Grade 3: Unit 5: Lesson 4: Care For The Needy: Weak, Poor Needy. Reward Allah 19 of Ramadan

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Grade 3:

Unit 5: Lesson 4: Care for the needy

Fill in the blanks:
1. Muhammad(S) has taught us to be merciful towards the
weak , poor and the needy.
2. Caring for the needy has a great reward from Allah.
3. Allah helps a person as long as he helps his brother.
4. 19th of Ramadan is Zayed Humanitarian Day.
Answer the following:
1. What is meant by needy?
A: They are people who, due to their poverty, disability or
orphan hood could not provide the necessities of their
2. list some people who need our care and support?
 Poor people
 People of special needs
 People suffering due to disasters.
 Widows.
 Orphans
 Refugees.
3. How can you support for the needy?
 By providing food, cloth and shelter.
 By providing financial and moral support.
 By educating them
 By integrating them into the society.
4. What are the rewards for those who care for the
 They are among the best people with Allah.
 They win Allah’s help.
 It leads to Jannah.
5. Write a hadith on caring the needy?
A: The best of people are those who are most beneficial.
My Value is My Identity
6. Name some Humanitarian organizations in U.A.E?
 Emirates Red Crescent Authority.
 Dubai Cares.
 Zakat Fund etc.

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