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Is defined as a behavior that elicits a
strong negative reaction from group
members and involves actions that
violate commonly held social norms. What
may be considered normal behavior in
one culture may be considered deviant
behavior in others.
Example: In the Philippines, women drivers are a
common sight, but in Saudi Arabia driving a car
is considered an undesirable behavior for women
and is banned by law.
• Psychological theories consider deviance as being
influenced by biological factors such as genetics,
but these views have largely discredited.
Sociologist believe that conformity and deviance
are closely tied concepts, and that social influences
such as socio economic status and relationships of
power define how individuals react to authority
and behave in certain situations.
• Example : A child growing up in the slums
and interacting with gangs on a regular basis
eventually conforms to the set of behaviors
which are characteristic of “gang behavior”
which is considered deviant by the rest of the
• Example : Structural strain Theory
A construction worker who has been trying to
gain employment for months but is unable to do
so will have increasing frustration with society.
The worker aspires to socially-approved goals and
gain lawful employment, but society’s inability to
provide him the means to gain employment may
force him into less-desirable means of livelihood
or even crime.
• Example : Labeling Theory which believes
that there is actually no deviance in society.
Deviance only emerges when society begins
labeling certain actions as deviant or
undesirable. Labeling comes into play when
society deems the behavior of a certain
group such as gang, members, as deviant.
• Example : Conflict perspective, this
view considers concepts of deviance as
a reflection of society’s inequalities as
those wo are less powerful in society or
minorities are more likely to be
considered as deviants or criminals
• Social Control - is defined a any systematic means
and practices used to maintain norms, rules, and
laws; regulate conflict, and discourage deviant
• Sanction are the most common means of social
control, and are often employed to address conflicts
and violations of social norms.
• Sanction can be formal or informal sanctions.

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