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Compiled and Developed By Lect. Tülay Dağoğlu

Special thanks to Lect. Semih Beşkardeşler & Lect. Sonay Doyğun

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1. A paragraph is a group of related sentences that develop one main idea.
2. It is made up of three kinds of sentences that develop the writer’s main idea, opinion, or
feeling about a subject. These sentences are:

a. Topic sentence
b. Supporting sentences
c. Concluding sentence

3. The number of sentences is unimportant in a paragraph; however, the paragraph should be long
enough to develop the main idea clearly.

4. A paragraph may also be one part of a longer piece of writing such as a chapter of a book or an

A topic sentence has several important functions:

A. A topic sentence should always be a complete sentence. The followings are not
complete sentences.
Driving on freeways…
The importance of money…
How to register for college classes…

B. A topic sentence supports the idea of the paragraph subject.

There are several advantages of growing up in a small town.

Idea of the paragraph subject

C. It directs the order of the sentences and it briefly indicates what the paragraph is
going to discuss.

Most universities require an 80 point TOEFL score for a number of reasons.

what the paragraph is going to discuss

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D. It is a complete sentence and has three parts:
1. A subject (topic)
2. Verb
3. Controlling idea
1-2: Subject - Verb
a. Telephones / intrude into / the privacy of our daily lives.
Subject / verb / controlling idea
b. Most adults / find / learning a foreign language difficult.
Subject / verb / controlling idea
c. My roommate, John, / helps / me to speak English correctly.
Subject / verb / controlling idea

The controlling idea of a topic sentence is a word or phrase that controls the information in the
rest of the paragraph. Usually, the topic comes first and the controlling idea comes second in the
topic sentence. However, the controlling idea may come first.

a. Violence in Turkish society has several causes.

Topic controlling idea
b. There are several causes of violence in Turkish society.
controlling idea Topic
c. A good architect is both an artist and a mathematician.
Topic Controlling idea
d. Artistic talent and mathematical ability are two qualities of a good architect.
Controlling idea Topic

Recognizing Perfect Topic Sentences

Too general: My neighborhood is a nice place to live.
A good topic sentence: My neighborhood is fascinating because people from many countries live
in it.
Too general: Sports are exciting.
Still too general: Watching a soccer game keeps me involved.
Much better: Watching 2016 the Istanbul derby between Fenerbahçe and Galatasaray kept me on
the edge of the chair.

A sample paragraph: Underline the topic and circle the controlling idea:
Parents can help their children be successful in school by encouraging them. Children usually enjoy
playing games instead of studying. Therefore, parents should take the responsibility to monitor
their studying. They should also remind their children to do their homework at home after school.
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Moreover, parents can encourage them to study by buying story books with pictures, or they can
buy text books or tapes that help children learn to spell or read. The best way to encourage children
to study efficiently is to reward them when they get an “A”. As a child, I experienced this. My
parents gave me a gift when I got an ‘A’ in my math lesson. I was very excited. As a result, if
parents really want their children to succeed in school, they need to pay attention to their children’s
studies and encourage them.

PRACTICE 1: Choose the best topic sentence.

1. ______________________________________________. One thing you must
consider is the quality of the university’s educational program. You also need to think about
the school’s size and location. Finally, you must be sure to consider the university’s tuition
to make sure you can afford to go to school there.
a. It’s expensive to attend a university in Turkey.
b. There are several factors to consider when you choose a university to attend.
c. You should consider getting a good education.
2. _______________________________________________. One type of reality
television shows is the competition-based program. In these shows, contestants go through
a series of challenges, and whoever wins the most challenges at the end of the season gets a
big prize. Another type of popular reality shows is the documentary-based type. In these
shows, viewers watch people going about their daily lives and facing everyday challenges.
Finally, there are instructional reality shows. For example, there are shows that can teach
you how to cook a delicious meal in thirty minutes or redecorate your living room without
spending too much money.
a. There are many types of reality shows on television today.
b. Reality shows are my favorite type of television programs.
c. Anyone can learn to cook just by watching television.

PRACTICE 2: YOU TRY: Write specific topic sentences for given topics below:
The media___________________________________________
The weather_________________________________________
My childhood__________________________________________

NOTE: What the topic sentence is to the paragraph is what the thesis statement is to the essay.

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1. Put your supporting ideas in a logical order.
2. For each supporting idea, think of reasons, examples, names, numbers, and senses that further
explain the idea.
3. For balance, each supporting idea should have about the same amount of reasons, examples,
names, numbers, and senses.

A sample paragraph: Read the following paragraph and identify the supporting sentences.
Vegetables and fruits are an important part of a healthy diet. First, fruits and vegetables are packed
with the vitamins and minerals which you need to keep your body functioning smoothly. In
addition, they give you the carbohydrates you need for energy. Fruits and vegetables have lots of
fiber to help your digestive system work properly. Finally, many scientists believe that the nutrients
in fruits and vegetables can help fight diseases. If you eat a diet rich in fruits and vegetables, you
will be on the road to better health.

PRACTICE 3: Write supporting sentences:

1. There are several reasons why I am learning English.
b. ______________________________________________________________


Choosing concluding sentence

PRACTICE 4: Choose the best concluding sentence
1. My sister Ellen is one of the worst drivers I know. First of all, she is always talking on her
cellphone while she drives. To make matters worse, she doesn’t pay attention to road signs or
speed limits. Sometimes, she puts on lipstick while she’s at the red light and doesn’t notice when
the light turns green. Finally, she often forgets to use her turn signal when she makes a turn.
a. I won’t be surprised if Ellen gets into an accident soon.
b. Ellen has never gotten a speeding ticket.
c. Ellen’s new car is a hybrid; it uses less gas than a regular car.
1. Breakfast is the most important meal of the day. After sleeping all night, breakfast gives
your body the boost of energy it needs to start the day. Eating a healthy breakfast helps you
think more clearly and even improves your memory. Studies show that children who eat a
nutritious breakfast are more alert and do better in school. Similarly, adults who eat breakfast
perform better at work. _____________________________________________.
a. Some people skip breakfast and eat a big dinner.
b. Children who study hard usually do better in school.
c. My mother was right all along when she said, “Remember to eat a good breakfast.”

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1. Topic sentence: Choosing a college or university can be difficult for some reasons.

2. Supporting ideas: 1. Good preparation for major, 2. Affordable, 3. Good Location

We decided to order these supporting ideas according to importance as shown in the
outline below. Now we put this information into outline form and added some reasons,
examples, names, numbers, and senses for each supporting idea.

A. Good preparation for your major

1. Hard curriculum
2. Qualified professors
B. Affordable
1. Being able to pay tuition and living expenses
2. Possibility of scholarships
C. Good Location
1. Study environment
2. Possibilities of part-time job in your major

3. Concluding sentence: You should consider these points carefully so you can choose the most
appropriate college or university for you.


Choosing a college or university can be difficult for some reasons. The most difficult part is
finding a university that prepares you well for your future career. In order to get a good job, the
curriculum that is taught must be thorough and up-to-date. In addition, the professors must be
highly qualified and respected in their fields. Another difficulty in choosing a university or college
is affordability. You need to be able to pay the tuition fees and living expenses. Some institutions
might be able to offer you scholarships if you cannot afford the fees. A good location is also very
important when choosing a school. The environment should be safe and quiet to facilitate studying.
Moreover, there should be possibilities near the school for part-time or summer jobs in your major,
so you can get some practical work experience. You should consider all of these points carefully
so you can choose the most appropriate college or university for you.

