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Sporting D o g

Kovacevic’s Gr Ch Maza DVD

Fron t cover desig ned by Pera (T.N .T. kenn el’s brot her)
Duhon’s Champion T-Bone
A Tribute to an Honest Bulldog

The Use and Misuse of

Courage: The Bulldog

Krunch Kennel’s
Ch Meister
Condit ioning
To Win
Show News King
Golden King’s Champion Kid 4xW Interview
American Sporting
Dog Journal
May - June
Show News
Elagin knl’s Basta vs Andrey (Volgograd)’ s Tina F. 16 kg
Referee: Igor Pit Fighter
Time : 0:51
Winner: Andrey (Volgograd)’ s Tina


Elagin Knl’s Mirgen vs Anton’s Lex

referee: Big Snake Knl
time: 0:45
Winner: Elagin Knl’s Mirgen 1xW

Gringo Kennel’s Brut vs Pecata(Farma)’s Bakru

Males : 17 kg

Time : 1 h

Winner : Brut

Podillya’s Chili vs Dog Pride’s Nyusha

Female : 14.000 kg
Refeere : BSD
Time : 51 min
Winner : Dog Pride’s Nyusha 1xW

page 3
DDY Knl’s Dillinger vs Gogoy & Sf kennel’s Leo

refeere : SF KENNELS

males 19.200 kg

Both dogs came in weight Dillinger domminate from the first minutes to the end giveng no chance to his
opponent.After 1.05 minutes Gogoy Knl’s pick up his dog .

Winner : DDY Kennel’s Dillinger 1xW in 1 h and 5 minutes.


G Kennel & Dracula Kennel’s ZIKA III vs Carol Kennel MIMI 1xW

Females: 15,850 kg

Very good match between true and hard opponents. Mimi start offensive with good actions in chest and
throat for the first 20-25 minutes,but Zika show that she is a very good fighter and go on defense.Zika
fight on the head with some hard actions in front legs and throat trying to finish Mimi.With every minute
Zika take the control of the match and won in 1 h and 15 minutes when Carol Kennel pick up a very game
female. Very good job for Dracula Kennel who conditioning and handling ZIKA III.

WINNER: G Kennel & Dracula Kennel’s ZIKA III 1xW

TIME: 1 h 15 minutes


Vic’s Lara vs Eli blood’s Neagra 1xW

ref : Razvan

kg: 21,100 female

winner : Vic’s Lara 1xW

time: 0,37 min

Lara weight 20,600 and Neagra 21 kg. Lara attacked the chest and neck showed that bite very hard.
Neagra defended herself but was unable to counteract.Neagra stop in the corner.


Alin knl’s Aida vs Grigo’s Roxi

Female : 14 kg

Refree : Danut

Time : 25 min

Winner :Alin knl’s Aida 1xW

page 4
Ulise Kennel’s Shark vs Mihai’s Mell

WEIGHT : 21.200 kg


WINNER : Ulise Kennel’s Shark 1xW


From the start Shark verry hard bitter punish his opponent not giving any chance breaking both legs and
then plug the throat. Mihai was forced to pull their dog to save.


Cornel Knl & Sefknl’s Mimi vs Bastard knl’s Hera 1xLG 1xW BIS

TIME : 2 h 50 min

Refree : Sopon

At 2 h 50 min owners decide draw. Mimi demonstrates that it is game.


Wyspa’s Gala II vs Tribal’s Rita Jr


Weight : 16.800 kg

Time : 44 min

Winner : Wyspa’s Gala II 1xW

Rita Jr Stop


Mortal Kombat(UKRAINE) vs New Earth(UKRAINE)

Females: 13.100 kg

Judge: BRD

time : 27 min

winner: New Earth (UKRAINE) Zurzee 1xW

page 5
Aset KZ (Ronaldo &Alex knl)(KAZAKHSTAN UKRAINE) vs Yankee knl(UKRAINE)

Females: 14.050 kg

Judge : Union

Time : 4 h 29 min

Winner: Yankee knl (UKRAINE) Holli 2xW,1xL


Pinsk knl (Belarussia) of vs BA knl (Austria)

males: 17.500 kg

Judge : BSD

time fight: 1 h 10 min

Winner : Hacker 2xW

The match lasted 1 h 10 min. Constant domination Belarusian of a dog. The hacker works in a paw breast.
The Austrian dog works in the head. At the hacker the head is injured. At the Austrian dog the paw a
shoulder is broken. Dogs executed on the little skretchy. On the last skratch the Austrian dog couldn’t rise
from a corner. The hacker surely went under the own steam on a dropper.


page 6
ac ul a K enn
r Open for stud e

in europe


Nasty Man’s Ch Gremlin 3xW

Nasty Man’s Ch Jazz ROM
3xW,1xD Nasty Man’s Shana ROM
Z’s Max 1xLG
Garlaunis’ Rambo (Cune’ s
Zoltan’s Sissi Iron Kid) 1xW,1xL
Neznam(Porkalab)’s Rozi

Nasty Man’s Ch Gremlin 3xW

Nasty Man’s Ch Jazz ROM
3xW,1xD Nasty Man’s Shana ROM
Dracula Kennel’s
Ch Jazzy 3xW Radonjic’s Jumbo 1xLG ROM
Kartel’s Sitter 1xL POR Krkeljic’s Trinita Dracula Kennel’s Ch Jazzy 3xW

Tested male. 50 % Nasty Man’s Ch Jazz 3xW, 1xD , best

blood of Ch Jazz you can find only at Dracula Kennel.
Contact :
Duhon’s Champion T-Bone
A Tribute to an Honest Bulldog

pay with each devastating bite. T-bone

has inapt ability to know exactly when to
switch fighting styles. I would compare
him to a boxer like Julio Ceasar Chavez,
in the sense that he knows how to tacti-
cally breack on opponent down and then
go for the kill. Each dog scratched four
times and on Pac Man’s fifth time up, he
was to hurt and to weact to scratch. He
stood the line and T-Bone was declared
the winner in 48 minutes.
T-Bone ‘s Championship match is the
one I like to refer to as the match T-Bone
couldn’t win. This match was billed as
This dogs life started out on the yard of the fight of south, as T-Bone was to face
Kenny Adner. Kenny bred his Sandy bitch Larry. Meadors Super Double Grand
to Crazy Cajun Kennels Grand Champi- Champion Melonhead! A 12X winner,
on Rags. Who would of thought that this no defeats, no bad moves,not even a
breeding would produce such a high calib- questionable scratch! This dog is what
er of bulldogs! Champion T-Bone and his every dog man dreams of. Melonhead
littermate brothers Champion Crazy, and had the complete package: hardbite, ex-
Raggedy were all matched at an early age. cellent wind, and tremendous ability!
T-Bone’s first match occurred at the tender This match reminds me of the Bullyson
age of 17 months old. He was matched into V.S. Bennybob fight , in which the old-
Wilton’s Brindle Dog, at 42 lbs. He won er, wiser Melonhead was supposed teach
this match in 1:10 convincingly , utilizing young T-Bone a lesson. In order words
his brutal nose crushing style that he’d he was supposed to Spank him. It was
shown throughout his thorough schooling. even said to the hadler that he had a bet-
His second match was into the reputable ter chance of winning the Louisiana lot-
dogman R.A. Faul using his Pac Man dog. tery than he had of beating Melonhead!
R.A. is known to be one of the best con- With this type of Hype going around at
ditioners of the deep south. In this match pitside people were foolishly yelling out
T-Bone showed what a versatile and ath- 2 to 1 and 3 to 1 odds. As the referee yelled
letic dog he was, by abandoning his nose “Release Your dogs” these two American
tactics. He proceeded to work the chest, Gladiators charged each other with bad
shoulders ,and stifles. He made Pac Man intentions.

page 8
As they met they exchanged bites to the mark a handle was made, when Melonhead
face. Melonhead then rode an ear but, that was brought back to the corner he collapsed
was short lived as T-Bone out maneuvered . When the referee said ,” Face your dogs”
him and quickly got his infamous nose Melonhead stood to scratch but, 12X win-
hold. T-Bone proceeded to ruin Melon- ner super double Grand Champion Melon-
head ‘s nose bleeding him terribly. Then head wouldn’t budge! This was T-Bone’s
out of left field T-Bone decided to com- third victory, and the most impressive by
bine his entire repertoire of styles switch- far!
ing quickly from the nose to the chest and I have recently obtained this dog from
shoulders. Believe me, this dog ain’t no Don Ardoin and Crazy Cajun Kennels. I
skin jerker! He then went to the front legs, plan on using him for stud, as well as keep-
shaking them so vigorously that around ing him on the campaign trail. This dog
pitside Melonhead’s bones could be heard has proven that he has what it takes to fol-
cracking! Melonhead opted for an ear hold, low in his sires footsteps , and continue to
and a fang was called on T-Bone. He was be successful on his quest to becoming a
unfanged and then he continued his on- Grand Champion! As a producer, out of his
slaught of leg shaking and nose chomping! first litter he has already thrown a 1X win-
At the 25 minute mark, a turn was called ner named Comeaux ‘s Lucas. He seems to
on Melonhead. T-Bone went further into have the same ability as his sire, in regards
the breaking down process, as he started to producing early starting , hardbiting,
throwing on the finishing touches by div- exceptionally talented bulldogs. Champi-
ing deep and hard into the stifles, chewing on T-Bone will remain open, as well as at
for all that he’s worth! As this time of the Public Stud under a Private Teatry Agree-
match T-Bone seemed to be getting strong- ment. I will also be offering a service to
er as Melonhead became weak and winded. the fraternity , that I don’t believe has ever
As this point people were still betting on been publicly offered before!
Melonhead. I guess bad habits die hard! At
the 40 minute mark a handle was made and
Melonhead scratched slowly, and T-Bone
grabbed him by the nose. A second handle
was made with T-Bone charging hard, and
fast into Melonhead. A third hanle came
about , and Melonhead hesitated and then-
scratched slowly. T-Bone took preferen-
tial treatment in trying to rip Melonhead’s
nose off!a fourth handle was successfully
completed, and T-Bone scratched hard and
true into Melonhead’s corner. T-Bone ap-
peared as though he was a wrestler in the
way he kept slamming Melonhead over and
over again! At the 50 minute mark Melon-
head was a down dog, as T-Bone laid on
top of him chewing on wthat was left of a
devoured nasal cavity. At the 53 minutes
Meador’s Super Grand Champion Melonhead,multi
time winner ,lost vs T- Bone
page 9
I will be willing to drive to any dogman’s
yard and breed his bitch to T-Bone for
just the price of the stud fee and travel ex-
penses. As for T-Bone’s littermate brother
Champion Crazy, he just lost his 4th time
out Dead Game fighting way behind for
over 3 hours! As for his brother Raggedy,
he is currently a 2X winner!
Champion T-Bone is a top notch Cham-
pion that will hopefully fulfill his journey
in becoming a top notch Grand Champion
and producer as well. I would like to thank Comeaux’s Rags (Le Jeune’s Gr Ch Benny Boy),
Don Ardoin and Crazy Cajun Kennels for sire of T-Bone
selling me such a fine animal. I would also
like to thank the editor for allowing me to
ramble on like this!
Ronnie Duhon

