Summo A TH: Seed Fola

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Tutovi al- 1 2too o3oo99

fow-9enoting tocils UStd toveCost5 ol
k tove Cost tnegy demand. The ovrage tompeaure
Cdgees Fahmohe ard the days ene1 okm ond (
r e cov d on uo,
m:llon watl- hrs) e rondomly Sel
-cEad i n t r dayS n the rg:0n Seedd b fola
Comrany.The Sample data o Summo A th
lloinq intonabon,

n 4o, Én=2000, y 2969,£ ay f43 0 42

l o lo 13 uo, S= 4302
Compule the neo Corelatvon Cet hcent tor th
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ol the Probltm

Se Given that
n to £x = 2000 Ey 2 6 , Eg 1304 2

E to1340, 2 2 t 3027

B OSing Ko Peas So nS CoTTeabon Coe Phrent

Can be Caluclated

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uoto134) 200)4o (u92)- C21

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An expesi mnt was Con ducted On a n e mode

o a P a vticulov make of an automo le to deler -

dist at
Vario uS SpeedS. he
-mine the storpin once

tolouoing data,wS reCorded

SPeLd, a (km/h) B5Bo 65 30 951lo

Stoppinq dstonce 16 26 62 88 l19

ba tCa
aFit ofthe tovm y
regre on Curve

w hen the Cav

bEstimate the
the Stoppinq d:ston C
S trave iling hour
CYave ling ot H0 kilomet YeS Pr

16 560
13 00

2 665 68
6 3844
95 360

19 130T0 4-16L
2 35 Sa 9o935 283

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Sr83 2 -C435

(y53.(66a) =--f.o52x (a.5

I. 5 to +t. 052x *2.5

- 1 9 , 36 4o t 23 .6 2 5 3 (C6+

5 2 11|

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