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Infrastructure investment and government construction pipeline spreadsheet

This workbook contains infrastructure investment and government construction pipelines that have
been compiled by the Government.

These infrastructure investment and government construction pipelines have been collated
within the Government with the intention of publication to provide industry with greater
visibility over the future pipeline of Government funded construction projects, wider
regulated and private sector infrastructure. The pipeline is based on unaudited
administrative data and should not be considered as national statistics or as official
statistics. The data is owned by Departments or the Companies that provided it. Anyone
using these pipelines does so at their own risk and no responsibility is accepted by HM
Governement for any loss or liability which may arise from such use directly or indirectly.  In
preparing and collating this Construction and Infrastructure Pipeline commercially sensitive
information has been removed for reasons of confidentiality.

Use the tabs below to navigate the workbook

HM Treasury November 2011

Infrastructure investment pipeline data - notes

The Government has published, for the first time, infrastructure investment pipeline data. This data
covers over 500 projects and programmes across both the public and private sectors.

The infrastructure investment pipeline estimates are indicative and reflect the information held within
Government on infrastructure investment combined with other public sources of information. Data
about purely private investment is subject to greater uncertainty than that for public sector or
regulated investment. To enable analysis, some observations have been estimated to provide annual
breakdowns of totals and to fill gaps in the information available. The pipeline data is not
comprehensive but reflects the best information available to Government. Projects under £50 million
are not included to focus on significant investment. In addition no information on local infrastructure
projects that are not funded directly by central Government is available.

Public funding for projects beyond 2015 is in general not confirmed. Economically regulated investment
in energy and water networks is also not generally confirmed beyond currently determined regulatory
periods. The pipeline data are designed to provide a sense of the scale of investment that is expected
but should not be taken as a commitment in each and every case.

The data includes information on project / programme name, location, ownership, funding and costs.

The infrastructure investment pipeline data will be refreshed annually.

Electricity generation data and cost estimates

The pipeline information for electricity generation is particularly uncertain. National Grid data are
included on projects that have agreements to connect to the grid in place. Market intelligence suggests
that up to 50 per cent of these projects will not be taken forward, for example because the demand for
power does not warrant the particular project being built or the economics of a particular project are
not favourable or there are problems with obtaining planning consents. Cost estimates are therefore
provided as HM Treasury estimates by fuel type that allow for the expected proportion of projects that
should proceed. These use the National Grid TEC data combined with estimated capital costs per unit of
output for a generic plant, high level construction time estimates and estimates drawn from market
intelligence on the proportion of projects that will proceed.

Project timings represent the earliest possible date for connection to the grid. In reality investment is
likely to take place over a longer timeframe, reflecting the complexity of major infrastructure projects,
market demand and developer's commercial considerations.

These estimates are indicative and designed to provide a sense of the potential scale of investment. The
Government's statement of the investment that is needed in terms of generating capacity is set out in
the energy National Policy Statements that inform the major infrastructure planning system
HM Treasury November 2011

Explanation of asked
Departments were data to
fields and
provide definitions
project / programme level responses to the questions set out
below in a spreadsheet template, using the following guidance.
Sector / sub-sector / sub-group Select a ‘sector’ from the drop-down list, then if
applicable, specify further using the ‘sub-sector’ and

Project / programme name This should show where part of a wider programme,
or the balance of a programme from which specific
projects are reported separately

Description / purpose Including number of projects that are being reported

on (where relevant)
Location Where the project / programme is located.
Region Select from the drop-down boxes: an English region;
a nation within the UK; or UK-wide
Postcode / Grid Reference To further assist with locating the project /
programme. It is appreciated that many projects
cannot be identified by a single point so either: pick
a central point, an important/control point, or
include multiple points (such as end-points).

Asset Ownership Select from the drop-down options. This is regarding

the ultimate ownership of the asset, not the origins of
the funding nor the status of the delivery body.

If ownership is complex, select the most appropriate

response then include in the “notes” section a
description of the ownership position e.g. where
ownership will revert from private to public in the

Economically regulated investment Yes / no (generally relevant to infrastructure only)

Funding Source(s) Public / private / combination

Scheme Status Proposed / planned / confirmed / started (see
definitions below)
Earliest Construction Start Date Please describe in the most appropriate fashion,
depending on factors such as certainty e.g. “October
1st 2011” could be fairly certain but if in 2014, no more
detail than “2014” would be appropriate.
Descriptions such as “After 2014” are also acceptable.
HM Treasury November 2011

Date in service When will the asset become available to the user?
Please respond in a similar fashion to above.

On schedule Yes / no / unknown

If on track to meet planned dates for construction /

Total capex cost all funding (£m) Likely to be total nominal capex – depending on
information that is available. Provide details of the
cost information in the “cost status” or “notes” fields.

Total capex cost publicly funded, if Total public investment / support (where relevant).
different (£m) Focus on CDEL unless alternate measure more
appropriate (e.g. CDEL+RDEL). Other information, e.g.
PFI credits can be provided separately if available.

Costs per year (£m) Capital value, for each year from 2011/12 to 2014/15

Costs 2015 to 2020 (£m) Capital value

Costs beyond 2020 (£m) Capital value for known, longer-term projects /
Estimate status Status of the cost information that has been reported.

Pre-project / Concept / Pre-procurement / Bid price /

Completed cost
Basis of costs, base year State whether cost values are Nominal or Real. State
the base year.
Non-construction Costs Where the “total cost all funding” is not equal to
construction costs, please give detail of the non-
construction costs in the relevant columns, adding
·         Significant land detail in the “notes” column if necessary.
related costs (£m)
·         Finance costs where
privately funded e.g. PFI
·         FM or other
significant ‘non-
construction’ related
costs (£m)

Procurement Route
Planned Procurement Route Please select from the drop-down box. If complex,
select “other” then give details in the “notes” column.

Expiry Date for Existing Frameworks If procurement is expected to be through frameworks,

when do these expire?
HM Treasury November 2011

Procuring Authority If the project / programme is not to be procured

through the organisation filling out the form, please
indicate who will procure the work.

Public Source for further details Details of from where the supply chain can obtain
further information about the project / programme
(e.g. a name / telephone number / website /

Notes and references

Data source(s) List the source(s) of the information that has been
Notes Including description where response to earlier
question is other
Definitions of project / programme status
Proposed Early stages of development, before detailed planning

Planned Planned to be taken forward, work to secure funding

and finance, planning and other consents, finalise
designs, etc is underway

Confirmed Final preparations complete including securing

funding, planning and other consents, finalising
designs, securing finance, etc.
Started Activity on the delivery of the project has commenced
e.g. procurement, construction
Colour Key Code

Brown Fill

Purple fill
Pale orange fill
Balancing numbers for wider investment to reflect wider investment
HM Treasury estimates of annual breakdowns - based on straightline
HM Treasury estimates of electricity generation costs
Infrastructure investment pipeline November 2011
Sector Sub-sector Sub group Project / programme name Description / purpose Region Asset Ownership Economically Regulated Investment Funding Source(s) Scheme Status Earliest Construction Start Date Date In Service On Schedule Total capex cost all funding (£m) Total capex cost publicly funded, if different (£m) 2011/12 (£m) 2012/13 (£m) 2013/14 (£m) 2014/15 (£m) 2015 to 2020 Beyond 2020 Estimate Status Cost Base Base Year Significant land related costs (£m) Finance costs where privately funded e.g. PFI (£m) FM or other significant 'non-construction' related costs (£m) Planned Procurement Route Expiry date for existing frameworks Procuring Authority Public source for further project details2 Data Source(s) Notes
Communications Broadcasting Broadcasting Digital TV Switchover Investment to convert all 1,154 TV transmitters in the UK to digital TV broadcasting by 2012 UK Private No Private Started 2008 2012 Yes £700 m £75 m Confirmed Nominal Digital TV Switchover policy team. Cost estimate from Arqiva The transmission network is being upgraded by Arqiva, under contract to the
Communications Broadcasting Broadcasting Digital Radio extension Investment to signficantly improve the coveage of DAB radio across the UK. This is intended to support UK Private No Public / private Proposed £22 m £2 m £4 m £16 m Estimated Nominal Arqiva financial statements Government, Ofcom and radio sector in ongoing discussion to agree the
a future decision on radio switchover. framework and cost split for the build-out of local DAB. The intention is to sign a
MoU in the summer.
Communications Fixed line Fixed line BT Superfast Fibre Access programme Investment by BT across the UK to install Fibre to the Cabinet to approx two thirds of premises by 2015 UK Private No Private Started 2010 2015 No £2,500 m £500 m £500 m £500 m £500 m Estimated Nominal BT release, confirmed in financial statements BT expects that the programme will cover 2/3 of the UK by 2015. BT announce on
3/11/11 that aiming to complete rollout by 2014, one year earlier than previously
expected. There have also been reports that take up of the service is slower than
expected, confirmed in part by some public statements regarding partiulcar areas
(e.g. statement about take up in Cardiff by Richard Hall on 11th March). Costs
estimated from BT business case.

Communications Fixed line Fixed line Virgin Media Network Extension Virgin Media investing to extend their cable network to an additional 400,000 homes by 2012. they UK Private No Private Started 2009 2009 Yes £100 m £33 m £33 m Estimated Nominal Virgin Media financial statements Virgin have confirmed the programme and report on yearly progress for extra
currently cover 12.7m homes in the UK homes passed, but have not released figures for cost. They expect that if the
OFCOM mandated access to BT infrastructure is favourable, they may invest to
reach £16m home by 2015. Cost estimate is Analyst estimate - Virgin media have
not released an estimate of the costs

Communications Mobile Mobile Mobile network upgrade Upgrade of mobile networks as a result of the release of the so called digital dividend spectrum UK Private No Private Planned 2013 2014 £3,000 m £600 m £600 m £1,800 m Estimated Nominal Spectrum policy team This is the expected investment to be made by the Mobile Network Operators
(800MHz and 2.6 Ghz) (MNOs) as a result of an auction of spectrum around 800Mhz and 2.6Ghz in 2012.
If the spectrum auction follows the expected timetable implementation would
begin in 2013 and continue for 3-5 years. Each mobile network has been
calculating what the upgrade will cost and will have to have an idea of the cost
before the auction begins, but these figures would be commercially sensitive
(expecially ahead of the auction) and so have not been released. A general
estimate for the industry based on top down estimates is £3-4bn over 5 years.
However, the cost and the rollout will be heavily dependent on the outcome of the
auction process.

Communications Other digital communications Balancing item Balancing item to cover general communications investment To ensure consistency with earlier approach, use ONS estimates for sector investment to add to total UK Private No Private £14,403 m £3,699 m £3,927 m £3,389 m £3,387 m Estimated Nominal ONS - Capital Stocks, Capital Consumption and Non- Excludes BDUK investment. Assumption based on historical data is that telecoms is
investment Financial Balance Sheets. 4.1.1 Gross fixed capital formation approx 75% of total ONS estimate
by asset and industry - Post & Telecommunications Plant
and Machinery (JGRK)

Communications Other digital communications Satellite Hylas 1 Launch of a new Ka band broadband and HDTV satellite serving the UK and parts of Europe by Avanti UK Private No Public / private Started 2008 2011 Yes £120 m £40 m Confirmed Nominal Avanti financial statements Significant public funding for this came through the European Space Agency,
although it is primarily a commercial venture. There are no guarantees regarding
the capacity of the satellite that will be directed towards the UK - it is likely to
depend on demand.

Communications Other digital communications Satellite KA-SAT Launch of a new Ka band broadband and HDTV satellite serving the UK and parts of Europe by Eutelsat UK Private No Public / private Started 2009 2011 Yes £290 m £97 m Confirmed Nominal Eutelsat confirmed statements Primarily a commercial venture, although the

Communications Rural broadband Rural broadband BDUK rural broadband investment Programme to invest £530m of central government money and similar level of local funding to support UK Private / Public No Public / private Started 2012 2015 Yes £2000m £0 m £330 m £860 m £460 m £350 m Confirmed Nominal BDUK programme documents First £530m to 2015 is confirmed funding, with £300m available beyond 2015
broadband infrastructure investment in places where the private sector would not otherwise go allocated from the TV Licence fee but to be confirmed in the next parliament.
Expectation is that this funding plus a similar level of local public funding will be
used to leverage private sector investment to ensure that every premise in the UK
gets standard broadband and as many as possible get superfast broadband. Costs
dran from central government funding allocated from the TV Licence Fee

Communications Rural broadband Rural broadband South Yorkshire Digital Region Four councils in South Yorkshire (Runcorn, Doncaster, Sheffield and Barnsley) and the RDA, Yorkshire Yorkshire & the Humber Public No Public / private Started 2010 2012 No £93 m £31 m £31 m Confirmed Nominal Digital Region Limited (the delivery body) & Yorkshire Progress has been slower than expected and take-up is low. The councils are
Forward, are investing in a regional superfast broadband network to cover over 80% of households with Forward (the Regional Development Agency). Cost currently moving their own corporate networks onto this infrastructure to provide
an aim to increase beyond that to 97% coverage (although this latter part is currently looking difficult to estimates drawn from project documentation - funding is an anchor client. BIS are responsible for extracting Yorkshire Forward from the
deliver given the financial situation of the project) coming from the councils, the RDA, EU money and a soft project prior to RDA shutdown - potentially transferring public sector involvement
loan from the private sector partner, nothing from BDUK entirely to the LAs.

Communications Rural broadband Rural broadband Cornwall Broadband project County wide project in Cornwall to provide superfast broadband - expected to provide up to 90% coverage South West Private No Public / private Started 2011 2014 Yes £132 m £33 m £33 m £33 m £33 m NA Nominal Project documentation - expect up to £53m from EU funds No BDUK money is expected as part of this investment. The rollout of the network
and £78m from BT will be dependent on take up from businesses and citizens - if take up is lower than
anticipated then BT will not roll the network out as far as 90%

Energy CCS CCS CCS Programme Programme to support CCS with the aim of achieving cost-competitive and commercially viable Great Britain Private Public Planned
deployment by the 2020s
Energy Electricity distribution Electricity distribution Eon Central Networks West CN West West Midlands Private Yes Private Confirmed 2010 2015 Programme £597 m £119 m £119 m £119 m £119 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 Ofgem Price Control Review Annual split is based on equal spend in each year of control period
%20FINAL.pdf, table p35

Energy Electricity distribution Electricity distribution Eon Central Networks East CN East East Midlands Private Yes Private Confirmed 2010 2015 Programme £606 m £121 m £121 m £121 m £121 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 Ofgem Price Control Review Annual split is based on equal spend in each year of control period
%20FINAL.pdf, table p35

Energy Electricity distribution Electricity distribution Electricity North West ENW North West Private Yes Private Confirmed 2010 2015 Programme £554 m £111 m £111 m £111 m £111 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 Ofgem Price Control Review Annual split is based on equal spend in each year of control period
%20FINAL.pdf, table p35

Energy Electricity distribution Electricity distribution CE Northern Electric Distribution CE NEDL North East Private Yes Private Confirmed 2010 2015 Programme £378 m £76 m £76 m £76 m £76 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 Ofgem Price Control Review Annual split is based on equal spend in each year of control period
%20FINAL.pdf, table p35

Energy Electricity distribution Electricity distribution CE Yorkshire Distribution CE YEDL Yorkshire & the Humber Private Yes Private Confirmed 2010 2015 Programme £508 m £102 m £102 m £102 m £102 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 Ofgem Price Control Review Annual split is based on equal spend in each year of control period
%20FINAL.pdf, table p35

Energy Electricity distribution Electricity distribution Western Power Distribution South Wales WPD S Wales Wales Private Yes Private Confirmed 2010 2015 Programme £224 m £45 m £45 m £45 m £45 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 Ofgem Price Control Review Annual split is based on equal spend in each year of control period
%20FINAL.pdf, table p35

Energy Electricity distribution Electricity distribution Western Power Distribution South West WPD S West South West Private Yes Private Confirmed 2010 2015 Programme £339 m £68 m £68 m £68 m £68 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 Ofgem Price Control Review Annual split is based on equal spend in each year of control period
%20FINAL.pdf, table p35

Energy Electricity distribution Electricity distribution UK Power Networks - London EDFE LPN London Private Yes Private Confirmed 2010 2015 Programme £493 m £99 m £99 m £99 m £99 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 Ofgem Price Control Review Annual split is based on equal spend in each year of control period
%20FINAL.pdf, table p35

Energy Electricity distribution Electricity distribution UK Power Networks - South East EDFE SPN South East Private Yes Private Confirmed 2010 2015 Programme £520 m £104 m £104 m £104 m £104 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 Ofgem Price Control Review Annual split is based on equal spend in each year of control period
%20FINAL.pdf, table p35

Energy Electricity distribution Electricity distribution UK Power Networks - East EDFE EPN East of England Private Yes Private Confirmed 2010 2015 Programme £657 m £131 m £131 m £131 m £131 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 Ofgem Price Control Review Annual split is based on equal spend in each year of control period
%20FINAL.pdf, table p35

Energy Electricity distribution Electricity distribution Scottish Power Distribution SP Distribution Scotland Private Yes Private Confirmed 2010 2015 Programme £384 m £77 m £77 m £77 m £77 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 Ofgem Price Control Review Annual split is based on equal spend in each year of control period
%20FINAL.pdf, table p35

Energy Electricity distribution Electricity distribution Scottish Power Manweb SP Manweb Wales Private Yes Private Confirmed 2010 2015 Programme £547 m £109 m £109 m £109 m £109 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 Ofgem Price Control Review Annual split is based on equal spend in each year of control period. Also covers Merseyside and Cheshire
%20FINAL.pdf, table p35

Energy Electricity distribution Electricity distribution Scottish and Southern Energy Hydro SSE Hydro Scotland Private Yes Private Confirmed 2010 2015 Programme £207 m £41 m £41 m £41 m £41 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 Ofgem Price Control Review Annual split is based on equal spend in each year of control period
%20FINAL.pdf, table p35

Energy Electricity distribution Electricity distribution Scottish and Southern Energy Southern SSE Southern South East Private Yes Private Confirmed 2010 2015 Programme £644 m £129 m £129 m £129 m £129 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 Ofgem Price Control Review Annual split is based on equal spend in each year of control period. Some of area is in South West region
%20FINAL.pdf, table p35

Energy Electricity generation Biomass Biomass Private No Private Ongoing £821 m £197 m £143 m £48 m £0 m £0 m £0 m HM Treasury estimates These cost data are Treasury estimates using estimated capital costs per unit of
output for a generic plant and market intelligence on proportion of projects that
are constructed. Figures are indicative of potential investment and are not a
forecast of actual investment

Energy Electricity generation Biomass Drax Renewable Power Station Drax 132kV Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Biomass Immingham Renewable Power Station Killingholme Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Biomass Bristol Seabank 132kV Private No Private Scoping 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Biomass Tees Renewable Energy Plant Lackenby Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Biomass Rothes Bio-Plant Glenrothes Private No Private Consents Approved 2011 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Biomass Stallingborough Stallingborough 132kV Substation Private No Private Consents Approved 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation CCGT CCGT Private No Private Ongoing £3,793 m £476 m £579 m £403 m £0 m £81 m £95 m HM Treasury estimates These cost data are Treasury estimates using estimated capital costs per unit of
output for a generic plant and market intelligence on proportion of projects that
are constructed. Figures are indicative of potential investment and are not a
forecast of actual investment

Energy Electricity generation CCGT Abernedd Power Station Baglan Bay 275kV Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation CCGT Barking Power Station C Barking 400kV substation Private No Private Consents Approved 2017 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation CCGT Carrington Power Station Carrington Private No Private Consents Approved 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation CCGT Kings Lynn B Walpole Private No Private Consents Approved 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation CCGT Drakelow D Drakelow Private No Private Consents Approved 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation CCGT Grain (Stage 3) Grain Private No Private Under Construction 2011 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation CCGT South Holland Power Station - Stage 1 Spalding Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation CCGT South Holland Power Station - Stage 2 Spalding Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation CCGT Thames Haven Power Station Mucking Flats Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation CCGT Pembroke (Stage 3) Pembroke Private No Private Under Construction 2012 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation CCGT Tilbury Tilbury Private No Private Scoping 2016 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation CCGT Damhead Creek II Damhead Creek 400kV Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2016 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation CCGT Seabank 3 Seabank Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2023 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation CCGT Thorpe Marsh Thorpe Marsh Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2016 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation CCGT Carrington II Power Station Private No Private Consents Approved 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation CCGT West Burton B West Burton Private No Private Under Construction 2012 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation CCGT West Burton B West Burton Private No Private Under Construction 0 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation CCGT Wyre Power Stanah 400kV Private No Private Scoping 2016 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Clean Coal Clean Coal Private No Private Ongoing £660 m £0 m £63 m £164 m £0 m £220 m £0 m HM Treasury estimates These cost data are Treasury estimates using estimated capital costs per unit of
output for a generic plant and market intelligence on proportion of projects that
are constructed. Figures are indicative of potential investment and are not a
forecast of actual investment

Energy Electricity generation Clean Coal Hunterston 2 Hunterston 2 400kV Substation Private No Private Scoping 2017 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Clean Coal Hunterston 2 Hunterston 2 400kV Substation Private No Private Scoping 2018 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Hydro Hydro Private No Private Ongoing £77 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m HM Treasury estimates These cost data are Treasury estimates using estimated capital costs per unit of
output for a generic plant and market intelligence on proportion of projects that
are constructed. Figures are indicative of potential investment and are not a
forecast of actual investment

Energy Electricity generation Hydro Glendoe Glendoe Private No Private Under Construction 2012 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation IGCC with CCS IGCC with CCS Private No Private Ongoing £1,163 m £174 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m HM Treasury estimates These cost data are Treasury estimates using estimated capital costs per unit of
output for a generic plant and market intelligence on proportion of projects that
are constructed. Figures are indicative of potential investment and are not a
forecast of actual investment

Energy Electricity generation IGCC with CCS Hatfield Power Station Thorpe Marsh Private No Private Consents Approved 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Interconnector Britned Stage 2 Grain Private No Private Under Construction 2010 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Interconnector East-West Interconnector Deeside 400kV Private No Private Under Construction 2012 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Interconnector Belgium Interconnector Richborough Private No Private Unknown 2019 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Interconnector Norway Interconnector Blyth 400kV Substation Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2018 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Nuclear Nuclear Private No Private Ongoing £53,175 m £707 m £2,138 m £2,772 m £0 m £35,601 m £6,930 m HM Treasury estimates These cost data are Treasury estimates using estimated capital costs per unit of
output for a generic plant and market intelligence on proportion of projects that
are constructed. Figures are indicative of potential investment and are not a
forecast of actual investment

Energy Electricity generation Nuclear APR Wylfa C Wylfa Private No Private Scoping 2020 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Nuclear APR Wylfa C Wylfa Private No Private Scoping 2021 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Nuclear APR Wylfa C Wylfa Private No Private Scoping 2022 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Nuclear EPR Oldbury-on-Severn Power Station Oldbury-on-Severn Private No Private Scoping 2020 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Nuclear EPR Bradwell B Bradwell 400kV Private No Private Scoping 2021 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Nuclear EPR Dungeness C Lydd 400kV GIS Private No Private Scoping 2018 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 NB. The Nuclear National Policy Statement does not list Dungeness as a potentially
suitable site. In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the
earliest possible in service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of
projects that are registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number
constructed. This is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices,
project financing and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Nuclear EPR Heysham 3 Heysham B Private No Private Scoping 2022 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.

8 of 28
Infrastructure investment pipeline November 2011
Sector Sub-sector Sub group Project / programme name Description / purpose Region Asset Ownership Economically Regulated Investment Funding Source(s) Scheme Status Earliest Construction Start Date Date In Service On Schedule Total capex cost all funding (£m) Total capex cost publicly funded, if different (£m) 2011/12 (£m) 2012/13 (£m) 2013/14 (£m) 2014/15 (£m) 2015 to 2020 Beyond 2020 Estimate Status Cost Base Base Year Significant land related costs (£m) Finance costs where privately funded e.g. PFI (£m) FM or other significant 'non-construction' related costs (£m) Planned Procurement Route Expiry date for existing frameworks Procuring Authority Public source for further project details2 Data Source(s) Notes
Energy Electricity generation Nuclear EPR Hinkley Point C Hinkley 400kV GIS Private No Private Scoping 2017 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Nuclear EPR Hinkley Point C Hinkley 400kV GIS Private No Private Scoping 2018 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Nuclear EPR Sizewell C (Stage 1) Sizewell North 400kV GIS Private No Private Scoping 2020 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Nuclear EPR Sizewell C (Stage 2) Sizewell North 400kV GIS Private No Private Scoping 2021 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Nuclear EPR Oldbury C Oldbury-on-Severn Private No Private Scoping 2023 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Nuclear EPR Sellafield Sellafield Private No Private Scoping 2023 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Nuclear EPR Sellafield Sellafield Private No Private Scoping 2025 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Thermal Killoch Biopower CHP Plant Coylton Private No Private Scoping 2019 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Tidal Alderney Renewable Energy Fawley Private No Private Scoping 2017 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Tidal Alderney Renewable Energy Fawley Private No Private Scoping 2018 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Tidal Alderney Renewable Energy Fawley Private No Private Scoping 2019 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Tidal Alderney Renewable Energy Fawley Private No Private Scoping 2020 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Tidal Alderney Renewable Energy Fawley Private No Private Scoping 2021 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Tidal Alderney Renewable Energy Fawley Private No Private Scoping 2022 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Tidal Alderney Renewable Energy Fawley Private No Private Scoping 2023 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Tidal Alderney Renewable Energy Fawley Private No Private Scoping 2024 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Tidal Islay Marine Energy Park Islay Private No Private Scoping 2018 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Tidal Duncansby Tidal Array Gills Bay 132/33kV Substation Private No Private Scoping 2016 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Tidal Duncansby Tidal Array Gills Bay 132/33kV Substation Private No Private Scoping 2017 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Tidal Duncansby Tidal Array Gills Bay 132/33kV Substation Private No Private Scoping 2018 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Tidal Sound of Islay Tidal Port Ann Private No Private Consents Approved 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wave Marwick Head Wave Farm Stromness Private No Private Scoping 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wave Marwick Head Wave Farm Stromness Private No Private Scoping 2016 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wave Marwick Head Wave Farm Stromness Private No Private Scoping 2017 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wave Pentland Firth, MeyGen Mey Grid Private No Private Scoping 2018 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Wind Offshore Private No Private Ongoing £54,580 m £2,999 m £5,506 m £5,664 m £0 m £24,566 m £0 m HM Treasury estimates These cost data are Treasury estimates using estimated capital costs per unit of
output for a generic plant and market intelligence on proportion of projects that
are constructed. Figures are indicative of potential investment and are not a
forecast of actual investment

Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Beatrice Wind Farm Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Beatrice Wind Farm Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Beatrice Wind Farm Beatrice Offshore Wind Farm Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2016 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Docking Shoal Wind Farm Private No Private Scoping 2011 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Race Bank Wind Farm Private No Private Scoping 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Irish Sea Platform 1 Offshore Substation Private No Private Scoping 2017 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Irish Sea Platform 2 Offshore substation Private No Private Scoping 2018 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Atlantic Array Atlantic Array Offshore Substations Private No Private Scoping 2016 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Atlantic Array Atlantic Array Offshore Substations Private No Private Scoping 2017 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Atlantic Array Atlantic Array Offshore Substations Private No Private Scoping 2018 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Atlantic Array Atlantic Array Offshore Substations Private No Private Scoping 2019 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Burbo Bank Extension Private No Private Under Construction 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Heysham Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2016 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore West of Duddon Sands Private No Private Consents Approved 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore West of Duddon Sands Private No Private Consents Approved 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Walney II Offshore windfarm Private No Private Under Construction 2011 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Dudgeon Offshore Wind Farm Little Dunham 400kV Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Humber Gateway Offshore Windfarm Private No Private Consents Approved 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore East Anglia Offshore Wind Farm Private No Private Unknown 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore East Anglia Offshore Wind Farm Private No Private Scoping 2016 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore East Anglia Offshore Wind Farm Private No Private Scoping 2016 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore East Anglia Offshore Wind Farm Private No Private Scoping 2016 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore East Anglia Offshore Wind Farm Private No Private Scoping 2017 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore East Anglia Offshore Wind Farm Private No Private Scoping 2017 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore East Anglia Offshore Wind Farm Private No Private Scoping 2018 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore East Anglia Offshore Wind Farm Private No Private Scoping 2019 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore East Anglia Offshore Wind Farm Private No Private Scoping 2019 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore East Anglia Offshore Wind Farm Private No Private Scoping 2021 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore West Isle of Wight Platform 1 Private No Private Scoping 2017 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore West Isle Of Wight Platform 2 Private No Private Scoping 2018 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore West Isle Of Wight Platform 3 Private No Private Scoping 2019 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Dogger Bank Platform 1A Private No Private Scoping 2016 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Dogger Bank Platform 1B Private No Private Scoping 2017 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Dogger Bank Platform 2A Private No Private Scoping 2017 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Dogger Bank Platform 2B Private No Private Scoping 2018 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Dogger Bank Platform 3A Private No Private Scoping 2018 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Dogger Bank Platfrom 3B Private No Private Scoping 2019 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Galloper Wind Farm Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Gwynt Y Mor Offshore Wind Farm - Stage 1 Gwynt-y-Môr 132/33kV Offshore Substation Private No Private Under Construction 2012 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Gwynt Y Mor Offshore Wind Farm - Stage 2 Gwynt-y-Môr 132/33kV Offshore Substation Private No Private Under Construction 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.

