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Juan’s Interview Preparation

General Interview Questions

1. Tell me a little bit about yourself.
My name is Juan Bezaliel Supriyanto, a 5th-semester student
of International Relations major at Bina Nusantara University. While
studying International Relations, I have a strong interest in security
studies. When I finish my major, I want to work in the research field.
That’s why I’m also looking for experience to build the foundation
and improve my research skills while studying. Currently, I am a
part of research members for one of Binus International Relations
lecturers focusing on security issues as a research assistant. As part
of the team, I have learned a lot of things in research, such as
working under demanding schedules, creating datasets, collecting
data for the datasets and converting the dataset into an insight. I am
also a part of the research division of FPCI chapter Binus and
Bothrights. Joining both of the organizations has helped me to
improve my skills in conducting research and teamwork skill.

2. What are your strengths and weaknesses?

I think I have three main strength. The first one is I have
great time management. As parts of two organizations, a research
assistant, a student, and a son, have trained me better in managing
my time whilst keep ensuring everything has a maximum outcome.
In managing my time, I always finish what I have to do first. Besides
that, I also set targets to help me stay consistent at work. I always
try to make a to-do list so that I can arrange the schedule while
dividing my time. If there are two close deadlines, I’ll divide my time
into doing two jobs in one day.
The second is persistent while doing works. Creating datasets
can’t be done in a short time because there is a long process that has
to be passed. We need to be consistent in finishing a dataset. All the
processes from gathering data, inputting the data to datasets, and
converting it into an insight have to be done one by one. Therefore,
Juan’s Interview Preparation

my experience in creating a dataset has helped me to be a persistent

The last one is, I can work under pressure. The pressure here
could mean when I have to face a problem or deadline, I can still
work calmly and give maximum results. Because it is uncommon to
deal with the pressure at work.
My weakness is I sometimes spend much time and attention
on the details. When trying to get works completed quickly, this
behavior can slow me down. This behavior comes up because I
always want to do a perfect job. Even I put more time and attention
in details, yet I still capable to complete the task right before the
deadline. Currently, I'm trying to reduce this behavior yet still
maintaining high standards.

3. Do you work better under pressure or with time to plan and

Working under pressure requires a lot of energy because I
have to compete with the time. Sometimes it makes me work in a
rush. When there is no time left, I’m afraid I can’t double-check the
job and fix any errors that exist.
But as a personal, I can work well in both conditions. I always
try to plan my schedule and organize it while working. By doing that,
I could also finish other jobs simultaneously.

4. Why are you interested in this internship?

In the future, after I graduate from the university, I have a
target for my career in the research field. That’s why currently, I'm
looking for improving my experienced related to research study. I
believe Semar Sentinel will be a great place for me to improve my
skills related to the research sector. Other than that, I also want to
learn more about research things from the experienced members of
staff in Semar Sentinel. Therefore, I could get insight or new things
to learn from them that are aligned to my future goals.
Juan’s Interview Preparation

5. Why should we consider you for this internship?

Compare to other students, I believe that I have sufficient
ability to join Semar Sentinel. In my opinion, the skill that I have
gained when I join FPCI, Bothrights, and being a research assistant
can be very useful while doing an internship at Semar. I can
implement teamwork skills and the research skills that I have
gained. In addition, knowldege in leading projects, such as at FPCI,
and other group work can also be beneficial when I run an intern in
Semar. I have involved in creating and extracting datasets related to
security issues that could be an extra point for your consideration. I
believe this great experience will help us while working as an
internship at Semar.

6. What do you know about this industry/company?

After doing some research, I know that Semar Sentinel is a
firm advisory which has an up to date insights and effective
solutions related to the government affairs, regional and local
context and business development. Other than that, Semar Sentinel
is also moving on the issue related to radicalization. As a consulting
firm, Semar sentinel scope is focusing in business and security
intelligence. Semar sentinel also offers solution consultation for
private and public actors relating to security and economy issue.

7. How would your faculty/friends/co-workers describe you?

I believe they would describe me as a fast-working partner.
This could be because while doing group works I'm a person who
likes to do it little by little. Because for me 10% to works for ten
days better than 100% in one day. While doing my exam, I could
finish it faster than my other friends because I’ve already done it
little by little. All of my friends are smart, but in the end, I get a
better score than my friend who did their exam close to the
deadline. The second is I’m a responsible person. While leading a
Juan’s Interview Preparation

group works, I always hear advice or input from other members. I

feel that their voice will always be important in finishing the job.
Other than that, I also make sure that I finish every job that has
been assigned to me. It will be one form of responsible for finishing
the job, not doing only halfway and leaving.

