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International Business Management


Artevelde University College

International Business Management

Cooperation: Discussion AI

Assignment for the course of

at Artevelde University College

Florian Kutschera
Rasmus Rothert
Kian Nadjmi
Felix Magnus

Academic supervisor: Erik Pollet

Submission date: 24th December 2021
International Business Management

Table of content
1. Introduction....................................................................................................................................3

2. Three different approaches towards AI..........................................................................................4

2.1. State of the Art............................................................................................................................4

2.1.1. Derivation.............................................................................................................................4

2.1.2. Findings................................................................................................................................4

2.1.3. Conclusion............................................................................................................................4

2.2. Future View.................................................................................................................................5

2.2.1. Derivation.............................................................................................................................5

2.2.2. Findings................................................................................................................................5

2.2.3. Conclusion............................................................................................................................5

2.3. Responsibility..............................................................................................................................6

2.3.1. Derivation.............................................................................................................................6

2.3.2. Findings................................................................................................................................6

2.3.3. Conclusion............................................................................................................................6

3. Conclusion..........................................................................................................................................7

International Business Management

1. Introduction

The goal of this task was to come up with three questions about Artificial Intelligence with the help of
the group and then discuss them in an online meeting. The three questions were chosen by the
group to give a good overview of Artificial Intelligence now and in the future. They are as follows:

1. State of the Art

2. Future View
3. Responsibility

During the recording, the group tried to discuss the questions in style of a podcast to make the whole
experience of the topic more exciting, not only for the viewers but also for the Participants in the
presentation. The first question is a general introduction to the topic. Followed by a second question
which then deals extensively with the question of what will be possible in the future with AI
technology and what the group believes is the limit of the whole. Finally, the third question answers
who should be held responsible for where possible errors of machines and software equipped with AI

International Business Management

2. Three different approaches towards AI

2.1. State of the Art
2.1.1. Derivation
The current state of affairs is already a very impressive one. Because if you look back, it is not very
long ago that the first successes with artificial intelligence were achieved. Also, in the discussion
which the group led, one becomes clear fast that each individual group member has another view
and is therefore able to deliver different inputs.
Since there are already so many different applications today and each team member has different
interests, many other ways of using AI technology have come up.
To mirror the whole thing in a report, the group thought about listing some of the current uses and
describing them in a short paragraph.

2.1.2. Findings
Use cases
AI as a Personal assistants
AI-powered personal assistants, are instances of virtual assistants that can perform simple tasks but
will become increasingly intelligent over time, improving their ability to handle most of our daily
activities. For example, Amazon has introduced a new smart speaker with the name Alexa. Although
oome users, on the other hand, are afraid that it will be able to listen in on their chats and intrude on
their privacy, either by making suggestions for purchases or analysing their speech [ CITATION
Las21 \l 3079 ].

AI in Market research
With the help of application as for example also those of IBM, enterprises can help to compare them
with the competition. In the near future, applications like these will use companies' internal data.
This will allow accurate predictions to be made about surprises. Another possible use is that the tool
uses the collected data to decide on the potential success of new products or services.

AI in Sales
From generating leads to categorizing them to sending customized marketing messages to them, AI
can help at every level of the sales process. AI aspects are already being integrated into all of the
major CRM software providers' solutions, such as projecting customer requests and reviewing their
buying processes at a granular level[ CITATION Las21 \l 3079 ].

International Business Management
AI in Entertainment
AI-edited movie trailers and music songs, and the technology is improving. Face recognition
technology is also being used by major Hollywood production firms to detect crowd reactions during
test screenings. This information may be utilized to enhance movie storylines[ CITATION Las21 \l
3079 ].
However, AI is also being used more and more in the gaming industry. The best example of this is the
chess opponent in an online chess game, who can anticipate your moves after several rounds and
become better and more challenging.

AI in Medical field
Data may be used to learn a variety of different algorithms. Most artificial intelligence applications in
medicine need some form of data as input, whether it's digital data (like heart rate or blood
pressure) or image-based data (like MRI scans or biopsy tissue sample photos). The program then
provides probabilities or classifications based on the data. For example, the actionable result may be
the likelihood of an arterial clot based on heart rate and blood pressure data, or the classification of a
malignant or non-cancerous tissue sample. In medical applications, the algorithm's diagnosis
performance is compared to that of the doctor to establish the algorithm's clinical competency and
usefulness[ CITATION Dan19 \l 3079 ].
One of the deployment possibilities is to have an AI with a database of images of previously
diagnosed diseases from ingredients. This will be so powerful that it will outperform many doctors.

