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Journal for the Education of the Young Scientist and Giftedness

2014, Volume 2, Issue 1, 1-10.

Review Article

A Historical and an Educational Analysis to Decode the Gifted

Individual Type Intended to Educate in the Ottoman Empire by
Searching the Process of Mimar Sinan’s Education
ABSTRACT: This study accentuates that each society has its own unique and gifted İbrahim GÜLER,
ideal type to rise. And also it will be focused on that those special terms of the society PhD Student, Ege
University, Literature
determine the characteristics of that ideal type. In order to get the point, educational Faculty, Department of
experiences in the Ottoman period will be inspected attentively. By using different History of Turkish
sources, it will be elaborated further that the Ottoman society composed an elective Republic, Izmir, Turkey.
education not an elitist education. In the Ottoman elective education system, individuals
Founder, Private Yedi
were elected according to their abilities from Acemi Oğlanlar Quarry (Candidate Renkli Çınar Okulları,
Janissaries) to Enderun School. This elective education system might be a model for the Bursa, Turkey.
present. Especially it will be investigated how Sinan bin Abdulmennan was discovered iguler@yedirenklicinar.
and how he became one of the greatest figures in the architectural area. The main
purpose of this study is to search historical origins of the Ottoman gifted education
system thoroughly if there was any application to adapt for the gifted education in the
Key words: Ideal ındividual type, novice janissary quarry, Enderun, Mimar Sinan,
Ottoman Empire, giftedness.
Received: 11 Apr 2014
Accepted: 25 May 2014

© 2014 Journal for the Education of the Young Scientist and Giftedness
ISSN: 2147-9518,
2 A historical and …

INTRODUCTION society cannot build its own educational system

Every single society wants to educate its own to discover its gifted and talented kids, it will
individual type. The features of this desired have a great difficulty in understanding the spirit
person to be educated are filtered from of time/zeitgeist.
intellectual, economical, political, cultural and Each state and society has to raise the
geographical conditions of the time. For representative desired type of person to keep its
instance the question of “what are features of an social life alive. The features of the desired type
ideal student?” is directed to an American are not only determined by only one generation.
teacher, he/she describes the ideal student as Its features are infiltrated from the experiences
following instructions, silent and asking any of different generations. Such factors like
question. When same question is directed to a historical experiences, climate, ways to eating,
Finn teacher, he/she describes the ideal student land forms, population movements affect the
as honest, broadened horizon, self-respected, characteristics of the ideal type. History is full of
friendly. A Nigerian teacher describes the such samples to figure out such factors (Braudel,
features of the ideal student as openhearted, 2001).
trusted, self-confident, healthy, respectfully and Because of time conditions and having a
sociably (Besançon, 2013). This example is special geographical position, Ottoman State
remarkable in terms of each ideal type of was able to gather Anatolian principalities
features are different each other. On the other around oneself. Ottoman State became
hand while some characteristics of the ideal type successful to use Anatolian social heritage as a
are unchangeable and the other characteristics source for the desired person to be trained. This
are changeable. The period of human approach of the Ottoman society evolved Sinan
perception, natural conditions, historical into Koca (Great) Sinan by exploring his
experiences and technological developments abilities. Not only architectural approach of his
have an effect upon the characteristics of the time but also later time was affected by the
ideal type. If a society cannot interpreted its intellectual giftedness of Koca Sinan. Sinan
ideal type wisely according to the zeitgeist, became a memorable architectural figure by
foreign ideal types from the other societies are interpreting the heritage of Roman, Byzantium,
imported. These imported types put leverage on Seljukid and Ottoman Empires.
the present type closed to new comments. Then If historical heritage can be interpreted
the present type cannot stand and kneels down without plucking from the context and falling
before imported types. As a consequence of that into anachronism, Ottoman practices to
the present ideal type becomes open to be discover the abilities may shed light on present
changed for all features although some features gifted kid education.
must not be open to change. Because these The Historical Development of Idealized
unchangeable features are the main Ottoman Human Type
characteristics of the ideal type. This story The struggle between Sparta and Athen is
became true for the Ottoman ideal type after the one of the historical events to understand the
Industrial Revolution. Therefore conditions that formation of ideal human type in what
the time brought could not be adapted wisely conditions comes to appear. In the period of
and the present ideal type could not updated Lycurgus of Sparta the warrior with a heavy
himself timely (Karpat, 2002). It can applied to military discipline as an ideal human type was an
the approach of Ibn Haldun’s organic state to accepted educational policy. Kids belonged to
understand the position of the Ottoman ideal the state. The military system called agoge took
type after the Industrial Revolution. According healthy seven year old boys from the care of
to Ibn Haldun a state is born, expands and fails their mother to educate them under the heavy
in five stages. Victory/war is the first stage. military discipline in 12 years. Spartan girls were
Placing the traditions of the Sultan is the second also educated under the principles of courage,
stage. The comfort is the third stage. The fourth discipline and honor to become a mother giving
stage is a period of contentment, satiation and birth to real warrior. The education system was
complacency. The fifth stage is a wastage and planned to protect Sparta from the enemies.
disintegration period (İbn Haldun, 1989). In the Because of that situation, the warrior human
fifth stage every society loses its own ideal type type was an ideal type to be reached. (Plutarch,
and this loss accelerates its decline. History is 1988; Powell, 2001) Spartan State was
full of societies that lost their ideal type and then established in a lowland place. There was no
lost their vital culture. As a matter of fact if one

