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Table A.3.5.

Summary of the annual budget Year-1


Eligible Cost Components Unit Quantity US$/Rp Unit Cost Total Cost
(US$) (Rp) (Rp) (Rp)
1. Staff development
a. Domestic Degree training Staff-year Rp
b. Domestic non degree training Staff-month Rp
c. Overseas degree training Staff-year US$
d. Overseas non degree training Staff-month US$
2. Civil Works M2 …………
3. Furniture and Equipment
a. Furniture Unit/package …………
b. Equipment Unit/Package …………
4. Program Development Program …………
5. Instructional Materials Copies …………
6. Consultant Services
a. International Staff-month …………
b. Domestic Staff-month …………
7. Research and Studies Title …………
a. Teaching Grant Title …………
b. Research Grant Title …………
c. Student Grant Title …………
8. Project Management Month …………

Total Proposed investment


A3- 18
Table A.3.6 Detailed Cost Estimates of the Strengthening Existing Priority Programs (1 US$ = Rp. 8500,-)
Unit Unit Cost Physical Quantity Annual Cost, in USD’000
Eligible Cost Components Total Cost Remark
Specification USD Total Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4
A.   Staff Development
1.  Overseas Degree Training Person
1.1.   Degree Fellowship
1.1.1.  Master Person-year
1.1.2.  Doctoral Person-year
1.2.  Short-term Training Person-month
2.  In-country Training Person
2.1.  Degree Fellowship
2.1.1.  Master Person-year
2.1.2.  Doctoral Person-year
2.2.   Short-term Training Person-month
B.   Upgrading of Facilities
1.  Civil Works
1.1.   Classrooms M2
1.2.   Laboratories/Workshops M2
1.3.   Libraries M2
2. Furniture
3.  Equipment Package
C. Program Development Program
D.   Instructional Materials Package
E. Teaching and Research Grant Grant
1.  Teaching Grant Grant
2.  Research Grant Grant
3.  Student Grant Grant
F. Technical Assistance
1. International Man-month
2. Domestic Man-month
G. Project Management
1.  Operational Support Month
2.  O&M of Facilities Month
3.  SPMU Operational Cost Month

A3- 19
A.3.2 Structure of Chapter 3 for Establishment of New Study Program

For each new study program proposed, the following structure should be used in presenting
Chapter 3: The Proposed Development Plan.

Section 3.1. Background

New study program to be established must constitute as an integral part of the
university strategic plan and should be reflected in 5-year new study program strategic
plan. In addition, support from graduate market such as analysis of local, national as
well as international demand for the proposed specific skill, and or current development
of science and technology need to be anticipated and presented. The presence of, as
well as the future support, from the existing organization within the university, local
government and communities should be described. Proponents for the new study
program must be able to contribute 60% of the civil works and 30% of the equipment
costs from self-generated fund (Non-committed DRK) or from other sources. The
attractiveness of the proposed program for the higher school graduates should also be
shown with existing quantitative data.

Section 3.2. Objective And Strategy

The objective for the establishment of new study program should be presented
clearly. Vision, mission, target and strategy to achieve the objective should be
discussed, especially reasoning behind the judgment for establishing new study
program. These description of objectives and strategies should be focused enough to be
used as a basis for formulating the proposed new study program to TPSD Project,
indicating contribution of respective parties in preparation, implementation and
evaluation of new study program.

Section 3.3. Improving RAISE++

(Please refer to Section 3.3 for Strengthening The Existing Study Program and
used the applicable information to write Section 3.3 for Establishment of New Study
Major aspects of economic crisis in Indonesia comprise financial limitation of
government budget including in higher education sector. The idea of decentralization
policy that provides greater autonomy of the regions in managing and developing their
needs also encourages the local government to perform their development including
their human resources through education. TPSD Project is aimed at an additional
investment sourced from foreign investment that should be carefully used and managed
as the complementary fund of institutional as well as community and local government
capacity. To reflect the accountability of this investment, the risks and benefits have to

A.3 - 20
be pointed out, calculated and anticipated as the starting point before spelling out the
working plan in establishing new study program.
The benefit of establishing new study program should be met not only by the
proposed institution and its surrounding relevant units but also by the community. The
local need therefore has to be identified and calculated in development plan. It is highly
expected that the new study program should be beneficial enough to the market to be
carried on, thus its outcomes will be anxiously expected and used properly as long as
the economic value of the investment. The other main consideration shall be taken in to
consideration is the sustainability of proposed study program through the provision of
sufficient operational and maintenance budget, quality of staff and conducive working
The quality of output is strongly influenced by the quality and efficiency of
educational teaching and learning process. Curriculum, human resources, student,
facilities, and financial aspect are the main factors that contribute to achieve the
expected outcomes. Curriculum must be designed in such way that the intended
competencies will be successfully produced. The curriculum should also be integrated
with human resources needed to implement teaching and learning process.
Human resources such as academic staffs, supporting staffs including
administrative staffs are the important input that should be provided in term of number
and qualifications. The presence of this distinguished academic staffs that will serve as
motivator for the initiation of this new program is essential to be considered. The
number and qualification of academic staffs should be calculated in term of the FTE not
only from the existing but also from the future need.
The quality of new student would also influence educational process. The new
study program must anticipate and predict how the best quality of new student could be
selected. The promotion strategy is one of the examples that could be clearly explained.
Projection of student enrollment, number, qualification, and status of academic staff,
and the student-staff ratio should be presented in accordance to Tables A.3.7, A.3.8 and
The proponents should show the strategic plan will be taken in achieving the
number of new students targeted to be enrolled in the first admission by considering
and calculating all supporting elements had been possessed by the program. This plan
could also be applied for the fulfillment of required number and qualification of
academic staffs.
The existing and the need of facilities and infrastructure, such as classrooms,
laboratories, equipments, library, consumables, etc. should be carefully planned and
calculated. All required physical facilities and equipment should be based on and
compare to the minimal requirement by student and staffs in order to operate the study
program. Projection of room/building facility should be presented in accordance to
Table A.3.10.
Financial plan, including its predicted sources, to support the whole process have
to be presented together with other development plan in assuring the sustainability of
the proposed new study program.

