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Daily Lesson Plan

School: Sapang Dalaga Central Elementary School Grade: Kindergarten

Critic Teacher: Mrs. Jendie O. Elumbaring Quarter:4
Student Teacher: Lindon S. Borongan Date:January 09, 2020
Good afternoon children! ACTIVITY
TEACHER’S All pupils: Good afternoon
PUPILS’ sir!
I. OBJECTIVES How are you today? All pupils: We are fine sir!
Good to hear that!
A. Content Standard The
you demonstrates an understanding of letter
eaten your lunch? All pupils: Yes sir!
representation of sounds--that
Wow, I can really feel your energy letters as symbols
have names and distinct sounds.
B. Performance Standard The child
Let us shalland
dance besing
able to identify the letter names (Pupils will do as told)
and sounds.
C. Learning Competencies Identify what is addition;
Solving problem using addition; appreciate the
importance of addition.
Okay, you can now take your seats. All pupils: Thank you sir.
II. CONTENT Are you now ready for our new lesson today? All pupils: Yes sir, we are all ready.
A. Topic I can’t hear you! Say it loudly children.
Addition Yes sir! we are all ready!
Wow! This class is very alive and enthusiastic!
B. References K-12 Kindergarten Curriculum Guide p. 22
Before we start our lesson today, I will tell you
C. Materials construction paper, pencils,
about our classroom rules. whiteboard, markers
What will you do if your teacher is talking here in
D. Values Integration Know the importance of addition.
front ?
E. Subject Integration Very good! Let’s give Kris Aquino clap to jade
Numeracy Matthew: I will listen carefully sir.
If you want to answer, what will you do?
Very good children! Let’s give ourselves a (Pupils will do as told)
A. Preparatory Activities: fireworks claps.
Everybody, please stand for a prayer. Crystal: I will raise my right hand sir.
I hope you
(Teacher willwill
leadfollow our agreement
the prayer and pupilsas follow
we go as
to our
well) lesson. (Pupils will do as told)
Our father, we thank you for this wonderful
day that you have given to us. Thank you for the
blessings of life. Lord Jesus, we pray that as we
continue our lesson today, we may be able to learn
and penetrate it our hearts. This is all we pray in
the Mighty Name of Jesus Christ Our Lord. Amen.

1. Review Let’s have a review about our last topic.
Class, what was our topic last meeting? Rhen: Our topic last meeting was all about
Very good! counting numbers 1-10.
Okay, you may count 1 up to 10.
(Pupils do as told)
Very good! I think you are now ready to our new

2. Establishing a Purpose for the Lesson I have here a cut out picture, and all you have to
do is to arrange it and after that you will name
what is in the picture. Am I clear children? All pupils: Yes Sir!
( Showing pictures )
( Pupils will do as told )
From the cut out picture that you have arrange.
What did you notice?
Cyndie: It form a plus sign Sir!
Very good!

So what do you think is our topic for today? Fin: Our topic for today is all about addition.
Very good!

A. Development of the Lesson

1. Presenting Examples/Instances of the New Okay class, our lesson for today is all about
Lesson addition, but before that I will sing you a song
entitled “The addition”
Are you ready to listen the song?
Very good! All pupils: Yes sir!
Okay class, sit properly and listen to the song
( Pupils do as told )

“The addition”

When you add

When you add
You put numbers together
You put numbers together
The numbers are called addends
The numbers are called addends

When you add

When you add
You put numbers together
You put numbers together
The answer is called a sum
The answer is called a sum

2.Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New 1. What is the title of the song? Mike: The title of the song is called “The
Skills #1 Very good! The title of the song is called “The addition”

2. Do you know what is addition class?! Jevelwarl: Addition is the adding of two numbers
Very good! or more Sir!
Addition is the adding of two numbers or more

3. If you put numbers together what do you call Jaylord: Those numbers are called addends Sir!
those number?
Excellent answer Jaylord!

4. If you put numbers together, the answer is
called what? Ann: The answer is called sum.

Very good!
Let’s give a wow clap for everybody.

( Pupils do as told )
3. Discussing New Concepts and Practicing New Teaching addition.
Skills #2
1. If you have one ice cream and then someone
give you another one ice cream. How many balls Gomelyn: I have two ice cream Sir!
do you have?

Alright! Very good.

2. How about if you have two balls and then Dolly: My balls will be three Sir!
someone give you another one ball. How many
balls do you have?

Excellent answer!
Let’s give them an Onyok clap. ( Pupils do as told )
1. Developing Mastery ( Leads to Formative I am going to divide this class into two groups.
Assessment ) All you have to do is to follow my instructions in
each group.
Am I clear? Yes sir!
Very good!

Group 1

Directions: Add how many fruits do you have and
write your answer in the box.

Group 2
Direction: Add the fruits and match the correct

2. Finding Practical Application of Concepts and Why is it important to know how to add? Mike: It is important to know how to add because
Skills in Daily Living we use addition everyday.

3. Making Generalization and Abstraction About

the Lesson

How many pineapple do we have? All pupils: We have five pineapple Sir!
How about the second one? All pupils: It has three pineapple Sir!
Very good!

I. EVALUATING LEARNING Direction:Add the fruits and write your answer in

the box.

II. ASSIGNMENT Bring a crayon and 1 bondpaper next meeting.

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