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Page 87

Cochran's Theorem provides the basis for the distribution theory. Under

assumption of normality of error term in the Regression model,

SSTO/sigma**2 follows a chi-square distribution with N-1 degrees of

freedom (df).

Suppose SSTO=Q1 + Q2 + . . . + Qs

The Q's are independent chi-square random variables if and only if the
sum of the df of the Q's add to N-1.

Distribution theory: If Q1 has q1 df and Q2 has q2 df and Q1 and Q2 are

independent then Q1/q1 divided by Q2/q2 follows an F distribution with
q1 and q2 df.
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Chapter 3
Multiple Linear Regression

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3.1 Multiple Regression Models

• Suppose that the yield in pounds of conversion in a chemical process
depends on temperature and the catalyst concentration. A multiple
regression model that might describe this relationship is

• This is a multiple linear regression model in two variables.

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3.1 Multiple Regression Models

Figure 3.1 (a) The regression plane for the model E(y)=
50+10x1+7x2 . (b) The contour plot.

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3.1 Multiple Regression Models

In general, the multiple linear regression model with k regressors is

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3.1 Multiple Regression Models

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3.1 Multiple Regression Models

Linear regression models may also contain interaction effects:

If we let x3 = x1x2 and β3 = β12, then the model can be written in

the form

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3.1 Multiple Regression Models

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3.2 Estimation of the Model Parameters

3.2.1 Least Squares Estimation of the Regression Coefficients

n – number of observations available
k – number of regressor variables
y – response or dependent variable
xij – ith observation or level of regressor j.

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3.2.1 Least Squares Estimation of Regression Coefficients

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3.2.1 Least Squares Estimation of the Regression Coefficients

The sample regression model can be written as

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3.2.1 Least Squares Estimation of the Regression Coefficients

The least squares function is

The function S must be minimized with respect to the coefficients.

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3.2.1 Least Squares Estimation of the Regression Coefficients

The least squares estimates of the coefficients must satisfy

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3.2.1 Least Squares Estimation of the Regression Coefficients

Simplifying, we obtain the least squares normal equations:

The ordinary least squares estimators are the solutions to the normal
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3.2.1 Least Squares Estimation of the Regression Coefficients

Matrix notation is typically used:

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3.2.1 Least Squares Estimation of the Regression Coefficients

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3.2.1 Least Squares Estimation of the Regression Coefficients

These are the least-squares normal equations. The solution is

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3.2.1 Least Squares Estimation of the Regression Coefficients

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3.2.1 Least Squares Estimation of the Regression Coefficients

The n residuals can be written in matrix form as

There will be some situations where an alternative form is useful

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Example 3-1. The Delivery

Time Data

The model of interest is

y = β0 + β1x1+ β2x2 + ε

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Example 3-1.
The Delivery
Time Data

Figure 3.4
Scatterplot matrix
for the delivery
time data from
Example 3.1.

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Example 3-1 The Delivery Time Data

Figure 3.5 Three-dimensional scatterplot of the delivery time data

from Example 3.1.
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Example 3-1 The

Delivery Time Data

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Example 3-1 The Delivery Time Data

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Example 3-1 The Delivery Time Data

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3.2.2 Geometrical Interpretation of Least Squares

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3.2.3 Properties of Least-Squares Estimators

• Statistical Properties
E (βˆ ) = β
Cov (βˆ ) = σ 2 (X' X )−1

• Variances/Covariances
Var (βˆ j ) = σ 2 C jj
Cov(βˆ i , βˆ j ) = σ 2 C ij

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3.2.4 Estimation of σ2

• The residual sum of squares can be shown to be:

= y'y − β'X'y
• The residual mean square for the model with p parameters

SS Re s 2
MS Re s = = σ̂
n− p
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3.2.4 Estimation of σ2
• Recall that the estimator of σ2 is model dependent - that
is, change the form of the model and the estimate of σ2
will invariably change.
– Note that the variance estimate is a function of the errors;
“unexplained noise about the fitted regression line”

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Example 3.2 Delivery Time Data

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Example 3.2 Delivery Time Data

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3.2.5 Inadequacy of Scatter Diagrams in Multiple Regression

• Scatter diagrams of the regressor variable(s) against the

response may be of little value in multiple regression.
– These plots can actually be misleading
– If there is an interdependency between two or more regressor
variables, the true relationship between xi and y may be

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An Illustration of the Inadequacy of Scatter Diagrams in

Multiple Regression

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3.3 Hypothesis Testing in Multiple Linear Regression

Once we have estimated the parameters in the model, we

face two immediate questions:
1. What is the overall adequacy of the model?
2. Which specific regressors seem important?