Note : Ch T-Bone lost later vs Bad Boy’s Tubb 2xW( sired by St. Benedict’s Dylan 2xW
x Hooten`s Baby O )

Picture of Bad Boy’s Tubb 2xW, dog who

won vs Ch T-Bone in 2 hours and 18 minutes

page 10
page 11







USA $ 40.00
CANADA $ 45.00
MEXICO $ 50.00



Contact us at e-mail :
The Use and Misuse
of Courage:
The Bulldog
“ The greatest pup in Mongaup As seen with the Bloodhounds of that, the public and the media
today is a brindled Bulldog as and the Northern breeds, more are found referring to dogs as ei-
brave as he is hideous. Every often than not, attempting to ther “Bulldog guard dog,” “pet
woman who meets the brindle distinguish between similar yet Bulldog,” “Bulldog used in the
pats it, seems disposed to kiss its distinct breeds is nearly impos- pit,” or “farm Bulldog.” These
ugly mug, and says: ‘Good dog! sible. During the 19th century identifications were far superior
Good dog!’ ” the term “Bulldog” was a generic to “Pit bull,” “Bull Terrier” or
This is an excerpt from a term used to identify a type of “Bulldog” in explaining the be-
Washington Post news story, in dog used for a host of functions. havior of dogs found in attacks
1907, about a Bulldog that saved Even though there were separate or in the performance of heroic
the lives of 20 women huckleber- breeds recognized as the Bull- deeds.
ry-picking in a field in New Jer- dog, American Pit Bull Terrier, The Bulldog had proven itself a
sey. The women wandered near and Bull Terrier, all these dogs valuable and dependable com-
a fenced pasture in which a bull were regularly referred to by panion to the American people
grazed. The bull became enraged many people and the media as throughout the 19th century.
at this perceived intrusion, break- simply “Bulldogs.” Although Like most dogs, Bulldogs often
ing down the fence and charging each of these breeds has a com- endured hardship and abuse, yet
the soon frantic women. One of mon origin in a type of old Eng- were steadfast in their loyalty and
the women had a Bulldog which lish Bull-dogge used for bull devotion to their masters. Bull-
had accompanied the ladies on baiting and/or pit fighting each dogs were highly respected for
their berry-picking adventure. has their own separate history of these qualities, along with their
Upon seeing the women run- fierceness. Fierceness was not
ning from the maddened bull, the considered a negative attribute a
Bulldog rushed into the fray. The century ago, and many Bulldogs
dog intercepted and attacked the were praised for this particular
bull before it was able to reach trait.Fierceness was associated
the fleeing women. with courage and fortitude, and
As seen in the chapter on farm these characteristics were needed
dogs, it was not uncommon for on farms, in the wildness and
livestock to attack humans, or for even in cities. Fierceness was not
faithful dogs to rush to their aid. the same as ferociousness, and
Neither was it uncommon for was not used to imply aggression
dogs to be heralded or recognized towards humans.
publicly in the media for these breeding for a specific trait, ap- Like any breed of dog that is pop-
deeds. pearance or function. breeding ular and used in multiple func-
Dogs referred to as “Bulldogs” for a specific trait, appearance or tions, the Bulldog was involved
were extremely popular in the function. in a wide spectrum of incidents
late 1800s and early 1900s. Then, as today, there was much and events, most advantageous
These all-purpose dogs appealed confusion, debate and misin- to men, but some not so. Far too
to a wide variety of owners. Bull- formation as to the history and frequently in the human/dog re-
dogs functioned as guard dogs, identification of the individual lationship, humans place dogs
farm dogs, hunting dogs, police Bull-dog and Bull-terrier breeds. in situations or environments
dogs, traveling companions, and Less confusing and more reveal- where dogs have little option but
house pets, as well as in such pur- ing was the immediate function to behave badly, and Bulldogs,
suits as dog-fighting. of the dog, and in the realization because their courageous nature,

page 13
found themselves often in these As bizarre as this case is, this steady temperament proved it-
lose-lose type of situations. man showed far more bravery self on a daily basis and in almost
A strange kind of depravity is than any of the traditional dog every circumstance. An incident
found a number of times in the fighters. Dog fighters flatter which reveals much about the
late 1800s—that of men initiating themselves that they are sporting true nature of Bulldogs, even
a fight with a dog. This was seen men. But unlike a true sport which those dogs chained and deprived
in the staged match between a requires intelligence, stamina, or of adequate human attention, is
Siberian Bloodhound and a prize athletic prowess on the part of found in the following 1882 ac-
fighter in 1889. It was also seen a the human participants, only the count:
number of times with those who dogs display any of these abilities “A Dog Steals a Negro Baby”
fancied themselves to be prize in this “sport.“ The human agita- “Yesterday morning a Negro
fighters. In another incident in tors stand safely off to the side, woman in East Selma laid a very
1889, two men were walking needing no sportsman-like quali- young child on a small pallet
home one evening in Indianapo- ties other than being able to bend placed in the sun, where the wind
lis. The men were discussing a over and pick up the body of the would not strike it, and went to
boxing match which recently oc- animal which entrusted its life to another part of the yard to com-
curred. They passed by a house this man. mence her week’s washing. Re-
with a Bulldog in the yard. The As is the case with most breeds turning in a short while great was
less bright of the two claimed he of dogs, few Bulldogs, American her distress and agony to find
could “knock the dog out in one Pit Bull Terriers or Bull Terri- the child gone. A diligent search
round.” The article goes on to say ers were expected to perform the about the premises resulted vain-
that “the brute accepted the chal- original function associated with ly, and the mother was on the
lenge, and a fierce fight ensued, in the breed. In the late 19th century point of distraction when a faint
which the man was terribly bit- most of the Bulldogs, Bull Terri- cry was heard from the large dog
ten about the neck and head. One ers and American Pit Bull Terri- house that stood by, a peep into
eye was torn out and one ear bit ers were not used for bull baiting which disclosed the baby
off, and he would have been torn or dog fighting, but were used to stretched on the dog’s be—all
to pieces had not the owner of the assist and accompany their mas- right with the exception of a
dog come to his rescue.” The arti- ters in the daily tasks of living. few scratches caused by being
cle makes special note to describe From the Bulldog used for hunt- dragged over the ground, while
the man as “perfectly sober” at ing to the Bulldog kept as a house the mischievous author of the ex-
the time. pet, the breed’s courage and citement, an over-grown Bulldog

page 14
pup, looked calmly on wagging his tail in an unconcerned

Selma Times, March 23, 1882

In 1903 a newspaper article tells of Bum the police Bull

Terrier chasing crooks in New York City and leading his
partner, Officer Shields, to the East River, where the dog
began tugging at a man floating facedown in the river.
The man was blind and had stumbled into the river. The
Bull Terrier was credited with saving the man’s life.

1889, Bulldog. Please notice his long legs and long tail.

Battle with Dog” has the subheading, “Pulled

Down by Vicious Setter, Pet Bull Terrier
Saved Her.” The rest of the article goes on to
explain how the Setter jumped at the woman,
knocking her down, attacking and biting, be-
fore the woman’s Bull Terrier rushed in and
attacked the Setter dog.
On the front page of the Davenport Demo-
crat in 1924 is a photograph of two small boys
sitting on a bench. One of the boys has his arm
across the shoulders of a little Bulldog, while
the dog sits half on the bench and half draped
over the boy’s tiny leg. Another small boy sits
beside them, his head swathed in bandages.
The title of the article is “Pet Bulldog Saves
Two Children from Mad Dog’s Attack.” The
lengthy article goes on to describe in great de-
tail the severe injuries inflicted in an attack by
a mad Airedale Terrier on the two boys play-
ing in the street. Queen, the little Bulldog,
rushed out of the house when one of the chil-
dren’s mothers opened the screen door after
hearing the boys’ cries. The dog was credited
with saving the lives of both children.
Bulldog & Bull Terrier , An illustration from the book ‘The Bar Sin- Unfortunately, as we see time and again,
ister’ by Richard Harding Davis. It’s a story told from the perspective there never seems to be a shortage of persons
of ‘Kid’, a Bull Terrier. using dogs as an extension of their violent ten-
In 1906 an article entitled “Faithful Bulldog Copper Pa- dencies, and so Bulldogs, ever ready to please
trols Georgetown Beat” describes how “Jim, a handsome their masters, are found in situations of hu-
Bulldog” was rescued by a police officer from a burning man initiated aggression. In 1871, there was a
building. The story goes on to explain how the Bulldog case reported of an Edwardsville man sen-
then became a member of the police force, patrolling a tenced to six months imprisonment for incit-
beat with his human partner and assisting in arrests. True ing his Bulldog to attack his wife. The report
to the Bulldog character, the canine police officer was reads:
reported to “love the excitement and dangers of police “The man having some grudge against his
work.” wife, locked the doors of the house so she could
It was also not unusual to find “fierce” Bulldogs or Bull not escape, and then deliberately incited a large
Terriers saving their masters/mistresses from “ferocious” bull dog to worry the unfortunate woman. The
dogs of other breeds. In 1905 an article entitled “Woman’s details of her frantic struggle with the brute,

