities, Discipline core,
10 Open Elective and Projects
Rate the electives offered in
relation to the technological 70 141 35 0 0 1019 82.85% 2.49
11 advancements
Rate the relevance of the Text
Books and reference related to 75 101 70 0 0 989 80.41% 2.41
12 the Courses
Rate the courses in terms of
extra learning or self learning
87 110 49 0 0 1022 83.09% 2.49
considering the design of the
13 courses
Rate the domain used for
designing the experiments for 53 161 32 0 0 1005 81.71% 2.45
14 the LAB components
Rate the evaluation scheme 72 114 60 0 0 996 80.98% 2.43
15 designed for each of the course
AVERAGE SCORE 1,015.80 82.59% 2.48
S.N Excellen Very Goo Fai Poo Total Percentag 3-Scale
o t Good d r r Weightage e Weightage
Rate relevance of the course in 19 38 3 0 0 256 85.33% 2.56
1 relation to the program
Rate the sequence of the courses 25 32 3 0 0 262 87.33% 2.62
2 included into the programs.
Rate the competencies in relation 34 21 5 0 0 269 89.67% 2.69
3 to the course content.
Rate the overall faculties skills 28 18 14 0 0 254 84.67% 2.54
4 of the program.
Rate the offering of the in
relation to the specialization 24 22 14 0 0 250 83.33% 2.5
5 streams.
Rate the offering of the electives
in relation to the technological 14 20 26 0 0 228 76.00% 2.28
6 advancements
Rate the courses which are skills 27 16 17 0 0 250 83.33% 2.5
7 related to the industry
Rate the domain used for
designing the experiments in
29 23 8 0 0 261 87.00% 2.61
terms of the suitability of the
8 tools used in the industry.
Rate the experiments in terms of
their relevance to the real life 33 14 13 0 0 260 86.67% 2.6
9 application.
Rate the courses that you have
learnt is related to your current 30 10 20 0 0 250 83.33% 2.5
10 job.
AVERAGE SCORE 254 84.67% 2.54

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