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Topic 4: Safety Calendar

Jessica N Delgado


Dr. Karin Johnson

December 8, 2021

Safety Calendar

August 30th – Safety Teacher Training

Teachers will participate in safety training professional development in preparation for the
school year. Training will consist of fire drills, lockdowns, evacuations. For fire drills,
teachers must learn the layout of the building, the quickest route to exit the building, and
how to organize their students to quickly and quietly exit the building. Additionally,
teachers will learn to take their attendance book before leaving the building, meet at the
rally point and take attendance once safely away from the building. 
For Lockdown drills, teachers will watch a video on lockdown drills are conducted and
how they save lives. Teachers and administrators will then simulate a lockdown drill.
Finally, for an evacuation drill, Teachers will learn the routes to evacuate the building,
route to the new location, and take roll at the reunification point. 
Wednesday 1st - Fire Drill – 11:00 am
Early learning will be transitioning to lunch and will need to exit from their classrooms to the
north side of the building onto the courtyard. Preschoolers will be on the second floor and need
to take the south stairwell to the back exit onto the playground.
Debrief – The school director, assistant director, and facilities manager will meet with the fire
department. The assistant director will relay the information to their teaching teams via email.
Thursday 16th - Lockdown Drill – 3:00 pm
The school administrator enacts a deranged man running from the cops with a weapon and
entering the school building. A teacher catches a glimpse and utilizes her classroom telephone to
warn the other classrooms to go on lockdown and call the cops. 
Debrief: Administrators, teachers, and facilities managers would work alongside law
enforcement running through the lockdown drills. 
Monday 15th – Evacuation-10:00 AM
Teachers lead students out of the building with the same routes used during fire drills. Teachers
then meet with administrators outside and take attendance of their students. Bussing is not
needed because Concordia Place works with the public school in the neighborhood. During the
evacuation drill, Concordia Place can walk over to the public school as it is a safe distance away
and is still close enough to walk. Parents will be notified via email, text, and phone calls. Parents
know Concordia Places off-site pickup areas. 
Friday 29th – Evacuation- 3:00 PM

Teachers lead students out of the building with the same routes used during fire drills. Teachers
then meet with administrators outside and take attendance of their students. Bussing is not
needed because Concordia Place works with the public school in the neighborhood. During the
evacuation drill, Concordia Place can walk over to the public school as it is a safe distance away
and is still close enough to walk. Parents will be notified via email, text, and phone calls. Parents
know Concordia Places off-site pickup areas.
Debrief: Administrators will inform teachers if their exit was done in a quick and efficient
Monday 2nd - Fire Drill - 08:00 am
8:00 am is a hectic time at Concordia Place. Teachers are with their early learning students, and
parents are in the middle of dropping off. Teachers and administrators will need to take parents
with them to evacuate the building. The first floor will exit on the north side of the building, and
the second floor will exit at the south of the building. 
Debrief: Administrators will verify with the fire department if their exit from the building was
quick and efficient. Administrators will relay that information to their teachers.
Tuesday 30th - Fire Drill -3:00 PM
Students are eating their snack and must pick up and leave immediately. The first floor will exit
on the north side of the building, and the second floor will exit at the south of the building.  
Debrief: Administrators will verify with the fire department if their exit from the building was
quick and efficient. Administrators will relay that information to their teachers.
Friday 17th – Lockdown -12:00 PM
The neighborhood cop informs Concordia Place of a drive-by shooting near the school and there
is gang activity going on. Law enforcement has directed Concordia Place to lock down the
school till the situation is cleared. A teacher returning from her break confirms she heard
gunshots from the parking lot. 
Debrief: Administrators, teachers, and facilities manager would work alongside law enforcement
running through the lockdown drills. 
Monday 27th - Fire Drill- 4:00 pm
Early learners are on the first floor, and some classrooms have started their afternoon walk, so
they are already out of the building. The preschoolers are on the second floor, and some
classrooms are getting ready to go to the playground. Teachers will not be able to follow their
usual exit out of the building if they are in the process of heading outside. Teachers still in the