9 of 28
Infrastructure investment pipeline November 2011
Sector Sub-sector Sub group Project / programme name Description / purpose Region Asset Ownership Economically Regulated Investment Funding Source(s) Scheme Status Earliest Construction Start Date Date In Service On Schedule Total capex cost all funding (£m) Total capex cost publicly funded, if different (£m) 2011/12 (£m) 2012/13 (£m) 2013/14 (£m) 2014/15 (£m) 2015 to 2020 Beyond 2020 Estimate Status Cost Base Base Year Significant land related costs (£m) Finance costs where privately funded e.g. PFI (£m) FM or other significant 'non-construction' related costs (£m) Planned Procurement Route Expiry date for existing frameworks Procuring Authority Public source for further project details2 Data Source(s) Notes
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Gwynt Y Mor Offshore Wind Farm - Stage 3 Gwynt-y-Môr 132/33kV Offshore Substation Private No Private Under Construction 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Lincs Offshore Wind Farm Private No Private Under Construction 2011 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore London Array Stage 1 London Array 33/150kV Offshore Substation Private No Private Consents Approved 2011 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore London Array Stage 2 London Array 33/150kV Offshore Substation Private No Private Consents Approved 2012 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore London Array Stage 3 London Array 33/150kV Offshore Substation Private No Private Consents Approved 2012 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore London Array Stage 4 London Array 33/150kV Offshore Substation Private No Private Consents Approved 2012 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore London Array Stage 5 London Array 33/150kV Offshore Substation Private No Private Consents Approved 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Moray Firth Offshore Windfarm Moray North 33/220kV Offshore Substation Private No Private Scoping 2016 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Moray Firth Offshore Windfarm Moray North 33/220kV Offshore Substation Private No Private Scoping 2017 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Moray Firth Offshore Windfarm Moray Central A 33/220kV Offshore Substation Private No Private Scoping 2018 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Moray Firth Offshore Windfarm Moray Central B 33/220kV Offshore Substation Private No Private Scoping 2019 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Moray Firth Offshore Windfarm Moray West 33/220kV Offshore Substation Private No Private Scoping 2020 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Neart Na Gaoithe Offshore Wind Farm Neart Na Gaoithe 220/33kV offshore substation Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Argyll Array Private No Private Scoping 2018 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Argyll Array Private No Private Scoping 2019 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Argyll Array Private No Private Scoping 2020 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Firth of Forth Offshore Wind Farm 1A Private No Private Scoping 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Firth of Forth Offshore Wind Farm 1B Private No Private Scoping 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Firth of Forth Platform 2A East & 2A West Private No Private Scoping 2017 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Firth of Forth Platform 2B East & 2B West Private No Private Scoping 2017 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Firth of Forth Platform 2C East & 2C West Private No Private Scoping 2017 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Firth of Forth Platform 3A East Private No Private Scoping 2019 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Firth of Forth Platform 3B West Private No Private Scoping 2019 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Hornsea Offshore Wind Farm - Platform 1B Platform 1B 33/220kV Substation Private No Private Scoping 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Hornsea Zone Offshore Windfarm - Platform 1A Platform 1A 33/220kV Substation Private No Private Scoping 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm Triton Knoll 132/33kV Offshore Substation Private No Private Scoping 2018 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm Triton Knoll 132/33kV Offshore Substation Private No Private Scoping 2019 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Triton Knoll Offshore Wind Farm Triton Knoll 132/33kV Offshore Substation Private No Private Scoping 2020 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Offshore Westermost Rough Offshore windfarm Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Wind Onshore Private No Private Ongoing £4,176 m £846 m £453 m £212 m £0 m £772 m £0 m HM Treasury estimates These cost data are Treasury estimates using estimated capital costs per unit of
output for a generic plant and market intelligence on proportion of projects that
are constructed. Figures are indicative of potential investment and are not a
forecast of actual investment

Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Invercassley Windfarm Lairg Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2018 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Whiteside Hill Whiteside Hill Farm Private No Private Consents Approved 2012 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Eishken Estate, Isle of Lewis Stornoway Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Brockloch Rig Wind Farm Dun Hill Private No Private Consents Approved 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Andershaw Andershaw Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2012 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Aikengall II Windfarm Westerdod 132kV Private No Private Scoping 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Crystal Rig 2 Crystal Rig 2 Private No Private Scoping 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Druim Ba Wind Farm Private No Private Scoping 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Dunbeath Wind farm Dunbeath Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Corriemollie Wind Farm, Dingwall Beauly Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2019 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Afton Afton Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Tomatin Wind Farm (Additional Capacity) Beauly / Boat of Garten Private No Private Scoping 2019 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Carscreugh TBC Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Neilston Neilston Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2012 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Glentaggart Wind Farm Private No Private Scoping 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Carraig Gheal Wind Farm Carraig Gheal Wind Farm Private No Private Consents Approved 2012 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Drummuir Wind Keith Private No Private Under Construction 2011 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Dorenell Wind Farm Keith Grid Private No Private Scoping 2019 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Tom Na Clach Wind Farm Inverness Private No Private Scoping 2019 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Galawhistle Wind Farm Galawhistle Wind Farm Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2018 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Loch Hill Wind Farm Loch Hill 33kV Substation Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Lochluichart Luichart Wind Conon Valley Private No Private Consents Approved 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Margree Margree Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Pencloe Pencloe 132/33kV Private No Private Scoping 2012 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Ulzieside Ulzieside 132/33kV Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Corriegarth Corriegarth 132/33kV Substation Private No Private Scoping 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Fallago Fallago 400kV Substation Private No Private Consents Approved 2012 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore AChruach Wind Farm Private No Private Under Construction 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Carnedd Wen Wind Farm Mid-Wales West Private No Private Scoping 2016 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Pen Y Cymoedd Wind Farm Rhigos Private No Private Scoping 2016 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Llanbrynmair South Mid-Wales West Private No Private Unknown 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Dunmaglass Wind Farm Beauly/Foyers Private No Private Consents Approved 2018 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Coire Na Cloiche Alness Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2016 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Burn of Whilk Wind Farm Mybster 132/33kV Substation Private No Private Scoping 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Rowantree Wind Farm Rowantree 132kV Substation Private No Private Scoping 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Camblesforth 66kV Private No Private Scoping 2012 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.

10 of 28
Infrastructure investment pipeline November 2011
Sector Sub-sector Sub group Project / programme name Description / purpose Region Asset Ownership Economically Regulated Investment Funding Source(s) Scheme Status Earliest Construction Start Date Date In Service On Schedule Total capex cost all funding (£m) Total capex cost publicly funded, if different (£m) 2011/12 (£m) 2012/13 (£m) 2013/14 (£m) 2014/15 (£m) 2015 to 2020 Beyond 2020 Estimate Status Cost Base Base Year Significant land related costs (£m) Finance costs where privately funded e.g. PFI (£m) FM or other significant 'non-construction' related costs (£m) Planned Procurement Route Expiry date for existing frameworks Procuring Authority Public source for further project details2 Data Source(s) Notes
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Blacklaw Extension Linnmill Private No Private Consents Approved 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Dersalloch Dersalloch Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Ewe Hill Ewe Hill Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2012 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Ewe Hill Ewe Hill Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Halsary Wind Farm Mybster Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Hare Hill Windfarm Extension Private No Private Scoping 2016 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Harestanes Harestanes Private No Private Consents Approved 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Harestanes Harestanes Private No Private Consents Approved 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Kilgallioch Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2017 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Whitelee Extension Private No Private Under Construction 2012 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Whitelee Extension Private No Private Under Construction 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Spittal Hill Wind Farm Mybster Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2016 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Spittal Hill Wind Farm Mybster Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2016 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Blackcraig Wind Farm Blackcraig Wind Farm Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Calliacher Wind Farm Calliacher Wind Farm Private No Private Consents Approved 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Cour 132kV Substation Private No Private Scoping 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Gordonbush Wind Gordonbush Private No Private Under Construction 2012 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Harrows Law Harrows Law Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore North Nesting Wind, Shetland Caithness Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Parc (South Lochs) Wind, Lewis Stornoway Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Strathy North & South Wind Strathy North and Strathy South Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Waterhead Moor Waterhead Moor Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Nant-Y-Moch Wind Farm Mid Wales West 132kV Substation Private No Private Scoping 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Stacain Wind Farm Sloy/Inverary Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2013 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Aultmore Wind Farm Aultmore Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Clashindarroch Wind, Huntly Clashindarroch Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2014 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Viking Wind Farm Shetland Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2018 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Earlshaugh Wind Farm Moffat Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Glenmorie Windfarm Private No Private Scoping 2017 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Hanna Wind Farm Fort William Private No Private Scoping 2018 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Hearthstanes B Wind Farm Moffat Private No Private Scoping 2012 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Newfield Wind Farm Ewe Hill Private No Private Awaiting Consents 2012 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Wind Onshore Braemore Windfarm Shin Shin 33kV Private No Private Scoping 2019 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity generation Woodchip Port Talbot Woodchip Power Station Margam Private No Private Consents Approved 2015 National Grid TEC register data, 14/11/2011 In service dates are estimates from TEC database - these are the earliest possible in
service dates. Market intelligence suggests the number of projects that are
registered with National Grid will be far greater than the number constructed. This
is due to a range of factors including energy demand and prices, project financing
and consents.
Energy Electricity transmission Electricity transmission East Coast HVDC Link New HVDC subsea cable connecting Scotland to Northern England to facilitate flow of electricity from Great Britain Private Yes Private Planned 2017 £580m £1 m £5 m £16 m £122 m £437 m Estimated Constant 2009/10 NG Update Joint project between NG, SPTL and SHETL. Costs are for NG works only. Pre-
north to south construction funding only approved. Any subsequent investment proposal would
require regulatory approval. Economically regulated investment is also not
generally confirmed beyond currently determined regulatory periods.

Energy Electricity transmission Electricity transmission Scotland-England interconnector Works to increase capacity of on-shore Scottish-England interconnector. Great Britain Private Yes Private Ongoing 2013 Yes £266m £35 m £35 m £76 m Estimated Constant 2009/10 NG Update Joint projects.
Some prior year costs. Includes TIRG works.
Costs are for NG works only.Any subsequent investment proposal would require
regulatory approval. Economically regulated investment is also not generally
confirmed beyond currently determined regulatory periods.

Energy Electricity transmission Electricity transmission Scotland-England Series Compensation Series compensation works to increase capacity of on-shore Scottish-England interconnection. Great Britain Private Yes Private Planned 2014 Yes £35 m £1 m £10 m £20 m £4 m Estimated Constant 2009/10 NG Update Series compensation on National Grid circuits. Costs are for NG works only. Any
subsequent investment proposal would require regulatory approval. Economically
regulated investment is also not generally confirmed beyond currently determined
regulatory periods.

Energy Electricity transmission Electricity transmission West Coast HVDC link New HVDC subsea cable connecting Scotland to Northern England/North Wales to facilitate flow of Great Britain Private Yes Private Ongoing 2015 Yes £722m £66 m £143 m £191 m £170 m £85 m Constant 2009/10 NG Update Joint National Grid Scottish Power project. Some regulatory funding approved for
electricity from north to south aspects of this project. Any subsequent investment proposal would require
regulatory approval. Economically regulated investment is also not generally
confirmed beyond currently determined regulatory periods. Costs are for NG
works only.

Energy Electricity transmission Electricity transmission London Upgrades to accommodate flows into London area. London Private Yes Private Proposed 2016 Yes £175 m £2 m £3 m £25 m £56 m £89 m Constant 2009/10 NG Update Works to upgrade transmission system into London. Any subsequent investment
proposal would require regulatory approval. Economically regulated investment is
also not generally confirmed beyond currently determined regulatory periods.

Energy Electricity transmission Electricity transmission South West Upgrades to connect Hinkley nuclear power station & further increase south west export capacity. South West Private Yes Private Proposed 2020 Yes £285 m £12 m £21 m £25 m £35 m £183 m Constant 2009/10 NG Update Works to upgrade transmission system in south west.
Some prior year costs. Any subsequent investment proposal would require
regulatory approval. Economically regulated investment is also not generally
confirmed beyond currently determined regulatory periods.

Energy Electricity transmission Electricity transmission East Anglia Upgrades principally in relation to offshore wind connecting into East Coast and Sizewell nuclear power East of England Private Yes Private Ongoing 2011-2017 Yes £516 m £41 m £42 m £62 m £92 m £227 m Constant 2009/10 NG Update Works to upgrade transmission system in East Anglia.
station Some prior year costs. Any subsequent investment proposal would require
regulatory approval. Economically regulated investment is also not generally
confirmed beyond currently determined regulatory periods.

Energy Electricity transmission Electricity transmission North Wales Upgrades in relation to Wylfa nuclear power station and offshore wind in Irish Sea. Wales Private Yes Private Proposed 2018 Yes £568 m £5 m £36 m £37 m £49 m £440 m Constant 2009/10 NG Update Works to upgrade transmission system in North Wales.
Does not include Wylfa-Pembroke HVDC costs.
Some prior year costs. Any subsequent investment proposal would require
regulatory approval. Economically regulated investment is also not generally
confirmed beyond currently determined regulatory periods.

Energy Electricity transmission Electricity transmission Mid Wales New transmission line & substation works to connect onshore wind farms. Wales Private Yes Private Proposed 2016 Yes £213 m £2 m £8 m £49 m £87 m £63 m Constant 2009/10 NG Update Works to provide transmission system capacity to mid-Wales.
Some prior year costs. Any subsequent investment proposal would require
regulatory approval. Economically regulated investment is also not generally
confirmed beyond currently determined regulatory periods.

Energy Electricity transmission Electricity transmission Humberside Upgrades primarily in relation to offshore wind farms North East Private Yes Private Proposed TBC Yes £253 m £3 m £8 m £34 m £68 m £141 m Constant 2009/10 NG Update Works to upgrade transmission system capacity in Humberside.
Some prior year costs. Any subsequent investment proposal would require
regulatory approval. Economically regulated investment is also not generally
confirmed beyond currently determined regulatory periods.

Energy Electricity transmission Electricity transmission London Replacement of aging underground cable infrastructure in London into tunnels. London Private Yes Private Ongoing 2016 Yes £660 m £93 m £112 m £143 m £93 m £138 m Constant 2009/10 NG Update Works to replace existing underground cable network in London into tunnels.
Some prior year costs. Any subsequent investment proposal would require
regulatory approval. Economically regulated investment is also not generally
confirmed beyond currently determined regulatory periods.

Energy Electricity transmission Electricity transmission Other Investment Works to increase capacity of network for additional generation and demand and replace existing assets England and Wales Private Yes Private Ongoing Yes £11,455 m £706 m £815 m £989 m £1,160 m £7,785 m Constant 2009/10 NG Update Other works in National Grid Electricty Transmission investment programme from
that are becoming unreliable. 2011/12 through to 2020/21. Any subsequent investment proposal would require
regulatory approval. Economically regulated investment is also not generally
confirmed beyond currently determined regulatory periods.

Energy Gas distribution Gas distribution National Grid Gas - East of England NGG East of England Private Yes Private Confirmed 2008 2013 Programme £715 m £143 m £143 m £143 m £143 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 Ofgem Price Control Review, CapEx and RepEx, post IQI: Annual split is based on equal spend in each year of control period. Next price review currently starting.

Energy Gas distribution Gas distribution National Grid Gas - London NGG London Private Yes Private Confirmed 2008 2013 Programme £690 m £138 m £138 m £138 m £138 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 Ofgem Price Control Review, CapEx and RepEx, post IQI: Annual split is based on equal spend in each year of control period. Next price review currently starting.

Energy Gas distribution Gas distribution National Grid Gas - North West NGG North West Private Yes Private Confirmed 2008 2013 Programme £618 m £124 m £124 m £124 m £124 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 Ofgem Price Control Review, CapEx and RepEx, post IQI: Annual split is based on equal spend in each year of control period. Next price review currently starting.

Energy Gas distribution Gas distribution National Grid Gas - West Midlands NGG West Midlands Private Yes Private Confirmed 2008 2013 Programme £448 m £90 m £90 m £90 m £90 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 Ofgem Price Control Review, CapEx and RepEx, post IQI: Annual split is based on equal spend in each year of control period. Next price review currently starting.

Energy Gas distribution Gas distribution Northern Gas Networks NGN Northern Private Yes Private Confirmed 2008 2013 Programme £638 m £128 m £128 m £128 m £128 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 Ofgem Price Control Review, CapEx and RepEx, post IQI: Annual split is based on equal spend in each year of control period. Next price review currently starting.

Energy Gas distribution Gas distribution Scotia Gas Networks - Scotland SGN Scotland Private Yes Private Confirmed 2008 2013 Programme £452 m £90 m £90 m £90 m £90 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 Ofgem Price Control Review, CapEx and RepEx, post IQI: Annual split is based on equal spend in each year of control period. Next price review currently starting.

Energy Gas distribution Gas distribution Scotia Gas Networks - Southern SGN Southern Private Yes Private Confirmed 2008 2013 Programme £1,123 m £225 m £225 m £225 m £225 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 Ofgem Price Control Review, CapEx and RepEx, post IQI: Annual split is based on equal spend in each year of control period. Next price review currently starting.

Energy Gas distribution Gas distribution Wales & West Utilities WWU Wales and West Private Yes Private Confirmed 2008 2013 Programme £652 m £130 m £130 m £130 m £130 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 Ofgem Price Control Review, CapEx and RepEx, post IQI: Annual split is based on equal spend in each year of control period. Next price review currently starting.

Energy Gas storage Gas storage Aldbrough Gas storage Yorkshire & the Humber Private No Private Started 2009 Nominal Installed capacity ~0.25 bcm
Energy Gas storage Gas storage Hill Top Farm Gas storage North West Private No Private Started 2011 Nominal Installed capacity 0.1 bcm
Energy Gas storage Gas storage Holford Gas storage North West Private No Private Started 2011 Nominal Installed capacity 0.2 bcm
Energy Gas storage Gas storage Stublach Gas storage North West Private No Private Started 2013 Nominal Installed capacity 0.4 bcm
Energy Gas storage Gas storage Aldbrough II Gas storage Yorkshire & the Humber Private No Private Planning approved Nominal Installed capacity 0.35 bcm
Energy Gas storage Gas storage Bains Gas storage Offshore Private No Private Planning approved Nominal Installed capacity 0.6 bcm
Energy Gas storage Gas storage Caythorpe Gas storage Yorkshire & the Humber Private No Private Planning approved Nominal Installed capacity 0.2 bcm
Energy Gas storage Gas storage Gateway Storage Gas storage Offshore Private No Private Planning approved Nominal Installed capacity 1.5 bcm
Energy Gas storage Gas storage Hatfield West Gas storage Yorkshire & the Humber Private No Private Planning approved Nominal Installed capacity 0.04 bcm
Energy Gas storage Gas storage King Street Gas storage North West Private No Private Planning approved Nominal Installed capacity 0.2 bcm
Energy Gas storage Gas storage Portland Gas storage South West Private No Private Planning approved Nominal Installed capacity 1 bcm
Energy Gas storage Gas storage Saltfleetby Gas storage East of England Private No Private Planning approved Nominal Installed capacity 0.7 bcm
Energy Gas storage Gas storage White Hill Farm Gas storage Yorkshire & the Humber Private No Private Planning approved Nominal Installed capacity 0.4 bcm
Energy Gas storage Gas storage Albury I Gas storage South East Private No Private Awaiting approval Nominal Installed capacity 0.2 bcm
Energy Gas storage Gas storage Albury II Gas storage South East Private No Private Awaiting approval Nominal Installed capacity 0.7 bcm
Energy Gas storage Gas storage Baird Gas storage Offshore Private No Private Awaiting approval Nominal Installed capacity 2.2 bcm
Energy Gas storage Gas storage British Salt Gas storage North West Private No Private Awaiting approval Nominal Installed capacity Various bcm
Energy Gas storage Gas storage Deborah Gas storage Offshore Private No Private Awaiting approval Nominal Installed capacity 4.6 bcm
Energy Gas storage Gas storage Esmond Gordon Gas storage Offshore Private No Private Awaiting approval Nominal Installed capacity 3.4 bcm
Energy Gas storage Gas storage Preesall Gas storage North West Private No Private Awaiting approval Nominal Installed capacity 0.5 bcm
Energy Gas transmission Gas transmission National Grid Gas Gas Transmission - Industrial Emission Directive/Emissions PPC Great Britain Private Yes Private Started 2006 Programme £1.3bn Estimated Constant NGG Legislative requirement - Individual Compressor plant >50MW rated thermal input
will have to meet stricter ELV - for Nox and CO - reduction achieved by modifying
or decommissioning
Energy Gas Transmission Gas transmission National Grid Gas Load Related Schemes to provided increased entry capacity and customer driven investment within the Great Britain Private Private Planned Programme £3.4bn Estimated Constant NGG Main areas of Incremental expenditure include, Bacton Exit Storage projects -
Bacton South East Alrewas to Petrborough Hatton to Peterborough, Audley to Alrewas, CCGT, Bacton
-Roundham Heath , Goxhill to Hatton (Fleetwood) and Pucklechurch to Ilchester,
(replacement for Avonmouth LNG)

Energy Gas Transmission Gas transmission National Grid Gas Non Load related schemes- Replacement of Secondary assets to ensure the condition of the primary asst Great Britain Private Yes Public Started On going various Programme £1.1bn Estimated Constant NGG Replacement or relifing of secondary assets that have been targeted to ensure the
is maintained condition of the primary asset is maintained. Relifing is dependant on condition,
performance and obsolescence

Energy Gas Transmission Gas transmission National Grid Gas Other - Logged up, Decommissioning, and Offtakes a Diversion Contributions Great Britain Private yes Public / private Started On going various Programme £113m Sharwell Quarry, Decommissioning Assets and Customer funded expenditure

Energy Gas Transmission Gas transmission National Grid Gas CNI Great Britain Private Yes Public Started various Programme £119m Estimated Constant 2005/6 NGG In conjunction with the Security Services and Department for Energy and Climate
Change (DECC) this expenditure focuses on upgrading security across National Grid
critical assets to protect them from malicious attacks or damage.

Energy Gas transmission Gas transmission National Grid Gas Great Britain Private Yes Private Confirmed 2007 2012 Programme £824 m £165 m £165 m £165 m £165 m Constant 2005/06
Energy Smart meters Smart meters Smart meters rollout to domestic and small non-domestic customers The rollout of smart meters involves the deployment of a dedicated communications infrastructure so Great Britain Private Yes Private Planned Yes Nominal
that energy consumption data can be securely transmitted from smart meters to energy suppliers and
other relevant agents in the energy market. The infrastructure investment needed for the smart
metering system covers the smart meter assets and in-home displays (at the energy consumer end), the
communications network, and IT systems upgrades for energy suppliers and others in the energy

Flood Flood Other capital projects Anglian Central East of England Public No Public / private Planned Various Various Yes £41 m £7 m £5 m £5 m £6 m £5 m £14 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Existing framework 2013 Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Assumed 2020-2035 in same proportion as 2015-2020
Flood Flood Other capital projects Anglian Eastern East of England Public No Public / private Planned Various Various Yes £76 m £10 m £14 m £10 m £9 m £8 m £25 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Existing framework 2013 Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Assumed 2020-2035 in same proportion as 2015-2020
Flood Flood Other capital projects Anglian Northern East of England Public No Public / private Planned Various Various Yes £27 m £3 m £3 m £3 m £3 m £4 m £11 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Existing framework 2013 Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Assumed 2020-2035 in same proportion as 2015-2020
Flood Flood Other capital projects Midlands West Midlands Public No Public / private Planned Various Various Yes £65 m £4 m £5 m £6 m £6 m £11 m £32 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Existing framework 2013 Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Assumed 2020-2035 in same proportion as 2015-2020
Flood Flood Other capital projects North West North West Public No Public / private Planned Various Various Yes £93 m £9 m £7 m £7 m £7 m £16 m £47 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Existing framework 2013 Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Assumed 2020-2035 in same proportion as 2015-2020
Flood Flood Other capital projects Northumbria North East Public No Public / private Planned Various Various Yes £23 m £2 m £2 m £2 m £2 m £4 m £11 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Existing framework 2013 Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Assumed 2020-2035 in same proportion as 2015-2020
Flood Flood Other capital projects South West South West Public No Public / private Planned Various Various Yes £39 m £4 m £4 m £4 m £5 m £6 m £17 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Existing framework 2013 Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Assumed 2020-2035 in same proportion as 2015-2020
Flood Flood Other capital projects Southern South East Public No Public / private Planned Various Various Yes £108 m £5 m £5 m £7 m £6 m £21 m £63 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Existing framework 2013 Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Assumed 2020-2035 in same proportion as 2015-2020
Flood Flood Other capital projects Thames South East Public No Public / private Planned Various Various Yes £49 m £5 m £5 m £5 m £5 m £7 m £22 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Existing framework 2013 Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Assumed 2020-2035 in same proportion as 2015-2020
Flood Flood Other capital projects Wessex South West Public No Public / private Planned Various Various Yes £67 m £5 m £5 m £6 m £7 m £11 m £33 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Existing framework 2013 Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Assumed 2020-2035 in same proportion as 2015-2020
Flood Flood Other capital projects Yorkshire North East Public No Public / private Planned Various Various Yes £41 m £6 m £5 m £4 m £3 m £6 m £17 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Existing framework 2013 Environment Agency
Flood Flood Remaining schemes and Anglian Central East of England Public No Public / private Planned Various Various Yes £63 m £2 m £1 m £1 m £1 m £15 m £44 m Pre-project nominal 2011 3.27 Existing framework 2013 Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Including increase in line with LTIS
strategies by region
Flood Flood Remaining schemes and Anglian Eastern East of England Public No Public / private Planned Various Various Yes £246 m £15 m £12 m £15 m £10 m £48 m £145 m Pre-project nominal 2011 1.17 Existing framework 2013 Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Including increase in line with LTIS
strategies by region
Flood Flood Remaining schemes and Anglian Northern East of England Public No Public / private Planned Various Various Yes £324 m £10 m £15 m £17 m £17 m £67 m £200 m Pre-project nominal 2011 0.16 Existing framework 2013 Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Including increase in line with LTIS
strategies by region
Flood Flood Remaining schemes and Midlands West Midlands Public No Public / private Planned Various Various Yes £188 m £20 m £5 m £3 m £2 m £40 m £119 m Pre-project nominal 2011 1.43 Existing framework 2013 Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Including increase in line with LTIS
strategies by region
Flood Flood Remaining schemes and North West North West Public No Public / private Planned Various Various Yes £749 m £9 m £9 m £3 m £14 m £179 m £536 m Pre-project nominal 2011 1.07 Existing framework 2013 Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Including increase in line with LTIS
strategies by region
Flood Flood Remaining schemes and Northumbria North East Public No Public / private Planned Various Various Yes £196 m £19 m £14 m £11 m £8 m £36 m £108 m Pre-project nominal 2011 0.28 Existing framework 2013 Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Including increase in line with LTIS
strategies by region
Flood Flood Remaining schemes and South West South West Public No Public / private Planned Various Various Yes £140 m £5 m £11 m £6 m £8 m £28 m £83 m Pre-project nominal 2011 0.34 Existing framework 2013 Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Including increase in line with LTIS
strategies by region
Flood Flood Remaining schemes and Southern South East Public No Public / private Planned Various Various Yes £855 m £24 m £26 m £42 m £32 m £183 m £548 m Pre-project nominal 2011 1.17 Existing framework 2013 Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Including increase in line with LTIS
strategies by region
Flood Flood Remaining schemes and Thames South East Public No Public / private Planned Various Various Yes £390 m £29 m £30 m £35 m £22 m £68 m £205 m Pre-project nominal 2011 4.78 Existing framework 2013 Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Including increase in line with LTIS
strategies by region
Flood Flood Remaining schemes and Wessex South West Public No Public / private Planned Various Various Yes £176 m £3 m £5 m £4 m £16 m £37 m £110 m Pre-project nominal 2011 6.45 Existing framework 2013 Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Including increase in line with LTIS
strategies by region
Flood Flood Remaining schemes and Yorkshire North East Public No Public / private Planned Various Various Yes £667 m £13 m £18 m £10 m £13 m £153 m £460 m Pre-project nominal 2011 1.52 Existing framework 2013 Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Including increase in line with LTIS
strategies by region

