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Concrete is the most extensively used construction material in the

world. The reason for its extensive use is that it provides good workability
and can be molded to any shape. It also replaces old construction materials
such as brick and stone masonry. Hence concrete is very suitable for a wide
range of applications. however concrete has some deficiencies as listed
 Low tensile strength
 Low post cracking capacity
 Brittleness and low ductility
 Limited fatigue life
 Low impact strength

River sand is one of the constituents used in the production of

conventional concrete has become highly expensive and also scare. In the
backdrop of such a bleak atmosphere, there is a large demand for alternative
materials from industrial waste. Some alternative materials have already been
used as a part of natural sand. For example fly ash, slag, red mud, ponded ashes
were used in concrete mixtures as a partial replacement of natural sand.
Similarly the waste sheet glass are collected from the shops are used. The
collected glasses are crushed to sand size and it could be used an alternate
material for natural sand as partial replacement.

Concrete is one of the world’s most used construction material due

to its versatility, durability and economy. India uses about 7.3 million cubic
meters of ready-mixed concrete each year. It finds application in highways,
streets, bridges, high rise buildings, dams etc. Glass is non-biodegradable
(remains in our environment and do not decompose easily by itself) therefore do

not have significant environmental and social impact could result in serious
impact after disposal. The waste glass cause environmental pollution and harm
to the animals

Utilization of waste glass is very important for human development

because. Huge amount of glass waste produce by human increases the need of
land to get rid. Use up precious landfill space, decreasing possible area that can
be used for landfills of other waste increasing the need to establish new
expansive landfills. Lactates and gas releases from the landfill site degrade
communities living condition and harmful to human health.

During the last decades it has been recognized that Sheet Glass waste is
of large volume and is increasing year by year in the Shops, construction areas
and factories. Using waste glass in the concrete construction sector is
advantageous, In Tamil nadu there is a place called Chidambaram where most
of the colored sheet glasses from windows are packed as a waste and sent to
landfill. The plain sheet glasses can be recycled, but it is costly to remove the
color of colored glasses and recycle again. Estimated cost for housing is more
and some construction materials like natural sand are also becoming rare .
Attempts have been made for a long time to use waste glasses as an aggregate in
concrete, but it seems that the concrete with waste glasses always cracks. Very
limited work has been conducted for the use of ground glass as a concrete
replacement .These waste storage disposals are becoming a serious
environmental problem especially for Chidambaram where place disposal sites
are lacking. Hence there is a need for recycling more and more waste materials.
The most widely used fine aggregate for the making of concrete is the natural
sand mined from the riverbeds. However, the availability of river sand for the
preparation of concrete is becoming scarce due to the excessive nonscientific
methods of mining from the riverbeds, lowering of water table, sinking of the
bridge piers, etc. are becoming common treats. The present scenario demands
identification of substitute materials for the river sand for making concrete.
Recently, some attempts have been made to use ground glass as a replacement in

concrete. The objective of this paper is to present the results of experimental
investigations on Physical and Mechanical properties of concrete made with
Sheet Glass powder concrete. Natural fine aggregate is substituted by weight by
Sheet Glass Powder Specific Properties of concrete materials and Sheet Glass
Powder are studied.

Glass is an amorphous material with high silica content making it

potentially pozzolanic when particle size is less than 75μm. The main problem in
using crushed glass as aggregate in Portland cement concrete are expansion and
cracking caused by the glass aggregate due to alkali silica reaction. Due to its
silica content ground glass is considered a pozzolanic material and as such can
exhibit properties similar to other pozzolanic material. In this study, finely
powdered waste glasses are used as a partial replacement of Fine aggregate in
concrete and compared it with conventional concrete. Concrete mixtures were
prepared with different proportions of glass powder ranging from 15 %,30% and
50% and tested for compressive strength after 7, 14 and 28 days of curing.

1.1.1 Objectives

The main aim is to determine the durability of concrete containing

glass powder as fineaggregate. The term glass comprises several chemical varieti
es including binary alkali-silicate glass, boro-silicate glass, and ternary soda-
lime silicate glass.

Depending on the size of the glass particles used in concrete, two

antagonistic behaviors can be observed: alkali silica reaction,
which involves negative  effects, and pozzolanic reaction, improving the
properties of concrete. It is important to recognize that the reactivity of glass
depends on its type and composition and physical features such as the presence
of pores and separate solid phases in the glass.
For example, binary glasses such as sodium silicate glass behaves differently
from soda lime glass such that the binary glasses cause alkali release and mortar

expansion even in combination with low-alkali glass, whereas soda-lime glasses
require high alkali contents in the mortar or concrete to enable it to react
deleteriously and cause expansion.

1.1.2 Need for study

 To reduce the cost of cement and fine aggregate.

 To save the natural aggregate.
 To reduce the environmental degradation.
 To increase the strength of concrete.

1.1.3 Advantages of glass powder concrete

 The effects of waste glass powder usage on polymer concrete

properties are investigated.
 Effects of resin amount in workability are examined.
 Waste glass powder increases the workability of concrete.
 Waste glass powder increases the compressive and flexural




The selection of work available that are published on the topic,

which contains information, ideal, data and evidence written from a particular
standard point to fulfill certain aims or express certain view on the nature of the
topic and how it is to be investigated, and the effective evaluation of these
documents in relation to the research being processed.

Glass powder polymer as a very important role to play as polymer in

concrete structures which is exposed to harsh environmental conditions where
glass powder could corrode. It was found that the unique physical properties of
glass powder polymer that made it suitable or applications the where
conversional glass would be unsuitable.

