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Clin Plastic Surg 31 (2004) 191 – 208

Unilateral clef t lip-nose repair – long-term outcome

Kenneth E. Salyer, MDa,*, Edward R. Genecov, DDSb,
David G. Genecov, MDa
International Craniofacial Institute, Cleft Lip and Palate Treatment Center, 7777 Forest Lane, Suite C-717, Dallas,
TX 75230, USA
Private Practice, 5410 Alpha Road, Dallas, TX 75240, USA

This article presents a 34-year experience with a sion is performed orthodontically at age 5.5 years.
proven method for primary unilateral cleft lip-nose Cancellous iliac bone grafting is performed when 1/3
repair. The most important surgical stage is the pri- to 2/3 of the tooth’s root develops before eruption into
mary lip and nose repair. A complete approach with the cleft void. This technique provides the orthodon-
a proven protocol during the time of growth that tist with enough bone for the erupting teeth in 95%
allows and promotes normal function and aesthetics of cases to allow complete orthodontic restoration.
is necessary to achieve excellence (Tables 1 and 2). Limited septoplasty and turbinectomy are performed
Primary repair in patients with a complete cleft lip, as necessary from the age of 5 years to the comple-
nose, and palate without proper follow-up support tion of the case. An open airway promotes more
will most likely result in a poor outcome. A team normal growth of the face. From age 5 to 15 years, a
approach over time is necessary to achieve excel- Delaire face-mask traction (Great Lakes Orthodon-
lence in cleft lip-nose and palate deformity. The tics, Tonawanda, New York) is used when there is up
correction of the unilateral complete cleft lip and pal- to a 4-mm retrusion of the maxilla at the occlusal
ate requires a thoughtful long-term protocol over the level; with a retrusion of 6 mm or more, distraction
period of growth. is currently the treatment of choice when sagittal
The current authors’ protocol, which has evolved growth of the maxilla is delayed because of the cleft
gradually, consistently produces good to excellent dysmorphogenesis. Ongoing interactive treatment as
outcomes. The primary lip and nose technique used growth occurs is key to achieving optimal restoration
by the authors has been improved by modifications and facial balance with orthognathic surgery.
that have led to better symmetry and balance with less After aligning and leveling the teeth at completion
scarring. The primary lip-nose technique involves of growth, orthognathic surgery is performed in
ignoring the abnormal skeletal base and the simulta- approximately 30% of the current authors’ patients
neous use of perisurgical passive orthopedics with to achieve optimal facial balance and aesthetics. A
primary surgical correction of the lip and nose. Minor key point to removing cleft stigmata is creating a full,
secondary correction of the lip and/or nose, if nec- convex, projecting facial skeleton.
essary, is performed before school age, at approxi- The senior authors (KES and ERG) have followed
mately 5 years, in approximately 35% of the current this cleft protocol, with certain modifications, for
authors’ patients. Definitive rhinoplasty is performed 34 years in treating a large volume of patients; ideal
at or near completion of growth in most cases. Two- to good treatment was possible in most compliant
flap palatoplasty is performed before the age of 1 year patients. The senior authors have dedicated a major
and ideally around age 6 to 9 months. Palatal expan- portion of their practice and time to achieving ex-
cellence in these difficult deformities. Patient self-
esteem is enhanced by early nasal reconstruction and
* Corresponding author. has become the authors’ standard of care in rehabili-
E-mail address: (K.E. Salyer). tation of patients with unilateral cleft lip-nose and

0094-1298/04/$ – see front matter D 2004 Elsevier Inc. All rights reserved.
192 K.E. Salyer et al / Clin Plastic Surg 31 (2004) 191–208

Table 1 are able to achieve consistently outstanding results.