11 of 28
Infrastructure investment pipeline November 2011
Sector Sub-sector Sub group Project / programme name Description / purpose Region Asset Ownership Economically Regulated Investment Funding Source(s) Scheme Status Earliest Construction Start Date Date In Service On Schedule Total capex cost all funding (£m) Total capex cost publicly funded, if different (£m) 2011/12 (£m) 2012/13 (£m) 2013/14 (£m) 2014/15 (£m) 2015 to 2020 Beyond 2020 Estimate Status Cost Base Base Year Significant land related costs (£m) Finance costs where privately funded e.g. PFI (£m) FM or other significant 'non-construction' related costs (£m) Planned Procurement Route Expiry date for existing frameworks Procuring Authority Public source for further project details2 Data Source(s) Notes
Flood Flood Schemes costing over £50m Broadland PPPP The project covers all matters related to flood defence services associated with the Broadland tidal river East of England Public No Public Started 2001 2013 Yes £142 m £14 m £15 m £8 m £2 m £10 m £2 m Bid price nominal 2011 Other (include details in notes) Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Broadland Flood Alleviation Strategy
system, including maintenance, emergency response, strategic planning, design and improvement
Flood Flood Schemes costing over £50m Irwell Catchment Future Capital Allowance for future Long Term Plan Capital Investment North West Public No Public Proposed tbc tbc Yes £53 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £53 m Pre-project nominal 2011 New framework Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan
Flood Flood Schemes costing over £50m Leeds City Flood Alleviation Scheme North East Public No Public Proposed tbc tbc Yes £171 m 72 £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £171 m £0 m Pre-project nominal 2011 New framework Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Upper Aire Strategy
Flood Flood Schemes costing over £50m Lower Thames FAS engineering component Review and implementation of the Engineered Component as recommended within the Lower Thames South East Public No Public Proposed 2024 2032 Yes £333 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £1 m £332 m Pre-project nominal 2011 1.4 Stand-alone Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Lower Thames Strategy
Strategy. 135
Flood Flood Schemes costing over £50m Rossall Hospital to Chatsworth Avenue Coastal Defence Improvements Works Implement the results of the Framework For Action, i.e. PAR recommendations. The project is likely to North West Public No Public Planned 2014 2018 Yes £85 m £0 m £0 m £2 m £14 m £42 m £0 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Stand-alone Wyre Borough Council Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan
require replacement of the existing vertical walled defences with improved hydraulically efficient
defences, with the intention of protecting and raising beach levels, reducing long term damage and
reducing overtopping and breach potential.
Flood Flood Schemes costing over £50m TBAG works - Next 5 yrs Approval Period & Beyond Thames Barrier and Associated Gates works South East Public No Public Proposed 2012 tbc Yes £315 m £0 m £2 m £3 m £6 m £18 m £285 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Stand-alone Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan
Flood Flood Schemes costing over £50m Thames Weirs Investment Strategy - Works From Weir replacement work packages recommended by the Thames Weirs Capital Investment Plan for years South East Public No Public Proposed tbc tbc Yes £72 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £72 m Pre-project nominal 2011 New framework Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Thames Weirs Investment Strategy
Flood Flood Strategies generating schemes Arun to Pagham CDS Review Strategy South East Public No Public / private Proposed tbc tbc Yes £1 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Pre-project nominal 2011 New framework Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Cost of schemes generated by strategy = 69m
over £50m in total
Flood Flood Strategies generating schemes Exe Estuary Strategy Strategy South West Public No Public / private Proposed tbc tbc Yes £1 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Pre-project nominal 2011 New framework Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Cost of schemes generated by strategy = 75m
over £50m in total
Flood Flood Strategies generating schemes Lower Thames Strategy Strategy South East Public No Public / private Proposed tbc tbc Yes £2 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Pre-project nominal 2011 New framework Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Cost of schemes generated by strategy = 256m
over £50m in total
Flood Flood Strategies generating schemes Portchester Castle to Emsworth CDS (WasPortsCreek) Strategy South East Public No Public / private Proposed tbc tbc Yes £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Concept nominal 2011 New framework Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Cost of schemes generated by strategy = 55m
over £50m in total
Flood Schemes costing over £50m Schemes costing over £50m TE2100 Implementation Start-up Project - Anglian Development and implementation of TE2100 strategy South East Public No Public Proposed 2018 tbc Yes £81 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £24 m £57 m Estimated Constant 2010/11 Indicative Allocation
Flood Schemes costing over £50m Schemes costing over £50m TE2100 Implementation Start-up Project - Thames Development and implementation of TE2100 strategy South East Public No Public Proposed 2013 tbc Yes £92 m £0 m £1 m £5 m £8 m £40 m £38 m Estimated Constant 2010/11 Indicative Allocation
Intellectual capital Research Research E-infrastructure and High Performance Computing (HPC) To invest in HPC, software development, data storage, and high speed networks for both scientific and UK Public No Public Planned 2011 2012 Yes £145 m £145 m Costs at Present Values
industrial R&D and innovation.
Intellectual capital Research Research ISIS Target Station 2 Phase II The design and construction of the next set of four neutron scattering instruments South East Public No Public Planned Unknown Yes £21 m £14 m £4 m £2 m £1 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal Full business case
Intellectual capital Research Research National Space Technology Programme To start a National Space Technology Programme and accelerate the development of the international South East Public No Public Planned Unknown Unknown £10 m £10 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal Outline proposal The joint National Space Technology Programme and TSB 'Space for Growth call
space innovation centre was launched 31st October 2011, £6m from BIS and £2.5 from TSB. Further £4m in
the NTST will be allocated through pathfindertechnology demonstration and
horizon scanning R&D which will use ISIC research teams. Costs are present values

Intellectual capital Research Research Daresbury technology upgrades To build on the Daresbury Campus expertise in accelerator, detector and imaging technologies North West Public No Public Planned Unknown Yes £10 m £10 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal Full business case
Intellectual capital Research Research Development of the Norwich Research Park New infrastructure and incubator space to make the campus more attractive and accessible to business East of England Public No Public Planned Unknown Unknown £26 m £26 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal Outline proposal
and other users, and encourage new companies to locate and develop at the campus
Intellectual capital Research Research Development of the Babraham Research Campus New infrastructure and incubator space to make the campus more attractive and accessible to business East of England Public No Public Planned Unknown Unknown £44 m £44 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal Outline proposal
and other users, and encourage new companies to locate and develop at the campus
Intellectual capital Research Research European Life-Science Infrastructure for Biological Information (ELIXIR) To improve facilities for storing and accessing bio-molecular research data East of England Public No Public Planned Unknown Unknown £74 m £0 m £5 m £9 m £18 m £32 m £10 m Estimated Nominal Outline business case
Intellectual capital TICs TICs Technology and Innovation Centres Capital intensive facilities and expertise that are focused on technology areas prioritised by the UK Private No Public / private he first TIC with a focus on High 2011 2013 Yes. Outcome of the ‘High Value Manufacturing’ Technology £30 m £15 m £15 m BIS analysis, Hauser review Technology and Innovation Centres are not core economic infrastructure (e.g.
Technology Strategy Board and complement its programmes to help UK industry exploit new and Value Manufacturing is now and Innovation Centre competition was announced before energy, communications, flood protection, water, waste and transport) , but are
emerging technologies for competitive advantage. open for business following an Budget; the area for the next centre, ‘Cell Therapy’, was rather, research facilities that are targeted at the needs of businesses in specific
investment of over £140m over announced at Budget; and a third TIC has been specified to technology areas. Programme costs that will be provided on a monthly basis and
6 years. focus on the area of Offshore Renewable Energy scrutinised against an agreed work programme

Note: Private ownership on Not For Profit basis

Two other areas have been identified and are under development – Cell Therapy
and Offshore Renewables; andThe TSB has identified the 10 technology areas from
which the next three TICs, that will complete the network, will be selected,
following a process of further detailed discussions with the business and academic

Transport Airports Airports Heathrow Capital Investment Programme Investment programme for current regulatory period (Source: CAA Q5 Decision and Q5+1 Doc) London Private Yes Private Started 2008 2014 Yes £5,521 m £886 m £580 m £735 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 CAA (Q5 Decision and Q5+1 Doc)
Transport Airports Airports Gatwick Capital Investment Programme Investment programme for current regulatory period (Source: CAA Q5 Decision) South East Private Yes Private Started 2008 2013 Yes £920 m £147 m £90 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 CAA (Q5 Decision) CAA is still agreeing with the airport the capex assumption for 2013/14.
Transport Airports Airports Stansted Capital Investment Programme Based on December 2009 statement to investors, excluding new runway development (Source: CAA Q5 East of England Private Yes Private Started 2009 2014 Yes £127 m £17 m £20 m £19 m Estimated Constant 2007/08 CAA (Q5 recommendations)
Transport Airports Airports Manchester Terminal 2 Retail and Security Scheme North West Private No Private £11 m £6 m £6 m Nominal DfT
Transport Airports Airports Glasgow 10 year investment plan Scotland Private No Private Started Started 2021 Programme £200 m £20 m £20 m £20 m £20 m £100 m £20 m Nominal DfT Assume spread evenly over 10 year period
Transport Airports Airports Bournemouth Redevelopment programme including new terminal South West Private No Private Started Started 2015 £45 m £11 m £11 m Nominal DfT Assume spread evenly over a 4 year period with two years to go
Transport Airports Airports Lydd New terminal and runway extension South East Private No Private Proposed £25 m £13 m £13 m Nominal DfT Assume spread evenly over a two year period
Transport Airports Airports Birmingham To enable long-haul flights by extension of main runway and associated infrastructure; new air traffic West Midlands Private / Public No Private Confirmed 2012 2015 £65 m £16 m £16 m £16 m £16 m Nominal Birmingham Airport Public airport company (PAC) - 49% public, 48.25% private, 2.75% employee
control tower.
Transport Airports Airports Bristol Expansion of airport - extended terminal building; provision of new aircraft stands, public transport South West Private No Private Confirmed 2020 £150 m £17 m £17 m £17 m £17 m £83 m Nominal Bristol Airport
interchange, car parking and and ancillary supporting developments.
Transport Airports NATS NATS Investment in air traffic control infrastructure UK Private Yes Private Planned n/a Unknown £1,587 m £138 m £143 m £146 m £131 m £978 m Estimated Nominal Performance NERL 10 year plan from March 2010 Information taken from published NERL 10 year plan March 2010. For year 2015 -
2020; £978m is the sum of financial years 2015/16 - 2019/20 plus 9 months of
financial year 2020/21

Transport LA Majors Other A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road Linking the M56 at Manchester Airport with the A6 south of Stockport North West Public No Public / private Planned 2012 £284 m £5 m £9 m £50 m £56 m £45 m Estimated Nominal
Transport LA Majors Other Highways Maintenance Block Funding DfT capital funding provided to local highway authorities outside of London for highways maintenance, England Public No Public Confirmed annual grant funding Yes £806 m £779 m £750 m £707 m Confirmed Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority DfT records This entry relates to the highways maintenance Block for 2011/12 to 2014/15
allocated by formula which is capital grant allocated to authorities by formula and not ring-fenced.

Transport LA Majors Other Integrated Transport Block DfT capital funding for local authority small scale transport schemes outside of London, allocated by England Public no Public Confirmed annual grant funding yes £1,440 m £350 m £320 m £320 m £450 m Confirmed Nominal DfT records This entry relates to the Integrated Transport Block for 2011/12 to 2014/15 which
formula is capital grantallocated to authorities by formula and not ring-fenced.

Transport LA Majors Other Local Authority Major Schemes - Committed and Approved DfT capital funding for large transport capital projects promoted by Local Authorities outside of London England Public No Public Started Various programme yes £1,126 m £459 m £288 m £229 m £249 m £8 m Confirmed Nominal DfT records This entry relates to those schemes that were either in construction and/or have a
live funding approval (Full, Conditional or Programme Entry including the 20
schemes announced on 29/11/11 as part of the growth review). Other
Development Pool schemes are not included here. The total publicly funded
investment is the DfT funding provided and does not include the local authority

Transport LA Majors Other Local Authority Major Schemes - Development Pool DfT capital funding for large transport capital projects promoted by Local Authrorities outside of London England Public no Public Planned 2011 programme Unknown £492m (in SR10) £0 m £76 m £180 m £236 m Confirmed Nominal DfT records This entry relates to the SR budget allocation for LA Major schemes less the
commitments and approvals in the above entry. Schemes aproved 29/11/11 are
not included here. The choice of schemes will not be made until the end of 2011.

Transport LA Majors Other Local Sustainable Transport Fund DfT bid-based funding pot (capital and resource) for sustainable transport schemes promoted by local England Public No Public Confirmed programme yes £560 m £80 m £140 m £160 m £180 m Confirmed Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority DfT records Bids are limited to £50m, comprising packages of resource and capital measures.
authorities outside of London 560
Transport LA Majors Other Mersey Gateway Construction of new crossing over River Mersey between Runcorn and Widnes, involves tolling new and North West Public no Public / private Proposed 2013/14 c2017 Unknown - £10 m £71 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority DfT records Further work required following information supplied by promoter.
existing bridge 470
Transport LA Majors PFI projects in operation A130 PFI DfT funding for local highway authority road improvement PFI project East of England Public No Public / private Started 2002 2002 Yes £98 m 97.5 £2 m £2 m £2 m £2 m Confirmed Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority HMT PFI 6-monthly return (updated by LA) Annual amounts are Capital amounts.
Transport LA Majors PFI projects in operation Birmingham Highway Maintenance PFI DfT funding provided to local highway authority for highways maintenance PFI project West Midlands Public No Public / private Started 2010 2010 Yes £322 m 625.2 £64 m £64 m £64 m £64 m £11 m Confirmed Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority HMT PFI 6-monthly return (updated by LA) Annual amounts are Capital amounts.
Transport LA Majors PFI projects in operation Doncaster Interchange PFI DfT funding for local highway authority road improvement PFI project Yorkshire & the Humber Public No Public / private Started 2006 2006 Yes £200 m 26.184 £5 m £5 m £5 m £5 m Confirmed Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority HMT PFI 6-monthly return (updated by LA) Annual amounts are Capital amounts.
Transport LA Majors PFI projects in operation Nottingham Express Transit Phase 1, PFI DfT funding provided to local authority for tram system PFI project East Midlands Public No Public / private Started 2004 2004 Yes £221 m 174.2 £11 m £11 m £11 m £11 m Confirmed Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority HMT PFI 6-monthly return (updated by LA) Annual amounts are Capital amounts.
Transport LA Majors PFI projects in operation Portsmouth Highways Maintenance PFI DfT funding provided to local highway authority for highways maintenance PFI project South East Public No Public / private Started 2004 2004 Yes £121 m 121 £6 m £6 m £6 m £6 m Confirmed Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority HMT PFI 6-monthly return (updated by LA) Annual amounts are Capital amounts.
Transport LA Majors PFI projects in operation Street Lighting PFI Programme DfT funding provided for local highway authorities for street lighting PFI projects England Public No Public / private Started programme Yes £1,460 m £169 m £154 m £213 m £167 m Confirmed Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority HMT PFI 6-monthly return (updated by LA) Annual amounts are Capital amounts.
Transport LA Majors PFI projects in procurement Hounslow Highway Maintenance PFI DfT funding provided to local highway authority for highways maintenance PFI project London Public No Public / private Planned 2013 2013 Yes £100 m £20 m £20 m £60 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority HMT PFI 6-monthly return (updated by LA) Annual amounts are Capital amounts. Assume "planned" status means "in
267 procurement"
Transport LA Majors PFI projects in procurement Isle of Wight Highway Maintenance PFI DfT funding provided to local highway authority for highways maintenance PFI project South East Public No Public / private Planned 2013 2013 Yes £133 m £15 m £26 m £91 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority HMT PFI 6-monthly return (updated by LA) Annual amounts are Capital amounts. Assume "planned" status means "in
364.6 procurement"
Transport LA Majors PFI projects in procurement Nottingham Express Transit Phase 2 PFI DfT funding provided to local authority for tram system PFI project East Midlands Public No Public / private Planned 2011 2011 Yes £581 m £131 m £238 m £162 m £50 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority HMT PFI 6-monthly return (updated by LA) Annual amounts are Capital amounts. Assume "planned" status means "in
530.7 procurement"
Transport LA Majors PFI projects in procurement Sheffield Highway Maintenance PFI DfT funding provided to local highway authority for highways maintenance PFI project Yorkshire & the Humber Public No Public / private Planned 2011 2011 Yes £464 m £52 m £60 m £60 m £292 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority HMT PFI 6-monthly return (updated by LA) Annual amounts are Capital amounts. Assume "planned" status means "in
674.1 procurement"
Transport London London London Underground capital investment programme Variety of schemes, many already underway - includes line upgrades on the Northern, Piccadilly, London Public No Public Some started, some confirmed, 2011 2015 various £5,672 m £1,472 m £1,418 m £1,448 m £1,334 m Nominal Transport for London business plan Total costs are for the years 2011/12 to 2014/15 which is the period covered by
Metropolitan, Circle, District and Hammersmith & City lines, and station upgrades at Victoria, Bank, some planned TfL's current business plan. Further costs are expected to be incurred beyond this
Tottenham Court Road, Paddington (Hammersmith & City), Bond Street business-plan-2011-12-to-2014-15.pdf period. TfL is responsible for its investment programmes and will tender contracts
for work in the normal way. The figures provided here may include some capital
expenditure on maintenance and renewals.

Transport London London Transport for London "London streets" capital investment programme Variety of schemes, many already underway - includes a small number of major junction improvement London Public No Public Some started, some confirmed, 2011 2015 various £396 m £125 m £98 m £91 m £82 m Nominal Transport for London business plan Total costs are for the years 2011/12 to 2014/15 which is the period covered by
schemes and the cycle superhighways as well as other smaller schemes some planned TfL's current business plan. Further costs are expected to be incurred beyond this
business-plan-2011-12-to-2014-15.pdf period. TfL is responsible for its investment programmes and will tender contracts
for work in the normal way. The figures provided here may include some capital
expenditure on maintenance and renewals.

Transport London London Transport for London "London rail" capital investment programme London Public No Public Some started, some confirmed, 2011 2015 various £254 m £184 m £45 m £13 m £12 m Nominal Transport for London business plan Total costs are for the years 2011/12 to 2014/15 which is the period covered by
some planned TfL's current business plan. Further costs are expected to be incurred beyond this
business-plan-2011-12-to-2014-15.pdf period. TfL is responsible for its investment programmes and will tender contracts
for work in the normal way. The figures provided here may include some capital
expenditure on maintenance and renewals.

Transport Rail Crossrail Crossrail Crossrail will deliver a new high-frequency rail service and supporting infrastructure for London and the London Public/Private No Public / private Confirmed 2009 2018 YES £14,500 m £1,300 m £1,650 m £2,300 m £2,500 m £5,125 m Nominal Analysis based on RP4 baseline incl NR costs
South East, with 13 miles of twin tunnels and eight new underground stations across central London.
Services will run from Maidenhead and Heathrow in the west to Shenfield in the east and Abbey Wood
in the south east.

Transport Rail DfT / Network Rail Access for All Mid Tier Programme Accessibility improvements at stations Great Britain Public No Public 2011 Yes 17m £1 m £9 m £8 m
Transport Rail High Speed Rail National high speed rail network (phase one) - construction Line from London Euston to the West Midlands with stations at Old Oak Common, Birmingham Great Britain Public No Public / private proposed 2017 2026 Yes £17,000 m £174 m £223 m £151 m £274 m £11,943 m £4,235 m Estimated Nominal High Speed Rail: Investing in Britain's Future, Consultation This project is subject to the outcome of public consultation and final decisions by
Interchange and Birmingham Curzon Street. Direct connections onto the West Coast Main Line for February 2011 Government and subject to Parliamentary approval and the passing of legislation
services to the NW and Scotland, and onto HS1 for services to the Continent. The design capability of the
line would 250 miles per hour, but with an operating limit of 225 miles per hour at opening.

Transport Rail High Speed Rail National high speed rail network (phase one) - rolling stock Line from London Euston to the West Midlands with stations at Old Oak Common, Birmingham Great Britain Public No Public / private proposed 2020 2026 Yes £3,000 m £3,000 m Estimated Nominal High Speed Rail: Investing in Britain's Future, Consultation This project is subject to the outcome of public consultation and final decisions by
Interchange and Birmingham Curzon Street. Direct connections onto the West Coast Main Line for February 2011 Government and subject to Parliamentary approval and the passing of legislation
services to the NW and Scotland, and onto HS1 for services to the Continent. The design capability of the
line would 250 miles per hour, but with an operating limit of 225 miles per hour at opening.

Transport Rail High Speed Rail National high speed rail network (phase two) - construction Great Britain Public No Public / private Proposed 2022 2032 Yes £15,000 m £15,000 m Estimated Nominal High Speed Rail: Investing in Britain's Future, Consultation This project is subject to the outcome of public consultation and final decisions by
Separate lines from West Midlands to Leeds and Manchester, with intermediate stations in the East February 2011 Government and subject to Parliamentary approval and the passing of legislation
Midlands and South Yorkshire. Direct connections to Heathrow and onto the West and East Coast main
lines for services to the NW, NE and Scotland.
Transport Rail High Speed Rail National high speed rail network (phase two) - rolling stock Great Britain Public No Public / private Proposed 2025 2032 Yes £2,000 m £2,000 m Estimated Nominal High Speed Rail: Investing in Britain's Future, Cons
Separate lines from West Midlands to Leeds and Manchester, with intermediate stations in the East
Midlands and South Yorkshire. Direct connections to Heathrow and onto the West and East Coast main
lines for services to the NW, NE and Scotland.
Transport Rail Network Rail National Stations Improvement Programme Improving the environment at stations Great Britain Private Yes Public / private Started 2009 2014 Yes £370 m £36 m £34 m £32 m Confirmed Constant 2010/11 NR enhancement plan - Dec 2010

Transport Rail Network Rail Strategic freight network Programme of rail improvements for freight access Great Britain Private Yes Public / private Started 2011 2014 £230 m £59 m £67 m £50 m Confirmed Constant 2010/11 NR enhancement plan - Dec 2010
Transport Rail Network Rail Access for All Main Programme Great Britain Private Yes Public / private Started 2009 2015 £246 m £63 m £36 m £19 m £37 m Confirmed Constant 2010/11 NR enhancement plan - Dec 2010
Transport Rail Network Rail Kings Cross Station improvements Upgrade of Kings' Cross station London Private Yes Public / private Started 2013 £374 m £113 m £21 m £13 m Confirmed Constant 2010/11 NR enhancement plan - Dec 2010
Transport Rail Network Rail WCML improvements programme A programme of improvements to the West Coast Mainline. England Private Yes Public / private Started 2010 2019 £514 m £94 m £214 m £170 m Confirmed Constant 2010/11 NR enhancement plan - Dec 2010
Transport Rail Network Rail Thameslink Improvements to track and stations between Bedford and Brighton South East Private Yes Public / private Started 2015 £4,396 m £626 m £440 m £292 m £427 m £1,387 m Confirmed Constant 2010/11 NR estimates - October 2011 Costs are in outturn prices
Transport Rail Network Rail Reading Upgrade to Reading station South East Private Yes Public / private Started 2010 2016 £680 m £135 m £183 m £164 m £105 m £104 m Confirmed Constant 2010/11 NR estimates - Feb 2011 Costs are in outturn prices
Transport Rail Network Rail Birmingham New Street Upgrade to Birmingham New Street station West Midlands Private Yes Public / private Started 2011 2015 £642 m £160 m £160 m £160 m £160 m Confirmed Constant 2010/11 NR accounts provided to DfT - Feb 2011 Assumes even spread over four year period. Costs are in outturn prices
Transport Rail Network Rail Southern train lengthening Investment in infrastructure to enable longer trains on key routes within South East England South East Private Yes Public / private Started 2010 2014 £406 m £251 m £73 m £43 m Confirmed Constant 2010/11 NR enhancement plan - Dec 2010
Transport Rail Network Rail Power supply upgrade Improved power supplies in the South East to enable longer trains to operate South East Private Yes Public / private Started 2011 2016 £141 m £48 m £33 m £14 m Confirmed Constant 2010/11 NR enhancement plan - Dec 2010
Transport Rail Network Rail ECML improvements programme Improvements to the East Coast Main Line between London and York England Private Yes Public / private Started 2011 2013 £582 m £131 m £197 m £230 m Confirmed Constant 2010/11 NR enhancement plan - Dec 2010
Transport Rail Network Rail Midlands improvements programme A variety of track improvements in the Midlands which will reduce journey times. England Private Yes Public / private Started 2011 2013 £89 m £14 m £40 m £23 m Confirmed Constant 2010/11 NR enhancement plan - Dec 2010
Transport Rail Network Rail Northern Urban Centres - Yorkshire Yorkshire & the Humber Private Yes Public / private Started 2012 2013 £90 m £10 m £28 m £51 m Confirmed Constant 2010/11 NR enhancement plan - Dec 2010

Transport Rail Network Rail Northern Urban Centres - Manchester Improvements on the Manchester to Liverpool line to enable longer trains to operate. North West Private Yes Public / private Started 2012 2014 £96 m £12 m £45 m £37 m Confirmed Constant 2010/11 NR enhancement plan - Dec 2010
Transport Rail Network Rail Western improvements programme Great Britain Private Yes Public / private Started 2015 £99 m £26 m £17 m £7 m Confirmed Constant 2010/11 NR enhancement plan - Dec 2010

Transport Rail Network Rail Paisley Corridor improvements Line and line speed improvements between Glasgow Airport station and Glasgow Central station. Scotland Private Yes Public / private Started £162 m £81 m £3 m Confirmed Constant 2010/11 NR enhancement plan - Dec 2010

Transport Rail Network Rail Other CP4 investment Reflects other projects, renewals and maintenance. Great Britain Private Yes Public / private Started 2009 2014 £13,871 m £5,166 m £4,616 m £4,089 m £5,460 m Confirmed Constant 2010/11

Transport Autumn statement programme A14 Kettering Bypass Trunk road improvement project East Midlands Public No Public Planned 2013 Unknown £113 m £0 m £1 m £23 m £61 m £28 m Estimated Nominal
Roads - HA Majors

Transport Autumn statement programme A45 / A46 Tollbar End Trunk road improvement project West Midlands Public No Public Planned 2012 Unknown £273m to deliver A45/6 and A453 below £1 m £27 m £86 m £100 m £59 m Estimated Nominal
Roads - HA Majors

Transport Autumn statement programme A453 Widening Trunk road improvement project East Midlands Public No Public Planned 2012 Unknown Estimated Nominal See A45 / A46 Tollbar End for costs
Roads - HA Majors

Transport Autumn statement programme M1 / M6 Junction 19 Improvement Trunk road improvement project East Midlands Public No Public Planned 2013 Unknown £153 m £5 m £31 m £60 m £57 m Estimated Nominal
Roads - HA Majors

Transport Autumn statement programme M6 Junctions 10a to 13 Managed motorway project West Midlands Public No Public Planned 2012 Unknown £119 m £2 m £3 m £8 m £31 m £75 m Estimated Nominal
Roads - HA Majors

Transport Autumn statement programme M3 Junctions 2 to 4a Managed motorway project South East Public No Public Planned 2012 Unknown £150 m £5 m £42 m £69 m £34 m Estimated Nominal
Roads - HA Majors

