World Café Sistems Thinking

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B Y J U A N I T A B R O W N , W I T H D A V I D I S A A C S A N D T H E

“We learn, adapt, and bring forth our worlds knowledge and shape its future. But cies, carrying the seed ideas for new
through the networks of conversation in the process of co-creating the future conversations, creative possibilities, and
which we participate.”
—Humberto Maturana
through conversation is so natural we collective action (see “Conversation as
usually overlook it. a Path to Large-Scale Change”).
onsider all the learning that Since our early ancestors gathered Today, especially with the advent
C occurs as people move from in circles around the warmth of a fire, of the Internet, we are becoming
place to place inside and outside an conversation has been a primary increasingly aware of the power and
organization, carrying insights and process for making sense of our world, potential of these dynamic networks
ideas from one conversation to discovering what we value, sharing of conversation and their systemic
another.The invisible connections knowledge, and imagining our future. importance for large-scale collabora-
among these conversations and the Small groups exploring important tion, learning, and change.The cross-
actions that emerge from them help to questions—and connecting with other pollination of ideas from group to
build the organization’s collective groups that are doing the same—have group can lead to the emergence of
always played a surprising creativity and focus as we
C O N V E R S A T I O N A S A P A T H major role in social discover innovative ways to support a
T O L A R G E - S C A L E C H A N G E and institutional “system thinking together.”
renewal. Consider What if we could create an inten-
the sewing circles tional, simple, and effective approach
and “committees of Continued on next page ➣
that helped birth
the American I N S I D E
Republic; the con-
versations in cafés TOOLBOX 6
and salons that Fine-Tuning Your Causal Loop
spawned the Diagrams—Part I
French Revolution; FROM THE RESOURCE 8
and the Scandina- SHELF
vian “study circles” Building Relationships with Respect
that stimulated an at the Center
economic and
social renaissance in
The Imperfect Storm
Northern Europe.
Reaching out in SYSTEMS THINKING 11
Source: Susan Kelly ever-widening WORKOUT
circles, members of Reader’s Response to “Moving Beyond
Reaching out in ever-widening circles, members of small groups spread the E-Vent Level”
their insights to larger constituencies, carrying the seed ideas for new
small groups spread
conversations, creative possibilities, and collective action. their insights to FROM THE FIELD 12
larger constituen-
Copyright © 2001 Pegasus Communications, Inc. (
All rights reserved. For permission to distribute copies of this article in any form, please contact us at
➣ Continued from previous page
create sustainable business and social specialist captured collective insights
for fostering greater collaborative value. from the morning on a large piece of
learning and coherent thought than is newsprint in the middle of the room.
often available in large group settings? How The World Café Was We suddenly realized that we had
Our research reveals that what we have Born tapped into something very simple
come to call “The World Café” has a Several years ago, we serendipitously but potentially very powerful.
unique contribution to make when discovered the unique power of Café- Through the Café conversations, a
the goal is the focused use of dialogic style conversations. One rainy morning, shared knowledge base, larger than
inquiry to foster collective insight we wanted to provide a comfortable any individual or group in the room,
around real-life challenges and key setting for participants in a global dia- had become accessible to us. Our
strategic questions at increasing levels logue on intellectual capital to enjoy unique contributions had combined
of scale. their coffee while waiting for the ses- and recombined into rich new pat-
What is The World Café? It is an sion to begin.We set up small tables in terns of living knowledge and innova-
innovative methodology that enhances our living room and covered them tive thought that had not been visible
the capacity for collaborative thinking with paper tablecloths.We added flow- when we started.