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castle defensive castle. Sparta was the only In Garipname of Asik Pasha (2000) nine
Greek city without defensive walls. So, the men characteristics of alpian type were explained.
had to become walls of Sparta. The Spartan One of them was heroic one mentioned above.
rigorous education created its own walls from According to Asik Pasha these nine
men. Maybe this situation was one of the most characteristics were necessarily for the alpian
important factors to affect the characteristics of type: Heart with courage, to force the arm,
the ideal type (Kennell, 1995; Plutarch, 1914). having enthusiasm, having a good horse, suitable
On the other hand in ancient Greece clothes, having a bow and sword, being
“paideia” was the system to educate the ideal bayoneted, be a companion. “Alp” was a
type. Instead of military and rigid discipline in nickname for the Turks meaning heroic and
Sparta scientific discipline was the crucial point warrior before accepting Islam. This idealized
in this education. Athen type was interested in type was also accepted by Turks as a heroic
math, literature, music and philosophy. Bodily figure even after accepting Islam. Accordingly
healthiness was significant to ensure the Asik Pasha, this idealised type was named
intellectual healthiness. This individual type “Gaziyan-i Rum” (Greek Veterans) even after
distinguished with intellectual discipline was conversion of the Turks to Islam. In some
defeated by soldierly disciplined Spartan type resources, the name of Alp-eren (Brave-mystic)
during the Peloponnesian War between 431-404 was used too.
BC (Quennel, 1962; Golden, 1998; Tekin, 2007; After the conversion of Turks to Islam
Mansel, 2004). However when this historical some changes that appeared in the perspectives
event is examined from different points, the towards life caused to shift the paradigm of the
beaten Athen type became a victorious type in a Alpian style. Both Seljukid and Ottoman periods
long period against the Spartan type. While the were the time for Alp-eren style. Therefore all
efficacy of the Spartan type was effective in a education systems were shaped to educate this
short period, the intellectual efficacy of Athen new ideal type.
type is still effective in the present. The Formation of Institutions to Shape the
Alpine (brave, fearless) was an ideal type to Ottoman Ideal Type
be educated in Turkish tribes in the Middle During the Seljukid period Turks almost
Asian territories. According to Akyuz (2010) changed their lifestyle from nomadic life to
hard climatic conditions were decisive to shape settled life. This transition affected whole life
the nomadic life style. Because of that reason, and caused to appear new requirements
nomads were constantly on the move according (Kafesoğlu, 1977). In the Seljukid period, the
to seasons. Additionally endless quarrelings and educational institutions aimed to educate
wars were efficient to increase these mobilities. “mystic/dervish human type”. The sources
These difficulties made heroism important to breeding this type were the Islamic sources. The
play a central role in the characteristics of alpian madrasah was the common institution to teach
style (Çobanoğlu, 2003; Kaplan, 2004). new ideal type (Togan, 1981).