page 15
negatively to some degree, but the and killing a little girl who wan-
many contributions the Bulldogs dered too close to the dog.
had made to early Americans as In 1909 another tragic case of a
farm dogs and loyal protectors Bulldog-related fatality could be
counteracted their fighting im- found in New York
age. City. A woman, Mrs. Liebess,
It is no coincidence that Presi- who suffered from epilepsy,
dent Theodore Roosevelt (1901– owned a Bulldog which lived
1909) owned a Bulldog with her in her apartment. Early
during his term in the White in August the woman collapsed
House at the height of the Bull- in a seizure. Her neighbor Mrs.
dog popularity. However, the- Sness and her 15-year-old son,
“Smasher” , 1879
bane of any breed is popularity. hearing a commotion, went to
which were given in evidence be- As seen time and time again, the woman’s aid. Upon finding
fore a magistrate were unspeak- when a breed becomes exceeding- the door locked, Mrs. Sness and
ably horrible. She was savagely ly popular, especially if the breed her son broke open the door. Af-
bitten in many places by the dog, has a negative function attached ter they entered into the apart-
her husband doing his best to to it, there will be a significant ment, the Bulldog attacked both
shut out all means of escape.” increase in substandard and un- mother and son. Bedlam ensued
suitable owners. Such was the di- as mother and son struggled to
E d w a r d s v i l l e lemma of the Bulldog in the early fight off the dog, with the owner
Intelligencer,November 23 , 1871 1900s. Bulldog popularity soared still on the floor semi-conscious.
in the first decade of the 1900s and Other neighbors responded to
Bulldogs were now found in great the scene but were afraid to in-
There are numerous other cases
numbers in urban environments. tervene because they imagined
found of men inciting, encourag-
No surprise that we should the dog to be “mad.” The unfor-
ing or “setting their
find the highest number of fa- tunate woman who attempted to
dogs” onto the unfortunate vic-
tal Bulldog attacks during the help her neighbor died from her
tims of their anger.
height of the Bulldog popular- injuries from the over-protective
In 1905 we find an article about
ity (1900–1909). And no small and clearly agitated Bulldog. Her
Bulldogs in which the author
surprise these attacks would be 15-year-old son survived.
states; “A man is known by the
Bulldog he keeps.”Indeed, the re- found clustered in the large cities, Besides a handful of fatal at-
verse is probably even truer: the where these animals were often tacks, there were numerous se-
temperament and behavior of kept in apartment buildings or al- vere attacks involving Bulldogs
many a Bulldog is known by the lowed to roam the city streets. from 1900–1909. During this
owner who keeps it. In New York City, a Bulldog decade we find the Bulldog’s rep-
The Bulldog’s image experi- killed his mistress after she sav- utation turning from a fierce dog
enced a rather sudden turn in the agely beat him the day before. As to a ferocious dog.
early 1900s when they the woman lay dying from her
left the farms, frontiers and pits wounds she remarked, “I beat the
and entered into urban apart- dog for disobeying me, and it was
ment houses and began roaming sullen all day.” The woman also
in great numbers through city said she began to feel remorse for
streets. Like the Collie, the Bull- “whipping” the dog and had gone
dog had much credit in the bank into the kitchen to get some meat
of public opinion in the later part for the dog when it attacked her.
of the 19th century. The Bulldog She died the next day from her
had proven itself among all levels injuries.
of society as a hard-working, loy- During this same decade, we
al dog. The Bulldog’s occasional find the previously discussed case
function as a fighting dog influ- of the Bulldog chained to the
enced the image of the breed cherry tree being teased by boys “ Don Juan “ , 1902

page 16
While one faction of the pub-
lic was encouraging the Bulldog
to be a vicious guard dog, oth-
ers were seeking Bulldogs out
as pets, which led the old-time
Bulldog breeders and dogfighters
to bemoan the breed was losing
its character (meaning fighting
ability). In 1912, a dogfighter
complained at a Bulldog Society
Show that the Bulldog was “be-
coming increasingly popular as
a woman’s pet and was thereby
losing much of its fighting qual-
ity.” He further complains that
“it is painful to see the coddling
that goes on, the feeding of milk
and the best quality of steak,
sleeping indoors, and general ef-
Despite the confusion about
function, despite an increase the habits of their owners, have perception. During the 19th cen-
in severe/fatal attacks due to given this breed a reputation for tury, Bulldogs, more than any
increased popularity with sub- ferocity and low intelligence. As other breed, were used in the
standard owners and guard dog puppies, however, Bulldogs are most extreme of negative func-
use, and despite the overall ap- highly intelligent and unusu- tions (dog fighting, guard/attack
pearance of fierceness, the Bull- ally docile and affectionate, and dogs) and in the most positive
dog never really found disfavor if well trained retain throughout functions (police dogs and in he-
with the American public. The life an unusual sweetness of dis- roic deeds on farms). The media
media continued to recount cas- position, the universal friendli- presented balanced reporting of
es of Bulldogs performing heroic ness of which makes them of lit- both the devastation Bulldogs in-
deeds during this decade (1900– tle use as guardians.” flicted in attacks and of the con-
1909) and in the decades to fol- Fortunately for the Bulldogs, tributions they made by saving
low. much of this confusion about lives and defending the public as
It is worthy of note that in 1911 function and behavior abated police dogs and personal guard-
the Encyclopedia Britannica felt when the public turned their at- ians. Additionally, the media of-
the need to address the Bulldog’s tention to a newly emerging ten printed accounts of Bulldogs
true nature versus the reputa- breed becoming known for its interacting with their owners and
tion the breed had acquired in intelligence and watchfulness. In others in the more mundane or
the previous decade as a result of less than a decade, the German everyday activities. Due to this
increased popularity with sub- Shepherd would replace the Bull- balanced reporting, and the use of
standard owners. The edition dog as the new status or fad dog. Bulldogs in many functions, both
defined the Bulldog With their popularity waning positive and negative, the Bull-
as: and with owners looking towards dog never received widespread
“The Bulldog is a small, compact the German Shepherd as their public condemnation, even dur-
but extremely heavily built ani- new protector and intimidation ing periods of increased popular-
mal of great dog, Bulldog-related fatalities ity when many owners allowed
strength, vigor and tenacity… and the number of severe attacks them to roam loose and behave
Bulldogs were formerly em- plummeted. aggressively.
ployed in bull baiting The case of the Bulldog in the During the first three decades
and the tenacity of their grip is late 1800s and early 1900s is per- of the 1900s, there were scores of
proverbial. Their ferocious ap- haps the best example of how accounts of Bulldogs saving their
pearance, and not infrequently f u nc ti on influences public masters and mistresses from

page 17
A bunch of Bulldogs, Historical photo.

snakes, fires, drownings, gas with the subheading, “Thought it The story concludes:
leaks, burglars and charging was Ordered to Attack Drowning
livestock, and saving or alert- Boy and Brought him Ashore,” “The dog is not credited with be-
ing people to children fallen off demonstrates with great clarity ing actuated by a noble instinct,
of cliffs or wandering onto train that even dogs used in negative but the boy is thankful, neverthe-
tracks and highways. Even more functions can be viewed as good less, despite a very sore arm.”
enlightening about the attitudes dogs and can do good deeds.
and perceptions of the times are The account tells of an older Special to the New York Times,
accounts in which individual man walking on the banks of St. September 14, 1900
incidents of Bulldogs not previ- Joseph River in Indiana accompa-
ously known to be noble were nied by his Bulldog. The owner This small incident clarifies the
recognized for an act of humane of the dog heard a cry for help and essence of dogs. It was implied
service. hurried around a bend in the river this Bulldog was a fighting dog;
In 1919 a story is told of a “big, to find an 8-year-old boy drown- nonetheless, when his owner
ugly Bulldog named Sinful Sam” ing in deep water. The man ad- commanded the dog to “attack”
saving a child from being run mitted to being too old to swim, and “release” the boy, the dog
over on a highway in Berkeley, but instead urged his Bulldog to obeyed and saved the drowning
CA. The headline of the article go after the child. He threw a rock youth. Owners control the be-
reads “Bulldog Saves Life of Boy in the direction of the boy and haviors of their dogs, and wheth-
Playmate, Former ‘Sinful Sam’ urged the dog to “go after” the er the dog is used in a negative or
Now a Hero.” boy. The article states: a positive function is at the com-
Amost interesting and insight- “The dog, it is believed, took this plete discretion of the owner.
ful understanding of function and as a hint to attack the boy, and A century ago, there was a more
image, as well as a clear demon- did so, seizing him by one arm balanced view of both the dangers
stration that owners ultimately and holding on like grim death and contributions
control and determine the be- while responding to his master’s dogs made to the welfare of hu-
haviors found in their dogs, was commands to come ashore.” mans. The media portrayed what
chronicled in September 1900. Once ashore, the dog released the many people at the time
This fascinating account entitled boy to his owner, who then pulled seemed to understand: that good
“Bulldog Saves Child’s Life” him up onto the riverbank.” dogs occasionally behave “badly”

page 18
and that even “bad” dogs could do good deeds.
By the early 1920s the vast majority of Americans would quickly forget the Bulldogs.Well over half a
century would pass before any of these breeds would enter back into thecollective consciousness of the
American public. However, for over half a century in between,1920–1970, millions of Bulldogs, Bull
Terriers, American Pit Bull Terriers, American Staffordshire Terriers and all their mixed breed cousins
served Americans well in every possible capacity and circumstance. From high-profile Bulldogs such as
Stubby, one of America’s foremost canine military heroes, and Petey, the famed Little Rascals Pit bull
pal, to the millions of anonymous dogs whose owners either cherished, neglected, fought or horrifically
abused them, Bulldogs served Americans consistently, courageously, faithfully, and peaceably.

