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Name: ____________________________________ Class: _____________ Date: _____________

CAE Prep Course Quiz TOTAL POINTS ______ / 50

Part 1
Complete the sentences with the correct preposition. ______ / 25

1. His wife’s untimely death had a devastating effect _____ the whole family.

2. Her paintings pay homage _____ women artists of the past.

3. Please stop staring _____ me. It makes me feel uncomfortable.

4. Vinyl records seem to be enjoying a surge _____ popularity. I wonder if it will last.

5. Watching funny YouTube videos takes _____ a lot of time.

6. I wish I had the money to set _____ my own business.

7. After missing three meetings in a row, Laura ended _____ getting fired.

8. Then she kept going _____ about how unfair her manager was.

9. Your performance today will go a long way _____ determining your future.

10. The team is lucky to have someone like you _____ board.

11. There’s no other show that moves me _____ my core than Bloodline does.

12. Safety concerns are at the core _____ the new federal policies.

13. Street children in this part of the world often fall prey _____ drug dealers.

14. It took me a while to get _____ Sia’s music.

15. My father’s research attempts to shed light _____ the pros and cons of acupuncture.

16. What comes _____ mind when you hear the word “Trump”?

17. Her health problems stem _____ an accident she had as a child.

18. My brother started learning English _____ an early age.

19. Don’t let your nerves get the better _____ you during the interview!

20. Jenny has fixed her sights _____ winning the competition.

21. The contract requires that managers conform _____ high standards of personal conduct.

22. I don’t want to go tonight, but I can’t think _____ a good excuse!

23. I didn’t know that you could cancel your flight _____ 24 hours of booking.

24. These measures have been taken with a view _____ increasing the company’s profits.

25. Was it an accident or did he do it _____ purpose?

© Somos Educação e Participações S.A. CAE Prep Course CLASS 16

Part 2
______ / 10
Choose the correct alternatives.

1. When he goes on holiday, it takes him 6. There was no way for him to win.
the first couple of days just to _____. He didn’t _____ a chance.
A. wind down C. wind off A. endure C. own
B. cool over D. cool away B. impair D. stand

2. I’m not sure exactly how I feel about 7. Michael should have left home earlier.
your suggestion, but I guess I’d be willing ____ there been a traffic jam, he would
to _____ it _____. have arrived late and missed the interview.
A. take / some thought A. Has C. Had
B. give / a go B. Was D. If
C. take / apart
D. give / some reason 8. Ageism is still _____ in our society.
A. pervasive
3. This report reflects the combined B. broadspread
efforts of many people, only a few C. rampantly
of _____ are listed as authors. D. unsightly
A. who C. which
B. whom D. whose 9. In high school, Jay was _____ about being
shorter than most of her friends.
4. The incompetence and arrogance of the A. self-confident
city’s administration have _____ public B. self-conscious
confidence in government. C. self-centred
A. undergone D. self-indulged
B. understated
C. undermined 10. There are many ways of _____
D. underwhelmed this problem.
A. tackling
5. My mother didn’t raise an eyebrow B. addressing
when I told her I was leaving home, C. dealing with
_____ came as a shock, to be honest. D. A, B, and C are correct.
A. what
B. that
C. which
D. A, B, and C are possible.

© Somos Educação e Participações S.A. CAE Prep Course CLASS 16

Part 3
______ / 5
Complete the sentences with the correct form of the words in caps.

1. We’re looking at the ___________________ of building a shopping centre there. FEASIBLE

2. It’s sometimes hard to tell whether or not a news story is ___________________. DECEIVE

3. To my utter ___________________, he remembered my name after five years. ASTONISH

4. Is her personality an asset or a ___________________? HINDER

5. Everyone was encouraged to apply, ___________________ of age or gender. REGARD

Part 4
______ / 10
Rewrite the sentences without changing the meaning.
Use between 3–6 words including the words in caps.

1. Happiness depends on unconditional love.

The key _______________________________________________________ people unconditionally.

2. With 10,000 more votes she would have become president.

She _____________________________________________________________________ the election.

3. The city looks almost exactly the same as it did ten years ago.
The city ___________________________________________________________ the past ten years.

4. You won’t learn many words unless you read a lot.

Only if _______________________________________________________________ your vocabulary.

5. The project wouldn’t exist without your help.

The project wouldn’t have ______________________________________________ not helped us.

© Somos Educação e Participações S.A. CAE Prep Course CLASS 16

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