The experimental work dealt with the use of glass powder in

concrete which was obtained from the glass industry as a waste product. It was
found that Increase the compressive strength of concrete. The slump value found
to be decreased with increase in polymer content. It was found that the use of
powder glass in concrete not only improved the properties of concrete but also
small cost cutting.

With the glass powder polymer concrete, building rehabilitation,

more than its technique rehabilitations, either thermal and / or acoustic isolation,
is also able to include a significant improvement in the architectural point of the
intervention. Glass powder polymer concrete found to be suitable material in
rehabilitation. It also found to be very economic when applied architecture

“Experimental investigation of the effect of glass powder and manufactured
sand in high strength concrete”

C.Shri anandha sai and S.J Princess roseline carried out

research work in from the results it is concluded that the glass powder can be
used as partial replacement for cement without affecting the strength of concrete.
It is found that 15% replacement of cement by glass powder will be optimum.
M-sand when replaced by 10 and 20% reveal that the strength has increased by
12 and 15% respectively. Thus, with use of m-sand and glass powder in
production of High Strength Concrete, harmful environmental effects of release
of carbon dioxide into atmosphere during production of cement and depletion of
natural river bed through mining of river bed can be avoided.

“Comparison study on partial replacement of fine aggregate by glass


K.Lineesh, D.Sivakumar, S.Janaki Sundaram carried out

research work in Compressive strength, of concrete specimens increased, with
increase in fine aggregate replacement by glass powder. The increase of 11 % in
the 28 days cube compressive strength of glass powder concrete. Increase
cylinder tensile strength there is an increase of about 9% in 28 days of glass
powder concrete when compared to foundry sand concrete. There is an increase
of 10 % in the 28 day flexural strength of glass powder concrete when compared
to foundry sand concrete. From the observation it is known that the strength of
the concrete replaced by foundry sand shows a gradual increase, whereas the
concrete replaced by GP attains the optimum value at the 10% replacement after
that it shows a decline values. It can be concluded that fine aggregate
replacement by 10% of glass powder is appreciable rather than the foundry sand
replacement. Making concrete using waste materials saves energy and conserve
primary resources and it is concluded that the more material was reused, the
fewer resources were consumed which leads to a safe, sustainable environment.
“Effect of Using Glass Powder in Concrete”

Shilpa Raju, Dr. P. R. Kumar carried out the research work in as
the percentage of glass powder increases the workability decreases. Use of super
plasticizer was found to be necessary to maintain workability with restricted
water cement ratio. Compressive strength increases with increase in percentage
of glass powder up to 20% replacement and beyond 20% strength decreases.
Flexural strength also increases with increase in percentage of glass powder up
to 20% replacement and beyond 20% strength drops down. Considering the
strength criteria, the replacement of cement by glass powder is feasible.
Therefore we can conclude that the utilization of waste glass powder in concrete
as cement replacement is possible. Very finely ground glass has been shown to
be excellent filler and may have sufficient pozzolonic properties to serve as
partial cement replacement, the effect of ASR appear to be reduced with finer
glass particles, with replacement level.

“The use of sheet glass powder replacement in concrete”

M.Maheswari and Dr.B.Vidivelli carried out research work in

he SGP is suitable for use in concrete making. The fineness modulus, specific
gravity, moisture content, un compacted bulk density and compacted bulk
density at 10% Sheet glass powder For a given mix, the water requirement
decreases as the SGP content increases .The compressive strength of cubes and
cylinders of the concrete for all mix increases as the % of SGP increases but
decreases as the age of curing increases due to alkali silica reaction. The Tensile
strength of cubes and cylinders of the concrete for all mix increases than that of
conventional concrete age of curing and decreases as the SGP content increases.
The Flexural strength of the beam of concrete for all mix increases with age of
curing and decreases as the SGP content increases. 100% replacement of SGP in
concrete showed better results than that of conventional concrete at 28 days.

“Experimental Investigation of Using Ultra-Fine Glass Powder in


Doha Mothefer Abdul-Razzaq Al Saffar carried out research
work on When compared at a constant w/c, the addition of UFGP did not have
significant effect on workability. It is possible to produce lightweight aggregate
concrete with the addition of high percentage of UFGP. This study supports the
idea that UFGP aggregates, as used within the specified ranges, improve their
compressive strengths, and the maximum improvement was seen at 15%.
According to the cost analysis shown there is a decrease in the cost of 1m3 of
8.2, 5.5, and 3% at 45, 30, and 15% replacement with UFGP but did not
otherwise adversely affect the compressive strength of concrete.

“Studies on Glass Powder as Partial Replacement of Cement in Concrete


Dr. G.Vijayakumar, Ms H. Vishaliny and Dr.D.

Govindarajulu have given a technical report for on examination of the glass
powder concrete and normal concrete compressive and flexure strength. It is
found that replacement of glass powder in cement by 20%, 30% and 40%
increases the compressive strength by 19.6%, 25.3% and 33.7% respectively.
Replacement of glass powder in cement by 40% increases the split tensile
strength by 4.4% respectively. Replacement of glass powder in cement by 20%,
30% and 40% increases the flexural strength by 83.07%, 99.07% and 100%

“Experimental Investigation of Waste Glass Powder as Partial Replacement

of Cement in Concrete”,

Dhanaraj Mohan Patil and Dr. Keshav K.Sangle carried out

research work in their conclusion is that at the level of 20% replacement of
cement by glass powder meets maximum strength as compare to that of normal
concrete and other percentage of replacement of cement. As the size of GLP
particle decreases in concrete the strength of concrete increases. From results it
is conclude that particle size less than 90micron get higher strength than that of
particle size ranges from 90 to 150 micron.