Surgical protocol Why is that? All primary or secondary procedures in
Patient age/stage clefts are complex and should be performed only by
of development Treatment very experienced or well-trained surgeons who incor-
3 months Primary cleft lip and nose porate the team approach into their protocol. Im-
6 – 9 months Two-flap palatoplasty proved results have been demonstrated by surgeons
5 years 35% Secondary Minor lip surgery in situations where experience and a critical number
7 – 9 years 100% Cancellous iliac bone graft of procedures are necessary to achieve excellent
to alveolar cleft results [11]. More important, a self-critical analysis
7 years-Full Growth Distraction osteogensis in of the surgeon’s own cases is important.
selected severe cases The technique used for repair of the cleft lip –
Full growth 25 – 30% Orthognathic surgery
nasal deformity has been extensively reported in the
12 – 18 Years Rhinoplasty – other soft tissue
literature by the current authors. This procedure, with
certain variations, has been used by many surgeons.
Modifications and improvements in the authors’
palate. Many surgeons remain reluctant to perform original technique have led to more consistent results,
primary nasal repair. With care, proper technique, with better symmetry, balance, and less scarring.
and experience, a good cleft surgeon can learn this These modifications are reported in this article.
technique. For the beginner, conservatism is recom-
mended. An adoptive, flexible attitude toward treat-
Nasal deformity
ment is important in executing a treatment protocol
over time. In addition, it is important to find, per-
The nasal deformity associated with unilateral cleft
fect, and continue over the long term with a treat-
lip alveolus, with or without cleft of the palate, in-
ment modality.
volves skeletal and soft tissue structures. The cleft-
nasal deformity results in anatomic abnormalities of
the following regions: the alar base; the alar cartilage,
Unilateral cleft lip-nose repair including the medial and lateral crus; the nasal dome;
the columella; and the nasal septum; and is influenced
Major advances have been made in cleft care in by the skeletal base, which includes the alveolus,
the last 30 years [1 – 3]. Deformity can consistently maxillary segments, and palate. The position and
be transformed early in life to minimal or residual degree of displacement and abnormality and hypo-
variations from normal so that predictable outcomes plasia of the maxillary segments greatly contribute to
for patients with unilateral cleft lip – nasal deformity the primary nasal deformity. Continued hypoplasia
can be achieved. Normal appearance and function and displacement of the maxillary segments, particu-
is a realistic treatment goal [4]. A dedicated team larly the lesser segment, result in varying degrees
approach that uses a proven surgical-orthodontic- of maxillary deficiency. The degree of deformity
speech rehabilitation – oriented protocol is necessary depends on the cleft dysmorphogenesis, which in-
to achieve excellence. More important, it takes over fluences subsequent growth. Total correction is a
30 years of careful observation, experience, openness, three-dimensional growth-related rehabilitation. The
and flexibility to evaluate a meaningful protocol. authors are currently reviewing dental models taken at
The most important surgical stage is the primary
repair. At the time of the first operation, the nose and
lip should be primarily reconstructed. Primary lip and Table 2
nasal reconstruction at the time of the first operation Orthodontic protocol
has now become the expected standard of care in Patient age/stage
the United States and certain other countries. Consist- of development Treatment
ently good results of primary nasal repair currently 2 wk Passive infant appliance
have been reported by many different surgeons (H. 5.5 – 8.5 y Palate expansion
Anderl, personal communication, 1986) [5 – 10]. Yet, 7–9 y Preparation for bone graft
many severe secondary deformities continue to be 5 – 10 y Face mask
seen. Surgeons remain reluctant to perform primary Mixed dentition Routine orthodontics
nasal reconstruction at the time of primary cheilo- 14 – 16 y (25% – 30%) Final treatment,
perisurgical orthodontics
plasty. It seems as though not all surgeons or teams
K.E. Salyer et al / Clin Plastic Surg 31 (2004) 191–208 193

birth in completed cases to see if this hypothesis aesthetic result to the lip and nose. Lip adhesion ac-
is true. tually may cause fixation or scarring of the alar base
Achieving symmetry of the skeletal base is one or associated adjacent structures in an abnormal po-
of the major long-term goals for total correction of sition, making a definitive normal contour of the nose
the clefting deformity. The current authors believe more difficult.
that the attempt to achieve skeletal symmetry during
infancy using active orthopedics is misguided treat-
ment. Early periosteoplasty abnormally locks the seg- Surgical orthopedics and abnormal skeletal base
ments, producing additional scarring. It does not
consistently produce enough bone to support the teeth The current authors’ team approach has used
in the cleft defect to allow for excellent orthodontics. passive perisurgical orthopedics for all complete clefts
In the primary cleft-nasal deformity, at the initial re- involving the alveolus or maxillary segments for
pair, one of the ‘‘keys to excellence’’ is to ignore the 27 years. The orthopedic appliance is made from an
abnormal skeletal base and reconstruct the soft tissue impression taken of the patient in the first few days of
structures, using skin and muscular reconstruction. life. An acrylic appliance prevents collapse of the
The primary deformity of the nose results in displace- maxillary segments and aids in feeding. The primary
ment of the lower lateral cartilage laterally and infe- purpose of the preoperative appliance is to control the
riorly on the cleft side. The nasal dome is flattened and segments once the lip is surgically closed. It guides
turned or slumped in a downward position. The alar the maxillary segments and locks these into posi-
cartilage on the cleft side is flat and gives it an tion after cheiloplasty and before palatoplasty. The
apparent or false lengthening when compared with senior orthodontist’s (ERG) clinical impression is that
the noncleft side, which is abnormally displaced to the this improves horizontal and vertical skeletal defi-
other side. The lower lateral cartilages are normal in ciency by stimulating bone production before and
their relationship to the septum, but the septum is following lip closure; however, this hypothesis re-
tilted, and with the distortion accompanying the al- mains to be proven [14]. If the midline is off by more
veolar cleft, tilts the base of the nose away from the than 2 mm, it can only be corrected in the patient at a
cleft side and the tip of the nose toward the cleft. The later date by moving the entire maxilla using a Le Fort
key to correction of the cleft-nasal deformity is trans- I maxillary osteotomy. This procedure is more easily
location of the alar cartilage with its attached vestibu- accomplished and performed in infants using the
lar lining into a normal position, which establishes the perisurgical orthopedic appliance to treat midline
normal vault and shape of the cartilage [5,6,8]. In so and maxillary deficiencies. In addition, the current
doing, the major deformity of the nose is corrected. authors believe that this contributes to better symme-
When this is combined with complete freeing of the try of the alar bases on the deficient cleft side
soft tissue envelope of the nose and correction of the and improves septal deviation by guiding the maxil-
alar bases and floor of the nose, the surgeon can con- lary segments into a more normal anatomic relation-
sistently achieve good results at the time of the pri- ship. No attempt in the authors’ technique is made to
mary correction. shift the deviated septum at the time of surgery or
to manipulate the skeletal base actively by orthope-
dics. The passive appliance gives better control of
Lip adhesion the maxillary segments before the time of the palato-
plasty and is worn from the time of infancy until the
Lip adhesion is an unnecessary procedure. It may two-flap palatoplasty is performed, at approximately
contribute to additional scarring or abnormal tether- age 6 to 9 months. This method also may decrease the
ing of the lip or nasal elements. Many experienced amount of maxillary collapse after closure of the pal-
cleft surgeons continue to use lip adhesion because it ate by locking in the maxillary segment before the
is believed to be of benefit [12]. Nonsurgical lip palate surgery.
adhesion with tape also has been reported to be of Active presurgical orthopedics has been popular-
benefit [13]. The current authors’ evaluation of their ized by Millard and Latham [15] and Millard et al
early cases led to the abandonment of lip adhesion;, [16]. This philosophy is the opposite of the current
they demonstrated better aesthetic results in a series authors’ belief in that active orthopedics with active
of double-blind evaluations with and without ad- force is used to alter the skeletal base before primary
hesion in 50 patients. Using a lip adhesion treats cleft lip – nasal repair. Some advocates of this ap-
the abnormal skeletal base, making it easier for the proach have added a primary gingivoperiosteoplasty
surgeon to close the lip at the expense of the overall to close the cleft alveolus. It has recently been re-
194 K.E. Salyer et al / Clin Plastic Surg 31 (2004) 191–208