Figure 1. Miniature to Show the Nizamiye Madrasah in the Seljukids

Nizamiye Madrasah was an educational an informal education to public (Akyüz, 1989).
model that influenced the later time after Directly or indirectly state support to these
Seljukids. This influential position of Nizamiye madrasahs through the agency of waqfs showed
Madrasah was the result of the state supporting. an affirmative result in the political, economic
The Madrasah became an irrevocable structure and social areas. This scholarly atmosphere
for the state because of new conquests. New made the Seljukids as a decisive state in its time
conquests means the need of qualified person. (Köymen, 1983). Especially Nizamiye Madrasah
Nizamiye Madrasah was the center for educating in Baghdad was the first application for the
qualified people. Apart from these the educational campus. By accommodating
madrasahs created a loyalty to the state by giving students, having a library, a hospital and social

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activities it became a pioneer in its time. This opportunity to them for learning public customs
mentality was applied by the Ottomans as closely (Cihan, 1999). Subjects learnt in
“kulliye” (Complex of educational buildings madrasahs had constituted a common culture in
adjacent to a mosque.) Therefore by serving all all level of society at mosques and village
their needs students just focused on studying. chambers (Akgündüz, 2004).
(Aslanapa, 1963). The teaching system of madrasah
The libraries were open to public. pioneering educational institution of the current
Consequently social movement was not only period was teacher-centered.
horizontal but also vertical. This means that by Mudarris/professor was leading his field. His
educating himself an ordinary person could relations with the society were mostly based on
become a man in the ruling class. Seyfeddin the scientific concerns. He just concentrated on
Sungurca bin Abdullah was responsible for the his scholarly research because he had no
library to lend books in Monday and Thursday problem with his financial possibility. This made
(Temir, 1989). With this application training him high standing in the society (Akyüz, 1989).
would be opened to all segments of society Each mudarris specified the details of his own
through the agency of madrasahs and libraries. curriculum. He selected his own pupils. He
In this way the intellectual map of the society having his scientific autonomy and inviolability
was scanned attentively to reach the gifted and determined the philosophy of the madrasah
talented kids. Then those kids were accepted to according to scientific concerns. By using the
madrasah for educating them. Such educative same philosophy he selected his pupils from
opportunities got rid of social discontents gifted and qualified men. The scientific level of
(Akyüz, 1989). In madrasah not only Islamic pupils was significative to determine which book
subjects were taught but also arithmetic, medical and which class they will read (Çelebi, 1976).
subjects, philosophy were taught. Thereby Board of visitors also had a voice to choose
students had a chance to learn applied sciences. qualified pupils. This board was a kind of
At that time in the big hospitals students financial manager to keep the balance of
studying medical subjects had a chance to see incomes and outcomes of the madrasah
the medical applications. Also in the (Konyalı, 1964; Kayaoğlu, 1978).
observatories students had learned astronomical Nizamu-l Mulk the famous grand vizier of
instruments (Turan, 1969). the Seljukids got organized a system to supply all
Being open some subjects to public and needs of students without charge and to put
acknowledged argued by scholars some issues in them on a regular salary (Çelebi, 1976).
the presence of the Sultan were a bench mark Therefore they just focused on their studying.
for the place of the science life during the Those who did not focus on studying got kicked
Seljukid period (Çelebi, 1976). Especially social out the system. One requirement to have these
needs were identified by waqfs and madrasahs opportunities was to just constantly busy in
became the center to supply those needs studying. It was an accepted reality that
scholarly. Madrasahs laid emphasis on educating occupations in other fields get rid of desire to
public by using students who were sent to study (Kazıcı, 1991; Köymen, 1992). Even that
various parts of Anatolia in certain months. In accepted reality influenced on the architecture of
the meantime they learned more about public madrasah. Usually in the Anatolian Seljukid
and had a great opportunity to teach public. Madrasas there was no window to Street in the
These meetings were very important to room of students (Kazıcı, 1995).
determine the public attitude positively towards Madrasas was the top level of education
madrasahs (Doğan, 1999). during the period of the Seljukids. Scientific
Those students who took their education in heritages were transferred from the mudarris to
the city during 3 holy months according to Hijri students in these institutions. To choose
calendar (Recep, Saban, Ramazan) went to enthusiastic, gifted and smart kids as a student
country sides for giving public some Islamic was a crucial point to not break this tradition.
advices. This practice was called as “cer”. They Institutes of informal education like
caught a chance to transfer their theoretical mosques, wisdom house, bookstores, peace
knowledge into practical one. During 3 months courses under auspices of the Sultan, trade
they collected various Islamic charities. After 3 guilds, infants’ school had an indispensable
months students returned to madrasah and with position to reach common people. In these
those charities they supplied their basic needs institutions gifted and genius kids were
(Pakalın, 1983). This practice gave an discovered and advised to upper educational

