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*Name: Byron Landeta

*Date: 28-10-2021
*Course: 3ro BGU “A”
*Topic: Activity #2

In a word document, do the activities on pages 3 & 4

 Pg 3: Natural Disasters in Ecuador

1. - Listen to someone talk about tree hugging and decide if each of the statements below
are True (T) or False (F)

2. - Listen to the recording again. Reflect on the questions below. Answer them in
complete sentences, then share your answers as a class.
• Do most of you agree?
Yes, most of us agree.

• Do you believe what the person says about the benefits of hugging trees? Why or why
I do believe in what the person says about the benefits of hugging trees, because according to
what I have learned, and according to several people I know, hugging trees makes you feel
much better and is a way to let off steam
• How can people determine the effects of something like hugging trees?
Through its effects, contact with plants improves cognitive and emotional function, has
beneficial effects for people with bronchial asthma, high blood pressure, nervousness,
insomnia, mental illnesses, attention deficit and hyperactivity disorders.

• Do you personally interact with nature in any other ways that help you to feel better?
What are they?
No, the truth is, I have never felt the need to do this, however, I know several people who do,
and they say that this helps a lot, because it is as if you have someone with whom you can
vent and help you feel better.
 Pg 4: Natural Disasters in Ecuador
1. - Organize the information from the reading about natural disasters in Ecuador. List
the four types of natural disasters mentioned in the meeting and write notes about each
one. When you write notes, it is not necessary to write complete sentences. Use your own

Natural disaster Details about each one

1. 1.
Earthquake: * Plates of the earth they move

* Common in Ecuador

* Measured with the Richter scale.

2. 2.
Tsunami: * Long high wave

* Causes a lot of destruction

* Caused by earthquakes

3. 3.
Eruptions volcanic:
* There are many volcanoes in Ecuador

* Eruption active, inactive, or extinct

4. 4.
Forest fires: * Common during the summer months
of June, July and August in the

* It occurs in conditions with dry


* They spread rapidly and destroy a

. large amount of land.
2. Using the present perfect passive voice, write three sentences about things that have
been done in your community that affect the environment, either positively or
Example: Garbage cans have been installed at every street corner.

Write them in your notebook.

1. Trash cans have been damaged

2. Campaigns on caring for the environment have been given in the community park.
3. A lot of trash has been voted on the street.

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