“Waste Glass Powder as Cement Replacement in Concrete”.

Hongjian Du and Kiang Hwee Tan have published paper on In

this paper, it is revealed that the concrete compressive strength was not
decreased by cement substitution after 28 days because of the pozzolanic
reaction between glass powders and cement hydration products, if the
replacement is below 30%. Also the resistance to chloride ion and water
penetration continuously increases with increasing glass powder content up to
60% cement replacement.



Journal collection

Literature review

Collection of materials

Testing of materials

Casting of specimens

Curing of specimens

Testing of specimens
(Compressive strength)

Result & Discussion




4.1.1 Cement

The Bureau of Indian standards (BIS) has classified OPC in three

different grades the classification is mainly based on the compressive strength of
cement-sand mortar cube of face area 50 cm 2 composed of 1 part of cement to 3
parts of standard sand by weight with a water-cement ratio arrived at by a
specified procedure.

The grade are (i) 33 grade (ii) 43 grade (iii) 53 grade. The grade number
indicates the specified compressive strength of 150mm size cube in N/mm 2 at 28
days, as tested by above mentioned procedure.

The binding materials used in concrete are Portland pozzolana cement.

This cement is of 53 grades conforming to IS 456-2000 and is having desired
Properties. The compressive strength of cement is checked by casting cube and
testing under compressive testing machine and the tensile strength of cement is
checked by casting beam and testing under tensile testing machine.

This cement should be cool and stored in dry cool place. The specific
gravity of cement should be determined by adopting standard procedure.

Figure 4.1 cement

4.1.2 Coarse aggregates

The coarse aggregate for the work should be river gravel or crushed
stone. Angular shape aggregate of size20mm and below. The aggregate which
passes Through 75mm sieve and retain on 4.75mm are known as coarse

Aggregate should be properly screened and if necessary washed clean

Before use. Coarse aggregate containing flat, elongated and flaky pieces or mica
Should be rejected. The grading of coarse aggregates should be as per
specifications of IS 383-1970. After 24-hrs immersion in water, a previously
dried sample of the coarse aggregate should not gain in weight more than 5%.
Aggregates should bestored in such a way as to prevent segregation of size and
avoid contamination with fines.

Figure 4.2 Coarse aggregate

4.1.3 Fine aggregates

Aggregate which is passed through 4.75 IS sieve and retained on

75micron (0.075) IS Sieve is termed as fine aggregate. Fine aggregate is added
to concrete to assist workability and to bring uniformity in mixture. Usually,

natural river sand is used as fine aggregate. The moisture content of fine
aggregate is determined to apply field corrections in design mixes. Ordinary
river sand conforming IS 383-1970.

Figure 4.3 Fine aggregate

4.1.4 Water
Mixing water:
The water should be fit for drinking. The water should not have high
concentrations of sodium and potassium and there is a danger of alkali-
Natural waters that are slightly acidic are harmless, but water
humid or other organic acids may adversely affect the hardening of concrete.
Such water as well as highly alkaline water should be tested

4.1.5 Glass powder

Basically waste glass powder is made from the waste glass material
that cannot be recycle or reuse due to the high cost of recycling. Waste glass
powder is being used for land fill. Due to environmental problem, researches try
to use the waste glass powder in to the concrete to create a new material to use in
construction field. Researcher found that the main material composition of glass

powder is silica which is a constituent of fine aggregate also. The use waste
glass powder in concrete creates a problem due to Alkali-Silica reaction. The
reaction between alkalis in ordinary Portland cement and silica in aggregates.

Figure 4.4 Glass powder

Chemical properties of glass powder

Constituent Glass powder (%)

Silica (SiO2) 72.5

Alumina (Al2O3) 01.06

Iron Oxide (Fe2O3) 0.36

Lime (CaO) 08

Magnesia (MgO) 4.18

Sodium Oxide (Na2O) 13.1

Potassium Oxide (K2O) 0.26

Sulphur Trioxide (SO3) 0.18

Table-4.1 Chemical properties of glass powder


4.2.1 Testing of Cement Consistency test

The standard consistency of the cement paste is defined as that

consistency which will permit a vicat plunger having 10mm diameter and 50mm
length to penetrate to a depth from top of the mould. The apparatus is called
vicat apparatus. The apparatus is used to find out the percentage of water
required to produce a cement paste of standard consistency. Standard
consistency of the cement paste is sometimes called normal consistency.

Test procedure:

 Take about 400g of cement and prepare paste with a weighed quantity of
water for the first trial.
 The paste in the vicat mould within 3-5 minutes
 After filling the mould, shake the mould to expel air.
 A plunger of 10mm diameter and 50mm long is attached and brought
down to touch the surface of the paste in the test block and quickly
released allowing it to sink into the paste by its own weight.
 Take the reading by noting the depth of penetration of the plunger.
 Similarly conduct trials with higher and higher water cement ratio.
 The particular percentage of water which allows the plunger to penetrate
only to a depth from the top is known as the percentage of water required
to produce a cement paste of standard consistency. This percentage is
usually denoted as P.

