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Received: 12 May 2020 

  Revised: 17 June 2020 
|  Accepted: 19 June 2020

DOI: 10.1111/epi.16610


A pragmatic algorithm to select appropriate antiseizure

medications in patients with epilepsy

Ali A. Asadi-Pooya1,2   | Sándor Beniczky3,4   | Guido Rubboli5,6   |

Michael R. Sperling2   | Stefan Rampp7,8   | Emilio Perucca9,10
Epilepsy Research Center, Shiraz University of Medical Sciences, Shiraz, Iran
Jefferson Comprehensive Epilepsy Center, Department of Neurology, Thomas Jefferson University, Philadelphia, PA, USA
Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Danish Epilepsy Centre (member of the ERN EpiCARE), Dianalund, Denmark
Department of Clinical Medicine, Department of Clinical Neurophysiology, Aarhus University Hospital, Aarhus University, Aarhus, Denmark
Department of Neurology, Danish Epilepsy Centre (member of the ERN EpiCARE), Dianalund, Denmark
University of Copenhagen, Copenhagen, Denmark
Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital Erlangen, Erlangen, Germany
Department of Neurosurgery, University Hospital Halle, Halle, Germany
Division of Clinical and Experimental Pharmacology, Department of Internal Medicine and Therapeutics, University of Pavia, Pavia, Italy
Clinical Trial Center, IRCCS Mondino Foundation (member of the ERN EpiCARE), Pavia, Italy

Ali A. Asadi-Pooya, Epilepsy Research
Center, Shiraz University of Medical Objective: Antiseizure medications (ASMs) are the first-line treatment for epilepsy.
Sciences, Shiraz, Iran. Many ASMs are available; this offers the opportunity to improve therapy by tailoring
it to individual characteristics, but also increases the possibility of healthcare profes-
Funding information sionals making inappropriate treatment choices. To assist healthcare professionals,
The development of the algorithm was
we developed a pragmatic algorithm aimed at facilitating medication selection for
supported by the Filadelfia Research
Foundation (Denmark). The study sponsors individuals whose epilepsy begins at age 10 years and older.
had no role in the study design, the Methods: Utilizing available evidence and a Delphi panel−based consensus pro-
collection, analysis, interpretation of data,
cess, a group of epilepsy experts developed an algorithm for selection of ASMs,
writing of the report, and the decision
to submit the paper for publication. The depending on the seizure type(s) and the presence of relevant clinical variables (age,
corresponding author had full access to gender, comorbidities, and comedications). The algorithm was implemented into a
all of the study data, and he had the final
responsibility for the decision to submit the
web-based application that was tested and improved in an iterative process.
report for publication. Results: The algorithm categorizes ASMs deemed to be appropriate for each seizure
type or combination of seizure types into three groups, with group 1 ASMs consid-
ered preferred, group 2 considered second line, and group 3 considered third line.
Depending on the presence of relevant clinical variables, the ranking of individual
ASMs is adjusted in the prioritization scheme to tailor recommendations to the char-
acteristics of the individual. The algorithm is available on a web-based application
at: https://epipi​

© 2020 International League Against Epilepsy

Epilepsia. 2020;00:1–10.  |     1
2      ASADI-POOYA et al.

Significance: The proposed algorithm is user-friendly, requires less than 2 minutes

to complete, and provides the user with a range of appropriate treatment options from
which to choose. This should facilitate its broad utilization and contribute to improve
epilepsy management for healthcare providers who desire advice, particularly those
who lack special expertise in the field.

