Applications of Ergonomics To Increase Work Productivity

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Applications of Ergonomics to Increase Work Productivity

The term ergonomics in the scientific field was discovered in 1949 by Fredrick
Winslow Talyor. Fredrick is a pioneer in the context of the work system improvement
approach. Fredrick has made important contributions to the history of Industrial
Engineering as well as to Ergonomics. The psychological approach to work has also
colored the field of ergonomics because it turns out that the social context also has an
impact on the performance of operators and organizations. The main goal of ergonomics
is to achieve a productive work system with good work quality accompanied by a sense
of comfort, convenience, and work efficiency without neglecting occupational health
and safety (Vitasari & Haryanto, 2021).

Ergonomics can be applied in work to increase work productivity in an

organization within the company. This can be achieved if there is a match between
workers and their work activities. There are 4 main goals of ergonomics according to
Santoso (2004), among others: Maximizing employee efficiency, Improving
occupational health and safety, Encouraging work in a safe, comfortable and
enthusiastic manner, Maximizing convincing forms of work.

Ergonomics has two goals that are related not only to improving the productivity of
the company, but also to improving the general well-being of employees in the
workplace. The main focus of ergonomics is on better design of the workplace,
processes and comfortable working environment. The ergonomics aspect can be broadly
divided into two categories: micro-ergonomics and macro-ergonomics (Richline, 2015).
The focus of microergonomics is on aspects such as tools and machines available to
employees. This aspect of ergonomics focuses on the interaction between humans and
machines. Other aspects of microergonomics include anthropometric studies. This is
mandatory and needs to be investigated before proposing appropriate ergonomic

Employee nutrition and general health before such measures are recommended,
external and internal climatic conditions where the workforce exists Employees must
work, employees do work Employees who are doing. The need to study
macroeconomics was not realized until the 1980s, when it was necessary to study
subjects beyond the aspects of microeconomics. Factors affected by macro-ergonomic
aspects include environmental culture, organizational aspects, availability of required
infrastructure, and climate and environmental conditions (Sari, dkk, 2019).

Ergonomics can be applied to several aspects of work. Ergonomics can be used,

among other things, when working positions, work processes, workplace design, and
lifting loads (Auliaurrahman, 2018).

1. Working position, It consists of a sitting position and a standing position. A

sitting position that does not put a burden on your weight and a stable posture
during work. Standing with a vertical spine and a balanced weight with two legs.

2. Workflow Employees can reach the work equipment according to the work
position and anthropometric dimensions. It is necessary to distinguish between
western and eastern anthropometric measurements.

3. Workplace design When working, the workplace display should be clearly

visible. Currently, internationally valid symbols are used more than words.

4. Lift the weight There are several ways to lift the weight. That is, the head,
shoulders, hands, back, etc. Excessive exercise can damage the spine, muscle
tissue, and joints.

According to L. Greenberg (1977), productivity is defined as the ratio of total costs

at a point in time to total costs during this period. At the 1958 Rome Conference,
European attitudes toward productivity stated that productivity is the level of efficiency
and efficiency of the use of factors of production. Productivity is also the mental
attitude of always trying to improve what already exists. According to Ambar Silastuti
(2006), productivity is divided into different levels, including individual productivity
(labor), unit (workgroup) and corporate organization (subsystem, system and upper
system performance). According to Kusrianto (2011), labor productivity is the ratio of
labor output to the time required for labor force to produce a good. According to
Wignjosoebroto (2003), labor productivity is also expressed in terms of total man-hours
(man-hours), i.e. the ratio of the number of products produced to the number of hours
spent on the task.
From the definition above, we can conclude that labor productivity consists of
three aspects. First, productivity is the physical effort per unit of productive effort.
Second, productivity is the degree of effectiveness of industrial control in the use of
production equipment. Third, productivity, the effectiveness of the use of human
resources and equipment. As such, productivity is a complex issue, not a technical or
business issue. Productivity is an issue that affects government agencies, trade unions
and other social systems (Mindhayani & Purnomo, 2016). The different goals, the
different the definition of productivity. According to Sutrisno (2013), there are several
factors that can affect labor productivity.