Figure 4.5 Vicat apparatus

Consistency Test

Quantity of water
S.NO Weight of added Penetration
cement taken (mm)
% ml

1 400 20 80 7

2 400 21.5 85 6

Table 4.2 consistency test values

Thus the consistency of cement was founded as 21.5%. Specific gravity test for cement

The specific gravity of cement is to be found in the laboratory by

using pyconometer and other accessories. Value of specific gravity of cement is
obtained as 3.05. The period elapsed between the times when is water is added to
the cement and the time that the paste starts losing its plasticity. The needle may
penetrate only to a depth of 33- 35mm from the top is taken as initial setting


 The Lechatlier flask should be free from moisture content, that mean
flask is thoroughly dried. Now, weigh the empty flask and note it as W1. 
 Take 50gm of cement and add it in Flask. Now weight, the Flask with
stopper as W2.
 Now pour kerosene in the sample up to the neck of the bottle. Mix
thoroughly and see that no air bubbles left in the flask. Note down the
weight as W3.
 Empty the flask and fill the bottle with kerosene up to the tip of the bottle
and record the weight as W4.
Where , Specific gravity of Kerosene = 0.79 g/cc

Figure 4.6 Specific gravity of Cement

Properties of cement:

Determination No Mass (kg)

Empty weight of bottle 61


Weight of bottle + cement 108


Weight of bottle + cement 199

+ kerosene (W3)

Weight of bottle + 164

kerosene (W4)

Table 4.3


Specific gravity = W2-W1 / [(W4-W1) - (W3-W2)] × Gs

= (108-61) / [(164-61) - (199-108)] × 0.79
= 3.12. Final Setting Time:

The period elapsed between the instant of addition of water and the
paste has completely lost its plasticity. Setting of cement:

When water is mixed with cement, the paste so formed remains
pliable and plastic for a short time. During this period it is possible to disturb the
paste and remit it without any deleterious effects. As the reaction between water
and cement continues, the paste loses its plasticity. This early period in the
hardening of cement is referred to as “setting" of cement.

4.2.2 Testing of fine aggregate

It should be passed through IS sieve 4.75mm. Silt content should

not be more than 4%.Coarse sand should be either river sand or pit sand or
combination of the two. Specific gravity test for fine aggregate

Test procedure

 Clean the pyconometer and dry it. Find the mass (𝑀1) of the
pyconometer, brass cap and washer accurate to 1g.
 Take about 200 to 400g of oven dried soil and put it in the pyconometer.
Find the mass of the pyconometer and soil (𝑀2).
 Fill the pyconometer to half its height with distilled water and mix it
thoroughly with glass rod. Add more water and stir it. Replace the screw
top and fill the pyconometer flush with hole in the conical cap. Dry the
pyconometer from outside, and find the mass (𝑀3).
 Empty the pyconometer; clean it thoroughly and fill it with distilled
water to the hole of the conical cap and find the mass (𝑀4).
 Repeat steps 2 to 4 for two more determinations of specific gravity.

Figure 4.7 Specific gravity for fine aggregate

Specific gravity of fine aggregate

Determination no Mass (kg)

Weight of pyconometer (w1 g) 0.415

Weight of pyconometer + 0.715

Soil (w2 g)

Weight of pyconometer + 1.335

soil + Water (w3 g)

Weight of pyconometer + 1.157

Water (w4 g)

Table 4.4 specific gravity of fine aggregate


Specific gravity = (W2-W1) / [( W2 - W1) – ( W4- W3)]

= (0.715 – 0.415) / [(0.715 -0.415) – (1.157 – 1.335)]
= 2.46

Thus the specific gravity of fine aggregate is founded as 2.46 using pyconometer
test. Sieve analysis for fine aggregate

 A gradation test is performed on a sample of aggregate in a laboratory. A

typical sieve analysis involves a nested column of sieves with wire mesh
cloth (screen). See the separate Mesh (scale) page for details of sieve

 A representative weighed sample is poured into the top sieve which has
the largest screen openings. Each lower sieve in the column has smaller
openings than the one above. At the base is a round pan, called the

 The column is typically placed in a mechanical shaker. The shaker

shakes the column, usually for some fixed amount of time. After the
shaking is complete the material on each sieve is weighed. The weight of
the sample of each sieve is then divided by the total weight to give a
percentage retained on each sieve. The size of the average particle on
each sieve is then analysed to get a cut-off point or specific size range,
which is then captured on a screen.

 The results of this test are used to describe the properties of the aggregate
and to see if it is appropriate for various civil engineering purposes such
as selecting the appropriate aggregate for concrete mixes and asphalt
mixes as well as sizing of water production well screens.

 The results of this test are provided in graphical form to identify the type
of gradation of the aggregate. The complete procedure for this test is
outlined in the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) C
136 and the American Association and State Highway and
Transportation Officials (AASHTO) T 27

 A suitable sieve size for the aggregate underneath the nest of sieves to
collect the aggregate that passes through the smallest. The entire
nest is then agitated, and the material whose diameter is smaller than the
mesh opening pass through the sieves. After the aggregate reaches the
pan, the amount of material retained in each sieve is then weighed.