ported that 60% of these patients do not need bone delineate the ultimate role of distraction. The use of
grafting later [17]. Inadequate bone in 40% of pa- the team approach, particularly combined with surgi-
tients who then require bone grafting is not good cal-orthodontic care, gives optimal results. If primary
enough when a one-time bone-graft procedure gives surgery is performed without the use of orthodontic
a 96% success rate in the authors’ experience. The intervention during growth, the results will uniformly
current authors believe that this approach is not only be poor. Mission surgery without developing a team
unnecessary but also detrimental to growth and is therefore not a good concept for delivery of
detrimental to an excellent outcome [18]. Periosteo- excellence. Excellence in results cannot be expected
plasty has been abandoned in some centers because it during and after growth is complete by surgery alone.
frequently does not produce enough good bone [19]. The multidisciplinary management of the cleft defor-
This early surgery abnormally locks in the maxillary mity is vital in all patients who have complete cleft of
segments and alveolus with scarring, which is detri- the lip and palate [1].
mental to later growth and development of the mid-
face. Performing early distraction and completing
orthodontic treatment in infants is, in the current
Presurgical nasoalveolar orthopedic molding
authors’ opinion, detrimental to growth and develop-
ment [20]. This method of surgery must be proven
The use of nasoalveolar molding has been re-
before others adopt this technique. It will make treat-
ported and is being taught and advocated in unilateral
ment ultimately more complex. Anterior crossbite and
and bilateral deformity [24]. Nasoalveolar molding
anterior open bite are frequent and yet there is not
probably creates more columella tissue by expansion,
enough bone to support the teeth. Why perform early
which is needed in the bilateral cleft deformity. It is
inadequate or detrimental surgery?
unnecessary in the unilateral cleft lip and palate
The authors’ approach of ignoring the abnormal
deformity, however. The nasal and lip elements are
skeletal base at the time of primary surgery has re-
completely present in the ordinary, most frequent type
sulted in 70% of their patients demonstrating near nor-
of cleft deformity, which is presented here. In the rare
mal growth; this approach requires no orthognathic
Tessier facial cleft, there may be missing elements
surgery and uses passive orthopedics and palatal ex-
where tissue expansion or distraction could be of
pansion at the age of 5.5 years coupled with cancel-
benefit. This method is labor intensive, requiring
lous bone grafting at the time of tooth development
weekly adjustments by a dedicated, experienced
along the cleft deficiency. Bone grafting at age 7 to
orthodontist or surgeon. This process is required for
9 years at the time of cuspid or lateral incisor root
months before surgery is performed and is frequently
formation has proved to give consistently excellent,
done in combination with active orthopedics, which
stable long-term results [21,22]. Bone grafting by
the current authors believe is detrimental to growth.
using immobilization at the time of grafting results
The performance of nasoalveolar molding requires
in a 96% success rate in the authors’ experience.
compliant parents and multiple, frequent visits. It is
Abnormal growth exhibited by patients with a
time consuming and expensive, and it is unnecessary
cleft is not necessarily solely related to scarring from
in the unilateral deformity that is presented here. The
the surgery but may be caused by the degree of tissue
use of this modality is not practical or feasible in most
absence and the cleft dysmorphogenesis. The more
places around the world. The New York group [24]
severe the insult of tissue deficiency, the more po-
has provided a new modality that has given them
tentially abnormal the facial growth. The authors are
improved results in their bilateral cases, but the
currently testing that hypothesis in their own cases.
extension to unilateral deformities is unnecessary.
To compensate for this abnormal growth, in certain
cases, facial protraction or distraction is used in pa-
tients aged 5 to 10 years. When there is maxillary
retrusion of 4 mm or less, the Delaire facial protrac- Distraction osteogenesis
tion mask is used. At the authors’ center, they have
demonstrated the production of new bone with ad- In the last 10 years, in certain select patients and
vancement of the anterior and posterior nasal spine in secondary cases where there is 1 cm or more of
using protraction in patients with a cleft [23]. Re- occlusal discrepancy in the sagittal growth of the
cently, with facial distraction, secondary cases with maxilla, the authors now perform distraction of the
maxillary retrusion of 1 cm or more are treated with maxilla during growth. This treatment modality offers
distraction during the time of growth. Further evalua- balancing of the skeleton during growth, allowing
tion and study of these patients is necessary to improvement in appearance, speech, and occlusion,
K.E. Salyer et al / Clin Plastic Surg 31 (2004) 191–208 195

