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Charging and Discharging of a Condenser

OBJECT: To study the charge and discharge of a condenser and hence determine the time
constant (both current and voltage graphs are to be plotted).

APPARATUS: D.C. Power supply, resistance and condenser of various values, milli-ammeter,
multimeter as a voltmeter, keys, stopwatch, connecting wires.


Fig. 1 Circuit diagram for studying the charging and discharging of a condenser.

(i) Charging of a condenser

During the charging of capacitor, the capacitor is connector to the terminals of the battery and
hence charge accumulation on plates of a parallel plate capacitor increases. With the increase in
charge at the plates of capacitor, potential difference between battery and capacitor decreases
which decreases current exponentially. This process can be summarized with the following
q = qo (1 – e–t/RC)
V = Vo (1 – e–t/RC)
I = Io e–t/RC
Where qo, Vo and Io is the maximum value of charge, voltage and current
q, V and I is the charge, voltage and current at any time t

At time t= τc = RC (time constant),

V=Vo(1-1/e)=0.632Vo or voltage increases to 63.2% of the maximum voltage value
I=Io/e=0.367Io or current decreases to 36.7% of the maximum current value

(ii) Discharging of a condenser

During the discharging of capacitor, charge accumulated on plates of capacitor, potential

difference and current decreases exponentially as per following equations:
q = qo e–t/RC
V = E e–t/RC
I = –Io e–t/RC
and at time t= τc = RC (time constant),
V=Vo/e=0.367Vo or the value of the voltage decreases to 36.7% of the maximum voltage
I=Io/e=0.367Io or the value of the current decreases to 36.7% of the maximum current

(i) Charging of a condenser
1. Make connection as shown in the figure.
2. The value of resistance R and condensers C are selected for time constant such as for example
(R=100kΩ and C = 1000 µF) RC ~100 sec.
3. Current in the circuit could be observed by pressing key SW1 and simultaneously stop watch is
also started.
4. The reading of the voltmeter and mili-ammeter is noted in every 10 seconds till it becomes
5. A graph is plotted by taking potential difference V on Y-axis and time t on X-axis, similarly
another graph is plotted between I and t.
6. Calculate the value of time constant theoretically by using relation t = RC and from I-t and V-
t graph at the time for which I = 0.37Io and V = 0.63Vo.This comes out to be equal to time
constant of the circuit.

(ii) Discharging of a condenser

1. The capacitor can be discharged by releasing SW1 and pressing key SW2.
2. Again stop watch is started and the reading of milli-ammeter and voltmeter are noted after
every 10 seconds.
3. Graphs are plotted for V–t and I–t for discharging process.
4. Calculate the value of time constant from I-t & V-t graph for discharging process by selecting
the appropriate time from the graph for which I = 0.37Io and V = 0.37Vo.
5. The above procedure is repeated for various values of R and C.

Charging and discharging of condenser:

Time t For Charging of condenser For Discharging of condenser

(Sec.) R=……..kΩ R=……..kΩ
S.No. C=……..µF C=……..µF
τc = RC=……Sec. τc = RC=……Sec.
V (Volt) I (µA) V (Volt) I (µA)

1. For given value of R & C plot graph between time t along x-axis and voltage V / current I
along Y-axis and these graphs will look like as fig. 2 (a & b).
2. From V-t graph fig. 2 (a) for charging of capacitor the time corresponding to 0.63Vo i.e. time
constant t 1= . . . . Sec,
3. From I-t graph Fig. 2 (b) I = 0.37Io time constant t2=.....Sec
V0 I0

Current in mA
Voltage in volts 0.63 V0

O C t
(a) (b)
Fig. 2 The variation of voltage and current during charging of a capacitor
4. From V-t graph Fig. 3 (a) for discharging of condenser the time corresponding to 0.37V 0
value of maximum charge i.e. time constant t3 = ........Sec.
5. From I–t graph Fig. 3(b) I = 0.37I0 t4 = ........Sec.

Mean Value t= (t1+ t2+ t3+ t4)/4 =…………..Sec.

V0 C Time in sec
Voltage volts

O C I0
Time in sec
(a) (b)
Fig. 3 The variation of voltage and current during discharging of a capacitor

The time constant of charging:
1. Experiment values t = τc = ...... sec
2. Theoretical values of time constant (calculated): τc =RC = .....sec
Percentage error:…………………..


1. The value of resistance R and capacitor C must be so chosen that the time constant of circuit
2. It is not possible to take voltmeter reading and ammeter reading simultaneously. Voltmeter
and ammeter readings should be taken one after the other.
3. During experiment note voltage and current reading quickly and accurately.

4. The reading of stop watch should be very carefully taken.
5. As the stop watch is not synchronized with the apparatus we should be more careful in
manual handling.


Q.1 What is condenser?

Ans. It is an arrangement in which the capacity of conductor is increased by putting and
identical conductor near it.

Q.2 What are the factor affecting the capacitance of a capacitor?

Ans. Area of the plate, distance between the plates and the dielectric used in between the

Q.3 Why a high resistance is preferred in this experiment?

Ans. It is used to increase the value of time constant.

Q.4 What is time constant? Why should its value be large in experiment?
Ans. The time in which the charge on a condenser falls to 1/e =0.37 times of its maximum
values using discharging through a resistor is defined as time constant t=RC. It shows be
charge so that charging and discharging process takes place slowly.

Q.5 Is there any current through the plate of condenser during charging and discharging?
Ans. Yes, it is known as displacement current Id=εoA(dE/dt) where, A is the area of the
plates of condenser and E is electric field in between plates of the condenser.

Q.6 What is the difference between conduction current and displacement current?
Ans. 1. Conduction current obeys ohm's law as V=IR but displacement current does not obey
ohm's law.
2. Conduction current is the actual current whereas displacement current is the apparent
current produced by time varying electric field

Q.7 How does charge increase on a condenser during charging process?

Ans. During charging process charge increases exponentially on the condenser that is
Q=Qo (1-e-t/RC)

Q.8 What is the effect of resistance on the rates of charging and discharging?
Ans. The rate of charging or discharging of a condenser decreases with increase or resistance
in the circuit.

O.9 Point one application of RC circuit.

Ans. RC circuit is used to quench discharge in nuclear detectors especially in GM counter.

Q.10 Why do you say that it is the method of determining high resistance?
Ans. Because for low resistance, time constant will be quick and no charge will be left on
condenser to pass through the ballistic galvanometer.


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