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Imaging Spectrum of Cavernous
Sinus Lesions with Histopathologic
Harsha Vardhan Mahalingam, MD
Sunithi E. Mani, MD Cavernous sinuses are paired interconnected venous plexuses situ-
Bimal Patel, MD ated in the floor of the middle cranial fossa on either side of the
Krishna Prabhu, MCh sella turcica and sphenoid sinus. They are lined by dura mater and
Mathew Alexander, DM consist of multiple venous channels within. The cavernous sinuses
Girish M. Fatterpekar, MD are intimately related to the internal carotid artery and its associ-
Geeta Chacko, MD ated sympathetic plexus, the oculomotor nerve, the trochlear nerve,
the abducens nerve, and the ophthalmic nerve. Cavernous sinuses
Abbreviations: CCF = carotid-cavernous fis- are connected to the orbit, the pterygopalatine fossa, the infratem-
tula, CSF = cerebrospinal fluid, FLAIR = fluid-
attenuated inversion recovery, ICA = internal
poral fossa, the nasopharynx, and the posterior cranial fossa by
carotid artery, IgG4 = immunoglobulin G4, various foramina, fissures, and canals in the skull base. A multitude
WHO = World Health Organization of structures in close relation to the cavernous sinus give rise to a
RadioGraphics 2019; 39:795–819 myriad of possible pathologic conditions that can be broadly classi- fied into (a) neoplastic, (b) vascular, (c) infective or inflammatory,
or (d) miscellaneous lesions. These pathologic conditions can have
Content Codes:
overlapping clinical manifestations. Hence, imaging plays a cru-
From the Departments of Radiology (H.V.M.,
S.E.M.), Pathology (B.P., G.C.), Neurosurgery
cial role in identifying the disease, assessing its extent, providing a
(K.P.), and Neurology (M.A.), Christian Medi- pertinent differential diagnosis to guide further management, and
cal College, Ida Scudder Road, Vellore, Tamil suggesting a site or route for biopsy. MRI is the modality of choice
Nadu 632004, India; and the Department of
Radiology, NYU Langone Medical Center, New to depict the cavernous sinuses, with CT and digital subtraction an-
York, NY (G.M.F.). Presented as an education giography playing supplementary roles in certain situations. In this
exhibit at the 2017 RSNA Annual Meeting. Re-
ceived March 31, 2018; revision requested May
article, the cavernous sinus lesions encountered in our institution
24 and received July 15; accepted July 20. For during a 10-year period are reviewed. The purpose of the article
this journal-based SA-CME activity, the authors, is to (a) describe the anatomy of the cavernous sinus; (b) dem-
editor, and reviewers have disclosed no relevant
relationships. Address correspondence to onstrate the multimodality imaging spectrum of a wide variety of
S.E.M. (e-mail: pathologic conditions involving the cavernous sinus, correlating
RSNA, 2019 with the histopathologic findings; (c) highlight important imaging
clues for differential diagnosis; and (d) help the reader overcome
SA-CME LEARNING OBJECTIVES potential pitfalls in interpretation.
After completing this journal-based SA-CME Online supplemental material is available for this article.
activity, participants will be able to:
■■Describe the anatomy of the cavernous RSNA, 2019 •
■■Identify the imaging features of a wide
variety of cavernous sinus lesions.
■■Recognize imaging clues for differential Introduction
diagnosis, and avoid pitfalls in interpreta- Cavernous sinuses are paired complex venous spaces situated on
tion. either side of the sphenoid sinus and the sella turcica and are at the
See crossroads of many crucial neurovascular structures. The internal
carotid artery (ICA) and the abducens nerve travel within the cavity
of the cavernous sinus; and the oculomotor nerve (cranial nerve III),
the trochlear nerve (cranial nerve IV), and the ophthalmic nerve
(cranial nerve V1) travel in the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus.
The maxillary nerve (cranial nerve V2) courses just inferior to the
796  May-June 2019

Diverse pathologic conditions of this region

can, however, have similar clinical features; and
■■ Cavernous sinuses are paired complex venous spaces situated
on either side of the sphenoid sinus and the sella turcica and
imaging plays a crucial role in confirming the
are at the crossroads of many crucial neurovascular structures. presence of disease, assessing its extent, guid-
The internal carotid artery (ICA) and the abducens nerve trav- ing further investigations, and planning therapy
el within the cavity of the cavernous sinus; and the oculomo- (medical management, microsurgery, endovascular
tor nerve (cranial nerve III), the trochlear nerve (cranial nerve surgery, or radiation therapy). MRI is the imaging
IV), and the ophthalmic nerve (cranial nerve V1) travel in the
lateral wall of the cavernous sinus.
modality of choice for assessment of the cavernous
sinus, owing to the superior contrast resolution of
■■ The cavernous sinus can be affected by neoplasms (benign
or malignant), infection or inflammation, vascular pathologic MRI. CT and digital subtraction angiography are
conditions, and congenital lesions, among others. Diverse useful in certain cases. A thorough knowledge of
pathologic conditions of this region can, however, have simi- anatomy, awareness of the imaging appearance of
lar clinical features; and imaging plays a crucial role in con- the wide variety of lesions that can possibly involve
firming the presence of disease, assessing its extent, guiding
this region, and correlation with clinical and
further investigations, and planning therapy (medical man-
agement, microsurgery, endovascular surgery, or radiation histopathologic features are essential for providing
therapy). MRI is the imaging modality of choice for assess- appropriate patient care. We review the anatomy
ment of the cavernous sinus, owing to the superior contrast of the cavernous sinus, along with the imaging
resolution of MRI. CT and digital subtraction angiography are technique, the multimodality imaging features of
useful in certain cases.
individual pathologic conditions of the cavernous
■■ Common neoplasms that involve the cavernous sinus include sinus correlating with histopathologic findings,
pituitary adenoma, meningioma, nerve sheath tumors, head
and neck malignancies such as nasopharyngeal carcinoma,
an algorithmic imaging approach to differential
and metastases. These neoplasms can be classified on the ba- diagnosis, and imaging pitfalls.
sis of the origin or epicenter of the lesion as (a) lesions that
arise primarily within the cavernous sinus, (b) lesions that Anatomy
invade the cavernous sinus from adjacent structures, and Each of the paired cavernous sinuses is a ve-
(c) metastatic or hematologic disease.
nous lake situated lateral to the sella turcica,
■■ Vascular lesions of the cavernous sinus—namely, cavernous
the pituitary gland, and the sphenoid sinus and
sinus thrombosis, ICA aneurysm, and CCF—are great clinical
mimics, with a wide variety of clinical manifestations varying medial to the medial aspect of the temporal lobe
from trivial to life threatening. Among this category of cavern- of the brain. The term cavernous sinus was first
ous sinus lesions, septic thrombosis is the most common and used by Winslow in 1734 owing to the multiple
is managed primarily by controlling the source of sepsis with filaments, or septa, within, which gave it a cavern-
medical and surgical means. Digital subtraction angiography
ous or plexiform appearance. However, this term
plays an important role in the management of CCF and ICA
aneurysm. has courted controversy because the cavernous
■■ Considerable overlap exists in the radiologic findings of cav-
sinus has certain anatomic differences from other
ernous sinus involvement in infective or inflammatory diseas- dural venous sinuses. It is extradural in location,
es; the most common findings encountered are a bulky cav- contains fat, and is continuous with the epidural
ernous sinus and increased enhancement, which may extend space (extradural space) of the spine (by way of
to the orbit or the adjacent dura. Imaging clues that point to the periosteum of the skull base) and the orbital
infection or inflammation as the possible cause, as compared
with neoplasms, are a sheetlike configuration of the abnormal
space, in contrast to other dural venous sinuses
soft tissue and T2 hypointensity. However, certain neoplasms, that are located between the two dural layers.
such as lymphoma and en plaque meningioma, can mimic Parkinson (1) has argued that the cavernous si-
these findings. Among this spectrum of infective and inflam- nus should be more accurately called “the lateral
matory disorders, Tolosa-Hunt syndrome is a diagnosis of sellar compartment.” Because the term cavernous
exclusion; other disease processes are diagnosed by specific
serum or histopathologic biomarkers.
sinus is well established in the medical literature,
it continues to be used widely to refer to this
anatomic compartment.
The cavernous sinus has been described as
junction of the lateral and medial walls of the an “anatomic jewel box” owing to its complex-
cavernous sinus. Pathologic conditions of the ity. Figure 1 is a diagram of a coronal section
cavernous sinus can have various clinical conse- through the cavernous sinuses. The cavernous
quences, ranging from subtle to devastating, and sinus extends from the superior orbital fissure
including headache, ophthalmoplegia, exophthal- anteriorly to the petrous apex and the dorsum
mos (proptosis), chemosis, vision loss, trigeminal sellae posteriorly. The cavernous sinus is said
neuralgia, and, rarely, cerebral infarction owing to have a shape resembling a boat and is nar-
to ICA involvement. The cavernous sinus can rowest anteriorly and widest posteriorly. It is
be affected by neoplasms (benign or malignant), bounded by dura and has five walls: (a) lateral;
infection or inflammation, vascular pathologic (b) medial; (c) superior, or roof; (d) anterior;
conditions, and congenital lesions, among others. and (e) posterior (2). The medial wall is the
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 3 Mahalingam et al  797

Figure 1.  Diagram of a coronal section through

the cavernous sinuses and the sella turcica. Note
that the medial wall of the cavernous sinus (CS) is
constituted by only a single layer of the dura ma-
ter. ACA = anterior cerebral artery, ICA = cavern-
ous segment of the ICA, III = oculomotor nerve,
IV = trochlear nerve, MCA = middle cerebral ar-
tery, OC  = optic chiasm, PIT  = pituitary gland,
SS = sphenoid sinus, VI = abducens nerve, V1 =
ophthalmic nerve, V2  = maxillary nerve, black
arrowhead = inner periosteal layer of the dura,
white arrowhead = outer meningeal layer of the
dura, * = subarachnoid space.