A.3 - 21
All development and improvement plan of establishing new study program may
be presented in accordance with all relevant investment formats provided for
strengthening the existing study program (Table A.3.4a, b, c, to A.3.6).
It is highly recommended that the possibility of resource sharing with the existing
study program and communities should be explained to enhance the efficient use of the
proposed investment.

Table A.3.7. Projection of student enrollment, number of academic staff.

No Description Year 1 Year 2 Year 3 Year 4
1 Student Capacity
2 Number of New Students
3 Number of On-going Students
4 Total Enrollment (2 + 3)
5 Number of Academic Staff (1)
The proponents should show the resources available to recruit the new staff

Table A.3.8. Academic staff rank, qualification and status, and projection of their
Status Staff
No. Name Academic rank
(full/part Development
timer) Plan

Table A.3.9. Required Academic staff based on course needed by curriculum

Field of Name of courses to be Semester
No. Name of academic staff
Specialization assigned

A.3 - 22
Table A.3.10. Projection of room/building facility
Area (m2) Capacity of
No. Type Remark (*)
Existing Additional student/staff

1. Class room
2. Laboratory
3. Academic staff room
4. Administration room
5. Computer room
6. Library
7. Seminar room
8. Common facility
should be filled with its source of funding

Section 3.4. Performance Target

A set of indicators will be used to measure the performance of establishment of
new study program. Each indicator will be measured three times that is in the
commencement of the program (baseline), at the first admission of student (in the third
year at the latest), and at the final point of the sub-project periods. Proposing new study
program must provide indicators by using standardized format depicted in Table
A.3.11. Baseline should be filled out based on the university strategic plan as the
commencement of the program. All of the performance targets will bind the selected
proponent to be committed during the sub-project implementation.

Table A.3.11. Indicators for Performance Targets

Indicator Baseline Final Point
(Year : ….)
Qualification of academic
staff (%)
 S1
 S2
 S3
Ratio of academic staff to
enrolled student
Ratio Space to Student :
 Classroom
 Laboratory

In addition to the above indicators, particularly to support the project objectives

(technological and professional skills), additional indicators such as those used for
auxiliary performance indicators for activities described in the above section should be
tabulated in this section.

A.3 - 23
Section 3.5. Implementation Plan
An organization must be set up to implement, monitor and evaluate the development
plan. The organization should be in coherence with sub-project and existing structural
organization. The thoroughly description of implementation mechanism, implementing
officers and their specific responsibilities, organization structure, as well as its link and
relation to the existing formal structural officers, should be clearly presented.

Activity and Scheduling

Each activity for next subsequence years plan should be further explained in- depth
detail. Mechanism on how the component of development activities will be conducted
should also be described. Implementation schedule for each component of activity must
be listed, synchronized and presented in bar chart. The schedule for first student
enrollment and projection on student body for next five years should be clearly
predicted supported by careful calculation on all attached aspects.

Monitoring and Evaluation Mechanism

Monitoring and evaluation is the important part of project management in order to
assure that the project implementation could meet with the designed target. Monitoring
and evaluation scheme should clearly describe and promote the efficiency and
effectiveness of resources procurement and utilization during the preparation of new
study program establishment.

Section 3.6. Proposed Budget

(Refer to Guidelines for Chapter 3 of Book I for Strengthening the existing study program)

Section 3.7. Project Benefit and Economic Analysis

(Refer to Guidelines for Chapter 3 of Book I for Strengthening the existing study program)

A.3 - 24
A.3.3 Structure of Chapter 3 for Institutional Support System

The proposed development plan for institutional support program may include:
a. English Language Laboratory
b. Computer Laboratory
c. Management Information System
d. Student Advisory/Job Placement/ Co-op Center
e. Women Study Center
f. Library Electronic Information Center/Library Network
g. Community and Business Services Center
h. Teaching-Learning Center
Each ISS should be presented separately in Book III.-1 up to III.-M.

Section 3.1. Background

By referring to SWOT analysis, describe vision, mission and strategic plan of the
institutional support unit which must be coherence with university strategic plan.
Describe also concisely the predicted outcome if the proposal program is approved and
grant awarded.

Section 3.2. Objectives and Strategy

Describe briefly objectives and strategy chosen as presented in the revised self-
evaluation report. The objectives for the institutional support and the strategy chosen
for TPSD Project provide the foundation of the plan described in the subsequent
sections. The objectives and strategy should be described clearly and focused enough to
be used as the basis for setting performance targets. The indicators for performance
targets should be summarized and presented according to standardized format in Table
6 of this document.