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By using information, please write a well-organized paragraph. Note: You don’t need to use
all notes
A. Topic: The Value of a University Education
Questioning whether you should go to university? Here are some ways that a college education will
make you a better person:
1. It will likely make you more successful.
2. It will give you a better quality of life.
3. It will give you the power to change the world.
4. It will be something you can pass on to your children.
5. It makes you a major contributor to the greatest nations on earth.
6. It provides you greater economic strength and security.
7. It will give you more prestigious employment and greater job satisfaction.
8. It will give you greater knowledge of the world events.
9. It will give you more self-confidence.
10. It will give you more money and greater quality of life.

The Value of a University Education


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Choose ONE of the following topics and write a well organized paragraph.

1. Being a famous person

2. Benefits of being young
3. Having a job while attending college / university
4. Write a paragraph about the important points to be considered before moving / buying a house.

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A good paragraph and essay have the elements of coherence and unity.


Coherence means that your paragraph is easy to read and understand because (1) your
supporting sentences are in some kind of logical order and (2) your ideas are connected by the use
of appropriate transition signals. (3) Coherence in writing means that all the ideas in a paragraph
flow smoothly from one sentence to the next sentence. With coherence, the reader has an easy time
understanding the ideas that you wish to express.

Consider the following paragraph:

My hometown is famous for several amazing natural features. First, it is noted for the Wheaton
River, which is very wide and beautiful. On either side of this river, which is 175 feet wide, are
many willow trees which have long branches that can move gracefully in the wind. In autumn, the
leaves of these trees fall and cover the riverbanks like golden snow. Second, on the other side of
the town is Wheaton Hill, which is unusual because it is very steep. Even though it is steep,
climbing this hill is not dangerous, because there are some firm rocks along the sides that can be
used as stairs. There are no trees around this hill, so it stands clearly against the sky and can be
seen from many miles away. The third amazing feature is the Big Old Tree. This tree stands 200
feet tall and is probably about six hundred years old. These three landmarks are truly amazing
and make my hometown a famous place.

Analyzing the paragraph:

Major Connectors:
Look at the words in bold font. Do you see how they help guide the reader? For example, consider
the words, First, Second, and the third amazing feature. We can call these words major
connectors. Major connectors help organize the main parts of your paragraph. This paragraph has
three main parts: (1) a part about the Wheaton River, (2) a part about Wheaton Hill, and (3) a part
about the Big Old Tree. Another way of saying this is that this paragraph has three main points
which are indicated by the major connectors. Using such major connectors is an important way of
providing coherence in a paragraph.

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also furthermore next

another reason in addition one reason
besides last second
finally last but not least the third reason
first moreover the most important reason
first of all most importantly


as an illustration for instance such as

especially specifically to illustrate
for example

Identifying Transitions

Underline transitions in the paragraph below

English is only one of the world’s 6,800 languages, but it is rapidly becoming a truly international
language. First of all, English is the native language of more than 400 million people scattered
across every continent. In fact, English is used in some way by one out of seven people around the
globe, making it the most widely spoken language in history. Approximately 50 percent of the
world’s books are published in English. In addition, three quarters of all mails, faxes, and
electronic messages are written in English. English is also the main language of science,
technology, and international business. More than half of all scientific and technical journals are
written in English, and more than 80 percent of the information stored in computers around the
world is in English. More than half of all business deals in Europe are conducted in English, and
many more are negotiated in English in other parts of the international business community.
Finally, English is the language of sports and entertainment. For example, it is the official language
of both the Olympics and the Miss Universe Pageant. English is the language of more than 60
percent of the world’s radio and TV programs. More than ever before, English is now the most
widely used and studied language of the world.


Unity is a very important characteristic of good paragraph writing. Unity means that you discuss
only one main idea in a paragraph. That is, all the sentences -- the topic, supporting sentences,
the detail sentences, and (sometimes) the concluding sentence -- are all telling the reader about

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ONE main topic. If your paragraph contains a sentence or some sentences that are NOT related to
the main topic, then we say that the paragraph "lacks unity," or that the sentence is "off-topic."

Look at the following paragraph, which is similar to the paragraph that we have studied above.
Does it have perfect unity? Try to find the sentence that is off-topic:

Each of the Russian carried out space exploration projects had specific major goals.

For example, the Vostok project was designed to test whether or not human beings could survive
and function in outer space. For another example, the Voshkhod project was intended to find out
whether people could work in the weightless environment of space. One Voshkhod cosmonaut
experimented with weightlessness by taking a "spacewalk." That is, he floated in a spacesuit
outside his Voshkhod spacecraft, connected to it by a tether. The cosmonaut to do this was Alexei
Leonov. Several weeks later, Leonov's spacewalk was followed by that of U.S. astronaut Ed White.
Finally, the Soyuz project, with three cosmonauts, had goals of testing spacecraft and space flight
skills so that people could fly long missions in Earth orbit.

This paragraph is generally good, but the sentence, “Several weeks later, Leonov's spacewalk was
followed by that of U.S. astronaut Ed White” does not have anything to do with the major goals of
the various Russian space projects. That is, it is an "off-topic" sentence, so we can say that the
paragraph somewhat lacks unity. In order to improve the paragraph, we should omit this sentence,
even though it is historically accurate.

Examples of paragraphs that show coherence and unity:

1. There are some useful ways to get the grade you want in this class. 2. Before the class, you must
preview the lessons you will listen to tomorrow. 3. Previewing is a perfect learning habit to help
you improve your learning efficiency. 4. After previewing, you can know what the teachers will
teach the next day. 5. Then you can listen to your teachers with the questions you found the day
before. 6. In the class, you have to listen to your teacher carefully. 7. Your teachers are professional
and dedicated, and they can solve all of your problems about your studies. 8. Listening carefully
can also help you to get more information or details about tests. 9. You can also confirm the
knowledge you are not sure about, and it is an important way to improve your grade. 10. Practicing
more after class is also an important part; more practice for grammar or writing can help you to
memorize. 11. Don’t be passive – instead be active and speak more English, and you will improve
your speaking and listening. 12. The more exercises you do, the higher grade you will get. 13. If
you want to get the grade you want in this class, do these things before, in, and after classes.

The 1st sentence (topic sentence) is echoed (but not repeated) in the 13th concluding sentence.
The 2nd, 3rd, 4th, and 5th sentences introduce an idea (previewing) and then give more information
about that idea.
The 6th, 7th, 8th and 9th sentences introduce a second idea (listening) and then give more information
about that idea.
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The 10th, 11th, and 12th sentences introduce a third idea (making the effort to study) and then give
more information about that idea.
The 13th sentence is the concluding sentence.
Notice the use of both time words and placement of time words as well as repeated words for

Analyzing Paragraph for unit:

Identify the sentence that does not relate to the main idea.
I love the location of my new house. For one thing, it’s in a very safe neighborhood, and I’m not
afraid to go out alone. There’s almost no crime, and most people don’t even lock their doors. In
addition, the neighborhood is in a convenient location. Lots of stores, schools, and restaurants are
nearby. Within a few miles, there is also a library, health and fitness center, and movie theater.
Most of all, I really like the people who live in this neighborhood. They’re friendly and helpful and
seem to want to keep our community safe and clean. My new house is roomy, comfortable, and
sunny, but I need to buy some more furniture. I definitely chose a great location to buy a house.


Topic sentence: The importance of family values

A. Supporting idea
B. Supporting idea
C. Supporting idea

Concluding Sentence



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Choose one of them and write a well-structured paragraph.

1. Why do people work?

2. Why do students study abroad?
3. The importance of university education
4. How does travelling world affect a person’s life and personality?

