The Whispering Church

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Roll d6s if you need an answer to a basic GM question.

Knotburn is situated on a muddy road fallen out of favor The Whispering Church
with most merchants. The burgomaster welcomes passing
adventurers because of the coin they spend in town. A
1 No, and... Face problem or difficulty small general store offers basic supplies but unusual items
2 No Endure cost or hardship can be ordered from a thick catalog.
3 No, but... Resolve circumstance
4 Yes, but... Change circumstance Knotburn’s young cleric tends to the few spiritual needs of
the townsfolk from his small cottage in town. However,
5 Yes Foreshadow event or clue
most people in town seem to hold clerics in low regard.
6 Yes, and... Gain advantage
The local sage is writing down stories about Knotburn’s
long history after the town records were destroyed in a fire
Roll d6s if you need an answer to a more complicated that broke out under mysterious circumstances.
GM question: combine any number of descriptors and
interpret your answer. Replace used descriptors
referencing events in the adventure. While the burgomaster’s daughter, Hagatha, is highly
regarded as a kind young woman, the same can’t be
said for the other missing youngsters.
1-3 4-6 1-3 4-6
1 Inform Release Ideas Rumor Most of them have spent a few hours in the town jail for The abandoned old church has stood on the outskirts of
2 Fight Control Death Danger throwing eggs at the town’s young cleric or were even Knotburn town for more than a century. Nobody alive is
3 Create Pursue Riches Friendship suspected of having something to do with the fire that old enough to remember exactly why the oak doors were
destroyed the town records. nailed shut using thick spikes of cold iron.
4 Disrupt End Fears Evil
5 Start Change Power Suffering Townsfolk report hearing ominous whispers and strange
A random encounter occurs on a roll of 1 on 1d6. Check
6 Trick Deceive Enemy Lies chanting near the church at night. Some even claim to
once every 3 turns while in and around the church.
have seen a flickering light behind the dirty stained glass
Throughout this adventure, keywords are used to help 1 1d6 Giant Church Rats: AC 13, HD 1d4 HP, #At 1
create your own custom solo/Gmless game experience. bite, Dam 1d4 +5% chance of disease, Mv 40' Swim Recently, a group of youngsters in town has gone missing,
20’, Sv F1, Ml 8, XP 10 Hagatha, the burgomaster’s daughter among them. He is
When visiting a location, first read the description, then desperate to find anyone willing to investigate the strange
select a keyword and roll on the What Happens table. 2 1d2 Town Drunks: AC 11, HD 1, #At 1 broken bottle,
nightly going-on in the church in the hope of finding any
Interpret the combined result keeping within context, Dam 1d4, Mv 30', Sv F1, Ml 9, XP 25
sign of the missing youngsters.
asking basic or complicated GM questions if needed.
3 1d10 Feretory Bats: AC 14, 1 HP, #At 1 confusion,
Dam N/A, Mv 30' Fly 40', Sv NM, Ml 6, XP 10 Why are the characters investigating the strange reports
I visit the feretory tower, select chalk drawings as my concerning the old church? Roll below to find out.
keyword, and roll on the What Happens? table. The result
4 1d4 Zombie Youngster: AC 12, HD 2, #At 1 prayer
is: (chalk drawings: endure cost or hardship)
book, Dam 1d8, Mv 20', Sv F2, Ml 12, XP 75 1 The town is a favorite resting stop on adventures
I interpret this as some drawings having some extra 2 A young cleric in town wants to take up residence
gruesome aspect, and decide to ask a complicated GM 5 1d4 Rattlesnake: AC 14, HD 1, #At 1 bite, Dam 1d4 + 3 The local sage wants to record the church’s history
question about the result: ‘why are these drawings poison, Mv 30', Sv F1, Ml 7, XP 37
4 A family member is among the missing youngsters
gruesome?’. The result is (Create/Death). Hmm, perhaps
involving the rat that is also mentioned for this location? 5 A debt needs repaying after release from town jail
6 1d4 Stained Glass Shadow: AC 13, HD 2, #At 1
touch, Dam 1d4 + 1 point Strength loss, Mv 30', Sv F2, 6 A long missing relic is traced back to the old church
I interpret this as grisly rat tails having been used to form Ml 12, XP 100
a macabre diagram on the floor.
A loose panel set in the church door leads to a shadowy Behind the altar on the chancel stands an animated
entrance hall. The inside of the door is hung with scraps of skeleton dressed in old cleric robes and wearing the
parchment covered in faded writing. Moth-eaten curtains tattered remains of a hangman’s noose.
cover a set of steps leading down to the north. Two
decrepit cabinets hold dusty religious paraphernalia as The undead thing screams in outrage, "more devil-
well as many freshly burnt candle stumps. A small iron worshippers? The gods must have sent me back to
grate door has been forced out of its hinges. punish this town for ALL their sins!”

