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What was the first world war like?

Who fought and where?

The First World War was the most …………………………. war that the world

had ever seen. It involved armed forces from all around the world many of whom

were …………………………. (forcing people to ………………………….the

………………………….rather than relying on people ………………………….).

The conditions in which they fought particularly on the ………………………….

(the zone of …………………………. next …………………………. from

…………………………. to the ………………………….Channel) were

horrendous. Civilians were drawn in two as their towns and cities were attacked.

There were millions of casualties: ………………………….,

………………………….and ………………………….men, women and children.

When war was declared thousands of men volunteered to join the

…………………………. regular soldiers in the …………………………. Army.

Recruiting officers were open in almost every ………………………….and

………………………….. Men had to be …………………………. to join up and

………………………….to fight overseas while desperate to join up many

…………………………. about their age.

In the first year of the war ………………………….million men in listed in the British

armed forces but this was not enough. In ………………………….1916, parliament passed

an act that introduced …………………………. into the British Army : for the first time it

became compulsory for ………………………….aged between …………………………. to

………………………….to join up. Later in the year this was extended to include


Main battle areas

The …………………………. Front

Here …………………………. stretch from the …………………………. Channel. Germany

fought …………………………., …………………………., and …………………………. soldiers from

their colonies and after ………………………….the USA.

Battle of ………………………….

The only big battle at ………………………….. Neither side was a


The ………………………….front
Here, …………………………. and …………………………. fought each other. The front line

shifted back and forth over many ………………………….. In …………………………., there

was a revolution in …………………………. and the new government signed an

…………………………. with Germany and stopped fighting.


The war here centered around control of the …………………………. canal , which was

…………………………. vital link with………………………….


Though a member of the triple ………………………….. ………………………….did not join

war in 1914. In 1915, the ………………………….changed sides. So Germany had to

fight …………………………., too.

The ………………………….Colonies

There was fighting in the German colonies in ………………………….. The three

countries : ………………………….…………………………., ………………………….and


The …………………………. used ………………………….to sink ships bringing supplies to

…………………………. and her allies. When they sunk the …………………………., a US

passenger ship that was also carrying war supplies. The USA decided to join the

war against Germany on ………………………….………………………….…………………………..

Reasons to why

1. Germany lost the World War as they had to fight ………………………….from the


………………………….………………………….………………………….simultaneously as well

as fight …………………………. from the east front

2. The Germans sunk the …………………………. which was a

………………………….passenger ship carrying war supplies. The US army

decided to join the …………………………./ triple entente

3. Italy did not join war in ………………………….and changed sides in

…………………………. thereby spilling ………………………….secrets with the

………………………….powers. Germany also had to fight ………………………….

4. Germany lost it's …………………………. as they were captured by the allied

powers. The colonies were :


Identify the picture

The image is

…………………..…………………..…………………..…………………… He

was a royal …………officer in British army stop believed war would last a

……………………and so Britain would need a big army.

Poster produced by the government in ………………..

Friends joined whole football teams young men from the same ……………….,

……………….floors and ……………….. They were trained together in

……………….………………. ( ………………. unit of up to ……………….

men) and they fought in ………………. together. Some villages and towns lost

almost ……………….their ……………….men on the same day.

Fill in the blank question from page 52 and page 53

When ……………….……………….sought that his bomb had missed its

target, he swallowed his ………………. pill. But the pill was

……………….……………….and didn't work. It only made him

……………….. He then tried to drown himself by jumping into the

………………. river, but it was only ……………….deep. The police dragged

and arrested him, before the crowd had given him a severe beating.
……………….………………. suicide pill didn't work either and the

……………….arrested him. He was tried found guilty and sent to prison for

……………….years. He ……………….be hanged because he was under the age

of 20 at that time of the crime. He died in prison from ……………….in


What was it like to be in the trenches?

By …………… 1912 it was clear that this …………… plan had not worked.

German advancing into …………… had not been quick because ……………,

…………… and ……………troops add fought back more strongly than

anticipated. …………… had mobilized quickly and Germany was faced with

the very things refund had wanted to avoid : which was fighting ……………

and …………… at the same time.

German forces were fighting the Russians on the …………… front and

……………forces (British troops and those who were allies of Britain) on the

…………… Front where both sides had dug in. Long lines of ……………and

…………… trenches faced each other. Neither side could move forward.

Thousands were killed and retaking a few kilometers of mud.


There were ………………. areas in a trench: ……………….trench ,

……………….trench and ……………….trench. There are also two posts,

………………. posts and ………………. ……………….post. The area between

……………….trenches of opposing sides was called

……………….……………….………………. constant shelling turned it into a

mass of mud, making it even harder for troops to attack across.

……………….………………. was a vital part of defense. It could be

……………….deep and was often completely ……………….. Airplanes and

observation balloons were used to watch ……………….troop ……………….and

give ………………. of an attack. Troops from the ……………….trenches could

be sent forward safely through the ……………….trenches. ……………….fires

into the enemy trenches up to ………………. kilometers away. Gunners target

enemy ……………….and ……………….. Both sides built deep

……………….up to ………………. meters below ground. These protected troops

from ……………….during periods of ……………….shelling. ……………….

dugouts provide ………………. and ………………. and but direct hit would still

destroy them though.

The fear of death and the death of friends were two of the worst things a soldier

had to face. Soldiers in the trenches also had to live with poor living conditions. It

was impossible to keep clean and healthy. Mud coated boots, socks and trousers;

rats grew fat eating rotting bodies and clothes became covered in lice.

From the diary of Sergeant William Whitmore

December 1915 reach trenches at 5:30. bullets and bomb fragments bursting over

our heads. Slept in a dugout, lying with legs over one another an hundreds of

francs as big as rabbits crawling all over us and biting holes in bags for our rations.
From up to Mametz by L.W.Griffith published in 1931. He fought with the allies

on the western front.

There was always something to be done: digging, feeling sandbags, carrying

ammunition… strengthening the wire, resetting duckboards. these duties seemed of

such importance that they absorbed once an entire stock of energy.

50 years after serving in Ypres, Edgar Norman gladden wrote about his

experiences in the war. Here he remembers seeing a dead body for the first time.

The dead man lay amid earth and broken timber. Never before had I seen a man

who had just been killed. His face and body were terribly gashed. Blood flowed

from a dozen fearful wounds. The smell of blood mixed with the films of the shelf

filled with nausea. Only a great effort saved my limbs from giving way beneath

me. I could see from the Gray sick faces of the men that these feelings were

generally shared. A boy seemed to whisper, ‘why shouldn't you be the next?’

Write a description about “how was life in trenches during the first world War” by

reading sources .

The life in trenches very devastating for the soldiers. They had the fear of death,
and the death of friends were two of the worst things a soldier had to face. Soldiers
in trenches had to live with inadequate living conditions. It was unfeasible to keep
themselves clean and healthy. They always had mud coated boots, socks and
clothes covered with lice and trousers. There were hundreds of rats as big as
rabbits who crawled all over the soldier’s bodies and bit holes in bags for rations.
The rats were overweight because they ate the rotting bodies. The soldiers slept in
a dugout where they laid legs over one another. The soldiers never were free. They
had something to be done like digging, filling sandbags, carrying ammunition
strengthening the wire and resetting duckboards. These duties were very important
for them as they absorbed one's entire stock of energy. Nevertheless, the soldiers
experience deaths. The trenches had a bloody atmosphere with the nauseating
smell off the blasted shells. With friends dying and soldiers dying they heard a
whisper, which said , “why shouldn't you be next?”

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