A selection of show bulldogs from the late 1800s. ‘Rodney Monarch’, CH ‘Thackeray Soda’, CH ‘Rodney Smasher’, CH
1880s Bulldog Champions
‘Ivel Doctor’, CH ‘La Roche’, and CH ‘Fashion’.

page 19
G olden K ing
K e n n e l I nterview
First of all we want to thank very much to our Who was your first pit bull and
friend from T.N.T. Kennel who get for us the inter- when?
view with Golden King Kennel, a true dogman from
Balkans with many years of experience in gamed- My first pit bull was Champi-
ogs and a very good conditioner with many many on King.I bought him in 1993.
wins over great dogs from Balkans, and a new win He was 18 month old and one
over a Champion from overseas, Champion Lindo time winner . I won with him
Lindaje. . All those being said i let you enjoy this in- after that 7 more times .His pit
terview and for sure you will love it. weight was 27.5 kg, versus Ch
Sony went in 26 kg In his last
match was too much over his
weight and weighs in a 29 kg also
was aged 8 years .In same match
showed DEAD GAME and died
soon after the match from ma-
jor injuries.He left many quality
dogs who have fought around the

With what line you started?

Champion King was NEBLET

line and as I said I’m started
with him. I later moved on SOR-
RELL line. I was seeking for the
bitch to breed her with King. I
came into a situation to purchase
the whole litter, from that lit-
ter come out: Champion Silver,
Vidra 2xW 1xL , Ahill 2xW1xL,
Background image : Champion who lost the match because of
me. Moreover many thought he
Silver love his favorite friend
was much better dog then Sil-
ver .Two days before the match
Ahill grabbed a box of B complex
and got sick . The dog in the
page 20
And I always go against top line
competition. Personally I am
not a fan of doping off any kind
and think that is short time suc-
cess witch will be paid dearly
with dogs health in a longer
time period. In keep I use mill,
long walks , flirt pole , in fact i
use a different approach for eve-
ry dog , because every dog is an
unique .

A few words about Ch Silver,

Ch Opar, Ch Oxa, Ch Fida, Ch
Hag,Ch Kid.

I think that the Ch Silver made

a success that no dog so far has
managed to repeat. He won
against the 3 Gr Ch and 1 Ch ,has
one game defeat in the second
match who was later revenged
by defeating Gr Ch Black Mup
who killed a dog from whom
Silver has a lost. My own opin-
ion is that the dog quality of Ch
Silver is one in a lifetime.After I
saw quality off Sorrell dogs that
i bought i was hooked on that
line and i did have much more
success then the line I started
with. Silver was first time rolled
Golden King’s wife and Ch King 8xW, 1xLDG about 8. Month old against his
brother Ahil.
match did not even started and it was obvious that he is
very sick, unfortunately after the match he died. I would
also like to mention Vidra. That bitch was 2xW,1xL, an
kennel accident in my pals yard ended her life .

Something about training and nutrition?

I make my own dog food .And I have a lot of success

even without high-quality and high-value food from
commercials .My dogs get Exclusively vitamins that
are for human consumption, and anyone who knows me
knows that I will never use any chemistry on my dogs . Golden King’s Ch Krokodil

page 21
After that he was rolled a few times and
every time I’m getting more enthusiastic
by his intelligence, speed, style and hard
mouth . Meny people know that Silver was
18 month old when he had his first match .I
went against a superior dog Montenegro’s
Gr Ch Joker that in his first match did beat
Gr Ch in 15 minutes. Silver showed Qual-
ity that I saw in schooling him , because
over the whole match he dominated on
very dangerous Gr Ch Joker.Dogs which
i have today are a descendants of a Silver. Golden King’s Ch Silver 4xW, 1xLG
I made my self own line that already has Ch Hag is pure HAMMOND line dog
some great success and is called Silver line and the opinions of those who saw him is
of dogs. Since we already mentioned Silver a top dog .In first two matches he killed
we have to mention his son Ch Opar which his opponent with devastating bites and
again in my fault lost his 4 match because strength does not give them any chances .
It is not supposed to go into the match re- First match was against 2xW dog , in the
gardless of injury he had on the lower jaw second match won over a 4xW and with
and he missed a few Tooth .I made a bad ease mastered it. For his Ch went against
choice and the dog lost. Sister from a litter the 1xW dog and showed that he is top Ch.
of Ch Opar is Ch Oxa. My opinion is that
the she was perhaps better than her father. Golden King’s Ch Hag
Only in the first match she was healthy
100 % and in the remaining two matches
went like an invalid because she had bad-
ly broken last leg . That wasn’t bothered
her to kill his oponnents.Ch Fida was born
when Ch Silver was breed with grandson
of Ch King.Fida was top bitch but Oxa in
my opinion was better than the class of her

I think Ch Kid and its results become per-

haps even better known than Ch Silver.
In first match won respected and highly
dangerous dog 2xW who killed both his
opponents .Match was scheduled in 18 kg
. During keep Ch Kid got sick and match
was cancelled. Month after recovering the
match is resheduled and Ch Kid kills 2xW
Ceda in 1 h 30 min. After that he was sched-
uled with Gr Ch Beka 6xW.After 40 min
Golden King’s Ch Fida

page 22
died in a kennel accident. Ch Kid
is scheduled for Gr Ch title in Oc-
tober and the same day CH Hag
is also on. They already had been
matched in the same day before.
On the end of a Summer Ch Kid
will be a 4 year old but already you
could see his qualities as a stud dog
.His daughter was 18 month old
and on a big show was on versus
Ch bitch. She did not gave any
chance to her opponent by stop-
ping her in a 30 minutes .Already
in a steps of a father Ch Kid .Soon
another sister of her is also on and
I expect another win.In my opin-
ion Ch Kid is even better stud dog
Golden King’s Ch Kid
then his father Ch Silver .
Gr Ch Beka is picked up to be saved, and Kid gets
yet another victory in top competition.After victo- The hardest match?
ries against Beka challenge came from neighboring
countries and supreme champion Mrki, who won his The hardest of mine was when
matches with ease in top competition.Ch Mrki also Ch King in Skopje went against
was picked up to be saved. Ch Kid in a day off a Ch Joker. I took him more weight
match for the Ch title take down his 900 grams due than usual just to make the match
to a incorrect scale which I was using then, from the and the outcome off striping this
early morning Ch Kid did different exercise to re- weight was long match .I think it
move this weight. After the match against the Ch took 3 hours for Ch KING to won .
Mrki, Kid could go against another dog in the same
night. 2012 Ch Kid became D.O.Y. and I was F.O.Y. Dearest dog and dearest victory?
Afterwards then comes the challenge from the Ciko
Lopez and his Ch Lindo. Ciko told me then that he Impossibillities to separate Ch Sil-
is like me fighter of a year , a dog also was I think ver and Ch Kid. Both of these dogs .And that would be a top match of two were dear to my heart .Kid is a de-
top dogs and two top fighters. A match where nobody scendant of Silver his mother 3X
gave Kid any Chances considering Chiko’s reputa- Silver bitch thus he became off a
tion. Ch Kid solve this with easy and that is his Silver. I think thanks to Silver,
easiest win received for 35 min in a virtually no in- Kid and theyir descendants have
juries from the last three matches Kid walked home extremely strong bites and great
on the collor uninjured. Ch Kid had a brother 2xW intelligence that allows them to de-
ZEL who had the misfortune to receive snakebite feat the top dogs a very short time.
and subsequently died. Kid was rolled for the first
time with him and then they was about 7 month old Any new dearest victory ?
You could tell back then that they are very danger-
ous young dogs. In the same litter was the another Currently this is bitch ASI who re-
dog , better then Ch Kid and Zel but unfortunately ceived win Also on Show and won
page 23
Golden King’s Asi 1xW BIS
BIS thereby making it a very short time
against 2xW bitch who killed their oppo-
nents. Asi has delighted all those present on
the show, and I think deservedly won BIS
and showed all the qualities SILVER LINE.

Message to our readers at the end ?

