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Next steps

for Greater Sydney

July 2021
1. A fresh look at the future of Greater Sydney 3

2. What we need to know 4

3. How we will work with you 6

Acknowledgement of Country
The Greater Sydney Commission acknowledges the traditional owners of
the lands that include Greater Sydney and the living culture of these lands.
The Commission recognises that the traditional owners have occupied
and cared for this Country over countless generations and celebrates their
continuing contribution to the life of Greater Sydney.


Post: PO Box 257, Parramatta NSW 2124

Tel: (02) 8289 6200 or 1800 617 681



A fresh look at the future of 1
Greater Sydney
We have a great opportunity to review our thinking for the
future of Greater Sydney and ensure we put people at the
heart of everything we do.
Geoff Roberts AM
Chief Commissioner

In 2018 the Greater Sydney Commission released our This matters because it helps government
Region Plan, A Metropolis of Three Cities. This was take a more coordinated approach to sharing
a plan for the decades ahead that began its work in opportunities and resolving challenges.
the present: by reimagining Greater Sydney as three
I see three key challenges on the horizon. Firstly, we
cities within a metropolis, rather than a metropolis need more jobs, more quickly and in more places.
sprawling around a single CBD. It was a major shift in Secondly, we need to bring the environment to
how we thought about the city and the people who the centre of how we think and talk about Greater
live in it, now and in the future. We considered how Sydney as we respond to climate change and protect
Sydney was working – and how it wasn’t – because the health of our natural assets. Thirdly, we can’t
our job is to make a great city even better. lose sight of how fundamental housing is to people.
The conclusions reached in A Metropolis of Three A just city that acknowledges its past and embraces
Cities are based on the need to create three the future will look to reconciliation with its First
30-minute cities where jobs and the things we love Peoples. Australia’s First Peoples are our first
are within reach by public transport any day of the scientists, engineers, mathematicians and artists.
week. Having a job close to home, the local services As home to the world’s oldest continuing culture,
you and your family need, and access to a great we have much to learn and celebrate.
park or open space in your neighbourhood can
Our goal is to make Greater Sydney more
make a significant difference to quality of life.
connected: connected to its environment and its
The 2018 Greater Sydney Region Plan (GSRP) communities, and an even better place to live.
was developed together with the State We are enabling many and diverse opportunities
Infrastructure Strategy and Future Transport 2056. for feedback as we make sure we are fulfilling that
Aligning land use and infrastructure planning, objective. Sydney is a city that inspires passion
in theory and practice, became a central part of and debate and we look forward to productive and
Greater Sydney’s planning. spirited discussion.


What we need to know
Release of this paper marks the formal start of the review of the
Greater Sydney Region Plan, and the associated District Plans.
Elizabeth Mildwater
Chief Executive Officer

The original Region Plan reimagined Greater significant shocks over recent years and the full
Sydney. Its core ideas – the powerful concepts of impacts are not yet known. What will happen to
the Metropolis of Three Cities and the 30-minute Sydney’s population? What is happening with
city – are now ubiquitous and have helped bring Sydney’s housing market? Is hybrid working here
a clear focus on how we can better address the to stay? What will happen to our CBDs? And our
needs of all communities. local centres, creative industries and arts and
With unprecedented global disruption altering how entertainment? What are the implications
we live, work, play and learn, it’s time to build on for transport?
those strong foundations. This review is every bit as
The Greater Sydney Commission’s role is not to
significant as the creation of the original Plan.
respond to short-term issues but to assess the
We start with two key strengths of the Greater longer-term impacts, and plan for those. So we
Sydney Commission: an inquiring mindset and the will be watching closely over the next two years
spirit of collaboration. And we start with questions: to see which shifts endure in the long term.
has the Region Plan achieved what it set out to do? For each question we must consider whether we
What did we get right? What did we miss? What are seeing an acceleration of an existing trend,
needs to be improved? What has changed?
a wholly new trend or just a temporary
We do all this at a time of considerable uncertainty. disruption. We need to ensure we don’t miss the
As this paper is released, multiple questions are opportunity inherent in disruption, but that we
being asked about changes in the way we live and also don’t let this particular moment in time loom
work in Greater Sydney. Our city has experienced larger than it should.


