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Puppet Master

Level Proficiency Bonus Features Upgrades Jutsu Known Highest Rank Jutsu Known
1st +3 Puppet Specialization, Specialization Upgrade 1 6 D-Rank
2nd +3 Chakra Enhanced Retrofit 1 6 D-Rank
3rd +3 Puppet Specialization (2) 3 7 D-Rank
4th +4 Ability Score Improvement/Feat 3 7 D-Rank
5th +4 Puppet Specialization (3) 5 8 C-Rank
6th +4 Broad Knowledge 5 8 C-Rank
7th +5 Chakra Reconstruction, Tool Expertise 6 9 C-Rank
8th +5 Ability Score Improvement/Feat 6 9 C-Rank
9th +5 — 8 10 B-Rank
10th +6 Improved Puppet Crafting 8 10 B-Rank
11th +6 Puppetry Savant 9 11 B-Rank
12th +6 Ability Score Improvement/Feat 9 11 B-Rank
13th +7 — 10 12 A-Rank
14th +7 Puppet Specialization (4) 10 12 A-Rank
15th +7 — 11 13 A-Rank
16th +8 Ability Score Improvement/Feat 11 13 A-Rank
17th +8 — 12 14 S-Rank
18th +8 Upgrade Efficiency 12 14 S-Rank
19th +9 Ability Score Improvement/Feat 13 15 S-Rank
20th +9 Peerless Puppeteer 15 15 S-Rank

weapons, traps, poisons, and various other mechanisms.

Puppet Master These puppets are incredibly difficult to use, and are only
A Ryu sits in a tree, watching over her target as they usable by those who have dedicated their lives to the art.
approach. A smile spreads across her face as she open up the
giant box she carried with her, removing the giant mechanical Character Inspirations
scorpion and dropping it onto her target, enclosing them When designing this class, it was built with the intent to
   inside it. allow players to utilize ninja puppets of different types,
With a loud explosion, a figure lands in the middle of the specializing in one or two. Players would be able to create
    battlefield. As the dust clears, a hulking presence stands and utilize puppets for stealth or combat, while keeping
    amidst the war-torn battlefield, a giant humanoid of wood themselves a little safer than others, or use them to gain new
                                   and steel. The creaking head swivels to abilities for themselves. The characters this class is pulling
                                   inspect the wreckage. It raises one of its inspiration from are as follows: Kankuro, Sasori, and Chiyo.
                                   4 arms, and a beam of chakra lances out
                                     towards an enemy. Creating a Puppet Master
                                   These shinobi, different as they might
                                       be, are connected by one common When creating a Puppet Master, think about your character's
                                      factor: they are masters of the art of background and drive to be a shinobi. Does the character
                                    ninja puppetry. This fighting form was have a rival? What drove your character down the path of
                                    created in Sunagakure, utilizing chakra ninja puppetry? Is it about curiosity and invention, or about
                                     threads to control specialized ninja the power their puppets bring? Did your character learn from
                                   tools. The puppets that these ninja use another puppet master, or receive a vision or flash of
                                are hand-crafted, and special to each inspiration to learn their craft?
                              puppeteer. They are equipped with Consider how your character interacts with the world, and
what they represent. Consult your DM regarding brigades,

guilds, or societies your character might belong to. Jutsu Known
You know 6 jutsu of your choice from any jutsu list. You learn
Quick Build more at higher levels, as shown in the Jutsu Known column
You can make a Puppet Master quickly by following these of the Puppet Master table. You may not learn a jutsu of a
suggestions. For Puppeteer or Weaver specialization, make rank higher than your Highest Rank Jutsu Known.
your highest ability score Intelligence, followed by Additionally, every time you learn a new jutsu as a result of
Constitution or Dexterity; For Juggernaut or Soul Container, gaining a level, you can choose one or all of the jutsu you
choose either Strength or Intelligence as your highest, with know and replace it with another jutsu from the same jutsu
Constitution as your second highest ability score. Second, list (Ninjutsu for Ninjutsu, Genjutsu for Genjutsu, Taijutsu for
choose the Hatake, Nara, Non-Clan, or Ryu clan. Taijutsu), which also must not be of a higher rank than your
Highest Rank Jutsu Known.
Class Features
As a Puppet Master, you gain the following class features. Jutsu Casting Ability
Each jutsu list has a different jutsu ability. Intelligence is your
Ninjutsu casting ability, Wisdom is your Genjutsu casting
Hit Points ability, and Strength is your Taijutsu casting ability. You use
Hit Dice: 1d8 per Puppet Master level the appropriate ability when a jutsu refers to your casting
Hit Points at 1st Level: 8 + your Constitution modifier ability. In addition, you use the appropriate ability modifier
Hit Points at Higher Levels: 1d8 (or 5) + your Constitution when setting the saving throw DC for a jutsu you cast and
modifier per Puppet Master level after 1st. when making an attack roll with one.
Chakra Points Ninjutsu
Chakra Dice: 1d10 per Puppet Master level Ninjutsu save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Chakra Points at 1st Level: 10 + your Constitution modifier Intelligence modifier
Chakra Points at Higher Levels: 1d10 (or 6) + your Ninjutsu attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
Constitution modifier per Puppet Master level after 1st. Intelligence modifier
Proficiencies Genjutsu
Armor: Light armor, medium armor
Weapons: Simple weapons, battle wires, hand crossbows, Genjutsu save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
heavy crossbows, Fuma-shuriken Wisdom modifier
Ninja Tools: Armorsmith's kit, weaponsmith's kit Genjutsu attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
Saving Throws: Constitution, Intelligence Wisdom modifier
Skills: Crafting, choose 3 from Ninjutsu, Chakra Control, Taijutsu
Deception, History, Investigation, Nature, Sleight of Hand, Taijutsu save DC = 8 + your proficiency bonus + your
Stealth Strength modifier
Equipment Taijutsu attack modifier = your proficiency bonus + your
You start with the following equipment, in addition to the Strength modifier
equipment granted by your background: Puppet Specialization
Padded armor At 1st level, you focus your craft on a particular specialization:
(a) a light crossbow and quiver of bolts or (b) any two Puppeteer, Juggernaut, Soul Container, or Weaver each of
simple weapons which are detailed at the end of the class description. Your
(a) a stack of kunai or (b) a stack of shuriken choices grant you features at 1st level, and again at 3rd, 5th,
(a) 2 paper bombs or (b) 2 flash tags and 14th level.
armorsmith's kit
Jutsu Casting Specialization Upgrade
Beginning at 1st level, your studies of ninjutsu have taught Also at 1st level, choose an upgrade for which you qualify
you to manipulate your chakra to cast different jutsu. See from the list at the end of your specialization, and gain the
chapter 9 for the general rules of jutsu casting, chapter 10 for benefits listed in the description of the upgrade.
the list of Ninjutsu, chapter 11 for the list of Genjutsu, and You select an additional upgrade at 3rd, 5th, 7th, 9th, 11th,
chapter 12 for the list of Taijutsu. 13th, 15th, 17th, and 19th level, as shown in the Upgrades
column of the Puppet Master table. You cannot select an
Casting Jutsu upgrade more than once, unless the upgrade's description
Your class states what size your chakra die is, which says otherwise. Whenever you finish a full rest, you can
determines how much chakra you have. To cast jutsu, you exchange any of your existing upgrades for any other upgrade
must expend the chakra cost of the jutsu. You regain half your of the same level requirement as the replaced upgrade.
maximum chakra when you finish a long rest, and all of your Whenever an existing upgrade is swapped out for a
chakra when you finish a full rest. replacement upgrade (either by a specialization feature or on
level up), the new upgrade is selected as if the Puppet Master

is the level they were when they got that upgrade slot. For Improved Chakra Crafting
example, if you replace your Puppet Tool and reselect all of
your upgrades as a 5th level Puppet Master, you could select At 10th level, your experience in creating your own wondrous
one 1st level upgrade and one 5th level upgrade, or two 1st invention makes you more adept at crafting a chakra
level upgrades, but you would not be able to select two 5th enhanced item than a normal ninja. Creating a chakra
level upgrades. enhanced item takes you half the time it would normally take.
Additionally, you can make 1 day of progress toward
Chakra Enhanced Retrofit crafting a chakra enhanced item, scroll, or pill during a long
At 2nd level, your study of chakra enhanced items and rest.
crafting has allowed you to retrofit chakra enhanced gear. Puppetry Savant
During a long rest, you can perform a ritual using any +1/2/3
weapon or armor (excluding S+ and sentient items) to At 11th level, your broad knowledge of the puppetry arts has
transfer the chakra imbued within it into a puppeteer weapon been further heightened. You can gain the 1st level features of
or armor (a weapon or armor created by a subclass feature or one other Specialization of your choice. You also gain a 1st
upgrade). This includes weapon-like upgrades that make Level upgrade from that Specialization, and it doesn't count
attack and damage rolls (like the Juggernaut's Chakra Blast). against your total number of upgrades. You can replace this
For example, if your Puppet Tool has Hidden Blades, you upgrade with another 1st Level upgrade from this same
could make them +1 by transferring the property of a +1 Specialization whenever you gain a level in this class. If you
katana to it. You cannot transfer any properties from a chakra chose to gain the 1st level features from another
enhanced weapon or armor besides a bonus to attack and Specialization with the Broad Knowledge feature, you can
damage rolls or a bonus to AC, respectively, and the original only replace one of your extra Specializations' upgrades
weapon or armor is destroyed. when you gain a level in this class, not both.
Additionally, you can convert a set of armor with a chakra Alternatively, you can learn more about your previous
enhanced bonus to AC to a lighter armor type. research. If you chose to gain the 1st level features from
another Specialization with the Broad Knowledge feature,
Ability Score Improvement/Feat you can choose to gain the 3rd level feature of that
Specialization. You can also select another upgrade for which
When you reach 4th, 8th, 12th, 16th, and 19th level, you can you qualify from that Specialization, counting your Puppet
increase one ability score of your choice by 1 and choose a Crafter level for any level prerequisites of the upgrade. You
Feat of your choice that you qualify for. As normal, you can't can only replace one of your extra Specialization's upgrades
increase an ability score above 20 using this feature. when you gain a level in this class, not both.
Alternatively, you gain proficiency with one additional tool
Broad Knowledge kit of your choice, and you gain one additional upgrade for
Also at 6th level, you can expand your knowledge of puppet- which you qualify from your own Specialization. This doesn't
craft, learning from another discipline if you choose. You can count against your total number of upgrades.
gain the 1st level features from one other Specialization of
your choice. You also gain one 1st Level upgrade from that Right Tool for the Job
Specialization, and it doesn't count against your total number At 18th level, you always come prepared for whatever mission
of Upgrades. You can replace this upgrade with another 1st you take. When you finish a full rest, you can replace one of
Level upgrade from the same Specialization whenever you your upgrades from your Specialization with another
gain a level in this class. upgrade of the same level requirement as the replaced
Alternatively, you can further specialize in your own upgrade.
discipline You gain one tool kit proficiency of your choice, and
you gain two additional 3rd Level upgrades from your Peerless Puppeteer
Specialization. These do not count against your total number
of upgrades. At 20th level, your mind is always thinking of new options and
clever solutions. After a short, long, or full rest, you can select
Chakra Reconstruction and create a temporary version of an upgrade from your
Specialization you are qualified to take but do not have. This
Starting at 7th level, you have mastered the knowledge of upgrade must have a level requirement of 11th level or lower.
using your chakra to repair things. You learn the mending You have this upgrade until you complete a short or long rest,
ninjutsu and a unique version of the healing hands ninjutsu during which you can select a temporary upgrade with this
called repair, which does not have the medical keyword and feature again.
only affects constructs and structures.
Tool Expertise Puppet Specializations
Also at 7th level, your proficiency bonus is doubled for any Puppet Masters pursue different disciplines. At 1st level, you
ability check you make that uses your proficiency with a tool. choose which discipline to specialize in: Puppeteer,
Juggernaut, Soul Container, or Weaver.