Section 3.3. Improving RAISE++

(Please refer to Section 3.3 for Strengthening The Existing Study Program and
used the applicable information to write Section 3.3 for Institutional Support System).
The proponent should aware that the Institutional Support System will be
awarded if and only if there is at least one study program that is to be strengthened or
established in the HEI through TPSDP fund. Hence, the terms of Improving RAISE++
is reflected to those study program (s) that are strengthened and or established under
TPSD Project Batch I, II, and or Batch III. The proposing ISS should choose and select
the relevance activities in term of RAISE++ that are described in the related study
program development plan and described clearly how the Institutional Support System

A.3 - 25
could take part, give better services, and support the related study program to achieve
its goal and objectives.
Under new paradigm in where autonomy and accountability are the key factors
for continuous improvement of quality and relevancy, fund provided by TPSD project
must be considered as significant additional investment that should be well calculated
and implemented. The proponent should carefully choose relevant institutional supports
to be strengthened that potentially provide high contribution in supporting study
programs. Other factors to be considered in strengthening selected institutional support
are: (a) it should give benefit to university as a whole; (b) it should be able to induce
other academic units within university to be more relevant with scientific and
technological development as well as community needs.

Section 3.4. Performance Targets

A set of indicators will be used to measure the performance of the Institutional
Support. Proponent should determine indicators for performance target for each
proposed institutional support. The performance indicator of related study program to
be supported by the ISS could be used and presented in this section. Each indicator will
be measured before the commencement of the program (baseline), at the midpoint, and
at the final point of the sub-project periods. Baseline should be filled out based on a
data acquisition conducted before the commencement of the program, using a sound
methodology. The mid and final targets will bind the selected proponent throughout the
period of the program. The appropriate performance indicators for each institutional
support could be selected or otherwise developed from section 2.9 of A 2.8.3.
Methodologies to measure each indicator and to obtain the data have to be clearly described in
this section. Reviewers will use this methodology to judge whether or not the prescribed figures are
actually reliable. For each indicator, describe all activities that will be carried out to achieve the stated
target. It may be the case that one activity is relevant to more than one indicator and such a cross-
reference should be clearly presented. For reference in setting up these performance targets, refer to
strengthening the existing study program as appropriate.

Section 3.5. Implementation Plan

(Refer to Guidelines for Chapter 3 of Book I for Strengthening the existing study program).

Section 3.6. Proposed Budget

Present a summary of the three and a half-year Proposed Budget (Table A.3.4a, b, c to Table
A.3.6), and the annual Proposed Budget (Table A.3.12). The detailed description, including all
detailed specifications, should be presented in the appendices using standardized formats that as
described in strengthening the existing study program.

A.3 - 26
Section 3.7. Project Benefit
The benefit as well as the risks of this investment should be clearly identified and anticipated.
The benefit of the project should reach not only the institution but also the student and
Beneficial output generated for student among others are the availability of learning facilities that
can enhance learning process and improve performance indicators. While benefit for the
institution and community could be the improvement of linkage with communities, quality of
staff, quality of research and its output, as well as quality and quantity of the services to the
community. All of these improvements should directly or indirectly generate revenue that is
essential to assure sustainable growth of the unit. By using justifiable assumption all of the
benefit can be identified.

A.3 - 27
Table A.3.12. Detailed Cost Estimates Of Sub-projects (Institutional Support Programs)

Unit Unit Cost Physical Quantity Total Annual Cost, in USD x 1000 Remark
Eligible Cost Components
Specification USD’000 Total Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4 Cost Year1 Year2 Year3 Year4
Institutional Support Program

A.  Development of ……………..

1.Staff Training Person-month
2.Equipment Package
3.Furniture Pachage
4.Research and Studies Lumpsum
5.Consultants Services
5.1.   International Person-month
5.2.   Domestic Person-month
6.Project Management
6.1.   Operational Cost Lot/yr
6.2.   Maintenance Lot/yr

A.3 - 28
Appendix 4
Guidelines for Appendices Chapter 2
Appendix 4

Guidelines for Appendices Chapter 2..............................................................................A.4 - 1

A.4 - i
Appendix 4

Guidelines for Appendices Chapter 2

The following tables are the minimum supporting data that the Study Program should
provide as a basis for writing Section 1 to Section 13 for Strengthening Study Program in
Chapter 2 of The Sub-Project Proposal and should be placed in the Appendices for
Chapter 2. Additional supporting data to support good Evaluation Report is highly

Tabel 3.1. Profile Lulusan berdasarkan Tahun Lulus dan IPK

Tahun Lulus IPK < 2.5 IPK 2.5 - 3.0 IPK > 3.0 Total IPK Rata-
Jumlah % Jumlah % Jumlah % Lulusan rata
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Keterangan :
- Kolom 8 adalah jumlah kolom 2, kolom 4, kolom 6
- Kolom 3 diisi prosentase antara kolom 2 dengan kolom 8
- Kolom 5 diisi prosentase antara kolom 4 dengan kolom 8
- Kolom 7 diisi prosentase antara kolom 6 dengan kolom 8

A.4 - 1
Tabel 3.2. Profile Lulusan berdasarkan Tahun Lulus dan Waktu Tunggu untuk
mendapatkan pekerjaan pertama

