Contenido: - Fracturas, Junturas y Venas

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Universidad Nacional de San Agustín de Arequipa Contenido

Facultad de Geología, Geofísica y Minas

• Fracturas, Junturas y Venas:
Geología Estructural – Definiciones, patrones de desarrollo,
Deformaciones – Relaciones con rocas estratificadas, plegadas
e intrusivos
• Fallas y Fallamiento:
Fracturas – Fallas – Definiciones, tipos de fallas, elementos,
Dr. Fredy F. García Zúñiga – Fallas Normales, Inversas, Fajas corridas y
plegadas, fallas de cizalla

Modes of Crack - Surface Displacement

Fractures, Joints and Veins
Propagating fracture tip Shear fracture

Basic definitions

• Fracture: Surface of discontinuity, generally with

little displacement
– Extensional Fractures: Displacement perpendicular Motion == to fracture
to fracture, tensional == to fracture surface
surface == to fracture
_I_ to fracture front
– Shear Fractures: Displacement parallel to fractures A. Extension front
(Mode I) B. Shear C. Shear
(Mode II) (Mode III)

Fractures, Joints and Veins

Basic definitions

• Joint: Natural
Extensional Fracture

• Vein: Fracture filled

with mineral precipitate
or rarely mud

Blocky vs. Fibrous Surface Morphology or Ornamentation of

Joints - Extensional Fractures
• Rock Inhomogeneities

• Crack Tip
Propagation speed
(Kulander and Dean, 1985)

Relationships of Joint Frequency to Bedding
Thickness in Sedimentary Rocks

Joint Spacing

Joint and Folding Relationships

Sheeting Joints Columnar Jointing

• Possible joint
related to
principal stress
axes and larger
structures. Note
that joints form
perpendicular to
03, which is
tensile. (Wise, et
al., 1985, GSA
Bull., v. 96)

Tension gashes

Faults and Faulting

Basic definitions Offset - Features

Net Slip

Significado estructural Quantification of Strain

Length Change - Longitudinal Strain

lo l
e (+) = extension

• acortamiento lo l e (-) = shortening

Elongation = e = (l – lo)/lo

• alargamiento Stretch = S = l/lo = 1 + e

Fault kinematics

Normal Faults
Map Patterns Thrust
For Faults Faults


Fault Geometry

Shear Indicators

Conjugate Fault Sets

Brittle Fault Rocks


Fault Textures Brittle Fault Rocks

Unconsolidated Indurated Fault Gouge < 0.1 mm grain size; <30% matrix

Thrust Systems

Subandean Fault and Thrust Beld
• Orogenia Andina – Mioceno - desarrolla movimientos
verticales en bloques del basamento
– Levantamiento de cordilleras y formación de cuencas de antepaís
– Evolución del frente de deformación: Faja Plegada y Corrida

Stephen M. 2007 Hipótesis, 2006-2007

Stephen M. 2007
Hipótesis, 2006-2007

Modelo para el levantamiento del Alto del Shira y la

Modelo de la deflexión de Huancabamba deflexión de Abancay

Strike-Slip Fault Kinematics

Flower Structures

Carrizo Plain Fault Active Faults

Emerson fault during the 28 June 1992 Landers, California, Earthquake

Arrowsmith, J. R. and Rhodes D. D. (1994)

Fault scarp about

1-2 km SE of the Random - fabric Foliated

Galway Lake Fault breccia ?

Road Incohesive (visible fragments > 30% of rock mass)

Fault gouge ?
(visible fragments < 30% or rock mass)

Most of the slip Glass/ devitrified glass Pseudotachylite ?

vectors are raked Cohesive

about 25 degrees Nature of Crush breccia (fragments > 0.5 cm) 90-
to the northwest matrix
Tectonic reduction in
Fine crush breccia (0.1 cm < frags. < 0.5 cm) 100 Pro
grain size dorninates
Crush microbreccia (fragments < 0.1 cm) % port
grain ion
growth by Protocataclasite Protomylonite 50- of
recrystallization and Cataclasite Mylonite 90% matr
neomineralization Series series ix

Cataclasite Phyllonit Mylonite 10-

e 50%
Steeper slickenlines varieties

are cut by less steeply Ultracataclasite Ultramylonite 0-


raking slickenlines Grain growth Blastomylonite


Arrowsmith, J. R. and Rhodes D. D. (1994).

Ejercicio práctico
• Bennison, G. M and Moseley K. A. (1997). An Introduction to Geological
Structures & Maps. Arnold Ed. 129 pp.
• Davis, G. H. and Reynolds S. J. Kluth (2011) Structural Geology of rocks
and regions. John Willey & Sons INC. 776 pp. Fallas y medidas de
• Fossen H. (2010) Structural Geology. Cambridge. 463 pp
• Hatcher D. Jr. (1995). Structural Geology: Principles, concepts and desplazamiento
problems. Second Edition. Prentice Hall. 525 pp.
• Twiss, R. J. and Morris, E. M. (2007). Structural Geology: Second Edition.
Freeman Co. 736pp.
Mapa 16, Bennison, G. M. and Moseley K. A. (1997). An
Introduction to Geological Structures & Maps. Arnold Ed.
129 pp. (I - 7 - 02)


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