Puppeteer within 5 feet of it and you expend 6 chakra. When you start
this repair, the Puppet Tool regains half of its maximum hit
A Puppeteer is a Puppet Master that has committed points. If it isn't destroyed after 1 minute, your chakra pulls it
themselves to creating a true, pure work of puppetry. A back together, completely repairing it with all its hit points
painstaking life ambition, they plan and design meticulously, restored. Otherwise, you must restart the repair process.
even if in practice sometimes compromises on materials At the end of a long rest, you can create a new Puppet Tool
must be made. if you have a weaponsmith's kit with you. If you already have a
Why a Puppeteer embarks on the quest to create this Puppet Tool from this feature, the first one is scavenged to
artistic construct can vary. For many, it is the pure pursuit of create the new one.
crafting the perfect creation, while for others, it is simply so The base statistics of your Puppet Tool are as follows:
they do not have to carry around their loot, or to have a loyal
companion to count on at all times.
A Puppeteer is rarely chaotic, as they are people of great Puppet Tool
care and discipline; those that are not would not have
succeeded where they have, but some have been set on their Medium Construct, unaligned
path by such events that might drive them to interact Armor Class 12 + your proficiency bonus (natural
chaotically with society as a whole. armor)
Hit Points the puppet tool's Constitution modifier +
Puppeteer's Proficiency your Intelligence modifier + five times your
When you choose this specialization at 1st level, you gain Puppet Crafter level (the Puppet has a number of
proficiency in the Chakra Control skill and with the poison Hit Dice [d8s] equal to your Puppet Crafter level)
kit. Additionally, you learn the E-Rank mending ninjutsu, and Speed 30ft.
if you have your crafting kit in hand, you can cast it for no
chakra by increasing the casting time to 1 minute.
Puppet Tool 14 (+2) 12 (+1) 12 (+1) 4 (-3) 5 (-3) 1 (-5)
Starting at 1st level, you forge a Puppet Tool to carry out your
orders and protect you. The puppet is under your control, Damage Immunities psychic, poison
connected to you via chakra threads. Damage Resistances acid
The Puppet Tool acts by your manipulations. On your turn, Condition Immunities charmed, exhaustion,
you can manipulate the construct to move (no action required frightened, poisoned
by you) and take an action, which requires your action to do. Senses passive Perception 7
Additionally, you can use your reaction to direct it to take a Languages none
reaction. The Puppet Tool acts under your manipulations
during your turn. If you issue no action command to your Bound. The puppet is bound to its user via chakra
Puppet Tool, it takes no actions. strings. If the strings are not bound to the puppet,
Your Puppet Tool's proficiency increases when yours does, it cannot move or take any actions of any kind. If a
and when you gain an Ability Score Improvement in this creature other than its creator uses chakra threads
class, you can increase one of your Puppet Tool's ability to manipulate the puppet, it cannot use any
scores by 2, or two of its ability scores by 1; you cannot upgrades, as the user would be unaware of its full
increase an ability score above 20 this way. If your Puppet capabilities.
Tool is forced to make a saving throw, add your proficiency
bonus to the roll, and treat any negative modifiers as a +0 for
the saving throw. Puppet Chassis
If your Puppet Tool is damaged, it can be healed using any When you create your Puppet Tool, you can add one prefix to
normal medical ninjutsu. If the mending ninjutsu is cast on it, its type in the form of which basic chassis you use for your
it regains 2d6 hit points. Alternatively, you can use your puppet. For example, if you select Warframe, your puppet
weaponsmith's kit as an action to repair it, provided you are becomes a Warframe Puppet Tool, and gains the Warframe
modifications to its base statistics.
Your Puppet Tool is roughly humanoid, and comes with the
robust flexibility and options that this form provides. Its base
Strength becomes 16 (+3) and it gains proficiency in simple
and martial weapons.
Its natural weapon is: Slam: your Ninjutsu or Taijutsu
attack modifier to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 1d4 + 3
(Strength modifier) + your proficiency bonus in bludgeoning

1st Level Upgrades
Quadrupedal Bulky Build You can take this upgrade three times
Your Puppet Tool takes on a quadrupedal design. Larger and You add additional bulk to your puppet's frame, increasing
more sturdy, it is more suitable to launch into the fray or its natural armor. Your Puppet Tool's natural armor increases
carry its creator. Its base size becomes Large, its base by 2.
Strength and Constitution become 16 (+3), its natural armor
becomes 14 + your proficiency bonus, and its speed becomes Chakra Resonance
35ft. You craft an enhanced chakra connector and install it into
Its natural weapon is: Bite: your Ninjutsu or Taijutsu attack your puppet's core, allowing you and it to share certain jutsu
modifier to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 1d10 + 3 (Strength effects. You can make any jutsu you cast that targets only you
modifier) + your proficiency bonus in piercing damage. also target your Puppet Tool.
Winged Chakra Shield
Your Puppet Tool is modeled off a flying creature. Smaller You build a manipulation shortcut into your puppet to
and lighter than most puppets, it is kept aloft by intricate defend your allies. When a creature you can see attacks a
wings. Its base size becomes Small and it gains a flying target other than your puppet that is within 5 feet of it, it can
speed of 30ft. use its reaction to impose disadvantage on the attack roll.
Its natural weapon is: Talon: your Ninjutsu or Taijutsu Entrapment Mechanism
attack modifier to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 + 2 You install a mechanism to restrain its targets. When your
(Strength modifier) + your proficiency bonus in slashing puppet attempts to grapple a creature, it applies your
damage. proficiency bonus to the roll. When you successfully grapple a
Specialized creature with this upgrade, the target creature is restrained,
Your Puppet Tool defies all expectations, its design fueled by and your puppet still has the rest of its appendages for other
your own rampant creativity. A little less robust and stable, it uses. Additionally, it can move its restrained target without
is far more extensible to your visionary plans. Your Puppet any reduction of its movement speed.
Tool starts with the basic statistics, but you can select 2 free Ghillie Coating
1st level upgrades to start with that do not count against your You augment your puppet with a special coating to make it
upgrade total. harder to detect. Your puppet gains proficiency in the Stealth
Its natural weapon is: Slam: your Ninjutsu or Taijutsu skill. Additionally, it can take the Hide action for free before or
attack modifier to hit, reach 5ft., one target. Hit: 1d8 + 2 after using its actiion.
(Strength modifier) + your proficiency bonus in bludgeoning
damage. Hidden Blades
Your install blades within your puppet that aren't
Intelligent Oversight immediately visible to the eye. When your puppet takes the
Starting at 3rd level, you can take the Help action as a bonus Attack action, it can make an additional melee weapon attack
action when assisting your Puppet Tool. with its Hidden Blade, using the following statistics: Hidden
Additionally, when you take the Help action to aid an ally Blade: your Ninjutsu or Taijutsu attack modifier to hit, reach
(including your Puppet Tool) in attacking a creature, the 5 ft., one target. Hit: 1d6 + your proficiency bonus in piercing
target of that attack can be within 30 feet of you, rather than damage.
5 feet of you, if the allied creature can see or hear you. You cannot use this upgrade in conjunction with any
upgrades that replace your puppet's attacks when taking the
Masterful Manipulation Attack action.
Starting at 5th level, you no longer need to spend your
reaction to manipulate the Puppet Tool to use its reaction. Ninjutsu Channeller
Additionally, you can use your action or bonus action to You utilize your chakra threads to displace your jutsu.
manipulate your Puppet Tool to use its action. When you cast a Ninjutsu or Genjutsu, you can do so as
If the Puppet Tool is not manipulated to take any action, though you were in your Puppet Tool's space, but you must
you automatically manipulate it to take the Dodge action in use your own senses.
combat. Springlaunch Mechanism
Perfected Design You craft improved gears and joints for your puppet. Your
Starting at 14th level, your puppet tool can add your puppet gains proficiency in the Acrobatics skill. Additionally,
Intelligence modifier to all of its attack rolls, ability checks, its movement speed is increased by 10 feet.
and saving throws. Telescopic Reach
You augment your puppet to have limbs that retract and
Puppeteer Upgrades extend at will. Your Puppet Tool's natural and weapon attacks
The following are upgrades available to the Puppeteer have their reach increases by 5 feet when it takes the Attack
Specialization. The upgrades are listed in alphabetical order action. You can aquire this upgrade up to 3 times, increasing
for each group. Unless otherwise stated, you cannot take the your puppet's reach by 5 feet each time.
same upgrade multiple times.