Figure 2.  Diagram of the segments and major

branches of the cavernous segment of the ICA.
Light blue structure represents the cavernous si-
nus (CS). The segments of the cavernous carotid
artery from proximal to distal are the posterior
vertical  (PV), the posterior genu (PG), the hori-
zontal (HORZ), the anterior genu (AG), and the
anterior vertical (AV). ACP = anterior clinoid pro-
cess, DDR  = distal dural ring, OA  = ophthalmic
artery, PDR  = proximal dural ring, PLL  = petro­
lingual ligament.

only one that consists of a single dural layer; the and V1 are located within the inner dural layer of
other walls consist of two dural layers—an outer the lateral cavernous sinus wall. The lateral and
meningeal dural layer and an inner periosteal medial walls merge inferiorly with each other at
dural layer (1,3). the superior margin of cranial nerve V2 (2).
The medial wall is the weakest one and sepa- The ICA within the cavernous sinus bends
rates the cavernous sinus from the lateral wall of to form an S shape, as seen in both coronal and
the sphenoid sinus inferiorly and the pituitary sagittal sections. The ICA is divided into five
gland superiorly. The part of the medial wall that segments on the basis of its course: posterior
separates the cavernous sinus from the pituitary vertical, posterior genu, horizontal, anterior
gland is continuous with the diaphragma sel- genu, and anterior vertical (Fig 2). Although the
lae (3). Inherent weakness of this wall makes ICA is firmly adherent at its point of entry and
the cavernous sinus susceptible to invasion from exit, the intervening segment is unsupported
pituitary tumors. Although the two dural layers and can have a variable degree of tortuosity (4).
of the lateral cavernous sinus wall may not be The intracavernous ICA commonly gives rise to
discernible as separate structures at imaging, they two branches—namely, the meningohypophy-
are important for the neurosurgical approach to seal trunk and the inferolateral trunk. The ICA
the cavernous sinus. These two layers can be dis- divides the cavernous sinus into four venous
sected apart, and cranial nerves can be accessed spaces: (a) the medial (between the ICA and
without entering the venous compartment of the the medial wall of the cavernous sinus), (b) the
cavernous sinus because cranial nerves III, IV, anteroinferior (relative to the posterior genu),
798  May-June 2019

(c) the posterosuperior (between the ICA and the

posterior part of the roof of the cavernous sinus),
and (d) the lateral (between the ICA and the
ophthalmic nerve) (2).
The oculomotor nerve and the trochlear nerve
pierce the roof of the cavernous sinus in the ocu-
lomotor triangle to enter the cavernous sinus, and
the abducens nerve enters through the posterior
wall. The oculomotor nerve (cranial nerve III),
the trochlear nerve (cranial nerve IV), and the
ophthalmic division of the trigeminal nerve (or
ophthalmic nerve) (cranial nerve V1) lie in the
lateral wall of the cavernous sinus in that order
from superior to inferior. The maxillary division of
the trigeminal nerve (or maxillary nerve) (cra-
nial nerve V2) lies just inferior to the junction of
the lateral and medial wall dura of the cavernous
sinus. The abducens nerve (cranial nerve VI) and
the sympathetic plexus around the carotid artery,
on the contrary, lie within the cavity of the cavern- Figure 3.  Diagram of the venous connections of the cavern-
ous sinus in close relation to the ICA. The abdu- ous sinus (CS). BasVP = basilar venous plexus, ICC = intercavern-
ous communication, IJV = internal jugular vein, IOV = inferior
cens nerve courses in the lateral venous space (2). ophthalmic vein, IPS = inferior petrosal sinus, PteryVP = ptery-
The venous connections of the cavernous goid venous plexus, SOV = superior ophthalmic vein, SphPS =
sinus are illustrated in Figure 3. Each cavernous sphenoparietal sinus, SPS = superior petrosal sinus, SS = sig-
sinus communicates with its counterpart on the moid sinus.
opposite side by way of intercavernous commu-
nications—these are the anterior, inferior, and
posterior intercavernous communications and the sions of the anterior part of the cavernous sinus
basilar venous plexus (2). manifest with ophthalmoplegia and ptosis and
Apart from the venous blood, the cranial nerves, usually do not involve the lower two trigeminal
and the ICA, each cavernous sinus also contains nerve divisions. Blurring of vision or vision loss
variable amounts of fat and fibrous tissue. The can occur when the lesion extends anteriorly
structures within the cavernous sinus are embed- to involve the orbital apex. The combination of
ded in a weblike fibrous skeleton. Adipose tissue is lateral rectus muscle palsy and Horner syndrome
predominantly located adjacent to the lateral wall is highly specific for cavernous sinus pathologic
of the cavernous sinus medial to the cranial nerves conditions and usually indicates a lesion located
(5). Multiple foramina and fissures act as a con- within the cavernous sinus, as opposed to a lateral
duit of structures from the cavernous sinus to the wall lesion. Pain is usually unilateral, localized to
surrounding spaces, including the orbits, the face, the orbitofrontal region, and dull aching or boring
the pterygopalatine fossa, the nasopharynx, the in character. The presence or absence of pain,
infratemporal fossa, and the middle and posterior however, does not provide any clue with regard to
cranial fossae. These fissures and foramina and the the nature of the underlying lesion (6,7). Other
veins and nerves passing through the cavernous less common manifestations include hypotha-
sinus also act as pathways for the spread of disease lamic-pituitary axis impairment, seizures caused
to and from the cavernous sinus. Figure 4 illustrates by irritation of the adjacent cortex, and stroke
these anatomic relationships and pathways. owing to ICA involvement. Onset can be insidious
(usually with neoplastic and chronic inflamma-
Clinical Manifestations of Cavernous tory causes) or sudden (with acute inflammatory
Sinus Lesions (Cavernous Sinus and vascular causes), but considerable overlap in
Syndrome) symptoms exists among the various causes. Clini-
The classic manifestations described are ophthal- cal manifestations specific to a particular lesion are
moplegia, ptosis, exophthalmos, chemosis, Horner highlighted in the respective sections. A practical
syndrome (characterized by partial ptosis and classification of different causes of cavernous sinus
miosis, with or without anhidrosis), facial pain or lesions is presented in Figure 5.
loss of sensation in the trigeminal nerve distribu-
tion, and headache. These symptoms may occur Imaging Protocol
individually or in combination, depending on the MRI is the mainstay of imaging the cavernous
location of the lesion in the cavernous sinus. Le- sinus because of the superior soft-tissue contrast
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 3 Mahalingam et al  799

Figure 4.  Anatomic pathways related to the cavernous sinuses and the regional bone anatomy. Blue areas represent the position of
the cavernous sinuses in the floor of the middle cranial fossa. Yellow lines outline the anatomic region set in boldface in each label.
ACP = anterior clinoid process, OC = optic canal, PCP = posterior clinoid process, PPF = pterygopalatine fossa (outlined in orange on
image at far left).

Figure 5.  Etiologic classification of cavernous sinus lesions. IgG4 = immunoglobulin G4.

resolution of MRI and its multiplanar capa- based contrast material are the mainstay for
bilities. In our institution, a typical basic MRI interpretation. The coronal thin-section MR im-
protocol is followed for suspected cavernous ages should cover from the orbits anteriorly to
sinus lesions (Table 1). The coronal thin-section the brainstem posteriorly. Additional sequences
high-spatial-resolution T2-weighted sequence that can be useful in certain situations are the
and the thin-section fat-suppressed T1-weighted three-dimensional heavily T2-weighted sequence
sequence in the axial and coronal planes before and time-of-flight angiography. Contrast-en-
and after injection of intravenous gadolinium- hanced constructive interference in steady-state
800  May-June 2019

Table 1: Basic 3-T MRI Protocol for Suspected Cavernous Sinus Lesions

TE TR Thickness Flip Fat
Sequence (msec) (msec) (mm) Field of View Matrix Angle (°) Suppression
Axial T2 weighted 80 3000 6 230 × 184 512 90/180 SPIR
Coronal thin-section T2 weighted 80 3000 3 150 × 150 512 90/180 NA
FLAIR (TI = 2800 msec) 125 11 000 6 230 × 184 512 90/180 NA
T1 weighted 3.9 8.4 0.8 230 × 230 512 8 NA
Susceptibility weighted 21 15 1 230 × 230 512 15–20 NA
Diffusion weighted 68 2132 5 230 × 230 256 90/180 SPIR
Nonenhanced and contrast agent–en- 2.3 4.7 0.9 395 × 278 432 10 SPAIR
hanced T1 weighted fat suppressed
Driven equilibrium* 185 1500 1 140 × 148 800 90/180 NA
Note.—FLAIR = fluid-attenuated inversion recovery, NA = not applicable, SPAIR = spectral attenuated inver-
sion recovery, SPIR = spectral presaturation with inversion recovery, TE = echo time, TI = inversion time, TR =
recovery time.
*DRIVE (Philips Healthcare, Andover, Mass).