algorithm, drug, epilepsy, seizure, treatment

1  |   IN TRO D U C T ION
Key points
Antiseizure medications (ASMs) are the first-line treat-
• The availability of a large number of antiseizure
ment for epilepsy (the most common serious chronic neu-
medications (ASMs) entails a risk of suboptimal
rological disorder)1, and many patients attain complete
or inappropriate drug selection.
freedom from seizures when prescribed an appropriate
• We developed a web-based version of a pragmatic
drug. An increasing number of ASMs have been intro-
algorithm, which can assist healthcare profession-
duced over the years, with approximately 20 now in com-
als in tailoring ASM choice in a monotherapy
mon use.2 Few ASMs are effective for all seizure types,
and some are suboptimal because of patient-specific
• The algorithm, intended for patients with seizure
characteristics such as age, gender, epilepsy syndrome,
onset ≥10  years, accounts for seizure type(s)
comorbidities, adverse effect profile, and drug interac-
and individual demographic and health-related
tion potential.2–6 Having alternative choices improves the
opportunity to tailor treatment to the individual and to
• The instrument provides a selection of suitable
select other drugs in case of poor tolerability, but may
ASMs, arrayed in a hierarchy of preference,
also lead to inappropriate or suboptimal drug selection,
depending upon individual patient and drug
particularly when epilepsy is managed by nonspecialist
healthcare professionals.7 This risk is compounded by a
scarcity of neurologists and epilepsy specialists in many
places, particularly in low- and middle-income countries,
but also in wealthier countries.8 Moreover, misdiagnosis
and misclassification of seizures are common, and can 2  |  M ETHODS
lead to selection of either ineffective or potentially sei-
zure-aggravating treatments.9 In one study of 350 adults The algorithm was developed by utilizing a face-to-face
with uncontrolled seizures, 29% were found to have been version of the Delphi process12 and was designed for use
prescribed an inappropriate ASM and 18% were taking in patients whose seizures begin at age 10 years and older.
suboptimal ASM doses.9 Inappropriate drug choice can Earlier-onset epilepsy was excluded, as some childhood syn-
also adversely affect comorbidities and diminish the ef- dromes are more complex with regard to diagnosis and treat-
ficacy of other drugs.10,11 ment and would not readily fit into a broader diagnostic and
To assist healthcare professionals in epilepsy manage- therapeutic scheme designed for adolescents and adults.
ment, we developed a web-based pragmatic algorithm aimed Five epileptologists from different regions of the world
at facilitating appropriate ASM selection for monotherapy. participated in the process. The proposed instrument, which
The algorithm takes into consideration several patient-spe- can be applied once seizure types are determined based on the
cific variables and provides a ranking of ASMs in order of history and other relevant information and a decision to treat
likely appropriateness for an individual based on the best has been made, incorporates a pragmatic algorithm designed
available scientific evidence complemented by expert judge- to identify potential misdiagnosis of epilepsy/seizure types
ment. In addition to listing a ranking of individualized treat- based on eight screening questions.13 Description of the diag-
ment options, the web-based application provides a summary nostic part of the app, which is intended to minimize the risk
of prescribing information for each of the medications being of the treatment selection algorithm being applied to individ-
suggested. uals with an incorrect diagnosis, is beyond the scope of this

article. Whereas there is little or no evidence that response minimized biases that might be introduced should all origi-
to treatment varies across different types of focal seizures, nate from a single site or school.
the type of generalized seizure and specific combinations of The app for electronic application of the algorithm was
generalized seizures have a major influence on medication implemented with TypeScript (https://www.types​cript​lang.
choice, as demonstrated by examples provided in this article. org/) based on React (https://react​ and runs on a
Therefore, as a second step, the group developed a consen- Glassfish 5.1 server (​ fish/) in
sus on level of appropriateness of specific ASMs for different a docker container ( After imple-
seizure types or combination of seizure types and categorized mentation on the web, the authors tested several cases and
potentially appropriate ASMs into three groups (nesting), agreed on further adjustments of the weighting assigned to
with group 1 ASMs being considered preferred, group 2 con- modifiers in order to optimize the function of the algorithm.
sidered second line, and group 3 considered third line. As a In the final step, more cases were tested by a group of six ex-
third step, the level of appropriateness of each ASM in the pert epileptologists, and based on their feedback a few minor
ranking was adjusted according to clinical variables (modi- faults in the algorithm and the app were resolved. Overall, the
fiers) considered particularly relevant for ASM selection,2–5 authors and the external expert epileptologists tested more
as defined by the following questions (additional to age and than 150 cases in the fine-tuning process of the app. To en-
gender, already entered as part of the screening questions): sure reliability of the algorithm, the app was run primarily to
test case scenarios that were considerably different from each
• Is the patient using contraceptive medication other than an other, with additional duplicate cases being tested to ensure
intrauterine device? (Shows up only when gender = female) reliability of the algorithm.
• Does the patient take any other medication, apart from
contraceptives, on a regular basis? (Shows up only when
gender = female) 3  |  RESULTS
• Does the patient take medication on a daily basis? (Shows
up only when gender = male) Table 1 shows the proposed nesting of ASMs based on sei-
• Does the patient have: zure type. Table  2 illustrates the nesting adjustments made
by taking modifiers into consideration, including key refer-
a. Brain tumor requiring chemotherapy and/or radiation ences provided as a source of evidence to explain adjust-
therapy ments applied for each modifier.15–26 Actions in response
b. Hepatic failure to each modifier may result in either upward or downward
c. Obesity (BMI ≥30) adjustments from the primary designated nesting (Figure 1).
d. Diabetes mellitus Within each group, ASMs are listed in alphabetical order.
e. Clinically significant thrombocytopenia or coagulation Dosing and prescribing information are provided for each of
disorder the ASMs suggested, in addition to an explanation on how
f. Neutropenia (ie, neutrophil count of <1500μL) the algorithm applied the information entered by the user to
g. Renal stone determine the final ranking. Links to further resources are
h. Allergy to any drug given.
i. Depression For adjustments, the algorithm uses mathematical calcula-
j. History of irritability or aggressive behavior tions. Accordingly, “upgrade by one level” means an upgrade
k. Migraine (≥4 headaches per month or ≥8 headache by one notch (eg, from group 2 to group 1, ie, to a more desir-
days per month)14 able group), whereas “downgrade by one level” means a down-
l. Renal insufficiency grade by one notch (eg, from group 1 to group 2, or from group
The above questions were finalized through a stepwise 2 to group 3, ie, to a less desirable group). After adjusting for
Delphi process, with emphasis on accuracy and efficiency, applicable modifiers, all ASMs considered appropriate for that
aiming for as few questions as feasible to minimize complex- individual are displayed and categorized into groups 1, 2, and
ity and data entry time. The structured discussion aimed at 3. ASMs that were present in the primary step of the nesting
highlighting causes of disagreements, and the cyclic voting process (based on the seizure type) and were downgraded
process continued until achieving consensus for all items. below group 3 after adjustment for modifiers are not removed,
It is acknowledged that determining the list of clinical vari- but they are displayed as “Least desirable options if the above
ables and their relative weight in optimizing the ranking is drugs are not available.” The purpose of retaining less desirable
inevitably influenced by personal judgment, but the consen- options is to facilitate treatment selection in settings such as
sus-reaching process relied as much as possible on the best resource-poor countries where availability of medications may
available evidence and recommendation from clinical guide- be restricted. A normalization process is also applied when no
lines.5,6 Having panel members from varied backgrounds group 1 option emerges after adjustment for modifiers. In that
4      ASADI-POOYA et al.