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Descriptive writing makes the reader’s senses come alive. Using descriptive writing techniques can
turn a simple statement into a detailed image that will form a picture in the reader’s mind.

Effective descriptive adjectives can make your descriptions stronger. Some common adjectives,
such as big, loud, or nice, are general and less descriptive than other adjectives. Choosing a more
specific adjective gives the reader a clearer picture of what you are describing.


The topic sentence of a descriptive paragraph should include who or what you are describing and
your dominant impression of the person, place, or thing.
Read the following topic sentences and discuss the questions with a partner.
1. My grandfather is getting old, but he is still handsome and careful about his
a. Who is the author describing?
b. How does the author feel about the subject?
2. Although it was made with love, the sweater my aunt gave me is one of the ugliest
things I’ve ever seen.
a. What is the author describing?
b. How does the author feel about the object?

More sample topic sentences:

My most treasured possession is the beautiful pearl ring my grandmother gave me.
My brother’s new girlfriend is absolutely gorgeous.
The first time I met Jason, I thought he appeared frail and sickly.
My favorite piece of furniture is an old leather armchair that has been in our family room
for many years.
Our new teacher is tall and thin and she looks very stern.
I can’t wait to get rid of our old, rusty lawn mower.

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When you describe a person, you explain what he or she looks and acts like. You write about
physical characteristics such as height, weight, and hair color. You can also write about the
person’s style of clothing and way of talking and walking. The key to writing a good description is
to use details that help the reader imagine the person you are describing.

Activity 1. Read the paragraph and underline the descriptive details:

The police is searching for a stylish woman who cleverly stole a diamond ring from Dayton’s Jewelry
Store. According to the store manager, the woman has short, curly brown hair and big blue eyes. She is
average height, slender, and about sixty-five years old. When was last seen, she was elegantly dressed
in a grey hat, a black and white plaid coat, black pants, and black high-heeled boots. She speaks softly
and uses her hands a lot when she talks. She doesn’t look like someone who would steal a ring!

Activity 2.
A. Read this telephone conversation.
Lucia: I'm so glad you called me today. I have a big problem and I hope you can help me.
Clara: What's the problem? I'll help if I can.
Lucia: My cousin is coming home tonight from his trip to Europe and I'm supposed to pick him up
at the airport at seven. The problem is that I just found out I have to work late tonight. Can you
possibly pick him up for me?
Clara: Sure. What airline is he taking?
Lucia: British Airways. Flight 607.
Clara: OK. But how will I recognize him?
Lucia: Well, he's medium height and average weight. He wears glasses, and he dresses very well.
Clara: That could be almost anyone. Can you be more specific?
Lucia: Well, his hair is blond and curly. I almost forgot! He has a beard.
Clara: What's his name?
Lucia: Ernie Norton.
Clara: OK, no problem. I'll find him.
Lucia: Thank you so much!
At the last minute, Clara was unable to go to the airport. Her brother Ben has agreed to pick Ernie
up instead. Clara wrote him a note describing Ernie so that he would be able to find him. What did
Clara's note say? The following questions should help you.
 Is he tall or short?
 Is he fat or thin?
 What color hair does he have?
 Is his hair curly or straight?
 Does he wear glasses?
 Is there anything about him that you notice immediately?
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B. Pretend you are Clara. Write a note to Ben describing Ernie.

Dear Ben,

In order to describe a person, you need to give such details:
Supporting Idea 1: Physical Appearance
Supporting Idea 2: Character
Supporting Idea 3: Lifestyle

Chris Martin, who moved into the house next door to mine two years ago, is truly eccentric. First,
the most striking thing about Chris is his appearance. His slender body is usually adorned in some
kind of tight fitting, multi-colored cat suit, which makes him look like a comic book super hero.
His hair is as crazy as his clothes, going from yellow at the front, to red, to blue, to green at the
back and it sticks up as if he had styled it with the help of a powerful electric current. In spite of his
strange appearance, he is a truly decent person and the world would be a better place if there were
more of him. He is very friendly, polite, caring, always remembering birthdays with a photograph
of a bouquet of flowers and bringing me a bowl of chicken soup if I’m ill. He helps anyone, and is
ready to listen to everyone’s problems. He tends to be aggressive time to time because people make
fun of his appearance. Although he is never described as an ordinary person, life would be boring
without him and I feel lucky to have a neighbor like Chris. His combination of unpredictability and
genuinely kindness makes him a valuable friend.

Descriptive Words

Height Age Body Type Hair Features

Medium Ancient Athletic Blond Beard

Short Elderly Frail Curly Dimple
Shortish Middle-aged Heavy Dark Freckles
Tall Old Muscular Light Mole
Tallish Teenaged Petite Long Mustache
young Plump Red Scar
Skinny Short Wrinkles
Stocky Straight
Thin Wavy

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Writing Exercise 1.
A. Choose someone you know well to describe. For example, a friend, relative, classmate,
teacher, or coworker. Make a list of descriptive details about the person.

B. Look over your list. What is the main impression about the person? Use your main
impression to write a topic sentence.

Write a description of the person.



Read the paragraph and answer the questions that follow.

I bought a beautiful antique gold watch to give my father for his birthday. Although it’s
more than sixty years old, it’s in excellent condition. The round face of the watch is
white with shiny raised gold numbers and thin black hands. It’s about 36 millimeters in
diameter. The back of the watch has a small scratch and the letters JHL engraved on it.
They are probably the original owner’s initials. The band is made of soft brown leather
with a gold buckle. I know my father will love the watch because it still keeps perfect
time after all these years.

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1. What details does the author use to describe the pocket watch?
2. What is the concluding sentence?

Descriptive Details

Color Shape Size Smell Taste Texture

Black Flat Average Fresh Bitter Rough

Blue Oval Big Fruity Bland Sharp
Orange Rectangular Enormous Mild Fruity Silky
Round Huge Pungent Nutty Smooth
Square Small Smoky Oily Soft
Yellow Triangular Tiny Strong Rich

Write a few sentences to describe each of the following things. Use sensory words in your
1. Your favorite food

2. Your favorite possession

3. Your favorite item of clothing

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A. Study the chart.


a, soft young Egyptian cotton hand towel
an, ugly old blue winter sweater
the small round wooden salad bowl

B. Here are some examples from each category of adjectives. Add three adjectives
for each group.

1. Opinion or judgment: beautiful, ugly, easy, fast, _________________________

2. Size: small, tall, huge ________________________________
3. Age: young, old, _____________________________
4. Shape: round, flat, square,____________________________
5. Color: red, black, _______________________________
6. Origin: Mexican, Asian,___________________________
7. Material: wooden, metal, ___________________________
8. Purpose: racing (car), baseball (cap), _________________________

C. Choose the correct order of adjectives to complete the sentences.

1. I invited a(n) __________________student to the meeting.

a. young engineering intelligent
b. intelligent young engineering
c. engineering young intelligent

2. She wore a _______________ dress to the party.

a. lovely blue cotton
b. cotton blue lovely
c. blue lovely cotton
3. I found ___________coins in the drawer.
a. silver three old
b. old silver three
c. three old silver

4. The restaurant serves ________________food.

a. delicious gourmet French
b. French delicious gourmet
c. gourmet delicious French

5. There is a (n) ________________ table in the corner of the room.

a. square wooden old
b. old square wooden
c. old wooden square

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In order to describe a thing or an object, you need to give such details:
Supporting Idea 1: What is it? What is it used for?
Supporting Idea 2: How does it look?

