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Study Sheet

True or False?

Chapter 1

1. Practicing psychotherapy requires education at the doctoral level. T F

2. The function of each mental health professional is explicitly defined and is mutually
exclusive of all others. T F
3. In some states clinical psychologists are allowed to prescribe medications. T F
4. Paraprofessional counselors work under the direct supervision of professional mental
health workers. T F
5. Psychotherapists usually focus on more serious psychiatric problems than counselors.
6. Psychoanalysts must be certified by the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology in
order to establish a private practice T F
7. Students may join the American Psychological Association (APA) and the American
counseling Association (ACA) at the student affiliate level of membership. T F
8. Berlin is considered by many to be the birthplace for psychiatry and psychoanalysis T F

9. There have been very few new techniques or forms of therapy developed in the last 20
years T F
10. Group therapy is becoming more accepted as a treatment option for some clients. T F
11. All psychoanalysts must first become psychiatrists T F

Chapter 2

1. The effectiveness of psychotherapy has been found to be influenced more by the

therapeutic intervention selected than by the person qualities of the therapist T F
2. Keeping a log or journal may be a constructive way for beginning counselors to develop
self awareness. T F
3. It is always inappropriate to confront clients about their maladaptive behaviors. T F
4. Effective counselors should have the same values as their clients. T F
5. A client’s comfort level with nonverbal behaviors such as touch and eye contact may be
influenced by cultural background T F
6. Silence during a therapy session may mean that the client is thinking about what to say
next and should be allowed to continue without interruption T F
7. Self actualizing persons are usually more comfortable being in the company of large
groups of people than being alone. T F
8. The “role-free” counselor communicates clearly and effectively with others. T F
9. Personal warmth or coldness is communicated mainly through verbal behaviors. T F
10. Psychologically healthy people are more apt to be workaholics than those with less
positive mental attitudes. T F
Study Sheet
True or False?

Chapter 3

1. Inept counseling in some cases if preferable to no counseling at all T F

2. If Mr. Jasper tells his social worker than he plans to “beat up” his parole officer for
having him put back to a daily reporting schedule, the social worker is legally obligated
to inform the parole officer or the authorities of this threat. T F
3. The psychiatric nurse is responsible for informing clients of the possible side effects of
their psychotropic medications. T F
4. Counselors really do not have to be very concerned about the legal issues involved in
practice because most clients are aware of their rights and will tell the counselor if they
believe there is a problem. T F
5. Lonely or depressed clients can sometimes be treated more effectively if the therapist
dev elops a social relationship in addition to a therapeutic alliance. T F
6. Confidentiality is an ethical principle rather than a law T F
7. In some states it is illegal for therapists to engage in sexual relationships with their
clients. T F
8. Clients who agree to take psychotropic medications cannot later decide to stop them if
mild side effects develop. T F

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