Warfare Augmentation Prerequisite: proficiency in an with and have a casting time of 1 action and a duration of
appropriate weapon instant. Your Puppet Tool now knows these jutsu. When your
You figure out how to better utilize your puppet's weapons. puppet takes the Attack action, it can instead use one of its
You give your puppet one Fighting Style of your choice from jutsu, using your chakra. Ninjutsu it casts uses your ninjutsu
Dueling Mastery, Great Weapon Fighting, or Sharpshooting. attack modifier and save DC, while Taijutsu it casts uses the
puppet's abilities for attack modifier and save DC, calculated
5th Level Upgrades as shown in the Jutsu Casting feature.
Chakra Draining Trap You can select this upgrade multiple times, increasing the
Your puppet is equipped with an absorbing seal meant to number of jutsu your Puppet Tool knows each time it is
drain the energy from its enemies. When your puppet takes selected.. If you select this upgrade at higher levels, you can
the Attack action against a creature it has grappled, it can increase the rank of the jutsu your Puppet Tool knows: up to
forgo one of its attacks to drain the creature's chakra. The C-Rank jutsu at 9th level, B-Rank jutsu at 11th level, and A-
creature must succeed on a Constitution saving throw Rank jutsu at 15th level.
against your Ninjutsu save DC or lose 2d12 chakra. You Multi-Strike
regain chakra equal to the amount of chakra that the creature You can use both your action and your bonus action to
lost. command your puppet to take its action. This action can only
Chakra Sealing Trap be used to take the Attack action.
Your puppet is equipped with a seal meant to block the 9th Level Upgrades
chakra use of its captive. Whenever a creature that is
grappled by your Puppet Tool attempts to cast a Ninjutsu or Autonomous Action
Genjutsu, they must make a Constitution saving throw You no longer need to spend your action or bonus action to
against your Ninjutsu save DC, increasing the cost of the manipulate your Puppet Tool to use its action.
jutsu used by half on a failed save.
Deafening Speaker
Explosive Launcher You craft a chakra fueled speaker into your Puppet Tool.
You craft a launching mechanism within your puppet. This Your puppet can use its action to spend 6 of your chakra and
launcher can be loaded as an action with up to 6 of the let out a 15-foot radius pulse of deafening sound. Each
following items: Chili Pepper Bombs, Fire Bombs, Ice creature in the radius must attempt a Constitution saving
Bombs, and Shock Bombs. You must choose the order in throw against your Ninjutsu save DC, taking 6d8 force
which they are loaded during this action, and they must be damage and becoming deafened on a failure, or taking half as
fired in that order unless you or a creature familiar with your much damage and keeping their hearing on a success.
Puppet Tool uses an action to reorganize them. Creatures deafened by this upgrade can attempt the saving
When your puppet takes the Attack action, it can instead throw again at the end of each of their turns, ending the
launch up to three bombs from the launcher. deafened condition on a success.
Hook Shot Expanded Frame
You craft a hook that fires a reeling shot that sinks into a You enlarge your puppet, increasing its size category by
target, and pulls them closer. Your Puppet Tool gains the one, if possible, up to a maximum size of Large. If your
following attack: Hook Shot: your Ninjutsu or Taijutsu attack Puppet Tool is Large after taking this upgrade, it gains
modifier to hit, range 40/120ft., one target. Hit: 1d10 + your advantage on Strength checks and Strength saving throws,
proficiency bonus in piercing damage, and the hook is lodged its weapons gain an additional damage die, and its maximum
into the target's body. Once lodged into a creature, the hook hit points increase by an amount equal to three times your
cannot be shot again until dislodged. While the hook is in a level in this class when you select this upgrade. As long as
creature, that creature has its speed halved. your Puppet Tool has this upgrade, whenever you gain a level
Additionally, when your puppet takes the Attack action, it in this class, its maximum hit points increase by an additional
can instead reel in any targets hooked by it, bringing the 3 hit points.
target 15 feet closer to the puppet's location. A creature can During the upgrade process, you can determine if your
use its action to dislodge the hook, dealing 1d6 damage to the puppet will have the appropriate physiology to serve as a
creature that had the hook inside it. mount. You can select this upgrade multiple times, but
cannot make a puppet larger than Large.
Iron Fortress Prerequisite: Medium of larger Puppet Tool,
Puppet Tool Constitution of 16 Exploding Puppet Mechanism
You extend your puppet's shielding and stationary stability. You rig your puppet with explosive tags set to go off upon
Your Puppet Tool now counts as three-quarters cover for sufficient damage. When your Puppet Tool is reduced to 0 hit
Medium or smaller creatures within 5 feet (so long as it is points, the tags attached to it explode. Each creature within a
between them and the attacker) or riding it. Additionally, it 20-foot radius of the Puppet Tool must make a Dexterity
cannot be moved against its will while in contact with the saving throw against your Ninjutsu saving throw DC, taking
ground. 20d4 fire damage on a failed save, and half as much damage
on a successful one. Once this happens, the puppet and all of
Jutsu Specialization its parts are destroyed.
You modify your Puppet Tool to utilize special kinds of
attack-based jutsu. When you craft this upgrade, you can
choose two D-Rank Ninjutsu or Taijutsu that you are familiar

Overdrive Thundering Stomp Prerequisite: Puppet Tool of Large size
You build special structures for your puppet to handle more Your Puppet Tool can leverage its increased size and
demanding manipulations. As your action, you can chakra-infused nature to unleash a crushing stomp of chakra
overcharge your puppet with chakra. For the next minute, its when it brings down its foot. Your puppet can replace any
speed is doubled, it gains a +2 bonus to AC, it has advantage attack with the chakra pulse ninjutsu, using the Puppet
on Dexterity saving throws, and it gains an additional action Crafter's level and Ninjutsu save DC.
on each of its turns. That action can be used only to take the
Attack (one weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Transforming Puppet
Use an Object action. Once you use this upgrade, you cannot You install clever multifunctional components allowing
use it again until you complete a long rest. your Puppet Tool to reduce its size. Your puppet can collapse
its size back down to one size smaller, but while in the
Poison Fountain collapsed mode, any movement speed it has is reduced by 10
You fit your puppet with a tank and tube, meant for holding feet. The process takes 1 minute to invoke or revert.
and unleashing poisonous gas. The tank can hold up to 10
doses of a gas-based poison. Your Puppet Tool can use its 15th Level Upgrade
action to consume 1 dose of the poison to unleash a 10-foot Nesting Puppet Mechanism
radius cloud of toxic smoke within 30 feet of it that lasts for 1 Your puppet is equipped with enough space within it that it
minute or until a wind of moderate or greater speed (at least can hold an entire puppet. This puppet can hold a puppet of
10 miles per hour) disperses it. This poison functions as it one size lower than it within this mechanism. When this
normally would, but now simply has its area of effect puppet is reduced to 0 hit points, the chakra threads attached
increased. Additionally, its saving throw DC becomes your to it immediately move from this puppet to the one within.
Ninjutsu save DC. This counts as a single puppet, effectively reviving your
puppet one size smaller. You can restore your puppet's size
Secondary Puppet after spending 8 hours working on it, which can be done
You craft an additional Puppet Tool. Your Puppet Tools during a full rest.
share a single reaction, but each has its own action. When
you craft this new Puppet Tool, you must redistribute your Shared Power
upgrades and Ability Score Improvements between all of You use your chakra threads to tap into your puppet's
your puppets. chakra-infused nature. You gain the following options:
If you have more than one Jutsu Specialization upgrade, As an action, you can drain a number of hit points from
you must split the jutsu types between your Puppet Tools; your Puppet Tool up to twice your Puppet Crafter level,
one learns Ninjutsu, and one learns Taijutsu. If you have either gaining that many temporary hit points or regaining
more than two Puppet Tools, only two can learn jutsu. that much chakra.
You can select this upgrade multiple times, crafting an Once per round, either you or your puppet can give up
additional Puppet Tool each time it is selected. your action to allow the other to take an additional action.
11th Level Upgrades This additional action can only be used to Attack (one
Chakra Condensing Cannon weapon attack only), Dash, Disengage, Hide, or Use an
You craft a cannon into a part of your puppet, meant to take Object. If you have multiple puppets, having one give up its
your chakra and condense it into a single focused blast of action makes all of them lose their action, and if you give
destructive power. up your action, only one of them gets an extra action.
When your puppet takes the Attack action, it can forgo one Shinobi Style
of its attacks and spend 15 of your chakra to unleash a 60- You use your knowledge of other shinobi and modify your
foot long, 5-foot wide line of pure chakra in a direction of your Puppet Tool to copy their abilities. Your Puppet Tool gains a
choice. Each creature caught in the line must make a class level in a class of your choosing other than Genjutsu
Dexterity saving throw against your Ninjutsu save DC, taking Specialist, Ninjutsu Specialist, or Puppet Masters. Your
15d12 force damage and being knocked prone on a failed Puppet Tool gains all the 1st level features of the chosen
save. Creatures that succeed on this saving throw take no class except the Jutsu Casting feature, although it can still
damage and are not knocked prone, avoiding the attack learn jutsu. This does not include health or class
completely. proficiencies (for example, selecting Scout-Nin grants only
Hover Mechanism the Fighting Style feature). This allows your Puppet Tool to
You add a lighter frame onto your puppet, while choose one jutsu for which it would qualifty based on its level,
maintaining its strength. If your Puppet Tool is Medium or but it uses your chakra points to cast jutsu, uses your nature
smaller, it gains a flying speed of 30 feet. If your Puppet Tool release affinities, uses your attack modifiers and save DCs,
is Large or larger, its flying speed is 25 feet. If your puppet and cannot concentrate on jutsu or cast Genjutsu.
already had a flying speed, it is increased by 20 feet. You can select this upgrade multiple times, granting
another level of features or the 1st level feature of another
Multiattack Form class each time it is selected, as well as an additional jutsu
When your Puppet Tool takes the Attack action, it can your puppet knows. If you have multiple Puppet Tools, each
attack twice instead of once. one can benefit from this upgrade individually.