I have eaten pizza in many places, and none is as good as the pizza of Cabimas. Customers have to
wait in line to get a table but the waiting is worth it. Once they are seated, pizza-lovers can choose
from many varieties of pizza, such as pizza with shrimp and smoked oysters or pizza with pine nuts
and garlic, but my favorite is the sausage and pepperoni. First of all, it is big. When the waiter puts
it down in front of me, I feel happy because I will get enough to eat. It smells of garlic, oil, and
spices. And it looks delicious too. The sauce oozes out from under a layer of rich melted cheese.
The best part is the first bite. I sink my teeth into a slightly crunchy crust, thick tomato sauce and
gooey cheese, and I am in heaven. I can eat two of these pizzas in one night, even though I know I
will have a stomachache afterwards. I am convinced that the best pizza in the world is still at Papa's
restaurant a couple of blocks from the house where I grew up.

Writing Exercise 2:
A. Pretend that you have lost something that is special to you. Make a list of descriptive
details about the object. Answer these questions to help you make your list.

 What size is it?

 What shape is it?
 What color is it?
 How heavy is it?
 What are its main characteristics?
 What other things does it look like?
B. Write a topic sentence for your description that includes the object and how you feel
about it.

C. Write a description of the object so that people can help you find it.
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When you describe a place, you use spatial order to organize the details according to their
A. Read the postcard.

I’m sorry I didn’t get to see you while you were in Boston. It was so hot here that we went to
our favorite campsite in the mountains. It’s near the top of the Mount Greylock in the
Berkshires. The view is spectacular in the evening. The sky turns bright orange and pink as the
sun sets behind the hills in the distance. From the tower at the top of the mountain you can
look down at the valleys and rivers below. The hiking trails are long and shady. There’s a
small pond near the campsite where we can swim when we get hot. The site is very clean and
rarely crowded. Best of all, there’s always a refreshing cool breeze! Let me know when you’ll
be in Boston again.

Love, Carolyn

B. What details does Carolyn use to describe Mount Greylock?


In order to describe a place, you need to give such details:

Supporting Idea 1: Location

Supporting Idea 2: Characteristics features

İstanbul is a unique city in the world with its many beauties. First of all, it is the only city in the
whole world, which stretches from one continent to the other, from Asia to Europe. It is located on
two continents. The most striking view of the world is the pearl of Bosphorous, Bosphorous
Bridge. The harmony of cries of seagulls and the deafening noise of traffic welcomes you. Also,
history has left its touch on İstanbul, especially in Sultanahmet with palaces, museums, basilicas
etc. When you walk through Sultanahmet, you feel that the Sultans of Ottoman are ready to go and
ride their horses around. Finally, sparkling neighbourhood of İstanbul, Taksim, is a melting pot,
with countless hordes of people sitting in cramped street cafes surrounded with the sound of music
and clinking glasses. It is a manic place. All in all, more than words are necessary to describe

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Use of Similes in Descriptive paragraphs
Descriptive writing may use similes to make something seem more familiar or more creative.
Similes make ideas easier to understand, and they can also express feelings. Similes are often used
in literature and poetry. Look at the famous examples below:

The sun was like a glowing ball of fire. —Shakespeare

/ was young and easy ... and happy as the grass was green. —Dylan Thomas
My love is like a red, red rose. —Robert Burns

Simile Structure
• A simile can use the preposition like + noun or noun phrase. The stars looked like diamonds.
• A simile can also use as ... as + noun or noun phrase. This kind of simile also uses an adjective.
He is as clever as a fox.

Identifying similes
Match the first half of each sentence with the second half.
1. The house a. smelled sweet like honey.
2. The ocean b. is as solid as a rock.
3. The cold wind c. sparkles like a diamond.
4. Their friendship d. was as fast as a bullet.
5. The train e. cut sharply like a knife.
6. The air f. was as huge as a castle.

Descriptive Words

clean hot quiet

cold humid rural
colorful industrial sandy
cool modern smoky
crowded mountainous spectacular
flat narrow wide
fresh old windy

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Activity 1
Look at the picture. Pretend you are on vacation there and write a postcard to a friend describing the
place. Use at least five descriptive words from the list.


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Activity 2
A. Choose one of the following topics to write about.
 Your favorite place to go and relax such as a beach, a park, or your bedroom
 Your favorite place to eat such as your grandmother’s kitchen or a restaurant you like
 Your favorite place to go with your friends such as a mall or a coffee shop

B. Make a list of details describing the place.

C. Write a topic sentence that names the place and gives your main impression of it.

Use your details and topics sentence to write your paragraph.


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Choose one of them and write a well-organized paragraph.

1. Describe a person from a story, novel, film, TV series

2. Describe a tradition in your country.

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(a thought or belief of something or someone).

This paragraph is made of four basic elements.

1. A topic sentence.
2. A reason.
3. Supporting details.
4. A conclusion.

Expressing Opinions:
Read the article and answer the questions:

In my opinion, children who do not speak English should be taught in their native language. First of all,
these children will feel more comfortable in a strange school if they hear and speak their native language. If
they spend most of the day unable to understand what teachers and other students are saying, they feel
lonely and confused. In addition, they will be able to understand subjects like math, history, and science
more easily if they are taught in their native language. This way they can concentrate on the new content
information and cannot be distracted by decoding a new language at the same time. Finally, there is no
research evidence proving that English-only programs are better or even appropriate for children who are
still developing their basic cognitive-linguistic skills. For example, learning how to read the first time is too
complicated in a language that a student does not understand.

a. What is the author’s opinion?

b. What three major reasons does the author give to support his or her opinion?


A good opinion paragraph should give the reader something to think about. It should
include convincing reasons presented in a logical order.

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Read the two opinion paragraphs about the Internet. Cross out the irrelevant sentence in each

1. In my opinion, the Internet is the most valuable tool we have today for accessing
information. No matter what or who you’re looking for, you can probably find the information you
need quickly and easily on the Internet. Information that used to be difficult or time-consuming to
find is now just a few clicks away. For example, by using search engines on the Internet, it’s easy to
locate long lost friends or family members. In addition, you can find scholarly information on
almost any topic you want to study even if you don’t have access to a university library. From
literature and history, to medicine and music, the Internet has thousands of websites dedicated to
providing information. This means that everyone has equal access to information. The word Internet
was first used in 1982. Finally, the Internet allows new information to be transmitted almost
instantly. As soon as something happens in the news, you can read about it on the Internet. In
today’s world, where the more you know the better off you are, the Internet may very well hold the
key to success!

2. I think there is too much information available on the Internet today. First of all, much of
the information on the Internet is unreliable and misleading. With no one regulating or fact-
checking what is put on the Internet, it is very hard to know if the information you’re reading is
even true. It’s easy to find the definition of a word on the Internet. In addition, much of the
information that is readily available on the Internet can be dangerous in the wrong hands. For
instance, it is easy to gain access to other people’s personal information. Pictures, names, addresses,
and phone numbers are only a few clicks away. Even credit card numbers are easy for hackers to
access. Finally, all of this information can lead to something called “information overload.” If you
don’t know what information overload is, don’t worry. There is a lot of information about it on the
Internet! Basically, information overload happens when you have too much information to make a
decision or remain informed about a topic. In conclusion, there is definitely far too much
information on the Internet –some of which is personal, dangerous, or simply false.