imaging can clearly delineate the intracavernous Tumors Arising within the Cavernous
course of the cranial nerves (8). Sinuses
CT plays an adjunctive role in imaging of the
cavernous sinus. Plain helical CT with a thin- Meningioma.—Meningiomas are one of the most
section (<1 mm) axial acquisition and multi- common lesions to involve the cavernous sinus.
planar reconstruction is useful for studying the They constituted 41% of all cavernous sinus le-
osseous relationship of cavernous sinus masses sions in one large series (10). Advanced age (peak
before surgery and for evaluating osseous ero- incidence in the 5th to 7th decade) and female
sion or sclerosis. CT angiography performed sex are identified risk factors for development of
with a bolus-tracking technique after injecting meningioma (11). Multiple meningiomas may be
60–80 mL of intravenous iodinated contrast encountered in the setting of neurofibromatosis
material at a rate of 3–5 mL/sec can be used type 2. Meningiomas arise from the arachnoid
to assess the relationship of the ICA to cavern- cap cells of the dura. About 80%–90% of menin-
ous sinus mass lesions and in the evaluation of giomas are well-circumscribed benign neoplasms
suspected vascular lesions of the cavernous sinus (World Health Organization [WHO] grade I),
such as aneurysm, carotid-cavernous fistula with grade II (atypical, clear cell, and chordoid)
(CCF), or cavernous sinus thrombosis. CT and grade III (anaplastic, rhabdoid, and papil-
scanning in cases of cavernous sinus thrombosis lary) lesions being rare. Brain invasion, necrosis,
requires attention to the scan delay, with a mini- prominent nucleoli, sheeting, hypercellularity,
mum recommended delay of at least 45 seconds and small cell formation can be seen in atypical
after contrast material injection (9). Contrast- meningiomas; and anaplastic meningiomas are
enhanced CT is also used in planning for frankly malignant and can have areas resembling
stereotactic radiosurgery in certain cavernous carcinoma, sarcoma, or melanoma at histopatho-
sinus lesions such as meningioma and cavernous logic examination (12).
hemangioma. Cavernous sinus meningiomas arise from the
dura of the cavernous sinus (more specifically,
Neoplasia the lateral wall dura) or arise from the adjacent
Common neoplasms that involve the cavernous dura in the petroclival region, the sphenoid
sinus include pituitary adenoma, meningioma, ridge, or the clinoid process with extension to the
nerve sheath tumors, head and neck malignancies cavernous sinus. Meningiomas also differ in the
such as nasopharyngeal carcinoma, and metasta- extent of their cavernous sinus involvement. They
ses. These neoplasms can be classified on the basis can be (a) predominantly exophytic, projecting
of the origin or epicenter of the lesion as (a) le- laterally from the lateral dura of the cavernous
sions that arise primarily within the cavernous sinus; (b) localized to the lateral wall, growing in
sinus, (b) lesions that invade the cavernous sinus between the two dural layers of the lateral wall in
from adjacent structures, and (c) metastatic or the “interdural plane”; or (c) invading the cav-
hematologic disease. ernous sinus proper. Meningiomas invading the
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 3 Mahalingam et al  801

Figure 6.  Cavernous sinus meningioma in a 50-year-old woman who presented with left-sided facial pain
and numbness, which had been present for 2 years, and diplopia, which had been present for 2 months. At
physical examination, the patient had bilateral papilledema, left ophthalmoparesis, an absent corneal reflex on
the left side, and left-sided deviation of the jaw. (a) Axial contrast-enhanced fat-suppressed T1-weighted MR
image shows a homogeneously enhancing mass involving the left cavernous sinus. Note the markedly narrowed
flow void of the left ICA (arrow). (b) Photomicrograph shows sheets of meningothelial cells with mild nuclear
pleomorphism, prominent nucleoli, and eosinophilic cytoplasm, as well as a mitotic figure (arrow). Whorling
is inconspicuous. The features are those of an atypical meningioma. (Hematoxylin-eosin [H-E] stain; original
magnification, 3400.)

cavernous sinus proper can encase the cavernous 6th decades. Patients with neurofibromatosis type
segment of the ICA, causing its narrowing, or can 2 develop multiple schwannomas at an earlier
even invade the ICA wall (13). age. Histologically, these tumors are composed of
Meningiomas are iso- to hypo­intense to gray spindle cells, which can be arranged in two pat-
matter on T1- and T2-weighted MR images and terns: (a) Antoni type A, the compact or neuri-
show homogeneous intense enhancement on lemoma pattern; or (b) Antoni type B, the loose
gadolinium-enhanced MR images. The cellular pattern (17). Verocay bodies and degenerative
nature of these tumors manifests as hyperat- changes are common. This results in a heteroge-
tenuation at nonenhanced CT and as restricted neous appearance of schwannomas at imaging,
diffusion at MRI. Although generally homoge- especially when they are large.
neous in appearance, tumor heterogeneity can On T2-weighted MR images, schwannomas
be seen owing to calcification, tumor-associated are heterogeneously hyperintense; and on T1-
vascularity, cystic areas, and, rarely, hemorrhage. weighted MR images, the lesions are hypointense.
The dural tail sign and hyperostosis of adjacent Schwannomas demonstrate heterogeneous en-
bone, if depicted, can provide a clue to diagnosis. hancement on gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted
Luminal narrowing of the ICA (Fig 6a) can be MR images (Fig 7). Cystic areas are common.
seen if it is encased by tumor (14). Fluid-fluid levels and hemorrhage can be seen
within the lesion. These lesions tend to have an
Schwannoma.—Schwannomas are benign nerve ovoid shape when they are restricted to the cav-
sheath tumors arising from Schwann cells. Cav- ernous sinus but assume a classic dumbbell shape
ernous sinus schwannomas most commonly arise when they extend into the posterior cranial fossa,
from the trigeminal nerve. Oculomotor schwan- the orbit, or the infratemporal fossa (18). Heavily
nomas are less common. Schwannomas arising T2-weighted thin-section MR images are useful
from the abducens nerve and the sympathetic to directly depict the cranial nerves and assess
plexus around the ICA are extremely rare, with their relation to the tumor. However, it may be
only a few cases reported (15,16). Most lesions difficult to localize the origin to a particular cra-
occur sporadically, are solitary, and are encoun- nial nerve, especially when the lesion is restricted
tered most commonly in patients in the 5th and to the confines of the cavernous sinus.
802  May-June 2019

Figure 7.  Cavernous sinus schwannoma in a 55-year-

old woman presenting with a holocranial headache,
which had been present for 1.5 years, and diplopia,
which had been present for 1 year. The patient had
bilateral papilledema, right temporalis wasting, an ab-
sent right corneal reflex, and right lateral rectus palsy.
(a) Axial fat-suppressed T2-weighted MR image shows
a hyperintense lesion in the right cavernous sinus, with
an anterior cystic component (arrow). (b) Axial contrast-
enhanced fat-suppressed T1-weighted MR image shows
enhancement in the solid component. (c) Photomicro-
graph shows fascicles of spindle-shaped cells arranged
compactly (at left) and loosely (at right), with wavy
mildly pleomorphic nuclei, inconspicuous nucleoli, and
eosinophilic cytoplasm. (H-E stain; original magnifica-
tion, 3100.)

Plexiform Neurofibroma.—Plexiform neurofi- thought to arise from the pericytes surrounding

bromas are seen almost exclusively in the set- the capillaries and precapillary venules. In the
ting of neurofibromatosis type 1. These lesions central nervous system, these neoplasms usually
most commonly occur in the distribution of the arise from the dura. Previously known as simply
ophthalmic or maxillary divisions of the trigemi- hemangiopericytoma, this tumor has been reclassi-
nal nerve in young adults. The involved cranial fied into the category of a combined entity termed
nerves become diffusely enlarged. Histologically, solitary fibrous tumor/hemangiopericytoma in the
there is a multinodular pattern from the involve- 2016 update to the fourth edition of the WHO
ment of multiple fascicles, which are expanded classification of central nervous system neoplasms
by tumor cells and wisps of collagen. Lesions because of the similarities in the genetic makeup of
typically show peripheral T2 hyperintensity and these tumors (21). At histopathologic examination,
central hypointensity, a finding that has been la- the tumor exhibits a spectrum of two patterns.
beled as the “target sign” (Fig E1). Other features The classic solitary fibrous tumor–like pattern is a
of neurofibromatosis type 1, such as sphenoid patternless architecture of hypo- and hypercellular
wing dysplasia, can provide additional clues to areas of spindle-shaped to oval cells separated by
the diagnosis. The amount of enhancement after thick bands of keloid-like or amianthoid-like col-
administration of a gadolinium-based contrast lagen. The other pattern is that of a classic heman-
agent can be variable. Pointers to malignant giopericytoma, with high cellularity composed of
change in a plexiform neurofibroma are rapid ovoid cells with a haphazard pattern and a charac-
growth, an irregular infiltrative outline, loss of teristic branching “staghorn” pattern of vascula-
the target sign, disproportionate erosion of bone, ture. In the WHO classification, these tumors are
a peripheral enhancement pattern, peritumoral graded in a three-tier system, with grade I tumors
edema, and intratumoral cysts (19,20). being considered as benign and with grade II and
grade III tumors considered as malignant. Most of
Solitary Fibrous Tumor/Hemangiopericytoma.— these neoplasms harbor a genomic inversion at the
These are rare mesenchymal neoplasms that are 12q13 locus that fuses the NGFI-A binding pro-
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 3 Mahalingam et al  803