which improves self-esteem. This result is important another important point. If the lip is closed under
in the authors’ treatment philosophy and protocol. tension, more scarring will result. Scarring of the lip
Although most of these patients will require fur- is the most significant factor in causing facial growth
ther definitive skeletal surgery, this procedure pro- abnormalities [25].
vides ongoing normalization of jaw relationships Careful technique is likewise important to mini-
during growth and development, which offers a major mize scarring to allow more normal growth. The
advance in cleft care. current authors believe that raising mucoperiosteal
New bone can be generated without the disad- flaps in palate repair does not in itself cause major
vantages of bone grafting or the necessity of internal significant growth abnormalities. Any severe scarring
rigid fixation. Distraction provides new bone and caused by surgery in the space of Ernst can cause
space for tooth eruption, which is also a major restriction of growth. In palate repair, dissection in the
advance in cleft care. It is important that all oste- palate or space of Ernst can cause scarring in the
otomies stay out of any teeth or tooth buds. pterygomaxillary region, producing growth restric-
tion. This result can be avoided. Careful technique
in all cleft surgery is important in achieving excel-
Common surgical errors and pitfalls lence. Misguided surgery or technique can result in
unfavorable results. Long-term critical observation of
In-depth understanding of the cleft lip-nose defor- any new technique is necessary in the treatment of
mity is important in achieving primary surgical cor- cleft deformity.
rection of the deformity. Secondary deformities of the
lip and nose following repair may be the result of
poor planning, operative error, or postoperative scar
contracture. Most of the secondary deformities the The current authors’ surgical technique
authors see, however, are from inadequate under-
standing of the described technique or of the basic There are varying degrees of displacement and
biology of cleft deformity and surgery. This results hypoplasia of the lip, nose, and skeletal base, which
from a lack of technical appreciation on how to significantly influence the outcome. The alar cartilage
adequately surgically release, reshape, and reconstruct and its adequate release and reshaping is key in the
the lip and nose without producing a detrimental scar. reconstruction of the unilateral cleft-nasal deformity.
The inadequate release of the abnormal and displaced The following procedure demonstrates the most re-
lip and nasal segments makes it impossible to achieve cent modifications the authors use to achieve consist-
symmetry or correction of the deformity. ent symmetry and balance of the nose and lip at the
One of the most frequently observed mistakes in time of the primary repair.
secondary cases is inadequate release of the abnor-
mally attached lower lateral cartilage to the pyriform
rim in unilateral and bilateral cases. Without adequate Lip
release above the inferior turbinate, the displaced alar
cartilage cannot be properly advanced to achieve tip The authors now use a vertical, transverse, straight-
projection or nasal symmetry. In these secondary line incision for the initial incision in the skin and
cases, it is apparent that the abnormally tethered alar muscle of the lip. There is little resemblance to the
base has never been adequately released. The other initial Millard [2] procedure. The remaining procedure
related mistake is inadequate release and mobilization has been modified. The modified method the authors
of the nasal lining, which is achieved in this tech- use is fluid and allows improvisation and artistry by
nique by extending the incision above the inferior the surgeon, with good access to the nose for primary
turbinate cephalically or superiorly as far as necessary reconstruction. The final skin design is decided after
in each case to allow mobilization of the displaced the muscle and alar symmetry is obtained. Many
alar cartilage and lining. Many surgeons have erro- surgeons have contributed to the improvement in the
neously believed that it necessitates the addition of approach to the lip [1,26].
tissue as a mucosa or turbinate flap. This method can There are many ways to accomplish a good clo-
actually tether the alar cartilage instead of allowing sure of the lip; surgeons have demonstrated excel-
mobilization of all the nasal elements. Exposing or lence with various methods. There are advantages and
cutting cartilage lining flaps is unnecessary. The most disadvantages to each of these methods with certain
important concept is performing enough dissection so specific indications for their use by the surgeons who
adequate mobilization can be obtained. Tension is advocate their use.
196 K.E. Salyer et al / Clin Plastic Surg 31 (2004) 191–208