Believe in your dogs and make a hard se-

lection and always go against the best op-
ponents according to your possibilities . We
welcome all dogmans around the world and My website :
people who have tried to contact me i leave
email address and my site at which contact
me regarding matches and everything. Best
regards. My Email :

Golden King Kennel

page 24
Golden King’s Vidra 2xW, 1xL

Golden King’s Ch Tekal

page 25
page 26
Golden King’s Tornado
Your 1 Stop Shop for Provisions & Informations
Food, Collars, Harnesses, Houses
Vitamins & Suplements, Exercise Equipment
Education Books & Toys
[323] 898-9957
Krunch Kennel’s
work a good stifle hold..This
forced Chewy to be picked up

Ch Meister
in 1:15.
For his second show he was
going into a 2xW called Team
USA’s Live Wire (brother to
Ch Stallone). Both dogs are at
46 1/2 lbs. Meister goes right
over and gets him a chest
hold that puts Live Wire on
his back.By 10min he is mak-
ing noise,and by 30 min he
is turning,but nothing is be-
ing called.Meister was fanged
4x before a turn was called
at 48 min. A handle is made
and LiveWire stands the line.
Meister courtesy scratched
like he was on tracks.
For his championship Meister
was suppose to go into Brick-
house Knls’ Ch Benny Blanco
but KK paid the forfeit due to
Meister was off Kelly’s a while he has both of Meisters illness..So instead
Young Chinaboy (Cecil) Meister’s front legs out of he was hooked into Pizzman’s
bred to Moak’s Maybe- commision..Meister rides Ch Sausage a 4xW that was a
line. Cecil was off Kelly’s the head and starts to wear coverdog for one of the maga-
Tasmanian Devil x Kelly’s Chewy down. Finally a zines.Meister went right in
Young Chinagirl..Maybel- turn is called on Chewy to and controlled the action..He
line was off Garner’s Otis x get the scratching started. dis-abled Sausages left shoul-
Faron’s Lil Cherry. Chewy goes over quick and der ,and a turn is called right
Meister was bred by MM is right back in the chest. afterwards. Sausage makes a
and sold to KK as a young Meister gets him out and a honest scratch..Then meister
prospect,having only seen a handle is made.When re- buries him in his corner..An-
little while of him in a roll.. leased Meister starts over other handle and Ch Sausage
KK rolled him and he be- but falls on his chin..He quitts on all fours.
gan stopping dogs as soon gets up and starts forward, No champions could be
as they were put down in but falls again. He rises and found,and Ch Benny Blanco
front of him. completes a very difficult was hooked into Ch Nino so
For his first he went into scratch. There are several a challenge was accepted by a
Octagon Knls’ Chewy scratches back in fourth local Kennel.
(a son of Ch Chomper).. with Chewy making all For number four Meister
Meister came in at 46, his hard.Meister doing the was hooked into Cold Creeks’
Chewy was dead on 49 same but on his chin. At the JB a 1xW and 1/2 brother to
.Chewy comes out strong hr mark Meister gets into Gr Ch Banjo. Both dogs came
in the chest and legs. After the back end and starts to in at 45 lbs.
page 28
Both dogs are evenly Meister tail scratches. side says it is because the
matched and they switch Number five was into poison affected Virgil as
from chest to head..JB DOA’s Gr Ch Virgil. This well. Team USA claimed
turns at 37 min. He goes was a much anticipated they got rubbed also When
but Meister beats him to match between two of the they took Ch Tabby into
his corner. Still a even best dogs in the country.. Crockett.
show when JB gets a tooth Meister runs over and hits Number six was when
in Meaisters eye and has Virgil in the shoulder disa- meister was six years old..I
it leaking very bad..Han- bling it immediatly. Dogs cant recall the name of the
dle made and Meister is are swapping it out. Around dog,but i was told Meister
screaming in his corner to 25 min in Meister gets to looked old,and won on pure
be released. Meister goes Virgils stifle and has him gamness in 1:45.
and buries into the chest. looking confused. Virgils After this Meister was
They both scratch one more back end is temporaly par- “leased” to some “dogmen”
time. Meister is working alized. Meister runs hot and for breeding only..They
really hard now and gets Virgil comes back. Meister matched Meister at 7 years
into the stifles and the geni- started to go into shock and old. He suffered a broken
tals. He switches to the makes a very game scratch.. leg early, and finally was
chest,and then back to the Meister gets picked up and stopped. Meister died after
rear. By 57 min he is work- makes a courtesy scratch in- this match,and it is a damb
ing a down dog..he is hit- stantly. There is alot of con- shame we have people like
ting the throat,rear,chest.. traversey concerning this this in the game today.
Meister begins to drag JB show. Meisters side claims
around the box and it doesnt he was rubbed, and RG did
look like he is still with us.. blood work on the dog and
Cold Creek picks up and JB found a toxic substance in
makes a extremley game his blood. Both of these ex-
scratch, but Meister meets ceptional dogs looked bad
him 1/2 way and drops him during this show Meisters

page 29
Krunch Kennel’s Ch Meister
page 30
Conditioning To Win
~ Part 1 ~

Many of us know about Vince

Lombardi, many don’t know
about him. Vincent Thomas
Lombardi is arguably the great-
est football coach of all time, and
is on the short list of history’s
greatest coaches, regardless of
sport. His ability to teach, moti-
vate and inspire players helped
turn the Green Bay Packers into
the most dominating NFL team
in the 1960s. He led the team to
three straight and five total league
championships in seven years,
including winning the first two
“The successful man is himself. To be successful,you’ve
Super Bowls following the 1966
and 1967 NFL seasons. The Na- got to be honest with yourself.”
tional Football League’s Super
Bowl trophy is named in his hon- Vince Lombardi
or. He was enshrined in the Pro
Football Hall of Fame in 1971.
This article is about making a truly incredible degree. To-
He also was a wise man and his
you a smarter, more successful day’s serious dogman now has
words remained in history. He
dog conditioner. It gives you the the kind of power and knowl-
real was World’s Greatest Couch.
power to squeeze out every drop edge that could only be dreamed
Maybe you are asking now why i
of genetic potential that your about before.
am writting about him. Well this
dog has bred into him. In the You won’t find easy, simply
article it’s about conditioning to
process of reading through this answers to these complex prob-
win and Vince Lombardi already
book, you’ll grow less depend- lems. Instead, you’re getting
proved what a successfull man
ent on yesterday’s “experts” and a problem solving system that
he was. He must be a model for
“facts”, and think more for your- first seeks to understand the true
all of us. Also he was not only a
self by undergoing the following nature of the problems. And af-
good couch but a honest man who
steps. ter knowing the real cause of the
was honest with himself first of
1. Solve Age Old Problems In problems, a plan to attack and
all. That for i wrote words from
Brand New Ways solve them is followed.
him , i want to make peoples un-
The problems facing serious dog 2. Reducing The Variables (The
derstand that to be honest with
conditioners have not changed Things That Can Go Wrong)
you first and second to others it’s
in over 200 years. Mostly, these Anything that can go wrong
the way to success, because many
problems had to be lived with, or typically does. Influencing
dogmans those days forget what
only improved to a certain point those factors which we can con-
honesty means.
since everybody just “knew” trol goes a long way towards
With all of those beeing said
there was not much you could do winning. Often times, it’s not
let’s start the article about cond-
about them. credible degree. This any one big thing that separates
tioning to win which i found it
article revolutionizes the ability winners from losers, but a lot of
very interesting and you can learn
of modern day conditioners to smaller things which can add up.
new things from it, and how the
solve these age-old problems to After all, it can all boil down to
conditioning really work.

page 31
to just making fewer mistakes unknowns, traditions and myths tive edge, or maybe took them
than the other guy. were built up over generations, first hand. Basically, they want-
3. Proven Techniques And along with “secret” practices and ed to create more of those lucky
Practices techniques. But it all still added workout days, and they thought
This article does not contain up to confusion and worry. steroids were the only way to do
myths or notions going back to Guilt because when the con- it.
the 1930s or later. Instead, what ditioner’s head hit the pillow at It’s not that they necessar-
you’ll see here are the most re- night, he knew, deep down, that ily wanted to GIVE steroids, or
cent advances in science regard- there was something important that they enjoyed the notion of
ing the improvement of canine missing in the keep. He was increasing performance purely
performance. This information short changing the dog somehow, through the wonderful world of
has been converted for use on to- someway. Over doing one thing chemistry. It’s just that steroids
day’s dogs and proven in the real and failing to do another. Mostly acted like a paint glossing over
world. It works the first time you he felt guilty because he knew he mistakes they were making in
put it into practice. was letting the dog down. nutrtion and conditioning. And,
All this worry and myth were it seemed that steroids did, in
4. Bet On It understandable. After all, dur- fact, produce more lucky days.
When you see those words, pay ing some lucky workouts, the The problem, the real problem
attention! It is a very important dog’s metabolism (his chemical was that conditioners could not
area; one which can make a major machinery) came together ide- really control their dog’s metab-
difference by itself. ally and workouts were great. olism and create their own lucky
Other workouts, under the very workout days on purpose.
Worry, Guilt, and Luck same conditions, performance So even with steroids, the prob-
Since the first time man hooked was lousy. So luck, as well as lems of not being able to control
a leash onto the collar of a dog and worry, myths, and guilt, became or predict the dog’s performance
took him for a walk in order to the constant companion for con- are still there - just covered like a
condition him to win for one type ditioners. band-aid with steroids.
of event or another, conditioners The Chemical Battlefiled ~-
have always lived with two huge Steroids - Trying To Get Lucky Where Everything Is Won Or
monkeys on their backs: worry In the 1970s, conditioners be- Lost
and guilt. gan giving steroids to make up Although those conditioners
Worry because almost every- for the mistakes they knew they might not have thought about
thing connected to conditioning were making with all the guess- steroid use in quite this way,
and feeding dogs involved guess- work and mystery. They heard what they were really doing was
work and mystery. With all these about steroids offering a big com- altering the dog’s muscle chemi-