Waktu Tunggu untuk mendapatkan pekerjaan Total % Waktu

Tahun < 6 bulan 6 - 12 bulan > 12 bulan Lulusan Sampel Tunggu
Lulus Jumlah % Jumlah % Jumlah % Rata-rata
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Keterangan :
- Lulusan yang waktu tunggunya lebih dari 6 bulan masuk dalam kelompok 6 – 12 bulan
- Kolom 8 adalah jumlah dari kolom 2, kolom 4, kolom 6
- Kolom 3 diisi prosentase antara kolom 2 dengan kolom 8
- Kolom 5 diisi prosentase antara kolom 4 dengan kolom 8
- Kolom 7 diisi prosentase antara kolom 6 dengan kolom 8
- Kolom 10 diisi prosentase antara kolom 8 dengan kolom 9
- Kolom 11 diisi angka perhitungan riil untuk seluruh Total Sampel kolom 8

Tabel 4.1. Profile Lulusan berdasarkan Tahun Lulus dan Lama Studi

Lama studi Total Lama

Tahun 4.0 - 4.5 tahun 4.5 - 5.0 Tahun > 5.0 Tahun Lulusan % Studi
Lulus Jumlah % Jumlah % Jumlah % Rata-rata
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Keterangan :
- Interval lama studi disesuaikan dengan ketentuan masa studi PS tsb, seperti masa studi untuk
D3/Politeknik, interval masa studi 3.0 – 3.5, 3.5 – 4.0 dan > 4.0
- Lulusan yang lulus tepat 4.5 tahun masuk dalam kelompok 4.5 – 5.0 tahun
- Kolom 8 adalah jumlah dari kolom 2, kolom 4, kolom 6
- Kolom 3 diisi prosentase antara kolom 2 dengan kolom 8
- Kolom 5 diisi prosentase antara kolom 4 dengan kolom 8
- Kolom 7 diisi prosentase antara kolom 6 dengan kolom 8
- Kolom 10 diisi prosentase antara kolom 8 dengan kolom 9
- Kolom 11 diisi angka perhitungan riil untuk seluruh Total Sampel kolom 8

Tabel 4.2. Profile Lulusan berdasarkan Tahun Lulus dan Lama Penulisan Skripsi
Lama penulisan skripsi Lama
Tahun Lulus < 1 semester 1- 2 semester > 2 semester Skripsi
Jumlah % Jumlah % Jumlah % rata-rata
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

A.4 - 2
Keterangan :
- Lulusan yang penyelesaian skripsi lebih dari 1 semester masuk dalam kelompok 1 – 2 semester
- Kolom 8 adalah jumlah dari kolom 2, kolom 4, kolom 6
- Kolom 3 diisi prosentase antara kolom 2 dengan kolom 8
- Kolom 5 diisi prosentase antara kolom 4 dengan kolom 8
- Kolom 7 diisi prosentase antara kolom 6 dengan kolom 8
- Kolom 9 dalam satuan bulan

Tabel 4.3. Profile Mahasiswa per Tahun Angkatan berdasarkan status akademik
Tahun Angkatan Terdaftar Mengundurkan diri Lulus Total per Sedang
Jumlah % Jumlah % Jumlah % Angkatan Skripsi
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9
Total Mahasiswa
- Kolom 8 diisi dengan jumlah mahasiswa yang mendaftar kembali setelah pengumuman
UMPTN/Penerimaan Mahasiswa baru
- Kolom 8 adalah jumlah dari kolom 2, kolom 4, kolom 6
- Kolom 3 diisi prosentase antara kolom 2 dengan kolom 8
- Kolom 5 diisi prosentase antara kolom 4 dengan kolom 8
- Kolom 7 diisi prosentase antara kolom 6 dengan kolom 8
- Kolom 9 diisi dengan jumlah mahasiswa yang sedang menyelesaikan skripsi

Tabel 4.4. Potret/Profile IPK Mahasiswa Akhir Tahun Akademik 2002

Tahun Angkatan IPK < 2.5 IPK 2.5 - 3.0 IPK > 3.0 Total per
Jumlah % Jumlah % Jumlah % Angkatan
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A.4 - 3
- Kolom 8 adalah jumlah dari kolom 2, kolom 4, kolom 6
- Kolom 3 diisi prosentase antara kolom 2 dengan kolom 8
- Kolom 5 diisi prosentase antara kolom 4 dengan kolom 8
- Kolom 7 diisi prosentase antara kolom 6 dengan kolom 8

Tabel 4.5. Nilai English Proficiency Test Mahasiswa Baru

Tahun Angkatan < 450 450 - 500 > 500 Total Sampel Total per
Jumlah % Jumlah % Jumlah %  % Angkatan
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10
- Nilainya di-equivalent-kan dengan nilai Toefl
- Kolom 8 adalah jumlah dari kolom 2, kolom 4, kolom 6
- Kolom 3 diisi prosentase antara kolom 2 dengan kolom 8
- Kolom 5 diisi prosentase antara kolom 4 dengan kolom 8
- Kolom 7 diisi prosentase antara kolom 6 dengan kolom 8
- Kolom 9 diisi prosentase antara kolom 8 dengan kolom 10