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3.3 Hypothesis Testing in Multiple Linear Regression

This section considers four cases:

• Test for Significance of Regression (sometimes called the global test

of model adequacy)
• Tests on Individual Regression Coefficients (or groups of
• Special Case of Hypothesis Testing with Orthogonal Columns in X
• Testing the General Linear Hypothesis

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3.3.1 Test for Significance of Regression

• The test for significance is a test to determine if there is a
linear relationship between the response and any of the
regressor variables
• The hypotheses are
H0: β1 = β2 = …= βk = 0
H1: βj ≠ 0 for at least one j

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3.3.1 Test for Significance of Regression

• As in Chapter 2, the total sum of squares can be partitioned in two parts:


• This leads to an ANOVA procedure with the test (F) statistic

SS R / k MS R
F0 = =
SS Re s /(n − k − 1) MS Re s

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3.3.1 Test for Significance of Regression

• The standard ANOVA is conducted with

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3.3.1 Test for Significance of Regression

ANOVA Table:

Reject H0 if

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Example 3.3 Delivery Time Data
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Example 3.3 Delivery Time Data

To test H0: β1 = β2 = 0, we calculate the F–statistic:

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Example 3.3 Delivery Time Data
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3.3.1 Test for Significance of Regression

• R2
– R2 is calculated exactly as in simple linear regression
– R2 can be inflated simply by adding more terms to the model (even
insignificant terms)

• Adjusted R2
– Penalizes you for added terms to the model that are not significant

2 SS Re s /(n − p )
Radj = 1−
SST /(n − 1)

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3.3.1 Test for Significance of Regression

• Adjusted R2 Example
– Say SST = 245.00, n = 15
– Suppose that for a model with three regressors, the SSres = 90.00,
2 90 /(15 − 4)
Radj = 1− = 0.53
245 /(15 − 1)

– Now suppose that a fourth regressor has been added, and the SSRes
= 88.00
2 88 /(15 − 5)
Radj = 1− = 0.49
245 /(15 − 1)
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3.3.2 Tests on Individual Regression Coefficients

• Hypothesis test on any single regression coefficient:

H0 : β j = 0
• Test Statistic: H1 : β j ≠ 0
βˆ j βˆ j See Example 3.4,
t0 = =
σˆ 2 C jj se(βˆ j ) pg. 90, text
– Reject H0 if |t0| > t α / 2,n − k −1
– This is a partial or marginal test!

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The Extra Sum of Squares method can also be used to test hypotheses
on individual model parameters or groups of parameters

Full model

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3.3.3 Special Case of Orthogonal Columns in X

• If the columns X1 are orthogonal to the columns in X2, the

sum of squares due to β2 that is free of any dependence on
the regressors in X1.

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• Consider a dataset with four regressor variables and a single response.
• Fit the equation with all regressors and find that:

y = - 19.9 + 0.0123x1 + 27.3x2 - 0.0655x3 - 0.196x4

• Looking at the t-tests, suppose that x3 is insignificant. So it is removed. What is

the equation now?
• Generally, it is not

y = - 19.9 + 0.0123x1 + 27.3x2 - 0.196x4

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• The model must be refit with the insignificant regressors left
out of the model.
• The regression equation is
y = - 24.9 + 0.0117x1 + 31.0x2 - 0.217x4
• The refitting must be done since the coefficient estimates for
an individual regressor depend on all of the regressors, xj

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• However, if the columns are orthogonal to each other,

then there is no need to refit.

• Can you think of some situations where we would have

orthogonal columns?

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3.4.1. Confidence Intervals on the Regression Coefficients

A 100(1-α) percent C.I. for the regression coefficient, βj is:

βˆ j − tα / 2,n − p σˆ 2C jj ≤ β j ≤ βˆ j + tα / 2,n − p σˆ 2C jj


βˆ j − tα / 2,n − p se( βˆ j ) ≤ β j ≤ βˆ j + tα / 2,n − p se( βˆ j )

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3.4.2. Confidence Interval Estimation of the Mean Response

• 100(1-α) percent CI on the mean response at the point x01, x02, …, x0k is

ˆy0 − tα / 2,n − p σˆ 2 x '0 ( X'X)−1 x0 ≤ E ( y | x0 )

ˆ ˆ
≤ y0 + tα / 2,n − p σ x '0 ( X'X) x0
2 −1

• See Example 3-9 on page 95 and the discussion that follows

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3.4.3. Simultaneous Confidence Intervals on Regression Coefficients

It can be shown that

(βˆ − β) ' X ' X(βˆ − β)

~ Fp ,n − p
pMS Re s

From this result, the joint confidence region for all parameters in β is

(βˆ − β) ' X ' X(βˆ − β)

≤ Fα , p ,n − p
pMS Re s
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3.5 Prediction of New Observations

• A 100(1-α) percent prediction interval for a future

observation is

yˆ 0 − tα / 2,n − p σˆ 2 (1 + x '0 ( X'X) −1 x 0 ) ≤ y0

≤ yˆ 0 + tα / 2,n − p σˆ 2 (1 + x '0 ( X'X) −1 x 0 )

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3.6 Hidden Extrapolation in Multiple Regression

• In prediction, exercise care about potentially extrapolating beyond the
region containing the original observations.