Figure 4.8 Sieve analysis of

fine aggregate

IS sieve
size Weight % of weight Cumulative %
% of
retained retained weight cumulative
in (gm) retained in weight finer
(gm) retained

4.75 12 2.4 12 2.4 97.6

2.36 85 17 97 19.4 80.6

1.18 135 27 232 46.4 53.6

0.600 47 9.4 279 55.8 44.2

0.425 50 10 329 65.8 34.2

0.300 132 26.4 461 92.2 92.2

0.150 19 3.8 480 96 96

0.075 18 3.6 498 99.6 0.4

pan 2 0.4 500 100 0

Table 4.5 Sieve analysis for fine aggregate


Total Cumulative % of weight retained = 577.6

Fineness modulus = 577.6/100
= 5.77 Bulk Density And percentage of Voids

Bulk density the aggregates are filled in the container and then they
compacted in a standard manner. The weight of the aggregates gives the bulk
density calculation in kg / m3. Knowing the specific gravity of aggregate in

saturated and dry condition, the void ratio can also is calculation. Bulk density of
aggregate is of interest when we deal with light weight aggregate and heavy
weight aggregate. Moisture content

Free moisture is both and coarse aggregate affects the quality of

concrete in more than one way, In case of weight batching, determination of free
moisture content of the aggregate is necessary and then correction of w/c ratio to
be effected in this regard. But when volume batching adopted, the determination
of moisture content of fine aggregate doesn't become necessary but the bulking
sand and correction of volume sand to give allowance for bulking becomes

4.2.3Testing of Coarse aggregate

It should be hard, strong, dense, durable and clean. It must be free

from vein, adherent coatings and injurious amount of disintegrated pieces,
alkalis, vegetable matters and other deleterious substances. It should be roughly
cubical in shape. Flaky pieces should be avoided. 20mm crushed angular
aggregate is used and the specific gravity of the coarse aggregate is founded as
2.77. Specific gravity test for coarse aggregate

Test procedure

 Clean the pyconometer and dry it. Find the weight (𝑊1) of the
pyconometer, brass cap and washer accurate to 1g.

 Take about 200 to 400g of oven dried coarse aggregate and put it in the
pyconometer. Find the weight of the pyconometer and coarse aggregate
 Fill the pyconometer to half its height with distilled water and mix it
thoroughly with glass rod. Add more water and stir it. Replace the screw
top and fill the pyconometer flush with hole in the conical cap. Dry the
pyconometer from outside, and find the weight (𝑊3).
 Empty the pyconometer; clean it thoroughly and fill it with distilled
water to the hole of the conical cap and find the weight (𝑊4).
 Repeat steps 2 to 4 for two more determinations of specific gravity

Figure 4.9 Specific gravity of coarse aggregate

Specific gravity of coarse aggregate

Determination no Mass (kg)

Weight of pyconometer (w1 g) 0.415

Weight of pyconometer + 0.715

Aggregate (w2 g)

Weight of pyconometer + 1.335

aggregate + Water (w3 g)

Weight of pyconometer + 1.157

Water (w4 g)

Table 4.6 Specific gravity of coarse aggregate


Specific gravity = (W2-W1) / [( W2 - W1) – ( W3- W4)]

= (0.615 – 0.415) / [(0.615 -0.415) – (1.288 – 1.160)]
= 2.77

Thus the specific gravity of coarse aggregate is found to be 2.77 Sieve analysis for coarse aggregate


 A gradation test is performed on a sample of aggregate in a laboratory. A

typical sieve analysis involves a nested column of sieves with wire mesh
cloth (screen). See the separate Mesh (scale) page for details of sieve

 A representative weighed sample is poured into the top sieve which has
the largest screen openings. Each lower sieve in the column has smaller
openings than the one above. At the base is a round pan, called the

 The column is typically placed in a mechanical shaker. The shaker

shakes the column, usually for some fixed amount of time. After the
shaking is complete the material on each sieve is weighed. The weight of
the sample of each sieve is then divided by the total weight to give a
percentage retained on each sieve. The size of the average particle on
each sieve is then analysed to get a cut-off point or specific size range,
which is then captured on a screen.

 The results of this test are used to describe the properties of the aggregate
and to see if it is appropriate for various civil engineering purposes such
as selecting the appropriate aggregate for concrete mixes and asphalt
mixes as well as sizing of water production well screens.

 The results of this test are provided in graphical form to identify the type
of gradation of the aggregate. The complete procedure for this test is
outlined in the American Society for Testing and Materials (ASTM) C
136 and the American Association and State Highway and
Transportation Officials (AASHTO) T 27

 A suitable sieve size for the aggregate underneath the nest of sieves to
collect the aggregate that passes through the smallest. The entire
nest is then agitated, and the material whose diameter is smaller than the
mesh opening pass through the sieves. After the aggregate reaches the
pan, the amount of material retained in each sieve is then weighed.

Figure 4.10 Sieve analysis for coarse aggregate.

Weight % % of
IS sieve size retained in % of weight cumulative
(gm) retained weight

40mm 0 0 0 100

20mm 956 19.12 19.12 80.88

10mm 4024 80.48 99.6 0.4

4.75mm 20 0.4 100 0

2.36mm 0 0 100 0

Table 4.7 Sieve analysis for coarse aggregate


Total Cumulative % of weight retained = 318.72

Fineness modulus = 318.72 /100
= 3.18 Water Absorption of Coarse Aggregates

The water absorption of aggregate is determined by measuring the

increase in weight of a dry sample when immersed in water for 24 hours. The
ratio of the increase in weight to the weight of dry sample expressed as

percentage is known as absorption of aggregate is to be found in the laboratory.
Values of water absorbing capacity coarse the aggregate are 0.5%. Abrasion value of coarse aggregate

Los Angeles abrasion test on aggregates is the measure of

aggregate toughness and abrasion resistance such as crushing, degradation and
disintegration. This test is carried out by AASHTO T 96 or ASTM C 131:
Resistance to Degradation of Small-Size Coarse Aggregate by Abrasion and
Impact in the Los Angeles Machine.
The abrasion value is to be found in the laboratory by using Deval's abrasion
machine and other accessories. Abrasion value of coarse aggregate is 8.6%.


 Prepared sample is placed in the abrasion-testing machine.

