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Business Description

Nowadays, tourism industry is flourishing and it becomes a major source of

revenue in Hong Kong. There are many different travel agencies providing
different services such as local tour and cruise tour. Nearly most of them
provide phone call service and customers can phone to the agency to ask for
travelling details.

However, there is nearly none of those provide online services. Seeing such a
problem, our company would like to take chance to develop an online service.
Knowing the fact that people nowadays surf the net a lot and always use
computers to work, our company think that an online service can make booking
an easier and more convenient task to customers. It is predicted that this online
service would be popular and would be widely used since it is not only restrict to
locals only; in fact, the online service is welcome to foreigners as well.
Therefore, our company can be appreciated at international levels and our
business could be expanded to other countries.

Moreover, our company provides a series of special tours which is totally

different from traditional tour. We ensure that people who are physically and
mentally challenged; do not have much capital for travelling; can also enjoy
travelling happily in a carefree way. This is what lack in the market now and we
would not like to see these people being neglected. In addition, our company
would like to provide tours which are blended with cultural and educational
values. Comparing to traditional tours, our tours can let customers learn and
experience much more and make it more remarkable.

Company and Industry

Nature of business
(company’s name) designs and provides unique and thoughtful services for sale
on the basis of travelling in Hong Kong to meet the identified needs of disabled,
children, artists via intermediaries. (company’s name) intends to develop new
markets by means of different kinds of tour in Hong Kong.

Company objectives

Sales objectives
(company’s name) aims to provide unique and thoughtful services to those
target groups of customers. We would like our target customers to get the
details of the tours more convenient in order to improve sales volume.
Therefore, making our tours available in all the travel agencies in Hong Kong is
our mid-term objectives. For our long-term objective, we would like our tours to
become familiar and popular in Hong Kong and even in Asia and European
countries. We hope that these tours can be one of the attractions in Hong Kong
and help boosting the Hong Kong’s tourism.

Financial objectives
(company’s name) expects to have an increase in profit of 3% every year.

Our Products and Services

There are now a lot of different kinds of travelling agencies and companies in
Hong Kong. As quite a number of them are well-known and have established the
brand name in Hong Kong, it is unwise to compete with them directly by
providing the same services. Therefore, our company aims at providing special
tours to our customers, which can directly satisfy the needs of these target
groups and cannot be find in regular travelling agencies. There are a total of
three travelling packages our company provides:
1. Tours for the disables;

2. Tours for local children

3. Tours for Artists

1. Tours for the disables

Our company sees the opportunity that there are actually not many special
tours designed for the disabled nowadays. As it is nearly impossible for them to
join regular travelling packages without being left out, many of them do not get
the chance to travel abroad and widen their horizons. Our tour is definitely a
piece of good news to them. The travelling packages our company provides are
specially designed for the disabled.

Well-trained nurses and tour guilds

With the help and assistance of well-trained nurses and tour guides, the
disabled may also enjoy the happiness of travel just like everyone of us. Nurses
provided by our company are all qualified and experienced nurses who speak
fluent English, Mandarin and Cantonese, therefore, both local and foreign
visitors are welcomed.

Tailor-made tours
We provide both private tours and public tours. Each tour may take a maximum
number of 10 people including 5 disabled. We encourage family members to
accompany the physically or mentally challenged visitors. The schedules are
flexible and can be planned according to the customers’ preferences. All tours
are tailor-made and we ensure that every customer will enjoy our tour and are
satisfied with our service.


2. Tours for local children

Our company conducted a survey recently realizing that many of the teenagers
nowadays are not familiar with places in Hong Kong. Moreover, with the fact
that children nowadays are less independent and are criticized for not able to
take care of themselves, our company decided to organize tours for local
children to understand more about their homeland and learn to be independent
through travelling on their own without the help of parents and domestic
helpers. It also aims at developing the leadership skills of the participants.
Special programmes of the tour, such as city-tracing for teenagers may help
them understand cultures and features of the 18 districts in Hong Kong with
their own eyes.