T A B L E 1   Proposed nesting of ASMs

Seizure type(s) Nesting of antiseizure medications
based on seizure types
Absence 1-group: ETS, VPA1
2-group: LTG1
3-group: LEV1, ZNS1, ACT1, CLB1, CLN1
Myoclonic 1-group: CLN, VPA, LEV
2-group: CLB2
3-group: TPM, ZNS, PB, NTR
Primary generalized 1-group: VPA
tonic-clonic 2-group: LTG, LEV
3-group: OXC, CLB, ZNS, LCM, TPM, PB, PER, CBZ,
Primary generalized 1-group: VPA
tonic-clonic + myoclonic 2-group: LEV
3-group: CLN3, LTG4, ZNS, CLB, TPM, PB, PER, PHT,
Primary generalized 1-group: VPA1
tonic-clonic + absence 2-group: LTG1, LEV1
3-group: TPM1, ZNS1, CLB1
Primary generalized 1-group: VPA1
tonic-clonic + myoclonic 2-group: LTG1,4, LEV1
+absence 3-group: TPM1, ZNS1, CLB1, CLN1
Myoclonic + absence 1-group: VPA1, ETS
2-group: LTG1,4, LEV1
3-group: TPM1, ZNS1, CLB1, CLN1
Focal 1-group: LEV, CBZ, LTG, OXC, ESL, LCM
2-group: TPM, VPA, PER, PHT, BRV, ZNS
3-group: CLB, PB, GBP, PGB
Unknown whether focal 1-group: LEV, CBZ, LTG, OXC, ESL, LCM
or generalized seizure 2-group: VPA, PER, PHT, BRV, CLB2, TPM, ZNS
type + age 21 or older 3-group: PB, GBP, PGB
Unknown whether focal 1-group: VPA, LTG, LEV
or generalized seizure 2-group: CLB2, CBZ, PER, ESL, OXC, LCM
type + age under 21 3-group: PB, TPM, ZNS
Note: Additional, specific rules in the algorithm: 1. The following text will be added when the recommended
ASM groups are displayed to the user: “(ETS can be added to it, if absence seizures persist)”. 2. CLB: For
focal seizures, if CLB comes in groups 1 or 2, move it to group 3; For myoclonic and for unknown seizure
types, if CLB comes in group 1, move it to group 2. 3. CLN is always in group 3 in GTCS + myoclonic and
GTCS + myoclonic +absence, and no further possibility for CLN up-grading. 4. In GTCS + myoclonic,
GTCS + myoclonic +absence, and myoclonic + absence, if LTG is selected, the following text will be added:
“(CLN can be added to LTG, if myoclonic seizures persist)”.
Abbreviations: ACT, acetazolamide; BRV, brivaracetam; CBZ, carbamazepine; CLB, clobazam; CLN,
clonazepam; ESL, eslicarbazepine acetate; ETS, ethosuximide; GBP, gabapentin; GTC, (primary)
generalized tonic-clonic; LCM, lacosamide; LEV, levetiracetam; LTG, lamotrigine; NTR, nitrazepam; OXC,
oxcarbazepine; PB, phenobarbital; PER, perampanel; PGB, pregabalin; PHT, phenytoin; TPM, topiramate;
VPA, valproic acid; ZNS, zonisamide.

