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Anxiety's Grip

Going Deeper for Greater Freedom

and Lasting Peace

by Dr. Michelle Bengtson
© 2019 Michelle Bengtson
Unless otherwise indicated, Scripture quotations are from
the Revised Standard Version of the Bible, copyright © 1946, 1952, and 1971 the Division
of Christian Education of the National Council of the Churches of
Christ in the United States of America. Used by permission. All rights reserved.
Table Of Contents
A Prayer as You Begin 02
Introduction 03
The Longing for Peace 04

Chapter 1 - The Elephant in the Room 06

Chapter 2 - Why Me? 10
Chapter 3 - Fear Lurks 14
Chapter 4 - Worry Creeps 17
Chapter 5 - Anxiety Seeps 21
Chapter 6 - Crises Explode 24
Chapter 7 - Say No to Worry, Anxiety, and Fear 28
Chapter 8 - God Is 34
Chapter 9 - Reclaim Your Power 41
Chapter 10 - Live in His Perfect Love 47
Chapter 11 - Use Your Sound Mind 52

Living in Peace 58
Closing Prayer 59
About Breaking Anxiety's Grip 60
Praise for Breaking Anxiety's Grip 61
Biography 62
Connect with Dr. Michelle Bengtson 63

1 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
A Prayer as
You Begin
Dear Heavenly Father,

You know the heart and the needs of the one who has picked up “Breaking Anxiety’s Grip:
How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises” and now works through the study guide. Even
Jesus asked the lame man if he wanted to get well, in part because He knew that true
healing often requires effort on our part.  Father, it is NOT your will that any of your
children suffer from worry, fear, or anxiety. In fact, you say in your word that it is your
desire that we would be in health and prosper even as our soul prospers.

So Father, as your precious child begins to do the work of reading this book and
answering the questions in this study guide, I ask that you would illuminate lies that do
not align with your truth, and that you would bring comfort and healing to the broken
places, and that the bondage of anxiety would be broken so that they could live from a
position of peace, the peace you came to give.

Because of and in the Name of Jesus, I pray, Amen. 2 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
I attended more years of school than I want to count. But there is one thing that I learned: when
I actually read the texts, studied the lectures and assigned reading, and did the work, I really
learned the material so much better than when I just gave it a skimming over. The courses that I
fully invested myself in are those that I remember the most today, decades later.
Another thing I know to be true: there was a reason Jesus asked the lame man if he wanted to
get well. He knew that 1) in order to get well, it would require some work on the part of the
lame man, and 2) He knew that being well would be an adjustment for the man. The man would
have to assimilate himself into society as a well-man and discard the label, habits, and coping
mechanisms he had grown accustomed to all those years. He had a choice to make: did he
want to be well badly enough to be willing to do the work?
I see this issue in my office all the time. Patients come into my office, undergo an evaluation,
then receive a diagnosis and prescription for treatment. Frequently, however, patients leave
with prescription and treatment plan in hand then never follow the plan, only to return a year
or two later in worse shape than when they originally came in. Why? Because they weren’t
willing to do the work. One can only presume they didn’t really want to get well, although they
said they did when they first walked in my door.
So the question I pose to you as you crack open “Breaking Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the
Peace God Promises” and this study guide is this: Do you want to get well? If your answer is yes,
then I encourage you to do the work: pray and ask God to reveal to you what He has for you
between the covers of “Breaking Anxiety’s Grip,” read the book, listen to the playlists at the end of
each chapter, read the prayers as if they were written just for you, and take the time to answer
the questions in the “Your Rx” section at the end of each chapter, but also the questions in this
study guide. You’ll find that these questions go more in depth and help you pinpoint where you
are and how to get to where you want to go or you wouldn’t have picked up “Breaking Anxiety’s
Grip” in the first place.
The reason I wrote “Breaking Anxiety’s Grip” was to share with you what God taught me as I
sought to rid my life of worry, fear, and anxiety in exchange for His peace. I needed to know
that I wasn’t alone and there was a way out. God helped me through it. The Bible tells us that
He is no respecter of persons, which means that He doesn’t play favorites, so if He did that for
me, He will do it for you as well.
So let’s start this journey out of the grip of anxiety together—you’ve been there long enough!
Because of Him, Peace Prevails!
Dr. Bengtson 3 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
The Longing for Peace

Key Thoughts:

God designed us all to long for His peace.

Surrender is the key to trusting God.
God is not the author of confusion. He came to give us peace in the
middle of our situations and circumstances.
Worry, anxiety, and fear are not your portion, but peace is!


1. In what area of your life do you experience the greatest or most persistent worry, fear
or anxiety?

2. As you read through “Breaking Anxiety’s Grip,” how would you like to see your personal
thoughts and emotional responses in that area change?

3. What causes you to lose your peace and succumb to worry, anxiety, and fear? 4 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
When I polled a group of individuals with this question, the responses were as varied as
the people who responded. I heard responses ranging from child rearing to finances.
Some mentioned deadlines, paychecks (or lack thereof), or aging parents, while others
mentioned relationship difficulties, fear of failure, and yes, even fear of success.

In and of ourselves, we cannot fend off worry, anxiety, and fear. But with God’s help, we
can instead choose to live in His peace.

If we want to experience peace, we have a role to play. Read Romans 15:13. What does
that verse say is the way for us to experience joy and peace? (Hint: depending on the
translation you are reading, look for “as,” “because,” or “in.”)

God is not the author of confusion (1 Corinthians 14:33), satan is. So, our goal in this study
is to allow the Word to take our blinders off and illuminate truth.

Your guide on this journey is someone who’s been there; someone who battled and has
the scars to show for it. Someone who got so tired of living under the weight of worry, fear,
and anxiety, and has learned to exchange them for God’s peace.

I encourage you to start a journal with a list of things that occur to you as you read
“Breaking Anxiety’s Grip.” Include personal reactions you have when faced with anxiety or
fear producing thoughts or situations. Also include particular verses that are referenced
that stand out to you, songs that you find encouraging, and suggestions from the “Your Rx”
action items at the end of each chapter that you find most effective or useful. Let this be
your reflection on your own journey to freedom from worry, fear and anxiety.  Write out
your own prayers as you read, or note the prayers offered for the reader at the end of
each chapter when they speak to your situation. 5 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
Chapter 1 - The Elephant in the Room
“Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts!”
(Psalm 139:23 RSV)

Key Thoughts:

Worry, anxiety, and fear are considered the common cold of mental illness because
we’ve come to accept them and tolerate them in our lives just like we do the common
Anxiety has been part of the human experience since Adam and Eve’s encounter with
the serpent in the garden.
Peace is in direct opposition to worry, anxiety, and fear—it’s physiologically impossible
to be at peace and anxious at the same time.

As a neuropsychologist, I can tell you that worry, anxiety, and fear are feelings that result
from our thoughts. We experience the thought first, then worry, anxiety, and fear.

1. Read Jeremiah 30:5. If you look closely at that verse, what two things cannot co-exist?

Many books address worry, anxiety, and fear, but few truly address the spiritual
contributors of the disease. As spiritual beings, we cannot ignore the spiritual contributors
of worry, anxiety, and fear.

2. Many consider worry, anxiety, and fear to be the same thing. Let’s recap the differences
between the three. What exactly are they?

Fear is: 6 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
Worry is:

Anxiety is:

3. What does God say about our response to a tragic life situation?

4. In this chapter, it said “Our brains cannot discern between reality and vividly imagined
thoughts, so mentally anticipating tragedy leads to apprehension and anxiety.” Recall a
time or times when you began to mentally anticipate what could go wrong. Can you see
how that would steal your peace?

