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a Pare). Listening welert the beat an DO Net whut al 1 coor THE TEST no Dirvetions for items 1-21 tin your answer on the anawer o 2. Yer. Dean do it an cnrefully b. lowly © fant dwell 2. Move the to the right. a. knob b. key ce. tray d. nut 3. Yes, she has a. food b. money c. children d. time 4. Oh, sometimes it a. drops b. sticks c. spills d. shakes 5. a. It’s nice to meet you. b. Sorry, I can’t today. c. Bob has a new job. d. Use this machine. one in my pocket, 6. Yes, I have a. an expensive b. asecond c. ablack d. anold CamScanner + lise &suacll \ ' Book 10 Quit € \ 7. Yer, —— -\ the eines ix very Jone A new - bh them coe c thentuntente like rg 7 d. the reom 8 Ho's ——- a. pol b. absent ©. married a. afraid 9. Mr. Phillips is the ——- a. grandfather b. secretary ©. uncle d. boss 10. a. May T introduce you to Ann? b. They're fine, thanks. And yours? ¢. There aren't any diet sodas. a. Certainly, I can do that. 1. Yes, it’s very a. pretty b. dirty c. soft d. long Should I ? a. get married b. go shopping c. go tothe front i. do them a favor Ikay, V1 buy them clean them put them on take them off CamScanner + lise &suacll P00 10 Quiz.c 14, 15, 16. 17. 18. 19. 20. Shi ” — them, types lifts cover, cookn Will it rnin? How do you don Wide help me? Mich button do 1 pushe at the su in the Parkin ret atthe mall + in the air Yes, 1 ae re Bere a, b. co d it, Qa. sent b. got c. bought a. broke T know. We a. have the number b. don’t like the color c. left a message d. can’t make acall Yes, Ican one. a. buy b. drive c. clean d. sell Of course. Ill be glad to. J don’t like the weather. You can’t insert a DN. J met her yesterday. ee oP CamScanner + lise &suaell Nook 10 Que 21 Veet = owen . be calinet © inflate ow 1 of tho atrensed sylinble 23. Listen to the word and aclect the number a4 boo © 3 di 4 Listen to the Paragraph and sclect the TOPIC. 3. the ocean b. the mountains 3. ily and friends d. summer vacations 25. Listen to the paragraph and select the MAIN IDEA. ii ug a. There are many changes in the fal b. People need ‘warm clothes in the ae c. In the fall, children return to school. i d. Leaves on trees change to orange and brown. US IS THE END OF THE LISTENING PART OF THE TI 4 5 1 Loe & gusaall CamScanner 2 92 = = Directions ab, or items 26. Gord. wi Nor - 48. ON aaa Ratt mower, na nd mark your answer sheet 26. She went to the 8. from b. with c& out d. for = ——s0me milk. 27. Put the books a. at b. on com c. in d. to 28. Ann: Do you have enough food for the party? Bob: Yes, . the table. a. I live downstairs b. Tm married now c. Ihavealotofit quem d. Ireplaced it I read the yesterday. a. dryer b. business c. company d. article === 30. Bob didn’t enjoy —— the car. a. fixing @™ b. is fixing c. fixes d, fix 31. Tom packed his suitcase —— a, while b. until c. after d. before mm he went to sleep. 5 CamScanner + lise &suaell Book 10 Quiz C 32. 33. 34, 35. 36. 37. Ann: Where doI pay for the book? Bob: Take your money to the a. secretary b. cashier om ©. neighbor a. driver The clerk gave me the change. a. common b. famous © exact qua d. favorite Are we take a test today? a. to be supposed b. be supposed to supposed to quam d. supposed Sans is it to Tom's house? Bob: One mile. a. What time b. How much c. With whom d. How far Bob's tools are in the basement. He goes to use them. a. downstairs rr b. everywhere c. certainly d. politely , Ann: How’s the weather in New York today? Bob: —— cloudy. a, Tm b. What's c. There's CamScanner + lise &suacll Book 10 Quiz c 38. 39. 40. 41. 42. 43. I__the ‘answer to the Problem. a. shook " b wrote down GaP c. filled up d. raised The soldiers were happy __jate on Saturday. a. slept b. sleep c. toslep Gimp d. to sleeping Ann: Would you repair the lamp? Bob: Yes, I will. Jim: What did Ann ask you? Bob: She asked me the lamp. a. torepair © b. repair c. repairto d. repairing Bob learned how a. todrive = b. todriving ce. drives d. drive the car. Bob his brother next Saturday. a. visit bp. tovisit ce, visi d. visiting Ann run fast. a. beable to pb. is able c. able to d. isabletO ees CamScanner + se dual Book 10 Quiz C 44. 45. 46. 47. 48. Y — Bob takes people to different places bY car. He's & a. cashier b. dentist ©. writer d. driver que My pants are very big. They're —— a. loose C= b. quick ce. extra a. high Ann: Give this letter to Jan, please. Bob: Okay. Jim: What did Ann say? Bob: She said the letter to Jan. a. is giving Bob: ——you Jend me some money, please? ‘Ann: Sorry,J don’t have any- a. May b, Can c. Must d. Should ll your family arrive? Bob: Mee “ will get here tomorrow. wrench opening relatives — machines ae oe CamScanner + lise &suasll ook 10 Quiz C f 4g. Rend the paragraph and select the BEST TITLE, The military didn’t always use radios. Before radios, the military sometimes used birds to take messages to soldiers in far places. This kind of bird is call a carrier pigeon. Some people still use them today for fun, but the military doesn’t use these birds now. When the military used them, the birds flew ov lakes, hills, and mountains to deliver important messages. The military lik carrier pigeons because they were fast and always knew how to return hor after they completed their flight. Birds like these helped the military. They were good soldiers in the sky. a. Radios for Soldiers b. Soldiers inthe Sky eam c. Birds Fly Home d. Beautiful Birds 50. Rend the paragraph again and select the BEST SUMMARY. cqesm 2. In the past, the military used carrier pigeons. They carried importa messages to soldiers. They were fast and returned after each flight b. In the past, birds delivered mail. They liked to fly over mountains : lakes. They always flew fast. c. Carrier pigeons were the first military radios. They were importar and fast. They were beautiful, too. d. Many years ago, the military wanted to buy some radios. Radios 1 expensive. They bought some birds because they were cheap. THIS IS THE END OF THE TEST. CamScanner + ise 4 guaall

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