about critical issues by linking small- ers and set out colored crayons, like in
group and large-group conversations. many neighborhood cafés. The World Café As
In the process, knowledge grows, a People were delighted and Methodology
sense of the whole becomes real, and amused.They got their coffee and What makes such a seemingly simple
new possibilities become visible.The gathered in small, informal groups practice—that of talking together
World Café utilizes the principles of around the tables. Soon, everyone was about things we care about and inten-
dynamic networks and living systems deeply engaged in conversation. As tionally linking the essence of our
to access a source of deeper creativity they talked, people scribbled ideas on conversations with others in ever-
and shared knowledge that might not the tablecloths. After a while, some- widening circles—so useful? We think
be available through more traditional one expressed curiosity about what it’s because Café conversations offer
approaches to collaborative work. was happening in other conversations. us the opportunity to notice the pos-
The World Café is also an evoca- One person agreed to stay at each sibilities for mutual insight, innova-
tive metaphor that enables us to pay table as a host while others traveled to tion, and action that are already
attention to aspects of organizational other tables to discover what interest- present in any group, if we only knew
life that are often invisible, hidden by ing ideas were pollinating there. how to access them.We are discover-
formal structures and policies. It high- People buzzed with excitement. ing that this process offers a unique
lights the naturally occurring net- At a certain point, they decided to mixture of freedom and focus, of
works of conversation and social leave a new host at each table.The coherence without control. Depend-
learning through which we access other members traveled to new tables, ing on an organization’s needs, Café
collective intelligence, create new connecting ideas, testing assumptions, events can be designed around partic-
knowledge, and bring forth desired and adding to each other’s diagrams ular themes or topics.The Café for-
futures. Using The World Café as an and pictures on the tablecloths. mat is flexible and adapts to different
organizing image allows leaders to As lunchtime drew near, we took circumstances, based on a few simple
intentionally design processes that a “tour” of all the tablecloths, seeing practices and principles (see “Café
take advantage of the natural dynam- what new connections and questions Hosting Tips”).
ics that are already at play in order to had emerged. Our interactive graphics Groups as small as 12 and as large
as 1,200 from around the world have
C A F É H O S T I N G T I P S engaged in Café learning conversations
in a wide range of settings. In a global
While Café hosting is limited only by your imagination, consider including the follow- consumer products company, execu-
ing elements as you experiment with Café conversations: tives from over 30 nations used Café
• Set up Café-style tables or another relaxed setting. principles to integrate a new world-
wide marketing strategy. In New
• Provide food, beverages, music, art, natural light, and greenery.
Zealand, Maori leaders combined The
• Encourage informal conversation focused on key questions.
World Café with indigenous meeting
• Allow time for silence and reflection. formats during regional treaty negotia-
• Encourage members to “cross-pollinate” ideas and insights across groups. tions. Mexican government and cor-
• Have materials available for visually representing key ideas—markers and paper. porate leaders applied The World Café
• Weave and connect emerging themes and insights. to scenario planning. A Fortune 100
• Honor the social nature of learning and community building. company is using “Creative Cafés” to
• Help members notice that individual conversations are part of and contribute to a explore corporate responsibility with
larger field of collective knowledge and wisdom. stakeholders. And faculty members in
the U.S. and Europe are creating

2 T H E S YS T E M S T H I N K E R ® VO L . 1 2 , N O. 5 w w w. p e g a s u s c o m . c o m © 2 0 0 1 P E G A S U S C O M M U N I C AT I O N S
virtual online “Knowledge Cafés” to refreshments. Play soft music as people exploration. At one Café in Denmark
conduct distance-learning programs. enter. Decorate the walls with art. focused on improving a school sys-
After participating in Café con- Hospitable space means “safe” space— tem, the hosts framed the central
versations, members share comments where everyone feels free to offer question as “What could a good
such as, “I developed productive rela- their best thinking. school also be?” rather than as “How
tionships and learned more from oth- Hosts can create hospitable space can we fix the problems in this
ers than I ever expected.You can even in large, impersonal venues. For school?” In doing so, they opened up
actually see the knowledge growing.” instance, at a conference for 1,000 the conversation to appreciating what
Participants often develop an people, we asked the hotel staff to set might be possible in the future, rather
increased sense of responsibility for up small, round cocktail tables instead than limiting the focus to what is
making use of the practical insights of rows of chairs in the cavernous wrong in the present.
they gain and for staying connected as ballroom.We then decked out each Connect Diverse People and Per-
they expand the conversation to table with a red-checked tablecloth spectives. “Intelligence emerges as the
larger constituencies. and a vase of red and white carna- system connects to itself in diverse and
The practice of The World Café tions.Volunteers placed sheets of creative ways,” according to Margaret
is based on a set of working assump- white paper over the tablecloths and Wheatley, author of Leadership and the
tions that we continue to explore: left small containers of colored mark- New Science (Berrett-Koehler, 1992).