1. TOPIC SENTENCE THAT EXPRESSES AN OPINION (Agreement or disagreement.) (in this

case on the topic “lotteries should be banned”)
For writing a topic sentence you can use any of these patterns:
I strongly agree that lotteries should be banned.
For writing a topic sentence you can use any of these patterns.
I totally agree that … (subject -verb)
I disagree that… (subject -verb)
I don’t agree… (subject -verb)
I am for/against the idea that…
There are _____(some ) reasons why …..( lotteries should be banned)

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Write a topic sentence for each paragraph
1. ___________________________________________________________________.
First of all, more public transportation will help solve the traffic problem in our city.
Secondly, public transportation provides an inexpensive means of transportation for people
who cannot afford to buy cars. Most importantly, public transportation is better for the
environment because it produces less air pollution.
2. ___________________________________________________________________.
The most obvious point is that you can earn extra money. Secondly, working part-time and
going to school will help you learn to manage your time more effectively. Hopefully this
will make you a more organized person. Finally, you can gain some work experience that
will help you get a better job when you graduate.

3. ___________________________________________________________________.
First of all, genetically modified (GM) plants can survive weed killers. That means they
require less chemical spraying. Many GM plants even produce their own insecticides.
Planting GM crops also lowers farmers’ costs. Finally, when farmers plant GM crops, they
increase their output. That means more food at a lower cost.

Writing Exercise 1
A. Decide which ones support the opinion that watching TV is good for children.
Mark those with a G. Also decide which sentences support the opinion that watching
TV has bad effects on children. Mark those with B.
______1. Watching TV is too passive.
______2. Watching TV can be an educational experience.
______3. There is too much violence on TV.
______4. TV provides windows to different countries, culture, and languages.
______5. Children get a biased picture of society from TV.
______6. TV gives children free entertainment and a time to relax quietly.
______7. Children are too influenced by the commercials they see on TV.

B. Fill in the outlines. The topic sentences are given. Use sentences from exercise A
as main supporting points. You will fill in the details later.
Outline 1
Topic Sentence: Watching TV is good for children.
Main supporting point 1: Watching TV can have an educational experience.
Detail: TV stations such as the Learning Channel, Animal Planet, Discovery, and the
History Channel teach children about science, history, and the arts.
Main supporting point 2: __________________________________________________.
Detail: _______________________________________________________________
Main supporting point 3: ___________________________________________________.
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Detail: __________________________________________________________________

Outline 2
Topic Sentence: Watching TV has bad effects on children.
Main supporting point 1: ___________________________________________________
Detail: __________________________________________________________________
Main supporting point 2: __________________________________________________.
Detail: _______________________________________________________________
Main supporting point 3: ___________________________________________________.
Detail: __________________________________________________________________

C. Now read and discuss the list of sentences that follows. There are details that go
with the main supporting points. Complete the outlines in Exercise B by writing each
detail under the appropriate major supporting points.
 Television can provide a pleasant escape from the stress that many children
 Many TV shows reinforce negative gender and racial stereotypes.
 TV shows on the Learning Channel, Animal Planet, Discovery, and the History
Channel teach children about science, history, and the arts.
 Documentaries show children what is going in different parts of the world.
 A recent study shows that children in the United States see 40,000 commercials each
 There are more than seven acts of violence per hour on prime-time TV, and many
violent TV shows are on Saturday mornings when children are watching.
 Instead of sitting in front of the TV, children should be engaging in more creative
behaviors and doing more active activities outdoors.
 Some of the most violent TV shows are cartoon, where violence is portrayed as
funny, and the realistic effects of violence are not shown.
 Long-time favorites such as Sesame Street and Mr. Rogers can help develop
children’s socialization and learning skills.
 Young children cannot distinguish program content from commercials, especially
when their favorite TV characters are promoting a product.
 Studies show that children who watch too much television are more likely to be
 Children tend to think that problems can be resolved in half an hour like they are
often on television.

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 Scientists from the University of Siena in Italy found that children experience a
soothing effect by watching cartoons.
Use your outline to help you write the paragraph.


Writing Exercise 2
A. Discuss the following topics in small groups. Talk about the pros and cons of
each situation. Fill in the chart with your group’s ideas. Then write a sentence that
expresses your own personal opinion on each topic.
1. Mother with small children working outside the house


Opinion statement: In my opinion: ________________________________________________


2. Using death penalty as a form of criminal punishment


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Opinion statement: _________________________________________________________
3. Meeting people through online dating sites

Opinion statement: ______________________________________________________________



Write an opinion paragraph about one of the topics above and use your opinion statement
as the topic sentence. Then use your reasons and details to support your opinion. Use some
of the words from the box that signal order of importance.

I completely agree that school uniform is a bad idea.
There are 3 simple reasons why smoking should be banned in public places. First …..


first also one(way, reason, example)

first of all in addition another (way, reason, example)
for one thing second the next (way, reason, example)
most importantly finally the most important (way, reason, example)

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2. REASONS (in this case three reasons on the topic “lotteries should be banned”)
The reasons explain why you agree or disagree on the topic.

Lotteries are a waste of money.

Lotteries are addictive.
Lotteries are not really a good chance to make money.

To introduce a reason you can use any of these transition words.

Reason 1: First, firstly, first of all, to begin with
Reason 2: In addition, secondly, moreover, furthermore, another reason is that …
Reason 3: third, thirdly, finally.

Example: First, as I see it, lotteries are a waste of money… (Supporting details). Secondly,
lotteries are addictive… (Supporting details). Finally, lotteries are not really a good chance to
make money.

You can use any of these expressions to state your opinion when you introduce an opinion.
In my opinion, as I see it, to my view, I consider (that), I think (that), on my point of view, I am
convinced that, it seems to me that, I feel, I (strongly, firmly) believe.

Example: First, I strongly believe that lotteries are a waste of money…

The supporting details are included after the reasons. They are the arguments that support your

Reason 1: Lotteries are a waste of money.
Supporting detail: Less money to buy things we need.

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To begin with, I strongly believe that lotteries are a waste of money. Every time we buy the lottery
we have less money to buy things we need such as medicine or food.

Reason 2: Lotteries are addictive

Supporting detail: If you don’t win, you want more tickets.

Another reason is that playing the lottery is addictive. When we buy a lottery ticket and we don’t
win, we may buy more and more tickets.

Reason 3: Lotteries are not really a good chance to make money.

Supporting detail: Winning the lottery depends on only luck.

Finally, I consider that playing the lottery is not a really good chance to make money because we
can’t use our abilities or skills to win the lottery. Winning the lottery depends on only luck.

You can use any of these transition words to begin your conclusion.
To sum up, in brief, in short, to conclude, al in all, in conclusion.

To conclude, I believe that it is not a good idea to buy a lottery ticket because it is a waste of
money, it is addictive and it is not really a good chance to make money.

Lotteries should be banned
I strongly agree that lotteries should be banned. To begin with, I strongly believe that
lotteries are a waste of money. Every time we play the lottery, therefore we have less money to buy
things we need such as medicine or food. Another reason is that playing the lottery is addictive.
When we buy a lottery ticket and we don’t win, we may buy more and more tickets. Finally, I
consider that playing the lottery is not a really good chance to make money because we can’t use
our abilities or skills to win the lottery. Winning the lottery depends only on luck. To conclude, I
believe that it is not a good idea to play the lottery because it is a waste of money, it is addictive,
and it is not really a good chance to make money.

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Mobile phones at school

Nowadays more and more students bring their mobile phones to school. While I believe
that students should carry mobile phones in case of an emergency, I am strongly opposed to phones
being used at school, particularly in the classroom. Firstly, many students travel to and from
school without their parents. Therefore, it is important for them to have a mobile phone in case
they need help or have an accident on the way to school or home. Furthermore, parents who work
may need to contact their children. For example, if a parent has to work late, the student has to be
told if arrangements have been made for a relative or neighbour to look after them. On the other
hand, nothing is more disruptive during a lesson than the sound of a mobile phone ringing or
playing an annoying tune. Moreover, students who send and receive text messages in class are not
paying attention to the lesson. In conclusion, I feel that students should be allowed to take mobile
phones to school for using in an emergency. However, all phones should certainly be turned off
during lessons.


