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SOP 07-700 Appendix 5


HSE Management System

Contractor Peciko 8B - Surface Facilities

Service Scope Of Work Modification and Booster
Div. / Dep. ECP/PJC Compressor Installation (EPCIC)
Tender No
Assesed by team

Weightin Weighted
score Score
No Criteria g factor
Zi=3 x Xi
score Yi Comments
WFi =Xi x WFi

1 HSE 01 – Respect of Laws and Regulations

1.1 System to follow up any change in local regulation? 2 6 2 4
1.2 Statutory authorisations and permits available? 1 3 1 1
Compliance with international standards
1.3 1 3 2 2
(SMK3,OHSAS,ISO14001 etc.)
HSE 02 – Responsibilities of Management
Corporate HSE Organisation?
2.1 Corporate & Project HSE Organisation 2 6 2 4
Corporate HSE policy endorsed, up-to-date and communicated to
2.2 2 6 1 2
Procedure of HSE communication and program including
2.3 2 6 2 4
implementation ( HSE committee,HSE talk and tool box ) ?
2.4 Corporate HSE objective & HSE Statistic for 2019 ? 1 3 1 1
Comprehensive and documented contractor’s HSE Management
2.5 1 3 2 2
System ?
3 HSE 03 - Operational responsibilities
Work permit procedure including complementary and its
3.1 2 6 2 4
implementation ?
3.2 Work permit audit and monitoring ? 2 6 2 4
SOP availability and relevancy ( Lifting operation and sample of
3.3 LOP,scaffolding, LOTO, welding & cutting, Compressed 2 6 2 4
Gases,NDT, Anchor & de-anchoring ,Hydrotest etc )

Electrical safety procedure and Lifting operation procedure and

3.4 2 6 1 2
evidence of implementation (Record of Inspection, LOP ) etc ?

Site personnel HSE Roles & responsibilities defined, known,

3.5 2 6 1 2
4 HSE 04 - Risk evaluation and management
4.1 Risk Register & JRA implementation ? 2 6 2 4
Procedure to systematically remind HSE instructions before any
4.2 1 3 2 2
work ?
Worksite housekeeping and industrial hygiene procedure and
4.3 2 6 2 4
implementation ?
Procedure for managing risks in land & sea transportation and
4.4 2 6 2 4
evidence of implementation ?
5 HSE 05 - Respect for the environment
5.1 policy for the protection of the environment & EMP ? 2 6 2 4
Procedure , program and implementation of waste management
5.2 2 6 2 4
5.3 Procedure to monitor and measure waste and emmision impact ? 2 6 1 2
6 HSE 06 - Safeguarding of health
Procedure to manage the occupational risks for health including
6.1 2 6 2 4
for COVID 19 Management and its implementation ?
6.2 Programme for staff medical assessment and follow up? 2 6 2 4
Procedure for the management of hazardous substances on site
6.3 2 6 2 4
and its implementation ?
6.4 Procedure to manage PPE on site and implementation ? 2 6 2 4
Adequate site first aid facilities, sickbay with qualified support
6.5 1 3 1 1
personnel ?
HSE 07 - Management of sub-contractors and
suppliers (SC & S)
7.1 QA/QC procedure applicable to procurement and rental? 1 3 1 1
Procedure and evidence implementation how to evaluate
7.2 1 3 1 1
competency of sub-contractors personnel?
8 HSE 08 - Competence and training of personnel

8.1 Occupational training & certification prcedure and programme? 2 6 2 4

General & specific HSE training programme for site employees
8.2 2 6 2 4
and record of implementation ?
9 HSE 09 - Emergency preparedness

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SOP 07-700 Appendix 5

Weightin Weighted
score Score
No Criteria g factor
Zi=3 x Xi
score Yi Comments
WFi =Xi x WFi

Efficient contractor’s organisation for responding to an

9.1 1 3 1 1
emergency (plan and means described)?
Exercises used to validate emergency procedures and to train
9.2 2 6 2 4
personnel ?
Qualified fire-fighting and SAR intervention teams to deal with
9.3 2 6 2 4
Emergency ?
10 HSE 10 - Incident analysis
Procedure and implementation of incident management in 2018
10.1 2 6 2 4
& 2019 ?
Procedure and implementation of Anomaly management in 2018
10.2 2 6 2 4
& 2019 ?
Procedure to set up and follow up the associated corrective
10.3 1 3 1 1
action plans?
11 HSE 11 - Audits and inspections
Procedure and implementation for internal HSE audits and
11.1 1 3 2 2
inspection in 2018 & 2019 ?
Documented evidence of associated corrective action plans in
11.2 1 3 2 2
2018 & 2019 ?
12 HSE 12 - Performance improvement
12.1 Procedure to review and improve HSE performances ? 2 6 1 2
Record of corporate Management Review meeting in 2019 to
12.2 2 6 2 4
define improvement targets ?

12.3 Procedure for using corporate feed back and implementation ? 2 6 1 2

HSE 13 - Societal Commitment
Procedure , program and implementation for Societal
13.1 1 3 1 1
HSE 14 - Security
Procedure, Program and implementation for Security aspect
14.1 1 3 1 1
15 List of Must Have Requirement
Legal commitment letter to provide PPE as per company
15.1 requirement in SOP MHK-Com-SOP-HSE-MTH-0005 last 3 9 3 9
revision for all project personnel
Legal commitment letter to provide medically fit personnel proven
15.2 3 9 3 9
by valid MCU (as per SOP 06-610 last revision)
Legal commitment letter to fulfill HSE training requirement to
15.3 3 9 3 9
support the operation for all project personnel
HSE Coordinator / Manager holding AK3 Umum certificate and
completed with valid:
" Surat Penunjukan Ahli K3 Umum mentioning designated
company where the HSE Coordinator is working at from
15.4 3 9 3 9
Kementerian Tenaga Kerja; and
** Updated CV of propose HSE Coordinator for this project which
mentioning his/her experience of minimum 3 years working at
the same position.
Statement letter to provide First Aid Equipment as per company
15.5 regulation (MHK-ENTY-STI-HSE-MED-00001, MHK-COMP-SOP- 3 9 3 9
HSE-MTH-0012 last revision Guide 06 MED)
End Of Finding
Total: Prepared By: Approved by:
Maximum Score (Z) 255
Audit result (Y) 164

Percentage SCORE (Y/Z)*100 64.314

Must Have Requirement (MHR) Score 100

- WFi = 3 is a Must Have Requirement (MHR),

- MHR Score = 3 mean 100% meet expectation MHR Score 100

Overall Score 64.31

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