A.4 - 4
Tabel 4.6. Profile Penyelenggaran Proses Pendidikan untuk Tahun Akademik 2002

Lecture Jumlah Jumlah Jumlah

Nama Mata Kuliah % Kehadiran Petunjuk Buku % Distribusi Nilai Mata Kuliah/Praktikum
Notes/ Peserta Peserta Kelas
& Praktikum Dosen dikelas Praktikum Teks
Diktat MK Ulang Paralel A B C D E
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Semester Ganjil
Semester Genap
- Kolom 1 diisi dengan MK yang ditawarkan dalam kurikulum, kecuali MK yang merupakan tugas mandiri, seperti skripsi, tugas akhir, dsb.
- Kolom 3, 4, 5 diisi dengan keterangan ada/tidak ada
- Untuk kolom 5, buku teks yang dimaksud adalah buku teks yang dapat dipinjam/dibaca/dicopy oleh mahasiswa dari perpustakaan/dosen atau bisa dibeli oleh
mahasiswa dari bursa/toko buku untuk bahan bacaan wajib mahasiswa
- Total isian kolom 9, 10, 11, 12 dan 13 harus sama dengan 100%

A.4 - 5
Tabel 5.1. Profile Mahasiswa Baru berdasarkan Tahun Masuk

Tahun % Keketatan Yg Mendaftar Score NEM

Pendaftar Diterima
Akademik persaingan Kembali Rata-rata Rata-rata
1 2 3 4 5 6 7
- Kolom 4 diisi prosentase antara kolom 3 dengan kolom 2
- Kolom 6 diisi dengan Nilai Rata-rata pada waktu Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru/Score UMPTN
- Kolom 7 diisi NEM rata-rata Mahasiswa Baru

Tabel 5.2. Profile Mahasiswa Baru berdasarkan Tahun Masuk dan Propinsi Asal
Mahasiswa tersebut

Propinsi Asal Tahun Akademik

Mahasiswa 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Baru Jumlah % Jumlah % Jumlah % Jumlah % Jumlah %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Propinsi A
Propinsi B
Propinsi C
Propinsi n
Total Mhs
Keterangan :
- Propinsi A adalah propinsi dimana PT tersebut berada
- Propinsi berikutnya diurutkan berdasarkan propinsi yang terdekat dengan propinsi dimana PT tsb berada
- Kolom 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 diisi prosentasi jumlah mahasiswa baru per propinsi terhadap total mahasiswa baru

A.4 - 6
Tabel 5.3. Profile Mahasiswa Baru berdasarkan Tahun Masuk dan Asal Mahasiswa
tersebut (Kabupaten/Kodya)

Propinsi Asal Tahun Akademik

Mahasiswa 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Baru Jumlah % Jumlah % Jumlah % Jumlah % Jumlah %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Kota Madya
Total Mhs Baru
Keterangan :
- Kolom 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 diisi prosentasi jumlah mahasiswa baru per Kab./Kodya terhadap total mahasiswa baru

Tabel 5.4. Profile Pendaftar/Pemilih PS pada Ujian Seleksi Penerimaan Mahasiswa Baru
berdasarkan Tahun Masuk dan Propinsi Pendaftar/Pemilih tersebut

Propinsi Asal Tahun Akademik

Pendaftar/ 1998 1999 2000 2001 2002
Pemilih PS Jumlah % Jumlah % Jumlah % Jumlah % Jumlah %
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11
Propinsi A
Propinsi B
Propinsi C
Propinsi n
Total Pendaftar
Keterangan :
- Propinsi A adalah propinsi dimana PT tersebut berada
- Propinsi berikutnya diurutkan berdasarkan propinsi yang terdekat dengan propinsi dimana PT tsb berada
- Kolom 3, 5, 7, 9, 11 diisi prosentasi jumlah pendaftar per propinsi terhadap total pendaftar

A.4 - 7
Tabel 6.1. Profil Kerjasama Institusional
Nama Lembaga/Unit Tingkat Jenis Masa
Staf Dana
1 2 3 4 5 6
I.Dalam Negeri
A. Pemerintah
- Instansi A.
- Instansi B.
B. Swasta
- PT. A.
- PT. B.
II. Luar Negeri
- Tingkat (kolom 2) diisi dengan universitas, fakultas atau jurusan. Tingkat ini menunjukkan kerjasama
tersebut tingkat universitas, fakultas atau jurusan
- Jenis (kolom 3) diisi dengan jenis kerjasama, seperti penelitian, survai, pengembangan sistem, pelatihan, dsb
- Masa (kolom 4) diisi dengan tanggal mulai dan tanggal berakhir. Kalau kerjasama tsb belum berakhir, maka
yang diisi adalah tanggal mulai. Contoh : 2 Februari 1998 – 2 Februari 2002
- Jumlah Staf (kolom 5) diisi dengan jumlah staf akademik yang terlibat dalam kerjasama tersebut.
- Jumlah Dana (kolom 6) diisi dengan jumlah dana yang diperoleh dari kerjasama tersebut. Kalau kerjasama
tsb merupakan kerjasama pendidikan yang tidak menghasilkan dana, maka kolom ini dikosongkan.