event, the highest ranked ASM is automatically upgraded to to assist healthcare professionals who are not expert in
group 1. Boxes 1-3 provide examples of the nesting process for epileptology in selecting ASM monotherapies for pa-
clarification purposes. tients with seizure onset at age 10  years and older. The
instrument, implemented in an electronic application
freely available on the internet ((https://epipi​c,
4  |   D IS C U S S ION provides several ASM options with different levels of
prioritization (group 1, 2, or 3), and gives the health-
The proposed algorithm, which incorporates key de- care professional ultimate responsibility to decide which
mographic details and 17 clinical variables, is intended ASM is most suitable for the individual patient. Because
ASADI-POOYA et al.      5
T A B L E 2   Influence of modifiers on the nesting of ASMs
For a pre-menopausal female (see reference 15):
• For all seizure types (except focal and GTCS): move VPA to group 3, and no further possibility for VPA upgrading
• For focal seizures: remove VPA completely (no possibility to suggest VPA use for that patient).
• For GTCS: move VPA to group 2 without further possibility for upgrading; move LTG to group 1 without further possibility for up-grading;
move LEV to group 1 without further possibility for upgrading.
If age >65 years2–6,16:
Upgrade by one level for GBP, LCM, LEV, LTG
If co-medications2–6,17 (other than contraceptives) are present and the patient has a generalized epilepsy:
Upgrade by one level for ETS, LCM, LEV, LTG, PER, ZNS
Downgrade by one level for CBZ, PB, PHT
If co-medications2–6,17 (apart from contraceptives) are present and the patient has a focal or uncertain epilepsy:
Upgrade by one level for BRV, GBP, LCM, LEV, LTG, PER, ZNS
Downgrade by one level for CBZ, PB, PHT
If on oral contraceptives2–6,17:
Downgrade by one level for PER, TPM
Downgrade by two levels for ESL, CBZ, OXC, PB, PHT
If a female patient is taking contraceptives and LTG is suggested, the following text is displayed: “While lamotrigine is the suggested choice,
you should be aware that lamotrigine levels are reduced by estrogen containing contraceptives and may vary during the contraceptive-pill
taking cycle. Additionally, lamotrigine may moderately reduce levonorgestrel levels.”
Brain tumor requiring chemotherapy and/or radiation therapy2–6,18:
Downgrade by two levels for ESL, CBZ, OXC, PB, PHT
Hepatic failure2–6,19:
Upgrade by one level for GBP, LCM, LEV
Downgrade by two levels for VPA
Obesity (BMI ≥ 30)2–6,20:
Downgrade by one level for GBP, PGB
For patients with idiopathic generalized epilepsies: Downgrade by one level for VPA
For patients focal or uncertain epilepsies: Downgrade by two levels for VPA
Diabetes mellitus2–6:
Downgrade by one level for CBZ, PER, PHT, VPA
Bleeding disorders2–6,21:
For generalized epilepsies: Downgrade by one level for VPA
For focal or uncertain epilepsies: Downgrade by two levels for VPA
Neutropenia 2–6,21:
Downgrade by one level for CBZ, PHT
Renal stones2–6,22:
Downgrade by one level for ACT, TPM, ZNS
Renal failure2,22:
Upgrade by one level for CLB, ETS, LTG, CBZ, PHT
Downgrade by one level for all other drugs
Allergy to any drug2–6,23:
Downgrade by one level for ESL, CBZ, LTG, OXC, PB, PHT, ZNS
Upgrade by one level for LTG
Downgrade by one level for CLB, CNZ, LEV, NTZ, PB
History of irritability or aggressive behavior2–6,25:
Downgrade by one level for LEV, PER, PB, TPM
Upgrade by one level for TPM, VPA
Note: Important notes: 1. If hepatic failure is present, the following warning will be displayed: “Check product information regarding dose adjustment, because of
hepatic failure.” 2. If renal insufficiency is present, the following warning will be displayed: “Check product information regarding dose adjustment, because of renal
Upgrade by one (or two) levels means an increase by one (or two) notches to a more desirable group. Accordingly, downgrade refers to a decrease in the ranking to a
less desirable group. For abbreviations, see Table 1.