Transport Roads - HA Majors Future SR Periods A160 / A180 Immingham Trunk road improvement project Yorkshire & the Humber Public No Public Proposed After 2015 Unknown Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Future SR Periods A19 / A1058 Coast Road Junction Trunk road improvement project North East Public No Public Proposed After 2015 Unknown Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Future SR Periods A19 Testos Trunk road improvement project North East Public No Public Proposed After 2015 Unknown Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Future SR Periods A21 Tonbridge to Pembury Trunk road improvement project South East Public No Public Proposed After 2015 Unknown Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Future SR Periods A27 Chichester Bypass Trunk road improvement project South East Public No Public Proposed After 2015 Unknown Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Future SR Periods A38 Derby Junctions Trunk road improvement project East Midlands Public No Public Proposed After 2015 Unknown Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Future SR Periods A5-M1 Link Road Trunk road improvement project East of England Public No Public / private Proposed After 2015 Unknown Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Future SR Periods A63 Castle Street Trunk road improvement project Yorkshire & the Humber Public No Public Proposed After 2015 Unknown Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Future SR Periods M25 Junction 30 Trunk road improvement project East of England Public No Public Proposed After 2015 Unknown Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Future SR Periods M6 Junctions 10a to 13 Managed motorway project West Midlands Public No Public Proposed After 2015 Unknown Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors HA PFI Highways Agency PFI schemes Schemes already committed - numbers from SR allocation England Public No Public Confirmed 2011 2015 Programme £1,704 m £394 m £447 m £441 m £422 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency HMT Spending Team
Transport Roads - HA Majors Pre SR10 comitted starts M1 J10-J13 Pre SR10 comitted starts South East Public No Public Started Yes £180 m £131 m £49 m Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Pre SR10 comitted starts A1 Dishforth to Leeming Pre SR10 comitted starts Yorkshire & the Humber Public No Public Started Yes £76 m £76 m Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Pre SR10 comitted starts A3 Hindhead Pre SR10 comitted starts South East Public No Public Started Yes £19 m £19 m Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Pre SR10 comitted starts A46 Newark to Widmerpool Pre SR10 comitted starts East Midlands Public No Public Started Yes £127 m £127 m Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Pre SR10 comitted starts M1 Junction 19/M6 (Viaduct) Pre SR10 comitted starts East Midlands Public No Public Started Yes £11 m £11 m Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Pre SR10 comitted starts M25 J16-23 (DBFO Section 1) Pre SR10 comitted starts London Public No Private Started Yes £204 m £153 m £51 m Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Pre SR10 comitted starts M25 J27-30 (DBFO Section 4) Pre SR10 comitted starts London Public No Private Started Yes £229 m £182 m £47 m Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts A11 Fiveways to Thetford Trunk road improvement project East of England Public No Public Confirmed 2012 2015 Yes £90 m £3 m £26 m £33 m £29 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts A23 Handcross to Warninglid Trunk road improvement project South East Public No Public Confirmed 2011 2015 Yes £57 m £6 m £23 m £21 m £7 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts A556 Knutsford to Bowdon Trunk road improvement project North West Public No Public Confirmed 2013/15 Yes £157 m £3 m £2 m £4 m £79 m £69 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts M1 Junctions 28 to 31 Managed motorway project East Midlands Public No Public Confirmed 2013/15 Yes £188 m £3 m £12 m £92 m £75 m £6 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts M1 Junctions 32 to 35a Managed motorway project Yorkshire & the Humber Public No Public Confirmed 2012 2015 Yes £111 m £2 m £14 m £67 m £28 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts M1 Junctions 39 to 42 Managed motorway project Yorkshire & the Humber Public No Public Confirmed 2013/15 Yes £124 m £1 m £3 m £10 m £93 m £17 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts M25 Junctions 23 to 27 Managed motorway project South East Public No Public Confirmed 2013/15 Yes £217 m £3 m £4 m £10 m £111 m £90 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts M25 Junctions 5 to 6/7 Managed motorway project South East Public No Public Confirmed 2013/15 Yes £135 m £1 m £3 m £82 m £49 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts M4 J19 - 20 to M5 J15 - 17 Managed motorway project South West Public No Public Confirmed 2011 2014 Yes £77 m £14 m £57 m £6 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts M6 Junctions 5 to 8 Managed motorway project West Midlands Public No Public Confirmed 2012 2015 Yes £113 m £8 m £42 m £62 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts M60 Junctions 12 to 15 Managed motorway project North West Public No Public Confirmed 2013/15 Yes £34 m £1 m £3 m £9 m £19 m £2 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts M60 Junctions 8 to 12 Managed motorway project North West Public No Public Confirmed 2013/15 Yes £66 m £1 m £3 m £16 m £43 m £5 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts M62 Junctions 18 to 20 Managed motorway project North West Public No Public Confirmed 2013/15 Yes £80 m £1 m £3 m £5 m £47 m £25 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts M62 Junctions 25 to 30 Managed motorway project North West Public No Public Confirmed 2011 2014 Yes £134 m £26 m £75 m £33 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts SR10 Schemes scheduled to start in 2013/14 or 2014/12 Managed Motorway & Traditional project England Public No Public Confirmed After 2015 Unknown £194 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £194 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Under review for post 2015 M20 Junction 10a Trunk road improvement project South East Public No Public / private Proposed After 2015 Unknown Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Under review for post 2015 M54 / M6 / M6 Toll Trunk road improvement project West Midlands Public No Public / private Proposed After 2015 Unknown Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Renewals HA renewals A27 E/WB: M27-EstnRd 46/7-49/0 Roads - Pavement Strengthening South East Public No Public Started 2011 2012 Yes £11 m £0 m £10 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Renewals HA renewals A27 EasternRd-A3M E&WB Pavmnt Roads - Pavement Strengthening South East Public No Public Confirmed 2011 2012 Yes £13 m £0 m £13 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Renewals HA renewals A404 Cox Green N&SB Pavement Roads - Pavement Strengthening South East Public No Public Confirmed 2011 2011 Yes £17 m £0 m £15 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Renewals HA renewals Highway Agency capital renewals Does not include maintenance England Public No Public Confirmed 2011 2015 Programme £1,507 m £397 m £394 m £386 m £384 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency Highways Agency estimates supplied to ERG Does not include maintenance - figures in annual report do
Transport Roads - HA Renewals HA renewals M180 J4 - J5 Roads - Safety Barrier North East Public No Public Confirmed 40840 n/a Yes £13 m £1 m £12 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Renewals HA renewals M271 Southampton, South of M27 Roads - Pavement Strengthening South East Public No Public Started 2011 2011 Yes £32 m £8 m £6 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Renewals HA renewals M4 J4-15 Baydon Ph3 C/Res VCB Roads - Safety Barrier South East Public No Public Confirmed 2011 2011 Yes £24 m £6 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Renewals HA renewals M5 J13 STROUDWATERI/C BRIDGE C Structures - Bridge and Large Culvert South West Public No Public Confirmed 2013 2015 Yes £12 m £0 m £0 m £6 m £6 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Renewals HA renewals OD3:A3 CLANFIELD SB LOW TEXT C Roads - Pavement Strengthening South West Public No Public Confirmed 2011 2011 Yes £10 m £0 m £10 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Renewals HA renewals TOD3: A404M Western Region C Structures - Bridge and Large Culvert South East Public No Public Started 2011 2011 Yes £19 m £2 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Barnsley Doncaster Rotherham (BDR) South Yorks Waste PFI Yorkshire & the Humber Public No Public Confirmed 2012 2015 Yes £65 m 77.4 £0 m £0 m £29 m £36 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 77.4 See Column D Tim Hardie ( WIDP Reporting
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Bradford Metropolitan District Council Bradford Waste Treatment Services Project Yorkshire & the Humber Public No Public Confirmed 2013 2016 Yes £105 m £0 m £14 m £92 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 62.1 See Column D WIDP Reporting
62.1 Shahid Nazir (
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Cornwall Waste Management Procurement South West Public No Public Started 2011 2014 Yes £176 m £55 m £95 m £10 m £6 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 45 See Column D WIDP Reporting

45 Miranda Lingard (

Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects East Sussex, Brighton & Hove New Waste Partnerships - A Joint Integrated Waste Management Service South East Public No Public Started Commissioning Stage 2011 Yes £216 m 49 £7 m £4 m £9 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Bid price Nominal 49 See Column D Mark Romain ( WIDP Reporting
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Essex County Council & Southend Borough Council Essex County Council and Southend-on-Sea Waste Management Project East of England Public No Public Confirmed 2013 2015 Yes £179 m 100.9 £7 m £43 m £130 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 100.9 See Column D Gerald Price ( WIDP Reporting
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority Manchester Waste North West Public No Public Started 2009 2013 Yes £637 m 124.5 £110 m £31 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 124.5 See Column D John Bland ( WIDP Reporting
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Herefordshire & Worcestershire Waste Management Project West Midlands Public No Public Started 2012 2015 Yes £81 m £0 m £0 m £60 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Pre-procurement Nominal 57.4 Other (include details in notes) See Column D WIDP Reporting

57.4 Martin Finch (

Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire County Council Waste Management Services East of England Public No Public Confirmed 2012 2016 Yes £223 m 115.3 £0 m £44 m £63 m £86 m £30 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 115.3 See Column D Bryony Rothwell ( WIDP Reporting
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Lancashire County Council Lancashire Waste Partnership PFI proposal North West Public No Public Started 2007 May - July 2010 Yes £262 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 90 See Column D WIDP Reporting
90 Steve Weaver (
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Leeds City Council Leeds Residual Waste Treatment Project Yorkshire & the Humber Public No Public Confirmed 2012 2016 Yes £145 m 86.6 £68 m £63 m £0 m £0 m £2 m £13 m Estimated Nominal 86.6 See Column D Amy Tuck( WIDP Reporting
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects London Borough of Southwark Integrated Waste Management Solutions Programme London Public No Public Started 2010 2012 Yes £69 m 34.5 £6 m £0 m £45 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 34.5 See Column D Denis Callaghan ( WIDP Reporting
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Merseyside Waste DA Waste Management Project North West Public No Public Confirmed 2012 2016 Yes £436 m £0 m £123 m £123 m £123 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 90 See Column D WIDP Reporting

90 Terry Bradley (

Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Norfolk County Council Norfolk Waste Management Project East of England Public No Public Confirmed 2012 2015 Yes £148 m 91 £0 m £46 m £64 m £38 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 91 See Column D Joel Hull ( WIDP Reporting Indicative project timeline is subject to change as programme fine tuned
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects North Yorkshire & City of York Waste Management Project Yorkshire & the Humber Public No Public Confirmed 2012 2016 Yes £256 m 65 £34 m £108 m £91 m £23 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 65 See Column D Lisa Cooper ( WIDP Reporting
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Nottinghamshire County Council Nottinghamshire Sustainable Waste Solutions East Midlands Public No Public Started unknown 2014 Yes £132 m £56 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 38.31 See Column D WIDP Reporting

38.31 Michael Allen (

Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Shropshire Waste Partnership Integrated Waste Contract West Midlands Public No Public Started unknown 2014 Yes £142 m £28 m £25 m £48 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 40.8 See Column D WIDP Reporting

40.8 Claire Charlesworth-jones (Claire

Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects South Tyne & Wear Partnership ST&W Waste Management Partnership North East Public No Public Started 2011 2014 Yes £175 m 73.5 £47 m £82 m £46 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 73.5 See Column D Alan Townsend ( WIDP Reporting
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects South West Devon Waste Partnership (Plymouth/Torbay/Devon*) South West Devon Waste Partnership (SWDWP) Waste Management Project South West Public No Public Confirmed 2012 2015 Yes £196 m 95 £0 m £55 m £141 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 95 See Column D Mark Turner ( WIDP Reporting
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Staffordshire County Council Staffordshire Waste Management Project West Midlands Public No Public Started 2011 2013 Yes £166 m 122.4 £54 m £77 m £31 m £0 m £0 m £1 m Estimated Nominal 122.4 See Column D Ian Benson ( WIDP Reporting The Capital expenditure for 2010/11 financial year was £3.2m
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Suffolk County Council Suffolk Waste Management Project East of England Public No Public Started 2012 2014 Yes £177 m 102.24 £36 m £62 m £45 m £25 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 102 See Column D Jim Aldridge ( WIDP Reporting The Capital expenditure for 2010/11 financial year was £7.434m
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Surrey County Council Quest Waste Disposal Project South East Public No Public Started 2012 2016 Yes £83 m £2 m £24 m £22 m £24 m Pre-procurement Nominal 85.5 Other (include details in notes) See Column D WIDP Reporting The total capital expenditure for 1999 - 2010/11 financial years were £11.5m.
85.5 Lee Dandon (
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Wakefield Metropolitan District Council Semi Integrated Waste Management Project Yorkshire & the Humber Public No Public Started unknown 2015 Yes £96 m 33 £41 m £47 m £8 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 33 See Column D John Nortcliffe ( WIDP Reporting
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects West Berkshire County Council Long-term Integrated Waste Management Contract South East Public No Public Started 2010 2011 Yes £66 m 28.49 £6 m £1 m £28 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Estimated Nominal 28.49 See Column D Andrew Deacon ( WIDP Reporting
Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects BEaR - Bedford, Central Bedfordshire & Luton East of England Public/Private No Public / private Started unknown unknown unknown £200 m £67 m £67 m £67 m Unknown nominal See Column D Direct from project/Authority

Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects Blackburn with Darwen North West Public/Private No Public / private Started unknown unknown Unknown See Column D
Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects Buckinghamshire South East Public No Private Started 2012 2016 Yes See Column D Martin Dickman ( WIDP Reporting and from Authority direct
Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects North West Public No Private Started unknown 2012 Yes £65 m £22 m Unknown nominal See Column D Annual cost breakdown HMT estimates based on total using straight line estimation
Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects Derbyshire, Derby City - Sinfin Lane East Midlands Public No Private Started unknown 2014 Yes See Column D
Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects Devon CC - Devon, Exeter South West Public/Private No Public / private Started unknown 2013 Yes See Column D Ownership is classified as 'other' because there is a strategic alliance
Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects Gloucestershire County Council Gloucestershire County Council Waste Management project South West Public No Private Planned Under review Under review Unknown £109 m £22 m £76 m £11 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Unknown Nominal See Column D Ian Mawdsley ( WIDP Reporting and from Authority direct
Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects Lincolnshire CC - North Hykeham East Midlands Public No Public Started unknown 2013 Yes £150 m £48 m £48 m Unknown nominal See Column D Annual cost breakdown HMT estimates based on total using straight line estimation
Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects North Lincolnshire East Midlands Public No Private Started unknown unknown Unknown See Column D
Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects North London Waste Authority - Fuel use Fuel use London Private No Private Planned 2014 2017 Unknown £548 m Unknown Nominal See Column D WIDP Reporting and from Authority direct

Tim Judson (

Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects North London Waste Authority - Waste Services Waste Services London Public No Private Planned 2014 2017 Unknown £548 m £0 m £58 m £233 m £116 m £40 m £102 m Unknown Nominal See Column D WIDP Reporting and from Authority direct

Tim Judson (

Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects Oxfordshire CC - Ardley South East Private No Private Started 2011 2014 Yes £200 m Unknown nominal See Column D Frankie Upton ( ) WIDP Reporting and from Authority direct
Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects South London Waste Partnership London Public/Private No Public / private Planned unknown 2016 Yes £189 m £23 m £97 m £69 m £0 m £0 m £0 m Unknown Nominal See Column D WIDP Reporting and from Authority direct

Frank Smith (

Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects West Sussex CC - Brookhurst Wood South East Public No Public / private Started unknown 2013 Yes See Column D
Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects Wigan North West Public/Private No Public / private Planned 2015 2017 Yes 2011 See Column D Sally Wolstencroft ( Direct from project/Authority
Water Projects over £50m Projects over £50m Thames Tideway Tunnel Main (Thames Water) Construction of tunnel London Private Yes Private Proposed 2016 2023 Unknown £4,100 m £4,100 m Estimated Nominal
Water Anglian Water Anglian Water: Water service Maintenance and improvements to water supply infrastructure East of England Private Yes Private £938 m £210 m £203 m £186 m £156 m Constant 2007/08

Water Anglian Water Anglian Water: Sewerage service Maintenance and improvements to wastewater infrastructure East of England Private Yes Private £1,184 m £275 m £259 m £231 m £189 m Constant 2007/08

Water Northumbrian Water Northumbrian Water: Water service Maintenance and improvements to water supply infrastructure North East Private Yes Private £709 m £136 m £131 m £133 m £118 m Constant 2007/08

Water Northumbrian Water Northumbrian Water: Sewerage service Maintenance and improvements to wastewater infrastructure North East Private Yes Private £509 m £118 m £111 m £99 m £81 m Constant 2007/08

Water Severn Trent Water Severn Trent Water: Water service Maintenance and improvements to water supply infrastructure West Midlands Private Yes Private £1,100 m £247 m £238 m £218 m £183 m Constant 2007/08

Water Severn Trent Water Severn Trent Water: Sewerage service Maintenance and improvements to wastewater infrastructure West Midlands Private Yes Private £1,351 m £314 m £295 m £263 m £215 m Constant 2007/08

Water South West Water South West Water: Water service Maintenance and improvements to water supply infrastructure South West Private Yes Private £294 m £66 m £64 m £58 m £49 m Constant 2007/08

12 of 28
Infrastructure investment pipeline November 2011
Sector Sub-sector Sub group Project / programme name Description / purpose Region Asset Ownership Economically Regulated Investment Funding Source(s) Scheme Status Earliest Construction Start Date Date In Service On Schedule Total capex cost all funding (£m) Total capex cost publicly funded, if different (£m) 2011/12 (£m) 2012/13 (£m) 2013/14 (£m) 2014/15 (£m) 2015 to 2020 Beyond 2020 Estimate Status Cost Base Base Year Significant land related costs (£m) Finance costs where privately funded e.g. PFI (£m) FM or other significant 'non-construction' related costs (£m) Planned Procurement Route Expiry date for existing frameworks Procuring Authority Public source for further project details2 Data Source(s) Notes
Water Water and sewearge South West Water South West Water: Sewerage service Maintenance and improvements to wastewater infrastructure South West Private Yes Private £378 m £88 m £83 m £74 m £60 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
companies document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water and sewearge Southern Water Southern Water: Water service Maintenance and improvements to water supply infrastructure South East Private Yes Private £468 m £105 m £101 m £93 m £78 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
companies document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water and sewearge Southern Water Southern Water: Sewerage service Maintenance and improvements to wastewater infrastructure South East Private Yes Private £1,283 m £207 m £251 m £250 m £205 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
companies document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water and sewearge Thames Water Thames Water: Water service Maintenance and improvements to water supply infrastructure London Private Yes Private £1,513 m £339 m £327 m £300 m £252 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
companies document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water and sewearge Thames Water Thames Water: Sewerage service Maintenance and improvements to wastewater infrastructure London Private Yes Private £3,400 m £371 m £374 m £383 m £341 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
companies document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water and sewearge United Utilities Water United Utilities Water: Water service Maintenance and improvements to water supply infrastructure North West Private Yes Private £1,384 m £310 m £299 m £275 m £231 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
companies document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water and sewearge United Utilities Water United Utilities Water: Sewerage service Maintenance and improvements to wastewater infrastructure North West Private Yes Private £2,188 m £508 m £477 m £403 m £321 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
companies document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water and sewearge Welsh Water Welsh Water: Water service Maintenance and improvements to water supply infrastructure Wales Private Yes Private £536 m £120 m £116 m £106 m £89 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
companies document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water and sewearge Welsh Water Welsh Water: Sewerage service Maintenance and improvements to wastewater infrastructure Wales Private Yes Private £567 m £132 m £124 m £111 m £90 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
companies document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water and sewearge Wessex Water Wessex Water: Water service Maintenance and improvements to water supply infrastructure South West Private Yes Private £485 m £87 m £70 m £49 m £33 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
companies document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water and sewearge Wessex Water Wessex Water: Sewerage service Maintenance and improvements to wastewater infrastructure South West Private Yes Private £531 m £123 m £116 m £103 m £85 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
companies document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water and sewearge Yorkshire Water Yorkshire Water: Water service Maintenance and improvements to water supply infrastructure Yorkshire & the Humber Private Yes Private £727 m £163 m £157 m £144 m £121 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
companies document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water and sewearge Yorkshire Water Yorkshire Water: Sewerage service Maintenance and improvements to wastewater infrastructure Yorkshire & the Humber Private Yes Private £1,149 m £235 m £224 m £204 m £169 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
companies document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water only companies Water only companies Bristol Water Maintenance and improvements to water supply infrastructure South West Private Yes Private £244 m £55 m £53 m £48 m £41 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water only companies Water only companies Bournemouth & West Hampshire Water Maintenance and improvements to water supply infrastructure South West Private Yes Private £44 m £10 m £10 m £9 m £7 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water only companies Water only companies Cambridge Water Maintenance and improvements to water supply infrastructure East of England Private Yes Private £30 m £7 m £7 m £6 m £5 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water only companies Water only companies Dee Valley Water Maintenance and improvements to water supply infrastructure Wales Private Yes Private £34 m £8 m £7 m £7 m £6 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water only companies Water only companies Portsmouth Water Maintenance and improvements to water supply infrastructure South East Private Yes Private £39 m £9 m £8 m £8 m £6 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water only companies Water only companies Sutton & East Surrey Water Maintenance and improvements to water supply infrastructure South East Private Yes Private £102 m £23 m £22 m £20 m £17 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water only companies Water only companies South East Water Maintenance and improvements to water supply infrastructure South East Private Yes Private £390 m £88 m £84 m £77 m £65 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water only companies Water only companies South Staffordshire Water Maintenance and improvements to water supply infrastructure West Midlands Private Yes Private £135 m £30 m £29 m £27 m £23 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water only companies Water only companies Veolia Water East Maintenance and improvements to water supply infrastructure East of England Private Yes Private £14 m £3 m £3 m £3 m £2 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water only companies Water only companies Veolia Water Central Maintenance and improvements to water supply infrastructure South East Private Yes Private £366 m £82 m £79 m £73 m £61 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

Water Water only companies Water only companies Veolia Water South East Maintenance and improvements to water supply infrastructure South East Private Yes Private £35 m £8 m £7 m £7 m £6 m Constant 2007/08 The total (AMP5) Capex figures by companies have been published in the national
document "Future Water & Sewerage Charges 2010-15: Final Determinations".
Annual breakdown HMT estimate based on Ofwat aggregate investment profile.
Cost base assumed in FD.

13 of 28
Cabinet Office November 2011

Publication of the Government’s Funded Construction Pipeline


The Plan for Growth published at Budget 2011 set out two commitments in relation to publishing
pipeline data: (1) to publish the UK’s long term forward view of projects and programmes, as part of
the National Infrastructure Plan 2011; and (2) to publish quarterly from autumn 2011 a rolling two year
forward programme of construction and infrastructure projects where public funding has been agreed.
HM Treasury has responsibility for delivery of (1) and the Efficiency and Reform Group in the Cabinet
Office and HM Treasury are jointly coordinating the response to (2). This explanatory note relates to
the 2nd deliverable - the publicly funded construction pipeline encompassing economic and social
infrastructure projects.

Industry input

The launch of the Government Construction Strategy in July 2011 saw publication of the first estimate
for the size of the Government’s forward construction pipeline, which offered indications of the
spending commitments by the key government spending departments. This was welcomed by industry
as an important first step towards publication of the full Pipeline in autumn 2011. The Government has
continued to work with industry representatives to ensure that the first full publication of the Funded
Construction Pipeline meets with the needs of industry, helping to secure more efficient delivery of
public sector construction projects.

The benefits of forward visibility

Working with industry the Government has identified the following potential benefits of the
publication of the Funded Construction Pipeline:
·         Better resource allocation
·         Improved skills /recruitment management
·         More stable workforce
·         Ability to enter into long-term purchase agreements
·         Encourage innovation

·         Early identification of feast/famine situations (regional, sector, specialism/procurement or

·         More effective response to procurement
·         Create opportunities for collaborative procurement
·         Ability for suppliers to make early business decisions
·         Foster environment for greater early supply chain engagement
·         Support the development of integrated teams
·         Early identification of project pitfalls
·         Support improved industry forecasting
·         Encourage as best practice for non-public sector clients
·         Engaging with Small and Medium-sized Enterprises

It should be noted that the above benefits support the ambitions of the Government’s Construction
Strategy, and the Infrastructure Cost Review Implementation Plan.
Cabinet Office November 2011


The workbook will, in this initial publication, consolidate the Government Funded Construction Pipeline
and the National Infrastructure Plan pipeline for public, regulated and private sector infrastructure.
These will be published as separate sheets in the workbook. The Funded Construction Pipeline will be
updated on a quarterly basis.

Scope and ownership

In discussions with industry the issue was raised as to where responsibility should be vested for the
management and population of pipeline data. Some delivery bodies maintain detailed ‘workbank’ or
project databases and it would be extremely difficult to prepare a central database that included every
single construction or renewal project that is delivered by the public sector, as the scale of this
undertaking would be considerable.

The Government has agreed in consultation with industry that the central pipeline provides a level of
detail based around ‘significant procurable units’ and that a sensible balance will need to be struck
between data collected and published centrally and data collected and published by individual delivery
bodies. This may mean that in some cases there is some duplication between the central database and
those held by individual organisations.

The Funded Construction Pipeline database focuses, at least in the short-term, on projects procured by
central Government departments, executive agencies, and arms-length bodies - but not necessarily
every single project to be delivered.

For the initial publication, we set out value thresholds, that vary across departments, but broadly
capture individual projects and programmes above £10 million (social-infrastructure) to £50 million
(economic infrastructure).

Future development

The Government will explore responsibility for the management and upkeep of the database and other
aspects of construction and infrastructure data in partnership with the private sector.

Industry accepts that the Government needs to take a staged approach to compilation and publication
of the construction pipeline, based on a realistic programme of sequential improvements to be
delivered over this parliament. The first publication of the pipeline will go a long way to addressing
industry aspirations and we will consult further with industry on future development.
Cabinet Office November 2011

The initial database will provide the information solely for those projects that have been given funding
approval by Government. Over time the scope of the Pipeline will be reviewed and consideration will
be given to developing it to include further information on projects earlier in the planning stages.

This initial publication is combined with the Funded Construction Pipeline and the infrastructure
investment pipeline. Successful implementation and use of the database is likely to make the case
stronger for continuing to update and publish the broader list of public construction and infrastructure

Confidence in the pipeline

Industry recognises that the pipeline will be a live document, which will be subject to some change to
meet changing policy objectives. It should not be seen as an absolute commitment for projects to
proceed. However, in order to maintain industry confidence and the value of the database to
Government, every effort will be made to ensure the robustness of the data published in the pipeline.

Commercial confidentiality / Freedom of Information

Commercially sensitive information has been removed from the published pipeline information where:

(a)    disclosure would be likely to prejudice the commercial interests of the Government by affecting
adversely its bargaining position during contractual negotiations which would result in the less effective
use of public money; and / or

(b)   disclosure would, as a consequence, make it more difficult for individuals to be able to conduct
commercial transactions.

Public Authorities have a legal obligation under the Freedom of Information Act 2000, to disclose
information, unless it would be against the public interest. Authorities’ decisions are subject to
challenge by the Information Commissioner.

The Act provides a qualified exemption where disclosure would cause commercial damage and it is
likely that commercial information not otherwise published could warrant protection. This is subject to
a public interest text at the time the request for information is made.

Explanation of data fields and definitions

Departments were asked to provide project / programme level responses to the questions set out
below in a spreadsheet template, using the following guidance.
Sector / sub-sector / sub-group Select a ‘sector’ from the drop-down list, then if
applicable, specify further using the ‘sub-sector’ and

Project / programme name This should show where part of a wider programme, or
the balance of a programme from which specific
projects are reported separately
Cabinet Office November 2011

Description / purpose Including number of projects that are being reported

on (where relevant)
Location Where the project / programme is located.
Region Select from the drop-down boxes: an English region;
a nation within the UK; or UK-wide
Postcode / Grid Reference To further assist with locating the project /
programme. It is appreciated that many projects
cannot be identified by a single point so either: pick a
central point, an important/control point, or include
multiple points (such as end-points).

Asset Ownership Select from the drop-down options. This is regarding

the ultimate ownership of the asset, not the origins of
the funding nor the status of the delivery body.

If ownership is complex, select the most appropriate

response then include in the “notes” section a
description of the ownership position e.g. where
ownership will revert from private to public in the

Economically regulated investment Yes / no (generally relevant to infrastructure only)

Funding Source(s) Public / private / combination

Scheme Status Proposed / planned / confirmed / started (see
definitions below)
Earliest Construction Start Date Please describe in the most appropriate fashion,
depending on factors such as certainty e.g. “October
1st 2011” could be fairly certain but if in 2014, no more
detail than “2014” would be appropriate. Descriptions
such as “After 2014” are also acceptable.

Date in service When will the asset become available to the user?
Please respond in a similar fashion to above.

On schedule Yes / no / unknown

If on track to meet planned dates for construction /

Total capex cost all funding (£m) Likely to be total nominal capex – depending on
information that is available. Provide details of the cost
information in the “cost status” or “notes” fields.
Cabinet Office November 2011

Total capex cost publicly funded, if different Total public investment / support (where relevant).
(£m) Focus on CDEL unless alternate measure more
appropriate (e.g. CDEL+RDEL). Other information, e.g.
PFI credits can be provided separately if available.

Costs per year (£m) Capital value, for each year from 2011/12 to 2014/15

Costs 2015 to 2020 (£m) Capital value

Costs beyond 2020 (£m) Capital value for known, longer-term projects /
Estimate status Status of the cost information that has been reported.

Pre-project / Concept / Pre-procurement / Bid price /

Completed cost
Basis of costs, base year State whether cost values are Nominal or Real. State
the base year.
Non-construction Costs Where the “total cost all funding” is not equal to
construction costs, please give detail of the non-
construction costs in the relevant columns, adding
·         Significant land related detail in the “notes” column if necessary.
costs (£m)
·         Finance costs where
privately funded e.g. PFI (£m)
·         FM or other significant
‘non-construction’ related costs
Procurement Route
Planned Procurement Route Please select from the drop-down box. If complex,
select “other” then give details in the “notes” column.

Expiry Date for Existing Frameworks If procurement is expected to be through frameworks,

when do these expire?
Procuring Authority If the project / programme is not to be procured
through the organisation filling out the form, please
indicate who will procure the work.

Public Source for further details Details of from where the supply chain can obtain
further information about the project / programme
(e.g. a name / telephone number / website /

Notes and references

Data source(s) List the source(s) of the information that has been
Notes Including description where response to earlier
question is other
Definitions of project / programme status
Proposed Early stages of development, before detailed planning
Cabinet Office November 2011

Planned Planned to be taken forward, work to secure funding

and finance, planning and other consents, finalise
designs, etc is underway

Confirmed Final preparations complete including securing

funding, planning and other consents, finalising
designs, securing finance, etc.

