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1. Golden client will start from 000 --- Golden client is which SAP has delivered.

This will be copied and made

new clients. This copying of clients will be basis consultant
2. Under each server there will be different clients like under development we will have configuration client,
unit testing client, ABAP development client – Know the client number in you company SAP
3. Client is a self-contained unit which has its own master data and tables
4. Where is your client located ---- In development server
5. What are the basic clients in development server --- Config , unit testing client and sandbox
6. What kind of data you maintain in development server config client--- There is no master data in config
7. Basis consultant will transport request from server to server
8. SCC1 is import within server ie client to client
9. SMTS is to transport from server to server
10. If we want to do any testing in sandbox we will import the configuration to unit testing or sandbox and we
maintain master data here but not in the configuration client
11. In Golden client there will be no any data
12. In SD condition table and access sequence are cross clients
13. Cross client is whatever configuration we do in config client it will automatically be reflected / imported to
14. What is sandbox?
15. Some companies will have 4 servers ---- Additional one is pre-production server. This server is used to
ensure there is not data inconsistency and helps to resolve issues that user provides in production server.
Pre-production server is mirror of production server. Whatever user faces issue in production server same
will be reflected pre-production server. This server will be usually used by clients who have large amount of
16. Some companies will have 2 servers ----- Development server and production server
17. In real time all the servers may not be in single location. Production server may be in different location,
Quality might be in another country and so on. These server will be connected through VPN.
18. Power user and basis team will have access to server room security
19. Team size ----- SD 3 / MM 3 / Basis 2 / PP 3 / FI 2 ----- Domestic project one location 15 will be the team
size ------- MNC company will have 60 team size ( 10 members SD)
20. Out of 3 members SD team ---- 1 SD consultant / 1 associate consultant / 1 shadow consultant
21. Associate consultant will be doing small configurations like material determination , free goods
determination, list exclusions etc which will be small topics
22. Shadow consultant will prepare documents like BBP etc
23. Major configuration like credit management , pricing will be done SD consultant
24. BBP phase
a. Scope document – This documents will consist of questionnaire of business process ( Implenetation
partner will have their own DB questions) . Requirement gathering based on questionnaire ( 2
b. AS – IS document
c. To – be document
d. Gap analysis
e. Sign-off
25. What were the GAPS in your projects? How did you handle it? What are the enhancements done?
26. After preparing BBP documents for the we take user sign-off
27. After taking signoff from customer we will take 2 copies and one will be with implementation partner and
one will be with customer/ client
28. BBP phase for domestic project will take about 2 months and for big projects 3 ½ months
29. What is the business process of your client JSW? ----- Tell about sales process STO , Third part process, IPO,
intercompany sales
30. In BBP phase we prepare 2 documents –
a. BBP document
b. GAP analysis document
31. Realization Phase
a. Base line – Config only related to SD
b. Final config – integrations
i. With FI --- revenue act determination / credit management/pricing
ii. With MM --- MM screens /availability check /delivery scheduling / TOR / Third part / STO
And finally we take signoff from the client
32. SCC1 - It is a sandbox screen where we enter the source client and TR number which needs to be imported
33. Transport request are of two type ----- Customizing & workbench request
34. TR in condition type and access sequence will be saving in workbench request as there are client
35. Certain configurations are saved in local objects and packages
a. Local objects are moved later into package
36. STMS --- Transport management system screen ---- It is also called as VTS (change transport system)
37. To transport TR from one server to other server first we have to release the requests
38. Difference b/w ALE and EDI ------
a. ALE is specific of SAP --- Customer & vendor SAP systems can be connected through ALE
Example: If customer raises PO, it automatically converted to Sales orders in vendor system without
any entry by the end user
b. EDI is particular to any technology - If u want to connect any two technologies EDI is a standard
39. ABAP Debugging on the errors – we will get to know the error and inform ABAPer
40. Once configuration is done we will start testing in the QA server ----- We prepare test case document ,
based on it we will do below testing
a. Unit testing
b. Integration testing
41. Once testing is done we prepare user manual document
42. Test case document consists of
a. What to test –
b. How to test - We mention the transaction codes here
c. Expected result – We will have to mention it like –
i. It Should deliver sales order number
ii. If we create delivery it should create picking list , packing list etc
d. Actual result
e. Status
f. Test document number