I believe that physical education should be mandatory in school as it promotes healthy

living. First of all, physical education promotes healthy living by increasing fitness levels. As
you become more fit, your strength and endurance improve. Secondly, physical education leads to
a healthier life because it encourages students to think about making better food choices such as
increasing the fruits and vegetables in their diet. Thirdly, physical education promotes healthy
living because exercise helps reduce stress which makes it easier to do well at school. In
conclusion, high schools should make physical education requirement because it can really help
students become stronger and healthier both physically and mentally.

A policy that requires public school students to wear uniforms would be a bad idea for
several reasons. First of all, no style of clothing looks good on everyone. In their pre-teen and
teen years, students are especially sensitive about their appearance, and having to wear clothing
that doesn’t fit them well will do little to help their fragile self-esteems. In addition, uniforms are
expensive. Students would need to have at least two complete sets of uniforms to allow for
laundering, which could be very costly for parents. Of course, since most students aren’t likely to
wear their uniforms after school, parents also have to purchase everyday clothes like jeans, shirts,
and skirts, adding significantly to the amount they must spend on clothes. Furthermore, during the
school year students may outgrow their uniforms or other clothing, increasing the cost for some
families. Finally, a uniform policy ignores families’ rights and freedom to make clothing decisions
that are best for them. Certainly schools should be able to restrict clothing that features obscene or
objectionable slogans or that exposes too much skin. However, making all students dress the same
says that individuality is less important than conformity. To conclude, the world already has too
many followers, so public schools should allow students the freedom to express their unique
personalities through their clothing.
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Choose one of them and write an opinion paragraph

1. In your opinion what factors contribute to a good movie?

2. Many people believe that women make better parents than men and this is why they have
the greater role in raising children in most societies. Others claim that men are just as good as
women at parenting. Write a paragraph expressing your point of view. Give reasons for your
3. Should lovers celebrate Valentine's Day?
4. Should students be allowed to grade their teachers?

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A cause and effect paragraph is a paragraph that indicates the cause (or reason) that produces an
effect (or result), or the paragraph that points out the effect (or result) produced by a cause. The
function of cause/effect is usually to answer the questions 'Why', such as 'Why did it happen?' or
'What', such as 'What are its causes? ‘or 'What are its effects? ‘In short, the cause/effect
paragraph explains why a condition occurs or the effect that this condition brings about.

Read the paragraph. Circle the topic sentence. Underline the three main reasons the student
gives for taking a year off from college.

I’ve decided to take a year off from college for several reasons. First of all, I need to work
for a while because the tuition has gone up. Paying the tuition and living in the dorm is
very expensive. I know I can save money by living at home and working. In addition, I
need time away from school to think about my major. Since I’m not really sure what
career path I want to pursue, I don’t want to waste time and money taking the wrong
courses. Most importantly, I just need a break from the streets of school. I was feeling a lot
of pressure to get high grades and excel at everything at school. I was also getting
headaches and stomachaches due to all the stress. I haven’t made my decision lightly, but I
hope it is the right one.

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Because and since introduce a clause that I took my umbrella because it was raining.
states a reason or cause of something. The
cause clause can come at the beginning of a Because it was raining, I took my umbrella.
sentence or at the end of a sentence. Use a I took my umbrella since it was raining.
comma if the clause that begins with because
or since comes at the beginning of a sentence. Since it was raining, I took my umbrella.

Due to and because of introduce a noun

phrase that states a cause. The cause phrase I took my umbrella due to the rain.
can come in the middle of the sentence or at
Due to the rain, I took my umbrella.
the beginning of a sentence. Use a comma if
the phrase that begins with because of or due I took my umbrella because of the rain.
to comes at the beginning of a sentence.
Because of the rain, I took my umbrella.


Complete the sentences

1. I am learning English because _________________________________________________

2. Due to the drought, ________________________________________________________
3. _____________________________________________________ because of the crisis in
the economy.
4. Since my job is very stressful, ________________________________________________
5. Elis raised her hand because _________________________________________________.
6. Since I can’t speak English fluently, ____________________________________________
7. _______________________________________________________due to high rate of

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When you write a paragraph about causes, your topic sentence should include the situation
(decision, event, etc.) and the number of causes. You can use expressions such as several
reasons, three main causes, etc.

 There are several reasons why I decided to move to New York.

 The economy is doing well in this country for several reasons.

 Studies show that there are several causes of diabetes in adults.

Write topic sentences for the following paragraphs.

1. ___________________________________________________________. Some
people move because they want to find better jobs or to advance their careers. Others
are attracted to new places because the weather is better. Still, others want to move to a
place with less crime. Finally, people often want to move to a place with a lower cost of
living. For these reasons, every year millions of people pack up and move to new

2. _________________________________________________________________.
One reason so many American children are overweight is that they eat too much junk
food that is high in calories, sugar, and fat. Another reason is that many children do not
get enough exercise. Because they spend so much time sitting in front of the television
set or playing computer games, they do not move around very much. Genetics is
another reason that children become overweight. Children whose parents or brothers or
sisters are overweight may be at an increased risk of becoming overweight themselves.


one cause is, another is, for, first, second, the reason for, decrease, owing to the fact that, for
this reason, … caused by… arise from, lead to, produce, give rise to, bring about.

Example: People moved to Canada from Europe during the nineteenth century because they had
poor living conditions in Europe.

Example: Since living conditions in Europe were terrible, many people moved to Canada.

as a result of
Example: People moved to Canada from Europe as a result of poor living conditions in Europe.

is due to / was due to

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Example: The large influx of people to Canada was due to economic pressures in Europe.


There are many reasons why Turkey is a popular destination for tourists. First of all, Turkey has a
huge variety of nature. There are many different mountain ranges, such as the Kaçkar Mountains
on the Black Sea, or Uludağ near Bursa. There are also many beautiful beaches on the west and
south coasts, and especially around the city of Antalya. The second reason is that Turkey has a lot
of history and historical sites. In Istanbul, for example, there is Hagia Sophia, the famous church
built during the time of the Byzantine Empire. There is also Topkapı Palace, the home of many of
the Ottoman Sultans. Finally, Turkey is also famous for its rich and healthy food. There are not
only Kebabs, but also many different meze (appetizers) and fresh fish, usually accompanied by
raki (an aniseed-flavored spirit). To sum up, whether you want beautiful beaches, steep mountains,
ancient history or great food, you will find them in Turkey.

Writing Exercise


A. Think of an important decision you have made or choose one of the following.

 Getting married  Accepting/quitting a job

 Buying a cell phone

 Choosing your major
 Moving to another country

B. Write a topic sentence for your paragraph.


Write a complete paragraph about the topic you have chosen above.


_______________________________________________. Page 40 / 54

Read the paragraph. Underline the topic sentence and answer the questions that follow.

Taking a salsa dance class has had many positive effects on my life. One of the first things I
noticed was the physical effects. As a result of taking this class, I am in much better shape. For
example, my posture and coordination are better. Salsa dancing requires a lot of physical energy
and burns a lot of calories, so I’ve lost several pounds. Another effect is that I have more self-
confidence. Consequently, my social skills have improved and I’ve become more outgoing.
Finally, I’ve met a lot of great people taking salsa classes. This leads to the biggest effect on my
life. I’m engaged to marry a great guy that I met in the class!