Many surgeons have emphasized the importance

of muscle reconstruction at the time of primary lip
repair [27]. The current authors have intuitively per-
formed this step from the beginning of their surgery
experience [5]. The dissection in the preperiosteal
plane, medially and laterally, allows release of the
attachment of the muscles to the abnormal skeletal
base. The key to achieving symmetry of the alar bases
and a normal pout to the upper lip at the primary
operation with a patient who has an abnormal skeletal
base is properly releasing the abnormal attachments of
the muscles and placing them in more normal align-
ment. This procedure also allows creation of a more
normal philtrum and dimple of the lip. It is important
to emphasize that wide dissection of more than 4 mm Fig. 2. The incision on the medial lip segment is performed
with a number 67 beaver blade. The incision on the lateral
or 5 mm between the skin and muscle is not necessary
lip segment is carried through and through with a number
in most cases, and that scarring here can result in 65 beaver blade on the vermilion-cutaneous junction, dis-
untold results. Yet, some surgeons continue to advo- secting a vermilion flap. The incision is carried intranasally
cate wide dissection, which, in the author’s opinion, and cephalically above the inferior turbinate.
is wrong.

Surgical correction of the lip and nose lip as the peak of the new Cupid’s bow on the non-
cleft side (Fig. 1). This process facilitates the design
The peak of the Cupid’s bow on the cleft side is of a symmetric prolabium but is not always easy to
marked on the vermilion-cutaneous (white skin roll) attain. If a small skin hook is placed on the skin of the
junction at an equal distance from the midline of the unrepaired lip to pull it into position as the markings
are made, better symmetry of the lip can be obtained.
The wet line on the vermilion on each side of the cleft
is marked so it can be matched at the time of closure

Fig. 1. Design of lip repair with the authors’ modification of

the rotation-advancement procedure. The peak of the Cu-
pid’s bow on the noncleft side is marked at an equal distance
from the midline of the columella-lip junction. The incision Fig. 3. The obicularis oris muscle is pulled with pick-ups,
lines on the cleft side continue from the vermilion-skin and the skin of the lateral lip segment is undermined from
border into the nasal cavity and on to the lateral nasal wall, the underlying muscle at a distance of 2 to 4 mm. The me-
above the inferior turbinate. This incision will free the dis- dial lip segment is rotated downward and pulled with a
placed and abnormally attached soft tissue from the under- hook until its height matches that of the lip segment on the
lying bone. cleft side.
K.E. Salyer et al / Clin Plastic Surg 31 (2004) 191–208 197

Fig. 6. The nasal mucosa is dissected from the lower lateral

cartilage, except for the area at the dome.

Fig. 4. The medial lip segment is pulled down to match the dotted line marks the incision intranasally above the
length of the lip segment on the cleft side. The skin on inferior turbinate where the displaced and abnormally
the medial lip segment is undermined from the obicularis attached soft tissues are freed from the underlying
oris muscle.
abnormal skeletal base. The incision extends cephali-
cally in each case and as far as necessary to totally
of the vermilion. Color match of the vermilion gives
release and connect the abnormal attachment of the
improved aesthetic results for the repair [28]. Cutting
lower lateral cartilage. The transverse cut in the skin
the lip to provide muscle in the new vermilion creates
of the lateral rotation advancement has been elimi-
a full vermilion with obicularis marginalis. With a
nated in the authors’ most recent modification. This
single hook retraction of the nose on the cleft side, the
modification has eliminated scarring around the
alar base and still allows release of the abnormally
tethered alar cartilage. The rotation incision on the
medial lip element extends along the base of the colu-
mella, with no back cut or extension into the colu-
mella, as used earlier when one of the current authors
was evolving this technique (Fig. 2) [29].

Fig. 7. The scissors are inserted through the incision at the

Fig. 5. The intranasal incision from the base of the ala is base of the ala on the cleft side to dissect the skin from the
extended above the inferior turbinate. The extent of the inci- lateral crus of the lower lateral cartilage. The nasal mucosa is
sion is determined by the degree of nasal deformity. Through dissected from the lateral cartilage, except for the area at the
this incision, the soft tissue is dissected from the underlying dome. Complete mobilization of the lower lateral cartilages
abnormal skeletal base. The incision allows symmetric re- must be achieved before the alar cartilages can be repo-
positioning of the nasal components. sitioned with stent sutures.
198 K.E. Salyer et al / Clin Plastic Surg 31 (2004) 191–208