Started Activity on the delivery of the project has commenced

e.g. procurement, construction
Sum of 2012/13 Sum of 2013/14 Sum of 2014/15
Count of Entries Sum of 2011/12 (£m) (£m) (£m) (£m)
Flood 35 £222 m £224 m £224 m £230 m
Flood 35 £222 m £224 m £224 m £230 m
Health 157 £667 m £994 m £861 m £757 m
ProCure21 92 £388 m £268 m £119 m £54 m
ProCure21+ 51 £187 m £304 m £181 m £76 m
PFI/ NHS LIFT 14 £93 m £422 m £561 m £626 m
Housing & Regeneration 48 £1,793 m £1,111 m £1,280 m £954 m
Housing 48 £1,793 m £1,111 m £1,280 m £954 m
Justice 14 £203 m £254 m £280 m £78 m
Courts 5 £47 m £115 m £78 m
Prisons 9 £203 m £207 m £165 m
Transport 71 £3,710 m £3,552 m £3,778 m £4,119 m
LA Majors 20 £2,124 m £2,188 m £2,305 m £2,405 m
Roads - HA Majors 41 £1,170 m £904 m £1,081 m £1,323 m
Roads - HA Renewals 10 £416 m £460 m £392 m £390 m
Waste 38 £737 m £1,288 m £1,463 m £478 m
PFI Projects 23 £556 m £943 m £1,084 m £362 m
PPP Projects 15 £182 m £345 m £379 m £116 m
Education £2,504 m £1,640 m £486 m
Schools £2,504 m £1,640 m £486 m
MOD 89 £396 m £732 m £627 m £592 m
DIO 89 £396 m £732 m £627 m £592 m
Grand Total 452 £10,232 m £9,796 m £8,999 m £7,207 m

12/22/2021 Summary_Government_construction
Government construction pipeline
Colour key

Key to indicators used for construction pipeline:

Scheme Status  = Proposed  = Planned  = Confirmed or started  = Not stated
On Schedule  = No  = Yes  = Not stated
Government construction pipeline November 2011

Finance costs FM or other

Economically Funding Scheme Status Earliest construction On schedule Total capex cost all Total capex cost Significant land where privately significant 'non- Planned Procurement Expiry date for Notes
Sector Sub-Sector Sub-Group Project / programme name Description / purpose Region Asset Ownership regulated asset Source(s) Scheme Status Indicator start date Date in service On schedule indicator funding (£m) publicly funded, 2011/12 (£m) 2012/13 (£m) 2013/14 (£m) 2014/15 (£m) Estimate status Basis of costs Base year related costs funded e.g. PFI construction' related Route existing frameworks Procuring Authority Public source for further project details Data source(s) (including details where "other" given in response to earlier
if different (£m) (£m) (£m) costs (£m) questions)

Education Schools Devolved budget for Additional Basic

Need maintenance and DFC These figures are as at June 11 and subject to formal agreement.
The figures will change as we seek to implement the
England No Unknown 1 Various Various Unknown 1 £2,504.30 m £1,640.40 m £486.30 m n/a 2011 recommendations of the Capital Review, drive efficiencies across all
our capital programmes and prioritise funding.

Flood Flood Other capital projects Anglian Central Programme East of England Public No Combination Planned 3 Various Various Yes 4 £41.17 m £7.33 m £4.56 m £4.98 m £5.62 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Existing framework Mar-13 Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Assumed 2020-2035 in same proportion as 2015-2020

Flood Flood Other capital projects Anglian Eastern Programme East of England Public No Combination Planned 3 Various Various Yes 4 £75.51 m £9.70 m £14.00 m £10.28 m £8.81 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Existing framework Mar-13 Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Assumed 2020-2035 in same proportion as 2015-2020

Flood Flood Other capital projects Anglian Northern Programme East of England Public No Combination Planned 3 Various Various Yes 4 £27.03 m £3.30 m £3.34 m £2.72 m £2.77 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Existing framework Mar-13 Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Assumed 2020-2035 in same proportion as 2015-2020

Flood Flood Other capital projects Midlands Programme West Midlands Public No Combination Planned 3 Various Various Yes 4 £64.89 m £3.91 m £5.41 m £6.07 m £6.31 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Existing framework Mar-13 Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Assumed 2020-2035 in same proportion as 2015-2020

Flood Flood Other capital projects North West Programme North West Public No Combination Planned 3 Various Various Yes 4 £92.55 m £9.09 m £7.22 m £6.58 m £6.78 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Existing framework Mar-13 Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Assumed 2020-2035 in same proportion as 2015-2020

Flood Flood Other capital projects Northumbria Programme North East Public No Combination Planned 3 Various Various Yes 4 £22.72 m £1.52 m £2.22 m £2.48 m £2.17 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Existing framework Mar-13 Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Assumed 2020-2035 in same proportion as 2015-2020

Flood Flood Other capital projects South West Programme South West Public No Combination Planned 3 Various Various Yes 4 £38.97 m £3.86 m £3.98 m £3.59 m £4.58 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Existing framework Mar-13 Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Assumed 2020-2035 in same proportion as 2015-2020

Flood Flood Other capital projects Southern Programme South East Public No Combination Planned 3 Various Various Yes 4 £107.82 m £4.69 m £5.13 m £7.13 m £6.20 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Existing framework Mar-13 Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Assumed 2020-2035 in same proportion as 2015-2020

Flood Flood Other capital projects Thames Programme South East Public No Combination Planned 3 Various Various Yes 4 £48.75 m £4.51 m £4.51 m £4.81 m £5.03 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Existing framework Mar-13 Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Assumed 2020-2035 in same proportion as 2015-2020

Flood Flood Other capital projects Wessex Programme South West Public No Combination Planned 3 Various Various Yes 4 £67.34 m £4.78 m £5.49 m £5.90 m £6.66 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Existing framework Mar-13 Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Assumed 2020-2035 in same proportion as 2015-2020

Flood Flood Other capital projects Yorkshire Programme North East Public No Combination Planned 3 Various Various Yes 4 £40.55 m £5.67 m £4.55 m £4.31 m £3.15 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Existing framework Mar-13 Environment Agency

Remaining schemes and strategies by

Flood Flood region Anglian Central Programme East of England Public No Combination Planned 3 Various Various Yes 4 £63.03 m £1.89 m £0.80 m £1.34 m £0.72 m Pre-project nominal 2011 £3.27 m Existing framework Mar-13 Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Including increase in line with LTIS

Remaining schemes and strategies by

Flood Flood
Anglian Eastern Programme East of England Public No Combination Planned 3 Various Various Yes 4 £245.68 m £15.30 m £11.76 m £15.25 m £9.56 m Pre-project nominal 2011 £1.17 m Existing framework Mar-13 Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Including increase in line with LTIS

Remaining schemes and strategies by

Flood Flood
Anglian Northern Programme East of England Public No Combination Planned 3 Various Various Yes 4 £324.25 m £9.84 m £14.56 m £16.64 m £16.63 m Pre-project nominal 2011 £0.16 m Existing framework Mar-13 Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Including increase in line with LTIS

Remaining schemes and strategies by

Flood Flood region Midlands Programme West Midlands Public No Combination Planned 3 Various Various Yes 4 £187.83 m £20.15 m £4.56 m £2.74 m £2.28 m Pre-project nominal 2011 £1.43 m Existing framework Mar-13 Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Including increase in line with LTIS

Remaining schemes and strategies by

Flood Flood region North West Programme North West Public No Combination Planned 3 Various Various Yes 4 £749.48 m £9.07 m £9.02 m £3.01 m £14.27 m Pre-project nominal 2011 £1.07 m Existing framework Mar-13 Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Including increase in line with LTIS

Remaining schemes and strategies by

Flood Flood region Northumbria Programme North East Public No Combination Planned 3 Various Various Yes 4 £195.72 m £18.80 m £14.02 m £10.78 m £7.53 m Pre-project nominal 2011 £0.28 m Existing framework Mar-13 Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Including increase in line with LTIS

Remaining schemes and strategies by

Flood Flood region South West Programme South West Public No Combination Planned 3 Various Various Yes 4 £140.01 m £4.59 m £10.92 m £6.01 m £8.16 m Pre-project nominal 2011 £0.34 m Existing framework Mar-13 Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Including increase in line with LTIS

Remaining schemes and strategies by

Flood Flood region Southern Programme South East Public No Combination Planned 3 Various Various Yes 4 £854.69 m £24.42 m £25.90 m £42.18 m £31.86 m Pre-project nominal 2011 £1.17 m Existing framework Mar-13 Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Including increase in line with LTIS

Remaining schemes and strategies by

Flood Flood region Thames Programme South East Public No Combination Planned 3 Various Various Yes 4 £389.96 m £29.28 m £30.47 m £34.81 m £22.44 m Pre-project nominal 2011 £4.78 m Existing framework Mar-13 Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Including increase in line with LTIS

Remaining schemes and strategies by

Flood Flood region Wessex Programme South West Public No Combination Planned 3 Various Various Yes 4 £175.92 m £3.38 m £5.49 m £4.20 m £16.07 m Pre-project nominal 2011 £6.45 m Existing framework Mar-13 Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Including increase in line with LTIS

Remaining schemes and strategies by

Flood Flood region Yorkshire Programme North East Public No Combination Planned 3 Various Various Yes 4 £666.90 m £12.88 m £18.24 m £9.88 m £12.55 m Pre-project nominal 2011 £1.52 m Existing framework Mar-13 Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Including increase in line with LTIS

Review and implementation of the Engineered Component as

Flood Flood Schemes costing over £50m Lower Thames FAS engineering component recommended within the Lower Thames Strategy. South East Public No Public Proposed 2 Aug-2024 Jan-2032 Yes 4 £333.00 m £135.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-project nominal 2011 £1.4 m Stand-alone Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Lower Thames Strategy

Flood Flood Schemes costing over £50m Leeds City Flood Alleviation Scheme North East Public No Public Proposed 2 tbc tbc Yes 4 £171.00 m £72.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-project nominal 2011 New framework Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Upper Aire Strategy

The project covers all matters related to flood defence services

associated with the Broadland tidal river system, including Other (include details in
Flood Flood Schemes costing over £50m Broadland PPPP maintenance, emergency response, strategic planning, design East of England Public No Public Started 4 Feb-2001 Dec-2013 Yes 4 £141.76 m £13.61 m £15.00 m £8.00 m £2.28 m Bid price nominal 2011 notes) Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Broadland Flood Alleviation Strategy
and improvement works.

TBAG works - Next 5 yrs Approval Period &

Flood Flood Schemes costing over £50m Beyond Thames Barrier and Associated Gates works South East Public No Public Proposed 2 Mar-2012 tbc Yes 4 £315.00 m £0.00 m £2.01 m £3.00 m £6.00 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Stand-alone Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan

Implement the results of the Framework For Action, i.e. PAR

recommendations. The project is likely to require replacement
Rossall Hospital to Chatsworth Avenue Coastal of the existing vertical walled defences with improved
Flood Flood Schemes costing over £50m Defence Improvements Works hydraulically efficient defences, with the intention of North West Public No Public Planned 3 Feb-2014 Mar-2018 Yes 4 £85.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £2.00 m £14.00 m Pre-project nominal 2011 Stand-alone Wyre Borough Council
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan
protecting and raising beach levels, reducing long term
damage and reducing overtopping and breach potential.

Flood Flood Schemes costing over £50m Irwell Catchment Future Capital Allowance for future Long Term Plan Capital Investment North West Public No Public Proposed 2 tbc tbc Yes 4 £52.80 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-project nominal 2011 New framework Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan

Weir replacement work packages recommended by the

Flood Flood Schemes costing over £50m Thames Weirs Investment Strategy - Works From Thames Weirs Capital Investment Plan for years 2020-2030. South East Public No Public Proposed 2 tbc tbc Yes 4 £72.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-project nominal 2011 New framework Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Thames Weirs Investment Strategy

Flood Schemes costing over £50m TE2100 Implementation Start-up Project - Development and implementation of TE2100 strategy South East No Public Proposed
Flood Anglian Proposed 2 2018 tbc Yes 4 £81.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Estimated Constant 2011 New framework Environment Agency Indicative Allocation

Flood Schemes costing over £50m TE2100 Implementation Start-up Project - Development and implementation of TE2100 strategy South East No Public Proposed
Flood Thames Proposed 2 2013 tbc Yes 4 £92 m £0.00 m £1.00 m £5.00 m £8.00 m Estimated Constant 2011 New framework Environment Agency Indicative Allocation

Strategies generating schemes over

Flood Flood £50m in total Lower Thames Strategy Strategy South East Public No Combination Proposed 2 tbc tbc Yes 4 £2.03 m £0.01 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-project nominal 2011 New framework Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Cost of schemes generated by strategy = 256m

Strategies generating schemes over

Flood Flood £50m in total Exe Estuary Strategy Strategy South West Public No Combination Proposed 2 tbc tbc Yes 4 £0.77 m £0.21 m £0.12 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-project nominal 2011 New framework Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Cost of schemes generated by strategy = 75m

Strategies generating schemes over

Flood Flood £50m in total Arun to Pagham CDS Review Strategy South East Public No Combination Proposed 2 tbc tbc Yes 4 £0.70 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-project nominal 2011 New framework Environment Agency
Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Cost of schemes generated by strategy = 69m

Strategies generating schemes over Portchester Castle to Emsworth CDS
Flood Flood £50m in total (WasPortsCreek) Strategy South East Public No Combination Proposed 2 tbc tbc Yes 4 £0.49 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Concept nominal 2011 New framework Environment Agency Capital Works Database, 5 Year Plan Cost of schemes generated by strategy = 55m

Health PFI/ NHS LIFT PFI/ NHS LIFT Alder Hey Children's NHS Foundation Trust Creation of Children's Health Park North West Public/Private No Private Planned 3 2012 2015 Unknown 1 £200.00 m £67.00 m £67.00 m £67.00 m Bid price Other 2010/11 Stand-alone The Trust Outturn Cost - indexed inflation/deflation to 2010/2011 figures

Health PFI/ NHS LIFT PFI/ NHS LIFT North Tees and Hartlepool NHS Foundation Trust Hospital rebuild/reconfiguration. North East Public/Private No Private Proposed 2 2014 2017 Unknown 1 £299.00 m £10.00 m Concept Other Stand-alone The Trust Outturn Cost - indexed inflation/deflation to 2010/2011 figures

Health PFI/ NHS LIFT PFI/ NHS LIFT Papworth Hospital NHS Foundation Trust New Cardiothoracic centre East of England Public/Private No Private Planned 3 2012 2015 Unknown 1 £206.00 m £69.00 m £69.00 m £69.00 m Bid price Other Stand-alone The Trust Outturn Cost - indexed inflation/deflation to 2010/2011 figures

Health PFI/ NHS LIFT PFI/ NHS LIFT Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen Hospital rebuild/reconfiguration North West Public/Private No Private Planned 3 2013 2017 Unknown 1 £454.00 m £114.00 m £114.00 m Bid price Other Stand-alone The Trust Outturn Cost - indexed inflation/deflation to 2010/2011 figures

Health PFI/ NHS LIFT PFI/ NHS LIFT Royal National Orthopaedic Hospital Hospital rebuild/reconfiguration West Midlands Public/Private No Private Planned 3 2014 2016 Unknown 1 £84.00 m £42.00 m £42.00 m Bid price Other Stand-alone The Trust Outturn Cost - indexed inflation/deflation to 2010/2011 figures

Health PFI/ NHS LIFT PFI/ NHS LIFT Sandwell and West Birmingham Acute NHS Trust Hospital rebuild/reconfiguration West Midlands Public/Private No Private Proposed 2 2014 2016 Unknown 1 £484.00 m £121.00 m Concept Other Stand-alone The Trust Outturn Cost - indexed inflation/deflation to 2010/2011 figures

Health PFI/ NHS LIFT PFI/ NHS LIFT East & North Herts - LIFT Scheme -QE2 Hospital rebuild/reconfiguration South East Public/Private No Private Proposed 2 2012 2014 Unknown 1 £27.00 m £27.00 m Concept Other Existing framework The Trust Outturn Cost - indexed inflation/deflation to 2010/2011 figures

Health PFI/ NHS LIFT PFI/ NHS LIFT Mersey Care NHS Trust - LIFT Scheme Hospital rebuild/reconfiguration North West Public/Private No Private Proposed 2 2012 2014 Unknown 1 £50.00 m £25.00 m £25.00 m Pre-procurement Other Existing framework The Trust Outturn Cost - indexed inflation/deflation to 2010/2011 figures

Health PFI/ NHS LIFT PFI/ NHS LIFT Brighton and Sussex University NHS Trust Hospital rebuild/reconfiguration South East Public No Public Proposed 2 2013 2022 Unknown 1 £410.00 m £17.00 m £27.00 m £42.00 m £46.00 m Concept Other Existing framework The Trust Outturn Cost - indexed inflation/deflation to 2010/2011 figures

Health PFI/ NHS LIFT PFI/ NHS LIFT E & N Herts NHS Trust - Lister Hospital Hospital rebuild/reconfiguration South East Public No Public Planned 3 2012 2014 Unknown 1 £71.00 m £14.00 m £32.00 m £22.00 m £2.00 m Bid price Other Existing framework The Trust Outturn Cost - indexed inflation/deflation to 2010/2011 figures

Health PFI/ NHS LIFT PFI/ NHS LIFT Epsom and St. Helier Hospital rebuild/reconfiguration London Public No Public Planned 3 2014 2017 Unknown 1 £231.00 m £7.00 m £16.20 m £32.60 m £41.60 m Bid price Other Existing framework The Trust Outturn Cost - indexed inflation/deflation to 2010/2011 figures

Health PFI/ NHS LIFT PFI/ NHS LIFT Health Protection Agency - Porton Down National Infrastructure' expenditure on HPA research centre. Public No Public Proposed 2 2014 2018 Unknown 1 £321.00 m £17.00 m £104.00 m £104.00 m £83.00 m Concept Other Stand-alone HPA Outturn Cost - indexed inflation/deflation to 2010/2011 figures

Health PFI/ NHS LIFT PFI/ NHS LIFT North Cumbria University Hospitals Hospital rebuild/reconfiguration North West Public No Public Planned 3 2012 2014 Unknown 1 £85.00 m £27.00 m £38.00 m £20.00 m Bid price Other Existing framework The Trust Outturn Cost - indexed inflation/deflation to 2010/2011 figures

Health PFI/ NHS LIFT PFI/ NHS LIFT West London Mental Health - Broadmoor National Infrastructure' expenditure on Mental Health hospital London Public No Public Proposed 2 2013 2018 Unknown 1 £271.40 m £11.10 m £16.50 m £23.00 m £30.80 m Concept Other Stand-alone The Trust Outturn Cost - indexed inflation/deflation to 2010/2011 figures

Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Redevelopment of St Ann's South West Public No Public Planned 3 Nov-2011 Dec-2013 Yes 4 £25.80 m £6.80 m £14.00 m £5.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Dorset Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust
Regional Centre for Teaching, Trauma and Tertiary Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS
Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Care (3T's Project) South East Public No Public Planned 3 Feb-2012 Aug-2013 Yes 4 £4.00 m £0.50 m £2.70 m £0.80 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Trust
Construction of a 26 Bed Women's Low Secure Yorkshire and the
Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Forensic Services Facility Humber Public No Public Planned 3 Jan-2012 Mar-2013 Yes 4 £10.00 m £2.00 m £8.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 North Yorkshire And York PCT

Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Critical Care Remodelling East Midlands Public No Public Planned 3 Jul-2012 Jan-2014 Yes 4 £22.00 m £1.00 m £11.00 m £10.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

University Hospitals Of Bristol NHS Foundation

Health ProCure21 Pre-construction BRI Redevelopment South West Public No Public Planned 3 Sep-2011 Nov-2014 Yes 4 £53.96 m £12.96 m £20.00 m £16.00 m £5.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Trust
University Hospitals Of Bristol NHS Foundation
Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Centralisation of Specialist Paeds South West Public No Public Planned 3 Sep-2011 May-2014 Yes 4 £21.00 m £6.00 m £9.00 m £5.00 m £1.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Trust
Future Reorganisation of the Environment of
Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Stafford Hosptal West Midlands Public No Public Planned 3 Jul-2011 Apr-2012 Yes 4 £17.00 m £16.50 m £0.50 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Mid Staffordshire NHS Foundation Trust

Millbrook Maun, Meden and Kingsley Wards

Health ProCure21 Pre-construction (MMK) East Midlands Public No Public Planned 3 Jul-2011 Jul-2012 Yes 4 £3.00 m £2.20 m £0.80 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust

Oxfordshire And Buckinghamshire Mental

Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Highfield Adolescent Unit Reprovision South Central Public No Public Planned 3 Jul-2011 Sep-2012 Yes 4 £11.00 m £7.00 m £4.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Health NHS Foundation Trust
24 Hour Assessment & Treatment Facilities at Surrey And Borders Partnership NHS
Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Farnham Road Hospital South East Public No Public Planned 3 Jul-2012 Mar-2014 Yes 4 £24.50 m £0.00 m £13.50 m £11.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Foundation Trust
Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Morpeth Health Centre North East Public No Public Planned 3 Jan-2012 Jan-2013 Yes 4 £12.00 m £2.00 m £10.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 NHS North Of Tyne - North Tyneside PCT
Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Northgate Villa 19 North East Public No Public Planned 3 Aug-2011 Nov-2012 Yes 4 £5.00 m £2.50 m £2.50 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Northumberland, Tyne & Wear NHS Trust
Construction of a new 80 Bed Acute Mental Hertfordshire Partnership NHS Foundation
Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Health Unit & a Business & Learning Centre East of England Public No Public Planned 3 May-2012 Jan-2014 Yes 4 £35.00 m £3.00 m £15.00 m £17.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Trust
Greater Manchester West Mental Health NHS
Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Replacement of McGuinness Unit North West Public No Public Planned 3 Jan-2012 Aug-2013 Yes 4 £7.50 m £1.00 m £5.00 m £1.50 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Foundation Trust

Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Aseptic Suite South West Public No Public Planned 3 Sep-2011 Sep-2012 Yes 4 £5.50 m £2.80 m £2.70 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Royal Devon And Exeter NHS Foundation Trust

Health ProCure21 Pre-construction St Bernard's Redevelopment London Public No Public Planned 3 Aug-2013 Dec-2015 Yes 4 £80.00 m £0.00 m £4.00 m £16.00 m £43.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 West London Mental Health NHS Trust

Decant Project for Regional Centre for Teaching, Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS
Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Trauma and Tertiary Care (3Ts project) South East Public No Public Planned 3 May-2012 May-2013 Yes 4 £22.10 m £2.00 m £18.60 m £1.50 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Trust

Brighton And Sussex University Hospitals NHS

Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Third Cardiac Theatre, Millenium Block South East Public No Public Planned 3 Feb-2012 Feb-2013 Yes 4 £5.60 m £0.60 m £5.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Trust

Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Critical Care - City Campus East Midlands Public No Public Planned 3 Sep-2011 Oct-2012 Yes 4 £4.00 m £1.80 m £2.20 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

RD&E Rationalisation & Redevelopment of Trust

Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Services, East Wonford Site South West Public No Public Planned 3 Apr-2012 Mar-2013 Yes 4 £10.00 m £1.00 m £9.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Royal Devon And Exeter NHS Foundation Trust

Health ProCure21 Pre-construction DCP - Infrastructure Services Upgrade South West Public No Public Planned 3 Oct-2011 Jul-2012 Yes 4 £2.00 m £1.30 m £0.70 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Surrey And Borders Partnership NHS

Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Grandview relocation South East Public No Public Planned 3 Apr-2012 Feb-2013 Yes 4 £2.00 m £0.20 m £1.80 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Foundation Trust

Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Cherry Knowle Hospital Reprovision North East Public No Public Planned 3 Mar-2012 Mar-2014 Yes 4 £45.00 m £4.50 m £18.00 m £22.30 m £0.20 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Northumberland, Tyne And Wear NHS Trust

Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Villa 11 and 16 - Autism Development North East Public No Public Planned 3 Aug-2011 Jul-2012 Yes 4 £5.00 m £3.10 m £1.90 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Northumberland, Tyne And Wear NHS Trust

Yorkshire and the

Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Townend Court development (Aysgarth House)
Public No Public Planned 3 Oct-2011 Aug-2012 Yes 4 £4.00 m £1.90 m £2.10 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Humber Mental Health Teaching NHS Trust

Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Cancer Centre West Midlands Public No Public Planned 3 Aug-2011 Nov-2012 Yes 4 £3.50 m £1.70 m £1.80 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Shrewsbury And Telford Hospital NHS Trust

22 of 28 566249255.xls
Government construction pipeline November 2011

Finance costs FM or other

Economically Funding Scheme Status Earliest construction On schedule Total capex cost all Total capex cost Significant land where privately significant 'non- Planned Procurement Expiry date for Notes
Sector Sub-Sector Sub-Group Project / programme name Description / purpose Region Asset Ownership regulated asset Source(s) Scheme Status Indicator start date Date in service On schedule indicator funding (£m) publicly funded, 2011/12 (£m) 2012/13 (£m) 2013/14 (£m) 2014/15 (£m) Estimate status Basis of costs Base year related costs funded e.g. PFI construction' related Route existing frameworks Procuring Authority Public source for further project details Data source(s) (including details where "other" given in response to earlier
if different (£m) (£m) (£m) costs (£m) questions)

New 80 Bed MH Hospital & ass OPD, Community Oxfordshire And Buckinghamshire Mental
Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Base, Acute Day Hosp & other Clinical South Central Public No Public Planned 3 Oct-2011 Jul-2012 Yes 4 £24.00 m £13.00 m £11.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Health NHS Foundation Trust
Support/Admin Space
University Hospitals Of Bristol NHS Foundation
Health ProCure21 Pre-construction Bristol Royal Infirmary Development Control Work South West Public No Public Planned 3 Dec-2011 Mar-2013 Yes 4 £10.00 m £1.80 m £8.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10

Health ProCure21 Under-construction Development of Rehabilitation Services East Midlands Public No Public Started 4 Oct-2010 Nov-2011 Yes 4 £11.67 m £7.50 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Lincolnshire Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Modernisation of Suffolk Mental Health Services East of England Public No Public Started 4 May-2009 Feb-2012 Yes 4 £22.10 m £5.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Suffolk Mental Health Partnership NHS Trust

Norfolk And Norwich University Hospitals NHS

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Cromer Community Hospital East of England Public No Public Started 4 Aug-2010 Jun-2012 Yes 4 £9.11 m £5.80 m £1.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Foundation Trust
Yorkshire and the South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Ward 18 Priestly Unit Upgrade Humber Public No Public Started 4 Sep-2011 Apr-2012 Yes 4 £2.10 m £1.80 m £0.30 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Foundation Trust
Yorkshire and the Sheffield Teaching Hospitals NHS Foundation
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Laboratory Rationalisation Humber Public No Public Started 4 Nov-2010 May-2012 Yes 4 £13.11 m £9.82 m £0.40 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Trust
Countess Of Chester Hospital NHS Foundation
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Wards Improvement Programme - minor works North West Public No Public Started 4 Sep-2007 Sep-2012 Yes 4 £7.15 m £1.37 m £0.35 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Trust
Yorkshire and the
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Electrical Infrastructure Upgrade Humber Public No Public Started 4 Aug-2010 Apr-2015 Yes 4 £29.40 m £6.00 m £8.20 m £7.40 m £3.53 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Leeds Teaching Hospitals NHS Trust

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Maternity & Newborn Development London Public No Public Started 4 Feb-2010 Jan-2012 Yes 4 £14.26 m £4.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Newham University Hospital NHS Trust
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Mental Health Refurbishment 2012 Vision East Midlands Public No Public Started 4 Nov-2008 Nov-2012 Yes 4 £25.00 m £6.70 m £1.64 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Leicestershire Partnership NHS Trust
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Langdon Hospital Redevelopment South West Public No Public Started 4 Aug-2011 Mar-2013 Yes 4 £21.73 m £9.73 m £12.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Devon Partnership NHS Trust
County Durham And Darlington NHS
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction M & E Infrastructure Replacement Works North East Public No Public Started 4 Sep-2009 Mar-2012 Yes 4 £19.75 m £5.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Foundation Trust
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Portsmouth City Teaching, St.Mary's Campus South Central Public No Public Started 4 Feb-2010 Sep-2011 Yes 4 £18.50 m £4.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Portsmouth City Teaching PCT
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction E Block refurbishment East Midlands Public No Public Started 4 Mar-2009 Aug-2012 Yes 4 £6.00 m £1.81 m £0.30 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Nottinghamshire Healthcare NHS Trust
Yorkshire and the
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Beverley Community Hospital Humber Public No Public Started 4 Oct-2010 Mar-2012 Yes 4 £17.00 m £10.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 East Riding Of Yorkshire PCT