• The future is born in webs of ers for doodling.We also brought in By cross-pollinating ideas among
human conversation. palm trees and other greenery.When tables in several rounds of conversa-
• Compelling questions encourage people entered the room, they were tion, we intentionally invite a more
collective learning. greeted by soft jazz music.The buzz accelerated and richer network of dia-
• Networks are the underlying of conversation almost instantly filled logic interactions on a larger scale than
pattern of living systems. the space. is common in most dialogue circles.
• Human systems—organizations, One technique for enriching the
families, communities—are living ways in which the system connects to
systems. Knowledge emerges in
itself is to vary the different rounds of
• Intelligence emerges as the system response to compelling conversation. Hosts stay at each table
connects to itself in diverse and to welcome guests while the other
creative ways. questions that “travel well”
members travel to new tables to share
• We collectively have all the wisdom as they attract collective as well as gather insights.Travelers
and resources we need. might then return to their home
engagement and exploration
Cafés or continue to move from table
Five Key Operating throughout a system. to table for several iterations. Some-
Principles times the hosts change, with the first
We are discovering that the unique host becoming a traveler during the
contribution of Café learning seems to Explore Questions That Matter. second cycle. Or several members
come from translating these working One of our most important learnings might stay at the table while the oth-
assumptions into the following five in working with The World Café is ers go out for brief visits as “ambassa-
operating principles that, when used in that discovering and exploring “ques- dors” to other tables, collecting new
combination, increase the likelihood of tions that matter” opens the door to seed ideas that bring diverse perspec-
generating breakthrough thinking. catalytic conversation, insight, and tives to the home table.
Create Hospitable Space. Café innovation. Knowledge emerges in Additionally, all living systems—
hosts around the world emphasize the response to compelling questions that including human systems—benefit
power and importance of creating a “travel well” as they attract collective from diversity. In her book The Quan-
welcoming environment to enliven engagement and exploration through- tum Society: Human Nature and Con-
collaborative conversation.We thrive out a system. Powerful questions pro- sciousness Defined by the New Physics
and are better able to confront diffi- vide focus and coherence to networks (William Morrow and Company,
cult questions, explore underlying of conversation that might otherwise 1994), Danah Zohar states:“Social
assumptions, and create what we care spin off in random directions.Well- evolution requires that different points
about in surroundings that evoke crafted strategic questions define of view, different ideas, different ways
warmth, friendliness, and authenticity intention, focus energy, and direct atten- of life, and different traditions recom-
than in those that are less hospitable tion toward what really counts. bine into larger, more complex emer-
to the human spirit. Most meeting Hone the skill of shaping open- gent wholes.” Breakthrough thinking
places are sterile, cold, and imper- ended questions that are relevant to is more likely to emerge when diverse
sonal. Consider choosing environ- the group’s real-life concerns.These viewpoints and perspectives contribute
ments with natural light. Create questions need not imply immediate to the exploration. For example,
comfortable seating. Honor our tradi- action steps or problem solving. Allow “Strategy Cafés” that engage multiple
tions of human hospitality by offering the questions to invite inquiry and Continued on next page ➣

© 2 0 0 1 P E G A S U S C O M M U N I C AT I O N S 781.398.9700 THE SYSTEMS THINKER® J U N E / J U LY 2 0 0 1 3

➣ Continued from previous page collective insights and “ahas” that had capture and build on the momentum
stakeholders, including employees from emerged from linking the small-group and ideas that emerge. In addition,
all levels as well as customers and sup- dialogues from Café tables and creating creating “storybooks” from the session
pliers, can offer richer opportunities for a “conversation of the whole.” allows participants to take the results
innovation than traditional strategic Through this intentional process of of their work to larger audiences after
planning activities among senior discovering and connecting underlying the event.
executives alone. assumptions and insights, participants The five operating principles seem
Listen Together for Patterns, who might have opposed each other quite simple, but embodying them as
Insights, and Deeper Questions. in a different setting came to a mutual an integrated practice demands creativ-
Through Café conversations, partici- appreciation of the deeper questions ity, thoughtfulness, artistry, and care.