Fig. 8. Dissection of the skin over the lateral cartilage on the

noncleft side.
Fig. 10. The nasal mucosa and obicularis oris muscles are
The incision in the medial lip element is made with sutured. A stent suture with two pledgets—one placed inside
a number 67 beaver blade. The lateral lip element is the nasal cavity in the dome area and one in the skin—is
pulled upward and medially to correct the position of the
incised and cut at the vermilion-cutaneous junction
lower lateral cartilage.
with a number 65 beaver blade, holding the lateral lip
element in a position to place muscle into the vermil-
ion. This process creates the orbicularis marginalis. stasis (Fig. 3). The medial lip element is rotated down
The obicularis muscle is grasped with the forceps, and with a hook until the height matches the height of the
the lateral dermal skin element is undermined 2 to lip on the noncleft side. If the cut does not allow
4 mm from the underlying muscle, with careful hemo- symmetric rotation of the lip, then additional incisions
are made in the skin, muscle, or underlying mucosa to
achieve adequate lengthening of the lip (Fig. 4). The
medial lip element is pulled down into a functional
position as the skin muscle plane is undermined
medially to free up the skin until fully mobilized to
facilitate muscle reconstruction. It is extended as far as

Fig. 11. Stent sutures are in place, positioning the lower

Fig. 9. Straight Keith needles with Dacron pledgets are in- lateral cartilage on the cleft side symmetric to the one on the
serted intranasally through the nasal mucosa, lower lateral opposite side. The floor of the nose, lip, and vermilion are
cartilage, and skin in the dome area. When tied, this suture repaired. In most cases, this procedure results in a well-
will shift the alar dome to project the nasal tip. balanced lip and nose.
K.E. Salyer et al / Clin Plastic Surg 31 (2004) 191–208 199

Fig. 12. (A) Preoperative frontal view of a right complete unilateral cleft lip and palate with displaced alar cartilage and
projecting greater segment in the cleft. (B) Postoperative frontal view at age 16. (C) Postoperative left lateral view at age 16.
200 K.E. Salyer et al / Clin Plastic Surg 31 (2004) 191–208

Fig. 13. (A) Preoperative frontal view of a right complete unilateral cleft lip with Simonart’s band. (B) Postoperative frontal view
at age 17. (C) Postoperative submental vertex view at age 17. (D) Postoperative right lateral view at age 17.
K.E. Salyer et al / Clin Plastic Surg 31 (2004) 191–208 201

Fig. 14. (A) Preoperative frontal view of a left incomplete unilateral cleft lip deformity. (B) Postoperative frontal view at age 16.
(C) Preoperative submental vertex view of a left incomplete unilateral cleft lip with displaced alar cartilage. (D) Postoperative
submental vertex view at age 16.
202 K.E. Salyer et al / Clin Plastic Surg 31 (2004) 191–208

Fig. 15. (A) Preoperative frontal view of a left complete unilateral cleft lip and palate. (B) Postoperative frontal view at age 9.
(C) Postoperative submental vertex view at age 9. (D) Postoperative left oblique view at age 9. (E) Postoperative left lateral
view at age 9.
K.E. Salyer et al / Clin Plastic Surg 31 (2004) 191–208 203

Scientific, Chicago, Illinois) with prolene suture over

Dacron pledges are used to translocate the alar
cartilage and shape it. They are placed according to
the desired positioning of the cartilage, skin, and
vestibular lining. Placement of these needles more
than once may be necessary to achieve the optimal
position and shape. This allows shifting of the alar
dome at the genu, giving projection of the nasal tip
(Fig. 9). The key suture of the operation is next
placed in the obicularis oris muscle of the lip, es-
tablishing the entire symmetry of the lip and nose. It
may be necessary to replace the alar dome stent
because of the shift in the tissues. These sutures
should be placed until the optimal results in reshaping
and repositioning of the displaced elements can be
achieved. Placement of the stent suture is performed
without tying it down. By pulling up on this suture as
the key muscle stitch is placed, symmetry can be
achieved in most cases (Fig. 10).
With the key muscle stitch, the alar base is
brought into proper position by the muscle recon-
struction of the soft tissue platform, which ignores the
abnormal skeletal base. This process may be facili-
Fig. 15 (continued ). tated by using buried alar base sutures from the cleft
side to the normal side to gain symmetry and balance.
The abnormal skeletal base is reconstructed later, at
the age of 7 or 8 years. Once the key muscle suture is
necessary to achieve symmetry when mobilized and placed and the positioning is good, additional muscle
closed. This is a key point (Fig. 5). The incision from sutures are used to create a complete closure. An ad-
the base of the alar intranasally is made just above the ditional lateral alar stent suture is placed to adapt the
inferior turbinate. The extension of this incision is nasal lining with the cartilage and the overlying skin
determined by the degree of deformity of the nose above the alar base. This alternately can be used
(Fig. 6). Through this incision, separation of the skin as a deep buried suture without the use of a stent.
envelope and underlying alar cartilage is performed, The current authors prefer a stent because it gives a
allowing repositioning of the abnormal nasal compo- slightly better contouring to all the tissues and helps
nents into a normal symmetric relationship (Fig. 7). mold and shape the alar cartilage. The alar stent is
Access through the medial incision facilitates dissec- tightened to achieve symmetry of the alar dome.
tion of the lower lateral cartilage from the overlying No tissue is excised in the floor of the nose; the
skin and the underlying lining, leaving the cartilage excess skin or lining is sutured and allowed to fall
attached at the dome near the genu. The abnormal into the nasal floor deficiency. Closure of the floor
attachment of the foot plate of the medial crus is of the nose is achieved with chromic suture or Mono-
released using small tenotomy scissors (Fig. 8). The cryl (Ethicon, Inc., Somerset, New Jersey).
abnormally attached muscles of the lip and nose are The transverse incision is now brought into the
likewise freed through this incision. Access to the floor of the nose to create the sill (M.S. Noordhoff,
nasal dome is gained through the medial incision. personal communication, 1992) [10]. The incision is
The single most important element in achieving minimized according to the positioning of the soft tis-
excellence is freeing all the elements of the lip and sue elements of the lip and alar base. The vermilion is
nose so that, when the key sutures are placed in the matched at the cutaneous-vermilion junction. Rarely,
muscle, symmetry of the lip and nose is achieved. If a small triangular flap is performed just above the
not, additional dissection should be performed. The vermilion and white roll to achieve the proper posi-
dissection over the alar dome is carried on to the tioning of the vermilion. The current authors prefer to
normal side to free the skin to allow repositioning of delete this procedure, if possible. The secondary wet
the displaced alar cartilage on the cleft and the non- line is lined up to allow for the best vermilion color
cleft side. Straight Keith needles (Richard Allen notch (Fig. 11). The decision of how the skin and
204 K.E. Salyer et al / Clin Plastic Surg 31 (2004) 191–208