5. Chapter 1 discusses the damaging effects of worry, anxiety, and fear: the physical toll it
takes on the body, the emotional toll, the impact on relationships and daily tasks. Think
back over the times you’ve experienced worry, anxiety, and fear. What damaging
effects have you noticed in your own life?

6. How do worry, fear and anxiety affect you when life becomes difficult and you have
decisions to make? 7 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
7. Have there been times when you’ve forfeited your dreams because of worry, anxiety, or

8. “Peace is not the absence of chaos but our response to it.” What does this mean to you?
How can you use this understanding to guard your heart against worry, anxiety, and fear?

9. Diane, Jill, and Ecklund described their personal reactions to worry, fear or anxiety.

a. What words do you use when facing a fear inducing crisis or situation? How do you
describe to yourself your own concerns?

b. What physical mannerisms do you exhibit when you feel anxious?

c. How does anxiety or fear manifest in your relationships?

10. Think back to the last time you felt relaxed or at peace.  What thoughts or words were
going through your mind then? What was your “body language” or physiology telling you?
How did you perceive your important relationships then? 8 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
11. What parts of that peaceful experience would you most want to see present
permanently in your life, especially when you face difficulties?

Your RX Scriptures:

Search me, O God, and know my heart! Try me and know my thoughts! (Psalm 139:23 RSV)

Now may the Lord of peace Himself give you peace at all times in all ways. The Lord be
with you all. (2 Thessalonians 3:16 RSV) 9 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
Chapter 2 - Why Me?
“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a
sound mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7 KJV)

Key Thoughts:

Worry steals our joy, anxiety steals our peace, and fear steals our present.  
We have a very real enemy who taunts and tempts us with worry, anxiety, and fear. 
Ultimately, worry, anxiety, and fear come from our struggle to trust God completely.


1. Common triggers for worry, anxiety, and fear are:

a. Looking to others for wisdom rather than God.

b. Trying to be in control and/or operate in our own strength.

c. Forecasting ourselves into a future without God’s protective provision.

d. Looking to people for our acceptance and worth.

Where have you found these operating in your own life?

2. What happens when fear is unchecked in your life? 10 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
3. Self-reflection is always important in order to get to the root of any situation. Our first
perception isn’t usually the best guide, nor is our gut. With that in mind, when did you give
worry, anxiety and fear the key to your heart and mind?

4. So often we wait until we are at the end of ourselves and what we can humanly do
before we will admit that it’s only God that can get us through certain situations. Until the
next time a crisis hits! Why do we have such short memories when it comes to
remembering that God has always been there for us and that His way truly is best? “We
tend to approach life thinking ‘Show me, then I’ll trust you,’ but God tells us to trust Him,
and then He’ll show us.” Can you recall a situation where you finally said to God, “I no
longer can do this my way. I trust you”? How can you apply this to a current situation you
are in now?

5. Isaiah 14:12-16 describes Satan’s fall from heaven as a result from his desire for control.
How do you let go of control? Where do you struggle the most with letting go of control?

6. “The enemy wants us to be fearful because fear keeps us from discovering our God-
ordained full potential.” There is a spiritual battle going on all around us. In order to fight
this battle, the Bible tells us in Ephesians 6:14-17 that we must: “Stand firm then, with the
belt of truth buckled around your waist, with the breastplate of righteousness in place, and
with your feet fitted with the readiness that comes from the gospel of peace. In addition to
all this, take up the shield of faith, with which you can extinguish all the flaming arrows of
the evil one. Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of
God.” Are you prepared for battle? What is keeping you from facing those worries, fears
and anxieties head on? 11 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
7. We have a spiritual enemy that is a contributor to worry, fear, and anxiety. This enemy
uses lies and our own predisposition to worry and fear to constantly oppose our
transformation into Christlikeness. Our defense to this is the presence of the Holy Spirit,
and the Word of God. Read 2 Timothy 1:7 and Hebrews 4:12. Paraphrase them using your
own name and situation.

Recall the acronym for T.R.U.S.T. under the “Five Keys to Trusting God:”
T-Take God at His Word
R-Rest in His Presence
U-Understand the Outcome Doesn’t Depend on Us
S-Accept God is Sovereign
T-Turn to the Testimony of Previous Experiences

8. Which one of these do you have the greatest affinity for? How does that work in your

9. Which one of these do you find the hardest and why? What is one step you can take to
make it easier or more clear?

10. Where can you do better in taking God at His Word? 12 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
11. Rest in His presence. Rest does not mean you are doing nothing. It is active not
passive. How will you rest in Him today?

12. Understand the outcome doesn’t depend on us. Trusting God acknowledges that He is
in control. What is one thing you can let go of?

13. Accept God is sovereign. This is such a hard concept to grasp at times. He is sovereign
yet allows us free will. What does this look like in your life?

14. Turn to the testimony of previous experiences. Do you journal? How are you able to
recall His presence in your day to day life? What will you do when your memory fades?

Your RX Scriptures:

I will restore to you the years which the swarming locust has eaten, the hopper, the
destroyer, and the cutter, my great army, which I sent among you. (Joel 2:25 RSV)

Then the God of peace will soon crush Satan under your feet. The grace of our Lord Jesus
Christ be with you. (Romans 16:20 RSV)

For we are not contending against flesh and blood, but against the principalities, against
the powers, against the world rulers of this present darkness, against the spiritual hosts of
wickedness in the heavenly places. (Ephesians 6:12 RSV)

“For God hath not given us the spirit of fear; but of power, and of love, and of a sound
mind.” (2 Timothy 1:7 KJV) 13 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
Chapter 3 – Fear Lurks
So then let us not sleep, as others do, but let us keep awake and be sober.
(1 Thessalonians 5:6 RSV)

Key Thoughts:

Fear can often stem from a self-fulfilling prophesy.   

Trusting God is always our first and best option.
God encourages us to be strong and courageous, to resist fear, and to remember that
He went before us to meet our needs.


While I share in the book my first recollection of fear, I know of other earlier instances that
very well might have invoked fear at the time but for which I have no memory. But for
many, worry, anxiety, and fear are such a given in their life that they may not remember a
time when they were not present. Allow yourself to reflect on when worry, anxiety, and
fear began in your life so that you can begin the process of reclaiming freedom in the form
of peace in Him.

How often do you find yourself doing things “in case”?  Perhaps lyou’re trying to ward off
potential problems like Job did regarding his children in Job 1:5. That’s often an indication
of underlying worry, anxiety, or fear. Consider times you have done this in the past or
currently make this a practice.

1. As humans in a fallen world, we all have things that stir up worry, anxiety, or fear within
us. Take a few moments to reflect on what your greatest fears are, then write them here: 14 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
2. Before we go any further, prayerfully confess those fears to God and ask Him to replace
those fears with a greater measure of faith in His care and provision for you.

3. “Fear is nothing more than the enemy’s lie disguised as truth.” How have you seen this
operating in your own life?

4. Is there a specific or several specific fears that recur in your thoughts? What are they?

5. What emotional or physiological response do they prompt when these fears come to

6. Can you identify times when your fear caused you to avoid challenges or limit your
involvement in activities you enjoy or find challenging?