Live in the culture

In this tour, children will not be accommodated in hotels. As we hope that they
may take a chance to experience life in relatively poorer regions in Hong Kong,
they will be living in host families in Tin Shui Wai or the traditional kind of walled
village in New Territories, such as Fanling Wai (粉嶺圍) or Muk Wu Village ( 木湖
村 ) etc. In this way they may learn to be independent and to take care of
themselves as there will not be domestic helpers by their side anymore. By
living in the walled villages, they may experience the special culture of these
historical villages and enjoy the harmony relationships between neighborhoods.

Scholarship Scheme
We understand that not every family may afford the expenses for their children
to travel around, therefore, we launched a scholarship scheme specially design
for children whose family face financial problems. They may receive up to a 100
percent discount with outstanding results at school and nomination from school
principal. This helps to narrow the income gap in Hong Kong and made the
dreams of travelling come true to poor children. In order to run this scheme, we
will obtain sponsor from banks and large corporations for the travelling fee of
the children. 10% out of our company’s revenue will also be appropriated to the
fund. This scheme also demonstrates how corporate social responsibility is
important for our company.


3. Tours for Artists
This is a semi-independent tour, co-organized with The Hong Kong Tourism
Board. This tour targets at artists from all around the world who are interested in
the culture of Hong Kong. As there are no fixed schedules in the travelling plans,
artists may visit tourists spots they are interested in with the advices by
travelling consultant. Although there’s no fixed schedule, accommodation and
breakfast are included in the plan.

Stamps Competition and gallery exhibition

At the end of the tour, each artist will have to hand in at least one art work they
complete during the tour. These art works must be related to Hong Kong. They
will either be made into stamps which will be sold in the post office or be
exhibited in galleries. This helps to promote the culture in Hong Kong and
provide a special chance for artist to gather inspiration while travelling.

Flexible yet caring

Artists will be bought to different districts of Hong Kong with special features
and there will be tour consultant to get them know more about the history and
backgrounds of the districts. In each tour, the artists can inform our company
what aspects of Hong Kong culture they want to explore. Afterwards, experts
related to that particular aspect will be arranged by us to aid the artist by
providing useful information. This can reduce the complicated procedure for the
artists, especially from overseas, to find the information they want.

Deposit  return when hand in products

Marketing Plan

Sales promotion and advertising strategies

In order to attract customers, it is very important for a company to have
effective and efficient promotion strategies. As for our company, the objectives
of the promotion will be pin-pointed at the three target group of the company –
the disabled, children and artists.

1. Online promotion
The development in telecommunication is unbelievably fast nowadays. Nearly
everyone owns a computer at home. Information can be spread quickly through
the internet. Therefore, promoting our products through various social
networking sites, such as setting up a ‘fan page’ on Facebook, communicating
with the public through Twitter and Weibo etc. are some ways to have a better
relationship with our potential customers. Moreover, having advertisements
posted on the internet do not require a large sum of money. Therefore, it is also
one of the most effective methods of spreading information to overseas
2. School promotion

As one of the target groups of the company is children, school promotion is very
important. We will distribute leaflets and send promotion letter to the schools to
introduce our tours designed for children. Moreover, we also plan to organize
talks and briefing workshops at schools in Hong Kong introducing our tours. This
helps to promote our travelling package among our customers.

3. Advertisement
Last but not least, advertisement will be put up in newspaper, bus stations and
television. One of the ways will be advertising through the mass media
‘Roadshow’, which is installed in the television screen of all buses in Hong Kong.
The package of “Product Sponsorship for《iClub 有禮》有獎遊戲”1 is a possible way
for advertising. It can approach nearly 100,000 people every day and is
broadcast 24 hours non-stop. This ensures that every potential customer may
have the chance to know about the services our company provides.

Roadshow Media Limited - iClub Introductory Package:

Selling strategies
1. Online registration discount

In order to make booking and registration easier for foreigners and the
disabled, our company provides online booking service so that registration can
be made at home or even overseas. ‘One-stop services’ will be provided and
our staff will contact the customers for further registration. So far, no travelling
agencies have provided this service and we will be the leading company of
developing this service. Furthermore, to encourage customers to use our online
registration service, customers will receive a 5% discount when their booking
and registration is completed online.

