IB1.P2.Topic4. Societies in Transition (1400-1700) - Assignm.1

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IB1.P2.Topic4. Societies in transition (1400-1700).

Chapter 16 – The Church in the Middle Ages.

1. The collapse of the Roman Empire created a power vaccum. Which institution filled it and
how? Where did this institution´s riches and power come from? When the Roman Empire
collapesed, the Church filled its place. The people at that time were looking for new leaders
that is when the Church took the opportunity and assumed the responsiblity of people. The
Church was also a spiritual leader for the people. Churches and monasteries became
sanctuaries (places to commodate refuges) temporary at least. Also secular rulers gave a lot
of land to the Church as acts of charity which made the Church become gradually the top
owner of lands. In middle aged wealth and power were about owning land that is why they
were considred very rich and powerful.

2. How did the church use the threat of excommunication in its political struggle? People at
that time believed that all people are sinners and the key to salvation was the Church, this
meant that everything the Church said people will believe. The Church threatned people who
does not listen with excommunication which is that all people in that territory can not
participate in the required sacraments to have a good next life this kind of meant you are
going to hell. This made people and lords obey and not cause trouble.

3. What is the importance of Saint Benedict and the contribution of monasteries? We can say
that Saint Benedict was the first to make a monastery which then spread and monasteries
were many in Europe where they played several important roles. First, they collected and
copied valuable manuscripts at a time when the scholarship of the ancient world is being
lost. By doing so, monasteries became centers of learning. Secondly, monasteries opperated
schools. Besides protecting learning and promoting education. Finally, monsteries were
frequently the training ground for missionaries which converted a huge amount of people
into christiantiy.

4. Why was the reform movement in the church so necessary in the 10th and 11th century?
Because many of the priests were uneducated and, many people in the Church abused their

5. Where did the church focus its energy during the early Middle Ages and how did that change
in the later Middle Ages? During the middle ages the Church focused its energies on carrying
christianity to the pagan peoples of western euorpe. In later middle ages the Church‘s power
assured and focused its enrgies on recapturing the holy land that had fallen to the seljuk
Turks for many centuries.

6. What were the consecuences of the crusades for western Europe? Countless deaths,
introducing thousands of europeans to the larger world which means the crusades shattered
the parochialism. Also the crusades greatly increased the trade between europe and the
eastern mediterranean. Crusading knights were awestruck by the advanced civilization of
muslems and byzants which encouraged them to enjoy the luxuries of the east, this led to
silks, fruits, rugs, spices and jewelry to be once again moved back to europe from the east
mediterranean. The crusades increased the pace of economic changes that were already
underway. The need to move back and forth crusaders and pligrims across the
mediterranean spurred the growth of shipping and enabled several ports in italy to become
powerful and wealthy city-states. And finally, the taste of luxury and the knowledge of
navigation led to the exploration of Africa, Asia and the new world.

7. The text mentions the growth of several ports in Italy (p.373) as a result of the crusades. Why
is this important for us to know for later historical events/development? I believe it is
because these cities became wealthy which will affect the renaissance or it is because ports
will lead to the exploration of other parts of the world.

Chapter 17 – Medieval Society

1. On p.375, how did Europe change after the collapse of Rome in the 5th century? How did the
economy change? People became poorer and life was miserable. People had no one to
protect them and the only food available was the one that you can localy hunt or grow. The
economy went down due to the fact that the economy of trade and commerce gave way in
the early middle ages to an economy of, self-sufficient agricultural units.

2. Define Feudalism in your own words. Why did it appear? Feudalism was the controlling
system in the medival, Where Vassals and Lords have unwritten rules and Nobles give land to
people in return for their military service and allegiance. It appeared because of the fall of
the Roman Empire when the people needed someone to protect them.

3. Define Chivalry in your own words?

It was a code for knights which include Bravery, courage, loualty and the correct behavior
with women.
4. Define Manorialism in your own words. It is the economic system in medival which consists
of 90% of the population which are mostly peasnts who worked the land.

5. Why did towns, cities and trade revive again after the 10th century in Western Europe? This
was mainley because of the crusades which helped people explore the rest of the world, this
increased the trade which increased the riches of cities and thus riving them.

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