    For example, you have two Puppet Tools, and one of them For example, if you have an Intelligence of 16, and a
is a 1st level Hunter-Nin from this upgrade. Taking this Strength of 13, you can decrease your Intelligence to 15 to
upgrade again would either allow the other Puppet Tool to increase your Strength to 14.
gain the 1st level features of a class, or allow the Hunter-Nin
Puppet Tool to gain either the 2nd level features of Hunter- Juggernaut Armor
Nin or 1st level features of a different class. At 3rd level, you've attained the knowledge of crafting and
chakra enhanced smithing sufficient to create a set of puppet
Juggernaut armor that only you can wear and attune to from a standard,
A Juggernaut is a Puppet Master that has turned their non-chakra enhanced set of heavy armor using resources
wondrous talent of invention to a singular goal: making you've gathered. This process takes 8 hours to complete, as
themselves an unstoppable force. The reasons behind this well as a place to craft. This armor can incorporate a Chakra-
could be benevolent or nefarious. Some Juggernauts seek to Infused Gauntlet (they do not require separate attunement).
turn their invention into a machine of death and terror; others While attuned to your armor, your Strength score increases
become the arbiter of justice and order, and others still by 2, and your maximum Strength score becomes 22.
perhaps merely seek to refine their craft in pursuit of pure You can create a new set of puppet armor by crafting it
innovation. from a set of gathered and purchased materials in a process
Because few individuals would pursue such a wondrous that takes 4000 ryo and eight hours.
invention without a driven purpose to their endeavor, You can create multiple sets of puppet armor, but you can
Juggernauts tend to be lawful, usually driven to their actions only be attuned to one of them at a given time, and you can
by a greater purpose they seek the power to accomplish, be it only change which one you are attuned to during a long rest.
righting the wrongs of the world, or bringing it to heel If you create a new set of puppet armor, you can apply a
beneath their puppet-clad boot. number of upgrades equal to the value on the class table,
applying each at the level you get it on the class table.
Juggernaut's Proficiency
When you create your Juggernaut armor, you can create a
At 1st level, you gain proficiency with heavy armor and the heavy plated Steel Puppet, or a specially enhanced set of
disguise kit. puppet armor known as an Iron Shell.
If your puppet armor is a Steel Puppet, you gain the
Chakra-Infused Gauntlet
Powerful Build trait. Powerful Build means you count as one
At 1st level, when you take this specialization, you construct a size larger when determining your carrying capacity and the
Chakra-Infused Gauntlet as a prototype for the larger form to weight you can push, drag, or lift.
come. This is a specialized chakra enhanced item that only If your puppet armor is an Iron Shell, you can forgo the
you can attune to. When you create a Chakra-Infused increase to your Strength and Maximum Strength to instead
Gauntlet, you can add one of the following upgrades to it: gain a free 1st Level upgrade.
Power Fist, Chakra Blast, or Martial Grip. This upgrade Extra Attack
does not count against your upgrade total. You can make Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once,
multiple gauntlets with different upgrades, but can only be whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.
attuned to one at a time.
If you lose your Chakra-Infused Gauntlet, you can remake Fully Customized Gear
it during a long rest with 50 ryo worth of materials, or can Starting at 14th level, you've mastered the customization of
scavenge for materials and forge it over two days of work your puppet armor. You can add one additional upgrade to
(eight hours a day) without the material expense. your armor that does not count against your upgrade total.
While wearing a Chakra-Infused Gauntlet, you can engage You can add another of these free upgrades at 18th and 20th
Artificial Strength. level.
Artificial Strength
When you don your Chakra-Infused Gauntlet or as an action
while wearing it, you can dedicate some of your intelligence
to fully controlling the power of the gauntlet. You can reduce
your current and maximum Intelligence score to increase
your current Strength score, up to what your Intelligence
score was before engaging Artificial Strength. You can stop
using Artificial Strength at any time, and it automatically
ends if your gauntlet is removed.

Juggernaut Armor
Armor Name AC Bonus Bulk Dex Bonus Stealth Properties
Steel Puppet +7 10 Bulk — Disadvantage Heavy Armor, Powerful Build
Iron Shell +4 7 Bulk Dex Modifier (Max 2) — Medium Armor

(*)Powerful Build: You count as one size larger when determining your carrying capacity and how much you can push, drag, or lift

Faraday Faceplate
What Does Your Armor Look Like? After casting a jutsu of D-Rank or higher, you have
Nothing in this class description specifies the advantage on saving throws against being charmed, mind
visual appearance of your puppet armor, but it controlled, stunned, or dazed by Genjutsu until the start of
most likely does not look like a standard set of your next turn.
armor. Consider what the puppet armor looks like -
does it look more humanoid, or is it very obviously Flame Projector
a puppet? Is it somewhere in between? You gain the ability to mold your chakra to mimic fire
Consider how people might react to someone chakra. You do not need to have the fire nature affinity to use
standing around in armor made of a puppet. In all this upgrade. While wearing your Chakra-Infused Gauntlet,
but the most unquestioning areas, such a set of you can gain access to the following jutsu at the following
armor is likely to attract some curiosity or concern. levels:
Puppet Master Level Jutsu
3 Fire Release: Fox Fire
Juggernaut Upgrades
The following are upgrades available to the Juggernaut 5 Fire Release: Fire Dragon Bullet
Specialization. The upgrades are listed in alphabetical order 9 Fire Release: Fire Wall
for each group. Unless otherwise stated, you cannot take the
same upgrade multiple times. 13 Fire Release: Great Fire Absorption

1st Level Upgrades Grappling Reel

Accelerated Movement You can apply this upgrade twice You integrate a grappling reel into your gauntlet. As 1
You reduce the weight of your puppet armor significantly. attack or 1 action, you may target a surface, object, or
While wearing your armor, your speed increases by 10 feet. creature within 30 feet of you. If the target is Large or
This applies to all movement speeds you have while wearing smaller, you can attempt to grapple the creature, pulling it to
your puppet armor. you and grappling the creature on a success. Alternatively, if
the target is Huge or larger, you can choose to be pulled to it;
Chakra Blast this does not grapple the target.
You upgrade your Chakra-Infused Gauntlet to deliver a
special ranged attack. This attack is a ranged Ninjutsu attack Integrated Weapon You can take this upgrade twice,
that deals 1d8 + your Intelligence modifier force damage, and selecting a different option each time
has a range of 60 feet. You install a weapon into your puppet armor, with varying
You are proficient in this weapon. When you take the abilities. Select one of the following weapons:
Attack action, you can use this ranged Ninjutsu attack in Weapon Description
place of any attack made.
Arm You fit your puppet armor with blades that can
Chakra-Infused Visor You can take this upgrade twice Blades extend from its arms. These blades deal 1d6
You enhance your visor with chakra. While wearing your slashing damage on a hit. Once per round, when
puppet armor, you gain darkvision to a range of 60 feet. If you you attack with an arm blade, you can make one
additional arm blade attack as part of the same
already have darkvision, the range of that darkvision is action. You can make this additional attack a
increased by 60 feet. number of times equal to your proficiency bonus,
regaining any expended uses when you finish a
Earth Projector short or long rest.
You gain the ability to mold your chakra to mimic earth
chakra. You do not need to have the earth nature affinity to Axe Tail You fit your puppet armor with a long, serrated
tail. It deals 1d8 slashing or piercing damage on a
use this upgrade. While wearing your Chakra-Infused hit. If a creature you can see within 10 feet of
Gauntlet, you can gain access to the following jutsu at the you hits you with an attack roll, you can use your
following levels: reaction to swipe this tail and roll a d8, applying a
bonus to your AC equal to the number rolled,
Puppet Master Level Jutsu potentially causing the attack to miss you. You
3 Earth Release: Earthen Grasp can use this reaction a number of times equal to
your proficiency bonus, regaining any expended
5 Earth Release: Turning Palm uses when you finish a short or long rest.
9 Earth Release: Earth-Style Wall
13 Earth Release: Stone Needle
Intelligent Design
You utilize the chakra powering your armor to boost your
intellect. While wearing your puppet armor, your Intelligence
Extendable Arms ability score and maximum Intelligence ability score are
As a bonus action, you can extend your puppet's arms' increased by 2.
reach. Your melee weapon attacks have their reach increased
by 5 feet until the start of your next turn. Lightning Projector
You gain the ability to mold your chakra to mimic

lightning chakra. You do not need to have the lightning nature Gauntlet, you can gain access to the following jutsu at the
affinity to use this upgrade. While wearing your Chakra- following levels:
Infused Gauntlet, you can gain access to the following jutsu Puppet Master Level Jutsu
at the following levels:
3 Wind Release: Passing Typhoon
Puppet Master
Level Jutsu 5 Wind Release: Wall of Wind
3 Lightning Release: Thunder Tempest 9 Wind Release: 10,000 Slicing Blades
5 Lightning Release: Lightning King's 13 Wind Release: Drilling Wind Bullet
9 Lightning Release: Lightning Spear 5th Level Upgrades
13 Lightning Release: Lightning Shield Active Camouflage
As an action, you can cover your puppet armor in chakra,
Martial Grip blending into your surroundings, similar to the body
Your Chakra-Infused Gauntlet grants the ability to wield a camouflage ninjutsu. This lasts until you deactivate it. While
wide variety of powerful weapons. You gain proficiency with active, you are considered lightly obscured, and can hide from
martial weapons while wearing your Chakra-Infused a creature even when they have a clear line of sight to you.
Gauntlet. Wisdom (Perception) checks to find you that rely on vision
are made with disadvantage.
Power Fist You can take this upgrade twice Chakra Accumulator Prerequisite: Chakra Blast
You upgrade your Chakra-Infused Gauntlet to better punch Every time you cast a jutsu of D-Rank or higher, you
things. Your Chakra-Infused Gauntlet is upgraded to a chakra accumulate charges to your Chakra Blast equal to the rank of
enhanced weapon you have proficiency with, dealing 1d8 the jutsu, up to a maximum number of charges equal to half
bludgeoning damage and gaining the light and special of your Intelligence modifier (rounded down). When you deal
properties. damage with Chakra Blast, you can expend the accumulated
Special: When you make an attack roll, you can choose to charges to deal an additional 1d6 damage, or to move the
forgo adding your proficiency bonus to the attack roll. If the target 5 feet directly away from you for each charge spent.
attack hits, you can add double your proficiency bonus to the Charges not expended within 1 minute of being
damage roll. accumulated are lost.
With Power Fist applied twice, you have a Power Fist for
each hand that can be used for two-weapon fighting. Collapsible
Puppet Constitution Your Juggernaut armor can collapse into a small case for
While wearing your puppet armor, you gain resistance to easy storage when you aren't wearing it. When transformed
poison damage and advantage against the poisoned and this way, the armor is indistinguishable from a normal case
envenomed conditions. and weighs 1/3 its normal weight. As an action, you can don
and doff the armor, allowing it to transform as needed.
Reinforced Armor You can take this upgrade up to 3 times Emergency Switch Prerequisite: Intelligent Design
You reinforce the structure and materials that make up You improve the intelligence-enhancing chakra of your
your Juggernaut armor. Your Juggernaut armor's AC design, priming it with an action. If you are Incapacitated or
increases by 1. Unconscious and cannot take your action, your armor will
This upgrade can't increase your armor's AC by more than cast a jutsu or take the Dodge action. It can only cast jutsu
+3. using your armor's upgrades. It will act once, and cannot act
Water Projector again until you complete a short or long rest.
You gain the ability to mold your chakra to mimic water Puppet's Empowerment
chakra. You do not need to have the water nature affinity to While wearing your puppet armor, it improves your own
use this upgrade. While wearing your Chakra-Infused abilities. You gain an additional 5 feet of movement, one
Gauntlet, you can gain access to the following jutsu at the additional hit point per Puppet Master level, and +1 to
following levels: Strength, Dexterity, and Constitution saving throws.
Puppet Master Level Jutsu
Reactive Plating Prerequisite: Steel Puppet
3 Water Release: Water Whip Your armor partially deflects incoming blows. You can use
5 Water Release: Wall of Water your reaction when hit by an attack that deals bludgeoning,
9 Water Release: Water Fang
piercing, or slashing damage to reduce the damage of that
attack by an amount equal to your proficiency bonus.
13 Water Release: Falling Rain Needles
Resistance You can take this upgrade multiple times,
Wind Projector selecting a different option each time
You gain the ability to mold your chakra to mimic wind You attune the chakra coating your puppet armor against
chakra. You do not need to have the wind nature affinity to certain forms of damage. Choose acid, cold, earth, fire, force,
use this upgrade. While wearing your Chakra-Infused lightning, necrotic, or wind damage. While wearing your
puppet armor, you have resistance to that type of damage.