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institutions. In company with a teacher or a educated in the system of madrasa took a duty
master chosen kid started to get education. With in different stages of the state. Particularly Sahn-
his ambition to work, patience and talents the ı Seman Madrasa in the period of Mehmet the
student could take up important positions in the Counqueror and Suleymaniye Madrasa in the
state (Çelebi, 1976; Kazıcı, 1983). period of Suleyman the Magnificient became the
After the decline of the Seljukids the period center for the qualified human sources.
of Anatolian principalities had begun and On the other hand, the Ottoman State had
authority gap appeared in Anatolia. Madrasah to find new soldiers because of new conquests.
system was affected from that situation. This According to Carsili (1984) the Seljukids used
gap was filled by the Ottomans. By using the the prisoners of war to fulfill the need in the
support of madrasas they easily became a state. military field by using the pençik law. In the
By this way the Ottoman State not only same manner also the Ottomans used the
inherited political and military heritages of the prisoners of war by using devshirme law.
Seljukids but also inherited educational heritage. Especially by the advices of Çandarlı Halil and
While the Ottoman State was extending its Molla Rüstem the non-muslim kids between 8
borders by new conquests, it was urgently in and 20 years old were gathered for training.
need of qualified human sources. The best way These kids were given to a Muslim family to
to find needed human sources was to mobilize teach Turkish customs during 3 to 8 years.
the power of madrasas among public. Those (Pakalın, 1983; Neşri, 1987).

Figure 2. Miniature to Show the Ottoman Devshirme System

The recruited kids had to have some and taken into Acemi Oglan Corp (İnalcık,
qualities. At the first stage they were chosen 1994).
with regard to their physical Outlook under the Some kids were taken away from others by
supervision of Janissary Agha. Being healthy, Janissary Agha for the Palace. Those were
not an only child, not parentless, not married, educated in Edirne, Ibrahim Pasha and Galata
not having an occupation, not too tall and too Palace. Gifted and good-looker ones were taken
short, not bald were some of the physical to Topkapı Palace and included for Enderun
features (İnalcık, 1994). Besides the family of the School. The remainders were sent into Sultan’s
picked kids were exempted from taxes. In order household troops. Able-bodied ones were
to take advantage of this exemption the families accepted into Bostancı Corps (Özcan, 2005;
were eager to give their child to be picked up Akkutay, 1984).
(Özcan, 1994; Çarşılı, 1997). In the 16th century the Ottoman ideal type
The name of devshirme kids were written in became alive in the character of Mimar Sinan.
the identity books. In these books there were Mimar Sinan was brave and mystic. These two
information about the kid’s family, date of birth, features were indispensable for the Ottoman
village, parents’ name etc. After that they were type in the 16th century. Sinan served as a
distributed to Muslim families for being cavalry and the military architecture.
educated according to Turkish customs. (İlgürel, Can some practices of the Ottoman
1986; Uzunçarşılı, 1997) State officers education to educate the ideal type be a model
sometimes had checked the kids. After the for the 21st century to discover the gifted kids.
projected time the kids were brought to Istanbul How did Sinan b. Abdulmennan recruited from
his village become the chief architect of the