Figure 8.  Cavernous hemangioma in a 40-year-old woman with decreased vision in the
left eye that had been present for 6 months. No other clinically important cranial nerve
deficits were seen. (a) Axial T2-weighted MR image shows a homogeneous hyperintense
mass (arrow) in the left cavernous sinus and the left trigeminal cave (Meckel cave). The
superior orbital fissure (arrowhead) is not involved. (b) Axial T1-weighted MR image
obtained 2 minutes after contrast agent injection shows central enhancement within the
lesion. (c) Axial T1-weighted MR image obtained 9 minutes after contrast agent injection
shows complete fill-in of contrast agent, with homogeneous enhancement. (Note that
the gadolinium-enhanced images in b and c have a different axial orientation, compared
with the axial T2-weighted image in a.) (d) Scintigraphic image obtained after adminis-
tration of technetium 99m (99mTc) pertechnetate–labeled red blood cells shows accumu-
lation of the tracer within the lesion in the left cavernous sinus (arrow).

cavernous sinus or cerebellopontine angles and

have clinical behavior and imaging features dif-
ferent from their intra-axial counterparts (24,25).
Extra-axial hemangiomas occur more commonly
in middle-aged women. Microscopically, these le-
sions consist of numerous dilated vascular chan-
nels lined by endothelial cells.
tein 2 gene, NAB2, and the signal transducer and At MRI, cavernous hemangiomas are charac-
activator of transcription 6 gene, STAT6, leading terized by high signal intensity on T2-weighted
to STAT6 nuclear expression (22). and FLAIR MR images. Dynamic contrast-
The imaging features of solitary fibrous tumor/ enhanced T1-weighted MR images show char-
hemangiopericytoma closely mimic those of me- acteristic progressive “fill-in” of contrast agent,
ningiomas. Some of the clues that are suggestive with intense homogeneous enhancement on
of a diagnosis of solitary fibrous tumor/heman- late gadolinium-enhanced MR images (Fig 8).
giopericytoma are a narrow base of attachment Hemangiomas encasing the cavernous segment
to the dura, erosion of the adjacent bone, and of the ICA usually do not cause luminal nar-
the presence of associated flow voids (Fig E2). rowing of the ICA, in contrast to meningiomas,
On the other hand, meningiomas usually have a which tend to cause luminal narrowing of the
broad base of attachment to the dura, hyperosto- ICA. Scintigraphic imaging after administration
sis of adjacent bone, and intratumoral calcifica- of 99mTc pertechnetate–labeled red blood cells
tion. Solitary fibrous tumor/hemangiopericytoma demonstrates accumulation of tracer within the
also occurs in a younger age group, compared lesion, a finding that is said to be specific for
with meningiomas, which occur in patients in the making the diagnosis of cavernous hemangioma
5th to 7th decades (23). (25). Digital subtraction angiography may show
hypertrophic branches from the ICA and the ex-
Cavernous Hemangioma.—Cavernous heman­ ternal carotid artery, as well as variable vascular
g­iomas are not true neoplasms and are better blush (26). Establishing the diagnosis of cavern-
described as vascular malformations. In the ous hemangioma before surgery is of paramount
central nervous system, they are encountered importance, because these tumors are notorious
most commonly in the brain parenchyma. Extra- for causing profuse and often uncontrollable
axial hemangiomas are rare and can occur in the intraoperative hemorrhage.
804  May-June 2019

Figure 9.  Cavernous sinus melanoma in a 36-year-old woman who presented with headache,
which had been present for 3 years, numbness on the left side of the face, difficulty in chewing
on the left side, and diplopia, which had been present for 6 months. The patient had left lateral
rectus palsy, mild ptosis, left temporalis and masseter wasting, and an absent left corneal reflex.
(a) Axial nonenhanced CT image at the level of the cavernous sinuses shows a heterogeneous
mass with peripheral hyperattenuation in the left cavernous sinus. (b) Coronal T1-weighted
MR image shows the T1 hyperintensity of the mass (arrow). (c) Photomicrograph shows sheets
and nests of spindle-shaped to polygonal cells that are heavily pigmented and show moderate
nuclear pleomorphism and some prominent nucleoli. (H-E stain; original magnification, 3400.)

Melanocytoma or Melanoma.—Primary melano-

cytic tumors are said to arise from melanocytes in
the leptomeninges. These tumors can be benign
(represented by melanocytoma) or malignant
(melanoma). Malignant melanoma of the central
nervous system can be primary or metastatic. At
histopathologic examination, these tumors are
made up of polygonal to spindle-shaped cells.
Mitotic activity and nucleoli are inconspicuous in
melanocytomas but are prominent in melanomas.
Other pigmented neoplasms of the central nervous
system, such as melanocytic meningiomas and
melanocytic schwannomas, can mimic melanoma
at histopathologic examination.
Common sites of occurrence for melano-
cytoma or melanoma in the central nervous melanocytosis of the first and second divisions
system are the posterior fossa, the trigeminal of the trigeminal nerve (28).
cave (Meckel cave), and the cervical and tho-
racic spinal canal. Most patients with primary Tumors That Arise from Adjacent
me­ningeal melanocytoma are in the 5th decade Structures and Secondarily Invade
of life (27). Melanoma of the cavernous sinus is the Cavernous Sinus
a rare entity. These lesions are hyperattenuating
on CT images. At MRI, the lesions demonstrate Pituitary Adenoma.—Pituitary adenomas are
characteristic hyperintensity on T1-weighted the most common lesion to involve the cavern-
MR images and heterogeneous signal inten- ous sinus. They are primarily tumors of adults.
sity on T2-weighted MR images, with areas These tumors can be functional or clinically and
of hypointensity ascribed to the paramagnetic biochemically silent. Although prolactinomas
effects of melanin (Fig 9). Enhancement of a and corticotroph adenomas are more frequent in
melanoma of the cavernous sinus after admin- women, growth hormone–secreting adenomas are
istration of a gadolinium-based contrast agent more often found in men. Around a quarter of
can be variable, ranging from no enhancement all adenomas are the null-cell type (29). Around
to intense enhancement. This tumor can also 6%–10% of all pituitary adenomas invade the
be associated with cutaneous nevus of Ota and cavernous sinus.
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 3 Mahalingam et al  805

Figure 10.  Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma in a 15-year-old male patient presenting with recur-
rent epistaxis and nasal obstruction, which had been present for 3 years. (a) Axial gadolinium-enhanced
fat-suppressed T1-weighted MR image shows an intensely enhancing mass lesion centered in the left
pterygopalatine fossa, causing its expansion, with anterior bowing of the posterior wall of the left maxil-
lary sinus (white arrow). A normal right pterygopalatine fossa (black arrow) is also depicted. (b) Axial
gadolinium-enhanced fat-suppressed T1-weighted MR image obtained at a more cranial level than a
shows involvement of the left cavernous sinus and orbit by the lesion.

Invasion of the cavernous sinus is an impor- occur almost exclusively in adolescent male pa-
tant prognostic factor with regard to surgery for tients. Recurrent spontaneous epistaxis is the usual
pituitary adenomas, with a higher incidence of presenting symptom. Histologically, these tumors
both intraoperative ICA injury and postoperative consist of stellate and staghorn-shaped blood ves-
leakage of cerebrospinal fluid (CSF) when cav- sels embedded in an irregular fibrous stroma with
ernous sinus invasion is present. Hence, preoper- interspersed spindle-shaped fibroblasts. Cavernous
ative identification of cavernous sinus invasion is sinus invasion by juvenile nasopharyngeal angio-
of paramount importance. The lateral part of the fibroma can occur owing to skull base erosion or
dural sac of the pituitary gland forms the medial extension by way of the skull base foramina.
wall of the cavernous sinus, and its perforation Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibromas are
by the tumor indicates cavernous sinus invasion. generally hyperintense to muscle on T2-weighted
However, this thin dural layer is not depicted MR images and iso- to hypointense on T1-
with routine CT or MRI; and hence, indirect weighted MR images. Flow voids can be observed
signs have been proposed to predict cavernous within the lesion, reflecting its highly vascular
sinus invasion. Knosp et al (30) used medial, nature. Juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibromas
median, and lateral intercarotid lines to classify exhibit intense enhancement on gadolinium-
pituitary adenomas invading the cavernous sinus; enhanced MR images (Fig 10). Expansion of the
and Cottier et al (31) used the percentage of pterygopalatine fossa is an important diagnostic
ICA circumference contacting the tumor and the clue to a diagnosis of juvenile nasopharyngeal
invasion of five venous compartments around the angiofibroma. The lesion characteristically
ICA. These two classification systems are repre- causes anterior bowing of the posterior wall of
sented in Figure E3 (30,31). Greater than 67% the maxillary sinus. These tumors have a notori-
circumferential contact with the ICA indicates ous tendency to bleed profusely when dissected.
invasion, and less than 25% contact and the tu- Hence, preoperative endovascular embolization
mor not crossing the medial intercarotid line have of the tumor is a part of routine management of
high negative predictive values for invasion. these lesions (32,33).