pants often discover coherent patterns they faced together in contributing to The creativity of the host can make
of meaning in what may appear, at first a sustainable future. the difference between an interesting
glance, to be a chaotic and messy self- Make Collective Knowledge Visible conversation and the magic of experi-
organizing exchange of ideas and per- to the Group. We’ve come to realize encing what our colleague Tom Atlee
spectives.The emphasis is on shared that the simple act of scribbling ideas calls co-intelligence in action.
listening—listening for the wisdom or and pictures on a paper napkin or
insight that no individual member of tablecloth so that the others at the Café Conversation As Action
the group might have access to by table can literally “see what you mean” But is all of this talk just that, talk?
themselves.To that end, invite mem- is integral to knowledge creation and What about the urgent need for action
bers to offer their unique perspectives innovation.As Michael Schrage says in in our organizations today? We have
and listen for new connections Shared Minds:The New Tech- found that, by its nature,The World
in the “space in-between.” nologies of Collaboration Café challenges the ways most of us
Allow for silence and (Random House, think about creating desired results in
reflection. Ask members 1990),“The organizational and community life.
to notice what’s evolv- images, maps, and Many leaders still preach that we
ing in the middle of the perceptions should “stop talking and get to work”
table. By focusing on bouncing around —as if talk and work were two sepa-
these special qualities of in people’s brains rate things. Humberto Maturana, a
collective attention, we must be given a pioneering evolutionary biologist, has
have a greater opportunity form that other peo- helped us see that human beings think
to experience what our ple’s images, maps, or together and coordinate action in and
Danish colleague Finn Voldtofte Source: Nancy Margulies perceptions can shape, through language. Conversation is “real
calls “the magic in the middle.” alter, or otherwise add value to. . . . It work.”Through conversation people
For example, in Sweden, hosts of a takes shared space to create shared under- discover who cares about what and
multi-stakeholder forum used Café standing.” By providing paper and who will be accountable for next steps.
conversations to clarify areas of inquiry markers, we encourage the use of We are finding that when people come
that could influence the future of both “shared space” where people can build to a new level of shared understanding
the information/communications on each other’s ideas, weave together around real-life issues, they want to
industry and the environment.They their thoughts, and engage in deeper make a difference.When participants
began the first round of conversation collective listening. return from Café conversations, they
by giving each table of participants a Many Café events include an often see additional action choices that
“talking stone.” Each member took the interactive graphics specialist, who cre- they didn’t know existed before.
talking stone in turn and presented his ates large visual maps that synthesize
or her key insights, thoughts, or deeper key insights and ideas. Commented Café As Metaphor
questions about the query “How can Nancy Margulies, who has hosted As reported by members of Café
information technology contribute to many Cafés,“It’s like having a big events,The World Café is a powerful
a sustainable future?” ‘tablecloth’ in the middle of the whole methodology for collaborative learning
The three other participants at group. Participants can quite literally and knowledge evolution.We are also
each table were to listen carefully and see that they are creating something finding that it is a provocative
draw any connections they noticed new together.” Other possibilities for metaphor that can help us see organi-
between ideas in the middle of the making collective knowledge visible zational and societal change in a new
tablecloth. In the second and third include having a “gallery walk,” with light. How might the metaphor of
rounds, the Café hosts asked everyone participants taking a tour of the table- “The World as Café” invite us to think
to begin listening as a group for the cloths created by the different groups; differently about ways to catalyze
deeper assumptions underlying their publishing a Café newspaper on the system-wide innovation and action?
perspectives and to write them on the spot; and creating theater presentations We are learning that Café con-
tablecloth as well.When the final that reflect group discoveries. Each of versations are based on a larger natu-
round was over, the group pooled the these techniques allows participants to ral process of mutual inquiry and

4 T H E S YS T E M S T H I N K E R ® VO L . 1 2 , N O. 5 w w w. p e g a s u s c o m . c o m © 2 0 0 1 P E G A S U S C O M M U N I C AT I O N S
discovery that does not depend on W H A T W E V I E W
small, round tables and red-checked D E T E R M I N E S W H A T W E D O
tablecloths. By experiencing the
power of focused networks of conver- If key knowledge sharing, learning, and strategic innovation happen in networks of
sation on a small scale, members see conversation through personal relationships, then . . .
how they might utilize this strategic • What is the unique contribution of leadership?
insight in the larger systems they are • What learning tools/methods/approaches have the most leverage?
part of.What if conversation were as • What are the implications for strategy evolution?
much a core business process as mar-
• How might you design physical space differently to support knowledge sharing?
keting, distribution, or product devel-
• How would you approach the process of organizational change and renewal?
opment? What if it were already the
core process—the source of organiza- • What is the most strategic use of information technology?
tional intelligence that allows all of • What are the indicators of success?
the others to generate positive results?