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palace? What kind of education system had in the period of Yavuz Sultan Selim. He lived his
discovered the skills of Sinan? In this article maturity time in the period of Süleyman the
those mentioned questions we will try to answer Magnificient (1520-1566), Selim the Second
under the light of historical events. (1566-1574) and Murad the Third (1574-1595).
Mimar Sinan: Brave and Mystic Individual When he passed away in 1588 he was 99 years
Type Educated in the Ottoman System old. According to Tazkirat-al Abniya dictated by
Mimar Sinan was born in a small village called Sinan to his friend Mustafa Sai Çelebi he left
Ağırnas near the city of Kayseri in Anatolia. His behind 476 buildings like mosques, collgeses,
birth date was 1489. He was the son of a bridges, drainage systems, palaces, bath-houses,
stonemason and carpenter. Because of his hospitals etc. Mimar Sinan became an architect
father’s job he developed a passion for pioneer not for his time but after his time and
constructing. The background of his attention had a crucial impact on the architectural works.
towards constructional works based on this Another contemporary work about Sinan is
situation. He lived his childhood and first Tezkiretu’l-Bunyan by Mustafa Sai Çelebi. We
adolescent time in the period of Bayezid the can reach reliable information about Mimar
Second who remained on the throne till 1512. Sinan from these two biographical works
Then he was conscripted into Ottoman service (Cansever, 2005; Refik, 2012; Günay, 2005).
under the law of devshirme and sent to Istanbul

Figure 1. Mimar Sinan

After his conscription in 1512 the waterworks, bridges, mosques, colleges etc. and
devshirme system, (Russell, 1990) Sinan b. trained many pupils. He was able to set the pace
Abdulmennan was enlisted for the army of in the architectural style of his time. Mustafa Sai
Acemi Oğlanlar, Corps of Conscript Boys. Here Chelebi put into words Sinan’s story how to
he learned the basics of carpentry and become a head of all architects of the Empire in
construction technology. After the end of his Tezkiretu’l Ebniye a bioghraphy dictated by
basic training as a cadet he joined different in Sinan to him.
the Ottoman campaigns to Belgrade (1521), The talent is the grace of God
Rhodes (1522), Mohacs (1526), Vienna (1529), By working hard I complete the grace
Iraq (1534), Moldovia (1538) as a cavalry man. I am indebted to my master
During these campaigns he found a great Made me carpenter
opportunity to observe many different
Methodically, with my art and my service
architectural structures. In addition to this, he
I practiced since my childhood
was asked to build bridges and roads for the
army. All of these were a great fortune for him With my effort among my peers
to get some more experiences. (Sözen, 1975; I grew in Haji Bektash House (Develi, 2003,
Kuran, 1986). pp.174).
Throughout all of these campaigns According to verses mentioned above Mimar
mentioned above he reached his majority and he Sinan believed in that he had a flair for the
was accepted as an able architect and architecture. He laid emphasis on the
engineering. Because of his eye-catching Works, importance of the natural ability, a good master
The Grand Vizier Chelebi Lutfi Pasha appointed and a hard working. These were the factors to
him as the chief officer of Architect of the make Sinan Abdulmennas as the head of the
Abode Felicity. From 1538 till his death in 1588 Ottoman Architects (Kuban,2011).
he served as the head of Architect of the In the devshirme system not only
Ottoman Empire. During his incumbency he administrators were educated for the statecraft
designed and built many buildings, roads, but also profession experts were educated for

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different occupational groups as be seen the figure in the architectural field (Refik, 2012).
example of Sinan (Russell, 1990). The military Lutfi Pasha wanted to build 3 galiots to pass the
campaigns to Rhodes and Belgrade opened Lake Van from Sekban Sinan. After he
Sinan’s eyes with the observations of Greek completed this duty successfully, he became
great architectural monuments. Before he was Subaşı a position in the Ottoman Army (Refik,
just a craftsman. But later he developed his skills 2012).
by seeing new places and became a monumental

Figure 2. A Miniature to Show the Construction of Suleyman the Magnificient’s Tomb by Sinan
By serving in the army from 1514 to 1539 2012; Kazancıgil, 1988). Other military
without interruption he gained architectural campaigns to Iran, Egypt, Germany, Irak etc.
experiences. After the building of a bridge on Gave a chance to him to observe the
the Prut River in 13 days he grabbed the architectural monument of other civilizations in
attention of Suleyman the Magnificient (Refik, their natural habitats (Çeçen, 1988; Özer, 1988).