page 32
stry -- getting some control over power to gameness, he is a prod-
the dog’s metabolism. Until the uct of his chemistry, a lot of which
arrival of steroids, the dog’s me- you are now able to control.
tabolism had pretty much con- Using space age research tools,
trolled him. Whatever fluctua- experts began to unravel the rid-
tions occurred in the dog’s body dle of why genetic freak athletes
put the conditioner at it’s mercy. have body chemistries different
But even with steroids, those from the rest. And more impor-
lucky workout days came with- tant, they learned how to dupli-
out warning and left as quicky. cate many of the key chemistry
The only sure-fire way to guar- profiles of the superior genetic
antee more lucky workout days individuals. Their discoveries al-
and performance, of course, was low the average dog, without su-
to get a genetic freak - an ace. perior genetics, to duplicate many
Those very few whose metabo- of the muscle chemistry advances
lism and conformation are ideal of the ace.
for their sport. Such dogs had breaks down the chemical en-
more lucky workouts because Creating The Ideal Muscle ergy in the food and uses some
they were born with a lucky me- Chemistry of it to run on right now. And
tabolism -- their muscle chemis- So the dog’s body chemistry is he stores some of this chemical
try was just better than others. all important. It is the chemistry fuel for later use in the muscle
Genetics are expressed through mix which determines his perfor- and liver. But his body can only
how dogs are built, their con- mance, attitude, and behavior. If store so much at one time. It is
formation, muscle angle attach- you can control his metabolism, this limited fuel supply that he
ments, etc. They expend less en- then you can dramatically in- draws upon during workouts.
ergy to do a movement, and they crease performance and behavior. And since it is a limited amount
can sustain something longer or Then you have more lucky work- of stored energy, the amount he
harder. But the advantages of the outs -- on purpose. That’s what can store and how effeciently he
ace are mostly expressed through this article is about -- creating uses it are extremely important
the chemisty of the dog -- their your own good luck by condition- to performance.
bodies just work better. Dogs ing your dog’s muscle chemistry The dog has been conditioned
who have better natural win, bet- without drugs. for about a month. As a result, he
ter strength, and power have su- By controlling your dog’s me- is able to store more food energy
perior muscle chemistry to thank tabolism, you will reduce your in the liver and muscles when he
for their in-born advantages. worry and guilt. For the first time is sedentary, on the chain. Plus
ever, you’ll have power over the his body effeciently uses this
Muscle Metabolism The Control thing that you always wanted -- stored energy so just a little bit
Switch your dog’s body and performance. goes a very long way. His mus-
Many years ago, scientists ob- By controlling these vital factors cles have also adapted to using
served the fact that people and the way you want, you are, for fats for energy, which increases
dogs behave according to their the first time, free of false limita- his leanness (the ration of lean
chemistry at a given moment. tions, myths, and hope. Now you muscle to fat) and endurance.
For example, give five beers to can unleash the awesome power Importantly, the dog increases
somebody and you have altered of his genetic potential. the effeciency and number of the
chemistry and his behavior will And very simply, you’ll win chemical powerhouses of the cell
change accordingly. Similarly, more. Bet on it. -- mitochondria. Dogs with more
give a dog a lactic acid injection, Muscle Chemistry -- The Real mitochondria are able to produce
and his performance is reduced. World more energy in cells per unit of
Chemisty controls behavior. Vir- In the real world, for the pur- time. Overall his muscle chem-
tually all canine behavior results poses of this book, the dog’s mus- istry is getting more effecient as
from chemical signals traveling cle chemistry works like this: a result of his conditioning.
from the dog’s body to his brain You feed your dog every day.
and vice versa. From fatigue to Mostly once per day. His body

page 33
The ability to keep on produc- going into starvation, and so
A Guided Tour Through A ing ATP is what ideal muscle slows his metabolism. This
Workout chemistry is all about. That abil- makes him get fatter and slug-
As the dog begins to work out on ity to produce more APT per un- gish. Worse, his body also be-
a fairly fast moving treadmill, his til of time, and for a longer time, gins to actually eat it’s own
body first uses the glucose (sugar) is the basic difference between hard-earned muscle for energy
in his blood stream to fuel muscles winners and losers. Only in a with disastrous results.
and brain. After 5 minutes or so, winner’s muscle chemistry can Because he’s only getting one
the stored energy in his liver be- this occur. meal per day, the dog’s body
gins to break down to supply en- wants to store as much of the
ergy. Also muscle glycogen (car- Stumbling Into A Loser’s Chem- chemical energy in his meal as
bohydrates) stores break down to possible, and he does this by
supply even more energy. After putting more into his energy
Having a loser’s muscle chem-
a little while -- 10 to 20 minutes bank -- his body fat. Remem-
istry is very easy -- just follow
-- fats begin to break down too. ber, his body chemically inter-
the old myths and wives’ tales
All of these stored energy sourc- prets once-a-day feeding as a
that date back to the 1800s.
es break down to glucose in the famine period -- whether you
Forced to restrict calories and
blood to keep it constant. Glucose accept that fact or not. With
food to make weight -- the way
then breaks down to the high en- most of this meal going to body
most guys do it -- the conditioner
ergy compound of ATP. So the fat, there is much less muscle
continually underfeeds his dog.
chemical energy your dog runs off energy and growth.
The dog’s body “thinks” he’s
is really ATP energy. He is very likely dehydrated
too, reducing performance even
more. With less fluid to bring
fresh chemical energy into mus-
cle cells to be burned and less to
help remove lactic acid, it’s no
wonder dogs and conditioners
following the old way have a
loser’s muscle chemistry.
With this chronically low
blood sugar, very little glucose
gets to the brain, and the dog
feels slightly fatigued, looking
and performing poorly. Because
his body chemistry is so poor,
he’ll fatigue much faster during
contests and he’ll just want to
stop whatever he’s doing when
the going gets tough. Bet on it.

Creating A Winner’s Muscle

To help you understand the
basics of creating a winner’s
muscle chemistry, think back
on the best piece of cake you
ever had. Next, think of the
worst. The truth is they were
both made of pretty much the
same ingredients -- eggs, sugar,
Mak’s Ch Mrki 4xW, 1xLG - running on mill. A very good dog.Lost his last match
vs Golden King’s Ch Kid.

page 34
Then why, if the same basic in- The distribution of calories ation and accelerate the entry of
gredients are used, do these cakes should be: nutrition into hungry muscles.
taste so different: the ration of set Fed at least 2 meals a day -- to
ingredients to each other and the Protein: 21% keep blood sugar constant and liv-
cooking time varied -- the recipe. Fat: 48% er energy high in the body in an
The recipe for the great cake cre- Carbohydrates: 31% anabolic (muscle building) state.
ates a slightly different chemical 4 times a day is ideal.
profile than the bad cake. Just a The distribution of weight of Lite Salt: Inexpensive, easy to
small difference causes a very big ingredients should be: get and far superior to a very ex-
difference in their chemistry. pensive Pedia Lyte type products.
So it is with your dog’s chem- Protein: 24% min One of the greatest nutritional
istry. To create a winning mus- Fat: 24% min tools the conditioner has ever had.
cle chemistry, you’ll actually use Fiber: 2% max Raises and lowers fluid weight to
some the same factors and tools Moisture: 6% max increase work capacity or make
that losers do. Only now, you’ll Ash: 3% max weight. Makes drying out, lasix,
use them in special, tested ways and Pedia Lyte obsolete.
in your favor. In other words, Protein: PER PLUS is the very No Salt: Pure potassium for
you’ve got the winning recipe. best source. It contains a blend water stripping. Helps promote
The three main ingredients to of predigested amino acids from more rapid salt loss in the body
CONDITIONING TO WIN liver and egg -- the finest for dogs without dehydration.
are: nutrition, conditioning, and in the world. PER PLUS contains Metamucil: The ideal fiber
rest. the highest PER (protein effecien- source for dogs; it is made of
cy ration) in the world -- a perfect psyllium husks. Metamucil al-
Nutrition 4 out of 4. Just one ounce of PER lows you to exactly control your
PLUS equals 15 grams of regular dog’s stool, to adjust up or down
Maybe the single most under- protein, even from cooked beef or in the fiber to loosen or tighten up
stood, yet easiest to control factor chicken. stools.
for creating a winner’s chemistry Fat: LIPOPLEX (MCTs), the PEAK PERFORMANCE is
is the diet. The amount of scien- predigested “fatless fats” are the best way to provide this type
tific literature regarding canine the best, followed closely by of nutrition. Containing PER
performance is huge, and it all pure chicken fat, then pure, cold PLUS, K9 CARBLOADER, and
breaks down to these basics. pressed wheat germ oil. These LIPOPLEX, Peak Performance
At least 50% of his diet should fat sources provide both short and was designed by a team of top
be predigested -- this guarantees long term energy in ways others nutrition scientists to be superior
100% use with zero waste. Pre- can’t. to any other product, or even col-
digestion means the dog begins Carbohydrates: K9 CAR- lection of products in the market
to use it in just 15 minutes, com- BLOADER (Glucose Polymers) place, no matter how expensive
pared to 2-24 hours with regular is the finest available. Just one cup they are.
food -- a huge advantage. equals 4 cups of barley or oatmeal, This product allows you to
His diet should be tailored for and is used much more effeciently save at least 50% on nutrition bills
the special needs of performance by the dog, starting within 5 min- during this keep since it already
dogs -- not human products which utes of intake. contains the nutrients most con-
are too low in fat and high in com- Vitamins: Should be 100% or ditioners buy individually: red
pounds that are toxic to dogs in more of the minimum daily re- cell, vitamin and minerals, DMG,
large doses. Besides being way, quirements with C. etc. And Peak Performance con-
way too expensive because of Trace Minerals: Helps miner- tains these nutrients in ideal ra-
middlemen. alization of bones. Should have at tios to each other win no fussing
His diet should be extremely least 45. or mistakes.
concentrated in calories so that a Minerals: Same as above.
little bit goes a long way, and so Lactic Acid Buffers: L-lactate,
that his digestive system is never real DMG and phosphates.
overloaded. Plus, they must be Should be largely in liquid form
predigested calories. when fed -- helps prevent dehydr-