7. “God is always our first and best option.” This can be challenging because it is different
than our natural inclination. Think of two actions you can take that will demonstrate (to
yourself) that you are changing your reaction to fearful thoughts or circumstances. Write
these actions down on an index card and keep it with you. The next time fearful thoughts
arise, review what you wrote and take two steps out of bondage to fear. 15 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
Your RX Scriptures:

Be strong and of good courage, do not fear or be in dread of them: for it is the Lord your
God who goes with you; He will not fail you or forsake you. (Deuteronomy 31:6 RSV)

Thou dost keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on thee, because he trusts in
\Thee. (Isaiah 26:3 RSV)

Peace I leave with you; my peace I give to you; not as the world gives do I give to you. Let
not your hearts be troubled, neither let them be afraid. (John 14:27 RSV) 16 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
Chapter 4 – Worry Creeps
If then you are not able to do as small a thing as that, why are you anxious about the rest? 
(Luke 12:26 RSV)

Key Thoughts:

If we don’t intentionally control our worries, they can spin out of control.  
Jesus never worried or hurried.
Worry focuses on our inadequacies as opposed to God’s sufficiency.


1. Jesus had the greatest ministry on earth. If we never see Him hurried or worried, and if
God even takes care of the birds of the air and the flowers of the field, then what makes us
think that anything that involves us is important enough to require worry, anxiety, or fear?

2. “Worries about the future create anxiety and stress because they represent a picture
that excludes God.” Very little occupies more of our worry or fret than our concerns about
the future, whether near or distant. Why do we allow ourselves to jump ahead to the
unknown future, when God remains with us in the present? 17 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
3. Esther Hicks said, “Worrying is using your imagination to create something you don’t
want.” Why are we so willing to imagine the negative, the lacking, the frightful, when the
God of the universe is our Heavenly Father and He loves to bestow good gifts on His
children? What might happen if you started praying, believing, and anticipating the good
things God wants to do for you instead of the negative things you fear?

4. In Luke 10, we find the story of Mary and Martha. Martha is worried about preparing a
meal for her guests while Mary sits comfortably and worry-free at Jesus' feet. Jesus says
that Mary has chosen well. When you are consumed with worry over things which you feel
must get done, do you continue hurrying and worrying, or do you put those activities aside
and spend time with Jesus, who promises peace and rest? Why do you think you have
allowed that to become your “go-to” response?

5. This chapter talks about worry causing an “uncomfortable way of living.”  Can you
identify discomforts in your life that are due to worry?

6. This chapter also says, “Worrying about the future creates anxiety and stress because it
represents a picture that excludes God.” Pick one of your worries. How can you re-frame
your worry in a way that includes God in the picture? 18 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
7. One way to fight worry is to have a mentally intensive task at hand to pursue when you
find yourself worrying. This could be anything from answering an email to writing an
essay. Some people stop their current activity and write out a short prayer. What can you
do that would re-engage your mind when you find yourself worrying?

8. Dr. Bengtson tells a story of a time when she was worried and engaged her own prayer
and the prayers of others to seek from God a specific outcome, yet He did not provide that
outcome. She had at that moment to trust that God heard their prayers despite the unmet
desired outcome, and that He will provide for her and her family. What can you do to bring
your worries to God and trust that He will provide for you, regardless of the outcome?

9. Jesus instructs His disciples in John 16:33 to “…take courage; I have overcome the world.”
(NASB). What action, word, or perspective can you take that would represent a measure of
“taking courage” with respect to your worries?

10. How does worry creep into your life totally unwanted and very intrusive? 19 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
11. How does worry hinder the life God wants for us?

Your RX Scriptures:

Therefore, do not be anxious about tomorrow, for tomorrow will be anxious for itself. Let
the day’s own trouble be sufficient for the day. (Matthew 6:34 RSV)

One thing is needful. Mary has chosen the good portion, which shall not be taken away
from her. (Luke 10:42 RSV)

May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace in believing, so that by the power of the
Holy Spirit you may abound in hope. (Romans 15:13 RSV) 20 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
Chapter 5 – Anxiety Seeps
What you have learned and received and heard and
seen in Me, do; and the God of peace will be with you. (Philippians 4:9 RSV)

Key Thoughts:

Anxiety results from living in a place of defeat instead of victory.  

The antidote to worry, anxiety, and fear is trusting God completely.
When we don’t address anxiety appropriately, it expands to fill the territory we give it.


1. Our key scripture for this chapter comes from Philippians 4:9. What does this scripture
say we are to put into practice?

2. That is a tall order, but when we will do as this scripture says, what are we offered in

3. Why is it so much easier, or more automatic, to assume problems will occur rather than
having faith that God has already gone before us to work everything out for our good and
for His glory? 21 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
4. Anxiety results from living in a place of defeat instead of victory. We all have anxious
thoughts because we are limited creatures. The enemy uses those two little words: "What
if?" to bring chaos and confusion into our lives. What scripture can you find to help you
battle the “what ifs” in your life today? ( or are great

5. Worry, anxiety, and fear come with the baggage of “What if?” We constantly ask
ourselves “what if” this happens or that happens. When we worry about the “what ifs” in
our lives, we are demonstrating that we don’t trust God completely. We should exchange
our “What if” for “when.” Instead of saying “What if I don’t get well,” say “when I get well…”
Instead of saying “what if God doesn’t do something?” instead say “When God does
something…” What circumstances in your life right now are creating “what ifs” in your life?
Will you trust God and replace those “what if” worrisome thoughts and words with
proclamations of “when”? Give yourself a couple examples here:

6. “When we don’t address anxiety appropriately, it expands to fill the territory we give it.
Our minds have ‘What if?’ on repeat. We easily agree with the lies from the spirit of fear
and defeat. God desires to meet our needs, yet He will not fight us for control. Faith entails
having the courage to give God control.” Make this your declaration from James 4:7, write
it on an index card or sticky note so you can see it several times a day: “Submit yourselves
therefore to God. Resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” 22 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
7. Many times we are tempted to take things into our own hands, to act unilaterally
without the direction, participation, or blessing of God. Saul did this in 1 Samuel 13 when
he impatiently and anxiously offered the sacrifice instead of waiting for Samuel the priest
to arrive and offer it. As you consider your own response to a fear or anxiety provoking
situation, pray individually and separately for God’s direction, His participation, and His
blessing. Slowing down, praying repeatedly but differently, and seeking God multiple times
and ways will change your focus and embolden your response.

8. Lord, I am so tired of feeling the need to be in control. I surrender _____________________

to you, and place it at your feet. I submit myself to you Lord. I will resist the devil and he
has to flee at the name of Jesus.

9. Romans 8:28 “And we know that in all things God works for the good of those who love
Him, who have been called according to His purpose” (emphasis added). Merriam-Webster
defines the word “all” as the whole amount, quantity, or extent of; every member or
individual component of; the whole number or sum of; any whatever. So, we have to take
God at His word and when He says all, He means all. Is there a particular area that you
have been holding back from His sovereign hands; that you need to trust Him with? If so,
list it here and submit it to Him and believe His promise to you in this verse.

Your RX Scriptures:

Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me. (John 14:1 RSV)

We know that in everything God works for good with those who love Him, who are called
according to His purpose. (Romans 8:28 RSV)

Cast all your anxieties on Him, for He cares about you. (1 Peter 5:7 RSV) 23 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
Chapter 6 – Crises Explode
I have said this to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation;
but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. (John 16:33 RSV)

Key Thoughts:

True peace is not the absence of trouble but resting in the sovereignty of God in the
midst of it. 
During life’s crises, exhale worry, anxiety, and fear, and breathe in His peace.
Cement your beliefs now before the crisis hits because those beliefs are what you will
fall back on when the crisis comes.

1. What is it about a crisis situation that can make someone not usually prone to worry,
anxiety, and fear succumb to the temptation?

2. When experiencing worry, anxiety, and fear, we have a tendency to think the worst will
happen. We may find ourselves focusing on the negative of the situation and totally
ignoring any positive that might result from the situation. Read Genesis 50:20 and record
God’s promise here: 24 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
3. Instead of focusing on the negative feelings that are controlling our thoughts, we should
try to redirect our thoughts to something else. But what? One thing we can do is fill our
minds with thoughts of Jesus—His love for us, His sacrifice for us, and that He wants the
best for us. What are some things you can do to take your mind off of worry, anxiety, and
fear? What can you do to focus instead on Jesus?