2. School-based discount

By forming more than 10 groups of students joining our tours, school may
receive a 5% discount. Each school will be considered on an individual basis,
and the price will be set according to the number of years of cooperation,
programmes needed for students etc. The price for the school tour will be
completely flexible.

Corporate Social Responsibility

1. Show care to relatively disadvantaged minorities

Our company has the vision that everyone could enjoy the pleasure brought by
every visit, we aim to take care of every customer as if they were our beloved
family and friends. The products provided in our company can fulfill the needs of
our target customers. For example, there is a kind of tour that is solely set for
those who are physically and mentally challenged. We realize that there are not
enough packages and tours which can fully show consideration to them in the
market. Witnessing such an unfriendly phenomenon, our company would like to
take the first step to provide a full tour package for them. Since we provide
some special services like medical services during trips and flexible schedule
according to our customers’ will, which our competitors have yet not developed,
we are sure that our company is at an advantageous position.

2. Provide financial aids

Our company believes that everyone deserves a chance to expose themselves
to new things and have a taste of different culture regardless their backgrounds.
Therefore, we would have financial aids and discounts for our customers in
some particular tours. For example, in the tour for children, we aim to give
chances to children who are brought up in relatively financially challenged
families, which is also one of the main objectives for this tour. Since they could
not have enough chances to travel around in other districts, let alone the
chance to travel abroad, we would like to invite them to join our tour by
subsidizing them. In other words, children joining our tour can enjoy a much
lower price than that in the market.

3. Hold educational value

Instead of just knowing some brief culture in Hong Kong, our company also
hopes that we could provide some educational value in tours so that our
customers could have learnt something back after the trip. Take the tour for
artists as example, our customers can have a chance to stroll around at each
corner in the city and seize the chance to get inspiration for creative artwork or
photography. In this kind of tour, there will be no tour guides to guide our
customers, but they could freely explore around and experience the beautiful
culture in Hong Kong themselves. Our company believes that this carefree
experience can leave an even more precious memory deep down in our

customers’ hearts and they could learn local culture more deeply while they are
travelling around.

The Management Plan

The organizational chart of the company:

CEO (Grace)

Marketi Financi Informatio Operation Human Custom

ng al n al Resourc er
Director Director Director Director es Service
(Doris) (Melody (Tiffany) (Bethanie Director Director
) ) (Lydia) (Iris)
Internal Management Team
Our company is a private limited company. There will be six major directors in
our company directly under the Chief Executive Officer. Each of them will hold
10% of the ownership. The rest of the ownership belongs to the CEO. Relatives
and friends can also invest in the company.

There will be six departments and they are directly under the directors.

1.Marketing -determines the marketing objectives of the company

Department and develops marketing strategy to identify and
attract our target customers.

2.Financial -ensures the funds of the company are acquired, used

Department and managed properly to maximize a firm’s wealth.
-monitors all actions involving the use of money
3.Information - gathers, stores and distributes useful information to
Department all departments to support the operation and decision-
making of our company.

4.Operational -carries out researches to ensure that our services

Department meet the quality of standards.
5. Human Resources -ensures that our company has an adequate amount of
Department employees with suitable skills.
-holds recruitments to find potential employees
-provides trainings for employees

6. Customer Service -handles all the complains and praises from our
Department customers
-ensures that the needs of our customers are fulfilled

Employee Recruitment

Position Quanti Obligation Qualification Salary(p

ty er
Receptio 1 -welcome guests -Form 5 graduation $7,000
n -Answer phone
Tour 6 -lead the tour -Form 5 graduation $7,000
Guide -speak English and
-Escort Pass issued
by the Travel
Industry Council of
Driver 6 -drive coaches -Form 5 graduation $7,000
-Have Driver
Nurse 3 -look after our -university $10,000
customers graduation
(especially the -first aid pass
Accounta 2 -book-keeping -university $20,000
nt -analyze financial graduation
information -certificated


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