Juvenile Nasopharyngeal Angiofibroma.—These Chondrosarcoma.—Cranial chondrosarcomas

lesions are locally aggressive, histologically benign usually arise from the skull base, most com-
neoplasms that arise in the nasal cavity or naso- monly at the site of the petro-occipital synchon-
pharynx near the sphenopalatine foramen. They drosis, and can extend to involve the cavernous
806  May-June 2019

Figure 11.  Chondrosarcoma in a 25-year-old man who presented with numbness on the left side of
the face, difficulty in chewing, diplopia on looking to the left, and a left-sided headache, which had been
present for 2 years. The patient had left lateral rectus palsy, left temporalis wasting, and an absent left
corneal reflex. (a) Axial nonenhanced CT image shows a mass causing expansion of the left petrous apex.
Note the large calcified component of the mass anteriorly (arrow). (b) Axial fat-suppressed T2-weighted
MR image shows a markedly hyperintense mass lesion (arrow) involving the posterior part of the left
cavernous sinus.

sinus. These lesions are usually slow growing consists of lobules containing highly vacuolated
but invasive lesions. Cranial chondrosarcomas physaliferous cells and pools of mucin sepa-
can be encountered in any age group, with the rated by fibrous septa. The chondroid variety
average age of occurrence being in the 4th and of chordoma may have histopathologic features
5th decades (34). On the basis of the histo- closely resembling those of chondrosarcomas,
pathologic findings, cranial chondrosarcomas and analysis of immunohistochemical markers is
are subdivided into three types: classic, mesen- often required for accurate distinction between
chymal, and dedifferentiated. The classic type these two entities. Chordomas are positive for
is the most common and consists of large cells epithelial markers such as cytokeratin and epi-
with abundant pale cytoplasm in a chondroid thelial membrane antigen, but chondrosarcomas
background matrix. are not (37). Chordomas are typically located in
MRI characteristically demonstrates high the midline of the skull base.
signal intensity in chondrosarcomas on T2- At imaging of chordomas, CT shows a well-de-
weighted MR images because of the chondroid fined soft-tissue mass with lytic destruction of the
matrix. Regions of low signal intensity can bone. At MRI, the signal intensity characteristics
be depicted owing to calcifications. The le- of chordomas parallel those of chondrosarcoma.
sions usually show marked enhancement on The T2 hyperintensity of chordomas is ascribed
gadolinium-enhanced MR images (35). CT to the high fluid content of the physaliferous cells.
demonstrates matrix calcification in a chondroid The chondroid variant of chondrosarcoma more
pattern (“ring and arc” pattern) and helps in the commonly has calcifications within (36). Differ-
assessment of bone destruction (Fig 11). entiation of chordomas from chondrosarcomas
can be difficult at imaging, especially if the lesion
Chordoma.—Chordomas are locally aggressive grows in a position off the midline.
neoplasms of the axial skeleton, with around
one-third occurring in the clivus. Chordomas Nasopharyngeal Carcinoma.—Nasopharyn-
are mostly encountered in patients who are in geal carcinomas are the most common primary
the 4th decade of life (36). Chordomas arise malignancy of the nasopharynx and the most
from notochordal cell rests. The clival chordo- common extracranial malignancy to invade the
mas arise from the spheno-occipital junction. cavernous sinus. Nasopharyngeal carcinomas
On the basis of the histopathologic findings, are encountered in patients in the 5th and 6th
chordomas can be classified into classic and decades of life. Nasopharyngeal carcinomas can
chondroid types. The classic type of chordoma be of two pathologic types: (a) the keratinizing
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 3 Mahalingam et al  807

type, which is similar in behavior to other head 40% of rhabdomyosarcomas occurring in the
and neck squamous cell carcinomas; and (b) the head and neck region. Common sites of occur-
non­keratinizing type, which is strongly associ- rence in the head and neck region include the
ated with Epstein-Barr virus infection. Cavernous nasopharynx, the parapharyngeal and mastica-
sinus involvement occurs by perineural spread or tor spaces, the paranasal sinuses, and the orbits.
by direct invasion of the skull base (38). Cavern- Rhabdomyosarcoma often manifests as a solitary
ous sinus involvement occurs late in the course of bulky heterogeneous mass (41). Rhabdomyosar-
the disease and represents T4 disease in the TNM coma can invade the cavernous sinus by way of
staging of nasopharyngeal carcinoma. The signal bone destruction or perineural extension.
intensity characteristics of nasopharyngeal car-
cinomas at MRI are nonspecific—iso- to hypo­ Suprasellar Neoplasms.—A wide spectrum of
intense on T1-weighted MR images, hyperintense lesions can arise in the suprasellar region and
on T2-weighted MR images, and heterogeneous secondarily involve the cavernous sinus. More
enhancement on gadolinium-enhanced MR im- common among these lesions are (a) germ cell
ages. Bulky metastatic cervical lymphadenopathy tumors and (b) craniopharyngiomas.
is usually seen (Fig E4). Intracranial germ cell tumors are a heteroge-
neous group of lesions that occur in the pineal
Adenoid Cystic Carcinoma.—Adenoid cystic and suprasellar region. Of these lesions, 90%
carcinomas are malignant tumors of the mi- occur in patients before the age of 20 years
nor and major salivary glands, with a marked (42). Intracranial germ cell tumors are broadly
propensity for perineural spread. These lesions divided into germinomatous and nongermino-
account for about one-third of all minor salivary matous tumors (namely, embryonal carcinoma,
gland tumors (33). Common sites of origin in yolk sac tumor, and choriocarcinoma). Supra-
the head and neck are the palate, nasopharynx, sellar germinomas classically manifest with
parapharyngeal space, buccal mucosa, and the diabetes insipidus, emaciation, or precocious
tongue. Adenoid cystic carcinomas can occur in puberty. Peculiar to germ cell tumors is the se-
a wide range of age groups, with a peak rate of cretion of protein markers, such as α-fetoprotein
occurrence in the 5th and 6th decades. Adenoid and the beta subunit of human chorionic go-
cystic carcinomas have an apparently indolent nadotropin, that can be detected in the serum
course but have aggressive long-term behavior, and CSF. The combination of extremely high
with high rates of recurrence. On the basis of levels of these proteins and the presence of a
their architecture, adenoid cystic carcinomas suprasellar mass virtually clinches the diagnosis
can be divided into three types—tubular, crib- of germ cell tumor. These tumors have a varied
riform, and solid, in order of increasing aggres- appearance at imaging; germinomas usually are
siveness (39). solid, and nongerminomatous lesions are said
MRI is the modality of choice for staging to be more heterogeneous, with cystic and solid
adenoid cystic carcinomas, owing to its superior areas. Nongerminomatous lesions tend to be
delineation of perineural extension. Gadolin- more invasive (Fig E6). Imaging features are not
ium-enhanced fat-suppressed MR images are specific enough to be used to distinguish be-
useful for this purpose (Fig E5). Although the tween germinomatous and nongerminomatous
presence of a small primary carcinoma with germ cell tumors. Teratomas can manifest as a
extensive perineural spread may provide a clue heterogeneous cystic mass with fat and calcifica-
to this diagnosis, this feature is not specific tion (43).
and may be seen in other malignancies, such Craniopharyngiomas are sellar and/or supra-
as squamous cell carcinoma, mucoepidermoid sellar tumors that arise from remnants of the
carcinoma, melanoma, and lymphoma (40). craniopharyngeal duct. Cavernous sinus inva-
sion is rare. Craniopharyngioma has a bimodal
Sinonasal Carcinoma.—Carcinoma of the age distribution, with peaks in the 2nd decade
paranasal sinus can involve the cavernous sinus and in the 4th to 6th decades. Craniopharyngio-
by way of direct invasion and bone destruction. mas are divided into two types: (a) the adaman-
Sphenoid sinus carcinoma, although rare and tinomatous type, which occurs predominantly in
accounting for less than 1% of all sinonasal car- children and is characterized by the presence of
cinomas, is the most common of the sinonasal wet keratin, stellate reticulum, and cholesterol
carcinomas to invade the cavernous sinus, owing granuloma; and (b) the papillary type, which
to its anatomic proximity (33). occurs in adults and shows more squamous
differentiation. Adamantinomatous craniopha-
Rhadomyosarcoma.—Rhabdomyosarcoma is a ryngiomas have a T1-hyperintense component
tumor of the pediatric age group, with around owing to “motor oil cysts” (“machine oil cysts”)
808  May-June 2019

Figure 12.  Lymphoma in a 61-year-old man who presented with left-sided fa-
cial pain, diplopia, weight loss, and fever, which had been present for 2 months.
(a) Axial T2-weighted fat-saturated MR image shows isointense soft tissue involv-
ing and expanding the left cavernous sinus (arrow). (b, c) Axial diffusion-weighted
MR image (b) and apparent diffusion coefficient map (c) show diffusion restric-
tion within the mass lesion (arrow on b) in the left cavernous sinus. (d) Axial PET/
CT fusion image shows intense uptake of fluorine 18 fluorodeoxyglucose (FDG)
within the mass (arrow). Multiple other lesions with intense FDG uptake were also
found in the lungs, kidneys, liver, and multiple lymph nodes (not shown). The
findings from histopathologic examination of the specimen from biopsy disclosed
high-grade non-Hodgkin lymphoma.

and are frequently calcified; papillary craniopha-

ryngiomas are solid and are not calcified (44).

