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Activity 1

Read the text below and identify the cause and its effect. Write them down on the google sheet.
The link of it can be found on the schoology. Good Luck!

How Smartphone Changes Human Behaviour

Phones have changed a lot since they popped up in Australian homes in the late 1950s.
Phones were originally screwed onto walls and attached with wires and cords. They used a
circular dial with numbers that you had to turn to phone someone’s number. Push buttons came
in later. People without a home phone or anyone out on the street were able to use a public or
shared payphone in a phone box. Mobile phones first became popular in the 1990s. Since then
smartphones have combined phone capability with instant messaging, internet access, cameras
and navigation. Smart phones and the internet mean tasks that once took days, weeks or
months now happen instantly, at the press of a button or swipe of a screen.
We are living in the data age – not simply because of the increasingly important role that
technology is playing in our lives, but also because of the vast amounts of information being
collated about our habits. With a device that can send and receive not only phone calls and text
messages, but also access the internet, send and receive emails, access websites, ans utilize
social media, a new culture emerges. All of the new features of a cell phone have one thing in
common and that is the fact that they were all created on the premise of making it effortless to
communicate with others, whenever and wherever.
Unfortunately, sometimes the situation becomes worse when we are too addicted with
smartphones. For most Americans, their smartphone is the first thing they look at in the
morning, and the last thing they check at night. During the day, most people check their phone
on an hourly basis. People devote up to 85% of the time they spend using a smartphone on
apps. Therefore, nowadays our social life is in the edge of our priority. We are more comfortable
dealing with machines. We prefer playing game on smartphones, doing online transactions,
even living with a robot. There’s other bad news too. Smartphones are making us more
forgetful, they are affecting our concentration, making us dumber in general, and making us
more forgetful.
Every piece of technology has the potential to be both a boon and a curse. Smartphone,
while they have brought people closer and have enabled even the most remote person to
access the internet has the potential to cause dependence. It becomes our tasl to ensure that
we do not allow ourselves to become dependent on smartphones; as well as to help those who
already showing signs of addiction and dependence.
Activity 2
Individual writing
- Choose one of the topic below.
- Think for one cause and write it in cause column.
- Think for several logical effects and write them in effect columns.
- Develop your ideas into four paragraphs; introduction paragraph, cause paragraph, effects
paragraph and conclusion paragraph.
a. Millenial women choose to be working mothers.
b. Inappropriate youtube content starts arising.
c. Global warming is happening.

Effect 1:

Cause: Effect 2:

Effect 3:

Effect 4:

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