Figure 3.10 An example of

extrapolation in multiple

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3.6 Hidden Extrapolation in Multiple Regression

• We will define the smallest convex set containing all of the

original n data points (xi1, xi2, … xik), i = 1, 2, …, n, as the
regressor variable hull RVH.

• If a point x01, x02, …, x0k lies inside or on the boundary of the

RVH, then prediction or estimation involves interpolation, while
if this point lies outside the RVH, extrapolation is required.

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3.6 Hidden Extrapolation in Multiple Regression

• Diagonal elements of the matrix H = X(X’X)-1X’ can aid in

determining if hidden extrapolation exists:

• The set of points x (not necessarily data points used to fit the
model) that satisfy

is an ellipsoid enclosing all points inside the RVH.

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Two Interesting Examples, Continued

• 3.6 A Multiple Regression Model for the Patient
Satisfaction Data
– Does adding patient age to the model improve the fit?
– Is there any indication that this model is a better predictor?
• 3.7 Does Pitching and Defense Win Baseball Games?
– Does adding number of errors to the model improve the fit?
– Is there any indication that this model is a better predictor?

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3.9 Hidden Extrapolation in Multiple Regression

• Let x0 be a point at which prediction or estimation is of interest.


• If h00 > hmax then the point is a point of extrapolation.

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Example 3.13

Consider prediction or
estimation at:

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Figure 3.10 Scatterplot of cases and distance for the delivery time data.
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3.10 Standardized Regression Coefficients

• It is often difficult to directly compare regression coefficients due to
possible varying dimensions.
• It may be beneficial to work with dimensionless regression
• Dimensionless regression coefficients are often referred to as
standardized regression coefficients.
• Two common methods of scaling:
1. Unit normal scaling
2. Unit length scaling

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3.10 Standardized Regression Coefficients

Unit Normal Scaling

The first approach employs unit normal scaling for the
regressors and the response variable. That is,

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3.10 Standardized Regression Coefficients

Unit Normal Scaling


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3.10 Standardized Regression Coefficients

Unit Normal Scaling

• All of the scaled regressors and the scaled response have sample mean
equal to zero and sample variance equal to 1.
• The model becomes

• The least squares estimator:

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3.10 Standardized Regression Coefficients

Unit Length Scaling
• In unit length scaling:

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3.10 Standardized Regression Coefficients

Unit Length Scaling
• Each regressor has mean 0 and length

• The regression model becomes

• The vector of least squares regression coefficients:

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3.10 Standardized Regression Coefficients

Unit Length Scaling

• In unit length scaling, the W’W matrix is in the form of a correlation

where rij is the simple correlation between xi and xj.

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3.10 Standardized Regression Coefficients

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Example 3.14
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Example 3.14
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Example 3.14
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Example 3.14
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3.11 Multicollinearity
• A serious problem that may dramatically impact the usefulness of a
regression model is multicollinearity, or near-linear dependence
among the regression variables.
• Multicollinearity implies near-linear dependence among the
regressors. The regressors are the columns of the X matrix, so clearly
an exact linear dependence would result in a singular X’X.
• The presence of multicollinearity can dramatically impact the ability
to estimate regression coefficients and other uses of the regression

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3.11 Multicollinearity

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3.11 Multicollinearity
• The main diagonal elements of the inverse of the X’X
matrix in correlation form (W’W)-1 are often called
variance inflation factors VIFs, and they are an
important multicollinearity diagnostic.
• For the soft drink delivery data,

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3.11 Multicollinearity
• The variance inflation factors can also be written as:

where R2j is the coefficient of multiple determination

obtained from regressing xj on the other regressor variables.
• If xj is highly correlated with any other regressor variable,
then R2j will be large.

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3.12 Why Do Regression Coefficients Have The Wrong Sign?

• Regression coefficients may have the wrong sign for the following
1. The range of some of the regressors is too small.
2. Important regressors have not been included in the model.
3. Multicollinearity is present.
4. Computational errors have been made.

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3.12 Why Do Regression Coefficients Have The Wrong Sign?

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