Systemic Neoplasia

Lymphoma.—Systemic lymphoma and leukemia

can involve the cavernous sinus either by direct
extension from adjacent structures, such as the
marrow of surrounding bones or the nasophar-
ynx, or by hematogenous dissemination. Most of
these lesions represent non-Hodgkin lymphoma.
A primary lymphomatous lesion of the cavern- those seen in other aggressive neoplasms, such
ous sinus without evidence of systemic disease as lymphoma and metastasis.
is exceedingly rare (45). At MRI, lymphoma-
tous lesions often are T2 hypointense and show Histiocytosis.—Histiocytosis is the term applied
diffusion restriction owing to their high cel- to a group of disorders that are characterized by
lularity. On gadolinium-enhanced MR images, proliferation of macrophages and dendritic cells
these lesions demonstrate intense enhancement. and that occur predominantly in children. Ac-
Lymphoma can mimic Tolosa-Hunt syndrome cording to the WHO classification, these disor-
clinically and radiologically (46). PET plays an ders are divided into three groups: (a) dendritic
important role in assessing the extent of sys- cell disorders, such as Langerhans cell histio-
temic disease involvement (Fig 12). cytosis and Erdheim-Chester disease; (b) mac-
rophage disorders, such as Rosai-Dorfman
Myeloma or Plasmacytoma.—Cavernous sinus disease; and (c) malignant histiocytic disorders.
involvement can be due to invasion from adja- The most commonly encountered entity among
cent bone marrow disease (myeloma) or can be these disorders is Langerhans cell histiocytosis
due to extramedullary plasmacytoma occurring (49). Lan­ger­hans cell histiocytosis is character-
within the cavernous sinus (47,48). Patients ized histologically by myeloid dendritic cells that
with primary extramedullary plasmacytoma are positive for CD1a and demonstrate Birbeck
may go on to develop multiple myeloma later. granules at electron microscopic examination.
Imaging features are nonspecific and mimic These cells are accompanied by lymphocytes
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 3 Mahalingam et al  809

Figure 13.  Cavernous sinus thrombosis in a 24-year-old woman who presented with headache, which
had been present for 2 weeks, left-sided exophthalmos, and multiple episodes of seizures during the
previous 24 hours. (a) Coronal T2-weighted MR image shows a bulky left cavernous sinus with a convex
lateral margin (arrow). (b) Axial contrast-enhanced fat-suppressed T1-weighted MR image shows filling
defects in the left cavernous sinus (arrow) and in the left superior ophthalmic vein (arrowhead). Also note
the abnormal enhancement of the retro-orbital fat, with enhancing soft-tissue thickening in the preseptal
space of the left orbit.

and eosinophils. These disorders can occasion- the most common and is managed primarily by
ally involve the cavernous sinus, either owing to controlling the source of sepsis with medical and
contiguous invasion from a skull base lesion or surgical means. Digital subtraction angiography
owing to dural disease. These lesions have been plays an important role in the management of
described as being hypointense on T2-weighted CCF and ICA aneurysm.
MR images and demonstrate variable contrast
enhancement (50) (Fig E7). Cavernous Sinus Thrombosis
Cavernous sinus thrombosis most often occurs
Metastasis.—Metastasis to the cavernous sinus as a complication of bacterial or fungal sepsis in
can occur by way of hematogenous, perineural, the paranasal sinuses, the face, the orbits, and
or direct vascular spread. Head and neck ma- the skull base. The tributaries of the cavernous
lignancies are the most common ones to me- sinus do not possess any valves and allow bidirec-
tastasize to the cavernous sinus. Distant tumors tional flow, thus predisposing the sinus to septic
that metastasize to the cavernous sinus are lung, involvement (51). The clinical manifestations of
breast, renal, and gastric malignancies (14). An cavernous sinus thrombosis are often dramatic
aggressive cavernous sinus lesion in the presence and are characterized by sudden-onset painful
of a known malignancy at another site often ophthalmoplegia, exophthalmos, and vision loss.
clinches the diagnosis of metastatic disease. Cavernous sinus thrombosis is more common in
However, cavernous sinus syndrome owing to patients with diabetes and those with an immu-
metastatic involvement may occasionally be the nocompromised status.
presenting symptom of an occult malignancy. Imaging signs of cavernous sinus thrombosis
Diagnosis of a metastatic lesion should be given include a bulky cavernous sinus, a convex con-
consideration especially when a lesion with ag- figuration of the lateral wall, and filling defects
gressive features, such as bone destruction, is within the sinus. Pitfalls in interpretation of cav-
encountered. ernous sinus filling defects are highlighted in the
section, “Pitfalls in Interpretation and Pseudole-
Vascular Conditions sions.” Indirect signs that support the diagnosis
Vascular lesions of the cavernous sinus—namely, of cavernous sinus thrombosis are back pressure
cavernous sinus thrombosis, CCF, and ICA an- changes such as an engorged or thrombosed
eurysm—are great clinical mimics, with a wide superior ophthalmic vein manifest as a loss of
variety of clinical manifestations varying from its flow void, ipsilateral retro-orbital fat strand-
trivial to life threatening. Among this category ing, bulky extraocular muscles, and exophthal-
of cavernous sinus lesions, septic thrombosis is mos (52) (Fig 13). T1 and T2 signal intensity
810  May-June 2019

Figure 14.  CCF in a 20-year-old man with a history of head injury 1 month ago and progressive left exophthalmos during the previ-
ous 2 weeks. (a) Axial fat-suppressed T2-weighted MR image shows a bulky and hypointense left cavernous sinus (black arrowhead)
with left-sided exophthalmos. Also note the stranding of the retrobulbar fat and the prominent extraocular muscles in the left orbit
(white arrowheads). (b) Coronal T2-weighted MR image of the orbits shows a dilated left superior ophthalmic vein (arrow). (c) Digi-
tal subtraction angiographic image of the left ICA obtained in the lateral view shows opacification of the left cavernous sinus (arrow)
and its tributaries in the early arterial phase. SOV = superior ophthalmic vein.

is not reliable for the diagnosis of cavernous ICA Aneurysm

sinus thrombosis in isolation, because the signal Aneurysms arising from the cavernous segment
intensity of a normal cavernous sinus is variable. of the intracranial ICA constitute around 2%–
Diffusion-weighted MRI can be especially useful 9% of all intracranial aneurysms and around 5%
in the acute stages of cavernous sinus throm- of giant aneurysms (>2.5 cm) (55). Most cav-
bosis and can demonstrate diffusion restriction ernous ICA aneurysms are asymptomatic and
within the sinus itself (Fig E8). are incidentally detected at imaging, most often
in women older than 50 years (56). When these
Carotid-Cavernous Fistula aneurysms are symptomatic, the most common
CCF represents an abnormal communication manifestation is diplopia and headache owing to
from the carotid artery to the cavernous sinus; this mass effect. Rupture can rarely occur and can
communication can be either direct or indirect by manifest with symptoms unique to the location
way of the branches of the carotid artery. CCF can of these aneurysms, such as epistaxis, spontane-
be traumatic or spontaneous, with the traumatic ous CCF, subarachnoid hemorrhage, and cere-
type being more common, representing 75% of all bral infarction owing to distal embolization.
CCFs (53). Most of the posttraumatic CCFs are At CT, cavernous ICA aneurysms are mildly
encountered in young male subjects. In contrast, hyperattenuating compared with brain paren-
spontaneous CCFs are more common in older fe- chyma and can show peripheral curvilinear
male subjects. The clinical manifestations of CCF, calcifications. The signal intensity within the
especially the direct type, tend to be dramatic, aneurysm on MR images can be highly variable
with progressive pulsatile exophthalmos, chemosis, and depends on the patency of and flow rate
and diplopia. The indirect type of CCF has a more through the aneurysm. On T2-weighted MR
insidious onset and can mimic an inflammatory images, the aneurysm can be seen as a flow void
cause, with a waxing and waning course. or can be heterogeneously hyperintense ow-
The reference standard for diagnosis of CCF ing to slow flow or partial thrombosis (Fig 15).
is digital subtraction angiography. Features Pulsation artifacts can also be seen. Completely
of CCF at routine MRI include a bulky ipsi- thrombosed aneurysms generally demonstrate
lateral cavernous sinus, exaggerated adjacent iso- to hyperintense signal intensity on both
flow voids, a dilated superior ophthalmic vein, T1- and T2-weighted MR images (57) (Fig E9).
stranding of the retro-orbital fat, and bulky ex- Digital subtraction angiography plays an impor-
traocular muscles (Fig 14). CT angiography has tant role in planning management of cavernous
been shown to be equivalent to digital subtrac- ICA aneurysms. It is important to note that the
tion angiography and better than MR angiogra- signal intensity of the lesion on MR images can
phy in the detection of CCFs (54). Transarterial be misleading, and the clue to diagnosis is the
or transvenous endovascular embolization is the round shape of the lesion and its continuity with
preferred method of treatment. the ICA.
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 3 Mahalingam et al  811

Figure 15.  ICA aneurysm in a 50-year-old woman with a history of occasional headache for 2 years who
presented with right hemiparesis, which had been present for 1 day after an episode of loss of conscious-
ness. (a) Axial fat-suppressed T2-weighted MR image shows a rounded heterogeneous lesion in the left
cavernous sinus. The heterogeneous signal intensity within the lesion is due to turbulent flow. A few small
acute infarcts were seen in the left frontal lobe in the territory of the middle cerebral artery (not shown).
(b) Digital subtraction angiographic image of the left ICA obtained in the lateral view shows a large an-
eurysm involving the cavernous segment of the ICA.