We have identified some key issues we believe • Heat Resilience – How do we ensure that
warrant deeper analysis: Greater Sydney’s neighbourhoods remain
liveable over the next 100 years given
• Global City Responses to COVID-19 – How
has COVID-19 affected the long-term strategic anticipated temperatures? What options might
thinking of our international city-region peers, we explore, and what are the costs and benefits?
and what lessons might Greater Sydney learn? We are also thinking about other topics that would
In particular, how are other cities responding benefit from further focus for Greater Sydney. And
to structural changes in their CBDs, including we are interested in hearing from you. Where do
consideration of the right balance between you think we need to dive deeper? What warrants
commercial and residential uses? closer attention as we review our plans?
• Net Zero Sydney – How quickly does Greater We already are thinking about the digital
Sydney need to reduce its carbon emissions
transformation of our lives and the need to ensure
to support NSW’s net zero target and what
digital infrastructure is supported and accessible.
opportunities does this present?
As the population of Greater Sydney grows, is this
• Industrial lands – What is the role and function the right time to reconsider the future relationship
of the existing industrial and urban services
of the Metropolis to the regions that surround it,
land in Greater Sydney? The Region Plan
extending from Newcastle to Wollongong, and
emphasises the importance of industrial uses to
how the city functions and, in some areas, limits including the Central Coast, Bathurst, Southern
the introduction of other uses. Would other Highlands and Illawarra? How could we ensure
approaches to their management provide more that all of Greater Sydney’s future population has
benefit to the State? equitable access to current or planned public
transport and that our travel is more sustainable?
• Jobs for the Future – How will our economy
develop over the next 40 years and what are And, of course, you can’t live in Sydney without
the implications of this for industries and the knowing housing affordability is a challenge facing
future workforce? What kinds of skills will be many residents. We are following the current
necessary for the jobs of the future and what will trends affecting housing affordability closely and
give way to automation? What kinds of jobs will will be looking at how the review of the Region
create more jobs? How can we best plan the city-
Plan and District Plans can help meet Sydney’s
region to encourage future businesses, jobs and
housing needs for the longer term.
investment to locate in Greater Sydney?
The future is the product of the decisions we make
• Future of Centres – What is the future function
of CBDs in a post-Covid environment? How do today. Planning the future of a city you love is a
we work to create a city of thriving centres of wonderful opportunity and a great responsibility.
different scales? Will local centres have a different I hope you feel as inspired as I do to make Greater
role in Greater Sydney over the next 40 years? Sydney an even better place to live.


How we will work with you
Our commitment is to engage widely and deeply with the
community and stakeholders of Greater Sydney.

We start this formal review of the Greater Sydney provide your thoughts on how Greater Sydney can
Region Plan and District Plans determined to best function in the future. (
work even more closely and effectively with the
Also on our website, and below, you will find
community and our stakeholders.
more information on the review process,
The 2018 Region Plan benefitted from the insights including timelines and expected opportunities
and ideas of the people of Sydney and a wide array for engagement with the Commission. Join a
of stakeholders. We engaged directly with over conversation with us, tell us the challenges you
25,000 people through a range of deliberative face and the opportunities you can see for
workshops, focus groups, community meetings, Greater Sydney’s future.
roundtable meetings, briefing sessions, surveys
and online chats. We are building on this strong In 2022 the Commission will release a mid-term
foundation and are challenging ourselves to engage strategic review of the current Greater Sydney
with an even broader range of citizens. Our diversity Region Plan. This will provide a detailed analysis
is one of our greatest assets and we want to reach of the existing Region Plan and present
further into the many communities across Greater opportunities for improvements to make Greater
Sydney. The voices of young people are essential Sydney even more productive, liveable and
when it comes to planning for their future and sustainable. This review will highlight responses to
their children’s future. Aboriginal and Torres Strait some of the immediate challenges Greater Sydney
Islander peoples’ views about how the Region Plan has experienced, including COVID-19, climate
and District Plans can support better outcomes for change and resilience. It will also look ahead to
First Nations people are similarly vital. the future of work. Feedback will be sought on
As we begin more than two years of ongoing this strategic review through an extensive public
engagement, the Commission is seeking your engagement program.
feedback on key topics under consideration during Responses to the ideas outlined in this mid-term
the review process [see What we need to know on strategic review will then shape preparation of a new
page 4].
draft Region Plan and draft District Plans, which will
There is a simple survey on our website where you be placed on exhibition in 2023 for public feedback.
can tell us what you think about these focus areas, With your input, we can make the best plan for
provide input on their importance to you, and Greater Sydney, and all of us who live here.

Embedding best practice principles for the review and update of the GSRP

Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4

July 2021 Early 2022 2023 2023–24

Next Steps for Strategic Draft GSRP and Finalisation of GSRP

Greater Sydney Review District Plans and District Plans
• Setting directions for the • Review of 2018 GSRP and • Refreshed 40 year vision and • Innovative engagement via
GSRP and District Plan review District Plans revisited 20 year plan digitisation of plans
and update • Evidence led review and update • Rationale for decisions
• Aligned and released in conjunction
• Explain purpose and rationale of with relevant Government strategies of policy position on key areas
• Clear focus on implementation
review process • New suite of actions to be and monitoring
• Introduce focus areas for GSRP and
• Community and stakeholder District Plan update, including how it ‘given effect to’ through District
engagement begins can further support Greater Sydney’s Plans and LEPs
recovery from COVID-19 • Community and stakeholder
• Extensive community and engagement continues along
stakeholder engagement with formal exhibition



Post: PO Box 257, Parramatta NSW 2124

Tel: (02) 8289 6200 or 1800 617 681


July 2021 © Crown Copyright 2021 NSW Government

While every reasonable effort has been made to ensure that this document is correct at the time of printing, the
State of NSW, its agents and employees, disclaim any and all liability to any person in respect of anything or the
consequences of anything done or omitted to be done in reliance or upon the whole or any part of this document.

Copyright Notice
The material is subject to copyright under the Copyright Act 1968 (Cth), and it is owned by the State of New South Wales through
the Greater Sydney Commission. The Commission encourages the availability, dissemination and exchange of public information.
You may copy, distribute, display, download and otherwise freely deal with the material for any purpose, on the condition that
you include the copyright notice “© State of New South Wales through the Greater Sydney Commission” on all uses.


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