Curriculum Vitae Moinul Islam Sharif: Fellow, Bangladesh Centre For Advanced Studies (BCAS), Dhaka

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Fellow, Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS), Dhaka

Present Position : Fellow, BCAS

Phone : 9113682, 9119823

Personal Information : Born January 29, 1950 Bangladesh

Nationality : Bangladeshi

Academic Qualification :

Ph.D in Energy Engineering, University of Leeds, United Kingdom, (UK) in 1982

Bachelor of Science (B.Sc) in Chemical Engineering, University of Leeds, U.K. in 1975.


Dr. Moinul Islam Sharif has experience in environmental assessment and evaluation,
guidelines development, industrial consultancy, feasibility studies, designing installing
chemical plants of various nature over the last 25 years. He is now actively persuing
projects on awareness building on environmental issues with the private sector directly and
through Business and Industry Chambers in the country specially for the leather and textile
sectors as well as NGOs on socio-environmental issues. He is also currently involved in
training programmes on Environment Management System and Cleaner Production
Technology for Pharmaceutical and Textile dyeing and finishing industries. He is also
involved in Energy Studies in terms of Power and Gas sectors for international clients and
research groups. He was the team leader in preparing the country report on hazardous waste
management for World Health Organization (WHO).

He was a team member on the study “Cost of Electricity Outages in Bangladesh” completed
in the year 2000 funded by World Bank. He is currently involved in projects with the
Business Chambers and Bangladesh Garments Manufactures and Exports Association to
assess and suggest improvements in environmental practices, social standards and
occupational health and safety. He is also currently the Coordinator on behalf of BCAS on
the project “Improved Performance of Bangladesh’s Energy Sector”, the prime consultant
of which is PA Consulting USA and the project is being funded by USAID.

Professional Experience :

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Team Member on behalf of Technical Consultant & Associates (BD) Ltd. in collaboration
with Sandwell Paper Consult, Consultant to Govt. of Bangladesh to supervise procurement,
erection, commissioning of international contractors to set up a 100 M. tons per day Pulp Mill
in Sylhet, Bangladesh - 1976.

Worked as trainee at Head Office of Sanwell Paper Consult in Zurich, Switzerland in the
Research and Development Department – 1977.

Team Leader for preparation of feasibility study to manufacture Dichlorovos (DDVP) and
Malathion formulation project - 1982.

Team Leader for construction, erection and commissioning of an inorganic Chemical

Complex producing Sulphuric Acid, Aluminum Sulphate and Basic Chrome Power for M/s.
Monir Chemicals Ltd., Dhaka in collaboration with Kerbs & Cie, India 1982 - 85.

Team Leader on behalf of the general contractor, TECON to design, build and commission a
Aluminum Hydroxide Gel Plant for M/x. Hydroxide Limited, Dhaka 1987 - 88.

Team Leader on behalf of TECON for abatement of SOx emission. The assignment involved
design, build and commission of a SOx abatement Plant using water absorbtion and
Neutralization for M/s. Monir Chemical Ltd., Dhaka 1988.

Team Member on behalf of TECON for design build and commission a plant to treat liquid
trivalent chromium effluent environmentally hazardous for Monir Chemical Ltd. 1989.

Team Leader on behalf of the General Contractor, TECON to design, build and commission a
plant producing Ammonium Aluminum Sulphate and Copper Sulphate for M/s. Hydroxide
Limited, Dhaka 1989 - 91.

Team Leader on behalf of Bangladesh Centre for Advanced Studies (BCAS), Dhaka for
carrying out the Reconnaissance Study on the Use of Ozone Depleting Substances (ODS) in
Bangladesh December 1992.

Team Member on behalf of BCAS as Chemical Engineer to evaluate proposal for funding
requested by ACI Ltd., Bangladesh from United Nations Development Programme (UNDP),
Dhaka Bangladesh for Environmental protection to convert use of CFC-12 Gas to LPG as
liquid Propellant for manufacture of Aerosol Spray insecticides - April, 1993.

Team Leader for preparing a guideline on Environmental Conservation Act 1995 and
Environmental Conservation Rules 1997 of the GOB completed in 1998. Project funded by
the World Bank. The project included raising awareness amongst industrialists through
seminars and training involving the major Chambers of Commerce & Industry and sector
industry associations.

Team Member : Training on Cleaner Production for the textile dyeing and finishing and
leather dyeing sector completed in 1998. The was funded by the World Bank.

Team Leader: Preparation of a country report on hazardous wastes management funded by

WHO. The project was completed in 1999.

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Team Leader : Design and put in place an Environmental Management System for AKZO
NOBEL Bangladesh Ltd., a multinational pharmaceutical industry. Project completed in June

Team Leader : To carry out a macro marketing study for Allied Signal, USA and Thermax
India to assess the feasibility of launching an Aero Derivative Micro Gas Turbine in
Bangladesh, Completed in July 2000.

Local Team Leader : To organise a major workshop on Natural Gas Utilization in

Bangladesh in collaboration with Centre from Strategic Studies, June 2000 and also
coauthored a report on the Bangladesh Gas Sector with Ambassador Schaffer of CSIS,

Team Leader : Team leader for the industrial pollution component of Management of
Aquatic Eco System through Community Husbandary (MACH), a project funded by USAID.
The scope of work includes measuring end of pipe effluent quality of each of the industries in
the project area. The types of industries in area are Leather Tanning, Textile Finishing and
Dyeing, Poultry farm and metal anodising plants. Regular consultative meetings are organised
to make the industrialists aware of the pollution problem and mitigational options like
Cleaner production and Environmental Management System (EMS) are discussed. The aim is
to reduce the pollution levels through stakeholder’s participation. The project is being fully
supported the National Chambers of Commerce and Industries.

Team Leader : Knowledge and Research Project on Managing Pollution from Small Scale
Industries in Bangladesh. The project is in collaboration with Stockholm Institute of
Environment and University of York, UK. The project is funded by DFID. (on going)

Team Leader : Focal point for South Asia for the RING-IISD Project on Standards
(environmental and social) for sustainable trade with respect to Technical Barrier to Trade
(TBT) agreement under WTO. The project is being funded by EU. (on going)

Team Member : On behalf of Nexant (a subsidiary of BECTEL USA), Prepare a guideline on

Environmental Impact Assessment for a Hydroelectric power project in Nepal from
Bangladesh point of view. The study is part of USAID funded project on South Asia Regional
Intervention on Energy, SARI(E). (on going)

Team Member : Develop two projects (i) Solar Home System (2) Introduction of Electric
Vehicles in Dhaka under Clean Development Mechanism (CDM) of the Kyoto Protocol. The
project is being funded by the Netherlands Government. (on going).

Team Member : As an Environmental Expert for the feasibility study on Rural Area Power
Supply System (RAPSS) conduced by Infrastructure Investment Facilitation Center (IIFC).

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