 A specified number of steel spheres are then placed in the machine and
the drum is rotated for 500 revolutions at a speed of 30 - 33 revolutions
per minute (RPM).
 The material is then separated into material passing the 1.70 mm (No. 12)
sieve and material retained on the 1.70 mm (No. 12) sieve.
 Dry the sample in an oven.
 Calculate %age loss due to Abrasion by calculating the difference
between the retained material (larger particles) compared to the original
sample weight. The difference in weight is reported as a percent of the
original weight and called the "percent loss".

Figure 4.11 Los abrasion Test

4.2.4 Specific gravity for glass powder

The specific gravity of glass powder is to be found in the laboratory by

using pyconometer and other accessories.

Test procedure

 Clean the pyconometer and dry it. Find the mass (𝑀1) of the
pyconometer, brass cap and washer accurate to 1g.
 Take about 200 to 400g of glass powder and put it in the pyconometer.
Find the mass of the pyconometer and soil (𝑀2).
 Fill the pyconometer to half its height with distilled water and mix it
thoroughly with glass rod. Add more water and stir it. Replace the screw
top and fill the pyconometer flush with hole in the conical cap. Dry the
pyconometer from outside, and find the mass (𝑀3).
 Empty the pyconometer; clean it thoroughly and fill it with distilled
water to the hole of the conical cap and find the mass (𝑀4).
 Repeat steps 2 to 4 for two more determinations of specific gravity.

4.12 specific gravity
of glass powder

Determination no Mass (kg)

Weight of pyconometer (w1 g) 0.415

Weight of pyconometer + 0.717

Aggregate (w2 g)

Weight of pyconometer + 1.330

aggregate + Water (w3 g)

Weight of pyconometer + 1.157

Water (w4 g)

Table 4.8 Specific gravity of glass powder Formula


Specific gravity = (W2-W1) / [( W2 - W1) – ( W4- W3)]

= (0.717 – 0.415) / [(0.717 -0.415) – (1.157 – 1.330)]
= 2.34

4.2.5 Slump cone test

The concrete slump test measures the consistency of fresh concrete

before it sets. It is performed to check the workability of freshly made concrete,
and therefore the ease with which concrete flows. It can also be used as an
indicator of an improperly mixed batch. The test is popular due to the simplicity
of apparatus used and simple procedure. The slump test is used to ensure

uniformity for different loads of concrete under field conditions. A separate test,
known as the flow table or slump-flow test, is used for concrete that is too fluid
(workable) to be measured using the standard slump test, because the concrete
will not retain its shape when the cone is removed.


 Thoroughly clean the inner surface of Frustum cone and it should be free
from moisture content and adherence of any old set concrete. 
 Now place the Mould (Cone) on the metallic steel plate or on any smooth
 Fill the cone with concrete in four layers each with an approximate height
of 1/4th of the mould.
 Each layer is tamped 25 times by tamping rod taking care to distribute the
strokes evenly over the cross section.
 Now after filling the 4th layer, the concrete is struck off with the trowel.
 The mould is removed from the concrete immediately in a vertical
direction by raising it slowly and carefully.
 This allows the concrete to subside. This subsidence is called a SLUMP.

Figure 4.12 Slump cone Test

Figure 4.13 Types of slump

True slump 29

Shear 24

Collapse 21

Table 4.9 Slump cone test values




The process of selecting suitable ingredients of concrete and

determining their relative amounts with the objective of producing a concrete of
the required, strength, durability, and workability as economically as possible, is
termed the concrete mix design. The proportioning of ingredient of concrete is
governed by the required performance of concrete in 2 states, namely the plastic
and the hardened states. If the plastic concrete is not workable, it cannot be
properly placed and compacted. The property of workability, therefore, becomes
of vital importance.

The compressive strength of hardened concrete which is generally
considered to be an index of its other properties, depends upon many factors, e.g.
quality and quantity of cement, water and aggregates; batching and mixing;
placing, compaction and curing. The cost of concrete is made up of the cost of
materials, plant and labour. The variations in the cost of materials arise from the
fact that the cement is several times costly than the aggregate, thus the aim is to
produce as lean a mix as possible. From technical point of view the rich mixes
may lead to high shrinkage and cracking in the structural concrete, and to
evolution of high heat of hydration in mass concrete which may cause cracking.

The actual cost of concrete is related to the cost of materials required

for producing a minimum mean strength called characteristic strength that is
specified by the designer of the structure.

1.Design stipulations:

a) Characteristic compressive strength = 20N/mm^2

required in the field at 28 days
b) Maximum size o aggregate = 20mm(angular)
c) Degree of workability = 0.09 (Compacting factor)
d) Degree of = Good
e) Type of exposure = Mild

2. Test data for materials:

a) Cement used - Ordinary Portland cement

(Satisfying the requirements of IS:269-1976)
b) Specific gravity of cement - 3.15
c) (i) Specific gravity of coarse aggregate - 2.60

(ii)Specific gravity of fine aggregate - 2.60
d) Water absorbtion
(1) Coarse aggregate - 0.5 percent
(2) Fine aggregate - 1.0 percent
e) Free surface moisture
(1) Coarse aggregate - Nil (absorbed moisture also
(2) Fine aggregate - 2.0 percent

3. Target mean strength of concrete:

For a tolerance factor of 1.65 using Table-1.The target mean strength

for the specified characteristics cube strength is
= 20 + 4.6 × 1.65
= 27.6 N/mm^2

4. Selection of water cement ratio:

Water cement ratio required for the target mean strength of

27.6N/mm^2 is 0.50.This is lower than the maximum value of 0.65 prescribe for
mild exposure in Appendix A of IS 456-1978.