For example, imagine your time to recover!” His heartfelt com- work—especially in large group set-
organization as a series of Café tables, ments stimulated a lively conversation tings.We are now seeing the systemic
with employees moving between about the role of leaders in developing ways in which focused networks of
functions inside the organization as organizational strategies that honor conversation, especially with the sup-
well as connecting with multiple these less visible but critical conversa- port of collaborative technologies, can
“tables” of customers, suppliers, dis- tional and learning processes. help organizations and communities
tributors, and other conversation part- We’re seeing many practical exam- evolve. Using The World Café as a
ners.What difference would it make ples of how people are intentionally methodology and as a metaphor offers
to your own action choices if you using the metaphor of The World Café a practical yet innovative way to culti-
viewed your workplace as a dynamic, to guide strategic work in larger sys- vate both the knowledge required to
living network of conversations and tems. Executives in a high-tech corpo- thrive today and the wisdom needed
knowledge creation rather than as a ration helped to decrease the injury to create the futures we want, rather
traditional hierarchy (see “What We rate dramatically by using Café princi- than being forced to live with the
View Determines What We Do”)? ples to engage existing networks of futures we get. •
Based on an understanding of conversation and introduce questions Juanita Brown and David Isaacs serve as strate-
The World Café, leaders can take about safety risks.The World Café has gists and thinking partners with senior leaders,
greater responsibility for designing led intellectual capital expert Leif applying living systems principles to the evolution of
knowledge-based organizations and large-scale
infrastructures that bring coherence Edvinsson of Sweden to observe that
change initiatives.They have hosted Café conversa-
and focus to organizational conversa- the office design of the past is inade- tions and strategic dialogues internationally in a
tions. For example, they come to rec- quate to support effective knowledge wide variety of business and community settings.
ognize the key role they play in work. In response, he has engaged (Contact or call
415-381-3368). The World Café Community is
discovering “the big questions” and leading-edge architects in alternative comprised of a growing global group of leaders and
hosting strategic conversations with space design. others committed to courageous conversations and
multiple stakeholders.This shift of lens World Café principles are also positive futures.We thank Anne Dosher, Ken
also has practical implications for how being used to redesign a Museum of Homer, Susan Kelly, Janice Molloy, Nancy Margulies,
Karen Speerstra, and Sue Wetzler for their special
leaders work with strategy formation, Science and Industry in Florida to contributions to this article.
organizational learning, information highlight not only formal exhibits but
technology, the design of physical also learning conversations as doorways N E X T S T E P S
space, and leadership development. to discovery.And the initiative From
In one Café session, senior leaders the Four Directions: People Every- • Notice the generative power of
from major corporations were mapping where Leading the Way is intentionally conversation and shared listening.
the implications of taking this view. weaving a global network of conversa- • Explore what you would do differ-
The director of global operations for a tions among leaders of all ages on sev- ently if you viewed your organiza-
company with more than 50,000 eral continents. Using the Internet and tion or community as a network of
employees suddenly jumped up from other information technologies, local conversations and social learning
through which we co-evolve the
his seat and exclaimed,“Do you know conversation circles feed insights back
what I’ve gone and done? I’ve just into the network, catalyzing these
• Consider how you might “seed”
reorganized my entire global operation. worldwide leadership dialogues into a
your own networks of conversa-
I’ve broken up the informal knowledge growing force for societal innovation. tion with questions that matter.
networks and relationships that have • Convene a Café conversation
developed over the years. If I had Creating Sustainable Value
in your organization or community
looked at my reorganization through The World Café is one path for stimu- (for ideas, go to
these glasses, I would have done it a lot lating courageous conversation about
differently. It’s going to take us a long questions that matter to our lives and

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