sph480 Survey

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12/22/21, 11:33 AM SPH 480 Survey: Is living with Peers Associated with COVID-19 Social Gathering Guideline Adherence?

SPH 480 Survey: Is living with Peers

Associated with COVID-19 Social
Gathering Guideline Adherence?

Name of Course Instructors, Department & Contact: Roxanne Kerani, Department of Medicine,
email: rkerani@uw.edu, & Kathleen West, Department of Global Health, email:

UW HSD telephone number: 206.543.0098


You are being asked to participate in a class project as part of SPH 480 Research Methods in
Public Health.

1. Project Team Statement

We are asking you to participate in a class project. The purpose of this consent form is to give
you the information needed in order to decide if you would like to participate. Please read the
form carefully as it will provide you with the logistics of the study. You may email the study
team at lwitty@uw.edu, kaijac@uw.edu, ljartman@uw.edu to ask questions about the purpose
of the project, what we would ask you to do, the possible risks and benefits, your rights as a
volunteer, and anything else about the project or this form that is not clear. When we have
answered all your questions, you can decide if you want to be in the project or not. It is
important that you understand that it is your choice to participate in this project. You do not
have to be in the project if you do not want to join. This process is called “informed consent.”
You may email the study team to request a copy of this form for your records.

2. Purpose of the Study

This project is being done as an in-class learning activity for SPH 480. The project will
determine whether living with peers versus family is associated with adherence to the COVID-
19 Phase 2 Washington State guidelines of gathering with no more than 5 people during Jan
2021- March 2021.

3. Project Procedures

We would like you to fill out a brief anonymous survey to answer questions about who you
lived with during Winter quarter 2021 and how well you followed the Phase 2 gathering
guidelines for Washington State of gathering with no more than 5 people unmasked. The
questionnaire will take about 10 minutes to complete. You will fill out this survey online. We
will not ask for your name or any other personally-identifying information, and we will not ask
you to sign anything. The survey will remain completely anonymous. There is no way for us to
link your survey answers to your name.

4. Potential risks and benefits: Some people might feel uncomfortable answering questions

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12/22/21, 11:33 AM SPH 480 Survey: Is living with Peers Associated with COVID-19 Social Gathering Guideline Adherence?

that are personal or sensitive. You do not have to answer any questions that make you feel
uncomfortable. You can exit out of the survey at any time if you do not want to participate

5. Confidentiality: Your information will be kept on password protected computers, and only
the study team will have access to the information.

You may contact the UW Institutional Review Board at 206-543-0098 or by email at

hsdinfo@uw.edu if you have questions about class projects and their designation as
research/not research.

Your participation in this project is voluntary. You can cease participation at any point, and
you will not be penalized or lose benefits if you refuse to participate or decide to stop.
Completing the following questionnaire means that the study, including the above information,
has been described to you in a language you understand, you have had a chance to ask any
questions that you have about the study, and that you voluntarily agree to participate.

* Required

1. Informed Consent *

Check all that apply.

I consent to voluntarily participating in this survey. I understand the purpose of this study,
the risks and benefits, and that my responses will be kept private.

2. How old are you? *

Mark only one oval.


Under 18 Skip to section 12 (Thank you for your participation.)

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12/22/21, 11:33 AM SPH 480 Survey: Is living with Peers Associated with COVID-19 Social Gathering Guideline Adherence?

3. Did you live in Washington during Winter Quarter 2021? *

Mark only one oval.


No Skip to section 12 (Thank you for your participation.)

For some of Winter Quarter 2021, but not the whole time
Skip to section 12 (Thank you for your participation.)

4. Were you an undergraduate student at UW during Winter Quarter 2021? *

Mark only one oval.


No Skip to section 12 (Thank you for your participation.)

5. Did you move or change who you lived with during Winter 2021? *

Mark only one oval.

Yes Skip to section 12 (Thank you for your participation.)



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12/22/21, 11:33 AM SPH 480 Survey: Is living with Peers Associated with COVID-19 Social Gathering Guideline Adherence?

6. What is your gender identity? *

Mark only one oval.



Transgender male

Transgender female


Prefer Not to Answer


7. What race or races do you consider yourself to be? Check all that apply. *

Check all that apply.

American Indian or Alaska Native

Black or African American
Native Hawaiian or Pacific Islander
Prefer Not to Answer

Living Situation Between January and March 2021

The next questions refer to Winter Quarter from January 2021-March 2021.

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12/22/21, 11:33 AM SPH 480 Survey: Is living with Peers Associated with COVID-19 Social Gathering Guideline Adherence?

8. Who did you live with during Winter Quarter 2021? *

Mark only one oval.




Prefer Not to Answer

The next questions refer to Winter Quarter from January 2021-March 2021.

9. According to the following CDC criteria, are you a high risk individual for COVID-19?
Here is the list on the CDC website. https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
ncov/need-extra-precautions/people-with-medical-conditions.html *

Mark only one oval.



10. Were you a member of Greek Life between January 2021-March 2021? *

Mark only one oval.



I dropped out during this time.

Prefer Not to Answer

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12/22/21, 11:33 AM SPH 480 Survey: Is living with Peers Associated with COVID-19 Social Gathering Guideline Adherence?

11. Did you live in a sorority or fraternity during Winter Quarter 2021? *

Mark only one oval.



Prefer Not to Answer

The next questions refer to Winter Quarter from January 2021-March 2021.

12. Were you aware of the Phase 2 Washington COVID-19 Guideline that stated that
gatherings of 5 unmasked people outside of your household were prohibited
between January to March 2021? *

Mark only one oval.



Prefer not to say

13. How many gatherings of over 5 unmasked people from outside your household did
you attend between Jan 2021- March 2021? *

Mark only one oval.

None Skip to question 16

1 per month Skip to question 16

1-2 per week Skip to question 14

3-4 per week Skip to question 14

5+ per week Skip to question 14

Prefer not to say Skip to question 16

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12/22/21, 11:33 AM SPH 480 Survey: Is living with Peers Associated with COVID-19 Social Gathering Guideline Adherence?

14. Why did you choose to participate in gatherings of over 5 unmasked people and
choose not to adhere to the Washington State Guidelines? (Please provide a 1-2
sentence answer). If you prefer not to answer, please type N/A *

15. Please describe the nature of the gatherings you attended. *

Check all that apply.

Prefer Not to Answer

16. Why do you think college students in general may not adhere to social gathering
guidelines of limiting unmasked gatherings to under 5 people? (Please provide a 1-
2 sentence answer on challenges for college students to follow guidelines). If you
prefer not to answer, please type N/A *

Skip to section 13 (Thank you for taking our survey! )

Please hit the submit button below. You are not eligible for this
Thank you for your survey.


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12/22/21, 11:33 AM SPH 480 Survey: Is living with Peers Associated with COVID-19 Social Gathering Guideline Adherence?

Please make sure that you hit the submit button below.

Thank you for taking our survey!

Here are some more resources that you can reference to help stop the spread of

1.) How to protect yourself and others: https://bit.ly/3q7fXbf

COVID-19 2.) COVID-19 testing sites: https://bit.ly/3ADT6WY

Resources 3.) Current King County COVID-19 guidelines -


4.) COVID-19 vaccination opportunities in WA: https://bit.ly/3bIF3F8

This content is neither created nor endorsed by Google.


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