4. Times of crises can be so overwhelming, and all-consuming, that our normal routines
and patterns get disregarded for more emergency measures. Both our thoughts and our
actions often become more impulsive and reflexive. It’s worth taking stock now, before a
crisis hits, of some of your core beliefs because you’ll want to refer to these when worry,
anxiety, and fear tempt and taunt you when a crisis arises. Some people operate from core
beliefs such as, "If it’s going to be, it’s up to me” or “If you want something done right you
have to do it yourself.” Underneath such beliefs is the core belief that others can’t be
counted on or trusted. Other core beliefs might be along the lines of, “Even the darkest
situations end up with a silver lining.” Such a belief would be consistent with God’s truth
that He works all things together for good (Romans 8:28). Take some time to list some of
your core beliefs, then take the time to determine if these line up with scripture, and if so,
which ones. If they do not, there is a good chance that when a crisis hits, you’ll be more
prone to worry, anxiety, and fear.

5. There is no question that crises are difficult. But we have to approach them with a
proper perspective. They will not last forever. And God will see us through them. When
you’re in the midst of a crisis, it’s helpful to remember previous times when God has
shown you His faithfulness. List some of those times here: 25 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
6. There are times in our lives when we cannot see an end to a difficult situation, or there
are multiple unfortunate circumstances combining, or we are faced with tragedy or loss
beyond our comprehension. This chapter discusses the need to know what we believe
BEFORE the crisis hits. When the crisis comes there is no time nor state of mind to sit
down and rationally consider circumstances. At those times you can only face the way you
know to go and take a step. What is it that you KNOW is true about the character of God?
Make a list. Keep it someplace accessible. Add to it as you learn more about who God is.

7. Part of dealing with crisis is acting in courage. Courage doesn’t arise from a rational,
logical part of our brain that calmly tells us how to think about our situation and what to
do next. It comes from the conviction that you HAVE to take a step, and the willingness or
willpower to stand up and take that step even if all your emotions are telling you to curl up
in a ball on the floor and roll around in your tears. Can you remember a time in your life
when you took an action that you knew you had to even though your mind and emotions
were telling you otherwise? If you can’t think of a time, ask a friend whom you respect
about a similar time in their life. Borrowing courage is allowed.

8. Most of life is relatively mundane, and crises are blessedly infrequent. If you are not in a
crisis, think about someone you know who is. Meet them for coffee, or volunteer to drive
them to a doctor’s appointment. Ask them how you can pray more effectively for them.
Not only will you learn a little about how others handle crises, your own anxiety, worry and
fear will be mitigated as well. 26 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
9. Can peace inhabit a crisis? How?

10. What truth-based beliefs, attitude and mind-set are needed for you to weather the
storms of life? Because the storms will come and we need to be prepared.

Your RX Scriptures:

God is our refuge and strength, a very present help in trouble. Therefore we will not fear
though the earth should change, though the mountains shake in the heart of the sea;
(Psalm 46:1-2 RSV)

I have said this to you, that in Me you may have peace. In the world you have tribulation;
but be of good cheer, I have overcome the world. (John 16:33 RSV)

We are afflicted in every way, but not crushed; perplexed, but not driven to despair;
persecuted, but not forsaken; struck down, but not destroyed; (2 Corinthians 4:8-9 RSV)

Little children, you are of God, and have overcome them; for He who is in you is greater
than He who is in the world. (1 John 4:4 RSV) 27 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
Chapter 7 – Say No to Worry, Anxiety,
and Fear
“fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will
help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand.” Isaiah 41:10 RSV

Key Thoughts:

God’s perspective on worry, anxiety, and fear is that they aren’t what’s best for us, so
He wants us to live from a place of His peace.
We have a choice in how we respond to worry, anxiety, and fear.
We must recognize that our words have power and use them wisely.


1. “God knows that worry, anxiety, and fear are counterproductive to our physical health,
our emotional well-being, and our relationship with Him.” How have you seen this to be
true in your own life?

2. It is hard to say no to worry, anxiety and fear until we decide that we will trust God.
Proverbs 3:5 says, “Trust in the Lord with all your heart …”  ALL… not just with 1 or 2 things
that are dear to your heart. But 100%. Honesty check, what percentage do you actually
trust Him with? Are you happy/content with that percentage? What are you going to do to
change that? 28 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
3. What part of Proverbs 3:5-6 do you struggle with most and why?

4. “Trust chooses faith over fear, confidence over cowardice, power over panic,
dependence over independence, and anticipation over action.” So many of us struggle to
fully trust God…that’s why we so easily lapse into worry, anxiety, or fear. Which one of
these components do you think you struggle with the most and why?

5. We have to learn to trust first, submit to Him and His ways, and then He will show you
your path. How are you going to be intentional in trusting God?

6. So often our worry, anxiety, or fear stems from our feelings of powerlessness. But
prayer opens up our access to the God of all power. Instead of wasting energy worrying,
that usually accomplishes nothing (particularly when we truly do not know all the facts or
details), what would it take to engage that same energy productively in prayer and let God
work on our behalf or on behalf of others that we are concerned about? 29 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
7. God doesn’t always answer our prayers the way we want but in the case of Elijah and
the widow, God did bring her son back to life. Sometimes God allows us to go through
trials and testing to teach us about His character in a way that just telling us never would.
Reflect back on one of your own recent trials. What did it teach you about God’s character?

8. “Prayer is the most powerful gift we can offer anyone in need and ourselves. This gift
requires the greatest amount of trust.” How do you approach your Father in prayer? In
boldness? Meekness? With doubt? Complete belief that He’ll answer?

9. “Release” means to surrender control of, it means to let go of the outcome. Dr.
Bengtson tells of a time when she was counseled after intensive work to “release the
outcome.” She found this personally difficult, but eventually rewarding. Where do you have
difficulty releasing the outcome?

10. Acceptance is a very passive concept in our culture. There is no winner’s circle for
acceptance and no medals. There is no superhero named Acceptance Woman. Yet
accepting God’s provision and trusting Him that his provision will continue is one of the
hardest things to do humanly. Where do you find it difficult to recognize and accept God's
provision? 30 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
11. What specific step can you take to make your acceptance more concrete?

12. We’ve talked about “release” and “acceptance.” What are the differences and
similarities? How do they operate in your life?

13. This chapter cautions us to not give voice to our worry. In what way does your self-talk
reflect either your worry or your trust?

14. This chapter quotes Romans 15:13 “May the God of hope fill you with all joy and peace
as you trust in Him, so that you may overflow with hope by the power of the Holy Spirit.”
Paraphrase this verse by writing in your own name, and by adding the specifics of your
own situation where appropriate.

15. It is easier to see the providence of God when things are calm and life is easy. It’s much
harder to see His providence when life is stormy. Think back to when you experienced a
stormy time. Perhaps you don’t have to think back. In spite of the instability or lack of
visibility, can you see areas of your life that you may have overlooked where His hand is or
was present? Make a list. 31 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
16. “Fear gives more credit to satan’s power than to God’s.” What are you needing to
release and trust God for?

17. Be boldly courageous. (FYI: I love this phrase Be boldly courageous. Instead of the culture
"Do It Afraid"!) It means trusting when you are tempted with worry, anxiety and fear. He
doesn’t call us to have the answers, but He calls us to surrender and trust. You have a
choice: shrink back in fear and wonder what could have been or be boldly courageous,
trust God because He and His plans for you are always good.  What will you choose?