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Oncology & Chemo Redevelopment Project North East Public No Public Started 4 Feb-2010 Nov-2011 Yes 4 £19.91 m £5.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 South Tees Hospitals NHS Trust
Birmingham And Solihull Mental Health NHS
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Yardley Green Mental Health Service West Midlands Public No Public Started 4 Feb-2011 Oct-2012 Yes 4 £26.68 m £19.00 m £5.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10
Foundation Trust
Blackpool, Fylde And Wyre Hospitals NHS
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Phase 6 Surgical Centre North West Public No Public Started 4 Jan-2009 Sep-2011 Yes 4 £31.00 m £2.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10
Foundation Trust
University Hospital Of South Manchester NHS
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Wythenshawe Maternity Unit North West Public No Public Started 4 Mar-2010 Nov-2011 Yes 4 £14.00 m £4.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Foundation Trust
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Making it Better (MiB) Maternity North West Public No Public Started 4 Sep-2009 Nov-2011 Yes 4 £10.77 m £2.70 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Bolton Hospitals NHS Trust
Basildon And Thurrock University Hospitals
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Emergency Department and Fracture Clinic East of England Public No Public Started 4 Nov-2009 May-2012 Yes 4 £11.10 m £4.31 m £0.08 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 NHS Foundation Trust
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction St Catherines Hospital Re-development North West Public No Public Started 4 Feb-2010 Nov-2011 Yes 4 £26.80 m £6.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Wirral PCT
Chelsea And Westminster Hospital NHS
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Netherton Grove Extension London Public No Public Started 4 Mar-2010 Dec-2011 Yes 4 £19.00 m £6.63 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10
Foundation Trust
University Hospital Of North Staffordshire NHS
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Refurbishment and alterations to retained estate West Midlands Public No Public Started 4 Apr-2010 Oct-2013 Yes 4 £1.73 m £0.64 m £0.51 m £0.08 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Trust
New Mental Health Inpatient Buildings at Shelton South Staffordshire And Shropshire Healthcare
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Hospital West Midlands Public No Public Started 4 Mar-2011 Aug-2012 Yes 4 £31.49 m £23.00 m £5.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 NHS Foundation Trust
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Middlesbrough Minor Works 2010 /2011 North East Public No Public Started 4 Nov-2009 Oct-2011 Yes 4 £2.22 m £0.49 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 South Tees Hospitals NHS Trust
Enabling Works - Electrical Infrastructure and
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Generator Replacement South East Public No Public Started 4 May-2010 Dec-2011 Yes 4 £1.70 m £0.80 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Ashford And St Peter'S Hospitals NHS Trust

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction PROJECT 55 East Midlands Public No Public Started 4 Oct-2010 Mar-2012 Yes 4 £29.50 m £21.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Kettering General Hospital NHS Trust
Yorkshire and the
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Electrical infrastructure replacement Humber Public No Public Started 4 Aug-2010 Oct-2011 Yes 4 £8.60 m £4.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Airedale NHS Trust

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Secure Services South East Public No Public Started 4 Jul-2010 Apr-2012 Yes 4 £11.16 m £6.67 m £0.13 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust
Urgent Care Centre and associated ED
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction development London Public No Public Started 4 Aug-2010 Apr-2012 Yes 4 £8.95 m £5.70 m £0.38 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 The Lewisham Hospital NHS Trust

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Emergency Medical Centre London Public No Public Started 4 Nov-2010 Feb-2012 Yes 4 £16.34 m £11.63 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Whipps Cross University Hospital NHS Trust

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction The Royal Oldham Hospital Phase 3 Development North West Public No Public Started 4 Nov-2010 Nov-2013 Yes 4 £32.80 m £13.10 m £11.00 m £3.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Pennine Acute Hospitals NHS Trust

Yorkshire and the Calderdale And Huddersfield NHS Foundation

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Small Works Contract Humber Public No Public Started 4 Jun-2010 Dec-2011 Yes 4 £1.50 m £0.65 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Trust
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Replacement LA2 Project South Central Public No Public Started 4 Apr-2011 Feb-2012 Yes 4 £3.46 m £3.20 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Royal Berkshire NHS Foundation Trust

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction CT Simulator South West Public No Public Started 4 Dec-2010 Jan-2012 Yes 4 £2.58 m £1.90 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Royal Devon And Exeter NHS Foundation Trust

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Langdon Hospital Minor Works South West Public No Public Started 4 Dec-2009 Sep-2011 Yes 4 £2.00 m £0.41 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Devon Partnership NHS Trust

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Pallion Health Centre North East Public No Public Started 4 Aug-2010 Nov-2011 Yes 4 £9.25 m £4.85 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 NHS South Of Tyne - Sunderland Teaching PCT

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction RCHT Critical Care South West Public No Public Started 4 May-2011 Dec-2011 Yes 4 £1.55 m £1.55 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Big Push & Centre for Better Births North West Public No Public Started 4 Mar-2011 Sep-2012 Yes 4 £10.00 m £8.00 m £2.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Liverpool Women'S NHS Foundation Trust

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction South Cumbria In-Patient Redvelopment North West Public No Public Started 4 Jan-2011 May-2012 Yes 4 £6.00 m £4.64 m £0.54 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Kent And Medway NHS And Social Care

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Younger Adult Inpatient Accommodation South East Public No Public Started 4 Aug-2011 Mar-2012 Yes 4 £6.56 m £6.56 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Partnership Trust
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Guild Park Phase 4 Development North West Public No Public Started 4 Aug-2010 Oct-2011 Yes 4 £5.90 m £2.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Street Refurbishment Project North West Public No Public Started 4 Jul-2010 Jul-2013 Yes 4 £4.38 m £1.64 m £1.50 m £0.25 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Redevelopment of Monkton Hall North East Public No Public Started 4 Jan-2011 Feb-2012 Yes 4 £3.97 m £3.58 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 South Tyneside PCT
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Reprovision of Learning Disabilities Services South East Public No Public Started 4 Feb-2011 Oct-2012 Yes 4 £2.04 m £1.00 m £1.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Sussex Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Ward Refurbishment Programme North West Public No Public Started 4 Apr-2011 Nov-2019 Yes 4 £11.00 m £1.00 m £2.00 m £2.00 m £1.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Cheshire And Wirral Partnership NHS

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction 2010 P21 Minor Works North West Public No Public Started 4 Jul-2010 Sep-2011 Yes 4 £0.50 m £0.16 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10
Foundation Trust
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Older Peoples Mental Health South West Public No Public Started 4 Nov-2010 Sep-2011 Yes 4 £2.70 m £1.80 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Devon Partnership NHS Trust
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Older Peoples Mental Health South West Public No Public Started 4 Mar-2011 Sep-2011 Yes 4 £1.13 m £1.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Devon Partnership NHS Trust

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Minor Works 2010/11 South West Public No Public Started 4 Jul-2010 Oct-2011 Yes 4 £1.80 m £0.78 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction 3rd Linear Accelerator Bunker South West Public No Public Started 4 Mar-2011 Jan-2012 Yes 4 £1.43 m £1.29 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
Tees, Esk And Wear Valleys NHS Foundation
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Roseberry Park Phase 3 North East Public No Public Started 4 May-2011 Aug-2012 Yes 4 £10.50 m £8.50 m £2.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Trust
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Decontamination Project East of England Public No Public Started 4 Mar-2011 Sep-2011 Yes 4 £0.28 m £0.28 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Refurbishment of Wards 7 & 12 North West Public No Public Started 4 Apr-2011 Nov-2011 Yes 4 £1.22 m £1.22 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction NTW Minor Works contract North East Public No Public Started 4 Jul-2010 Nov-2011 Yes 4 £3.00 m £1.35 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Northumberland, Tyne And Wear NHS Trust

Great Ormond Street Hospital For Children NHS

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Hospital street works at levels 1 - 6 in VCB London Public No Public Started 4 Dec-2010 May-2012 Yes 4 £1.00 m £0.64 m £0.16 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10
Great Ormond Street Hospital For Children NHS
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Theatre doors upgrade in VCB London Public No Public Started 4 Dec-2010 Aug-2011 Yes 4 £1.49 m £0.96 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10
Great Ormond Street Hospital For Children NHS
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Theatre staff changing facilities London Public No Public Started 4 Apr-2011 Oct-2011 Yes 4 £0.80 m £0.80 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10
Yorkshire and the
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Minor Works Schemes (Various Works) Humber Public No Public Started 4 Aug-2010 Dec-2011 Yes 4 £1.50 m £0.77 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Airedale NHS Trust

Health ProCure21 Under-Construction WCH Treatment Centre South West Public No Public Started 4 Oct-2010 Oct-2011 Yes 4 £1.48 m £0.80 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust
Yorkshire and the South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Newton Lodge Medium Secure Unit Humber Public No Public Started 4 Aug-2011 Mar-2013 Yes 4 £10.73 m £4.73 m £6.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Foundation Trust
Retained Estate Programme - Inpatient Radiology University Hospital Of North Staffordshire NHS
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Bi-Plane Scanner West Midlands Public No Public Started 4 Sep-2011 Sep-2012 Yes 4 £1.00 m £0.10 m £0.90 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Trust
Retained Estate Programme - Central Treatment University Hospital Of North Staffordshire NHS
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Suite West Midlands Public No Public Started 4 Jan-2011 Oct-2011 Yes 4 £2.00 m £1.54 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Trust
Retained Estate Programme - Integrated Renal University Hospital Of North Staffordshire NHS
Health ProCure21 Under-Construction Services West Midlands Public No Public Started 4 Jul-2011 Oct-2012 Yes 4 £8.60 m £5.60 m £3.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21 Sep-10 Trust
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Sussex linked Radiotherapy centres South Central Public No Public Proposed 2 Apr-2012 Mar-2014 Yes 4 £30.00 m £3.00 m £15.00 m £12.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Trust
Yorkshire and the Calderdale and Huddersfield NHS Foundation
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Trust 3 year Rolling Capital Programme Humber Public No Public Proposed 2 Oct-2011 Oct-2016 Yes 4 £12.00 m £2.00 m £3.00 m £2.00 m £3.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Trust
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction LCD Alterations London Public No Public Proposed 2 Jan-2012 Jul-2012 Yes 4 £1.20 m £0.20 m £1.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 West London Mental Health NHS Trust
Emergency Department Reconfiguration, St
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Thomas Hospital London Public No Public Proposed 2 Jan-2012 Dec-2013 Yes 4 £10.00 m £2.00 m £5.00 m £3.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Guy's and St Thomas' NHS Foundation Trust

BSUH Investment programme - Estate Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Infrastructure Works South East Public No Public Proposed 2 Apr-2012 Mar-2015 Yes 4 £10.00 m £1.00 m £3.00 m £4.00 m £1.80 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Trust
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Multi-Storey Car Park North West Public No Public Proposed 2 Dec-2011 Nov-2012 Yes 4 £10.00 m £4.00 m £6.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 The Christie NHS Foundation Trust
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Bridgewater Community Hospital South West Public No Public Proposed 2 Aug-2012 Aug-2014 Yes 4 £35.00 m £1.50 m £12.50 m £18.00 m £3.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Somerset PCT
Yorkshire and the South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction SWYPFT Programme of Works Humber Public No Public Proposed 2 Nov-2011 Mar-2016 Yes 4 £21.00 m £3.00 m £6.00 m £5.00 m £4.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Foundation Trust
Yorkshire and the South West Yorkshire Partnership NHS
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction SWYPFT Small Works Programme Humber Public No Public Proposed 2 Nov-2011 Mar-2016 Yes 4 £2.50 m £0.40 m £0.50 m £0.60 m £0.60 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Foundation Trust
Wrightington, Wigan and Leigh NHS
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Service and Site Reconfigeration Programme North West Public No Public Proposed 2 Jun-2012 Mar-2021 Yes 4 £85.00 m £4.20 m £11.40 m £9.90 m £10.80 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Foundation Trust
Yorkshire and the
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Capital Construction Programme Humber Public No Public Proposed 2 Oct-2011 Mar-2016 Yes 4 £8.00 m £2.00 m £2.00 m £2.00 m £1.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Airedale NHS Foundation Trust

Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Whyndyke Farm North West Public No Public Planned 3 Mar-2012 Jan-2014 Yes 4 £45.00 m £4.00 m £25.00 m £16.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Lancashire Care NHS Foundation Trust
Yorkshire and the
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Ward Redevelopment and Other schemes Humber Public No Public Planned 3 Apr-2012 Jan-2014 Yes 4 £10.00 m £1.00 m £6.00 m £3.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 The Rotherham NHS Foundation Trust

Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust. East Midlands Public No Public Planned 3 Jan-2012 Nov-2016 Yes 4 £58.00 m £7.00 m £12.00 m £14.00 m £13.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Nottingham University Hospitals NHS Trust

Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS

Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction St Mary's Hall School Conversion South East Public No Public Planned 3 Jan-2012 Sep-2012 Yes 4 £5.00 m £1.00 m £4.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Trust
Epsom and St Helier University Hospitals NHS
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction St Helier Hospital Development: Early Works London Public No Public Planned 3 Nov-2011 Mar-2014 Yes 4 £31.20 m £6.20 m £15.00 m £10.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Trust
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Ophthalmology OPD & Urgent Care South West Public No Public Planned 3 Oct-2011 May-2012 Yes 4 £3.70 m £3.50 m £0.20 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Plymouth Hospitals NHS Trust
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction HEFT X Site Tranche 1 West Midlands Public No Public Planned 3 Sep-2011 Aug-2013 Yes 4 £22.00 m £8.00 m £12.00 m £2.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Heart of England NHS Foundation Trust
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Development of community services East Midlands Public No Public Planned 3 Oct-2011 Jul-2012 Yes 4 £18.50 m £11.50 m £7.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Northamptonshire Teaching PCT
Brighton and Sussex University Hospitals NHS
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Day surgery unit South East Public No Public Planned 3 Jan-2012 Apr-2013 Yes 4 £14.00 m £3.00 m £11.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Trust
Satellite Radiotherapy Unit at the County Hospital Gloucestershire Hospitals NHS Foundation
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction in Hereford South West Public No Public Planned 3 Jan-2012 Mar-2013 Yes 4 £4.80 m £1.80 m £3.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Trust

Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction RILD South West Public No Public Planned 3 Dec-2011 Mar-2013 Yes 4 £19.00 m £6.00 m £13.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Royal Devon and Exeter NHS Foundation Trust

Northwick Park & St Mark's Hospital Theatre

Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Reconfiguration London Public No Public Planned 3 Mar-2012 Jan-2014 Yes 4 £6.00 m £1.00 m £3.00 m £2.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 North West London Hospitals NHS Trust

Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Clinical Site Development Plan South West Public No Public Planned 3 Nov-2011 Mar-2015 Yes 4 £37.70 m £7.70 m £12.00 m £11.00 m £7.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust

Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction New Build Theatre Scheme North West Public No Public Planned 3 Aug-2012 Dec-2013 Yes 4 £14.30 m £0.50 m £6.80 m £7.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Mid Cheshire Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust

Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University

Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Estates rationalisation and enabling scheme North West Public No Public Planned 3 Jan-2012 Dec-2015 Yes 4 £60.00 m £8.00 m £17.00 m £17.00 m £13.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Hospitals NHS Trust
Small Works - Estates Reconfiguration and Royal Liverpool and Broadgreen University
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Rationalisation North West Public No Public Planned 3 Nov-2011 Dec-2011 Yes 4 £8.50 m £8.50 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Hospitals NHS Trust
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Bedford House London Public No Public Planned 3 Nov-2011 Jul-2012 Yes 4 £2.00 m £1.00 m £1.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 West London Mental Health NHS Trust
Colchester Hospital University NHS Foundation
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Centralisation of Cancer Services East of England Public No Public Planned 3 Jun-2012 Dec-2013 Yes 4 £17.50 m £1.00 m £9.50 m £7.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Trust
Alterations and Extension to Brookhaven Mental Worcestershire Mental Health Partnership NHS
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Health Unit West Midlands Public No Public Planned 3 Apr-2012 Mar-2013 Yes 4 £6.80 m £0.60 m £6.20 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Trust
University Hospitals Birmingham NHS
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Plaza, Cyberknife and offices for FM provider West Midlands Public No Public Planned 3 Oct-2011 Sep-2012 Yes 4 £6.70 m £3.70 m £3.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Foundation Trust

Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction SGH 5 Year Capital Programme South Central Public No Public Planned 3 Sep-2011 Mar-2016 Yes 4 £30.00 m £6.00 m £8.00 m £7.00 m £6.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Southampton University Hospitals NHS Trust

Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Pathology Laboratory, Mortuary and Body Store South West Public No Public Planned 3 Jan-2012 Mar-2013 Yes 4 £10.00 m £2.00 m £8.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Royal United Hospital Bath NHS Trust

Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Southampton Clinical Accommodation Project England Public No Public Planned 3 Jan-2012 Jun-2012 Yes 4 £0.40 m £0.20 m £0.20 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 NHS Business Services Authority

Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction WHHT Backlog Maintenance East of England Public No Public Planned 3 Nov-2011 Jan-2012 Yes 4 £3.00 m £3.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction WHHT Transforms East of England Public No Public Planned 3 Nov-2011 Dec-2014 Yes 4 £15.00 m £3.00 m £5.00 m £5.00 m £2.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 West Hertfordshire Hospitals NHS Trust

Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Theatre Rebuild Project South East Public No Public Planned 3 Jan-2012 Jan-2013 Yes 4 £12.00 m £3.00 m £9.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Queen Victoria Hospital NHS Foundation Trust

Aintree University Hospitals NHS Foundation

Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction High Level Predestrian Walkway North West Public No Public Planned 3 Nov-2011 Jan-2015 Yes 4 £1.90 m £0.30 m £0.60 m £0.80 m £0.20 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Trust
Our Changing Hospitals - Phase 4 -ICU & wards-
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Chemotherapy Refurbishment East of England Public No Public Planned 3 Mar-2012 Mar-2014 Yes 4 £5.50 m £0.50 m £3.00 m £2.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 East and North Hertfordshire NHS Trust

Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Modernisation of Inpatient Facilities North West Public No Public Planned 3 Jan-2012 Apr-2013 Yes 4 £2.50 m £0.40 m £2.00 m £0.10 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Cumbria Partnership NHS Foundation Trust

Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Enabling Works London Public No Public Planned 3 Nov-2011 Jul-2013 Yes 4 £10.00 m £3.00 m £6.00 m £1.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 West London Mental Health NHS Trust

23 of 28 566249255.xls
Government construction pipeline November 2011

Finance costs FM or other

Economically Funding Scheme Status Earliest construction On schedule Total capex cost all Total capex cost Significant land where privately significant 'non- Planned Procurement Expiry date for Notes
Sector Sub-Sector Sub-Group Project / programme name Description / purpose Region Asset Ownership regulated asset Source(s) Scheme Status Indicator start date Date in service On schedule indicator funding (£m) publicly funded, 2011/12 (£m) 2012/13 (£m) 2013/14 (£m) 2014/15 (£m) Estimate status Basis of costs Base year related costs funded e.g. PFI construction' related Route existing frameworks Procuring Authority Public source for further project details Data source(s) (including details where "other" given in response to earlier
if different (£m) (£m) (£m) costs (£m) questions)

New Maternity Theatres, EPAU and Link Bridge,

Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Whipps Cross Hospital London Public No Public Planned 3 Nov-2011 Jul-2012 Yes 4 £1.70 m £1.00 m £0.70 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Whipps Cross University Hospital NHS Trust

Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust South Central Public No Public Planned 3 Apr-2012 Oct-2012 Yes 4 £8.10 m £0.80 m £7.30 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Oxford Radcliffe Hospitals NHS Trust
The Royal Bournemouth and Christchurch
Health ProCure21+ Pre-construction Christchurch Hospital Rationalisation South West Public No Public Planned 3 Jan-2013 Dec-2014 Yes 4 £10.00 m £0.00 m £2.00 m £6.00 m £2.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Hospitals NHS Foundation Trust
Health ProCure21+ Under-construction Phase 3 Fire Alarm System South Central Public No Public Started 4 Jan-2011 Dec-2011 Yes 4 £1.10 m £0.90 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Isle of Wight NHS PCT

Health ProCure21+ Under-construction Royal Cornwall Hospitals Small Works Scheme South West Public No Public Started 4 Jun-2011 Jun-2012 Yes 4 £3.00 m £2.50 m £0.50 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Royal Cornwall Hospitals NHS Trust

Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS

Health ProCure21+ Under-construction Rolling Small Works programme London Public No Public Started 4 Jun-2011 Dec-2013 Yes 4 £3.50 m £1.00 m £1.70 m £0.80 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 Trust
Great Ormond Street Hospital for Children NHS
Health ProCure21+ Under-construction Programme of Major Works London Public No Public Started 4 Jul-2011 May-2012 Yes 4 £36.50 m £33.50 m £3.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16

Health ProCure21+ Under-construction Five Year Capital Programme South West Public No Public Started 4 Sep-2011 Mar-2016 Yes 4 £46.00 m £10.00 m £11.00 m £11.00 m £9.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 South Devon Healthcare NHS Foundation Trust

Health ProCure21+ Under-construction Critical Care & Endoscopy Refurbishment East Midlands Public No Public Started 4 May-2011 Feb-2012 Yes 4 £3.30 m £3.30 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 United Lincolnshire Hospitals NHS Trust
Health ProCure21+ Under-construction NHSBT Framework for Small Works Contracts England Public No Public Started 4 Jun-2011 Feb-2014 Yes 4 £10.00 m £4.00 m £4.00 m £2.00 m £0.00 m Real ProCure21+ Sep-16 NHS Blood and Transplant

This line represents a funding programme across the whole of

Housing & England on multiple sites in each area. The figures shown represent
Regeneration Housing Affordable Housing Affordable Housing Refurbishment, new build housing England Multiple Multiple Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £1,493.00 m £765.10 m £857.30 m £920.00 m Real Registered providers of housing the HCA funding for this programme and not the full costs of
Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Durham Refurbishment North East Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £18.60 m £13.00 m £12.00 m Real
Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations South Tyneside Refurbishment North East Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £19.20 m £17.00 m £21.00 m Real
Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Blackpool Refurbishment North West Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £7.15 m £5.00 m £4.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Cheshire West & Chester Refurbishment North West Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £0.00 m £0.00 m £3.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Manchester Refurbishment North West Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £3.10 m £0.50 m £5.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Salford Refurbishment North West Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £13.50 m £9.00 m £12.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations South Lakeland Refurbishment North West Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Doncaster Refurbishment Yorkshire & the Other (include details in
Regeneration Humber Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £16.90 m £13.00 m £7.40 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Kingston upon Hull Refurbishment Yorkshire & the Other (include details in
Regeneration Humber Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Bassetlaw Refurbishment East Midlands Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £4.80 m £3.50 m £3.50 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Charnwood Refurbishment East Midlands Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £2.62 m £2.62 m £2.62 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Chesterfield Refurbishment East Midlands Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £0.00 m £0.00 m £2.27 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Corby Refurbishment East Midlands Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £0.00 m £0.00 m £1.86 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Melton Refurbishment East Midlands Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.40 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations North East Derbyshire Refurbishment East Midlands Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £8.50 m £7.50 m £19.78 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations North West Leicestershire Refurbishment East Midlands Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £0.00 m £3.69 m £8.50 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Northampton Refurbishment East Midlands Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £0.00 m £4.54 m £14.76 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Nottingham UA Refurbishment East Midlands Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £23.01 m £17.55 m £24.77 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Sandwell Refurbishment West Midlands Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £1.60 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Shropshire Refurbishment West Midlands Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £1.20 m £1.20 m £0.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Wolverhampton Refurbishment West Midlands Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £23.14 m £20.70 m £11.96 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Basildon Refurbishment East of England Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £13.45 m £16.21 m £19.66 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Harlow Refurbishment East of England Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £0.00 m £0.00 m £2.25 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Southend-on-Sea Refurbishment East of England Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £3.95 m £6.50 m £0.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Stevenage Refurbishment East of England Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £5.93 m £4.75 m £4.35 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Barking and Dagenham Refurbishment London Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £2.00 m £9.50 m £15.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Camden Refurbishment London Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £10.00 m £7.50 m £10.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Enfield Refurbishment London Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £14.00 m £18.00 m £12.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Hackney Refurbishment London Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £17.83 m £16.25 m £16.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Haringey Refurbishment London Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £19.00 m £17.00 m £6.45 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Havering Refurbishment London Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £9.17 m £15.00 m £15.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Kingston upon Thames Refurbishment London Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £0.00 m £2.00 m £4.39 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Lambeth Refurbishment London Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £7.00 m £11.50 m £30.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Lewisham Refurbishment London Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £14.00 m £11.50 m £24.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Newham Refurbishment London Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £5.00 m £7.00 m £0.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Redbridge Refurbishment London Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £6.00 m £5.00 m £7.66 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Southwark Refurbishment London Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £0.00 m £11.25 m £15.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Sutton Refurbishment London Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £10.00 m £12.00 m £14.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Tower Hamlets Refurbishment London Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £12.50 m £11.00 m £25.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Brighton and Hove Refurbishment South East Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £0.00 m £0.00 m £1.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Eastbourne Refurbishment South East Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £1.25 m £2.67 m £0.00 m Real
Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Waverley Refurbishment South East Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £0.00 m £2.32 m £3.24 m Real
Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Wokingham Refurbishment South East Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £0.00 m £0.00 m £2.99 m Real
Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Mid Devon Refurbishment South West Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.20 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Sedgemoor Refurbishment South West Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £5.61 m £6.25 m £6.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Housing Decent Homes Backlog Allocations Stroud Refurbishment South West Other (include details in
Regeneration Public No Public Started 4 Various Various Unknown 1 £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Real notes) Local Authority Mainly procured via existing LA frameworks

Housing & Commercially Commercially Other (include details in Financial proformas, business case, data
Regeneration Housing PFI Various New build housing & refurbished housing England Public/Private No Private Started 4 Various Various Yes 4 £812.96 m £812.96 m sensitive £33.59 m £33.59 m £33.59 m Bid price Nominal 2005 sensitive £237.80 m £330.50 m notes) n/a Various collection exercises Private Finance Initiative

Justice Courts Courts MoJ Estate Investment Programme - Courts London Courts London Public No Public Proposed 2 2012/15 2015 Unknown 1 £50.00 m £10.00 m £20.00 m £20.00 m Pre-project 2009/10 Existing framework Apr-12 Ministry of Justice Subject to Strategic Need Confirmation
Justice Courts Courts MoJ Estate Investment Programme - Courts Midlands Court provision West Midlands Public No Public Proposed 2 2012/15 2015 Unknown 1 £110.00 m £15.00 m £35.00 m Pre-project 2009/10 Existing framework Apr-12 Ministry of Justice Subject to Strategic Need Confirmation
Justice Courts Courts MoJ Estate Investment Programme - Courts North East Justice Centre North East Public No Public Proposed 2 2012/15 2015 Unknown 1 £98.00 m £15.00 m £60.00 m £23.00 m Pre-project 2009/10 Existing framework Apr-12 Ministry of Justice Subject to Strategic Need Confirmation
Contract awaded for c£7m, remainder subject to Strategic Need
Justice Courts Courts MoJ Estate Investment Programme - Courts North West Court Provision North West Public No Public Proposed 2 2012/15 2015 Yes 4 £17.00 m £7.00 m £10.00 m Pre-project 2010/11 Existing framework Apr-12 Ministry of Justice Confirmation
Justice Courts Courts MoJ Estate Investment Programme - Courts East Midlands Court Provision East Midlands Public No Public Proposed 2 2012/13 2013 Unknown 1 £25.00 m £15.00 m £10.00 m Pre-project 2009/10 Existing framework Apr-12 Ministry of Justice Subject to Strategic Need Confirmation

Justice Prisons Prisons Prisons - Maintenance Programme Roof replacement / Repairs Great Britain Public No Public Planned 3 2011/2012 2012 Yes 4 £30.90 m £8.40 m £21.50 m £1.00 m Pre-procurement 2010/11 Existing framework Apr-12 Ministry of Justice

Justice Prisons Prisons Prisons - Maintenance Programme General Building Great Britain Public No Public Planned 3 2011/2012 2012 Yes 4 £71.10 m £27.30 m £25.10 m £18.70 m Pre-procurement 2010/11 Existing framework Apr-12 Ministry of Justice

Justice Prisons Prisons Prisons - Maintenance Programme New Build Replacement Buildings Great Britain Public No Public Planned 3 2011/2012 2012 Yes 4 £33.80 m £13.30 m £10.50 m £10.00 m Pre-procurement 2010/11 Existing framework Apr-12 Ministry of Justice

Justice Prisons Prisons Prisons - Maintenance Programme Mechanical Great Britain Public No Public Planned 3 2011/2012 2012 Yes 4 £79.30 m £31.40 m £17.90 m £30.00 m Pre-procurement 2010/11 Existing framework Apr-12 Ministry of Justice

Justice Prisons Prisons Prisons - Maintenance Programme Electrical Great Britain Public No Public Planned 3 2011/2012 2012 Yes 4 £26.40 m £14.90 m £5.20 m £6.30 m Pre-procurement 2010/11 Existing framework Apr-12 Ministry of Justice

Justice Prisons Prisons Prisons - Maintenance Programme Refurbishment Great Britain Public No Public Planned 3 2011/2012 2012 Yes 4 £181.00 m £45.00 m £105.00 m £31.00 m Pre-procurement 2010/11 Existing framework Apr-12 Ministry of Justice

Justice Prisons Prisons Prisons - Maintenance Programme Security Great Britain Public No Public Planned 3 2011/2012 2012 Yes 4 £32.40 m £10.40 m £12.00 m £10.00 m Pre-procurement 2010/11 Existing framework Apr-12 Ministry of Justice