Sealed Suit Prerequisite: Steel Puppet Chakra-Enhanced Vision Prerequisite: Chakra-Infused
As a bonus action on your turn, you can environmentally Visor, Intelligent Design
seal your puppet armor, giving you an air supply for up to 1 Your chakra threads outline and track things in your sight,
hour and making you immune to inhaled poisons (but not granting you the following benefits:
curing you of existing poisoned conditions). When a creature attempts to take the Hide action against
9th Level Upgrades you, you can use your reaction to make an active Wisdom
Automatic Response Prerequisite: Emergency Switch (Perception) check to contest its Dexterity (Stealth) check.
You implant an additional emergency switch, giving your When making a Dexterity saving throw against an effect
puppet armor more control over your actions. You can set you can see, you can make an Intelligence saving throw
conditions when your puppet armor will take control of your instead.
movement and actions. If can act following these directions When a creature hits you with a ranged attack roll, you
after the triggering event occurs for a number of rounds equal can cast true strike as a reaction, targeting that creature.
to your Intelligence modifier. While acting in this mode, it can Phase Suit Prerequisite: Iron Shell
take any action you could take, but can only cast jutsu You gain the ability to cast Lightning Release: Lightning
granted by upgrades. It uses your ability scores. Step while wearing your Iron Shell; you do not need the
The triggering event can be a preset condition, a verbal lightning nature affinity to cast this ninjutsu from this
command, or a specified time. Your armor is immune to the upgrade. Additionally, as an action, you can become
charmed, blinded, and frightened conditions, and does not intangible, and move through creatures or objects until the
suffer from exhaustion, ignoring these effects if you are under end of your turn. If you end your turn inside a creature or
them. object, you are forced to the nearest unoccupied location,
Once you use this upgrade, it cannot be used again until taking 10 force damage for each foot you are forced to move.
you finish a long rest. Once you become intangible using this upgrade, you cannot
Brute Force Style do so again until you complete a short or long rest.
The strength imparted by your puppet armor gives the 11th Level Upgrades
force of blows the devastating power of a more skilled Cloaking Device Prerequisite: Active Camouflage
combatant. You can select a Fighting Style from Dueling If you do not move during your turn with active camouflage
Mastery, Great Weapon Fighting, or Two-Weapon Fighting engaged, you can use your reaction to take the Hide action
and gain the effects of that Fighting Style while wearing your using an Intelligence (Stealth) check. You make this check
puppet armor. with disadvantage if you are within 5 feet of another creature
Contingency Prerequisite: Intelligent Design or if you attacked during your turn.
Choose a jutsu of D-Rank or higher that you can cast, that You can overload your camouflage to cast invisibility
has a casting time of 1 action, and that can target you. You without expending concentration costs. Once you do this, you
cast that jutsu, expending chakra, but the jutsu doesn't come cannot do this again until you complete a long rest.
into effect. Instead, it takes effect when a certain Flash Capacitor Incompatible with other Capacitors
circumstance occurs. You can store chakra, releasing it in a torrent of destructive
The jutsu takes effect immediately after the circumstance lightning. As an action, you can cast Lightning Release:
is met for the first time, whether you want it to or not, and Banquet of Thunder without spending chakra or charges. You
then the contingency ends. do not need the lightning nature affinity to cast this jutsu in
You can only have one jutsu prepared to go off in this way. this way. The effected area becomes difficult terrain until the
Preparing a new one immediately ends the effect of the last end of your next turn.
one. You can prepare a new contingency as long as you have Once you use this upgrade, you cannot use it again until
this upgrade. you complete a long rest.
Chakra Reactor Flight
You construct a chakra reactor that feeds your armor, You integrate a system to use your chakra threads to make
powering its upgrades with external chakra. The Chakra your Juggernaut armor fly. While wearing your Juggernaut
Reactor has 6 charges, and can be used to power upgrades armor, you have a chakra-enhanced flying speed of 30 feet.
that cast jutsu, even upgrades that would normally only
recharge after a rest. You can cast these jutsu using charges, Gale Capacitor Incompatible with other Capacitors
spending 1 charge per rank of the jutsu you are casting. You You can store chakra, releasing it controlled blasts of gale-
can cast jutsu at a higher rank by expending more charges. force winds. As an action, you can cast Wind Release:
The Reactor regains half of its maximum charges at the end Vacuum Great Sphere without spending chakra or charges.
of a long rest, and all of its charges at the end of a full rest. You still need to spend chakra to maintain concentration. You
If your Chakra Reactor has no charges left, you can do not need the wind nature affinity to cast this jutsu in this
overdraw your Chakra Reactor for one last burst of power, way.
but your armor is temporarily immobilized and your speed Once you use this upgrade, you cannot use it again until
while wearing your armor becomes zero for a number of you complete a long rest.
rounds equal to the rank of the jutsu cast. Once you do this,
you cannot do this again until you complete a long rest. Iron Muscle Prerequisite: Steel Puppet
You reinforce the structure of your puppet armor, giving it

the strength of giants. While wearing your puppet armor, your frequently, they place a slightly different value on aesthetics
current Strength ability score is increased by 2, and your than others might, tending to find beauty primarily in
maximum Strength ability score becomes 24. efficiency.
A Soul Container tends to be more eccentric than inclined
Power Slam Capacitor Incompatible with other Capacitors to any particular alignment, though even the most benevolent
You store up kinetic energy, and unleash it in a mighty one may find that the only reason their activities wouldn't be
bound. As an action, you can jump up to your entire illegal is that no one considered them possible.
movement speed and cast Earth Release: Stone Forest upon
landing without spending chakra or charges. You do not need
the earth nature affinity to cast this jutsu in this way. Soul Containers in your Game
Once you use this upgrade, you cannot use it again until Soul Containers are rather macabre, using often
you complete a long rest. disturbing means to augment their own bodies. As
such, they may not be the most suitable for many
15th Level Upgrades characters. Your DM may not allow you to choose
Chakra-Reinforced Mind Prerequisite: Intelligent Design this specialization as a younger character.
When you use Artificial Strength to raise your Strength
ability score, you no longer lower your Intelligence ability
score below your natural maximum (not counting Intelligent Soul Container Proficiency
Design). When you choose this specialization at 1st level, you gain
Heavy Plating Prerequisite: Steel Puppet proficiency in the Medicine skill, as well as the ability to use
You install special heavy plating, giving you resistance to jutsu with the Medical keyword.
bludgeoning, piercing, and slashing damage from non-chakra
enhanged sources while wearing your Steel Puppet. Puppet Self
At 1st level, you've utilized not-quite forbidden techniques to
Phase State Prerequisite: Iron Shell augment your own body. Select one of the following options:
When you are attacked, you can use your reaction to
become intangible, causing that attack to miss if it is a non- Perfection of Body
chakra enhanced attack. You can use this reaction a number Nature had its chance to make your form, now it's your turn
of times equal to your Intelligence modifier (minimum of to improve it. When you take this path, you gain the Puppet
once), regaining any expended uses after you complete a Augmentation upgrade, and it does not count against your
short or long rest. This upgrade regains one use every time upgrade total.
you teleport or enter another plane. When you take the Attack action, you can use your bonus
action to make a single additional attack with this upgrade.
Recall You can make this additional attack a number of times equal
You place a special seal within your armor. When not being to your proficiency bonus + your Puppet Master level. You
worn, you can hide your Juggernaut armor in a pocket regain all expended uses when you finish a long rest.
dimension. As an action, you can summon the armor and don
it. You can use a bonus action to return the armor to the Perfection of Mind
pocket dimension. You know that perfection is an aspect of knowledge, a perfect
While in the pocket dimension, the armor cannot be understanding of the mechanics of the body, inside and out.
affected by other abilities and cannot be interacted with in But particularly inside. You gain the Doctor upgrade, and it
any way. does not count against your upgrade total.
You have a pool of d8s equal to your proficiency bonus +
Sun Cannon your Puppet Master level. When you restore hit points to a
You install a solar cannon into your Juggernaut armor, creature or use an Intelligence (Medicine) check to deal
allowing you to unleash devastating solar laser blasts. As an damage to a creature, you can spend these d8s to restore
action, you can cast Fire Release: Sunbeam without spending additional health or deal additional damage. You can spend a
chakra. You do not need to spend chakra to maintain number equal to your proficiency modifier at a time. You
concentration on this jutsu either. You do not need the fire regain this pool of d8s when you finish a long rest.
nature affinity to cast this jutsu in this way.
Once you use this upgrade, you cannot use it again until Puppet's Vitality
you complete a long rest. Starting at 3rd level, your body has
such vitality that it is constantly
Soul Container able to restore itself. While you
A Soul Container is the sort of person that makes people have at least 1 hit point, at
uncomfortable. Even when encountered in the most ideal the start of your turn, you can
circumstances, they simply have the sort of gaze that makes choose to expend a hit die and
one think they may be thinking "how could I improve that" as regain health equal to the
they look at you. value rolled + your
This particular specialization of Puppet Master is one that Constitution modifier. If
has turned their creative talent...inward. They seek to you have zero hit points, you
understand and improve the limitations of flesh. All too can use this feature at the end
of your turn.

