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Europe spat will weaken research -

science leaders
1 day ago
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Image caption,
Boris Johnson has said he wants a close research relationship with Europe, but the
Northern Ireland dispute may mean the UK walks away
Scientific leaders have urged the government not to abandon talks to enable the UK to
participate in a €100bn European research programme.
They have told BBC News that being cut out of EU research would "greatly
disadvantage" British science.
Agreement in principle was reached, but UK involvement is now a bargaining chip in
talks over Northern Ireland.
In response the Science Minister, George Freeman, has said the UK is ready to set
up its own scheme.
Sir Jeremy Farrar, director of the Wellcome Trust, told BBC News that ''losing the
agreement on UK participation in the world's biggest international science funding
programme at this stage, when it has already been negotiated and is ready to sign,
would be snatching defeat from the jaws of victory".
He added: "While it's natural for the government to plan for the worst-case scenario,
we have to realise that any UK-only scheme would greatly disadvantage our
scientists compared to the international opportunities that Horizon Europe opens up,
with both the EU and many other countries that take part in it, such as Israel or
The EU's Horizon Europe programme brings together researchers from industry and
academia across the EU. The projects range from fundamental research to tackling
societal issues, such as combating climate change and efforts to find treatments for
debilitating diseases.


Image caption,
The delay in joining the EU programme will mean UK researchers will not be included
in EU research projects
The UK's continued participation in the EU's Horizon programme was agreed in
principle just before Christmas 2020 in the Brexit withdrawal agreement. But the
signing off of a formal agreement on the UK's associate membership has dragged on for
a year.
The delay is creating problems, because funding cannot be released to UK
collaborators until there is a formal agreement. If it becomes apparent that
agreement will take many more months, EU researchers will not include UK scientists
in their projects.
Michelle Mitchell, chief executive of Cancer Research UK, told BBC News that
exclusion from Horizon Europe would be a "significant blow" in efforts to combat
"It will also put at serious risk the UK's position of being at the forefront in the global
effort in improving the prevention, treatment and diagnosis of cancer.
"The government must strike a deal urgently for continued membership of Horizon
Europe or the UK will weaken its position to collaborate and use science to address
the global challenges we face."
Uncertainties arising from Brexit have already led to the UK missing out on £1.5bn of
research funding since 2016, according to some estimates. But Sir Jeremy said that
ministers should resist the temptation to walk away from the talks with the EU.
"The delays are frustrating, but the UK needs to stay in the game, and resist the urge
to shut the door on Horizon. It's the best option for supporting science and R&D in
the UK."
Sir Jeremy is responding to an article written by the science minister, George
Freeman, in the magazine Research Fortnight. Mr Freeman wrote that although it
was his "strong preference" to join the EU's Horizon Europe programme, "if the EU
stands in our way" the UK is ready to implement an alternative that is "just as good or
That alternative was drawn up by Prof Sir Adrian Smith, in 2019, before the UK's
withdrawal agreement as a contingency in case the EU refused the UK entry into
Horizon Europe. Since then Prof Smith was elected President of the Royal Society,
which represents the country's leading scientists. He told BBC News that most
scientists would much rather join the EU programme than a newly-started UK
"We have had four decades of planning collaborative research with colleagues
across Europe.
"The vast majority of UK researchers would feel difficulty in starting a new
programme from scratch and being in competition with the prestigious schemes in
the Horizon Europe programme."
Dr Daniel Rathbone, the assistant director of the Campaign for Science and
Engineering (Case), said it would take too long for Britain to set up its own scheme.
"In the meantime, the UK will likely lose top researchers and research groups as they
move abroad to seek funding and collaboration opportunities elsewhere," he said.
A government source told BBC News: "The EU is playing politics over Horizon and it
risks damaging scientific research. Blocking the UK from joining is in no-one's
interest - we can't participate and they lose out on our financial contribution.
"We're having to look at alternatives in case the EU does block our access, which
would be a breach of what we agreed less than a year ago."
The option of starting a UK scheme was made possible by the chancellor in
the Autumn budget when he allocated £2bn a year to pay for the UK's membership of
Horizon Europe, but officials made clear that the scientific community could spend
the money on whatever it liked. The Treasury itself is understood to feel that
spending money on Horizon Europe is an inefficient use of funds, but left the decision
to the scientific community.
If the uncertainty drags on into the new year, scientific leaders may have no other
option than to consider a UK scheme, according to Prof Smith.
"If the impasse in signing the deal continues for another month or so, there will have
to be the opening up of a discussion because the hoped-for association with Horizon
Europe would not have been realised," he said.
"As the complications (arising from the uncertainty) grow, some may begin to think,
'my goodness, maybe there is an alternative'."
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