Infective and invasive, and chronic granulomatous invasive

Inflammatory Conditions types on the basis of histologic criteria (58).
A wide spectrum of infective and inflammatory The acute invasive, or fulminant, subtype of
disorders can affect the cavernous sinus, includ- invasive fungal infection occurs in the setting
ing fungal infections (acute or chronic), tuber- of immunocompromise, such as uncontrolled
culosis, actinomycosis, sarcoidosis, immuno- diabetes mellitus or posttransplant immunosup-
globulin G4 (IgG4)–related disease, idiopathic pression, and is characterized by a painless, ne-
hypertrophic pachymeningitis, granulomatosis crotic black nasal septal or palatal ulcer that rap-
with polyangiitis, and Tolosa-Hunt syndrome. idly progresses into full-blown cavernous sinus
Considerable overlap exists in the radiologic syndrome and ICA thrombosis, with extremely
findings of cavernous sinus involvement in infec- high mortality rates. Angioinvasion by fungal
tive or inflammatory diseases; the most common hyphae is characteristic of this disease. The
findings encountered are a bulky cavernous si- previously described imaging features of cavern-
nus and increased enhancement, which may ex- ous sinus thrombosis are seen. MRI can be used
tend to the orbit or the adjacent dura. Imaging to assess the extent of disease much better than
clues that point to infection or inflammation as CT. Bone erosion, although a specific feature
the possible cause, as compared with neoplasms, suggestive of invasive disease, often occurs late
are a sheetlike configuration of the abnormal in the course of the disease. The infarcted tissue
soft tissue and T2 hypointensity. However, characteristically has a nonenhancing T2-hy-
certain neoplasms, such as lymphoma and en pointense nature; in the nasal turbinate, this fea-
plaque meningioma, can mimic these findings. ture has been called the “black turbinate sign”
Among this spectrum of infective and inflam- (Fig 16) (59). Diffusion-weighted MRI can
matory disorders, Tolosa-Hunt syndrome is a show infarction of the optic nerve or the brain
diagnosis of exclusion; other disease processes parenchyma either owing to direct parenchymal
are diagnosed by specific serum or histopatho- invasion or ICA invasion and thrombosis.
logic biomarkers. Individual disease processes The chronic invasive and chronic granu-
are reviewed in the following paragraphs, with lomatous invasive subtypes of invasive fungal
an emphasis on multidisciplinary evaluation. infection generally occur in immunocompetent
patients, although diabetes mellitus and steroid
Fungal Infection therapy are risk factors. The disease evolves
Cavernous sinus involvement with fungal infec- during a period of months to years and is
tion is due to spread from an invasive fungal characterized by dense accumulation of fungal
infection of the paranasal sinus. Invasive fungal hyphae and mixed bone erosion and sclerosis
infection is classified into acute invasive, chronic (60). CT shows hyperattenuating soft tissue
812  May-June 2019

Figure 16.  Acute invasive fungal infection in a 62-year-old man with uncontrolled diabetes mellitus
who presented with right facial pain, which had been present for 1 week, loss of vision in the right eye,
and a fever, which had been present for 2 days. The level of hemoglobin A1c at admission was 13.6 g/
dL. (a) Coronal contrast-enhanced T1-weighted MR image shows mucosal thickening involving the right
maxillary sinus (white arrow) and nonenhancing nasal turbinates (black arrow) on the right side. (b) Axial
contrast-enhanced fat-suppressed T1-weighted MR image shows a filling defect in the right cavernous
sinus (black arrowhead), as well as right exophthalmos (white arrowhead). (c) Photomicrograph shows
necrotic debris with occasional broad aseptate basophilic fungal hyphae (arrow). Fungal culture (not
shown) grew Aspergillus flavus and Rhizopus arrhizus. (H-E stain; original magnification, 3200.)

in the sinuses, which demonstrates markedly

T2-hypointense signal intensity attributed to
the accumulation of paramagnetic ions in the
fungal hyphae. These chronic invasive subtypes
are great mimics of the noninfective inflamma-
tory spectrum of diseases, both clinically and
at imaging. Moreover, if corticosteroid therapy
is inadvertently administered to a patient with
invasive fungal disease, the therapy can cause
rapid worsening of the disease. Histopathologic
examination hence plays a central role in diag-
nosing invasive fungal disease.

Tuberculosis is an infectious disease caused by
Mycobacterium tuberculosis that can rarely involve temic disease or rarely as isolated cavernous sinus
the cavernous sinus, with both acute (61) and disease. Elevated serum angiotensin-converting
chronic cavernous sinus syndrome (62) being enzyme levels may provide a clue to the diagno-
reported in the literature. Disease manifestation sis, although this finding is not specific or sensi-
of the chronic form can mimic meningioma and tive. The results of histopathologic examination
other chronic inflammatory disorders, with the show noncaseating granulomas, with no organ-
diagnosis being established by histopathologic isms or other causes of granulomatous reaction
demonstration of granulomatous inflamma- (63) (Fig 17).
tion with caseous necrosis (Fig E10). Culture of
M tuberculosis from the biopsy sample is the only IgG4-related Disease
definitive proof of diagnosis but is often elusive. IgG4-related disease is a recently recognized
multisystemic fibroinflammatory disease entity
Sarcoidosis characterized by lesions with a dense IgG4-
Sarcoidosis is a multisystem granulomatous positive lymphoplasmacytic infiltrate, storiform
disorder of unknown etiology. Cavernous sinus fibrosis, and elevated serum IgG4 levels (64). Al-
involvement is rare. It can occur as part of sys- though first recognized in the context of autoim-
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 3 Mahalingam et al  813

Figure 17.  Sarcoidosis in a 64-year-old man who presented with cognitive impairment, which had been present
for 1 year, polyuria, and polydipsia, which had been present for 2 months. There were no cranial nerve deficits.
(a) Coronal T2-weighted MR image shows T2-hypointense soft tissue (arrow) involving the right sphenoid sinus and
the right cavernous sinus. (b) Photomicrograph shows a supraclavicular lymph node with its architecture partially
effaced by discrete granulomas composed of epithelioid histiocytes admixed with few lymphocytes, and Langhans-
type (white arrows) and foreign body–type (straight black arrow) multinucleate giant cells. Basophilic concentric
lamellar bodies (curved black arrow), resembling Schaumann bodies, are depicted. Serum angiotensin-converting
enzyme levels were within normal limits. (H-E stain; original magnification, 3100.)

mune pancreatitis, IgG4-related disease has now of the histopathologic findings exists with those
been reported to involve almost all organ systems. of idiopathic hypertrophic pachymeningitis
Similar to sarcoidosis, it is a unifying histologic and inflammatory pseudotumor, with only
diagnosis for diverse clinical syndromes. Ume- the involved location being different. Tolosa-
hara et al (65) have proposed comprehensive Hunt syndrome is a diagnosis of exclusion that
diagnostic criteria for this disease on the basis of requires careful ruling out of alternative diagno-
serum IgG4 levels and histologic criteria. Cav- ses. Common clinical features include orbital or
ernous sinus involvement is often accompanied retro-orbital pain, paresis of the cavernous sinus
by orbital and dural disease characterized by nerves, Horner syndrome, symptoms lasting for
T2-hypointense thickening of involved tissue and a period of days to weeks, an absence of a sys-
marked enhancement after administration of a temic or CSF inflammatory reaction, occasional
gadolinium-based contrast agent (Fig E11). The spontaneous remissions, and dramatic improve-
nerves of the cavernous sinus may show thicken- ment with administration of corticosteroid
ing and enhancement (66). therapy (68). In contrast to other inflammatory
disorders, biopsy is not essential to establish the
Granulomatosis with Polyangiitis diagnosis. Biopsy is restricted to patients with
Formerly known as Wegener granulomatosis, rapidly progressive disease and a lack of re-
granulomatosis with polyangiitis is a necrotizing sponse to corticosteroid therapy.
small-vessel vasculitis characterized by involve- In patients with Tolosa-Hunt syndrome, MRI
ment of the nose and/or paranasal sinuses, the shows enhancing soft-tissue thickening of the
lungs, and the kidneys. The findings at histo- cavernous sinus and superior orbital fissure (Fig
pathologic examination reveal leukocytoclastic E12). The thickening is usually isointense to
vasculitis with necrosis and palisading histiocytes gray matter on T1-weighted MR images and iso-
(67). The levels of cytoplasmic antineutrophil to hypointense on T2-weighted MR images (69).
cytoplasmic antibody (c-ANCA) are often but The cavernous ICA may show mild narrowing.
not always elevated. Cavernous sinus involvement More important, imaging plays a crucial role
is uncommon and can occur because of contigu- in demonstrating a lack of disease outside the
ous extension from the orbit or paranasal sinus or region of the cavernous sinus, superior orbital
because of de novo dural disease. fissure, and orbital apex region, as well as in
ruling out mimics such as mass lesions (68). Be-
Tolosa-Hunt Syndrome cause the diagnosis is made only on the basis of
Tolosa-Hunt syndrome is a syndrome of painful the clinical and imaging features, close follow-
ophthalmoplegia caused by a nonspecific inflam- up is usually recommended for at least 2 years
mation of the superior orbital fissure–cavernous after establishing the diagnosis of Tolosa-Hunt
sinus region on one side. Considerable overlap syndrome (70).
814  May-June 2019

Figure 18.  Epidermoid cyst in a 9-year-old girl who presented

with intermittent headache, which had been present for 4 years,
and preferential use of the left eye. (a) Axial fat-suppressed T2-
weighted MR image shows a T2-hyperintense lesion (arrow) in the
right cavernous sinus; the lesion was depicted medial to the lateral
dura of the cavernous sinus. (b, c) Axial diffusion-weighted MR im-
age (b) and apparent diffusion coefficient map (c) show diffusion
restriction within the lesion. No enhancement was demonstrated
(image not shown). (d) Photomicrograph shows the cyst wall
composed of fibrocollagenous tissue lined by stratified squamous
epithelial cells and lamellated keratin. Adnexal structures are not
present. (H-E stain; original magnification, 3100.)