Fig. 16. (A) Preoperative view of a left complete unilateral cleft lip and palate. (B) Postoperative frontal view after completion of
surgical and orthodontic treatment. (C) Postoperative frontal smiling view showing attractive full smile with normal dentition.
K.E. Salyer et al / Clin Plastic Surg 31 (2004) 191–208 205

lining are used in closure depends on each particular ing of cleft nasal deformities before primary repair. At
case. It is individualized as the nose is positioned into the first procedure, when executed well by the expe-
the proper projection. The skin of the columella rienced surgeon, the potential exists to create, in every
C flap is closed according to how it wants to fall, patient, a near-normal external nose. When combined
without tension in the nostril or nose when the alar with subsequent procedures using the authors’ surgi-
is pulled up with the stent sutures. The remainder of cal, speech, and orthodontic treatment protocol, the
the rotation closure is achieved with 6-0 nylon in the results can be a normal, attractive child with no
skin and 6-0 PDS (Ethicon, Inc., Somerset, New deformity at conversational distance. This procedure
Jersey) buried as subdermal interrupted suture, with achieves repositioning of the abnormally displaced
closure of the mucosa of the lip with 4-0 chromic segments of the lip and nose and, at the same time,
suture. This procedure gives consistently good results allows for creation of a normal or near-normal nasal tip
of the lip and nose when performed by an experi- projection and alar base symmetry. When the desired
enced surgeon making modifications and alterations nose or lip result is not achieved, it is easy to perform
in each step of the operation as needed. minor secondary procedures, either before school age
Finally, it is better to delay primary nasal surgery or at the time of the final surgical correction. Subse-
if the primary technique consistently creates scarring quent treatment is needed in all of these patients. A
vestibular stenosis, small nostril, or other deformities. proven treatment protocol is very important in achiev-
ing excellence.
With experience, this procedure has been changed
Results to give consistently improved and more predictable
results. When the authors published their experience
Pre- and postoperative results at 15 years, this method consistently eliminated the
buckling and flattening of the lower lateral cartilage
Figs. 12 through 16 show preoperative images on the cleft side noted in patients who only had a
and the postoperative results of the current au- repair of the lip with inadequate nasal repair [5].
thors’ technique. There are, in the authors’ series to date, no residual
severe cleft nasal deformities. The perfect nose with
no deformity is unusual, however. Patients that have
Discussion excessive nose and lip scarring frequently have poor
results. Patients with compliant parents will have
At the time of the inception of this technique, acceptable nasal contour throughout the period of
early surgical intervention was considered detrimen- growth following the primary repair and may require
tal to the growth of the young infant’s nose. The re- only minimal surgery later. Today, the authors are
sults and techniques at that time gave poor results. It able to report that most patients have minimal de-
was generally accepted that complete growth should formity and can be corrected with a minor secondary
occur before attempting definitive surgical correction. procedure when indicated. They are critical of their
After 33 years of performing this procedure in more results and perform minor secondary corrections
than 750 patients, the current authors believe that before the children start school. Approximately 35%
most lip-nose deformity can be surgically corrected of patients overall require early minor secondary pro-
at the primary operation. The alar repositioning, sill cedures. Definitive repair after growth is complete is
reconstruction, and tip projection can be achieved an aesthetic surgical correction directed at achieving
at the time of the primary procedure. This does not optimal facial balance and harmony, not major defor-
mean that with growth there may not be changes mity correction. The authors’ goal for these children
that may require secondary correction. These changes is to achieve optimal facial balance and harmony, nor-
are usually related to the septum and skeletal base. mal speech, a beautiful smile, and full dentition with
Using their treatment protocol, the results the au- normal occlusion, resulting in an attractive face with
thors achieve at the primary operation of the soft no stigmata of clefting at a conversational distance.
tissue remain consistent with subsequent growth. This is a realistic goal when the author’s protocol is
Failure to achieve perfect or excellent results is ap- properly executed.
parent to the surgeon at the time of completion of the It is not necessary to address the primary skeletal
primary repair. deformity other than trying to align this at the time
The authors’ procedure eliminates the early stig- of closure using passive perisurgical orthopedics.
mata of primary cleft lip-nose in young children. It also Active preoperative surgical orthopedics is currently
eliminates alar buckling, which was a consistent find- popular. The authors believe it is not necessary to use
206 K.E. Salyer et al / Clin Plastic Surg 31 (2004) 191–208