AI in Cyber security
More and more often it becomes clear that it is becoming more and more important to use AI in the
area of cyber security. Because the need and especially the methods are becoming more and more
difficult for people to recognize and even if they recognize it, it is often already too late or simply
connected with a lot of effort.
AI in cybersecurity is also a useful ally for overloaded and understaffed cyber operations, focusing on
higher-level duties by helping to decipher the barrage of endless threats to the business. I will be able
to do it. In the future, cyber executives are expected to spend more on AI-enabled solutions.
According to Meticulous Research, the global market for AI cybersecurity technology will grow at a
compound annual growth rate of 23.6% to reach $ 46.3 billion by 2027[CITATION Ste21 \l 3079 ].

Some application areas for AI in cyber security could be for example detection of spam, detecting
anomalies, preventing DNS Data exfiltration and many more [ CITATION Ste21 \l 1031 ].

International Business Management

2.1.3. Conclusion
In conclusion, there is one overall aim of AI which became clear by the last paragraphs:
Individualisation, independently from the branch AI is implemented in. Whether it is Marketing and
Sales which goes for very custom solutions with high profit margins for clients, personal assistants
which try to support its customer as well as possible by adapting to behaviour, the entertainment
industry to deliver any kind of entertainment with the highest user satisfaction, the medical field
which aims to deliver the best treatment or a self-learning firewall in the field of cyber security.
What all these fields have in common is the use of Big Data – the data gathering and interpretation of
various kinds of data. However, this is another big topic and lies out of scope.

International Business Management

2.2. Future View

2.2.1. Derivation
The future of AI is looking very prominent. It's being implemented in almost every sector and has also
been a part of our daily lives. For example, when we look on social media, use digital assistance like
Siri or even when driving our cars, AI plays a big role. To get an answer to the question about what
artificial intelligence can bring to the future, we made an overview of the benefits, the risks and
opportunities of AI, to then give a final answer to the question by giving a coherent conclusion.

Our research plan went as followed. First, we came together to discuss the subject in the form of a
podcast. That way we could already see how far our knowledge was on the subject. This process was
very productive, because we noticed that we already had great discussion about topics that will be
mentioned in the report, like the future view. Still, we knew that to write a great report, we had to
do to more field research. To have a good guideline how to do our research and to eventually get an
answer to the question about what artificial intelligence can bring to the future, we made an
overview of 3 criteria: benefits, the risks, and opportunities of AI, to then give a final answer to that
question by giving a coherent conclusion.

2.2.2. Findings
Automation is one of the biggest benefits of AI technology. It has an enormous positive impact on
almost every sector, Like transportation, communication, consumer products and service industries.
automation doesn't only increase productivity but also does this in the most efficient way possible. It
allows more efficient use of improved product quality, raw materials, Reduce lead times and superior
safety [ CITATION 10x20 \l 1031 ].

Because of the automation that AI provides, human error can be reduced to a minimum. Jobs that
require routine labour are always in risk of human error, but with AI, everything is automated and
will be done exactly the same way, so human error can be prevented. Artificial intelligence can also
ensure it 24/7 service availability. It will always deliver the same performance during the day,
because it can't get tired like the human workforce. This is once again an example of reducing human
error. Also, AI can speed up the analysis and processing of data for research and development, which
would take a longer time for humans to understand and review.

Also, AI’s smart decision making and make it a business run more efficiently. A I had the opportunity
to analyze trends, coordinate data delivery, develop data consistency come out quantify

International Business Management
uncertainties and provide forecasts to make the best possible decision for the company without any
waste of time.

Many big faces in the eye industry are still very sceptical about the safety. For example, Elon Musk
and Stephen Hawking have made several statements about the danger of AI. He stays at his close to
the cutting edge of AI and that it really scares him. He says that AI can do more than anybody knows,
and that the rate of improvement is exponential. Stephen Hawking mentioned that AI could be
catastrophic unless its rapid development is ethically and strictly controlled [CITATION Tho21 \l
1031 ].