Tabel 7.1. Profile Staf Akademik berdasarkan umur dan tingkat pendidikan

Pendidikan Kelompok Umur (tahun) Total

Terkahir < 31 31 - 40 41 - 50 51 - 60 > 60 
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Total 
*) Diisi dengan total staf per kelompok umur
**) Diisi dengan prosentase total per kelompok umur
***) Diisi dengan total staf per kelompok pendidikan terakhir staf
****) Diisi dengan prosentase total per pendidikan terakhir staf

Tabel 7.2. Profile Staf Akademik berdasarkan waktu yang dialokasikan dan studi lanjut

Pendidikan Staf Penuh Waktu Staf Paruh Waktu Total Staf Studi Total Staf
Terakhir Jumlah % Jumlah % Lanjut yang ada

A.4 - 8
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
- Kolom 6 adalah kolom 2 + kolom 4
- Kolom 8 adalah kolom 6 - kolom 7
- Kolom 3 diisi prosentase antara kolom 2 dan kolom 6
- Kolom 5 diisi prosentase antara kolom 3 dan kolom 6

Tabel 7.3. Sks Staf Akademik

Jenis Aktivitas Jumlah Sks Staff Jumlah Mahasiswa

1 2 3
A. Pendidikan
1 S-1 Program Reguler
2 S-1 Program Ekstensi
3 D-3 Program Reguler
4 D-3 Program Ekstensi
5 Pasca Sarjana
6 Kuliah Layanan pada Unit lain
7 Aktivitas Pendidikan lainnya

B. Penelitian
1 Dilaksanakan didalam Program Studi
2 Dilaksanakan diluar Program Studi
3 Aktivitas Penelitian lainnya

C. Layanan/Pengabdian pada Masyarakat

1 Kerjasama institusional, diluar pelatihan
2 Pekerjaan konsultasi individual
3 Produksi hal-hal yang inovatif
4 Program pelatihan
5 Aktivitas Layanan lainnya

D. Manajemen & Administratif

Jumlah Sks staf yang teralokasi (A+B+C+D)

Jumlah Sks staf yang tersedia *)

Tabel 7.4. Profile Staf Administratif berdasarkan umur dan tingkat pendidikan

Pendidikan Kelompok Umur (tahun) Total

Terkahir < 31 31 - 40 41 - 50 51 - 60 > 60  %****)
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8

A.4 - 9
D1 – D3
> D3
Total 
*) Diisi dengan total staf per kelompok umur
**) Diisi dengan prosentase total per kelompok umur
***) Diisi dengan total staf per kelompok pendidikan terakhir staf
****) Diisi dengan prosentase total per pendidikan terakhir staf

A.4 - 10
Tabel 8.1. Profile Fasilitas Bangunan dan Ruangan

Nama Gedung Luas (m2)

Ratio Ruang Luas
Ruang Kuliah Labora- torium Perpus- takaan Ruang Ruang Ruang Lain Total Adm/Acad m2/Mhs
Dosen Administ.
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

Keterangan :
- Yang termasuk Ruang lain (kolom 7) adalah : Koridor, WC, Lobby, Lift, Tangga, dll.
- Aula yang digunakan dapat dan sering digunakan sebagai ruang kuliah, dimasukkan dalam katagori ruang kuliah

A.4 - 11
Tabel 8.2. Profile Fasilitas Ruang Kuliah

Kapasitas Ruang Kuliah Jumlah R. Total Luas Jumlah Penggunaan Fasilitas Pengajaran
Kuliah Ruang (m2) Shift/hari hari/minggu yang ada
1 2 3 4 5 6

Keterangan :
- Kolom 1 diisi dengan keterangan kapasitas mahasiswa. Contoh : 30-40 Mahasiswa, 40-50 Mahasiswa, dsb.
- Kolom 6 diisi dengan keterangan fasilitas pengajaran, jumlah peralatan dan kondisi peralatan tsb, Contoh : OHP 2 buah, 1 kondisi
baik dan 1 rusak.

A.4 - 12
Tabel 9.1. Profile Laboratorium dan Pemanfaatannya

Nama Laboratorium Total Kapasitas Jumlah Penggunaan Jumlah Percobaan/Semester

Jumlah Mata Kuliah
Luas Lab. Lab./ Yang dapat Yang seharusnya
Lab. Shift/hari hari/minggu Pengguna Lab.
(m2) Shift dilayani
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

Keterangan :
- Kolom 7 diisi dengan mata kuliah-mata kuliah yang memanfaatkan lab. tersebut
- Kolom 8 diisi dengan jumlah percobaan/semester yang dapat dilayani oleh lab tersebut untuk Mata Kuliah yang disebutkan pada kolom 7
- Kolom 9 diisi dengan jumlah percobaan/semester yang seharusnya dilayani oleh lab tersebut untuk Mata Kuliah yang disebutkan pada kolom 7

A.4 - 13
Tabel 10.1. Profile Koleksi Bahan Pustaka

Jenis Bahan Pustaka Tahun Penerbitan TOTAL

1 - 2 tahun terakhir 3 - 5 tahun terakhir > 5 tahun yang lalu
Judul Copies Judul Copies Judul Copies Judul Copies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 7
Buku Teks
Buku Referensi
Laporan Penelitian
Keterangan :
- Interval tahun penerbitan dapat disesuaikan dengan bahan pustaka yang ada didalam perpustakaan
tsb, bisa seperti : 1-5 tahun terakhir, 6-10 tahun terakhir, > 10 tahun terakhir.
- Yang dapat dimasukkan dalam kelompok lain-lain adalah : buletin, koran, dsb.