page 35
Conditioning recover faster.
Dehydration, “Drying Out” and Next, the workouts. Basical- Weight Pulling -- Weight pull-
Performance ly, there are three factors to any ing, just like lifting weights in
workout: humans, used to be considered a
Here’s a quick quiz: You’ve 1. Duration dumb move. The common line
saved $250,000 and bought a 2. Intensity of thinking claimed that weight
Ferrari Testarossa. With 12 3. Frequency pulling made you musclebound,
cylinders, it can wind up to over Depending on the phase you’re slow, fat, etc. The way people
8000 rpm. You want to run it in at any given time during his used to do it, they may have been
hard in August on a hot day. You keep, you’ll vary these factors of right.
remember that the more power duration and intensity to meet But the fact is that for today’s
the engine produces, the hotter your goals using conditioning dogs, weight pulling is an ex-
it runs. Taking all this into con- tools. Some basics of condition- tremely effective straight and
sideration, to get the greatest per- ing: power building exercise for dogs
formance out of your engine you Results vs sweat -- The idea is -- if you do it just right. Like
would: to work smart, for a specific goal, any other tool or practice, it all
not just hard to fool yourself depends on how you do it.
A. Drain all coolants from the into thinking you’re making pro- Conditioning to Win pull-
engine because they add weight. gress. Working hard and work- ing is different from competi-
ing smart are not the same. tion weight pulling. In weight
B. Cram the maximum allow- Each phase builds on the last pulls, the goal is to pull the great-
able engine coolants because you -- Phases are periods of time with est amount of weight. In other
know unless the engine is cooled very defined goals. The first words, to display strength. For
down, it breaks down. phase sets the foundation for the our purposes, weight pulling is
It’s pretty apparent the answer next and so on. Trying to enter designed to build, not show off,
is B. Of course, no one but a true into the last stage without the strength. So the nuts and bolts
dim bulb would remove coolant first two under your built guar- are somewhat different from
from a racing engine to reduce antees failure. It’s like trying to competitive pulls.
the weight of the care. Yet, this build a three story house without To build strength and power
is exactly what many condition- completing the first story. This during weight pulling, a number
ers do to make weight. program is designed to “teach” of guidelines need to be followed:
In the body, chemical pathways the dog’s muscle cells to store
only work in the presence of wa- more food energy, use it slower Length Pulled: 40 yards is ideal.
ter. In other words, he can only and more effeciently to make it Amount Pulled: This is a weight
achieve ideal muscle chemistry last longer. You’re taking your that he is able to successfully pull
with lots of water in his body. dog’s body to school, where for 40 yards the first time out,
Water in his body helps remove you’ll teach the muscle chemis- straining at the end just a little.
lactic acid as well as bring fresh try to get rid of lactic acid faster, This weight will depend on the
energy into the hungry muscle burn fat more effeciently,and surface pulled, the device, etc.
cells. Plus, water helps to cool
just like coolant in the Ferrari. “
Drying out the dog reduces the “The most important
amount of overall blood volume,
turning what’s left into a kind of element in the character
sludge -- slow moving and stag- make‐up of a man who is
Research in this area is very successful is that of mental
clear -- the more water the dog toughness.”
has, the harder and longer he can
perform. Just like the Ferrari, his
body is a highly tuned machine, Vince Lombardi
and without coolant, it’s perfor-
mance is limited. Bet on it.

page 36
You will stay with this weight as dangerous. To enhance muscle recovery dur-
the keep progresses. The resistance of the pull ing rest, a general purpose vibra-
Pulling Cart: Can be a cart should be such that he can, with tor can be used after the dog gets
with wheels to a plywood board his body weight and muscle pow- used to the noise and feeling.
with a place to hook lifting er, pull the hide almost to the Seem like a little too much? It’s
weight. Even empty, old times ground. But when he’s not pull- not if you can manage it. Never
work. Whatever it is, it must ing that hard, the hide will hang compromise on rest. Bet on it.
be the same drag each and every slightly over his head.
time. The rope which the hide hangs Fatigue Is Fear And A Powerful
Pulling Harness: The best is for you to yank. Just a little Enemy
have a dowel type separator to pull with this rope produces pow- Vince Lombardi said it 25 years
keep the back lines from getting erful movement he must adjust ago, “Fatigue makes cowards of
crossed. They need lots of high to. He’ll work to keep balance us all!” Truer words have never
quality padding around friction and keep on the hide. When he been spoken.
points. Don’t skimp - get a good starts to coast, pull on the rope When extreme fatigue sets in
one. from various locations, and he’ll you get scared, and you don’t
Surface: It must be the same have to use his back end to hold want to go on. It’s just that sim-
everytime regardless of what it himself up. ple. This rule of nature holds
is. School 4410 yard tracks work In this keep, there is never a almost always constant. Under-
well, gravel, concrete, whatever. time when his four feet should standing this incredibly powerful
Time To Completion: This leave the ground with hide work. fact helps you to understand the
will vary from dog to dog. A EVER. His movements can be vital importance of conditioning
good performance is based on very quick, but at least his back to win.
his best time, not any other dog’s feet are on the ground, planted at And as we’ve seen, fatigue
best time. As the phase goes on, all times. comes from a poor balance in
the time should decrease. But Neck weights are used at spe- muscle chemistry which usually
once again, it is compared to his cific times during hide workouts results from a build-up of lactic
best time. during this keep. This is called acid and shortage of energy or
Sets and Reps: Each set is com- overload training. Muscles and both.
posed of three reps. So two sets the CNS get used to heavier By controlling muscle chem-
of pulling equals 6 reps. weight, so when they’re taken istry in your favor, conditioning
Rest Intervals: This will vary be- off, the dog is quicker than be- to win helps push back fatigue
tween phases. There is more rest fore. by 25% or more, and it makes it
in the beginning phases and less more bearable to the dog when
toward the end. Rest fatigue hits. With condition-
Bait: Some need it; some don’t. Finally, you’ll provide rest and ing to win, when fatigue comes,
Bait is whatever gets their adren- recovery after workouts. Rest is it creeps up gradually instead of
alin pumping fast and drives disregarded as spoiling the dog hitting like a wall. The dog’s
them crazy to get at it. and not being able an especially body has an increased ability to
Hide Workouts: These are es- manly thing to do by many con- get rid of toxic chemicals like lac-
sential. If done correctly, they ditioners. Not many understand tic acid. So conditioning to win
help convert raw strength into it’s vital significance. helps you dog’s muscle chemistry
power, timing, ability and endur- Rest is critical. It allows your push back the time when fatigue
ance. They are done with and dog to heal up from his workouts. begins and helps him tolerate it
without neck weights. But done Without enough rest, your dog’s much better than the other dog.
wrong, hide work commonly body will go bankrupt -- he’ll not Bet on it.
causes needless muscle and ten- be able to match his energy out- The Tools
don injury to highly tuned dogs. put (workouts) with his energy Aside from the language and
By having dogs move in ways deposits (rest). There are two writing, the use of tools is what
that are not only unnatural but basic kinds of recovery: active sets humans apart from animals,
down right stupid, many dogs where there is a little hand walk- but the way many condition-
spend hours making movements ing and gentle play, and total ers use these tools can make you
that are unproductive and rest where just sleep is needed. wonder if people are really smar-
page 37
ter than the dogs they con- burs between toes, tearing
dition. People spend end- off pads, stepping in holes,
less hours arguing about etc are avoided. Nice, regu-
the merits of one type of lar and the same every time.
treadmill versus another, And less chance to tangle
cat mills vs swimming, or with a wild critter, get run
whatever. over or suck exhaust fumes.
Don’t be stupid and fall Lastly, E-Mills allow you
into this common trap to adjust both the rate the
also. It is very important to dog is traveling so that you
view conditioning devices can measure it and also the
for what they are -- tools. angle of the front of the
These devices by them- mill. Varying the speed
selves are neither good nor and angle, you can create
bad. It is how you use them almost an endless variety
which determines how of workouts. It should be
good or bad they are. Their powered by at least a .5hp
usefulness in creating a motor. Any less and you’ll
winner’s muscle chemistry not be able to push your
is what tools are all about. dog, and the mill won’t last
It’s like questioning an ex- too long.
perienced carpenter wheth-
er a hammer is better than a Slat Treadmill
saw. He’ll tell you it all de- I’ve seen slat treadmills “I firmly believe that any man’s
pends on what you’re trying that dripped the history of finest hours – his greatest fulfill-
to do with it, and whether their makers and stories ment of all that he holds dear – is
or not the tool matches the of great dogs who worked
job requirements. So don’t upon them. Some appear
that moment when he has worked
get your ego or pride hung to absolute works of art his heart out in good cause and
up on any single device. and marvels of engineer- lies exhausted on the field of bat-
Instead, learn how to use it ing and craftmanship. At tle – victorious.”
like a tool to get the most their best, slat mills are fast
out of it. running, low maintenance Vince Lombardi
and built to last almost for-
Electric Treadmills ever. Although they have
I believe electric treadmills been traditionally the most
(E Mills) are a must for to- favored type of treadmill, I ever produced.
day’s dogs. For a number believe that when viewed
of key reasons. First, dogs objectively, they are not su- Slat or Carpet, The Options You Need
can easily walk for 10-12 perior to the best examples Whether it is a slat or carpet mill you
hours at a fast walking clip. of the other free turning choose, you’ll need a couple of features to
Their endurance is truly re- treadmill -- the carpetmill. use these tools to their best effect. Like a
markable. Unless you are speedometer, a lap counter, and a solid break
Frank Shorter the maratho- Carpet Mill for resistance. And the sides should be se-
ner, you will wear out long, I believe this mill gets the cure, either slats or solid plywood.
long before he does. And, nod over the traditional slat
the goal is to get him tired mill for most conditioners Neck Weights
not you. Don’t confuse the and for some good reasons. Most dogs at contests have little pencil
two, although dumb guys The surface itself is a little necks. That’s because they way almost all
do all the time. Second, the easier on the feet, and this dogs have been conditioned, their necks usu-
ground they walk is pre- means a lot day after day. If ally end up scrawny. Today’s top dogs now
dictable and consistent on they are made well, they are have huge, muscular necks: flexible, power-
an E-Mill little chance of as durable as any slat mill ful, they add solidity to the body for balance
page 38
and drive. 29 using our rating system. If his strengths AND weaknesses,
This type of neck can only be the dog is a bitch, she is not in plus his temperment as it relates
achieved by highly specialized heat or not likely to be in heat to being a “good worker”.
neck work using certain types of during this period. These hor- They are listed in the order in
weights. The best of these I have mone fluctuations throw a wild which the conditioner has control
custom made. The use of the card into the system. over them. Each factor is graded
weights using this system makes The neck measurement should 1-10 with 5 being the average. Af-
a dramatic difference in looks be about the same as his waist at ter years of studying canine per-
and performance. this time. This ratio will be more formance and hundreds of hours
Neck weights should be used important as the keep continues. reviewing research, I offer the
during two periods: during tread- Pay attention. following.
mill work to build overall neck
strength and endurance and dur- Each Dog is Different 10. An outright freak, a once in
ing hide work to increase power, Dogs are alike in some key, ob- a lifetime, one in a million speci-
timing, and balance. The amount vious ways. For example, every men. Take lots of pictures, you
of neck weights should start at dog needs protein, fats, carbohy- may not see one again.
7% of his current weight and end drates, vitamins, minerals, and 9. Outstanding, rare.
with 10% of his weight at the water on a daily basis to fuel the 8. Clearly superior to all but the
end of the keep. So, for our sam- many processes of the body. And elite.
ple dog who starts off at 44 and to develop better muscle chemis- 7. Darn good.
works his way down to 40, the try which translates into better 6. A notch above.
neck weight program would be as performance, dogs must be exer- 5. Average. Yawn
follows: cised. They must rest after work- 4 Below average -- borderline.
outs to recover. These essential 3. Special Olympics kinda dog.
Phase 1 : 3 lbs factors are the same for all dogs 2. Remember Jerry’s Kids? This
Phase 2 : 4 lbs However, what does differ from is one of Jerry’s dogs.
Phase 3 : 4 lbs dog to dog is the AMOUNT of 1. Forget it. Put a mirror in front
overall calories and food, how of his mouth to search for signs
By the way, the goal is to have much work they receive, and the of life.
the dog which has a bigger neck amount of recovery and rest they Categories of inborn genetic
than waist at the end of the keep. get. The ideal ratio of these three abilities and how much they
Dogs with bigger necks than basic elements - nutrition, work, can be upgraded with CONDI-
waists, all other things being and rest - to each other to pro- TIONING TO WIN is present-
equal, are more successful. Bet duce ideal muscle chemistry and ed:
on it. thereby increase performance is 1. Endurance: Stamina, wind,
what CONDITIONING TO call it what you will, endurance is
The Dog WIN is all about. of vital importance. Endurance
The sample dog we’re condi- CONDITIONING TO WIN can be increased to a significant
tioning to win is a 2 year old male allows you to tailor your dog’s degree. Can push a 5 to a 7.5.
whose contest weight is 40lbs, but workouts to his particular tem-
he’s now 44lbs on the chain. He’s perment and genetic ability, tak- 2. Raw Strength: Strength is
a healthy dog, already wormed ing into account his individuali- defined as the ability to exert
and proven to be parasite free in ty. It is the opposite of the cookie force. Strength can be developed
stool sample testing. He is fairly cutter mentality where all are by this training to a sizeable de-
lean, with his ribs just showing. treated the same. gree. A 5 to a 7.
He is of normal or slightly supe- 3. Explosive Power: Power is
rior natural endurance and struc- Taking Stock strength times speed. In other
tural sound: without extreme cow Since all dogs are individuals, words, how fast you can move
hocks, too short coupled, etc. His one size does not fit all. To de- with strength. Some dogs have
overall appearance is of health sign an ideal conditioning plan, superior strength to move some-
and young -- clear, bright eyes, you must first make a brutally thing heavy, but they may not
shiny coat and promise. other honest appraisal of your dog’s in- be able to make a truly explosive
words, he grades out to about a born genetics, capabilities, both move. A 5 to a 6.