1) Training

Training is conducted to provide employees with the appropriate skills and

opportunities to use work equipment. Vocational training is not only
complementary, it is also necessary to convey the foundation of existing
knowledge. Because through training, employees can learn to do things right and
right, reduce mistakes and maintain them.

2) Employee mental and physical abilities.

The physical and mental condition of an employee is a very important issue of

concern to the organization as it is closely related to the productivity of the
employee's work.

3) Relationship between boss and subordinates.

The relationship between your boss and your subordinates affects your daily life.
How do your bosses look at your subordinates, and to what extent are your
subordinates involved in each activity? A good attitude between the two has been
able to improve employee productivity in the workplace. Therefore, when
employees are treated properly, they can properly participate in the process of
organizational activities, which has a great impact on labor productivity.

A study of the relationship between ergonomic work environment and productivity

from a wide range of cross-sections across North America found that absenteeism was
reduced from 4% of workplace design to the first change (Moore, 1997). Employee
productivity was subjectively rated as significantly improved. Blue Cross Blue Shield
(2019) found a 4.4% increase in productivity after implementing an ergonomic design
in the employee's workplace. The Johns Hopkins Hospital's comprehensive ergonomics
program has reduced musculoskeletal disorders by 80% in 6 years. Intel reported a 72%
reduction in musculoskeletal disorders in the four years following the implementation of
the ergonomics program. Tech makers have increased their productivity by 5% through
ergonomic improvements to their employees' workstations. This productivity gain has
resulted in a net reduction in staff. Taking into account inflation, taxes and cost of
capital, the difference between ergonomic and non-ergonomic furniture will be
amortized within 8 months for first-time buyers.

One of the effects of ergonomics on work productivity can be seen in the dodol
packaging section in Penglatan Village, Buleleng (Santosa, 2017). Before the
intervention is carried out related to ergonomics for work productivity, workers can
wrap 20 to 30 packs of lunkhead for 1 (one) hour, after the intervention is carried out
workers can wrap 30 to 40 packs for 1 (one) hour. This intervention is carried out by
focusing on changes to existing work facilities. From the non-ergonomic work facilities,
there were many complaints from workers after finishing work, namely 100% of
workers felt very sick in the shoulders, neck, back, waist, buttocks, knees, calves, legs,
and arms. 100% no pain in the elbows and hands (Santosa, 2017). After implementing
the work facilities, there was a decrease in complaints, 70% of workers felt mild pain
and 30% felt pain in the neck, shoulders, arms, back, waist, buttocks, 80% of workers
felt mild pain and 20% pain in the arms, wrists, and hands. thighs, buttocks, knees,
calves and feet. After the implementation of work facilities in accordance with the
anthropometry of workers, there is an increase in productivity of 15%-22%. (Santosa,

The same thing also happened to the furniture business, PT Zamrud Java Teak,
where the benefits of ergonomics can increase employee productivity (Mindhayani &
Purnomo, 2016). Improvements made from participatory results are that workers are
given glasses, provide fans in the production area, workers are given ear plugs, get
togethers and eat together, schedule short breaks between work by giving sweet tea.
Besides that, stretching exercises are also carried out, doing work variations, placing
work equipment as close as possible to workers and providing chairs (chairs) to reduce
work attitudes that are not ergonomic. Improvement of work system with ergonomic
intervention can reduce work fatigue by 25.07%.

In this context, ergonomic principles need to be adopted and implemented,

especially in all departments of the industry, to ensure that employees can work more
safely, comfortably and healthily and be more productive. there is. It can also leave a
good impression of where employees work more efficiently in the workplace.
Manufacturing is especially important in developing countries as it plays an important
role in the transition to employment and industrial processes (Richline, 2015). The
main purpose is to study the working environment and productivity from an ergonomic
point of view, not only to ensure the health and safety of workers, but also to create a
working environment that allows workers to activate their physical characteristics and
physiological and psychological skills. Is to do.

Ergonomic interventions are actually an improvement process in all aspects of

organizational activity, so a good model for a successful intervention is to address as
many types of problems as possible, all in an organized manner. It should be aimed at
including aspects. In general, these issues are related to innovation and organizational
and environmental changes. Therefore, ergonomic intervention is a process that
executives, employees, and members of the working group develop through interaction.
These factors can also increase the quality of productivity through ergonomics defined
in different sectors.

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