The biggest fear people have right now about AI is the possibility that it could take over humanity.
Researcher Stewart Armstrong mentioned that a I could even bring an extinction risk of humanity. He
said that a nuclear war it's far less dangerous, because it would only kill a relatively small part of the
population. He said that if all went wrong with AI, and 95% of the population would be killed, the
other 5% would be killed soon after. So, the main takeaway of this issue is to follow up the
development of AI very strictly and prevent AI from developing human like emotional intelligence.
Another risk of AI is it being bad for the environment and being the cause of a depletion of natural
resources. The use of power-intensive GPUs to run machine learning training has already been cited
as contributing to increased CO2 emissions [ CITATION Lab21 \l 1031 ].
Like already mentioned the part about the benefits of AI, AI will take over routine jobs done by
humans. This could Leads to a high number of job losses.

Threats and Opportunities

Researchers, like Stuart Russel, acknowledge that robots may not always behave optimally, but they
are hopeful that humans should ultimately be in charge. Some researchers are calling for an
international effort to study the feasibility of an AI kill switch. According to them, future intelligence
machines should be coded with a kill switch to prevent them from going rogue. An AI kill switch is a
mechanism for restricting machine intelligence by which humans who remain in control, can
intervene to override the decision-making process. Existing weak AI systems can be monitored and
easily shut down and modified if they misbehave. However, a miss programmed superintelligence,
which is smarter than humans in solving practical problems that encounters while pursuing its goals,
would realize that allowing itself to be shut down and modified might interfere whit its ability to
accomplish its current goals. If the superintelligence therefore decides to resist shutdown and

International Business Management
modification, it would be smart enough to outwit its human operators and other efforts to shut it
down [ CITATION Wal20 \l 1031 ].
Russell postulates that it might be wise to build oracles as precursors to a superintelligent AI. An
Oracle is a hypothetical AI designed to answer questions, but it's prevented from gaining any goals or
sub goals that involve modifying the world beyond its limited environment. The Oracle could tell
humans how to successfully build a superintelligent AI, and perhaps provide answers to difficult
moral and philosophical problems. The Oracle may also be used to determine how human values
translate into an engineering specification for superintelligence [ CITATION Rus21 \l 1031 ].

Another opportunity is the faster innovation cycle that is made possible by AI. Because of AI’s fast
decision making, its ability to minimizing errors and most importantly its ability to solve complex
problems faster than humans, AI will make it possible to increase our innovation speed.

2.2.3. Conclusion
To conclude, AI has numerous benefits and will bring many opportunities to the future. Still precise
regulation and overseeing its development is a crucial element to avoid it becoming a danger to

International Business Management

2.3. Responsibility
2.3.1. Derivation
The amount of artificial intelligence in our lives is increasing exponentially. Eventually, a time will
come where we won’t have a day in our lives where we will live without it. AI will exist in various
states and forms.
While the amount of AI augmenting, odds tell us the more AI there is the higher the possibility that
mistakes or malfunctions occur. When these mistakes or malfunctions occur, who do we blame?
Who is responsible for the faults of AI? How do we make sure that everything is dealt with equally
and fairly?
As this problem is still far ahead in the future, we created 2 simple topics to discuss. We wanted to
discuss which challenges we could face and which solutions we can come up with.

2.3.2. Findings
As we know Artificial Intelligence can teach itself and learning things at a very fast pace. Eventually it
will become as smart or smarter than the human race. When this happens, a few ethical questions
arise. Do we give AI robots the same rights and laws as humans? Or do we implement the rules
created by Isaac Asimov in his book I, Robot? These rules state, that 1: A robot may not injure a
human being or, through inaction allow a human being to come to harm. 2: A robot must obey
orders given it by human being except where such orders would conflict with the First Law. 3: A
robot must protect its own existence as long as such protection does not conflict with the First or
Second Law. [ CITATION Isa50 \l 2067 ].