the algorithm is designed to facilitate ASM selection, it differs from phenomenological and syndromic classifica-
includes only those clinical variables that we viewed as tions aimed at differentiating seizure types irrespective
most important for treatment decisions, an approach that of therapeutic implications.27
6      ASADI-POOYA et al.

F I G U R E 1   The response to modifiers

could move up/down the primary designated
nesting of antiseizure medications

Although, a handful of algorithm-based applications have it provides advice not only on drug choice but also on dos-
been developed to assist healthcare professionals in diagnos- age and titration schedules. The algorithm is user-friendly,
ing seizures,13,28–31 none so far has addressed the need for pa- requiring less than 2 minutes to answer (less than 1 minute
tient-tailored drug selection. Identifying epilepsy syndrome
and seizure type(s) correctly is a necessary first step in clin-
ical practice, but it may not necessarily lead to choice of an
BOX 2 A 22-year-old woman with primary
appropriate treatment. Evidence of incorrect or suboptimal
generalized tonic-clonic + myoclonic +absence
drug selection in patients with epilepsy has been documented
seizures since 15 years of age, who is taking
by many studies done in different settings.9,32,33 Our instru-
contraceptives and has migraine headaches
ment has the potential to reduce inappropriate prescribing, as
(Figure Case 2).*
Nesting of ASMs based on her seizure types (pri-
mary nesting) is as follows:
1-group: VPA*
BOX 1 A 35-year-old man with focal seizures 2-group: LTG*, LEV*
since 25 years of age who has diabetes and 3-group: TPM*, ZNS*, CLB*, CLN*
hypertension and is receiving medications.* Because she is pre-menopausal and female:
Nesting of ASMs based on his seizure types (pri- for all seizures: move VPA to group-3 and no further
mary nesting) is as follows: possibility for upgrading
1-group: LEV, CBZ, LTG, OXC, ESL, LCM Therefore, adjustment of nesting of her ASMs based
2-group: TPM, VPA, PER, PHT, BRV, ZNS on her seizure types will be as follows:
3-group: CLB, PB, GBP, PGB 1-group:
Because he takes other medications: 2-group: LEV, LTG
Upgrade by one level for BRV, GBP, LCM, LEV, 3-group: VPA, CLB, CLN, TPM, ZNS
LTG, PER, ZNS Because she is taking an oral contraceptive drug
Downgrade by one level for CBZ, PB, PHT (downgrade by one level for TPM), nesting is further
Because he has diabetes: adjusted as follows:
Downgrade by one level for CBZ, PER, PHT, VPA 1-group:
Therefore, the proposed ASM nesting for this patient 2-group: LEV, LTG
will be as follows: 3-group: VPA, CLB, CLN, ZNS
-1. LCM, LEV, LTG 4-group: TPM
1. BRV, ZNS, OXC, ESL Because she has migraine headaches (upgrade by
2. GBP, PER, TPM one level for TPM, VPA), but there is no further pos-
3. CLB, PGB, VPA, CBZ sibility for up-grading VPA, the final proposed ASM
4. PHT, PB nesting for this patient will be as follows:
The proposed ASM nesting for this patient after nor- 1-group: LEV, LTG (ETS can be added to it, if ab-
malization will be as follows: sence seizures persist).
1-group: LCM, LEV, LTG 2-group: CLB, ZNS, TPM (ETS can be added to it,
2-group: BRV, ESL, OXC, ZNS if absence seizures persist), (CLN can be added to
3-group: PER, TPM, GBP LTG, if myoclonic seizures persist).
Least desirable options if the above drugs are not 3-group: CLN, VPA (ETS can be added to it, if ab-
available: CLB, PHT, PB, CBZ, PGB, VPA sence seizures persist).
* *
Variables acting as modifiers for this case example Variables acting as modifiers for this case example
are shown in italics. For abbreviations, see Table 1. are shown in italics. For abbreviations, see Table 1.