    Additionally, you regain hit dice equal to your Constitution you succeed on the check, you can deal damage to that
modifier when you finish a short or long rest (in addition to creature equal to your weapon's damage dice plus your
the normal hit dice recovered when you finish a long rest). Intelligence modifier. On a die roll of 20, the weapon's
If you are missing any limbs at the start of a long rest, you damage dice are doubled. If you have Extra Attack, you deal
can use your crafting skills to remake your missing limb by twice the weapon's damage dice. This check is still treated as
the end of the rest. a weapon attack for any features or jutsu that would influence
Additionally, you have advantage on saving throws against weapon attacks or ability checks.
being poisoned.
Extra Eyes
Chakra Enhanced Bioengineering Why only see in one direction? You add extra eyes. You gain
Additionally at 3rd level, you can use Chakra Enhanced proficiency in the Perception skill. If you already have
Retrofit to transfer a bonus to attack or damage rolls on a proficiency in Perception, you can add double your
weapon to natural weapons gained from this subclass. proficiency bonus to your Wisdom (Perception) ability
checks. Also, you have advantage on Wisdom (Perception)
Extra Attack checks that contest a creature's Dexterity (Stealth) check.
Beginning at 5th level, you can attack twice, instead of once, Field Surgery
whenever you take the Attack action on your turn. Some say that not all medical problems require surgery.
Perfection of Puppetry Not you. As an action, you can repair a body to its natural
Starting at 14th level, your understanding of your Puppet Self limits far more quickly than its natural limits. You can repair
feature grows: you regain uses of the resource it provides a willing creature within 5 feet, allowing them to expend hit
equal to your Intelligence modifier when you finish a short dice up to half your Puppet Crafter level (rounded up). Each
rest. hit dice spent is rolled as normal, but you can add the higher
Additionally, you are mostly puppet. You are immune to value of their Constitution modifier or your Intelligence
disease, you don't need to sleep, and you can't be put to sleep modifier.
by chakra-based means. This does not require the Doctor upgrade, but probably
should. If taken without the Doctor upgrade, any odd number
Soul Container Upgrades rolled on the hit die is taken as damage by the target
The following are upgrades available to the Soul Container creature.
Specialization. The upgrades are listed in alphabetical order Fix Flesh
for each group. Unless otherwise stated, you cannot take the Your expertise in the working of flesh makes you an artisan
same upgrade multiple times. of fixing broken creatures. When you cast healing hands, you
1st Level Upgrades restore an additional amount of health equal to your
Intelligene modifier.
Better Eyes You can take this upgrade multiple times
Your eyes did not see everything you wanted them to, so Hook Reel
you replaced them with eyes that do. You gain a benefit to You install a grappling hook into your body. As 1 attack or 1
your vision, selecting one of the following enhancements: action, you can target a surface, object, or creature within 30
Blindsight for 10 feet, Darkvision for 60 feet, the ability to see feet. Make a ranged weapon attack; you are proficient with
clearly twice as far as your natural vision range, or this weapon. On a hit, you deal 1d6 + your Strength or
proficiency in the Perception skill. If you select this upgrade Dexterity modifier in piercing damage. Additionally, if the
again, you must select a different benefit. creature is Large or smaller, they can make a Strength
(Athletics) check or Dexterity (Acrobatics) check against the
Crushing Grip attack roll. If they roll under your attack roll, they are grappled
You don't let things go once you have them in your grip. by you. While grappled in this way, you can use a bonus
Creatures that are grappled or restrained by you have action to pull them 15 feet closer to you. Alternatively, if the
disadvantage on attempting to escape the condition. target is Huge or Larger, you can choose to be pulled to it.
Additionally, you can choose to apply damage equal to your While you have a creature pierced by your grappling hook,
Strength modifier to any creature that starts its turn grappled you cannot use this upgrade to target another creature. You
or restrained by you. or a creature within 5 feet of the grappled creature (including
Doctor the creature) can use an action to remove your grappling
You master the knowledge of the mechanical properties of hook from them, dealing an additional 1d4 piercing damage
the body. You can make all Medicine checks as Intelligence to the creature.
(Medicine) checks and can add double your proficiency to Horrifying Abomination Prerequisite: At least 5 upgrades
Intelligence (Medicine) checks. When you make an modifying your body
Intelligence (Medicine) check to stabilize a creature, they The perfect form you have crafted intimidates inferior
regain 1 hit point. beings. You gain proficiency in the Intimidation skill. If you
As a doctor, you specialize not just in the repair or are already proficient in Intimidation, you can add twice your
creatures, but in the dissection of them. If you are holding a proficiency bonus to your Charisma (Intimidation) checks.
melee finesse weapon you have proficiency with, as an action,
you can make an Intelligene (Medicine) ability check against Massive Form
a creature within reach with a DC equal to its armor class. If You install a method to rapidly increase in size. As an

action, you can become a Large-sized creature. Any creature Enhancement Qualified Augmentations
that witnesses this must make a Wisdom saving throw Infernal Puppet Claws, Puppet Fangs
against your Ninjutsu save DC or become frightened of you
until the end of their next turn. Poisonous Puppet Claws, Puppet Fangs
While enlarged by this upgrade, you deal an additional 1d4 Ravenous Puppet Claws, Puppet Fangs
damage with your natural weapons and wapons sized for Razor Puppet Claws, Puppet Fangs
Medium creatures, and you have advantage on Strength
(Athletics) checks. You can revert to normal size as a bonus Relentless Puppet Arm, Puppet Tentacle
action. Vampiric Puppet Fangs
You can spend a number of rounds equal to your
Constitution modifier + your Intelligence modifier as a large Poisonous: Once per turn, on your turn, when you hit a
creature before you must revert. These rounds do not need to creature with your natural weapon, you can inject the
be consecutive, and you regain any rounds that you spent creature with venom, dealing an additional 1d8 poison
enlarged when you finish a short or long rest. damage.
Puppet Augmentation You can take this upgrade multiple Empowered: The target must make a Constitution saving
times throw against your Ninjutsu save DC or become poisoned for
You enhance your body by crafting a new part onto it. 1 minute. They can repeat their saving throw at the end of
Select one of the following augments: each of their turns.
Ravenous: Once per turn, on your turn, when you make an
Augment Description attack roll (or aggressive ability check with Doctor) with your
Puppet This arm is capable of doing things an arm can natural weapon, you can add 1d4 to the roll. If you've
Arm do, like holding and hitting things. damaged the target with your natural weapons since the
beginning of your last turn, you can add 1d6 instead of 1d4.
Puppet You gain a natural weapon that deals 1d8
Claws slashing damage, and counts as a finesse
Empowered: You gain advantage on your next attack with a
weapon. You are proficient with these claws. natural weapon against the target.
Razor: The damage die of your natural weapon becomes
Puppet Your mouth becomes a natural weapon that one step higher (for example, Puppet Fangs go from 1d10 to
Fangs deals 1d10 piercing damage. You are proficient
using these fangs as weapons.
Empowered: You can maximize one damage die of your
Puppet You gain a tentacle appendage that is a natural choice from the damage dice of the damage roll.
Tentacle weapon that deals 1d6 bludgeoning damage Relentless: You gain an additional reaction you can only
with the reach property. You are proficient with
this natural weapon. Using this tentacle, you can
use to make an attack of opportunity with that Puppet
make a Strength (Athletics) check or object Augmentation.
interaction with a reach of 10 feet. Empowered: You can make an additional single attack with
your Puppet Augmentation. This attack only deals the
weapon damage of the attack, and does not add your modifier
Extra Arm & Perfection of Body to the damage dealt.
When making an attack using Perfection of Body
Vampiric: Once per turn, on your turn, when you deal
with a puppet arm, you can make an attack with a
damage with your Puppet Fangs, you can drain the life force
weapon held in that arm. You can only make a from your victims, adding 1d4 necrotic damage to the
weapon attack with two hands if you have two or damage roll. If the target is a living creature over CR 1/4, you
more extra arms to hold a two-handed weapon. regain health equal to the necrotic damage dealt.
Empowered: You regain one hit die you've expended in the
last minute. If you do not use this hit die before the end of
your next turn, it is lost.
Puppet Enhancement Prerequisite: Applicable Puppet
You use the knowledge of chakra-beasts and demons to One Enhancement
formulate an enhancement of your Puppet Augmentation, Note that unless otherwise specified, an upgrade
granting it an additional power. The table below shows which can only be taken once. In this case, all the
enhancements can be applied to which augmentations. enhancements are effectively mutually exclusive.
Each enhancement has an empowered effect. An
empowered effect automatically occurs when you roll a Empowered Relentless Attacks
critical hit with your natural weapon on an attack with the Your Empowered Relentless attack will deal
either the natural weapon die of the natural
enhancement, or you can manually activate the empowered weapon or the weapon die of a weapon held in a
effect by spending 6 chakra. puppet arm. This can be a two-handed weapon only
An empowered effect can only occur on your turn, and if you have two or more extra arms.
cannot occur more than once per turn.
Infernal: Once per turn, on your turn, when you deal
damage with your natural weapon, you can ignite the weapon
with chakra, dealing an additional 1d8 fire damage. Puppeteer's Persistence
Empowered: The target must make a Constitution saving Your idealogical conviction in your idea of perfection is
throw against your Ninjutsu save DC or become burned.