Justice Prisons Prisons Prisons - Maintenance Programme Alarms Great Britain Public No Public Planned 3 2011/2012 2012 Yes 4 £87.60 m £51.90 m £1.70 m £34.00 m Pre-procurement 2010/11 Existing framework Apr-12 Ministry of Justice

Justice Prisons Prisons MoJ Investment Programme South East Prison Extention South East Public No Public Proposed 2 2012/14 2014 Unknown 1 £32.00 m £8.00 m £24.00 m Pre-project 2009/10 Existing framework Apr-12 Ministry of Justice Subject to Strategic Need Confirmation

MOD DIO Programmes Various Various UK Public

n/a Public Planned 3 11/12 onwards 12/13 onwards Yes 4 £488.00 m £27.00 m £136.00 m £156.00 m £169.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal n/a n/a n/a New framework Defence Infrastructure Organisation Various - Planning Estimates, Estate Information

MOD DIO Programmes SLAM Living accomodation UK Public

n/a Public Started 4 06/07 onwards phased ongoing Yes 4 £119.00 m £48.00 m £61.00 m £5.00 m £5.00 m Bid price Nominal n/a n/a n/a Existing framework n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation Various - Planning Estimates, Estate Information

MOD DIO Projects Various Various UK Public

n/a Public Proposed 2 11/12 onwards 12/13 onwards Yes 4 £948.31 m £0.00 m £307.31 m £316.22 m £324.78 m Pre-project Nominal n/a n/a n/a New framework n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation Various - Planning Estimates, Estate Information

Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies

DIO Projects Z9A5189Y10 WATTISHAM STATION Wattisham Flying Station Childcare Centre East of England
Public n/a Public Planned 3 Apr-2012 Jan-2013 Yes 4 £1.34 m £0.00 m £1.34 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Concept Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Apr-13 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9F0038Y04 RAF HONNINGTON HONI- Offices - Jt CBRN Unit Formation East of England
Public n/a Public Planned 3 Nov-2013 Jun-2014 Yes 4 £2.08 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £1.28 m £0.81 m Concept Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a New framework n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9F0007Y08 RAF MARHAM MRAM-WO/SNCO Mess Kitchen East of England
Public n/a Public Planned 3 Apr-2012 Apr-2013 Yes 4 £3.82 m £0.00 m £3.57 m £0.25 m £0.00 m Concept Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Apr-13 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9L1150Y05 HMNB CLYDE Replace Bilge Main Scotland
Public n/a Public Planned 3 Jan-2012 Sep-2012 Yes 4 £4.11 m £1.18 m £2.93 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Concept Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Jul-13 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9M0001Y11CREDENHILL Credenhill - Extension of Bldg 364 for 8 Flt AAC West Midlands
Public n/a Public Planned 3 Mar-2012 Mar-2013 Yes 4 £4.31 m £0.18 m £4.13 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Concept Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9A0058Y07 YARDLEY CHASE TA Yardley Chase Training Area ACF WETC East of England
Public n/a Public Planned 3 Sep-2012 Aug-2014 Yes 4 £5.40 m £0.00 m £3.47 m £1.93 m £0.00 m Concept Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Apr-13 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9L2055Y08 DM GLEN DOUGLAS Road Rail Transfer Area Scotland
Public n/a Public Planned 3 Jul-2012 Aug-2013 Yes 4 £5.80 m £0.00 m £3.90 m £1.90 m £0.00 m Concept Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Jul-13 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9F0004Y08 RAF WADDINGTON WADD RAFAT Relocation East of England
Public n/a Public Planned 3 May-2011 Aug-2012 Yes 4 £9.19 m £5.87 m £3.32 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Concept Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Apr-13 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9A0022Y06 COSFORD Project BORONA - Relocation of 102 Log Bde West Midlands
Public n/a Public Planned 3 Sep-2019 Aug-2021 Yes 4 £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Concept Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Stand-alone n/a n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9A0021Y06 STAFFORD Project BORONA - Relocation of 1 Sig Bde to UK West Midlands
Public n/a Public Planned 3 Apr-2013 Jan-2016 Yes 4 £141.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £75.00 m £66.00 m Concept Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Stand-alone n/a n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation
and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9A0064Y05 COMBERMERE BARRACK Reprovision of Hardstanding Parade Ground
London Public n/a Public Planned 3 Apr-2014 Apr-2015 Yes 4 £2.64 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £2.64 m Concept Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation
and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
London Public n/a Public Planned 3 Feb-2010 Nov-2011 Unknown 1 £2.54 m £2.45 m £0.03 m £0.03 m £0.02 m Concept Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Stand-alone n/a n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation
and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9L1249Y07 OFD GOSPORT Legislative Compliance Package - Operational Risks
South West Public n/a Public Planned 3 Apr-2012 Mar-2013 Yes 4 £3.40 m £0.00 m £3.40 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Concept Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9N0001Y07 RM COMMANDO TRAINING CENTRE CTCRM - Band Practice Hall Bldg 42
South West Public n/a Public Planned 3 Aug-2012 Apr-2013 Yes 4 £1.56 m £0.13 m £1.00 m £0.43 m £0.00 m Concept Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9A0146Y04 SOUTH CERNEY SFA South Cerney, Provision of SFA (SON2)
South West Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Jul-2012 Dec-2013 Yes 4 £12.25 m £0.00 m £3.50 m £8.74 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9A1105Y06 RMA SANDHURST Provision of Gymnasium Facility
South East Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Jun-2012 Apr-2013 Yes 4 £2.73 m £0.20 m £2.44 m £0.09 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9A4013Y09 BOVINGTON CAMP Bovington-Basing of Warthog Training Fleet
South West Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Jun-2011 Jan-2012 Yes 4 £0.55 m £0.55 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9A6013Y09 WOOLWICH STATION Woolwich Welfare Facilities
London Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Aug-2011 Aug-2012 Yes 4 £4.32 m £2.71 m £1.61 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9D0096Y10 BRIZE NORTON SFA 42 Officers SFA (Brize Norton)
South East Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Jul-2011 Jan-2013 Yes 4 £9.46 m £4.47 m £4.99 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9F0012Y03 RAF HIGH WYCOMBE HWYC-Sports and Recreation Facilities - PRTC
South East Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Oct-2011 Jan-2013 Yes 4 £7.90 m £2.67 m £5.24 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9F0013Y09 RAF ST MAWGAN MAWG - Joint Services Training Facility (JSTF)
South West Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Nov-2011 Jan-2013 Yes 4 £8.32 m £1.90 m £6.42 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9F0224Y03 RAF BRIZE NORTON BZNO-Future Brize-Technical Facilities-TMW/4626
South East Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Aug-2011 Dec-2012 Yes 4 £14.34 m £6.91 m £7.43 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9F0233Y03 RAF BRIZE NORTON BZNO-Dog Section
South East Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 May-2011 Jan-2012 Yes 4 £3.34 m £3.34 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9F2109Y09 RAF BRIZE NORTON BZNO - C130J Hangar
South East Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Jan-2012 Dec-2012 Yes 4 £15.80 m £1.93 m £13.87 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work

24 of 28 566249255.xls
Government construction pipeline November 2011

Finance costs FM or other

Economically Funding Scheme Status Earliest construction On schedule Total capex cost all Total capex cost Significant land where privately significant 'non- Planned Procurement Expiry date for Notes
Sector Sub-Sector Sub-Group Project / programme name Description / purpose Region Asset Ownership regulated asset Source(s) Scheme Status Indicator start date Date in service On schedule indicator funding (£m) publicly funded, 2011/12 (£m) 2012/13 (£m) 2013/14 (£m) 2014/15 (£m) Estimate status Basis of costs Base year related costs funded e.g. PFI construction' related Route existing frameworks Procuring Authority Public source for further project details Data source(s) (including details where "other" given in response to earlier
if different (£m) (£m) (£m) costs (£m) questions)

Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies

DIO Projects Z9L2074Y10 RAF BRIZE NORTON A400M Risk Mitigation BZN Infra Enabling Wks
South West Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Mar-2013 Mar-2015 Yes 4 £50.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £26.10 m £23.90 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Stand-alone n/a n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9M0008Y10 DMRC HEADLEY COURT Headley Court Patient and Clinical Accommodation Project
London Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Jan-2012 Sep-2012 Yes 4 £15.36 m £5.29 m £10.07 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation
and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9M0024Y09 RM POOLE Poole - COIN Range
South West Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Jul-2011 May-2012 Yes 4 £8.19 m £6.83 m £1.36 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation
and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
South West Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Nov-2011 Mar-2013 Yes 4 £6.03 m £1.39 m £4.64 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation
and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9N0037Y04 DEVONPORT DOCKYARD Devonport Landing Craft Co-location Project
South West Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Aug-2011 Dec-2012 Yes 4 £29.98 m £14.25 m £15.73 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9M0006Y10 RAF DIGBY RAF Digby - Provision of Additional Power to SIte
East of England Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Aug-2013 Jul-2015 Yes 4 £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a New framework Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9A1060Y05 DERING LINES Brecon Sports Pitch/Pavilion
Wales Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Apr-2017 Aug-2017 Yes 4 £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9A0035Y07WATERBEACH BARRACKS Provision of a New Armoury for Waterbeach Barracks
East of England Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Apr-2012 Jan-2013 Yes 4 £1.19 m £0.00 m £1.19 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Apr-13 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
Northern Ireland Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Nov-2011 Jan-2013 Yes 4 £1.86 m £0.69 m £1.17 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Jun-12 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9A4076Y05 PALACE BARRACKS Palace Barracks - Main Entrance Point
Northern Ireland Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Nov-2011 Mar-2013 Yes 4 £2.04 m £0.61 m £1.44 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Jun-12 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Yorkshire & the Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9A0152Y04 IMPHAL BARRACKS Imphal Bks - Fire Damage Humber Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Apr-2015 Nov-2015 Yes 4 £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a New framework Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Yorkshire & the Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9A1018Y04 HELLES BARRACKS Refurb Kitchen Helles Bks Humber Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Apr-2015 Dec-2015 Yes 4 £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a New framework Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9A4130Y05 ALDERGROVE AIRFIELD Aldergrove Technical Accommodation
Northern Ireland Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Nov-2011 Nov-2012 Yes 4 £3.50 m £1.50 m £2.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a New framework Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9F0162Y03 RAF HONNINGTON HONI - Sports and Recreational Facilities - Training Pool
East of England Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Feb-2012 Dec-2013 Yes 4 £3.78 m £0.92 m £2.86 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Apr-13 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9F0134Y03 RAF LEEMING LEEM - Medical Facilities - Regional Medical Centre
East of England Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Nov-2011 Nov-2012 Yes 4 £5.04 m £3.44 m £1.60 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Apr-13 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Yorkshire & the Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9A0115Y04 CATTERICK GARRISON Bellerby Ranges Catterick Humber Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Mar-2012 Yes 4 £6.20 m £0.00 m £6.20 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Jul-13 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9M0005Y10 RAF DIGBY RAF Digby - Construct Extension to Bldg 177A
East of England Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Feb-2012 Mar-2013 Yes 4 £6.69 m £1.35 m £5.34 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9M0025Y09 PONTRALIS Pontrilas - Building 1011
West Midlands Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Jun-2011 Apr-2012 Yes 4 £8.44 m £8.33 m £0.12 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Other (include details in Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9F0045Y03 - RAF LOSSIMOUTH LOSI - Technical Facilities - Air Traffic Control
Scotland Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Apr-2012 Feb-2014 Yes 4 £9.50 m £0.00 m £6.27 m £3.23 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a notes) Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work DEFCON

Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies

DIO Projects Z9L2017Y06 KINETON Intruder Detection Fire Alarm System
West Midlands Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Mar-2011 Apr-2012 Yes 4 £10.18 m £9.73 m £0.45 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9F0240Y03 RAF MARHAM MRAM - Primary Healthcare Accommodation
East of England Public n/a Public Confirmed 4 Aug-2011 Jan-2013 Yes 4 £13.21 m £3.11 m £10.09 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Apr-13 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
Wales Public n/a Public Started 4 Jul-2011 Nov-2012 Yes 4 £6.78 m £3.37 m £3.41 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9M0033Y09 CREDENHILL Credenhill - Upgrade Electrical Supply within Camp
West Midlands Public n/a Public Started 4 May-2011 Nov-2011 Yes 4 £1.03 m £1.03 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9A2087Y08 ALDERGROVE AIRFIELD 38 Engineer Regiment SLA Aldergrove
Northern Ireland Public n/a Public Started 4 Aug-2010 Aug-2011 Yes 4 £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Jun-12 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9F0025Y05 RAF WITTERING RAF WITTERING Kitchens - Officers' Mess
East of England Public n/a Public Started 4 Sep-2011 Aug-2012 Yes 4 £3.48 m £1.27 m £2.20 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Apr-13 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9M0003Y08 ST ATHAN St Athan - Churchill Lines New Armoury
Wales Public n/a Public Started 4 Jul-2011 May-2012 Yes 4 £3.59 m £3.43 m £0.16 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9L1121Y04 HMNB CLYDE Firearms Training Centre
Scotland Public n/a Public Started 4 Dec-2010 Feb-2012 Yes 4 £2.81 m £2.81 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Jul-13 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9L1297Y09 OFD LOCH EWE Loch Ewe Oil Fuel Jetty
Scotland Public n/a Public Started 4 Apr-2010 Sep-2011 Yes 4 £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Jul-13 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Yorkshire & the Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9A2089Y10 LECONFIELD Leconfield DST UOR Upgrade to Workshop and Stores Facility Humber
Public n/a Public Started 4 Feb-2011 Apr-2012 Yes 4 £3.63 m £3.63 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
East of England Public n/a Public Started 4 Dec-2010 Nov-2011 Yes 4 £3.82 m £3.82 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Apr-13 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Other (include details in Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9F0002Y05 RAF MARHAM MRAM- JRM Kitchen
East of England Public n/a Public Started 4 Feb-2011 May-2012 Yes 4 £4.68 m £3.70 m £0.98 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a notes) Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work DEFCON

Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies

DIO Projects Z9F0145Y03 RAF MARHAM Marham Accn (OM)- Officers' Mess Kitchen Refurb
East of England Public n/a Public Started 4 Nov-2010 Apr-2012 Yes 4 £3.50 m £3.25 m £0.25 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Apr-13 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9F0025Y03 RAF SHAWBURY SHYB Sports and Recreation Facilities - PRTC
West Midlands Public n/a Public Started 4 Mar-2011 Jun-2012 Yes 4 £6.29 m £5.56 m £0.73 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9F0126Y03 RAF SYERSTON SYGS - Offices - Central Gliding School
East Midlands Public n/a Public Started 4 Aug-2010 Mar-2012 Yes 4 £3.89 m £3.89 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9F0017Y07 RAF LEEMING LEEM Provision of JRM
East of England Public n/a Public Started 4 Aug-2009 Sep-2011 Yes 4 £0.33 m £0.33 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Apr-13 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9L1003Y03 HMNB CLYDE Incident Command and Control Centre
Scotland Public n/a Public Started 4 Oct-2010 Mar-2012 Yes 4 £8.90 m £8.85 m £0.05 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Jul-13 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9F0170Y03 RAF MARHAM MRAM-Southern Taxiway Resurface
East of England Public n/a Public Started 4 Feb-2010 Aug-2011 Yes 4 £6.15 m £6.15 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Apr-13 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9L1014Y03 HMNB CLYDE EHJ Continuous Improvement
Scotland Public n/a Public Started 4 Dec-2009 Jan-2012 Yes 4 £10.69 m £10.69 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Apr-13 Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9M0005Y03 LICHFIELD Midlands Medical Accommodation
West Midlands Public n/a Public Started 4 Sep-2011 Apr-2014 Yes 4 £60.68 m £19.26 m £26.58 m £14.84 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Stand-alone n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9L1106Y04 HMNB CLYDE SSN Berthing Facility
Scotland Public n/a Public Started 4 Nov-2005 Aug-2011 Yes 4 £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Stand-alone n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9M0035Y04 RAF WYTON Pride- Estate Rationalisation Programme
East of England Public n/a Public Started 4 Mar-2009 Jan-2014 Yes 4 £83.29 m £40.61 m £26.57 m £16.11 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Stand-alone n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9A0020Y03 SPTA MILITARY SPTA Eastern Infrastructure Project
South West Public n/a Public Started 4 Sep-2009 Oct-2011 Yes 4 £2.01 m £2.01 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Relocation of Kings Troop RHA to Napier Lines, Woolwich - Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9A0057Y05 WOOLWICH BARRACKS Tech Accn
London Public n/a Public Started 4 Sep-2010 Nov-2011 Yes 4 £23.04 m £23.04 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Stand-alone n/a n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation
and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9A4011Y09 RHQ AGC WORTHY DOWN Worthy Down-Relocation of temp accom units, 146 SLA
South East Public n/a Public Started 4 Sep-2010 Jul-2011 Yes 4 £0.67 m £0.67 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation
and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9A4290Y04 BULFORD SFA SPTA Bulford Canadian Estate New SFA (260 Married Quarters)
South East Public n/a Public Started 4 Oct-2010 Jan-2013 Yes 4 £36.45 m £22.38 m £14.07 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Stand-alone n/a n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation
and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies Revenue Refurbishment - No costs, RPC SE paying
DIO Projects Z9A5008Y05 RMA SANDHURST DAG - Former Army Staff College
South East Public n/a Public Started 4 Aug-2010 Mar-2012 Yes 4 £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a £3.85 m Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Duke of Yorks Royal Military School Modernisation of Boarding South East Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies No costs. RPC SE rectifying Building due to Fire Damage
DIO Projects Z9A5015Y05 DUKE OF YORKS ROYAL MILITARY Accommodation
Public n/a Public Started 4 May-2009 Oct-2011 Yes 4 £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9D0261Y09 HYDROGRAPHIC OFFICE TAUNTON UKHO Taunton - Refurbish
South West Public n/a Public Started 4 May-2010 Apr-2012 Yes 4 £1.81 m £1.78 m £0.03 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9F0019Y10 RAF BRIZE NORTON BZNO-FB Enabling Works
South East Public n/a Public Started 4 Jan-2011 Jul-2011 Yes 4 £1.35 m £1.35 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9F0042Y06 RAF BRIZE NORTON BZNO-CATARA-Technical Facilities-47 AD Sqn/395 Troop
South East Public n/a Public Started 4 Jun-2011 Aug-2012 Yes 4 £21.19 m £13.90 m £7.30 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9F0153Y03 RAF HIGH WYCOMBE HWYC Combined SNCO/JRM Kitchen Reprovide JRM
South East Public n/a Public Started 4 Jan-2010 Oct-2011 Yes 4 £2.17 m £2.17 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
BZNO-CATARA-C130J Training and Mission Rehearsal Facility Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
South East Public n/a Public Started 4 Apr-2010 Jun-2011 Yes 4 £1.30 m £1.30 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9L1048Y03 MULTIPLE Joint Maintenance Dredging
South West Public n/a Public Started 4 Sep-2004 Apr-2014 Yes 4 £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a £4.27 m Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work Revenue Maintenance-(total rev cost for all years)

Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies

DIO Projects Z9L1057Y03 MARCHWOOD MILITARY PORT Waterfront Hardstanding
South West Public n/a Public Started 4 Aug-2007 May-2011 No 2 £0.04 m £0.04 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
South West Public n/a Public Started 4 Dec-2010 Mar-2013 Yes 4 £19.06 m £16.86 m £2.20 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Stand-alone n/a n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
South West Public n/a Public Started 4 Oct-2010 Dec-2011 Yes 4 £3.34 m £3.34 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9N0001Y09 RM COMMANDO TRAINING CENTRE CTCRM-Hunter Company Rehabilitation Facility
South West Public n/a Public Started 4 Mar-2011 Jun-2012 Yes 4 £2.98 m £2.90 m £0.09 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9N0005Y04 RNAS CULDROSE Culdrose - Redevelopment of D site for 771 and 849 NAS
South West Public n/a Public Started 4 Jun-2009 Mar-2012 Yes 4 £7.98 m £7.98 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9N0015Y04 RNAS YEOVILTON RNAS Yeovilton - New Command Centre
South West Public n/a Public Started 4 Sep-2008 May-2011 Yes 4 £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9N0018Y05 FORT BLOCKHOUSE Blockhouse - JSASTC Project
South West Public n/a Public Started 4 Aug-2009 Aug-2011 Yes 4 £0.08 m £0.08 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9N0127Y04 RMS BICKLEIGH Bickleigh 42 Cdo - Combined Med/Dental Centre
South West Public n/a Public Started 4 Mar-2011 Apr-2012 Yes 4 £3.63 m £3.27 m £0.36 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work
Various - Planning Estimates, Assessment Studies
DIO Projects Z9N0133Y04 NORTON MANOR CAMP Norton Manor Camp New PRTC
South West Public n/a Public Started 4 Dec-2010 Apr-2012 Yes 4 £4.00 m £4.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Bid price Real 2010 n/a n/a n/a Existing framework Mar-14 n/a Defence Infrastructure Organisation and Development work

This entry relates to those schemes that were either in construction

Local Authority Major Schemes - Committed and DfT capital funding for large transport capital projects and/or have a live funding approval (Full, Conditional or Programme
Transport LA Majors Other Approved promoted by Local Authorities outside of London England Public No Public Started 4 various programme Yes 4 - £1,126.00 m £459.00 m £288.00 m £229.00 m £249.00 m Confirmed Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority DfT records Entry) but NOT Development Pool schemes. The total publicly
funded investment is the DfT funding provided and does not include
the local authority contribution.

£649.7 in SR10. This entry relates to the SR budget allocation for LA

Local Authority Major Schemes - Development DfT capital funding for large transport capital projects Major schemes less the commitments and approvals in the above
Transport LA Majors Other Pool promoted by Local Authorities outside of London England Public no Public Proposed 2 2011 programme Unknown 1 - £492.00 m £0.00 m £76.00 m £180.00 m £236.00 m Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority DfT records entry. The choice of schemes will not be made until the end of

Construction of new crossing over River Mersey between

Transport LA Majors Other Mersey Gateway Runcorn and Widnes, involves tolling new and existing bridge North West Public no Combination Proposed 2 2013/14 c2017 Unknown 1 - £470m - - £10.00 m £71.30 m Pre-procurement Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority DfT records Further work required following information supplied by promoter.

This entry relates to the Integrated Transport Block for 2011/12 to

DfT capital funding for local authority small scale transport annual grant
Transport LA Majors Other Integrated Transport Block schemes outside of London, allocated by formula England Public no Public Confirmed 4 funding Yes 4 £1,440.00 m ongoing £350.00 m £320.00 m £320.00 m £450.00 m Confirmed Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority DfT records 2014/15 which is capital grant allocated to authorities by formula
and not ring-fenced.

DfT bid-based funding pot (capital and resource) for

Bids are limited to £50m, comprising packages of resource and
Transport LA Majors Other Local Sustainable Transport Fund sustainable transport schemes promoted by local authorities England Public No Public Confirmed 4 programme Yes 4 £560.00 m £560.00 m £80.00 m £140.00 m £160.00 m £180.00 m Confirmed Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority DfT records capital measures.
outside of London

DfT capital funding provided to local highway authorities annual grant This entry relates to the highways maintenance Block for 2011/12
Transport LA Majors Other Highways Maintenance Block Funding outside of London for highways maintenance, allocated by England Public No Public Confirmed 4 funding Yes 4 £806.00 m £779.00 m £750.00 m £707.00 m Confirmed Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority DfT records to 2014/15 which is capital grant allocated to authorities by formula
formula and not ring-fenced.
Linking the M56 at Manchester Airport with the A6 south of
Transport LA Majors Other A6 to Manchester Airport Relief Road Stockport North West Public No Combination Planned 3 2012 Unknown 1 £284.00 m £5.00 m £9.00 m £50.00 m £56.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority

DfT funding provided to local highway authority for highways

Transport LA Majors PFI projects in operation Birmingham Highway Maintenance PFI maintenance PFI project West Midlands Public No Combination Started 4 2010 2010 Yes 4 £322.00 m £625.20 m £64.40 m £64.40 m £64.40 m £64.00 m Confirmed Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority HMT PFI 6-monthly return (updated by LA) Annual amounts are Capital amounts.

DfT funding provided to local highway authority for highways

Transport LA Majors PFI projects in operation Portsmouth Highways Maintenance PFI maintenance PFI project South East Public No Combination Started 4 2004 2004 Yes 4 £121.00 m £121.00 m £6.05 m £6.05 m £6.05 m £6.05 m Confirmed Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority HMT PFI 6-monthly return (updated by LA) Annual amounts are Capital amounts.

DfT funding provided for local highway authorities for street

Transport LA Majors PFI projects in operation Street Lighting PFI Programme lighting PFI projects England Public No Combination Started 4 programme Yes 4 £1,460.00 m £1,303.00 m £168.70 m £154.40 m £213.20 m £166.60 m Confirmed Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority HMT PFI 6-monthly return (updated by LA) Annual amounts are Capital amounts.

DfT funding for local highway authority road improvement PFI Yorkshire & the
Transport LA Majors PFI projects in operation Doncaster Interchange PFI project Humber Public No Combination Started 4 2006 2006 Yes 4 £200.00 m £26.18 m £5.00 m £5.00 m £5.00 m £5.00 m Confirmed Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority HMT PFI 6-monthly return (updated by LA) Annual amounts are Capital amounts.

DfT funding for local highway authority road improvement PFI

Transport LA Majors PFI projects in operation A130 PFI project East of England Public No Combination Started 4 2002 2002 Yes 4 £97.50 m £97.50 m £2.44 m £2.44 m £2.44 m £2.44 m Confirmed Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority HMT PFI 6-monthly return (updated by LA) Annual amounts are Capital amounts.

DfT funding provided to local authority for tram system PFI

Transport LA Majors PFI projects in operation Nottingham Express Transit Phase 1, PFI project East Midlands Public No Combination Started 4 2004 2004 Yes 4 £220.90 m £174.20 m £11.05 m £11.05 m £11.05 m £11.05 m Confirmed Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority HMT PFI 6-monthly return (updated by LA) Annual amounts are Capital amounts.