The old parchments all bear the town seal of Knotburn. The The cleric slams its bony fist down on the altar, chipping
writing identifies a cold-hearted cleric named Aetheldred the stone. "Come to free your cult leader, no doubt. In
as being guilty of forsaking his duty in aiding the poor and the end, all shall REPENT!"
the sick because he found the faith of the Knotburners to
be lacking. The townsfolk sentenced him to death. Aetheldred is an undead cleric and carries a key to the
locked grated door to the east. If his morale fails, the
A strange mold festers within the thick curtains. When remaining bats in room 2 arrive in 1d4 rounds to cover his
something passes through, there is a 2-in-6 chance the escape attempt.
mold will release its spores.
Aetheldred, skeletaire cleric: AC 13, HD 4, #At 1 fist or
Church Mold: AC nil, harmed only by fire or holy water, HD spells, Dam 1d6 or by spell (casts as MU 5), Mv 40', Sv MU
2, #At spores, Dam save vs. Death Ray or take 1d8 points 4, Ml 12, XP 280 ea. HP 12 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐
of damage per round for 3 rounds, Mv 0, Sv NM, Ml n/a, XP Spells: darkness, curse, spiritual hammer
100 HP 10 ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐

A closed grated door guards a crypt holding a stone

sarcophagus engraved with the name ‘Aetheldred’.
This small high-ceilinged tower houses a portable brass The lid has been carved into the likeness of a angry-
shrine encrusted with bat guano. Several dead rats have looking cleric with a noose around his neck. Muffled
been stuffed into the reliquary in some sort of crude screams rise from within the sarcophagus.
sacrifice. The battered body of a young man lies in a
corner. The entire room is covered in juvenile chalk Dirty stained glass windows cast eerie shadows among
Stuffed inside is black-robed Hagatha, the daughter of
drawings depicting demonic creatures in lewd positions. the pews. Statues depicting the gods of law and morality
the burgomaster. Unfortunately, the ordeal has driven her
look sternly from the transepts. The chancel to the north
quite insane. She wields a dagger in her trembling hands.
The body is beaten to a pulp and barely recognizable as and the locked grated door to the east are covered by
one of the missing youngsters. He wears a crudely sewn thick curtains.
Hagatha can be somewhat reasoned with on a roll of 2
black robe and holds a bloody kitchen knife.
on 1d6; add any Charisma bonus to the range.
As you enter, shambling corpses rise menacingly from the
The name ‘Hagatha’ is drawn in blood underneath several pews clutching very old prayer books. You recognize
Success means she raves on about playing a game with
of the creepy chalk drawings. some of the missing youngsters!
her friends, supposedly to summon a demon, and how
During the day, the ceiling of this room is full of sleeping their chanting awakened the outraged undead cleric
Each zombie is dressed in crudely sewn black robes and
bats. If disturbed, there is a 4-in-6 chance that they will instead. Failure means she attacks the party in a fit of
has the word ‘repent’ cut into its forehead. The daughter
make a lot of noise warranting an extra random encounter cackling madness.
of the burgomaster isn’t among this group.
Black-robed Hagatha: Human Male Thief 2, AC 11, HD 1,
4 Zombie Youngster: AC 12, HD 2, #At 1 prayer book, Dam
30 Feretory Bats: AC 14, 1 HP, #At 1 confusion, Dam N/A, #At 1 dagger, Dam 1d4, Mv 30', Ml 9, XP 75 ea.
1d8, Mv 20', Sv F2, Ml 12, XP 75 ea. HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐☐
Mv 30' Fly 40', Sv NM, Ml 6, XP 10 ea. HP 25 ☐☐☐☐☐ HP 5 ☐☐☐☐☐
HP 6 ☐☐☐☐☐☐ HP 5 ☐☐☐☐☐ HP 4 ☐☐☐☐☐
☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ ☐☐☐☐☐ Written by John Lopez, SoloRPG Patreon. Based on Basic
Fantasy by Chris Gonnerman. Art by the Forge Studios.

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