1. What effects does the author give?



2. What was the biggest effect?



English uses special sentence patterns and signal words to express effects.


We use therefore, thus, consequently, and as a

result to show a cause/effect relationship between Our company is expanding rapidly. Therefore, we
two complete sentences. These words introduce the hired more people.
effect, which is always at the beginning of the
sentence. Our company is expanding rapidly. Consequently,
we hired more people.

Our company is expanding rapidly. As a result, we

hired more people.

We also use so to show a cause/effect relationship. Our company is expanding rapidly, so we hired
So combines two sentences into one. Use a comma more people.
before so.

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Write sentences of cause and effect using because, since, because of, due to, therefore, thus,
consequently, as a result, so.

1. _________________________________________________________________________

2. _________________________________________________________________________

3. _________________________________________________________________________

4. _________________________________________________________________________

5. _________________________________________________________________________

6. _________________________________________________________________________

7. _________________________________________________________________________

8. _________________________________________________________________________


resulted in, one result is, another is, effect, change, consequence, hence, with the result that,

Example: Living conditions in Europe were terrible. Therefore, many people moved to Canada for
a better life.

Example: Living conditions in Europe were terrible. Thus, many people moved to Canada for a
better life.

Example: Living conditions were terrible in Europe. Consequently, many people moved to Canada.

Example: Living conditions were terrible in Europe. Hence, many people moved to Canada.

it follows that
Example: Living conditions were terrible in Europe. It follows that many people moved to Canada.

if ... then
Example: If living conditions were better in Europe, then fewer people would have moved to

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The topic sentence for a paragraph about effects should state the situation, decision, and event and
indicate that you will be discussing its effects. Here are some examples of topic sentences for
paragraphs about effects:

 Computers have had several important effects on society.

 There are a number of consequences of global warming.

 The flood caused several problems in our town.

Writing Topic Sentences for the following Paragraphs

1. ________________________________________________________. For one
thing, there was so much snow that it was dangerous to drive. Most of the side streets
were impassable, and several main roads had to be closed. Even the mail was delayed.
Students had the day off because all the schools in the area were closed. Many stores
and businesses were closed as well. Finally, the snowstorm cost the city a lot of money
to remove the snow and plow the roads.
2. __________________________________________________________________.
First of all, running on a regular basis benefits your body. For example, it can increase
the efficiency of your heart and lungs. Running also helps the body develop greater
physical endurance. It enables your body to become more mechanically efficient and
can improve your physical condition. Finally, running has psychological benefits. It can
improve your mood and lower your stress level.
3. _________________________________________________________________.
Some studies show that listening to music can increase a child’s verbal and emotional
intelligence. It can also improve concentration and stimulate creative thinking. Some
scientists think music can even improve children’s memory. Finally, music can relax
children and make them feel more comfortable. Overall, it seems that music is
beneficial to children’s learning and sense of well-being.



Remember that an important characteristic of a good paragraph is that it has
unity. That means all the supporting sentences must relate to the main idea
stated in the topic sentence. Any sentence that does not support the main idea is
an irrelevant sentence and does not belong in the paragraph.

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The following paragraphs each contain one sentence that is irrelevant. Cross out that
1. Watching television can have several positive effects on students learning English.
One effect is that students can improve their pronunciation by listening to the people talking
on television. Many commercials are too long and interrupt interesting shows. In addition,
students see how native speakers interact while they are talking. As a result, they can
observe the gestures and natural body language that are part of communication. Most
importantly, because the people on TV use so many idioms, students will hear them used in
context. This will help students better understand the meanings of idioms.
2. The introduction of affordable automobiles had several effects on society. First of
all, automobiles created a more mobile society. Cars made it possible for people to move
out of the cities and into the suburbs. Automobiles also affected the growth of new
businesses. Gas stations, auto repair shops, and roadside restaurants became necessary.
Railroads had a great effect on society, too. In addition, new roads were built as a result of
the increase in the number of cars. All of these changes meant that the automobile
transformed the lifestyle of millions of people.


Writing Exercise
A. Think about this topic: It is an undeniable fact that there are several effects of
domestic violence on individuals.

What effects can you think of? Brainstorm a list of effects.


Write a complete paragraph about the topic above.

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Assignment 5:

1. Why many children run away from home?

2. What are the causes of online shopping?
3. The causes of overuse of internet
4. What are the causes of immigration?
5. The reasons of unemployment.
6. The effects of poverty on an individual.
7. The effect of a GOOD parent, teacher, or friend on your life.
8. The effects of regular exercise.
9. The effects of pressure on students to get good grades.

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Comparison and contrast is a technique that we use every day. For example, we compare and contrast
courses and teachers when we decide which classes to take. We compare and contrast products and
prices when we shop. An employer compares and contrasts applicants for jobs, and a job applicant
compares and contrasts job offers.

When we compare two (or more) things, we tell what is similar about them. When we contrast things,
we tell what is different about them. Usually, the emphasis is on the differences, but sometimes a
paragraph describes both similarities and differences.

Read the sample comparison paragraph

Ann and Beth are identical twins, so it’s easy to understand the embarrassing mistake I made
yesterday. I was planning to ask Ann for a date, but it turned out I asked Beth. The two sisters
look exactly alike. Ann is tall and thin with short curly brown hair. Likewise, Beth is tall, thin
girl with short curly hair. They also have the same unusual blue-green eye color. In addition,
Ann wears gold-rimmed glasses and so does Beth. Finally, both Ann and Beth have freckles. I
wouldn’t be surprised if they even had the exact same number of freckles. Now I have to
explain my mistake to both of them.

1. What is the topic sentence?

2. What similarities about Ann and Beth does the author write about?

There are two ways to organize a comparison/contrast paragraph. One way is called point-by-point
organization, and the other way is called block organization.

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a. Point by Point Format
In point by point format, one point at a time is analyzed. Each paragraph discusses both subjects in
relation to the same point.

Example for Point by Point Organization:

For example, let us say that you wanted to prove that country life is superior to city life. Two “ping-
pong” effect outlines on the topic and the example paragraph that follows:

Topic: My hometown Havran is similar to my college town Beytepe in some ways.

Example Outline:
1. Small rural communities
A. Havran
B. Beytepe
2. Location
A. Havran
B. Beytepe
3. College Campuses
A. Havran
B. Beytepe



My hometown and my college town have several things in common. First, both are small rural
communities. For example, my hometown, Havran, has a population of only about 80,000 people.
Similarly, my college town, Beytepe, consists of about 85,000 local residents. This population swells
to 15,000 people when the college students are attending classes. A second way in which these two
towns are similar is that they are both located in rural areas. Havran is surrounded by many acres of
farmland which is devoted mainly to growing corn and soybeans. In the same way, Beytepe lies in the
center of farmland which is used to raise hogs and cattle. Thirdly, these towns are similar in that
they contain college campuses. Havran, for example, is home to Yıldız College, which is famous for
its Agricultural Economics program as well as for its annual Corn-Watching Festival. Likewise, the
town of Beytepe boasts the beautiful campus of Aydın College, which is well known for its
Agricultural Engineering department and also for its yearly Hog-Calling Contest. When compared, my
hometown and college town have similar points, which makes me feel at home while studying.

b. Block Method Paragraph Organization:

In block method organization, one subject at a time is analyzed. Each paragraph discusses the same
points related to the subject in isolation.