such that you gain an additional 2 uses of Perfection of Body these d4s up to your Constitution modifier, adding them as
or an additional two d8s for Perfection of Mind. poison damage to the next damage roll you make with a
natural weapon before the end of your turn. You regain any
Secondary Life Organs expended dice when you finish a long rest.
Realizing the fragility of mortal life, you modify yourself Additionally, you gain resistance to poison damage.
with additional necessary functions. When you make a death
saving throw, you can replace the results of that roll with a 20. Poison Spit Prerequisite: Poison Gland
Once you use this upgrade, you cannot use it again until Fully integrating the poison gland, you learn to spit acidic
you complete a long rest. poison. You learn the acid spray ninjutsu, and you can add
your Constitution modifier to damage rolls made with it. You
Spiked Exterior can expend the d4s granted by Poison Gland to increase the
You augment your puppet body with protruding spikes. damage of acid spray, following the same restrictions as
When you are attacked by a melee attack or are the target of natural weapons.
a grapple attempt, you can use your reaction to deal 1d6
piercing damage to the attacking creature. You can do this a Pressure Points Prerequisite: Doctor
number of times equal to your proficiency bonus, and recraft Your extensive knowledge of anatomy allows you to target
all expended spikes (regaining all uses of the ability) after you critical spots. When you deal damage to a target with a melee
complete a long rest. weapon, as a bonus action you can force them to roll a
Alternatively, you can expend a use of your spikes as a Constitution saving throw against your Taijutsu save DC.
ranged weapon attack with a range of 20/60, dealing 1d8 If they fail, they are slowed until the end of your next turn. If
piercing damage on a hit. the target is already slowed, they become restrained until the
end of your next turn. If the creatures is already restrained,
Subdermal Plating they become stunned until the end of your next turn. If they're
Exoskeletons are bulky, and endoskeletons just don't offer already stunned, they become paralyzed until the end of your
enough protection, so you compromise. You gain natural next turn.
armor, granting you a base AC of 16. You still add your If the target becomes paralyzed from this upgrade or
Dexterity modifier (maximum of 2), and half of your passes a Constitution saving throw against, they become
proficiency bonus (rounded down) to this AC calculation. You immune to this upgrade for 24 hours.
do not benefit from this AC calculation if you're wearing
armor. Reflexive Twitch Prerequisite: Puppet Arm
When you take damage from a target within 5 feet of you,
Toxicity you can use your reaction to reflexively attack them with your
As a defensive measure, you imbue your blood with chakra, Puppet Arm. This attack does not add your Strength or
making it poisonous. Once per turn, when a creature hits you Dexterity modifier to damage dealt, unless that modifier is
and deals piercing or slashing damage while within 5 feet of negative.
you, they take poison damage equal to your Constitution
modifier. If damage if from a biting attack, they take twice as 9th Level Upgrades
much damage. Chakra Cannon
Puppet Health You install a cannon into your body, concentrating chakra,
You're a shining beacon of vitality. You gain an additional 1 and then firing it out in a long line. As an action, you can
maximum hit point for each level of Puppet Crafter you have. spend 12 chakra to fire your chakra cannon, unleashing a 60-
Additionally, when you roll a 1 or 2 on a hit die for foot long, 5-foot wide line of pure chakra in a direction of your
recovering hit points, you can reroll the die and must use the choice. Each creature caught in the line must make a
new roll, even if it is a 1 or 2. Dexterity saving throw against your Ninjutsu save DC, taking
8d10 force damage and being pushed back 10 feet directly
5th Level Upgrades away from you on a failed save. Creatures that succeed on
Brimstone Bladder this saving throw take half damage, and are not pushed.
You install a gas chamber and flame nozzle that allows you Life Merchant
to exhale gouts of flame. You gain a pool of d12s equal to You can share your considerable vitality with other
your Puppet Crafter level. As an action, you can exhale a cone creatures. You are a generous person, after all. You learn the
of fire, expending d12s from this pool equal to your life transference ninjutsu, and you can cast life transfer
proficiency bonus. Creatures in a 30-foot cone must make a without spending chakra. Once you cast this jutsu using this
Dexterity saving throw against your Ninjutsu save DC, taking upgrade, you cannot do so again until you complete a short or
fire damage equal to the expended d12s on a failure, and half long rest.
as much damage on a successul saving throw. You regain any
expended dice when you finish a long rest. Life Void Prerequisite: Life Merchant
Additionally, you gain resistance to fire damage. You hunger for missing vitality. After casting life
transference, the first time you damage a living creature
Poison Gland within the next minute, you deal an additional 3d8 necrotic
You install a poison canister within your body, exuding damage, and regain hit points equal to the necrotic damage
acidic poison. You gain a pool of d4s equal to your Puppet dealt.
Crafter level. As a bonus action, you can expend an amount of

Massive Hulk Prerequisite: Massive Form able to detect when it malfunctions. As a reaction to failing a
You no longer have a limit to how long you can stay in your saving throw against a condition or poison, you can choose to
enlarged form. succeed instead, even if the condition would normally not
allow you to take a reaction.
Safe Revivial Techniques Prerequisite: Doctor Once you use this upgrade, you cannot do this again until
You can cast revival without spending chakra. For some you finish a short or long rest.
reason, the target gains a level of exhaustion, and is
frightened of you for 1 minute upon reviving. A creature Best Eyes Prerequisite: Better Eyes
cannot benefit from this upgrade again until you finish a Despite your high quality eyes, you've noticed some things
short or long rest, as it is still terrified of what you did. still see better than you. So you take their eyes and use them
instead. You gain truesight to a range of 30 feet in addition to
11th Level Upgrades your other vision enhancements.
Dark Miracle Prerequisite: Doctor
When you use an action that restores health to another Body Replacement
creature, you can expend up to 4d4 of your own hit points to You gain the ability to cast mental clone without expending
increases the amount of health restored by that much. chakra. You still require the components to cast this genjutsu,
Creatures that receive this strange surge of vitality have however, the body can be a puppet created by you instead of a
advantage on their next attack roll or saving throw. living replacement body. If you use a puppet body, it can be
augmented with any of the upgrades you currently have, and
Metal Wings it cannot be awakened until the jutsu is complete; not offering
You decide that wings would be useful, and install a pair on it chakra only delays the jutsu's completion, not stopping it.
your back. You can shape them like any naturally functional If you use a living replacement body, the jutsu functions
wings, such as a bird, bat, or insect, though this is purely exactly as described.
cosmetic; you use chakra threads to manipulate them and fly. Once you cast this genjutsu in this way, you cannot do so
You gain a flying speed equal to your movement speed, so again until you finish a full rest.
long as you are not wearing heavy armor.
Undying Form
Uncanny Strength Prerequisite: 18 Strength; you can take When you drop to 0 hit points, rather than falling
this upgrade twice unconscious, you make a Constitution saving throw with a
You don't see what the big deal is with two handed DC equal to the amount of damage remaining after hitting 0
weapons. After some small improvements to one of your hit points. On a success, you only drop to 1 hit point,
arms and grip, you can hold a two-handed weapon in the remaining conscious.
upgraded hand.
Rules Tip: Two-Weapon Fighting Some puppet masters focus on using their chakra threads to
Note that the Uncanny Strength upgrade does not
manipulate puppet tools or great suits of mechanical armor.
grant weapons the Light property, so you wouldn't Weavers take their use of these chakra threads to their limit,
be able to inherently use two-weapon fighting with using them to manipulate their allies and enemies to more
them, though, the Two-Weapon Fighting style directly control the flow of battle.
would allow it. Determining the proper flow of battle and how best to
utilize their allies requires a cool head. Therefore, most
Weavers tend to be lawful, using their abilities to maintain a
certain order that they envision.
Unrelenting Predator Prerequisite: Puppet Enhancement
When you automatically activate an empowered effect of Weaver Proficiency
your Puppet Enhancement, the next time you manually When you choose this Specialization at 1st level, you gain
activate that empowered effect, you don't need to spend proficiency in the Martial Arts and Medicine skills, as your
chakra on it. skills in anatomy help you use the body to the best of its
Vivisection Prerequisite: Doctor ability.
When you attack a creature using an Intelligence Chakra Threads
(Medicine) check granted by the Doctor upgrade, if the Also at 1st level, you gain the ability to more strongly
creature's remaining hit points are lower than the result of manipulate the puppet master's signature ability: the chakra
your Intelligence (Medicine) check, you can choose to vivisect thread. You learn the chakra hands ninjutsu, though instead
the creature, killing it instantly instead of dealing damage. of a hand of chakra, you create thin threads of chakra that
If you kill a creature in this manner, you have advantage on connect to whatever you're trying to manipulate. The range of
any Intelligence (Medicine) checks to harvest organs, the jutsu is doubled, as is the range from which you can be
ingredients, or other items from it. from the end of your threads. This does not count against
15th Level Upgrades your number of Jutsu Known.
Adaptive Response Additionally, you gain one of the following Upgrades to
You attain full mastery of your body and its functionality,