classroom will exit accordingly. Teachers on their way outside must exit the building at the
nearest exit, and classrooms outside must remain outside and check-in with administration. 
Debrief – The school director, assistant director, and facilities manager will meet with the fire
department. The assistant director will relay the information to their teaching teams via email.
Monday 3rd – Lockdown- 8:00 AM
A disgruntled teenager enters the building and threatens the receptionist with violence. The
director overhears the commotion, warns the classrooms, and orders a lockdown. 
Debrief: Administrators, teachers, and facilities managers would work alongside law
enforcement running through the lockdown drills. 
Tuesday 18th - Lockdown -1:00 PM
At 1:00 pm, it is the student's nap/rest time. An angry parent going through a divorce and
custody battle is yelling outside the school building and threatening harm to the school if they
don't release their child from the school. The director has ordered a lockdown. 
Debrief: Administrators, teachers, and facilities managers would work alongside law
enforcement running through the lockdown drills. 
Tuesday 15th - Lockdown Drill – 11:30 am
Concordia Place received a call from the local police department stating to lock down the school
because a man in the neighborhood was stabbing people at random. Teachers cannot go outside
with their students, and the director has ordered everyone to remain in the building.
Debrief: Administrators, teachers, and facilities managers would work alongside law
enforcement running through the lockdown drills. 
Monday 28th - Fire Drill – 3:00 pm
The first-floor early learning must exit the building with their infants, and it is extremely cold
outside. The second floor must exit the front of the building because there is maintenance being
done on the back stairwell. 
Debrief: Administrators will verify with the fire department if their exit from the building was
quick and efficient. Administrators will relay that information to their teachers.

Friday – Monday 7th – Evacuation -5:00 PM
Teachers lead students out of the building with the same routes used during fire drills. Teachers
then meet with administrators outside and take attendance of their students. Bussing is not
needed because Concordia Place works with the public school in the neighborhood. During the
evacuation drill, Concordia Place can walk over to the public school as it is a safe distance away
and is still close enough to walk. Parents will be notified via email, text, and phone calls. Parents
have knowledge of Concordia Places off-site pickup areas. This evacuation will include the third
floor with the teen leadership students. Teen leadership students will walk alongside their teacher
and early learners to their designated meetup area. 
Debrief: Administrators will inform teachers if their exit was done in a quick and efficient
manner. Administrators will ensure all students are accounted for. 
Friday – Monday 28th – Evacuation - 3:00 pm
Teachers lead students out of the building with the same routes used during fire drills. Teachers
then meet with administrators outside and take attendance of their students. Bussing is not
needed because Concordia Place works with organizations within the community to seek shelter
in times of an emergency. For this case, students and admin will seek shelter with the fire
department of the neighborhood. Parents will be notified via email, text, and phone calls. Parents
have knowledge of Concordia Places off-site pickup areas. This evacuation will include the third
floor with the teen leadership students. Teen leadership students will walk alongside their teacher
and early learners to their designated meetup area. 
Debrief: Administrators will inform teachers if their exit was done in a quick and efficient
manner. Administrators will ensure all students are accounted for. 
Tuesday 5th - Fire Drill –  5:00 pm 
It is a full house. The teen leadership program is on the third floor, and they need to exit the east
using the east side of the building and meet up at the end of the block. Early learners will exit
using the north side of the building. Preschoolers and the school-age student will need to shred
the exit at the main building. 
Debrief: Administrators will verify with the fire department if their exit from the building was
quick and efficient. Administrators will relay that information to their teachers.

Tuesday 3rd - Fire Drill – 4: 00 PM 


There is construction at the front of the school building, making it inaccessible to anyone. During
the fire drill early learning will need to exit at the south end of the building with the
preschoolers. The teen leadership students will need to exit at the east side of the building. All
students will need to meet at the south side of the building. 
Debrief: Administrators will verify with the fire department if their exit from the building was
quick and efficient. Administrators will relay that information to their teachers.
Concordia Place has its Safety Calendar updated with past and upcoming emergency
preparedness training plans. I was able to read through the manual and connect with my principal
mentor on how often the manual get updated. Emergency training ensures teachers, staff, and
students are ready to react safely and quickly in the case of an emergency. Therefore, it is an
important practice. The Illinois School, Safety Drill Act, sets the minimum of training schools
must conduct to be proficient in drills and evaluations. Schools in Illinois must comply with,
"three fire drills, one severe weather drill commonly referred to as a tornado drill, one bus
evacuation drill that is conducted with the Transportation Department, and1 law enforcement
drill commonly referred to as a lockdown (must be observed by law enforcement)."
Ensuring the school is practicing allows everyone to be on the same page. Moreover, it
demonstrates the school is concerned for the safety of its staff and students. 


Geneva Community School District. (2005). Illinois school safety drill act. Geneva304.

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