page 39
4. Quickness and Agility: A 5 and have enormous amounts of 40-50 Excellent
to a 6. energy. A 5 to a 5.5.
5. The “X” Factor: The eager- The dog being conditioned here 30-39 Good
ness to please and take genuine grades out at a genetic 29, slight-
pleasure in working out night ly above average. The brutal fact 20-29 Average
after night. A special intangible is, unless your dog grades out to
that is tough to measure, but you at least a 20, you’re in trouble. 10-19 Poor
know it when you see it. A friend After giving each of the above
of mine calls it the TCB factor categories a score of 1-10, you’ll 0-9 Make him a present to
-- Taking Care of Business -- no end up with a score out of a total your ex wife.
matter what. Although there are of 50. Plus, you’ll have a pretty
techniques for enhancing your good idea of how much you can You Are Responsible!
dog’s attitude toward work, the improve each of these categories
very best one is produced by this using this keep. His overall score Rule number one: Do not treat
keep. They feel absolutely great can be rated below: him like a dog or a wind up toy.
Instead, treat him with the same
care and respectful attention you
would give to a champion human
athlete. If you treat him like a
beast of burden, you’ll never
bring out the dog’s peak perfor-
mance. Ever. In all things con-
cerning your dog’s conditioning,
use this simple line of thinking:
Treat him with the same respect
and care that you would like to
receive if you walked around
naked and lean to the world 24
hours a day.

You created your dog’s world.

Therefore, you are responsi-
ble for his total environment,
each and every aspect of his life.
These are details that are often
overlooked but are very impor-


page 40
Kovacevic’s Gr Ch Maza 5xW

contracted against Sandokan’s

Dara at 14,5 Kg( 31,9 LBS), Dara
being a double daughter of P&T
Knl’s Demp. It was a hard and
even fight, Dara was in the chest
and shoulders, Maza riding the
head. It was even up to 40 min
when Maza pulled ahead. After a
couple of scratch of bouth, Dara
couldn’t complete hers at 1 h and
10 min. Maza scratching hard for
her courtesy.
In the second match Maza
faced A&N’s Misy at 14,5 Kg
again. Misy had the same style
as Maza, so it was head to head
from the start. After half hour
Maza went into shoulders and
did some damage. Misy was
picked up in bad shape at 55 min
and did show to be a deep game
female, scratching really game.
She didn’t survived after, un-

Maza was whelped in Serbia in the year 2001. Her For her Championship match
sire was Boban’s Ugly who was a double grandson of
Maza was set to go vs the well
Zeljko’s Yellow Jr. ( also know as Djura ). Her dam
known Pera- Golden King Knl.
was Vidan’s Megi and she was from Black Magic x
Weights were set at 14,7 kg and
Ch Yankee ROM breeding. Maza was owned by Dr
Pera arrived with his Karmen
Didi and Kovacevic brothers. She was a small female
bitch. Maza rode on her head, up
with the same stile as her brother Panther, and she
to 40 min, until the first out of
was matched for her first time at the same time when
hold. Few scratches each when
Panter had his first match, December 2002. Maza was
Karmen quit on her 3rd at 50 min
page 43
and Maza was Champion in January 2004.
Twins Kennel’s Lucija was opened no. 4
at 14,9 kg ( 32,8 LBS ). She was an easy won
for Ch Maza who controled from the start.
Turn was called for Lucija at 10 min and
after 3 scratches each Lucija was picked up
at 40 min. Both bitches scratched on their
courtesy scratches.
Her last and Grand Chapionship match
was set to go against Ivan’s Saly at 14,9 Kg,
it was in fall 2004. Saly was the hardest op-
ponent for Maza. From the start Maza lost
few teets ( both top fangs) and it was even
till the 15 min mark, but then Saly pulled
ahead and dominating up to 40 min when Kovacevic’s Gr Ch Maza,
she slowed down. Champion Maza made a photo taken just before her 4th
strong came back and aggressed Saly. Maza
was finishing and Saly started to protest
loudly. She was picked up at 53 min and
Maza won her Grand Championship title.
Captain was the referee for all 5 matches of
Grand Champion Maza. After that match
Kovacevic brothers bought other half of
ownership of Maza from Dr Didi and they
retired her for brood after he 5 th. Gr Ch
Maza was breed in November 2004 to Shma-
ka’s Popeye who is a double grandson of
Captain’s Ch Thor ROM. Hopefuly Maza

Another photo of Gr Ch Maza

will produce the same quality offspring as
she was. She will be used freqvently for
brood now at Kovacevic yard.
by Captain, 2005 (Balkan Gamedogs II)

Breeding between Gr Ch Maza and Schmaka’s Popeye,

a son of Captain’s Bis 2xW out of Kuzman Kuba

page 44
Photo Gallery

L.O.D. Kennel’s Gr Ch Butter Bean , in this photo on his way to his no 4

Blood Bond’s Ch Pandora 4xW

Pit Bull Tribune’s Dog Of The

Year 2006; and SDJ Co-Dog Of
The Year 2007
Blood Bond’s Ch
Scarface 3xW, 1xL

Won 1ST over 1xw

in 42MIN, 2ND over
1xw-1xw (otc) in 1:20
MIN, & 3 RD over 2xw
in:33MIN. Picked up in
his 4 th against Gr Ch
STEPPER in 1:10 MIN.

Smith & Walton’s Ch Bad Billy

Lost to Holt’s Gr Ch Booger in 1 h 33 min game. Two great ones met,

somebody had to lose. Billy Also beat Greenwood’s ch Black Sabbath in
another classic.
Kingfish Kid’s Ch Bernie

Ramrod’s Ch Tramp ROM x Garret’s Ch Sue

Bloodliner’s Omen, sire of Bloodliner’s Gr Ch Badger

STB’s Dylan 2xW x Ch Sugar

Loc-Tite Kennels
Loc-Tite Kennel’s Mrs. Ohio

Ch Caveman

B ullet 4
Loc-Tite Kennel’s China h

Doc Wilson’s Jojo Red x Loc Tite’s Patra

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