First off, we need to start with the root of the problem. Imagine current AI, there are no “end of
human race” scenarios, but there have been recorded a few malfunctions with AI. Who do we
blame? Here we determined two options. We can either blame the manufacturer or the
programmer. It depends on what type of malfunction of mistake happened.
Now imagine AI is as evolved as humans. If a malfunction happens, do we still blame the
manufacturer or the programmer? Are we still going to treat the robot like a child where we blame
the creator for every mistake made on their part? Where do we mark the line to stop blaming
creators and start blaming the robot itself? If the robot becomes as evolved as humas, it should know
right from wrong and should be self-reliant and responsible. At that point it is time to start creating
robot laws and rights and look at robots as equals.

International Business Management

Whether the solution is as simple as taking laws from a novel in 1950 or developing news ones,
something must happen. It would be best if agencies were created supervising the usage and
development of Artificial intelligence. Said supervising agency should be similar to the United
Nations. We think it would be best if experts on AI collaborate with governments to create rules and
laws. Governments alone cannot have the power to choose what happens as most of the people in
them are extremely underqualified to make decisions on such topics. We hope these agencies will
benefit both humans and robots to insure good collaboration in the future.

2.3.3. Conclusion
In the end, this is a “what if” type situation. We don’t know whether AI will evolve like that or if
companies will start producing robots. As of this moment we cannot determine what should happen
in the future. However, it is important that we start thinking about it, so that we can do something
when problem occur. A lot of people have negative feelings towards AI, this is mainly due to
Hollywood. We imagine doom scenarios instead of imagining how AI can turn our life around for the
best. Right now, we can only dream, and hope Hollywood is wrong.

International Business Management

3. Conclusion

The self-chosen perspectives have been discussed in a lively discussion in style of a podcast. In
addition, the creation of this report delivers the formal, factual, and well-researched background.
During the progress of this assignment, it was not the aim to contribute to the current state of
research by adding new value, but rather present the current in connection with the addition of a
personal note by sharing our own opinion.

While the first perspective State of the Art delivered a slow dive into the topic, one is able to
conclude, that AI is much more than the use cases which have been presented. Those can be seen as
the result of the use of AI, more specifically as physical evidence that AI even exists. As already
stated, one could have also included the topic of Big Data, which is closely connected to AI, since it
feeds the Intelligence with necessary data. Since the expand of this report is not big enough to cover
the topic, it would be a good topic for the following students.
Followed closely by the Future View where different views on the benefits, risks, threats, and
opportunities of the use of AI are displayed. Due to the high number of sources and views on the
It is challenging to keep a neutrality. The way, in which the topic has been thematised here, leaves
room for the reader’s own opinion due to the provision of the most common views concerning the
four enumerated topics of the Future View.
Finally, the perspective Responsibility dealt with finding a solution to the challenge associated with
the title. As this came out as not the easiest way because of certain unclarities about the Intelligence
itself a solution could only be given in a vague “what if” manner. It was even placed right – in the end
of the report – as it is a very current topic which not only the legislation has to deal with.

In conclusion, during the whole assignment there was no possibility to dig deeper into the topic than
scratching the surface. One has to admit, that it is becoming quite technical when trying to research
in depth. Fortunately, the topic of morals and ethics where only has only been a small part of this
report, as it is a topic, where no new content is delivered. Yes, the field of AI develops itself and is
developed further by humans, but morals and ethics stay the same, which makes it an unsuitable
topic for this report.

International Business Management

10xDS. (2020, August 30). Top 10 Benefits of Artificial Intelligence (AI). Retrieved from
Asimov, I. (1950). I, Robot. New York : Gnome Press .
Greenfield, D. (2019, June 19). Harvard University . Retrieved from Harvard University :
Labbe, M. (2021, August 31). AI and climate change: The mixed impact of machine learning.
Retrieved from
Overby, S. (2021, March 31). mimecast. Retrieved from mimecast:
Rouhiainen, L. (2021, December). Lasse Rouhiainen Blog. Retrieved from Lasse Rouhiainen Blog:
Russel, S. (2021, September 25). The Dangers of Artificial Intelligence - Stuart Russell on AI Risk. (S.
time, Ed.) Retrieved from
Thomas, M. (2021, July 28). 7 Dangerous Risks of Artificial Intelligence. Retrieved from
Walch, K. (2020, May 5). Will There Be A ‘Kill Switch’ For AI? Retrieved from


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