18. Trusting Him in the storms. No matter the type of storm; whether it be a
thunderstorm, tornado, hurricane, or busy chaotic life at home or work, He is there. He is
present and powerful in every storm. Are you looking for Him in the storm or are you
focused on the lightning? Will you trust Him and be thankful? 32 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
Your RX Scriptures:

Trust in the LORD with all your heart, and do not rely on your own insight. In all your ways
acknowledge Him, and He will make straight your paths. (Proverbs 3:5-6 RSV)

fear not, for I am with you, be not dismayed, for I am your God; I will strengthen you, I will
help you, I will uphold you with my victorious right hand. (Isaiah 41:10 RSV)

Have no anxiety about anything, but in everything by prayer and supplication with
thanksgiving let your requests be made known to God. And the peace of God, which
passes all understanding, will keep your hearts and your minds in Christ Jesus.
(Philippians 4:6-7 RSV) 33 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
Chapter 8 – God Is
Then Gideon built an altar there to the Lord, and called it, The Lord is peace.
(Judges 6:24 RSV)

Key Thoughts:

We spend a lot of time searching for peace, when peace is not a thing, it is a person:
A key to relinquishing our worry, anxiety, and fear, is appreciating the character of God.
We get worried, anxious, and fearful about all we don’t have that we think we need,
when the reality is, God is all we ever need.


1. Ephesians 2:14 declares, “For He Himself is our peace.” Peace is not a thing; peace is a
person. How often we forget this?! We think of peace as calm FROM the storm, but the
truth is that peace is calm IN the storm. Where are you looking for your peace? Have you
taken your eyes off Jesus and kept them focused on your storm? What can you do to
change your focus?

2. God is bigger than any problem you face. Your circumstances don’t surprise Him and
they don’t scare Him. He knows what you require and He knows what to do about it. We’ve
talked about the fact that God is sovereign. He will meet your every need when you
present it to Him (Philippians 4:19). He will give you grace and strengthen you in your
weakness. He longs for intimacy with you. He will show you how to have peace when you
think there’s no peace to be had. He is the problem solver. Give Him all of your problems
and trust Him to do what is best. 34 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
What problems would you like to give to Him today?

3. What is keeping you from fully trusting that He has your best interest at heart?

4. Anxiety creeps in when we try to fix our situation out of our own strength. When we
remember that God is able, it makes it easier to exchange worry, anxiety and fear for our
worship of Him. What is your go-to scripture that changes your focus from worry to

5. What is your go-to worship song?

6. “Peace is not a thing; peace is a person.” This chapter elaborates on Ephesians 2, which
names God Himself as our peace. Our common cultural view of peace is that it is a passive,
static, abstract thing. It is impersonal and intangible. Peace in the common concept is
distant, difficult to obtain and harder to keep. But if you think about peace as a person, all
this changes! Relationships are permanent. Even someone who is only a tangential
acquaintance still represents a relationship. You can never “un-meet” a person. Since God
IS our peace, a relationship with God implies the PRESENCE of peace, even if 35 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
obscured at times. Since God is not passive or static, neither is peace. It is as active and
alive in our lives as God is. One of the attributes of God is His immanence, meaning that
He is always “nearby” even if we don’t sense Him. Peace, likewise, is always nearby, even if
we don’t sense it. How does the concept of peace as a person-God Himself-change your
view of peace?

7. 1 Corinthians 14:33 speaks to the orderliness of God and the orderliness of peace. He
provides guidelines and boundaries. He gives us reference points and priorities. He
illuminates our journey. Living in a fallen world and imperfect ourselves, we sometimes
expect answers and directions to emerge from within the chaos we are familiar with. God
will always speak from a place of order. It may be harder for us to recognize this, or to
accept it. Are there insights or directions that you have discounted because they originate
not from the familiar and chaotic, but from a quieter, temperate, disciplined place that is
not familiar and perhaps not comfortable?

8. Dr. Bengtson told a story of a time when she realized that she needed God to fulfill
many roles in her life and in her present situation: provider, peace bringer, warrior,
shepherd, healer, present one, and righteous one. Later, she speaks of God’s sufficiency,
noting that He is enough. Which of these roles of God is most familiar to you? Least
familiar? Pick one of the roles that is less familiar to you and ask God to show you how He
operates in that role in your life. 36 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
9. If you have lived in a home for a long time you have probably developed a list of
preferred service people: plumbers, A/C repairmen, painters, and so forth. Membership on
that list is usually contingent on a prior positive experience; you have come to trust them.
In the same way, we come to trust God. Over time we see His faithfulness in our own lives,
even if it requires perspective to see it. We also hear the testimonies of God’s work in the
lives of others, and we read of God’s presence with His people individually and corporately
down through history. Yet trust can be difficult to offer because we all have histories of
hurt and betrayal. “Trust God” is a common phrase, but an ongoing challenge. In what
areas that you are aware of do you find it easy to trust God? Where is it difficult for you to
trust God? 37 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
The Bible contains over 220 verses specifically about trusting God. You can trust His
character, but to know His character, you need to delve into His Word. Do a Key Word
study using or searching for the Strong’s concordance
to learn the Greek or Hebrew meaning.

Try this using Psalm 9:10 "Those who know Your name trust in You because You have not
abandoned those who seek You, Lord."

Verse: Those who know Your name trust in You because You have not
abandoned those who seek You, Lord.


And those who know h3045 To conceive, acquire knowledge, to know

‫י ַָדע‬

Your name h8034 the Name (as designation of God)


their trust h982 to trust, trust in; to have confidence, be

‫ָּב ַטח‬ confident; to be bold; to be secure
batach 38 #BreakingAnxietysGrip


10. "Peace is positional.” It depends on our relationship with God (Romans 5:1-2). “If we
lack intimacy with God, our peace is impaired. We have to choose to draw near to Him.
Peace is present tense.” Write out a prayer asking Him to increase your faith and give you
a greater desire to know Him.

11. Take this scripture and personalize it. Commit it to memory. Write it on your mirror
with a dry erase marker.

Philippians 4:19 The Passion Translation (TPT)

I am convinced that ______________’s (insert your name) God will fully satisfy every need I
have, for I have seen the abundant riches of glory revealed to me through the Anointed
One, Jesus Christ!

Philippians 4:19 Christian Standard Bible (CSB)

And ________________’s  God will supply all my needs according to his riches in glory in Christ

Your RX Scriptures:

You shall not fear them; for it is the LORD your God who fights for you. (Deuteronomy 3:22

Abide in Me, and I in you. As the branch cannot bear fruit by itself, unless it abides in the
vine, neither can you, unless you abide in Me. (John 15:4 RSV)

For He is our peace, who has made us both one, and has broken down the dividing wall of
hostility (Ephesians 2:14 RSV)

And my God will supply every need of yours according to His riches in glory in Christ Jesus.
(Philippians 4:19 RSV) 40 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
Chapter 9 – Reclaim Your Power
And I heard a loud voice in heaven, saying, “Now
the salvation and the power and the kingdom of our God and the authority of His
Christ have come, for the accuser of our brethren has been thrown down, who
accuses them day and night before our God." (Revelation 12:10 RSV)

Key Thoughts:

A key weapon against worry, anxiety and fear is our God-given power—the same power
that raised Christ Jesus from the dead.
We appropriate power from our words, Jesus’s name, Christ’s blood, God’s promises,
believing God will answer prayer, seeking God, standing and resisting.
When we seek God, we will find Him, and when we find Him, we can rest in Him, and
therein lies our peace.


1. “The search for peace is not as elusive as it sounds. Peace isn’t found in the pot of gold
at the end of a rainbow.” Where have you looked for peace?

