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AVALIAÇÃO: 1 - 3º TRIMESTRE DATA: _____/_____/2021 TURMA: 9th NOTA:

ALUNO(A): Nº: MÉDIA: 1,8


1. Read the headlines and fill in the blanks with too much or too many. (0,3)

a. __________________________ snow fell last night in Cleveland.

b. Citizens are complaining of __________________________robberies.
c. The city administration didn’t spend __________________________money on education.
d. Specialists say children have __________________________leisure time.
e. __________________________applicants showed up in the human resources room.

2. Observe a foto de um profissional que trabalhou na televisão brasileira e leia a pequena descrição do
trabalho que ele realizou. (0,3)

“Ricardo Boechat is a professional who presents the news

every morning in the radio and every evening in the
television. He tells us what has happened in Brazil and in the
world during the present day. Sometimes he also conducts

De acordo com a descrição, podemos dizer que a profissão de Ricardo Boechat é

a. Editor
b. Producer
c. TV Cameraperson
d. TV News Anchor

3. Leia a construção das frases nas alternativas e assinale a única em que o pronome relativo foi
utilizado de forma correta, de modo que apresente o mesmo sentido da primeira frase. (0,3)

a. James Cameron is a movie director. He directed the movie Terminator.

James Cameron is the movie director who directed the movie Terminator.
b. Linda Hamilton is an actress. She represented the waitress Sarah Connor on Terminator.
Linda Hamilton is the actress which represented the waitress Sarah Connor on Terminator.
c. Terminator is a b-side movie. It was directed by James Cameron.
Terminator is a b-side movie whose was directed by James Cameron.
d. Terminator, Schwarzenegger’s character, is a computerized automaton. He is sent back to the past.
Schwarzenegger, that character was Terminator, is a computerized automaton sent back to the past.

4. Leia o diálogo abaixo entre dois amigos que estão em uma livraria. (0,3)

A alternativa que apresenta o vocabulário que falta para completar corretamente o diálogo entre os
amigos é:
a. e-book; adventure; paperback; library.
b. mystery; adventure; paperback; best sellers.
c. mystery; novel; bookshop; e-book.
d. novel; mystery; library; best sellers.

Colégio Franciscano Santo Inácio 9º ano 3º Trimestre

5. Leia as mensagens deixadas no blog da escolar após uma roda de leitura promovida pelos
professores. (0,4)

Com base no texto que cada adolescente escreveu sobre si mesmo no blog, podemos classificar estes jovens
leitores, respectivamente, como:

a. The Book Thief; The Self-Conscious Reader; The Underliner.

b. The Book Thief; The Serendipity Screamer; The Underliner.
c. The Did-Not-Finish; The Self-Conscious Reader; The Dog-Earer.
d. The Dog-Earer; The Reader-of-Things-You’ve-Never-Heard-Of; The Book Thief.

6. Read the sentences and choose the correct option. (0,3)

I. Too much is used to express a small quantity of something.
II. Enough means sufficient.
III. Too many implies an exaggeration.

a. Only sentence I is correct.

b. Only sentence II is correct.
c. Only sentences I and II are correct.
d. Only sentences II and III are correct.

Colégio Franciscano Santo Inácio 9º ano 3º Trimestre

7. Read and choose the right option. (0,4)

a. If she goes to the birthday party, she __________________ her best friend a special gift.
( ) buys ( ) will buy ( ) buy

b. I ________________ the doctor if my stomach still hurts tomorrow.

( ) will call ( ) called ( ) call

c. She will do the exercise again if she ___________________ a lot of mistakes.

( ) will make ( ) makes ( ) make

d. If we go out tonight, we ________________ Becky.

( ) will invite ( ) are invite ( ) invite

e. I will make a sandwich if I ________________ hungry.

( ) be ( ) will be ( ) am

f. If they practice a lot, they __________________ the game.

( ) wins ( ) win ( ) will win

8. Match the columns. (0,3)

a) We wanted to buy the magazine ______ and sings very well.

b) I really like pizza ______ because she had an accident.
c) We didn’t go to the beach ______ and bread.
d) Rey plays the guitar ______ but we didn’t have any money.
e) I need to buy milk, butter ______ but it’s not very healthy.
f) I didn’t go to the cinema ______ because I needed to study.
g) She’s in hospital ______ but my cellphone was off.
h) Paul called me ______ because it was cold.

9. Match the words to the correct definitions. (0,4)

a) headlines b) crossword puzzle c) front page d) article

___________ presents the main headlines

___________ the title written in large letters over a story in a newspaper

___________ a puzzle in which words that are the answers to clues are written into a pattern of

numbered squares that go across and down

___________ a piece of writing about a particular subject that is included in a magazine, newspaper,


Definitions available at: <>. Accessed: 12 Apr. 2017.

Colégio Franciscano Santo Inácio 9º ano 3º Trimestre

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