5. Selection of water sand content:

From Table -4 for 20mm nominal maximum size aggregate and sand
confirming to zone ii, Water content per cubic meter of concrete =186kg and
sand content as percentage of total aggregate by absolute volume = 35%.

6. Determination of cement content:

Water cement ratio = 0.50

Water = 191.61
Cement = 191.6/0.50
= 383 Kg/cm3

7. Determination of coarse aggregate and fine aggregate

From table 3 for the specified maximum size of aggregate of

20mm,The amount of entrapped air in the wet concrete is 2% taking this in to
account and applying equations.

0.98m^3 = (191.6 + 383/3.15 +1/0.315 ×fa/2.60)× 1/1000

0.98m^3 = (191.6 + 383/3.15 +1/0.685 ×ca/2.60)× 1/1000
fa = 546 Kg/m^3
ca = 1187 Kg/m^3

The mix proportion become,


Proportion by weight

S.NO Water Cement Fine aggregate Coarse aggregate

191.6 lit 383Kg 546Kg 1188Kg

1 0.5 1 1.425 3.10

Table 5.1 Mix proportioning for M20 Grade Concrete

Actual quality required for mix per bag of cement

The Mix is 0.50 : 1 :1.42 : 3.09 by mass for 50kg of cement.

a) Cement = 50kg
b) Sand = 71kg
c) Coarse aggregate = 154.5 kg ( Fraction I = 92.7 kg,
Fraction II = 61.8 kg )
d) Water
1) For water-cement ratio of 0.50 quantity = 25.0 liters
of water
2) Extra quantity of water to be added for = (+) 0.77 1
absorption in case of coarse aggregate,
at 0.5 percent by mass
3) Quantity of water to be deducted for = (-) 1.42 1
free moisture present in sand, at 2 percent
by mass
4) Actual quantity of water to be added = 25.0 + 0.77 - 1.42
= 24.35 1
e) Actual quantity of sand required after = 71 .0 + 1.42
allowing for mass of free moisture = 72.42 kg
f) Actual quantity of coarse aggregate required:
1) Fraction I = 92.7 - 0.46 = 92.24 kg
2) Fraction II = 61.8 - 0.3 1 = 61.49 kg

Therefore, the actual quantities of different constituents required for the mix

Water : 24.35 kg
Cement : 50.00 kg
Sand : 72×42 kg

Coarse aggregate: Fraction I = 92.24 kg
Fraction II = 61.49 kg




The specimen used for the investigation of cube

1. The dimension of the cubes used is 150×150×150mm.

2. All the specimens used for investigation are of uniform size.

6.2 Preparation of specimens

Preparation of specimen includes the following procedure:

6.2.1 Proportioning of concrete

Selection of proper quantity of cement, coarse aggregate, sand and water
to obtain the desired quality is known as proportioning of concrete. Concrete is
formed by successive filling of voids in aggregate by sand, the voids in sand by
cement and by water filling the voids in cement and undergoing a chemical

6.2.2 Batching of materials

After fixing the desired proportion the quantity of required ingredients,

viz, cement, coarse aggregate, fine aggregate, have to be measured out in batches
for mixing. This process of measuring out ingredients is called batching.

Figure 6.1 Batching

6.2.3Preparation of mould

The mould for prism, cube and cylinders were collected and they
are properly checked for their dimension. Crude oil can be applied to inner side
of the smooth replace.

Figure 6.2
Cube Mould


The cement and sand in the specified proportions are mixed thoroughly
then this mixture is spread evenly on a coarse aggregate. The mixture is turned
over twice in a dry state. Then the measured quantity of water is add and the
mixture thoroughly to get an uniform mix. mixing of concrete may be done by
hand or by machine. mixing should be done thoroughly so as to have a uniform
distribution of ingredients which can be judged by uniform color and
consistency of concrete.

Figure 6.3 Adding of materials

Figure 6.4 Mixing of materials

6.2.5 Casting of cubes:

Cube moulds of size 15cm x 15cm x 15cm are used. The concrete is
poured in the mould and tempered properly so as not to have any voids. After 24
hours these moulds are removed and test specimens are put in water for curing.
The top surface of these specimens should be made even and smooth. These
specimens are tested by compression testing machine after 14 days curing ad 28
days curing. Load should be applied gradually. Load at the failure divided by
area of specimen gives the compressive strength of concrete.

 Clean the moulds and apply oil.

 Fill the concrete in the moulds and compact each layer using a
tamping rod.
 Level the top surface and smoothen it with a trowel.

Figure 6.5 Casting of cubes

6.2.6 Compacting

Compaction of concrete has to be done early as possible after placing

of concrete in place. The purpose of compaction is to expel air and bring the
particles closer so as to reduce the void and make the concrete denser. The
increased density will give higher strength and makes the concrete impermeable.
Over compaction leads to segregation while under-compaction, makes the
concrete lean. As a check for correct compaction, the compaction should be
stopped as soon as the cement pastes starts appearing on the upper surface of the

Figure 6.6 Compaction on concrete mould

Figure 6.7 Compacting

6.2.7 Curing

28 days curing achieve strength. Water curing is used for recycled

concrete. Curing concrete can be defined as a chemical process that ensures the
hydration of cement in newly placed concrete. The curing process is part
of the chemical reaction between Portland cement and water to hydrate the
product, creating a get that can be laid down only in water-filled space. It
usually involves the control of moisture loss and the temperature affecting the
hydration process.