this technique. Many surgeons have used this method far enough to achieve complete mobility of all the
because, by actively moving the maxillary segments, nasal and lip elements without distortion when re-
it facilitates immediate, easy surgical closure on a positioned. Through this approach, total mobilization
closed skeletal base. The current authors believe, of the abnormally distorted alar base is performed. It
however, that it places the skeletal elements into an is necessary to undermine, over the maxilla, the ab-
abnormal position, with damage to the growth of normally attached labial and nasal musculature. This
the face, which locks the segments into abnormal procedure is performed above the periosteum. The
position and ultimately results in more severe defor- authors do not believe that this interferes with sub-
mity when growth is completed. Late results have sequent growth, which has been demonstrated in their
proven this assumption [30]. The use of primary own patients [33]. Bardach and Salyer [1] previously
periosteal flaps to close the alveolar cleft early on emphasized no dissection over the maxilla. The
is not satisfactory; 40% of patients require additional current authors do not feel that it is necessary to
bone grafting. close the area of the incision along the inferior
With the nasal procedure described here, most of turbinate by the use of a turbinate mucosa flap, or
the authors’ patients have good to excellent results an L or M flap [2]. They believe that this procedure
after the primary procedure. No external incisions or may, at times, cause distortion of the tissues, inter-
exposure of the cartilage is necessary, nor should it be fering with excellence of the nasal result. Again, clo-
performed at this age [31,32]. Minor positioning or sure of the incision is less important than the basic
sculpting of the alar cartilages, at the time of the elements of reconstruction. Total mobilization of all
teenage years, to achieve improved aesthetic balance the displaced structures and placing them in a normal
is all that is necessary. Most of these patients subse- position is the key to excellence. Whether the surgeon
quently have an abnormal rhinorrhea and some nasal uses a triangular flap or rotational advancement flaps
obstruction. The authors have obtained good results for the skin incision itself is of secondary importance.
by doing early inferior turbinectomy or limited sub- The upper transverse limb of the lateral advancement
mucosal resection in young children, at the age of flap design is now eliminated in most cases and de-
5 to 10 years, and definitive submucosal resection or layed until the closure, eliminating the scar around
inferior turbinate resection after growth is complete. the alar and minimizing the scar in the nostril floor.
Early elimination of nasal obstruction has improved This procedure also gives better definition of the alar
the authors’ results. groove (M.S. Noordhoff, personal communication,
The use of this early primary procedure is a visual 1992) [10].
method that depends on the surgeon’s ability to place The concept of wearing nasal stents postopera-
and position displaced and distorted parts into a tively is useful. The current authors insert these at the
normal relationship by the use of sutures and tempo- time of primary suture removal at 1 week. This more
rary stents. The key to achieving consistently good recent technique splints the nostril with silicon con-
results is total release and mobilization of all the formers to limit the effects of wound contracture and
elements, including the skin envelope, the nasal car- scarring. The authors believe silicone stents worn in
tilage, the underlying musculature, and the vestibular both nostrils for 3 months improves scaring and
lining and the oral mucosa. Once total mobility has vestibular stenosis in primary cases. They have used
been obtained, it is simply a matter of suturing all Koken (Silimed, Porex Surgical, Newnan, Georgia)
the parts into a normal-shaped contour of the lip stents in primary and secondary cases. From the
and nose; matching the normal side becomes easier. current authors improved outcomes using Koken
This procedure can be consistently performed in stents, they believe that individualized silicone nostril
these patients and maintained using stent sutures stents worn long-term can be recommended as an
through the nose or, alternately, using sutures without adjunctive measure. A method of individualized
stents. Early primary correction of deformity contri- design could improve this approach. Preoperative
butes to more normal growth and development of expansion of the nostril using tissue expansion is
the nose and, more important, it corrects deformity unnecessary in patients with UCLN because it is time
early, which promotes better psychosocial develop- consuming and labor intensive.
ment and a good self-image before the adverse The authors have evaluated speech results, facial
psychosocial effects of deformity can cause damage. balance, and dental occlusion in 50 random completed
Modifications in this technique have been made in cases [34]. Their findings revealed that velopharyng-
the last 10 years. An emphasis on the intranasal eal closure could be achieved in 90% of patients with
incision is important, which should be placed at the treatment before 1 year with two-flap palatoplasty.
level of the inferior turbinate extending into the nose Good to excellent facial aesthetic balance of the face,
K.E. Salyer et al / Clin Plastic Surg 31 (2004) 191–208 207

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