Table 10.2. Penyediaan Bahan Pustaka di Perpustakaan untuk Mata Kuliah yang

Mata Kuliah Buku Teks Diktat Petunjuk Praktikum TOTAL

Judul Copies Judul Copies Judul Copies Judul Copies
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 6 7

Keterangan :
- Kolom 1 diisi dengan daftar mata kuliah yang diajarkan pada PS ini.
- Kolom 2 s/d 7 diisi dengan angka yang menunjukkan jumlah.

A.4 - 14
Tabel 10.3. Transaksi Bulanan Bahan Pustaka

Jenis Bahan Pustaka Jumlah Transaksi Bulanan

12-01 01-02 02-02 03-02 04-02 05-02 06-02 07-02 08-02 09-02 10-02 11-02
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13
Buku Teks
Buku Referensi
Laporan Penelitian
Keterangan :
- Jenis bahan pustaka yang ada dikolom 1, tidak perlu ada semua. Bahan Pustaka yang tidak ada di
perpustkaan dan yang tidak bisa dipinjam, dihapus.
- Keterangan dibawah Jumlah Transaksi Bulanan adalah Bulan dan Tahun. Contoh : 01-02 berarti
jumlah transaksi bulan Januari 2002.

Tabel 10.4. Fasilitas dan Peralatan yang ada di Perpustakaan

Jenis Fasilitas & Peralatan Jumlah Satuan Keterangan

1 2 3 4
Ruangan buah

Luas Ruangan m2


Peralatan Elektronik


Peralatan lainnya
Keterangan :
- Pada kolom Keterangan (4) diuraikan kondisi fasilitas dan peralatan yang disebutkan
pada kolom 1
- Kolom 3 diisi dengan satuan/unit dari fasilitas/peralatan tersebut.

A.4 - 15
Tabel 12.1. Anggaran Pendapatan dan Belanja (dalam ribuan rupiah)

2000 2001 2002

A. Dana Masyarakat
- Biaya Pendidikan Mahasiswa (SPP/DPP,dsb) - S1 Reguler
- Biaya Pendidikan Mahasiswa (SPP/DPP,dsb) - Program lain
- Sumbangan Orang Tua Mahasiswa
- Kontrak Layanan
B. Anggaran Pemerintah
- Anggaran Pembangunan (DIP)
- Anggaran Rutin (DIK)
C. Donasi
- Dari Yayasan
- Lainnya
D. Hibah
- Kompetisi
- Lainnya
E. Pendapatan Lain
- Penjualan Hasil Produksi
- Sumber pendapatan lain

A. Langsung pada Program Studi
- Investasi untuk Program S-1 Reguler
- Belanja Pegawai
- Operasional
- Pemeliharaan
- Bahan habis pakai
B. Tidak Langsung pada Program Studi
- Investasi untuk Program Penelitian
- Investasi untuk program lainnya
C. Pengeluaran Lain

A.4 - 16
Appendix 5
Guidelines for Appendices Chapter 3
Appendix 5

Guidelines for Appendices Chapter 3..................................................................................................A.5 - 1

A.5 - i
Appendix 5

Guidelines for Appendices Chapter 3

The standardized formats provided to guide the presentation of the appendices

of Chapter 3 are structured as follows,
Appendix-3.1 Detailed specifications: Staff Development – Domestic degree
Appendix-3.2 Detailed specifications: Staff Development – Domestic non-
degree training.
Appendix-3.3 Detailed specifications: Staff Development – Overseas degree
Appendix-3.4 Detailed specifications: Staff Development – Overseas non-
degree training.
Appendix-3.5 Detailed specifications: Civil Works.
Appendix-3.6 Detailed specifications: Furniture and Equipment – Furniture.
Appendix-3.7 Detailed specifications: Furniture and Equipment – Equipment.
Appendix-3.8 Detailed specifications: Program Development.
Appendix-3.9 Detailed specifications: Instructional Materials.
Appendix-3.10 Detailed specifications: Technical Assistance – International.
Appendix-3.11 Detailed specifications: Technical Assistance – Domestic.
Appendix-3.12 Detailed specifications: Project Management – Operational
Appendix-3.13 Detailed specifications: Project Management – O&M of
Appendix-3.14 Detailed specifications: Project Management – SPMU
Appendix-3.15 List of proposed equipment (Year-1 to Year-2)

A.5 - 1
Detailed Specifications: Staff Development – Domestic Degree Training Year-1 up to Year-4
(Should be presented per year, i.e. Appendix-3.1.a is for Year 2004, Appendix-3.1.b is for Year 2005, etc.)
Name of tentative candidates Field of Study Targeted university to apply Estimated length Estimated Program
of study (years) Cost

The proponent should aware that the proposed program will be started in January 2004.

Detailed Specifications: Staff Development – Domestic non-degree Training Year-1 up to Year-4
(Should be presented per year, i.e. Appendix-3.2.a is for Year 2004, Appendix-3.2.b is for Year 2005, etc.)
Estimated length of
Name of tentative candidates Field of study Targeted university/institution to apply Estimated Cost
study (months)

Notes: The ceiling applied is Rp. 7.000.000, - per person-month for minimum of 1 month
Detailed Specifications: Staff Development – Overseas Degree Training Year-1 up to Year-4
(Should be presented per year, i.e. Appendix-3.3.a is for Year 2004, Appendix-3.3.b is for Year 2005, etc.)