DfT funding provided to local highway authority for highways Annual amounts are Capital amounts. Assume "planned" status
Transport LA Majors PFI projects in procurement Hounslow Highway Maintenance PFI maintenance PFI project London Public No Combination Planned 3 2013 2013 Yes 4 £100.00 m £267.00 m £20.00 m £20.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority HMT PFI 6-monthly return (updated by LA) means "in procurement"
DfT funding provided to local highway authority for highways Annual amounts are Capital amounts. Assume "planned" status
Transport LA Majors PFI projects in procurement Isle of Wight Highway Maintenance PFI maintenance PFI project South East Public No Combination Planned 3 2013 2013 Yes 4 £132.70 m £364.60 m £15.40 m £26.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority HMT PFI 6-monthly return (updated by LA) means "in procurement"
DfT funding provided to local highway authority for highways Yorkshire & the Annual amounts are Capital amounts. Assume "planned" status
Transport LA Majors PFI projects in procurement Sheffield Highway Maintenance PFI maintenance PFI project Humber Public No Combination Planned 3 2011 2011 Yes 4 £463.67 m £674.10 m £52.15 m £59.56 m £59.56 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority HMT PFI 6-monthly return (updated by LA) means "in procurement"
DfT funding provided to local authority for tram system PFI Annual amounts are Capital amounts. Assume "planned" status
Transport LA Majors PFI projects in procurement Nottingham Express Transit Phase 2 PFI project East Midlands Public No Combination Planned 3 2011 2011 Yes 4 £580.90 m £530.70 m £131.20 m £237.90 m £162.30 m £49.50 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Local Highways Authority HMT PFI 6-monthly return (updated by LA) means "in procurement"
Transport Roads - HA Majors Future SR Periods M4 Junctions 3 to 12 Managed motorway project South East Public No Public Proposed 2 2012 Unknown 1 Highways Agency
Yorkshire & the
Transport Roads - HA Majors Future SR Periods A160 / A180 Immingham Trunk road improvement project Humber Public No Public Proposed 2 After 2015 Unknown 1 Nominal 2011 Highways Agency

Transport Roads - HA Majors Future SR Periods A19 Testos Trunk road improvement project North East Public No Public Proposed 2 After 2015 Unknown 1 Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Future SR Periods A19 / A1058 Coast Road Junction Trunk road improvement project North East Public No Public Proposed 2 After 2015 Unknown 1 Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Future SR Periods A21 Tonbridge to Pembury Trunk road improvement project South East Public No Public Proposed 2 After 2015 Unknown 1 Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Future SR Periods A27 Chichester Bypass Trunk road improvement project South East Public No Public Proposed 2 After 2015 Unknown 1 Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Future SR Periods A38 Derby Junctions Trunk road improvement project East Midlands Public No Public Proposed 2 After 2015 Unknown 1 Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Future SR Periods A5-M1 Link Road Trunk road improvement project East of England Public No Combination Proposed 2 After 2015 Unknown 1 Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Yorkshire & the
Transport Roads - HA Majors Future SR Periods A63 Castle Street Trunk road improvement project Humber Public No Public Proposed 2 After 2015 Unknown 1 Nominal 2011 Highways Agency

Transport Roads - HA Majors Future SR Periods M25 Junction 30 Trunk road improvement project East of England Public No Public Proposed 2 After 2015 Unknown 1 Nominal 2011 Highways Agency

Transport Roads - HA Majors HA PFI Highways Agency PFI schemes Schemes already committed - numbers from SR allocation England Public No Public Confirmed 4 2011 2015 Programme 1 £1,704.00 m £393.73 m £446.97 m £441.12 m £422.29 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency HMT Spending Team

Transport Roads - HA Majors Pre SR10 comitted starts M25 J16-23 (DBFO Section 1) Pre SR10 comitted starts London Public No Private Started 4 Yes 4 £203.90 m £153.30 m £50.60 m Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Pre SR10 comitted starts M25 J27-30 (DBFO Section 4) Pre SR10 comitted starts London Public No Private Started 4 Yes 4 £229.20 m £182.40 m £46.80 m Highways Agency
Yorkshire & the
Transport Roads - HA Majors Pre SR10 comitted starts A1 Dishforth to Leeming Pre SR10 comitted starts Humber Public No Public Started 4 Yes 4 £76.30 m £76.30 m Highways Agency

Transport Roads - HA Majors Pre SR10 comitted starts M1 J10-J13 Pre SR10 comitted starts South East Public No Public Started 4 Yes 4 £180.00 m £131.40 m £48.60 m Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Pre SR10 comitted starts M1 Junction 19/M6 (Viaduct) Pre SR10 comitted starts East Midlands Public No Public Started 4 Yes 4 £11.10 m £11.10 m Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Pre SR10 comitted starts A3 Hindhead Pre SR10 comitted starts South East Public No Public Started 4 Yes 4 £18.70 m £18.70 m Highways Agency

25 of 28 566249255.xls
Government construction pipeline November 2011

Finance costs FM or other

Economically Funding Scheme Status Earliest construction On schedule Total capex cost all Total capex cost Significant land where privately significant 'non- Planned Procurement Expiry date for Notes
Sector Sub-Sector Sub-Group Project / programme name Description / purpose Region Asset Ownership regulated asset Source(s) Scheme Status Indicator start date Date in service On schedule indicator funding (£m) publicly funded, 2011/12 (£m) 2012/13 (£m) 2013/14 (£m) 2014/15 (£m) Estimate status Basis of costs Base year related costs funded e.g. PFI construction' related Route existing frameworks Procuring Authority Public source for further project details Data source(s) (including details where "other" given in response to earlier
if different (£m) (£m) (£m) costs (£m) questions)

Transport Roads - HA Majors Pre SR10 comitted starts A46 Newark to Widmerpool Pre SR10 comitted starts East Midlands Public No Public Started 4 Yes 4 £127.10 m £127.10 m Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 additinoal starts M1 / M6 Junction 19 Improvement Trunk road improvement project East Midlands Public No Public Planned 3 2013 Unknown 1 £153.00 m £5.00 m £31.00 m £60.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 additinoal starts M6 Junctions 10a to 13 Managed motorway project West Midlands Public No Public Planned 3 2012 Unknown 1 £119.00 m £2.00 m £2.60 m £8.20 m £31.10 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 additinoal starts A14 Kettering Bypass Trunk road improvement project East Midlands Public No Public Planned 3 2013 Unknown 1 £113.40 m £0.20 m £1.20 m £23.00 m £61.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
SR10 additinoal starts A45 / A46 Tollbar End Trunk road improvement project West Midlands £273m to deliver
Transport Roads - HA Majors Public No Public Planned 3 2012 Unknown 1 A45/6 and A453 £1.40 m £27.00 m £85.60 m £100.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 additinoal starts A453 Widening Trunk road improvement project East Midlands Public No Public Planned 3 2012 Unknown 1 See above See above See above See above See above Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 additinoal starts M3 Junctions 2 to 4a Managed motorway project South East Public No Public Planned 3 2012 Unknown 1 £150.00 m £5.40 m £41.80 m £68.90 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts M1 Junctions 28 to 31 Managed motorway project East Midlands Public No Public Confirmed 4 2013/15 Yes 4 £188.27 m £2.57 m £12.43 m £92.38 m £75.32 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Yorkshire & the
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts M1 Junctions 32 to 35a Managed motorway project Humber Public No Public Confirmed 4 2012 2015 Yes 4 £110.59 m £2.26 m £13.91 m £66.52 m £27.91 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency

Yorkshire & the

Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts M1 Junctions 39 to 42 Managed motorway project Humber Public No Public Confirmed 4 2013/15 Yes 4 £123.77 m £0.88 m £2.69 m £10.10 m £93.21 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency

Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts M25 Junctions 5 to 6/7 Managed motorway project South East Public No Public Confirmed 4 2013/15 Yes 4 £135.40 m £1.23 m £2.93 m £82.11 m £49.13 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts M25 Junctions 23 to 27 Managed motorway project South East Public No Public Confirmed 4 2013/15 Yes 4 £217.24 m £2.91 m £4.40 m £9.79 m £110.60 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts M4 J19 - 20 to M5 J15 - 17 Managed motorway project South West Public No Public Confirmed 4 2011 2014 Yes 4 £77.35 m £14.04 m £56.96 m £6.36 m £0.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts M6 Junctions 5 to 8 Managed motorway project West Midlands Public No Public Confirmed 4 2012 2015 Yes 4 £112.99 m £8.05 m £42.48 m £62.42 m £0.05 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts M60 Junctions 8 to 12 Managed motorway project North West Public No Public Confirmed 4 2013/15 Yes 4 £66.49 m £1.03 m £2.81 m £15.58 m £42.56 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts M60 Junctions 12 to 15 Managed motorway project North West Public No Public Confirmed 4 2013/15 Yes 4 £33.65 m £0.94 m £2.81 m £8.85 m £19.03 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts M62 Junctions 18 to 20 Managed motorway project North West Public No Public Confirmed 4 2013/15 Yes 4 £80.30 m £1.03 m £2.81 m £4.80 m £47.12 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts M62 Junctions 25 to 30 Managed motorway project North West Public No Public Confirmed 4 2011 2014 Yes 4 £133.73 m £25.70 m £74.96 m £33.07 m £0.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts A11 Fiveways to Thetford Trunk road improvement project East of England Public No Public Confirmed 4 2012 2015 Yes 4 £90.00 m £2.84 m £25.75 m £32.56 m £28.85 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts A23 Handcross to Warninglid Trunk road improvement project South East Public No Public Confirmed 4 2011 2015 Yes 4 £57.11 m £6.00 m £22.57 m £21.16 m £7.38 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts A556 Knutsford to Bowdon Trunk road improvement project North West Public No Public Confirmed 4 2013/15 Yes 4 £157.05 m £2.53 m £2.49 m £4.30 m £78.85 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
SR10 Schemes scheduled to start in 2013/14 or
Transport Roads - HA Majors SR10 committed starts 2014/12 Managed Motorway & Traditional project England Public No Public Confirmed 4 After 2015 Unknown 1 £194.05 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency

Transport Roads - HA Majors Under review for post 2015 M54 / M6 / M6 Toll Trunk road improvement project West Midlands Public No Combination Proposed 2 After 2015 Unknown 1 Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Majors Under review for post 2015 M20 Junction 10a Trunk road improvement project South East Public No Combination Proposed 2 After 2015 Unknown 1 Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Renewals HA renewals Highway Agency capital renewals Does not include maintenance England Public No Public Confirmed 4 2011 2015 Programme 1 £1,507.00 m £397.40 m £393.80 m £386.30 m £383.80 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency Highways Agency estimates supplied to ERG Does not include maintenance - figures in annual report do
Transport Roads - HA Renewals HA renewals OD3:A3 CLANFIELD SB LOW TEXT C Roads - Pavement Strengthening South West Public No Public Confirmed 4 Nov-2011 Dec-2011 Yes 4 £10.00 m £0.38 m £9.62 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Renewals HA renewals M5 J13 STROUDWATERI/C BRIDGE C Structures - Bridge and Large Culvert South West Public No Public Confirmed 4 Apr-2013 Mar-2015 Yes 4 £12.00 m £0.23 m £0.11 m £5.70 m £6.20 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Renewals HA renewals TOD3: A404M Western Region C Structures - Bridge and Large Culvert South East Public No Public Started 4 Apr-2011 Oct-2011 Yes 4 £19.00 m £2.30 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Renewals HA renewals M271 Southampton, South of M27 Roads - Pavement Strengthening South East Public No Public Started 4 Jun-2011 Mar-2011 Yes 4 £32.00 m £8.20 m £6.30 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Renewals HA renewals A27 EasternRd-A3M E&WB Pavmnt Roads - Pavement Strengthening South East Public No Public Confirmed 4 Oct-2011 Mar-2012 Yes 4 £13.00 m £0.36 m £12.65 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Renewals HA renewals A404 Cox Green N&SB Pavement Roads - Pavement Strengthening South East Public No Public Confirmed 4 Nov-2011 Dec-2011 Yes 4 £17.00 m £0.35 m £15.48 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Renewals HA renewals A27 E/WB: M27-EstnRd 46/7-49/0 Roads - Pavement Strengthening South East Public No Public Started 4 Jun-2011 Mar-2012 Yes 4 £11.00 m £0.30 m £9.65 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Renewals HA renewals M4 J4-15 Baydon Ph3 C/Res VCB Roads - Safety Barrier South East Public No Public Confirmed 4 Oct-2011 Dec-2011 Yes 4 £24.00 m £5.88 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Transport Roads - HA Renewals HA renewals M180 J4 - J5 Roads - Safety Barrier North East Public No Public Confirmed 4 Oct-2011 n/a Yes 4 £13.00 m £0.65 m £12.35 m Estimated Nominal 2011 Highways Agency
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Herefordshire & Worcestershire Waste Management Project West Midlands Public No Public Yes Pre-procurement 2011 £57.40 m Other (include details in See Column D Martin Finch WIDP Reporting Worcestershire county council has provisionally granted Mercia
notes) ( planning approval on 01/03/2011. Start of Construction and date in
service are both Subject to planning as the planning approval was
referred to the Secretary of State (SoS) for review and was called in
Started 4 Jan-2012 Apr-2015 4 £81.00 m £57.40 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £60.00 m £0.00 m Nominal
for by the SoS and a public enquiry will now take place.

Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Surrey County Council Quest Waste Disposal Project South East Public No Public Yes Pre-procurement 2011 £85.50 m Other (include details in See Column D Lee Dandon ( WIDP Reporting The total capital expenditure for 1999 - 2010/11 financial years
Started 4 Mar-2012 Mar-2016 4 £82.90 m £85.50 m £1.90 m £24.20 m £21.50 m £23.80 m Nominal notes) were £11.5m.
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects East Sussex, Brighton & Hove New Waste Partnerships - A Joint Integrated Waste South East Public No Public Commissioning Yes Bid price 2011 £49.00 m See Column D Mark Romain WIDP Reporting
Management Service Started 4 Stage Nov-2011 4 £216.00 m £49.00 m £6.80 m £4.00 m £8.80 m £0.00 m Nominal (
Andrew Deacon
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects West Berkshire County Council Long-term Integrated Waste Management Contract South East Public No Public Started 4 Apr-2010 Nov-2011 Yes 4 £65.70 m £28.49 m £5.70 m £1.40 m £27.90 m £0.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 £28.49 m See Column D ( WIDP Reporting

Planning permission for the EfW/chp facility was refused in March

2009. Following an appeal and public inquiry that completed in
2010 the SoS decided in favour of the appeal on the 29th May 2011.
Miranda Lingard
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Cornwall Waste Management Procurement South West Public No Public Started 4 Dec-2011 Dec-2014 Yes 4 £176.00 m £45.00 m £55.00 m £95.00 m £10.00 m £6.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 £45.00 m See Column D
WIDP Reporting On the 28th June 2011 the local opposition group (Cornwall Waste
Forum) launched an appeal against the SoS decision CC/Sita applied
for an expedited hearing (22nd July) and a court date has now been
set – 11th and 12th of October 2011.

Communities Secretary Eric Pickles has (27/05/2011) rejected Veolia

planning application. Nottinghamshire granted planning permission
Michael Allen
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Nottinghamshire County Council Nottinghamshire Sustainable Waste Solutions East Midlands Public No Public Started 4 unknown Jan-2014 Yes 4 £132.30 m £38.31 m £55.60 m £0.10 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 £38.31 m See Column D
WIDP Reporting for the plant in January 2009, however, the proposal was called in
for decision by the Secretary of State on March 18 2009. A public
inquiry started in October 2009.

Steve Weaver No response received from Lancashire Waste PFI Team regarding
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Lancashire County Council Lancashire Waste Partnership PFI proposal North West Public No Public Started 4 Jun-2007 May - July 2010 Yes 4 £262.20 m £90.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 £90.00 m See Column D
WIDP Reporting
the Capex information request.

Planning application was submitted in Feb 2009. LPA rejected

Veolia's application in September 2010. The public inquiry re-
commenced on 28 September 2010 for four weeks. Veolia has
Claire Charlesworth-jones (Claire
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Shropshire Waste Partnership Integrated Waste Contract West Midlands Public No Public Started 4 unknown Jan-2014 Yes 4 £141.80 m £40.80 m £28.10 m £24.50 m £48.10 m £0.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 £40.80 m See Column D WIDP Reporting lodged an appeal with UK's planning insectorate over the refusal.
Appeal is scheduled for hearing on 27th September 2011. Expect
decision on EfW to be Dec 2011 and then with call in and Secretary
of State if required probably Summer 2012.

Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Greater Manchester Waste Disposal Authority Manchester Waste North West Public No Public Started 4 Mar-2009 Mar-2013 Yes 4 £637.00 m £124.50 m £110.00 m £31.10 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 £124.50 m See Column D John Bland ( WIDP Reporting

Denis Callaghan
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects London Borough of Southwark Integrated Waste Management Solutions Programme London Public No Public Started 4 May-2010 Jan-2012 Yes 4 £69.00 m £34.50 m £5.80 m £0.00 m £45.40 m £0.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 £34.50 m See Column D ( WIDP Reporting

Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Suffolk County Council Suffolk Waste Management Project East of England Public No Public Started 4 Feb-2012 Dec-2014 Yes 4 £176.60 m £102.24 m £36.43 m £62.23 m £45.19 m £25.35 m Estimated Nominal 2011 £102.00 m See Column D Jim Aldridge ( WIDP Reporting The Capital expenditure for 2010/11 financial year was £7.434m

Ian Benson
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Staffordshire County Council Staffordshire Waste Management Project West Midlands Public No Public Started 4 Jun-2011 Dec-2013 Yes 4 £166.40 m £122.40 m £54.30 m £77.40 m £30.80 m £0.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 £122.40 m See Column D ( WIDP Reporting The Capital expenditure for 2010/11 financial year was £3.2m

Yorkshire & the John Nortcliffe

Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Wakefield Metropolitan District Council Semi Integrated Waste Management Project Humber Public No Public Started 4 unknown Jan-2015 Yes 4 £96.30 m £33.00 m £41.10 m £47.00 m £8.20 m £0.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 £33.00 m See Column D ( WIDP Reporting

Yorkshire & the Lisa Cooper

Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects North Yorkshire & City of York Waste Management Project Humber Public No Public Confirmed 4 Jun-2012 Apr-2016 Yes 4 £256.00 m £65.00 m £34.00 m £108.00 m £91.00 m £23.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 £65.00 m See Column D ( WIDP Reporting

Costs figures provided are the 2010 HMT Pre budget report
Yorkshire & the Shahid Nazir
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Bradford Metropolitan District Council Bradford Waste Treatment Services Project Humber Public No Public Confirmed 4 Apr-2013 Jan-2016 Yes 4 £105.20 m £62.10 m £0.00 m £13.50 m £91.70 m £0.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 £62.10 m See Column D ( WIDP Reporting excercise. Current Capital costs are still being firmed up for Call For
Final Tenders.
Essex County Council and Southend-on-Sea Waste
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Essex County Council & Southend Borough Council Management Project East of England Public No Public Confirmed 4 Jan-2013 Jul-2015 Yes 4 £179.00 m £100.90 m £6.70 m £42.60 m £129.70 m £0.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 £100.90 m See Column D Gerald Price ( WIDP Reporting

Bryony Rothwell
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Hertfordshire County Council Hertfordshire County Council Waste Management Services East of England Public No Public Confirmed 4 Dec-2012 Mar-2016 Yes 4 £222.70 m £115.30 m £0.00 m £43.90 m £62.60 m £86.30 m Estimated Nominal 2011 £115.30 m See Column D ( WIDP Reporting

Yorkshire & the

Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Leeds City Council Leeds Residual Waste Treatment Project Humber Public No Public Confirmed 4 Nov-2012 Jan-2016 Yes 4 £145.40 m £86.60 m £67.83 m £62.72 m £0.00 m £0.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 £86.60 m See Column D Amy Tuck( WIDP Reporting

Indicative project timeline is subject to change as programme fine

Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Norfolk County Council Norfolk Waste Management Project East of England Public No Public Confirmed 4 Jul-2012 Sep-2015 Yes 4 £147.90 m £91.00 m £0.00 m £46.10 m £63.60 m £38.20 m Estimated Nominal 2011 £91.00 m See Column D Joel Hull ( WIDP Reporting tuned
South West Devon Waste Partnership South West Devon Waste Partnership (SWDWP) Waste Mark Turner
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects (Plymouth/Torbay/Devon*) Management Project South West Public No Public Confirmed 4 Apr-2012 Apr-2015 Yes 4 £196.30 m £95.00 m £0.00 m £54.90 m £141.40 m £0.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 £95.00 m See Column D ( WIDP Reporting

Yorkshire & the

Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Barnsley Doncaster Rotherham (BDR) South Yorks Waste PFI Humber Public No Public Confirmed 4 Dec-2012 Apr-2015 Yes 4 £64.80 m £77.40 m £0.00 m £0.00 m £28.80 m £36.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 £77.40 m See Column D Tim Hardie ( WIDP Reporting

Alan Townsend
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects South Tyne & Wear Partnership ST&W Waste Management Partnership North East Public No Public Started 4 Apr-2011 Apr-2014 Yes 4 £174.50 m £73.50 m £46.50 m £81.70 m £46.30 m £0.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 £73.50 m See Column D ( WIDP Reporting

The current nomial capex figures have not been amended yet as the
Terry Bradley PB is still to be selected. The current bids indicate prices
Waste PFI Projects PFI Projects Merseyside Waste DA Waste Management Project North West Public No Public Confirmed 4 Nov-2012 Jun-2016 Yes 4 £436.00 m £90.00 m £0.00 m £123.00 m £123.00 m £123.00 m Estimated Nominal 2011 £90.00 m See Column D ( WIDP Reporting considerably lower than the reference project and broadly in line
within expectation for large EfW facilities. It should be noted that
bidders have indicated that current figures are not yet best offers.

Ownership is classified as 'other' because this depends on the

Waste Management Frank Smith
Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects South London Waste Partnership Procurement London Public/Private No Combination Planned 3 unknown Mar-2016 Yes 4 £189.42 m £23.29 m £96.78 m £69.35 m £0.00 m Unknown Nominal 2011 See Column D ( WIDP Reporting and from Authority direct preferred bidder which is yet to be determined. Project timetable
largely depends on solution

Ian Mawdsley
Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects Gloucestershire County Council Gloucestershire County Council Waste Management project South West Public No Private Planned 3 Under review Under review Unknown 1 £108.81 m £21.60 m £75.80 m £10.81 m £0.00 m Unknown Nominal 2011 See Column D
WIDP Reporting and from Authority direct

Tim Judson ( Ownership is classified as 'other' because MBT reverts and the RDF
Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects North London Waste Authority - Waste Services Waste Services London Public No Private Planned 3 Apr-2014 Apr-2017 Unknown 1 £548.40 m £0.00 m £57.50 m £232.50 m £116.20 m Unknown Nominal 2011 See Column D WIDP Reporting and from Authority direct burner doesn't. Annual cost breakdown HMT estimates based on
total using straight line estimation

Tim Judson ( Ownership is classified as 'other' because MBT reverts and the RDF
Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects North London Waste Authority - Fuel use Fuel use London Private No Private Planned 3 Apr-2014 Apr-2017 Unknown 1 £548.40 m Unknown Nominal 2011 See Column D WIDP Reporting and from Authority direct burner doesn't. Annual cost breakdown HMT estimates based on
total using straight line estimation

Cumbria, North treatment park, Hespin Wood Infrastructure News/Journals, WIDP Transactor
Annual cost breakdown HMT estimates based on total using straight
Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects Facility and South treatment - Sowerby Woods North West Public No Private Started 4 unknown Feb-2012 Yes 4 £65.20 m £21.73 m Unknown nominal 2011 See Column D advisors, waste private Industry contacts & line estimation
Business Park, Barrow Google.
Frankie Upton
Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects Oxfordshire CC - Ardley South East Private No Private Started 4 Nov-2011 Jun-2014 Yes 4 £200.00 m Unknown nominal 2011 See Column D ( ) WIDP Reporting and from Authority direct

Infrastructure News/Journals, WIDP Transactor

Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects West Sussex CC - Brookhurst Wood South East Public No Combination Started 4 unknown Oct-2013 Yes 4 See Column D advisors, waste private Industry contacts &

Infrastructure News/Journals, WIDP Transactor Ownership is classified as 'other' because there is a strategic
Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects Devon CC - Devon, Exeter South West Public/Private No Combination Started 4 unknown Jun-2013 Yes 4 See Column D advisors, waste private Industry contacts & alliance

Infrastructure News/Journals, WIDP Transactor Annual cost breakdown HMT estimates based on total using straight
Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects Lincolnshire CC - North Hykeham East Midlands Public No Public Started 4 unknown May-2013 Yes 4 £150.00 m £48.33 m £48.33 m Unknown nominal 2011 See Column D advisors, waste private Industry contacts & line estimation

Infrastructure News/Journals, WIDP Transactor

Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects Derbyshire, Derby City - Sinfin Lane East Midlands Public No Private Started 4 unknown Dec-2014 Yes 4 See Column D advisors, waste private Industry contacts &

Ownership is other as PB is yet to be determined.

Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects BEaR - Bedford, Central Bedfordshire & Luton East of England Public/Private No Combination Started 4 unknown unknown Unknown 1 £200.00 m £66.67 m £66.67 m £66.67 m Unknown nominal 2011 See Column D unknown Direct from project/Authority Annual cost breakdown HMT estimates based on total using straight
line estimation
Sally Wolstencroft
Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects Wigan North West Public/Private No Combination Planned 3 Jun-2015 Jun-2017 Yes 4 See Column D ( Direct from project/Authority
Martin Dickman (
Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects Buckinghamshire South East Public No Private Started 4 Mar-2012 Mar-2016 Yes 4 See Column D WIDP Reporting and from Authority direct

Infrastructure News/Journals, WIDP Transactor

Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects Blackburn with Darwen North West Public/Private No Combination Started 4 unknown unknown Unknown 1 See Column D advisors, waste private Industry contacts &

Infrastructure News/Journals, WIDP Transactor

Waste PPP Projects PPP Projects North Lincolnshire East Midlands Public No Private Started 4 unknown unknown Unknown 1 See Column D advisors, waste private Industry contacts &
£32,067.08 m £11,238.81 m £10,231.97 m £9,796.19 m £8,998.53 m £7,207.31 m

26 of 28 566249255.xls
Sector Governement Construction Pipeline Notes
Flood: Remaining schemes and strategies by Region - These are all the Flood and Coastal erosion Risk Management schemes (works on the ground) within the given Regional Flood and Coastal Committee area.

Other Projects - These the remaining projects in the given Regional Flood and Coastal Committee area such as: flood warning projects; complying with statutory requirements eg H&S; and other capital work such as
bridges, coastal monitoring etc.

Waste: The data covers current and future projects that are not yet fully operational – i.e. from in procurement projects to construction. Description of the project status is provided in the Notes and references column. We have
not included projects where we don’t have information coming in from the Local Authorities. It is not possible to estimate the scale of the future investment for the PPP and Merchant schemes for which there is not much
cost information at present even at an aggregate level. This is because PPP projects are not obligated to report to WIDP except for those that have signed a Memorandum of Understanding and benefit from WIDP’s
Transactor support. This again makes it difficult to populate most of the PPP projects.

Asset Ownership - where there is a standard PFI structure (i.e. a reverting asset) we call it “Public” ownership and where there is non-reverting asset we call it “Private” and where there is a mix of reverting and non-
reverting assets we categorise it “Public/Private”

Scheme Status – all our PFI projects are classed as ‘Started’ because projects are either "In procurement" and in the process of selecting a contractor, or have awarded their contract but have not yet begun building the
waste facilities, or one or more of the waste facilities is in construction, the others may still be waiting planning consent, or Partially Operational – i.e. one or more of the facilities is processing waste; the other facilities
may be waiting planning consent or still being built. Please note work on securing planning is typically deferred until financial close.

Planned Construction Start Date – we have populated this in the most appropriate fashion, depending on factors such as certainty e.g. “October 1 st 2011”. Where start date is unknown, we stated ‘unknown’ in the cell.

Date in service – this has been populated in a similar fashion to the planned construction start date.
Total Capex cost all funding (£m) – supplied here is the total nominal Capex depending on information that is available to WIDP. The Capex figures reflect the Outline Business Case (OBC) shadow bid model until the
appointment of Preferred Bidder. Thereafter figures are extracted from the bidder’s financial model. This should include construction costs, construction insurance, bid development costs, planning costs, finance costs.
Excludes rolled up interest. More details of the total Capex cost information is provided in the Notes and references column. Figures in column 'P' and 'AA' are the Waste Infrastructure Credits (formally known as PFIs) for
each project.

Non-construction Costs - WIDP have not in the past collected Non-construction Costs and we have now started to collect this data for projects that are in procurement and expand our database. We will provide the non-
construction data in the future once we have refined our data.

Capital value from 2011/12 to 2014/15 and Costs 2015 to 2020 (£m) - The cost values provided are the capital spend in each year (actual/expected). For the future financial years, expenditure projections are provided.
Where there is a blank cell, we have no information available.

Cost Status - Where there is a blank cell, we simply have no information available.

Education: Funding on a number of projects is still subject to formal agreement and therefore figures will change to reflect inflation and other factors. The private sector capital investment in PFI projects has been estimated by
dividing the PFI credits allocated by 1.65. The phasing of the resulting capex has then been estimated over the construction period. The timing of costs for individual schemes have been estimated using anticipated funding
profiles for the schools projects.

The costs only include central government capital support and do not include any funding contributions from the local authorities themselves, therefore these cost estimates could be considered to be conservative. Other
Department funding, for example basic need and capital maintenance, is delegated directly to local authorities, schools and other bodies and is not included in the figures quoted.

Due to the nature of the BSF programme (and in particular the exclusivity of LEPs) all of the BSF projects have already been procured and will not be openly tendered. Framework projects that have not already been
procured will only be available to those contractors on the PfS Contractors Framework.

Housing (PFI): PFI information is based on bid costs. There are 13 PFI schemes in procurement, with 4 projects near to financial close. All bid cost information is commercially sensitive prior to financial close and the majority of the
programme is still in competitive dialogue. For this reason, the PFI information has been provided on a programme-wide aggregated basis. Where columns have only 1 input (as described above), the data has been
replaced with the comment ‘commercially sensitive’.

HCA also submitted the following “notes on completion”:

The PFI processes have changed in terms of the financial information and monitoring that is requested of authorities.
Schemes in procurement have provided complete sets of financial proformas as part of the VfM Review for Housing PFI and FBC submission (where this stage of the process has been reached). The HCA has
robust information on cost elements (lifecycles, refurbs, construction, funding costs etc) for schemes in procurement and this has been provided.
Full information has been provided for the 13 PFI schemes in procurement (using the most up to date and financial information available).
Of the operational PFI schemes, there are 4 projects with a programme that extends further than 2011/12.
Due to changes in processes, the HCA does not hold the same cost information for the operational schemes as for the schemes in procurement as there was no requirement for authorities to provide it and the
VfM Review applied only to schemes in procurement. Therefore, cost information has not been provided for operational schemes as it is not held in a way that can readily or comparably extracted.

12/22/2021 Govt_Construction_notes
Health: The pipeline capex will increase above the currently reported levels as the P21+ framework (launched October 2010) matures and new P21+ schemes are identified; this will offset the decline due to the completion of P21
P21/P21+ schemes. Construction costs are based on capex in the absence of any other data.

There is currently £1.2 billion worth of active schemes on the P21 framework and £1 billion worth of active schemes registered on the P21+ framework.
Capex pre-dating and post-dating the reporting period is outwith the published figures.
Further information is available on the P21+ website.

Health: PFI/NHS The first two years represent minor falls on the previous totals of 126 and 482 respectively because of some reprofiling of the expenditure profiles for the big public capital schemes. The big fall is in the next year from 732
LIFT down to 561, the latest project timetable returns show that the construction start date of a major project is now 2014/15 which reduces the previous total.

12/22/2021 Govt_Construction_notes

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