increase your potency with your threads: Assisted Power, Chakra Pathway
Defensive Manipulation, or Thread Weapon. This upgrade You can use your chakra threads to move your chakra to
does not count against your upgrade total. Regardless of your another space. While you are connected to another creature
chosen upgrade, you can connect your chakra threads to a via chakra threads, when you cast a Ninjutsu or Genjutsu,
willing allied creature within 60 feet of you as an action. you can do so as though you were in that creature's space, but
you must use your own senses.
Personnel Puppeteer
Starting at 3rd level, your ability with your chakra threads can Defensive Manipulation
give further help to your allies. You can connect your chakra As a bonus action, you can connect your chakra threads to
threads to a willing allied creature by using your bonus a willing allied creature within 30 feet of you, using the
action. While you have a connection to another creature, you threads to practically ward the creature against attack. You
can use your action to make them immediately perform one can maintain this connection for up to 1 minute. While
action that the creature is able to take. You cannot make connected, any creature who targets the connected creature
them cast a jutsu or use a feature that they do not know. If with an attack or harmful jutsu must first make a Wisdom
you make them perform a jutsu, they can spend the chakra to saving throw against you Ninjutsu or Genjutsu save DC. On a
cast it. If you make them use a feature with limited uses, they failed save, the creature must choose a new target or lose the
can spend those resources to use that feature. attack or jutsu. This upgrade doesn't protect the creature
from area effects, such as the lightning from a lightning
Grandmaster Manipulation release: thunder tempest.
Starting at 5th level, your ability with chakra threads is If the connected creature makes an attack, casts a jutsu
stronger than most. When you connect your threads to that affects an enemy, or deals damage to another creature,
another creature, you can connect your threads to a number the threads break and the connection ends.
of creatures equal to half your proficiency bonus as part of
the same action or bonus action. You can control all of the Entangling Threads
creatures you are connected to with the same action or bonus You learn to use your threads to constrict the movement of
action. If you use your Personnel Puppeteer feature, you can other creatures. You learn the following jutsu at the following
make all of the creatures you are connected to take the same Puppet Master levels, as long as you have this upgrade (you
general action (Dash, Dodge, Attack, Cast a Jutsu, etc.). ignore any keyword prerequisites for these jutsu):
Puppet Master Level Entangling Jutsu
Master of Threads
Starting at 14th level, your ability to manipulate others with 1st Shadow Snake Bite
your chakra threads is practically unmatched. Choose one 5th Lightning Release: Spider Web
jutsu that you know (including any jutsu gained through an 9th Body Pathway Derangement
augment) that doesn't deal damage or inflict a condition and
that has a casting time of 1 action or 1 bonus action. 13th Forcecage
Whenever you connect your chakra threads to a creature, you
can cast the jutsu on the creature. You still expend chakra to Grappling Threads
cast it in this way. You strengthen your threads to hold a creature's weight. As
1 attack or 1 action, you may target a surface, object, or
Weaver Upgrades creature within 30 feet. If the target is Large or smaller, you
The following are upgrades available to the Weaver can attempt to grapple the creature using an Intelligence
Specialization. The upgrades are listed in alphabetical order (Athletics) or Wisdom (Athletics) check, pulling it to you and
for each group. Unless otherwise stated, you cannot take the grappling the creature on a success. Alternatively, it the target
same upgrade multiple times. is Huge or larger, you can choose to be pulled to it; this does
1st Level Upgrades
not grapple the target. You are automatically pulled toward a
structure that is larger than you.
Assisted Power
As a bonus action, you can connect your chakra threads to Medical Expertise
a willing allied creature within 60 feet of you. As an action Your knowledge of the body has made it easier to
while connected to the creature, you can boost their power manipulate chakra through it. You gain the ability to learn
with your own manipulation. For the next minute, the and use jutsu with the Medical keyword. Additionally, you
creature can add your proficiency bonus to any attack roll, learn 1 such jutsu that you qualify for, which doesn't count
ability check, or saving throw they make. They lose this boost against your number of Jutsu Known.
if you move your threads to another creature, you become Natural Enhancement Prerequisite: has a Nature Release
incapacitated, you die, or you lose concentration, as if You can use your own Nature Release to supplement
concentrating on a jutsu. another creature's jutsu. While connected to another
Brave Connection creature, when they cast a ninjutsu that deals damage, they
You learn the bravery genjutsu, and you can cast it as a can replace the damage type with one of your nature release's
bonus action on a creature you are connected to via chakra damage types. This replaces all the damage done by the
thread. jutsu.

Sensory Connection Prerequisite: Medical Expertise succeed on a Constitution saving throw. On a failed save, the
Your medical knowledge allows you to use the senses of creature is weakened and dazed until the end of their next
another creature you are connected to. While connected to a turn, being overwhelmed by your chakra.
creature via chakra thread, you can use your action to Feedback Loop
perceive through its senses until the end of your next turn. As Your chakra threads can better connect to a creature's
long as you retain your chakra threads' connection to the chakra network. While you are connected to a creature via
creature, you can use your action on subsequent turns to chakra thread, you can cast one jutsu they know, even if you
maintain this connected, extending the duration until the end don't have the required keyword prerequisites (such as
of your next turn. While perceiving throw the other creature's Medical or any Nature Release). You cannot cast a jutsu with
senses, you benefit from any special senses possessed by that the Hijutsu keyword in this way. You still expend the normal
creature, and you are blinded and deafened to your own amount of chakra for the jutsu.
surroundings. Once you cast a jutsu in this way, your connection to that
String Enhancement creature ends, as the threads took on too much chakra to
You can use your action to connect to a willing allied maintain their structure.
creature within 60 feet of you. Until the start of your next
turn, the creature gains 1d4 temporary hit points, and the Powered Puppeteering
next time the target deals damage, it deals an additional 1d4 Your chakra threads can imbue others with your own
damage to one instance of that damage. chakra. When you use your Personnel Puppeteer feature to
Additionally, you can spend chakra points to increase the make a creature use the Cast a Jutsu action, you can spend
potency of this effect. You can only spend a number of chakra your own chakra to make them cast the jutsu chosen, instead
points on this augment up to your proficiency bonus. For of letting the creature choose to spend their own chakra. The
each chakra point you spend, the target either gains an chakra you expend is the normal cost of the jutsu.
additional 2 temporary hit points or deals an additional 2 Thread Force Prerequisite: Antagonistic Connection
points of damage. While connected to a hostile creature via chakra thread,
Thread Weapon you can force one creature to make a Constitution saving
You give a more physical presence to your chakra threads. throw against your Ninjutsu or Genjutsu save DC, as you
As a bonus action, you can form your chakra threads into a force your chakra into their body. On a failed save, the target
chained hand scythe, a chained spear, a whip, or battle wire. takes 3d10 force damage and is moved 5 feet in a direction of
You are proficient with this weapon while using this upgrade, your choice or knocked prone.
and the weapon gains the finesse trait. You can end this effect Additionally, you can spend chakra points to increase the
as a bonus action. potency of this effect. You can only spend a number of chakra
points on this augment equal to three times your proficiency
5th Level Upgrades bonus. For every 3 chakra points you spend, the target either
Antagonistic Connection takes 1d10 additional damage or gets moved 10 additional
When you use your chakra threads to connect to a feet in the same direction. Alternatively, by spending at least 6
creature, you can attempt to connect to unwilling or hostile chakra, you can force the target to make a Constitution
creatures as well as willing allied creatures. When you saving throw or become restrained until the end of its next
attempt to connect to an unwilling or hostile creature, the turn.
creature must make a Dexterity saving throw against your 9th Level Upgrades
Ninjutsu or Genjutsu save DC, avoiding the threads on a Direct Connection
success. Your chakra threads can act as a perfect medium to deliver
Chakra Resilience Prerequisite: Defensive Manipulation jutsu. While you are connected to another creature via chakra
You can use your chakra threads to further protect an ally threads, you can cast a jutsu on that creature directly. You
from harm. While you are connected to another creature via gain the following benefits:
chakra threads, as a reaction to the target taking cold, earth, You do not require line of sight, and you do not need to see
fire, force, lightning, necrotic, psychic, or wind damage, you the creature to cast the jutsu on them if you normally
can give them resistance to the damage taken. Using this would.
augment overloads your chakra threads, breaking your If the jutsu's range is touch, you are considered touching
connection to the target. them while connected to them.
You can only use this augment a number of times equal to If the jutsu requires an attack roll, you roll with advantage.
your Constitution modifier, and you regain any expended uses If the jutsu forces the target to make a saving throw, it
when you complete a short or long rest. does so at disadvantage.
Directed Nature Prerequisites: Antagonistic Connection, If the jutsu affects and area, you can choose to have it only
has a Nature Release affect the connected creature.
You use your connection to direct a pure natural force into Extra Attack Prerequisite: Thread Weapon
another creature. While you are connected to a creature, you You have greater aptitude with your Thread Weapon. You
can use your action to direct chakra of your nature release can attack with your Thread Weapon twice, instead of once,
into one creature you are connected to. That creature must whenever you take the Attack action on your turn.

Telekinetic Threads Personnel Carrier Prerequisite: String-Based Flight
You can use your action to lash out with your threads to You enhance your chakra threads to hold a massive
manipulate the battlefield. When you activate this upgrade amount of weight. Your String-Based Flight upgrade can
and as an action each round for the next minute, you can benefit from your Grandmaster Manipulation, and you can
manipulate one creature or object that you can see within 60 target yourself with the upgrade. However, this only lasts for
feet of you, causing the appropriate effect below. You can up to 1 hour.
affect the same target round after round, or choose a new one Once you use this upgrade, you cannot do so again until
at any time. If you switch targets, the prior target is no longer you complete a long rest.
affected by this upgrade.
You can maintain this upgrade for up to 1 minute, or until
you lose concentration on it, as if concentrating on a jutsu. Multiclassing
Once you use this upgrade, you cannot do so again until you To determine the number of jutsu known when multiclassing
finish a short or long rest. with Puppet Master, you learn one additional jutsu from this
Creature. You can try to move a Huge or smaller creature. class every 3 levels.
Make an Intelligence check contested by the target's Strength
check. If you win the contest, you move the creature up to 30 Credits and Disclaimer
feet in any direction, including upward, but no further than 60 This class is my interpretation of the Puppet User in Naruto
feet away from you. Until the end of your next turn, the
creature is restrained by your threads. A creature lifted 5e, a D&D 5th Edition convertion for the Naruto setting by
upward is suspended in mid-air. Kingsare4ever.
On subsequent rounds, you can use your action to maintain Class Design Credit: This class is heavily based on the Alternate
your threads' hold on the creature by repeating the contest. Artificer made by KibblesTasty, and augmented and reflavored
Object. You can try to move an object that weighs up to by AJ (galen876#5568 on Discord or u/GuywithCurls on
1,000 pounds. If the object isn't being worn or carried, you Reddit), with help from Desmon Arnold (Desmon#9507 on
automatically move it up to 30 feet in any direction, but no
further than 60 feet away from you. Discord or u/Mikazel on Reddit). If you would like to support
If the object is worn or carried by a creature, you must the original creator, you can do so here:
make an Intelligence check contested by that creature's
Strength check. If you succeed, you pull the object away from
that creature and can move it up to 30 feet in any direction,
but no further than 60 feet away from you.
You can exert fine control over objects held by your
threads, such as manipulating a simple tool, opening a door
or container, stowing or retriving an item from an open
container, or pouring the contents from a vial.
11th Level Upgrades
Chakra Slash Prerequisite: Thread Weapon
You can give more power to your Thread Weapon. When
you hit a creature with your Thread Weapon, the creature
takes extra force damage equal to your Ninjutsu modifier
(minimum 1).
String-Based Flight
You can use your action to connect to one willing allied
creature other than yourself within 60 feet of you, granting it
a flying speed of 30 feet.
This upgrade can't benefit from your Grandmaster
Manipulation feature.
15th Level Upgrades
Chakra Stun Prerequisites: Antagonistic Connection,
Medical Expertise
You use your chakra threads to connect to the pressure
points of one creature within 60 feet of you. If the creature
has 150 hit points or fewer, it is stunned. Otherwise the
upgrade has no effect.
The stunned target must make a Constitution saving throw
against your Ninjutsu or Genjutsu save DC at the end of each
of its turns. On a successful save, this stunning effect ends.
Once you successfully use this upgrade, you cannot use it
again until you finish a long rest.


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