User Manual FOR G38900034 Configuration Software

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G38900034 Configuration Software

G38900034 has been designed for configuration of the G38900034 Temperature Logger. To the
channel functions are related parameters and comments which can be edited locally in the PC and
transferred to the Temperature Logger through RS232. Likewise, data from the Temperature
Logger can be uploaded and edited.

Hardware Requirements
The program operates under Windows 95/98 and NT and requires at least:
• 486 processor with 8 Mbytes RAM or higher.
• A free serial port (Com1, Com2, Com3 or Com4).
• 5 Mbytes harddisk for installation.
• Screen resolution of 640 x 480 pixels, 256 colours or higher.
• Mouse or other pointing tool desirable, but not necessary.

Insert disk 1 in the A-drive and run the program ”Setup.exe”. This will guide you through the
installation process. After installation, the program can be started by clicking G38900034 Config.

Startup of program
When G38900034 is started, two windows will open:

To the left, the main window showing the menues in G38900034 and the 128 channels available in
Dupline. To the right, the opening window.

 1999 Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S. All rights reserved. 1

G38900034 Configuration Software

File menu

The file menu contains the usual functions:

New: Start from the beginning with default data

Open: Open existing file

Save: Save file

Save As: Save file under new name

Read Temp.Logger: Read data from the Temperature Logger

Write Temp.Logger: Write data to the Temperature Logger

Print: The following options are available:

Print-out of:
Configuration Data
Channel List

Exit: Exit program

 1999 Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S. All rights reserved. 2

G38900034 Configuration Software

Edit menu

When one of the options in the Edit menu is selected, the corresponding screen image appears in
the window to the right, where the settings are made.

Basic Settings: Major part of the set-up of G38900034 (see the following page)

Sensor Types: Selection of sensor among the available types. Setting of min. and max.
values, measuring unit and numerical format

Block Descriptions: The channels are divided into blocks each consisting of 2 channel groups
(ie 16 channels). Under block description, text can be entered in the text
windows to describe the blocks

Use the Enter key to move between the lines

Guiding Text: The guiding text can be edited if other terms are preferred

Select menu
Language: Select one of the languages in the menu, or use the Browser button to
locate and select other languages to be immediately available in your
Setup Language menu

Serial port: Selection of Com1, Com2, Com3 or Com4 for connection of G38900034

View menu
About program: Shows the opening screen

 1999 Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S. All rights reserved. 3

G38900034 Configuration Software

Basic Setup

By selecting New from the File menu or Basic Settings from the Edit menu, the Basic Setup
window appears to the right, where the user selects the amount of channels he wants to use as
well as the number of analog points.

Note that channel groups A-B are reserved for control purposes. Channel group A is reserved for
control of Lamp test (A2), Acknowledge (A3), Reset (A4) and Print Continuous report (A5).
Channel group B is reserved for Sum alarm for the analog points:

Channel B1: Sum alarm for analog points C1 to D8

Channel B2: Sum alarm for analog points E1 to F8
Channel B3: Sum alarm for analog points G1 to H8
Channel B4: Sum alarm for analog points I1 to J8
Channel B5: Sum alarm for analog points K1 to L8
Channel B6: Sum alarm for analog points M1 to N8
Channel B7: Sum alarm for analog points O1 to P8
Channel B8: Sum alarm for analog points C1 to P8

In the Basic Setup window, also Dupline output mode is selected (normal or RS232 control) as well
as log interval and type of printed report (Continuous, Daily, History or Alarm Event Report).

The channels selected to be analog points are marked with a green thermometer in the main

 1999 Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S. All rights reserved. 4

G38900034 Configuration Software

Point Description

A channel is activated by clicking on it. When a blank channel is activated, the Basic Setup window
appears in the window to the right.

By clicking on a channel selected as an analog point, the window Point Definition appears in the
right-hand window. Under Point Definition, a text can be entered in the text field to describe the
channel. Sensor type and range is selected. And the channel can be enabled for Printout in
Selected reports and Alarm. The channel is marked with a small “p” when enabled for Printout in
Selected reports. When the channel is enabled for Alarm, Min. and Max. Alarm level can be set as
well as Alarm On-delay (3 digits), and the channel is marked with a red thermometer.

 1999 Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S. All rights reserved. 5

G38900034 Configuration Software

Configuration Example
Applied modules:
G34900034 Channel generator and logging unit
G89111010 AnaLink temperature transmitter with measuring range -30°C to +60°C
G321011xx AnaLink transmitter for 3-wire Pt-100 element

After installation of the program, the G38900034 is connected to the PC by means of the cable (RS
232-9 M/9 F) delivered with the product.

Start the program G38900034 Config, open New in the File menu and enter the following basic

Set the Number of Dupline

Channels to 128.

Set the Number of Analog

Points to 16.

Set the Dupline Output

Mode to Normal.

Set Continuous Log

Interval to 12 hours.

Select type of printed

report, eg Continuous
(see Note below).

Note: Types of printed reports

Continuous report
Printout of measured data at the set time interval

Daily report
Printout at set time of measured data from the last 24 hours

History report
Printout at set time of min. and max. values from the last 24 hours

Alarm Event report

Printout in case of deviation from set alarm limits. If the measured value lies above the alarm limits,
it is marked with an “∧”, and if it is below the alarm limits, it is marked with a “∨”.

Deviations from alarm limits are registered independently of alarm delays. This makes it possible to
see for how long a measured value has deviated from set alarm limits.

 1999 Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S. All rights reserved. 6

G38900034 Configuration Software

G89111010 is assigned address C1 by means of programming unit GAP1605.

AnaLink transmitter G32101111 is assigned address C2 by connecting GAP1605 to the plug-in

hole at the front of the module.

Call the Point Definition window by clicking on channel C1, and make the following enterings:

Enter Channel Description,

eg Refrigerator 1.

Select Sensor Type And

Range, in this case G8911
1010: -30.0°C to +60.0°C.

For printout and/or alarm

generation, tick the
appropriate boxes.

Set Min. Alarm level to

2.0°C, Max. Alarm level to
7.0°C and Alarm On-delay
to 10 minutes.

C1 is now marked with a

red symbol indicating that it
will generate an alarm if the
temperature deviates from
the set limits.

The same procedure is followed for C2, which is assigned to G32101111.

Save the configuration to disk by activating Save As under the File menu and select a name for the

To load the configuration into the Temperature logger, activate the Write Temp.Logger under the
File menu.

The configuration is now written to the Temperature Controller, and the system is ready for use.

 1999 Carlo Gavazzi Industri A/S. All rights reserved. 7

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