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Topic: Transportation choices

Example Outline:

Personal car: Cost


Public transportation: Cost


Comparison and Contrast Using the Block Method

Transportation Choices

North Americans clearly prefer driving their own cars to using public transport. In many ways, the
desire to own a car is easy to understand. True, cars are expensive to buy and run. Car payments, gas,
insurance, and repairs can cost thousands per year. But people love the convenience of cars that they
see as an expression of personal freedom. Cars provide a comfortable small personal space in which
people can drink coffee and listen to music. Most car owners give little thought to the damage to the
environment all these cars are doing even as they sit in traffic complaining about too many cars on the
road. Unlike car owners, bus riders are prepared to make some sacrifices to save money. Bus
schedules are not always convenient and buses don't take you to your door. Standing on a jerky bus
is no fun either. Riders can, however, take some small pleasure in the knowledge that using a bus is the
environmentally responsible way to get around town. Unfortunately, until there is a huge change in
the attitude of car owners towards using public transit, cars will continue to rule the roads and our
environment and our cities will pay the price.

Write the paragraph about “Country life is superior to city life” in block method organization:

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These are not the only ways to give coherence to a comparison paragraph. There are other conjunctions,
too. Here is a list of comparison conjunctions you can use:


Tokyo has an efficient subway system. Similarly, London has an

Similarly, efficient system.
Likewise, Tokyo has an efficient subway system. Likewise, London has an
efficient system.
...the same as...
My car is the same color as yours.
Squash and racquetball are alike in several ways.
both ...and
Both London and Tokyo have efficient subway systems.
The weather in İzmir is like the weather in İstanbul.
as + adjective + as
Tokyo’s subway system is as efficient as London’s.
as + adverb + as
Tokyo’s subway system runs as efficiently as London’s.


We use so or too with two affirmative Cathy is a medical student, and Ashley is too.

sentences that express similar ideas. Cathy is a medical student, and so is Ashley.

Use a comma before and.

The blue dress isn’t expensive, and the green
We use neither or not either with negative
isn’t either.
sentences that express similar ideas.
The blue dress isn’t expensive, and neither is

the green dress.

Owls don’t sleep at night, and mice don’t either.

Owls don’t sleep at night, and neither do mice.

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When you write the topic sentence for a comparison paragraph, you must state the two things that you
are comparing.

Look at the examples:

My favorite bands, Time Out and The Blue Gills, have several things in common.
My favorite bands, Time Out and The Blue Gills are alike in many ways.
Time Out and The Blue Gills, which are my favorite bands, share many similarities.

Write a topic sentence for each of the following paragraphs.

1. ____________________________________________________________________. First of
all, both cities are hot and humid most of the year. The typical daytime temperature in both places is
about 92 degrees Fahrenheit (33 degrees Celcius) with humidity of 99 percent. It also rains a lot during
the summer in Hill View. Likewise, it rains almost every day in Valley Ridge in the summer. Finally,
the evenings and nights are warm in both places.
2. _____________________________________________________________________. The main
similarity is that both dogs are very friendly. Spot loves people, and so does Freckles. In addition, both
of my dogs are smart and can do lots of trick. For example, both can roll over on command. Another
similarity is that both dogs are picky eaters. They only like the most expensive dog food.

Writing Exercise


A. Think of two close friends or classmates of yours. Write your similar items below.


B. Writing

Write a complete paragraph about the topic given above.

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When you describe the differences between two people, places, things, you are contrasting them.

Read the paragraph.

When Michael was in Orlando last week, he ate at two very different restaurants. He had lunch at
Cantina Italiana and dinner at the Cityside Cafe. First of all, the food at Cantina was delicious,
but the food at Cityside was terrible. The atmosphere at Cantina Italiana was much better than the
one at Cityside. Cantina was clean and quiet. However, the Cityside Cafe was dirty and noisy. In
addition, while the server at the Cantina was attentive and polite, the server at Cityside was rude.
Finally, although the meal at Cantina was more expensive than the meal at Cityside, it was worth
the price. Michael will always remember his delicious lunch at Cantina Italiana, but he can’t wait
to forget his terrible dinner at Cityside Cafe.

What are the differences between the two restaurants?

Even though Arizona and Rhode Island are both states of the U.S., they are strikingly different in many
ways. For example, the physical size of each state is different. Arizona is large, having an area of
114,000 square miles, whereas Rhode Island is only about a tenth the size, having an area of only 1,214
square miles. Another difference is in the size of the population of each state. Arizona has about four
million people living in it, but Rhode Island has less than one million. The two states also differ in the
kinds of natural environments that each has. For example, Arizona is a very dry state, consisting of large
desert areas that do not receive much rainfall every year. However, Rhode Island is located in a
temperate zone and receives an average of 44 inches of rain per year. In addition, while Arizona is a
landlocked state and thus has no seashore, Rhode Island lies on the Atlantic Ocean and does have a
significant coastline. Even if these two states are located in the same country, they differ from each

Write the same paragraph above in block method organization.

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Short Conjunctions Subordinating Conjunctions

In South Africa, red is the color of mourning. However, in

However, China, red is the color of good luck.
On the other hand, In South Africa, red is the color of mourning. On the other
hand, in China, red is the color of good luck.
In contrast,
In South Africa, red is the color of mourning. In contrast, in
..., but
China, red is the color of good luck.
..., yet
Dr. Becker specializes in internal medicine, but Dr. Meng
even though + [sentence] specializes in surgery.
although + [sentence] Dr. Becker specializes in internal medicine, while Dr. Meng
specializes in surgery.
whereas + [sentence]
While Dr. Becker specializes in internal medicine, Dr. Meng
unlike + [sentence]
specializes in surgery.
while + [sentence]
Dr. Meng specializes in surgery, whereas Dr. Berger specializes
nevertheless, in internal medicine.

Different from My mother’s personality is different from my father’s

Unlike my mother, my father is quiet.


When you write the topic sentence for a contrast paragraph, you must state the two things that you are

Sample topic sentences:

The Reporter and Style are different types of weekly magazines.

The Reporter and Style are different in many ways.

The Reporter and Style have many differences.

The Reporter and Style differ in several ways.

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Write a topic sentence for each of the following paragraphs.

1. ______________________________________________________________. First of all, the

temperature in Westland is usually higher than it is in Eastfalls. In Westland, it is often around 90, but in
Eastfalls, the temperature rarely goes above 80. Secondly, the humidity is much higher in Westland than
it is in Eastfalls. This makes it much more uncomfortable to be outdoors in Westland. Finally, it rains a
lot in Westland; however, it is usually dry in Eastfalls. Overall, the weather in Eastfalls is more pleasant.
2. ______________________________________________________________________. For one thing,
they are different in appearance. Fluffy is a small, curly-haired dog, but Shane is big and shaggy.
Another difference is seen in their personalities. Fluffy is very friendly and loves people. On the other
hand, Shane is shy and afraid of people. Finally, my two dogs differ in their intelligence. Unlike Shane,
Fluffy is smart and can do lots of tricks.


You and your friend are looking for an apartment to share near campus. You saw these two
descriptions of apartments on the Internet.

Fairfax apartments – large 2 bedroom apt. near campus. Air conditioned. Furnished. No
pets. All utilities included. Available Sept. 1- $ 1250 / month

CAMPUS APT. - 1 bedroom apt. available immediately in large modern building. Near
campus. Unfurnished. Pets allowed. Only $900/ month plus utilities


Which apartment would you choose? Write your paragraph explaining your decision and the
differences between two apartments.


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Write a compare or contrast paragraph
The influence of music to the influence of books over people’s lives.

A female friend and a male friend.

Two cities you have visited

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