Congenital and Miscellaneous


Epidermoid and Dermoid Cysts

Epidermoid cysts and dermoid cysts are con-
genital lesions that occur because of a disorder MRI are characteristic. The lesions are T2 hy-
in the cleavage of cutaneous elements from the perintense, with signal intensity equal to that of
neuroectoderm. Both of these types of cysts are the CSF, and T1 hypointense; they show partial
lined by stratified squamous epithelium and suppression of signal intensity on FLAIR MR
filled with desquamated skin cells. An epider- images; they show diffusion restriction; and they
moid cyst is distinguished from a dermoid cyst do not enhance (Fig 18). High-spatial-resolution
by the lack of dermal elements and append- steady-state or heavily T2-weighted MR images
ages (sebaceous glands, apocrine glands, and help to clearly outline the wall of the lesion.
hair). Dermoid and epidermoid cysts are slow Occasional lesions have T1-hyperintense signal
growing and manifest in an insidious manner. intensity and have been described as “white
Rarely, they can rupture, with resultant chemical epidermoids” (71).
meningitis (71). Dermoid cysts are around 3–10 times less
A parasellar location is the second most com- common than epidermoid cysts (73). Simi-
mon location, after the cerebellopontine angle, lar to epidermoid cysts, dermoid cysts can be
for intracranial epidermoid cysts. On the basis extra­dural or interdural in location. Extradural
of their location, they can be classified into lesions tend to have adjacent skull base erosion
(a) extra­cavernous (most commonly arising and encase the ICA; interdural lesions do not
from the trigeminal cave) with cavernous sinus show skull base erosions and tend to displace
invasion, (b) interdural (between the two layers the ICA medially. The signal intensity character-
of the lateral wall of the cavernous sinus), or istics of dermoid cysts generally parallel those of
(c) true intracavernous (tending to encase the fat at MRI, owing to their cholesterol content.
ICA and push the nerves laterally). Interdural Dermoid cysts are hyperintense on T1-weighted
lesions are adherent to the nerves and usually MR images and are of variable signal intensity
cannot be resected completely (72). The features on T2-weighted MR images. Thin peripheral
of epidermoid cysts of the cavernous sinus at enhancement can be seen (71).
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 3 Mahalingam et al  815

Figure 19.  CSF pseudocyst in a 55-year-old

woman who presented with diplopia, which
had been present for 2 months. She had un-
dergone surgery for a pituitary macroadenoma
11 years ago. (a) Coronal T2-weighted MR
image shows a thin-walled T2-hyperintense
lesion (arrow) occupying the right cavernous
sinus and the right side of the sella. (b) Coro-
nal gadolinium-enhanced T1-weighted MR im-
age shows no associated enhancement in the
lesion (arrow). (c)  Coronal contrast-enhanced
T1-weighted MR image obtained 11 years ago
(before the previous surgery) shows a hypoen-
hancing pituitary macroadenoma (arrow) with
right cavernous sinus invasion and complete
encasement of the right ICA.

Arachnoid Cyst CSF signal intensity and showed no enhancement

Arachnoid cysts are benign congenital CSF- (Fig 19). This lesion was surgically decompressed,
containing unilocular cysts that are lined by a and the patient had an uneventful recovery.
thin collagenous membrane and arachnoid cells.
Arachnoid cyst of the cavernous sinus is extremely Pitfalls in Interpretation
rare, with only a few case reports in the literature and Pseudolesions
(74,75). The cranial nerves in the lateral wall
of the cavernous sinus are sheathed by separate Asymmetry
arachnoid membranes, and an arachnoid cyst may The cavernous sinuses are not always bilater-
form when CSF gets trapped within these mem- ally symmetric at imaging. This finding could be
branes. The signal intensity of the lesions parallels either related to the imaging technique (owing
that of the CSF with use of all MRI sequences, to unintended obliquity in the plane of acquisi-
and the lesions do not enhance. Heavily T2- tion) or related to the patient (owing to actual
weighted MR images are useful in demonstrating difference in the shape and width of the cavern-
the wall of the lesion. ous sinus). Asymmetry of the cavernous sinuses
is a natural variation that can be mistaken for a
CSF Pseudocyst lesion, especially on the contrast-enhanced im-
Intracranial collections of CSF can occur after sur- ages, when the contrast material opacification
gery or trauma. Such lesions can occasionally oc- within the cavernous sinus and within the ICA is
cur in the cavernous sinus and cause symptoms by equal. One of the cavernous sinuses can appear
exerting mass effect on the nerves. We encountered comparatively bulky. This finding needs to be
a patient who had undergone surgery for a pitu- correlated with the patient’s symptoms. Other
itary macroadenoma in the remote past and now ways of resolving this issue are (a) reviewing the
presented with diplopia. Imaging showed a cystic T2-weighted axial and coronal MR images that
lesion in a sellar-parasellar location; the lesion had clearly show a more tortuous course of the ICA
816  May-June 2019

Table 2: Clues to the Differential Diagnosis of Cavernous Sinus Lesions on the

Basis of Their Imaging Appearance

Imaging Clue Diagnosis

T2 hypointensity Chronic inflammation, fungal infection, Langerhans cell histio-
cytosis, lymphoma, aneurysm with flow void
Marked T2 hyperin- Cavernoma, hemangioma, chondrosarcoma
T1 hyperintensity Dermoid cyst, melanoma, adenoma with hemorrhage, aneu-
rysm with thrombosis and/or slow flow, lipoma
Calcifications Chondrosarcoma, chordoma
CT hyperattenuation Meningioma, melanoma, highly cellular neoplasms, throm-
bosed aneurysm
Hyperostosis Meningioma
Hemorrhage Adenoma, schwannoma
Intense homogeneous Meningioma, lymphoma, cavernous hemangioma, aneurysm,
enhancement juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, chronic inflammatory
Diffusion restriction Lymphoma, epidermoid cyst
Dural disease Meningioma, inflammatory disease
Perineural extension Neurogenic tumors, adenoid cystic carcinoma, nasopharyngeal
carcinoma, melanoma, lymphoma
Constriction of the Meningioma, inflammatory lesions
Flow voids Hemangiopericytoma, juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma,
Dilated superior oph- CCF, cavernous sinus thrombosis
thalmic vein

within the bulky-appearing cavernous sinus and travenous catheters or owing to trauma. In patients
(b) assessing the lateral border of the cavernous without symptoms of cavernous sinus syndrome,
sinus—this border remains straight or concave this finding is not of much clinical importance (77).
even if the cavernous sinus is apparently bulky
owing to natural variation, as compared with a Incomplete Opacification of the
convex lateral margin when the cavernous sinus is Cavernous Sinus
involved by a lesion (Fig E13). The cavernous sinuses are opacified at a later
time than other dural venous sinuses. First-pass
Fat in the Cavernous Sinus multidetector CT angiographic images often show
Fat can normally be seen within the cavernous si- inadequate contrast opacification of the cavern-
nus, more commonly in the anterior part near the ous sinus (9). Even at delayed phase imaging
superior orbital fissure and in the region posterior performed with a time delay of 40 seconds, not all
to the ICA. The results of microanatomic stud- images show adequate cavernous sinus opacifica-
ies have shown that intracavernous adipose tissue tion. Moreover, first-pass images can show partial
has a dumbbell-shaped configuration between the opacification of the cavernous sinus, mimicking
ICA and the cranial nerves (5). At CT, promi- thrombosis (Fig E14). Thus when cavernous sinus
nent fat attenuation can be depicted in patients thrombosis is suspected, delayed phase imaging
with Cushing syndrome or can even be a normal (scanning delay of at least 45 seconds after con-
variant (76). This finding should not be mistaken trast material injection) is required to definitively
for a mass lesion. At CT, inexperienced readers rule out filling defects (78). Acquisition can also be
can mistake fat within the cavernous sinus for air planned in the craniocaudal direction, which pro-
owing to its low attenuation; this problem is easily vides some extra time for cavernous sinus filling.
resolved by using a wide window setting.
Clues to Differential Diagnosis and
Gas in the Cavernous Sinus Algorithmic Approach
At head CT, air attenuation in the cavernous sinus Although in certain cases, imaging features are
can occasionally be depicted. This finding occurs pathognomonic, considerable overlap often exists
probably as a result of venous air emboli from in- among the imaging findings of the various patho-
RG  •  Volume 39  Number 3 Mahalingam et al  817

Figure 20.  Diagram of a diagnostic algorithm for an imaging-based differential diagnosis of cavernous sinus lesions. CS = cavernous
sinus, JNA = juvenile nasopharyngeal angiofibroma, LCH = Langerhans cell histiocytosis, PPF = pterygopalatine fossa.

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