Master (S2) or Doctor (S3)

A.5 - 2
Name of tentative candidates Field of Study Targeted university to apply Estimated length Estimated Program
of study (years) Cost

Notes: The ceiling applied is US$ 27,000 per person-year for maximum of 2 years per person-degree for Master and 3.5 years for Doctorate (including travel).
Detailed Specifications: Staff Development – Overseas non-degree Training Year-1 up to Year-4
(Should be presented per year, i.e. Appendix-3.4.a is for Year 2004, Appendix-3.4.b is for Year 2005, etc.)

Name of tentative candidates Field of study Targeted university/institution to apply Estimated length of Estimated Cost
study (months)

Notes: The ceiling applied is US$ 4,000 per person-month for maximum of 3 months

Detailed Specifications: Civil Works Year-1 up to Year-4
(Should be presented per year, i.e. Appendix-3.5.a is for Year 2004, Appendix-3.5.b is for Year 2005, etc.)

Master (S2) or Doctor (S3)

A.5 - 3
Facilities Requirement Specification Function Quantity Estimated Cost Remark

Notes: The ceiling for: New Building is Rp. 1.450.000, - per square meter (including tax)
Major renovation is Rp. 750.000, - per square meter or 65% of Construction Cost (including tax)
Minor renovation is Rp. 500.000, - per square meter or 45% of Construction Cost (including tax)

Detailed Specifications: Equipment & Furniture – Furniture Year-1 up to Year-2
(Should be presented per year, i.e. Appendix-3.6.a is for Year 2004 and Appendix-3.6.b is for Year 2005)

A.5 - 4
Type of Furniture Technical/bidding specification Quantity Unit Cost Utilities Estimated Cost Remark

Detailed Specifications: Equipment & Furniture – Equipment Year-1 up to Year-2
(Should be presented per year, i.e. Appendix-3.7.a is for Year 2004 and Appendix-3.7.b is for Year 2005)

Name of equipment Technical/bidding specification Quantity Unit Cost Utilities Estimated Cost Remark

Detailed Specifications: Program Development Year-1 up to Year-4
(Should be presented per year, i.e. Appendix-3.8.a is for Year 2004, Appendix-3.8.b is for Year 2005, etc.)

Name of Program Scope Purpose Quantity Unit Cost Total

Please describe availability and additional requirements

Please describe availability and additional requirements

A.5 - 5
Detailed Specifications: Instructional Materials Year-1 up to Year-4
(Should be presented per year, i.e. Appendix-3.9.a is for Year 2004, Appendix-3.9.b is for Year 2005, etc.)

Type of Instructional Technical/bidding specification Quantity Unit Cost Utilities1) Estimated Cost Remark

Detailed Specifications: Technical Assistance– International Year-1 up to Year-4
(Should be presented per year, i.e. Appendix-3.10.a is for Year 2004, Appendix-3.10.b is for Year 2005, etc.)

Please describe availability and additional requirement
2) Each qualification should be elaborated in Term of Reference.

A.5 - 6
Major assignment2)
Name of tentative University/ Qualification 2)
Estimated length of visit Estimated Major field
candidates Institution (month) Cost

Notes: The ceiling applied is US$ 15,500 per person-month for minimum of 1 month (including International travel).

Detailed Specifications: Technical Assistance – Domestic Year-1 up to Year-4
(Should be presented per year, i.e. Appendix-3.11.a is for Year 2004, Appendix-3.11.b is for Year 2005, etc.)
Major assignment
Name of tentative University/ Qualification Estimated length of visit Estimated Cost Major field
candidates Institution (month)

Notes: The ceiling applied is Rp. 15.000.000, - per person-month for maximum of 3 months (excluding Domestic travel)
1) Should be elaborated in Term of References
Detailed Specifications: Project Management – Operational Support Year-1 up to Year-4
(Should be presented per year, i.e. Appendix-3.12.a is for Year 2004, Appendix-3.12.b is for Year 2005, etc.)

2 3)
Teaching, research, or management consultant

Teaching, research, or management consultant

A.5 - 7
Activities Purpose Scope Quantity Unit Cost Estimated Cost

Detailed Specifications: Project Management – O&M of Facilities Year-1 up to Year-4
(Should be presented per year, i.e. Appendix-3.13.a is for Year 2004, Appendix-3.13.b is for Year 2005, etc.)

Program/Activities Purpose Description/Scope Quantity Unit Cost Estimated Cost

Detailed Specifications: Project Management – Sub-Project Management Unit Operation Year-1 up to Year-4
(Should be presented per year, i.e. Appendix-3.14.a is for Year 2004, Appendix-3.14.b is for Year 2005, etc.)

A.5 - 8
Program/Activities Number Person Involved Duration Quantity Unit Cost Estimated Cost

List of Proposed Equipment
(Year-1 to Year-2)

Name of Laboratory/ Name of equipment Imported/ Quantity Unit Cost Estimated Cost Remark

A.5 - 9
Workshop/Units Local
I. ……….. 1……….
II………….. 1……….

Note: Please give remarks the year of the proposed equipment to be purchased.

A.5 - 10

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