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Student Knowledge and Awareness Level of

Covid-19 Prevention

Coronavirus is a part of a large family of viruses that cause diseases that occur in
animals or man. Humans infected with the virus it will show signs respiratory tract
infections ranging from flu to more serious ones, like Middle East Respiratory
Syndrome (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS) or severe acute
respiratory syndrome. The new type of coronavirus itself has been discovered humans
since appearing in Wuhan, China in December 2019, and was named Severe Acute
Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS COV2). So, this disease is called
Coronavirus Disease-2019 (COVID-19) (World Health Organization / WHO, 2020).
The case started with pneumonia or mysterious pneumonia on December 2019. This
case is suspected to be related with Huanan animal market in Wuhan selling various
types of animal, including those that are not normally consumed, for example snakes,
bats and various types of mice (Ministry of Health, 2020).

Coronavirus was discovered in Wuhan, China for the first time and has infected
90,308 people as of March 2, 2020. The number of deaths reached 3,087 people or
6%, the number of patients recovering 45,726 people. This type of single positive
RNA strain infects the human respiratory tract and is sensitive to heat and can
effectively be activated by chlorine-containing disinfectants. The source of the host is
thought to come from animals, especially bats, and other vectors such as bamboo rats,
camels and ferrets. Corona virus transmission occurs naturally droplets or through
splashes when people cough or speak, this is what causes This virus is very easy to
spread to other people (Wu et al., 2020). Common symptoms include fever, cough and
difficulty breathing. Clinical syndrome is divided into uncomplicated, mild
pneumonia and severe pneumonia. Specimen examination is taken from the throat
swab (nasopharynx and oropharynx) and lower airway (sputum, bronchial rinse,
endotracheal aspirate). Isolation was carried out on patients proven to be infected with
Covid-19 to prevent wider spread.

The focus is to reduce the number of COVID-19 cases, which is to prevent

transmission by implementing the protocol for preventing the transmission of
COVID-19. Prevention of COVID 19 is also needed so that this disease does not
spread further, in several ways: physical distancing, wearing masks, washing hands,
and vaccinating. The responsibility for preventing transmission is a shared
responsibility of the government and community, including students. Communities
and non-government parties can participate in various form of volunteerism in
response disaster and risk reduction (Mendes RI,2020). Therefore we need to know
how far students understand about health protocols and how much they are against it.
Students have a very important role in preventing covid-19 because they are the ones
who should educate the people around them and campaign about the dangers of covid.
Students are role models for the community in an effortCovid-19 prevention. With
give examples and behavior good is expected by students become an agent of change
in the effort future Covid-19 prevention. So we hope that students should be aware
and have a basic about preventing covid-19 during the pandemic. This study aims to
assess how well students understand about COVID-19 prevention and how aware they
are that COVID-19 prevention is very important to reduce COVID-19 cases.

Therefore, in my opinion, this research is important to do considering that students are

an example for the community to prevent covid, we need to know how far we are in
terms of preventing covid, after that we know what steps will be taken next, if
students already understand the prevention of covid and already aware of the
importance of this, maybe we just need to do a campaign so that the health protocols
can run well and produce the expected results so that this pandemic ends soon.

The method of collecting data used in this study was a questionnaire. According to
Arikunto (2010) questionnaires are a number of written questions that are used to
obtain information from respondents in articles about their personal reports, or things
they know. Questionnaires will be distributed to respondents in the form of a list of
questions regarding the level of knowledge and awareness of Andalas University
Students. The data to be collected in this study is primary data, collection directly by
researchers by distributing questionnaires to respondents.The results will be analyzed
with a diagram of the percentage of each point in the questionnaire when all
respondents have filled out the questionnaire.

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