Figure 6.8 Curing


6.3.1 Compressive strength test

Compressive strength is the capacity of a material or structure to with

stand axially directed pushing forces. When the limit of compressive strength is
reached, brittle materials are crushed

6.3.2 Concrete strength overtime

S.NO Days after casting Strength gain

1 Day 1 16%

2 Day 3 40%

3 Day 7 65%

4 Day 14 90%

5 Day 28 99%

Table 6.1 Compressive strength of concrete

As you can see the concrete gains its strength rapidly till 7 Th and !4th
days. Then gradually increases from there. So we can’t predict the strength until
the concrete comes to the stable state. Once it attains certain strength at 7 days,
then we know (according to the table ) only 9% of strength going to increase.
6.3.3 Testing machine

The testing machine may be of any reliable type, of sufficient capacity

the tests and capable of applying the load at the required rate. The testing
machine shall be equipped with two steel bearing platens with hardened face.
One of the platens preferably the one that normally will bear on the upper
surface portion of a sphere, the centre of which coincides with the central point
of the face of the platen. The compression mechanism Compressive strength


P - ultimate load
A - Cross section area of the specimen

6.3.4 Compressive strength test:

 Remove the specimen from water after specified curing time and wipe out
excess water from the surface.
 Take the dimensions of the specimen to the nearest 0.2mm.
 Clean the bearing surface of the testing machine.
 Place the specimen in the machine in such a manner that the load shall be

applied to the opposite sides of cubes cast.
 Align the specimen centrally on the base plate of the machine.
 Rotate the movable position gently by hand so that it touches top surface
of the
 Apply the load gradually without shock and continuously at the rate of
kg/cm2/ minute till the specimen fails.
 Record the maximum load and note any unusual features in the type of
 By the above procedures the cubes can be tested to determine the

Figure 6.9 Cube test

Compressive strength test on conventional cubes

 7 days Test
Destruction : 352 KN
Compressive strength : (352 × 1000) / (150 × 150)
: 15.61 N/mm2

 14 days Test
Destruction : 453 KN
Compressive strength : (453 × 1000) / (150 × 150)
: 20.13 N/mm2

 3rd Cube Test

Destruction : 531 KN
Compressive strength : (531 × 1000) / (150 × 150)
: 23.57 N/mm2



Series 1
Series 2
10 Series 3

conventional concrete

graph 6.1 Compression test on conventional concrete 7, 14, 28 days

Compressive test on adding 15% glass powder

 7 days Test
Destruction : 560 KN
Compressive strength : (560 × 1000) / (150 × 150)
: 4.86 N/mm 2

 14 days Test
Destruction : 568 KN
Compressive strength : (568 × 1000) / (150 × 150)
: 25.23 N/mm 2

 28 days Test
Destruction : 598 KN
Compressive strength : (598 × 1000) / (150 × 150)
: 26.56 N/mm2




7 days
14 days
28 days


15% glass powder

Graph 6.2 compression test on15% glass powder 7, 14, 28 days

Compressive test on adding 30% glass powder

 7 days Test
Destruction : 397 KN
Compressive strength : (397 × 1000) / (150 × 150)
: 17.62 N/mm 2

 14 days Test
Destruction : 478 KN
Compressive strength : (478 × 1000) / (150 × 150)
: 21.22 N/mm 2

 28 days Test
Destruction : 500 KN
Compressive strength : (500 × 1000) / (150 × 150)
: 22.22 N/mm 2



7 days
14 days
10 28 days

30% glass powder

Graph 6.3 compression test on 30% glass powder 7, 14, 28 days

Compressive test on adding 50% glass powder

 7 days Test
Destruction : 291 KN
Compressive strength : (291 × 1000) / (150 × 150)
: 12.93 N/mm2
 14 days Test
Destruction : 341 KN
Compressive strength : (341 × 1000) / (150 × 150)
: 15.14 N/mm 2
 28 days Test
Destruction : 361 KN
Compressive strength : (361 × 1000) / (150 × 150)
: 16.03 N/mm 2





7 days
14 days
28 days

50% glass powder

Graph 6.4 compression test on 50% glass powder 7, 14, 28 days



Compressive Strength Test As Per Is Code Method


Grade of % of Glass Compressive strength with glass powder

concrete powder

7 days 14 days 28 days

CC 15.61 20.13 23.57

M20 15% 24.86 25.23 26.56

30% 17.62 21.22 22.22

50% 12.93 15.14 16.03

Table 7.1 Compression test results




7 days
14 days
28 days


CC 15% GP 30% GP 50% GP

Graph 7.1 Compression strength chart



From this test conducted on glass powder replaced in fine aggregate for
concrete as presented in various sections, the following conclusions are made.

 The compressive strength of concrete increases up to 15% Replacement

of glass powder and then gradually decreases with increase of glass

 The increase of 10% in the 28 day cube compressive strength of glass

powder concrete when compared to conventional concrete.

 Making concrete using waste materials saves energy and conserve

primary resources and it is concluded that the more material was reused.


1. M. S. Shetty, Concrete Technology Theory & Practice, Published by S.

CHAND & Company, Ram Nagar, New Delhi.
2. M. L. Gambhir, Concrete Technology (3rd Edition), Published by The
McGraw-Hill Companies, New Delhi
3. IS 10262- 2007 Recommended Guidelines for Concrete Mix Design
4..IS 456 - 2000 Plain and Reinforced Concrete - Code of Practice
5. IS 516 - 1959 Methods of Tests for Strength of Concrete
6. Mageswari M and Vidivelli. B. (2010) "The Use of sheet glass powder as fine
aggregate replacement in concrete," The open Civil Engineering journal, 4,


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