2. The Bible says that the words we speak contain great power. Our words have the power
to give life or bring death (Prov 18:21). For example, instead of saying, “I am afraid we
aren’t going to make our house payment,” we can say, “I choose to trust God to provide for
all my needs just as He said He would.” What is a sentence that you frequently say that
needs to be reframed? 41 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
Just as our words have power, and we have power from God’s Word, we also have power
through the name of Jesus. There is no name more powerful than Jesus. There are times
when you are in the midst of a battle with anxiety that all you can say is, “Jesus”. He
promises to be with you always. Speak it out loud. Practice “breath prayers”. Audibly
breathe in “Jesus” and blow out anxiety.

3. In 2 Timothy 1:7 we are told that God gives us three essential weapons to fight the spirit
of fear. They are __________, __________, and a _________ _________. Which of these weapons
do you find it easiest to use? Which one is the one you tend to overlook? Why?  (power,
love, sound mind)

4. “Prayer is a powerful weapon that paralyzes the enemy. He attempts to limit our prayer
time because He is fully aware that our prayers limit Him.” Do you have a regular time to
pray every day? If not, what can you do to ensure you meet with your Father daily? Or
several times a day, since we don’t have limited access? Prayer is just a conversation
between you and God. Words from your heart are all that are required.

5. In James 4:7 we are told to “resist the devil, and he will flee from you.” What is one
practical way you choose to resist the enemy, to stand your ground on God’s Word, today?
Write it down and expect God to move and work in that situation. 42 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
6. According to Matthew 17:20, how much faith do we need to do great things like move

7. God’s desire for us is peace. He is for us, not against us. How does this How does this
change your perspective on anxiety, worry and fear? What can you do to appropriate that
truth in your own life?

8. In our civic life we see many examples of how opposing sides in a debate are careful to
choose vocabulary that captures their perspective and frames the debate the way they
would like it. Intentionally or not, in our private life the same thing happens. The words we
use to describe our internal debates and our internal understanding of situations frame
these situations for us, whether positively or negatively. Can you think of times when your
self-talk or the way you described a situation to close friends has limited your
understanding, or diminished your ability to respond? 43 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
9. What changes in your perspective of the issue you considered in the previous question
if you frame it using one or more of the selections of scripture quoted in this chapter, such
as Ps. 91, Is. 55:10-11, Romans 10:17 or James 4:7-8?

10. Romans 8:32 says “He who did not spare His own Son, but delivered Him over for us
all, how will He not also with Him freely give us all things?” (NASB) God has already given us
the most precious thing He has-His own son. In current parlance God has “skin in the
game.” How does this understanding influence your perspective of the issue we
considered above?

11. “Home” has always been a powerful concept. We are aware of “being home” even if
we’re not physically in our own abode. The sense of “home” extends to wherever we find
an atmosphere of acceptance and security, be it a friend or relative’s dwelling, a church or
church service, a community organization or just an informal gathering of friends. Psalms
has numerous references to dwelling “in the shelter of the Most High” or under “the
shadow of His wings” (Ps 17,36,57,61,63, 91). What would happen to our understanding of
life if we thought of God’s enduring presence with us, wherever and however, we are as
being “home”? 44 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
12. Our Christian culture emphasizes prayer, but that emphasis does not extend to
seeking answers to prayer. We are quick to ask, but slow or negligent in coming back to
the same request and asking God again about the same thing. Often on a second
consideration we have a different perspective, or a deeper inquiry. Think back to a time
when you had to ask a second time for a task to be completed, either at work or as a
customer, or with friends. We often find out that there is a previously unseen wrinkle or a
different dynamic at work than we thought. There is a mistake to be corrected, or an
unknown approval cycle, or a third party involved that we were unaware of. Asking God
again, or asking Him for a new perspective on the same issue often gives us a clearer
sense of His presence and His work. Ask God for a clearer vision of His work in your
situation. Ask Him how you can pray more insightfully.

13.  Great sports figures gain our respect because they are able to execute regardless of
the scoreboard or clock. Ahead or behind, at the beginning of the game or in the final
seconds or last inning, a great player knows the resources available to him or her. She has
faith in her skills and the skills and preparation of her team. The game situation
determines the tactics or the play selection but does not change the player’s faith. The
outcome is unknown, but the action and direction are clear. In the same way we are called
to stand on and act on what we are convinced of and what we have seen before, to
operate with confidence that God is good, and present, and able, and willing, and
predisposed towards us. This requires both preparation and follow though. Depending on
where you are in life, pick one or both of the questions below.

a. What can you do today to improve your readiness for trials, to prepare for future

b. What experiences can you draw on, or what learnings have you gained that can be
resources to draw on in today’s trials? 45 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
Your RX Scriptures:

And He said, “Hearken, all Judah and inhabitants of Jerusalem, and King Jehosh′aphat: Thus
says the LORD to you, ‘Fear not, and be not dismayed at this great multitude; for the battle
is not yours but God’s.’ (2 Chronicles 20:15 RSV)

I call upon thee, for Thou wilt answer me, O God; incline thy ear to me, hear my words.
(Psalm 17:6 RSV)

Finally, brethren, whatever is true, whatever is honorable, whatever is just, whatever is

pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is gracious, if there is any excellence, if there is anything
worthy of praise, think about these things. 9 What you have learned and received and
heard and seen in Me, do; and the God of peace will be with you. (Philippians 4:8-9 RSV) 46 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
Chapter 10 – Live in His Perfect Love
As the Father has loved Me, so have I loved you; abide in My love. (John 15:9 RSV)

Key Thoughts:

If we desire His peace, we must remain in His perfect love.

Someone who died to rescue us loves us more than we will ever know or appreciate.
As Creator, God gave us many ways to receive His love.


1. "When Jesus uttered, ‘It is finished’ from the cross (John 19:30), He put an end to any
reason for worry, anxiety, and fear.” His death, burial, and resurrection defeated the
enemy. What if when the enemy comes knocking on the door of your mind, instead of
engaging him, you simply gave him the same answer Jesus did, “It is finished” rather than
letting worry, anxiety, and fear have the opportunity to grow?

2. Many find it difficult to fully accept and receive God’s love. When we don’t feel worthy of
His love or fully accept that He loves us, it’s hard to completely trust Him, so it leaves open
a doorway for worry, anxiety, and fear. What makes you question, doubt, or act as if God
doesn’t fully and completely and perfectly love you? 47 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
3. Proverbs 18:21 gives a pretty clear indication where some of our power comes from.
Where is that?

How much power does it hold?

4. 1.   Filling your mind, heart, and mouth with words that would not come out of the
mouth of Jesus, does not represent us well to those with whom we have a relationship.
Speaking words of positive affirmation to others goes a long way in building them up.
Demonstrating love, compassion, and a heart of helpfulness gives them hope. With love
and hope, anxiety can be assuaged. Worry can dissipate. Fear can lose its power. Sharing
the promises of God, sharing why you believe, sharing the salvation message with others
is precisely what saves souls. What words have you been speaking out loud? Are they
words of affirmation to yourself and others? Are you thinking about and praising God for
what He has done for you? Are you sharing God’s love and His promises with others?

5. God’s unconditional love for us is the second primary weapon that is given to us in our
battle against worry, anxiety, and fear. Why are Jesus’ words, “It is finished,” so impactful as
we consider the power of His love for us? Is there any experience that you can think of that
has not already been taken care of through the death and resurrection of Christ? 48 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
6. “Praise and worship are crucial to maintaining peace.” David is perhaps the most well-
known worshipper of God in the scriptures. Which songs has God used to lead you into
times of deeper praise and peace? Is there a specific Psalm or other scripture that helps
you dwell in moments of praise even when in the midst of difficulties?