Figure 3. An External and Interior View of Suleymaniye Mosque

16th century was accepted as the most administrators left the architectural field clear
powerful period of the Ottoman Empire in all for Sinan the Great Architect as how he wanted.
fields (İnalcık, 1994). He became the chief This gave a great opportunity to him for the
architect in this period and he used this power application of his architectural skills (Kuban,
to put Ottoman architecture over the top. On 2011; Cansever, 2005).
the other hand the Ottoman Palace and

Figure 4. An External and Interior View of Selimiye Mosque

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CONCLUSION season for being educated is missed, the

The habits of the state administrators are giftedness might start to transform into talent.
affected from the conditions of their time. The Not receiving a decent education seasonably and
ethics and habits are different in different time. as required might cause a change from the
As a matter of fact the moral is tied to the age distinguished skills into undistinguished skills
conditions (İbn Haldun, 1989). Considering this (Enç, Çağlar & Özsoy, 1987). Because of that
fact each period creates its own moral fact the kids between 8 and 20 years old were
conditions and educational system is mostly sent to Istanbul in the devshirme system
shaped by these conditions. Geographical, (Ducharme, 2001).
economic, political and spiritual circumstances The giftedness may get lost in interregnums.
of the age directly or indirectly have an impact Ups, downs and indecisions are obstacles to
upon the desired individual type to be educated rightly educate the gifted and talented people
(Braudel, 2001). (Zeidner & Zinovich, 2013). Beginning from the
By understanding the conditions of the time childhood Mimar Sinan was occupied with
each civilization creates its own habit maps. building and its materials. When he was
Reading these maps correctly the gifted kids can conscripted he tried to get tied up with building.
be easily discovered. The devshirme system was During the military campaigns he was mostly
used for the qualified human sources. So, it was interested in the buildings and construction. He
shaped as a kind of elimination system to find was adamant on building. Indecision can
the gifted and talented kids (Russell, 1990). destruct the giftedness in a short time. His
In the devshirme system an eliminative persistence on developing the architectural skills
approach from general abilities to special talents gave a way to him towards the chief architect of
was implemented. In the Ottoman period the the Palace. As a matter of fact to select an area
education was not elitist but eliminative and of interest is a crucial important in the gifted
open to all people. In the Ottoman society the education (Tortop, 2013).
administration was nor descended from father Luxury and comfort are a kind of barrier of
to son although the sultanate was transmitted the gifted education. When Mimar Sinan was
from father to son. And what is more picked up for the army he left all his comfort. In
administratorship was not achieved by personal Tezkiretu’l-Ebniye he described his situation like
efforts and requests but it was achieved by that:
personal skills and efforts after being educated Methodically, with my art and my service
at the age of childhood by the Palace (Russell, I practiced since my childhood (Develi, 2003,
1990). Another striking example is Sokollu pp.174).
Mehmet Pasha. He was also conscripted and Mimar Sinan told us that he left his comfort
sent to Istanbul while he was living in a small life from his childhood and worked hard more
monastery in Bosnia. Then after his education in than his peers. When we look at the life Mimar
the devshirme system he became one of the Sinan working hard and not prefering the
most renowned grand viziers of the Ottoman comfortable life are also important as much as
Empire (Afyoncu, 2007). being gifted and talented. By using his skills
Hard times give some chances to discover Mimar Sinan reinterpreted what he saw during
gifted people for educating. Encountering the Ottoman military campaigns and created a
hardships of life may give a way to find out the new architectural style (Sözen, 1975; Kuran,
gifted people (Zeidner & Zinovich, 2013). Sinan 1986). In these campaigns Alp-Eren (Brave and
was brought to Istanbul at a tender age. Solely Mystic) individual type was a reference point for
after 30 years he was able to become the head of him. He did not neglect what his predecessors
the Ottoman architects (Saoud, 2007). 30 years did before and benefited from the architectural
can be accepted as a reasonable time for training experiences of previous times.
the skills. If we ignore that time we can not Giftedness becomes open to be discovered
understand the case of Mimar Sinan. Maybe it when theoretical and practical applications are
will be a lack of effort to apprehend Mimar brought together. Theoretical ones specify the
Sinan by just searching his masterpiece works. type of skills. Practical ones open a way to
In order to apprehend him much better we must develop and activate the skills. How to activate
search the traces of his works during his the skills is important as much as how to
apprenticeship time in Kayseri. We have to look discover the skills. After all if the gifted and
at the whole life of Sinan holistically. The talented people are able to put being talented,
giftedness is a mood having a season. If the having a good education, a hard working

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