8. What three words would you choose to best describe yourself?

First is kind-hearted. I believe that being kind to other people
is an important norm while we live. When my friends need any help,
I always try to help them. Sometimes when my friends are facing
problems, I give them some advice as a way out.
Second is hardworking. For me, hard work is one of the key to
success. That’s why I always put my full effort in studying and
doing my jobs. Just like Benjamin Franklin said, failing to prepare
is preparing to fail.
And third is responsible. Responsibility is an important thing
at work, this form of responsibility could be seen as doing a job
from start until finish, not doing a job only half way and then leave
it alone. I always put this value within me while doing a job that is
assigned to me.

9. Why did you choose your major?

International Relations was actually not my first choice.
Previously, the major I wanted to take was architecture. However, I
thought there are already many enthusiasts or graduates of this
department. This will be give an impact on the employment
opportunity of this major which is increasingly fierce.
After hearing and reading some information about it, I finally
decided to start considering other majors. At that time, I discussed
with my parents about other majors that have broad job prospects.
One of those majors later was International Relations, because one of
my mother's relative also took that major. After doing some
Juan’s Interview Preparation

considerations, I finally decided to take in International Relations. At

first I think I only needed to be proficient in using English.
After studying international relations, I relieved that it is not
only about being proficient in English. International Relations is a
broad knowledge where not only study about countries, but also the
policy makers, other actor such international organizations, theory
philosophy, and etc. I also realize that the prospect of international
relations is not only becoming ambassador or working in Indonesia’s
Ministry of Foreign Affairs.

Behavioral Interview Questions

1. Give an example of how you’ve dealt with a conflict with another

2. Tell me a story either personal or professional that paints a picture of


3. Describe a situation where your judgment proved to be an invaluable

contribution to a team.

4. How do you handle meeting tight deadlines?

In handling tight deadlines, I always try to prioritize what to
do first and which task that is more important and urgent based on
the deadline. Last month when I had a mid-exam, I still had some
works that need to be done as a research assistant, where the
deadline is collided with my first day of mid-exam. Knowing that I
had to finish both of my work and mid-exam, I tried to manage my
schedule afterwards. One week before my first deadline, I divided my
day with finishing my work task, class (because I still had class
schedule), and prepared for mid-exam. As a student, my prioritize of
course mid exam, that’s why I spent more time for mid exam, which
was from afternoon until evening. While for my work task, I finished
Juan’s Interview Preparation

it in the morning before my class. Through this way, I was able to

finish both my work task and also did my mid exam right on time
with maximum outcome, because I’ve already did it little by little at
the time.

5. Give an example of how you set goals and achieve them.

6. What do you do when your schedule is interrupted? Give an example

of how you handle this.
As an organize person, when my schedule is interrupted, I
will always do which one is more important at that time. As part of
organisations and a research assistant, sometimes there are times
when I have a sudden meetings while other gathering which had
already been schedule before. When that happen, with all due
respect, I will still prioritize my meeting that has been scheduled
before and ask for reschedule for the new one.
Last two months, FPCI was preparing for new project called
diplomacy discourse. I had been chosen as Master of Ceremony for
some sessions. As an MC, we had to do some practices and
discussions with other teams. There was one time where we had to
attend a meeting on Friday night for a practice. And at the same
time, as a research assistant, I have a daily meeting every Friday
nights to discuss about our project. Because the meeting with my
lecturer had already scheduled before the FPCI one, I had to ask for
the reschedule of the meeting with FPCI team. I cannot neglect the
meeting that has been scheduled before. So that, after discussion,
the FPCI meeting was held a little later that night to adjust it.

7. Give an example of how you work on a team.

While working on a team, I have to different types. The first
one as a leader. When I become the leader, I try to organize group
work in a structured way. That is, in the group I will divide the tasks
for each member, because in my opinion, if the tasks are divided, it
Juan’s Interview Preparation

will be faster to be done, and it will be easier to fix something that

goes wrong. I’ve already used this way several times, for example
when I had a group mid-exam last month, where one of the courses
instruction was making a literature review based on ten journal
articles with one week deadlines. Because the group consisted of four
members, I divided the work each of them to read two articles. By
doing this, we could finish the task faster and could submit it before
the deadline.
While as a member of ta eam, I always support the leaders for
their decision. If my leaders have something wrong, I will tell them
my perspective about their mistakes. In doing the works, I will try my
best to finish my job part properly as well. So that my leaders do not
need extra works in fixing my part.

8. Can you remember a time when you handled a difficult situation

with another student or co-worker? What did you do?

9. Share an example of how you’ve been able to motivate team


10. Describe how you would handle a difficult relationship that you felt
was holding you back on the job.

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