7. How do you see a lack of trust in God leading to worry, anxiety, or fear in your life? 
What “altars of remembrance” will you build this week to help you remember God’s
faithfulness as you seek to trust Him fully?

8. Perhaps four of the strongest words to remember when facing worry, anxiety, and fear
are “I have a choice”.  I can choose to worry. Or I can choose to be grateful and to trust
God. Read Isaiah 43:2-3. How does the truth conveyed in these verses encourage you to
trust God more fully?

9. We are given a list of times “God loves you when:” in this chapter. What are three or four
other situations you need to be reminded of God’s love and presence that you face today?
Write them down and remember that “God loves me when _______” is always true! 49 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
10. Praising God displaces anxiety, worry and fear.

a. Download some favorite praise songs to your phone and play them as needed or
download the songs listed at the end of each chapter in the book.

b. Write out favorite Bible verses on index cards, or use the ones that have been listed at
the end of each chapter, and tape them where you will see them frequently.

11. What can you use as physical reminders of God’s loving provision for you? As
mentioned in this chapter, these can be photos or journals. They could also be charms on
a charm bracelet or other jewelry, an item of clothing, or simply souvenirs on a shelf.

12. This chapter talks about the comfort available to us because of the character of God:
His love, constancy, perfection, mercy and other attributes. Is there one attribute of God
that stands out to you? How does that attribute display itself to you?

13. Recognizing and accepting God’s good and trustworthy love in this world that often
deals pain and anguish is difficult. Where in your life do you most sense a gap between
God’s good and trustworthy love and your perception or experience of this world?

14. The depth of God’s love is beyond our ability to fully grasp. Often it is also clouded by
past history of trauma, betrayal, or loss. Ask God to show you His love in a way you haven’t
seen or understood before. 50 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
Your RX Scriptures:

But I have trusted in thy steadfast love; my heart shall rejoice in thy salvation. (Psalm 13:5

Because thy steadfast love is better than life, my lips will praise thee. (Psalm 63:3 RSV)

Thou dost keep him in perfect peace, whose mind is stayed on Thee, because he trusts in
Thee. (Isaiah 26:3 RSV)

The scripture says, “No one who believes in Him will be put to shame.” (Romans 10:11 RSV)

There is no fear in love, but perfect love casts out fear. For fear has to do with punishment,
and he who fears is not perfected in love. (1 John 4:18 RSV) 51 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
Chapter 11 – Use Your Sound Mind
His heart is steady, he will not be afraid, until he sees his desire on his adversaries.
(Psalm 112:8 RSV)

Key Thoughts:

In our battle against worry, anxiety, and fear, we have to use our sound mind—the
mind of Christ.
As we learn to replace the enemy’s lies with thoughts that agree with God, we exchange
worry, anxiety, and fear for His perfect peace.
A direct correlation exists between our thought lives and the degree to which we
experience God’s presence and His peace.
Sometimes we spend too much time focusing on the facts instead of the truth.


1. Consider your natural response to normal life and daily situations. Do you tend to spend
more energy focusing on the negatives, on the things you don’t have or that could be, or
do you give more attention to the things you have to be grateful for or that God has
promised you? What role do you think that tendency plays in your susceptibility to worry,
anxiety, and fear?

2. If it is true that “our faith can move mountains and your doubt (and worry, anxiety, and
fear) can create them,” where are you spending the bulk of your thought energy? What’s
your pay-off? 52 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
3. Consider the situations in your own life right now that are prompting worry, anxiety, and
fear. Take a sheet of paper and make two columns. On the left column, list the facts about
those situations. Now on the right column, list the truth according to God’s word.
For example, the fact might be that a loved one has cancer, but the truth is God still heals
today. Or the fact may be that the bank balance is zero, but the truth is that God has
promised to provide for us more than He does the birds of the air and the flowers of the
field. Now, when you are tempted to worry, thank God for the truth of those situations.

4. There are three weapons that God has given us so that we can walk in His power. They
are the __________ _________ of His son on the cross, His ____________ ____________, and a
_________ _________.  Do you truly believe that God’s power is available to you today?
Why or why not?
Answers: (shed blood, perfect love, sound mind)

5. The enemy wants us to believe his lies. These lies lead us to walk in worry, fear, and
anxiety. How can truly believing and living the truths found in Romans 12:2 help you leave
behind worry and fear and exchange them for God’s perfect peace?

6. “A direct correlation exists between our thought lives and the degree to which we
experience God’s presence and His peace.” Do you agree with this statement? How does
the story of the dot on the paper, as well as the verses in Philippians 4: 8-9, illustrate this
truth for you?

7. Philippians 4:8-9 encourages us to “Fix our thoughts on what is true, and honorable, and
right, and pure, and lovely, and admirable. Think about things that are excellent and
worthy of praise. Keep putting into practice all you learned and received from me –
everything you heard from me and saw me doing. Then the God of peace will be with you.”
When we are anxious, worried or fearful, we have tunnel vision. We have to train ourselves
to change our focus. How are you going to do this? 53 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
8. “When facts are compelling, sometimes our faith wavers.” How can we use scripture to
help us remember God’s faithfulness when facing hard times? How do we find peace in the
midst of the struggles?

9. How do we “talk back to anxiety”? Have you ever done so? What can we learn from
passages such as Philippians 4:6-7 and Isaiah 26:3 about facing anxious times?

10. Scripture clearly teaches that neither people nor circumstances cause our worry,
anxiety and fear. Knowing how to fight this spiritual battle ahead of time is important.
What is your battle plan?

11. We are given “Nine Ways to Fight Back with a Sound Mind” in this chapter. Which of
these ways do you need most to help you fight against the spirit of fear in your own life
right now? 54 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
12. Choosing our words wisely, letting the Holy Spirit guide us in our word choices, helps to
bring all worry, fear, and anxiety into captivity. When thoughts from the enemy come to
mind, we must cast those thoughts out and accept the peace that Christ provides.
According to Joshua 1:9, put your trust in God who goes with you everywhere you go.
Remember, God is always true to His promises. God has fought many battles for you
already. He’s never lost one yet! Maybe you didn’t notice. Maybe now is the time to think
about the many battles you’ve had in your life. Maybe now is the time to recognize God’s
hand in each one. Ask the Holy Spirit to help you to remember God’s hand in
circumstances in your life. Then praise God for intervening in the midst of your turmoil.
Our honest and genuine stories go a long way in encouraging others and tearing down
stigma. Our words of love, hope, and peace are priceless treasures to those who struggle
to survive the burdens of each day. Would you consider sharing your story with someone
who is fighting their own battle?

13. “Emotions are the outward manifestations of the thoughts we believe.” Instead of
acting on our feelings, we must speak out against the thoughts that caused them. There is
power in the spoken word. At the first sign of anxiety, declare “I refuse to be afraid! God
did not give me a spirit of fear. He has given me power, love and a sound mind.” Write this
out, keep it handy, repeat it often.

14. This chapter describes our ability to choose, but it also highlights our propensity to
choose the negative. Let’s recreate the classroom story from the chapter. Take a blank
sheet of paper and draw on it a diagram or symbol of your current fears or anxieties. Now
widen your mental lens and think about the positive things that impact that situation that
your fears and anxieties may have obscured. Examples could be the gift of God’s Word and
Holy Spirit, supportive individuals and church, relationship with God and the knowledge
that He accepts us where we are, and so on. 55 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
15. In 2 Corinthians 10:5 Paul describes the weapons we fight with are for “destroying
speculations and every lofty thing raised up against the knowledge of God, and… taking
every thought captive to the obedience of Christ.”  Fear, worry, and anxiety are often
triggered by certain events, places, people, or facts, all of which can prompt “speculations”
or uncaptive thoughts. Make a list of these triggers. Next to each trigger write a truth from
God’s word or about God that will help you take that particular trigger “captive.”