43. What are documents prepared in implementation document ? – 7 documents

a. BBP doc
b. GAP analysis doc
c. User manual document – consists of steps to carry out transaction for end users
d. Configuration document – Consists of entire configuration made for the client , given to core users
e. Functional specification document – we prepare when help of ABAPER is required
44. Final Preparation phase (2 months)
a. Unit testing
b. Integration testing
c. User training (UAT signoff after testing from user – testing will be done 15 days)
d. Cut over strategy – legacy system will be migrated to SAP system
e. Sign off – Each process above has to be taken signoff from client

45. In lSMW there will be 11 stages , in this only one stage we will get error -----
46. What is the cutover strategy used in the project?
47. Types of tools for migrating legacy data to SAP system
c. BDC – Batch data communication
48. Sequence of module wise implementation
a. MM module
b. PP module
c. FI module
d. SD module
49. Sequence of module wise LSMW upload
a. Open inquiries
b. Open quotation
c. Open orders
d. Open contracts
50. LSMW & BDC data transfer strategy will usually take 2 days of time – Cutover period. All business
transaction will be halted
51. Final preparation activities
a. Training to core users
b. UAT signoff
c. Transport requests - Quality to production
d. Cutover activities
i. As a consultant we will list out all the master data and open transaction data which is in
legacy system
ii. As a consultant we first go to quality server and do mock run, if everything is fine then we
go to production server and upload the data from legacy or excel sheet.
52. Where is your client located ----- In development server i.e configuration client

53. Organization Assignment structure

54. From which phase of ASAP methodology you involved in implementation project?
55. What are the change requests that is handled by you? Explain
56. Change request document consists of
a. Issue description
b. Expected solution
c. Approximate efforts
57. Ticket status
a. Open
b. In process
c. Waiting for information
d. In process
e. Waiting for confirmation
f. Close
58. Ticketing tools ----- Citirix, Remedy, JIRA, Peregrine
59. Issue resolution document consists of
a. Ticket number
b. Ticket date
c. Ticket description
d. Solution description
e. Core user description
f. Consultant description
60. Levels of consultant in support
a. Level 1 ---- Consultant work on high priority
b. Level 2 ---- Consultant work on medium and low priority
c. Level 1 ---- Consultant work only in change request
61. Types of rollout projects
a. Company code roll out project ---- if client is starting their business in another country then they
extend SAP configuration from one company code to another company code
b. Plant roll out ---- if client is introducing new plant into the business then we have to do
configuration for that plant in SAP, this we call as plant roll out
c. Upgradation project ---- from one version to another
62. LSMW ------ process
Steps for LSMW data upload
a. Types of data that needs to be uploaded
i. Master data ----- vendor (FK01 tcode) , customer , GL (FS00 tcode), Asset (AS01)
ii. Transaction data ---- Accounting entries (BDC is used for upload)
iii. Configuration data ---- SPRO screen activities
b. Tasks
i. Upload vendor master in LSMW -----

63. LSM workbench is an SAP system tool that supports you when copying data from non-SAP systems
64. LSMW Steps screenshot

65. How many object type / import method are there in LSMW
a. Standard batch / direct input
b. Batch input recording ----- 95% of consultants use this
c. Business object method (BAPI)
d. IDOC – intermediate document
66. What is BDC recording?
a. It is used to transfer data from SAP to SAP to from non-SAP to SAP system. It uses the normal
transaction. You can record any data (master data/ transaction or any data) then you can use
wherever you want and whenever you want to post.
b. To perform SAP BDC we do the following steps
i. Identify the transaction which is used to create SAP data ( example – FB70 customer invoice
ii. Run – SHDB transaction (use SM35 recording)
67. Have 4-5 Customer exits & user exits while going to interview ------ examples given below
68. SE38 – Tcode for ABAP editor
69. SE11 – ABAP dictionary / table view
70. SMOD ----- Tcode to find customer exits
71. CMOD ----- Tcode to develop customer exits
72. How to find user exits?
a. Go to the particular transaction – system – status – (dialog box appears with program name)
b. Copy the program name – go to Se38 – Enter the program name – select attributes and click on
display – from the dialog box you will get package name (VA)
c. Now goto SMOD transaction – in the selection field of enhancement put package name and
d. You will now be able to see whatever the user exits or enhancements that are there under that
package, it will show that
73. Difference between customer exits and user exits
user exits r subroutines where as customer exits r function modules
74. How to find customized Tcode and program in SAP
a. SE16n ---- Enter table name “TSTC” and enter transaction code Z* and execute
75. What are the enhancements made in your project?

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