of individual ASMs2–4 and recommendations from clinical

BOX 3 A 67-year-old man with focal seizures guidelines,5,6 adjusting ASM selection to individual char-
since 65 years of age, who has a brain tumor and acteristics cannot be fully evidence-based and needs to take
depression and is receiving medications into consideration personal judgment, which justified use of
(Figure 2).* a Delphi approach. The choice of medication in the algorithm
Nesting of ASMs based on his seizure types (pri- is driven by seizure type rather than epilepsy syndrome, but
mary nesting) is as follows: combinations of seizures types associated with syndromes
1-group: LEV, CBZ, LTG, OXC, ESL, LCM with onset at age ≥10 years are fully accounted for. The clin-
2-group: TPM, VPA, PER, PHT, BRV, ZNS ical variables (modifiers) considered are limited and some
3-group: CLB, PB, GBP, PGB of those are only broadly defined, due to the need to com-
Because he takes other medications: promise between efficiency and practicability. Accordingly,
Upgrade by one level for BRV, GBP, LCM, LEV, we are aware that not all information that ideally should be
LTG, PER, ZNS considered in ASM selection is included in the algorithm,
Downgrade by one level for CBZ, PB, PHT and this in some cases may lead to less than optimal advice.
Because he has a brain tumor: In particular, aspects subject to geographical variability such
Downgrade by two levels for ESL, CBZ, OXC, PB, as availability, labeled indications, cost, and reimbursability
PHT of medications are not considered; furthermore, the algo-
Because he has depression: rithm does not assist in determining whether in an individual
Upgrade by one level for LTG person treatment should be initiated or deferred. Because of
Downgrade by one level for CLB, LEV, PB these limitations, the instrument is being offered as a tool to
Because he is 67-years-old: facilitate therapeutic decisions, and cannot be a substitute for
Upgrade by one level for GBP, LCM, LEV, LTG the user's clinical judgment.
Therefore, the final proposed ASM nesting for this One final limitation that needs to be discussed relates to
patient will be as follows: the lack of formal external validation. To date, the instru-
1-group: LTG ment has undergone mostly internal testing. Although the
2-group: LCS feedback received from a number of epilepsy specialists who
3-group: LEV have tested it has been generally favorable, we acknowledge
Least desirable options if the above drugs are not the need for formal and broader validation studies. A study
available: BRV, PER, VPA, TPM, ZNS, OXC, currently in progress is assessing how ASM selections done
GBP, CLB, ESL, CBZ, PB, PHT, PGB by expert epileptologists worldwide compare with the algo-
Variables acting as modifiers for this case example rithm performance in a variety of case scenarios. This in-
are shown in italics. For abbreviations, see Table 1. vestigation is expected to confirm our preliminary findings
concerning reliability and external validity within the lim-
itations of using predefined cases. The next step will involve
extending these studies to field testing in the real world, and
obtain from expert users broader feedback on the perfor-
once familiar with it), and provides the user with a range of mance and usefulness of the instrument. Finally, we envisage
ASMs ranked in order of appropriateness. This should facil- assessing acceptability and perceived usefulness within the
itate broad use among professionals interested in accessing community for which the instrument is mainly designed, that
simple advice in the management of their patients. Apart is, healthcare professionals who are not expert in epilepsy
from the drug selection and the links to additional resources, management, including (but not limited to) those living in
the explanation of how the algorithm adjusted the ranking resource-restricted settings. We regard the algorithm as a tool
based on individual variables bears a strong educational that will evolve as experience with its use progresses, new
component, helping physicians without training in epilepsy scientific evidence emerges, and new drugs are developed.
understand important aspects involved in choosing the appro- The ultimate goal is to improve the quality of care for people
priate medication. with epilepsy, and to contribute to ameliorate the “treatment
Some limitations should be acknowledged. The algo- gap” across the world.
rithm is applicable only to patients whose seizures begin at
age 10 years and older and is intended primarily for use in a ACKNOWLEDGEMENT
monotherapy scenario. Development of a similar tool for a We thank Drs. Jakob Christensen, Stefan Juhl, Maromi Nei,
younger population, or for polytherapy setting, would be far Joseph Sirven, Carlo Andrea Galimberti, and Christopher
more complex. Although the algorithm was constructed by Skidmore for their assistance in the evaluation of the
taking into consideration available evidence on the properties algorithm.
8      ASADI-POOYA et al.

F I G U R E 2   How EpiPick works:

Recommended antiseizure medications in
a 67-year-old man with focal seizures who
has a brain tumor and depression and is
receiving medications

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