16. How do our thoughts affect our behavior, our attitude and our belief in ourselves and
our God?

17. What is involved in choosing our focus so our thoughts are positive and not always

18. We must know our enemy before we can fight against him. How do we recognize the
enemy? 56 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
Your RX Scriptures:

Have I not commanded you? Be strong and of good courage; be not frightened, neither be
dismayed; for the LORD your God is with you wherever you go. (Joshua 1:9 RSV)

When I am afraid, I put my trust in Thee. (Psalm 56:3 RSV)

His heart is steady, he will not be afraid, until he sees his desire on his adversaries. (Psalm
112:8 RSV)

To set the mind on the flesh is death, but to set the mind on the Spirit is life and peace.
(Romans 8:6 RSV) 57 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
Living in Peace

Key Thoughts:
We all have a choice to make: whether to go down the slippery slope into worry,
anxiety, and fear, or to claim God’s peace.
If you want to live in peace, find comfort in a good, loving, trustworthy God.
God is in control, and you are safe in the shelter of His wing.
When the spirit of fear comes to taunt and haunt us, we can choose to refute his lies
with God’s truth. Then we can maintain our peace because we trust God to be true to
His Word.

1. After reading this book, are there still places (in your mind, body, and spirit) that keep
you from choosing to believe God has you, lock, stock, and barrel? What are you still not
letting go of?

2. Why not pray and offer that up to God right now, asking Him to fill you with His peace in
exchange?  And. repeat as needed.

3. When our world gets rocked by a difficult diagnosis, an accident, a relationship gone bad
or any other ‘suddenly’, what will be our response?

4. What truths do we need to know so we can walk in victory and not defeat through
worry, anxiety and fear? 58 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
Dear Heavenly Father,

I thank you that we can trust you to be true to your word. I thank you that you promise to
never leave us or give up on us. I thank you that when we hurt, you hurt. I thank you that
you have sent the Holy Spirit to comfort us in our times of heartache and trouble. I thank
you that you have promised to give us peace, not like anything we could ever receive in
this world, but a peace that we can hold onto even in the storms of life. I thank you for the
healing work that you have begun in this precious one’s heart and soul, and I thank you
that you will be true to your word that says that you who has begun a good work in this
one will be faithful to complete it. Finish your good work so that this one can in turn
comfort others with the comfort they have received.

In Jesus’ name I pray, Amen. 59 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
About "Breaking Anxiety's Grip: How
to Reclaim the Peace God Promises"
Worry, anxiety, and fear are epidemic. So
much so that anxiety is considered the
common cold of mental illness because not
only is it prevalent in today’s society, but
we’ve come to accept it and tolerate it like we
do the common winter cold.

But what if I told you that God says worry,

anxiety, and fear are not your portion…peace is.

As a board certified clinical neuropsychologist

who has treated thousands of patients over
several decades with worry, anxiety, and fear,
and has battled it myself, I wrote Breaking
Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises to offer you hope that
you can have victory over anxiety and live your life from a place of peace.

I share what I know to be true professionally as well as what I’ve learned to

be true through my own struggles and experiences.

This is a book you’ll not only want to read for yourself but also gift to your
friends. 60 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
Praise for "Breaking Anxiety's Grip"
“As a woman who has fought anxiety most of her life, I’ve come to believe if you’re in a
battle, it’s not a reason for guilt or shame. It simply means you’re a warrior. I’ve also
learned having the right weapons helps me win. Breaking Anxiety’s Grip will encourage and
equip you to defeat fear and experience more victory.” - Holley Gerth, Bestselling
author of What Your Heart Needs for the Hard Days

“My listeners love to hear from Dr. Bengtson because she expresses empathy and
understanding and provides practical and specific solutions to the daily anxieties that can
plague us. This book not only turns our focus back to the Bible but applies its timeless
wisdom to our lives in a very real and pragmatic way; it is truly a road map toward peace.”
- Jeff Angelo, Talk show host, Newsradio 1040 WHO, iHeartMedia

“Life is hard. At times, worry and fear seem the only logical response. But there is a peace
that passes understanding available if we’ll just reach out and take it. In Breaking Anxiety’s
Grip, Dr. Michelle Bengtson offers expert advice that’s both practical and biblical, helping
us navigate life’s difficulties as we tap into the promises of God.” - Joanna Weaver,
author of Having a Mary Heart in a Martha World: Finding Intimacy with God in the
Busyness of Life

“If you are looking to eradicate the power that anxiety has over your life, you might
consider a good counselor. Or you might look for someone who’s been through what
you’re facing now. Perhaps you’d seek out a trusted friend. What if I told you that you
could have all three? That’s what you get in Breaking Anxiety’s Grip. Dr. Michelle Bengtson
is all of that—and more.” - Jennifer Dukes Lee, author of It’s All Under Control and The
Happiness Dare

“Reading Dr. Michelle Bengtson’s book Breaking Anxiety’s Grip is like talking to a trusted
friend. Her voice throughout the book will calm and reassure you in life’s daily difficult
challenges. Worry, anxiety, and fear are plaguing America, and Michelle deals with the
topic head-on while giving both a clinical and biblical perspective for the ‘common cold’ of
mental health.” - Marta Greenman, Words of Grace & Truth,
“Every once in a while we come across a book that looks at everyday issues from a new
and enlightened vantage point and helps remove the blinders that have kept us enslaved
to problems. Breaking Anxiety’s Grip is one of those books. We have all suffered from the
effects of worry, anxiety, and fear at some point. Dr. Bengtson takes a unique but
biblically based perspective on how to rid ourselves of their slavery in our lives and live
from a position of peace. This will be a book to share with family, friends, church leaders,
and counselors, so that together we can break the hold anxiety has in our lives.” -
Michelle Wilson, Senior producer of The 700 Club 61 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
Dr. Michelle Bengtson
Dr. Michelle Bengtson studied neuroscience for
decades, becoming board certified in clinical
neuropsychology, earning awards for her doctoral
research, and establishing her own clinical practice.
From her practice and personal life she recognized
a deep lack of understanding within the church and
society of the call to “renew our minds” and the
transformational effects a robust understanding of
this has on our physical and mental health, and on
our outlook.

Dr. Bengtson has discovered the significance of

seeing herself and others as Christ does.
This has transformed her sense of identity and
purpose, and brought her from being “joy immune”
to a daily presence of joy, gratitude, and humble
service to those she comes in contact with.

Dr. Bengtson lives to break the grip of anxiety and fear, foster regeneration, and renew life in
her listeners. From her own personal experience and professional expertise she unpacks the
words of John 10:10 recognizing in her life and others’ the brokenness that attends life, but
also the concrete steps we can take as we walk with Christ through the thin places of life.

Dr. Bengtson authored the award winning “Hope Prevails: Insights from a Doctor’s Personal
Journey Through Depression” and its companion Bible study. Her latest book “Breaking
Anxiety’s Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises” released in September 2019. She is
a frequent guest on Fox News Radio and speaks at conferences and churches internationally. 62 #BreakingAnxietysGrip
For more Hope, stay connected with
Dr. Bengtson at:



Twitter: (@DrMBengtson)





Radio Show Host:


For additional Hope-Filled Resources, visit:

Breaking Anxiety's Grip: How to Reclaim the Peace God Promises

#BreakingAnxietysGripBook #PeacePrevails

Hope Prevails: A Doctor's Personal Journey through Depression


Hope Prevails Bible Study

#HopePrevailsBibleStudy 63 #BreakingAnxietysGrip

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