Cce Record

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KSR COLLEGE OF EDUCATION K.S.R Kalvi Nagar, Tiruchengode - 637 215, Namakkal (Dt.) ASTM) i= eacor NN V Onur sy Note 131210 cor Ue MU NSH LL AAINU=T) (Accredited by NAAC with “B’ grade) K.S.R. Kalvi Nagar, Tiuchengode, Namakkal (Dt) B.Ed., Degree Course 2018 - 2020 Students Portfolio / CCE Record Bonafide Certificate Name of the Student Teachers... P.SUGIANYR. AGP Register Number 1 al Se BDI, Optional Subject : Redagog 4 ot. English Ig W__ WX | Signature of tlt Student Teacher wus thetternal Examiner Mel” Signatuie of the (resachat Examiner 5S. MAYAVEL, M.Sc..M.Ed..M.Phil., Asst, Professor cuucation, Station: K aR Colteg 2 b £ du Ree helio? kever Conoge of Faucar Date : 2,.3.20,%.3.20+ PERAMBALUR, INDEX CONTENT at 2. pease tooapsabstst ata pea eee | Alternate Assetsmonk Cheeklist tor Teacher Assessment Record Qi. Summative marks anc Standand Record Scholastic Area- Physical Education Goan 0018 — 2019 (o- turvitular Ackvities life Skills INDEX OWTINUDUS Ann GomMPREHENISIVE Evaluation (INTRODUCTION i @@)The National policy of Educalton , (986. Stresses Fhe Jollowtng. 6) Uriversad access and erroliment (p Urfivesal relation at crSidven upto iA years of age » and cy A Substantial) fmprovement th the Quality eg education dp enable Bu ofidren oseonttiad Level % deamntng - to achfeve ak a difid entered and gett also states th acvity based Pprom@ss og ay fe As the cht Id grows: the ponent ing Syster thak Taquaes eR) Exam and \earn Rote untkely 10 stimulate Stuctents - Tr Page No, te) Creale ‘futerest & Chat to: attend doy make them see! thak they are leam ski ugesud to thelr later lide. os True learuing bakes Place’ only th a Environment where people’ feel chatlengeg I) NCF 2005 entisionad Q Vastty dfiyerent System bul upon entirely new foundabi, that would actually make the teacher the primary educakoy og the student: a) This cystem diécourage one Short assessme: and Advocakes Lontfnuows and, Lomprehnensien 8) CCE - Continuous and Lomprehensive evalua Yesers to the System OS School: based evaluaktén of students that Covers au acpects of Students development : @) It fa Aevelopmentad Process ot 7 gore! assessment ustich emphasizes On 00 oBectives- eet | The ners has also Proposed T2) Strengi, 2 au0 Ae and ormprehenctve evaluat the acaconfic session. Neniowst (URCHIN one bome (aep R008 ro provide Aree and Compulsory Cducatton Tr 143. 0 ( Crovormmment oder) dated on 1a loqigou states Improve gtudane knowledge, skills, and ackevity paced Learning ; Learn by practica) | methods. Srvolwa i Nese Ch Educattan shoudl and dnnovatton Ob» crucents, tudents can be ° TIncopend Jear, Sorrovs and ‘dlepragston 2 ant wrthe® ~* : : p> Assessmont th Schotastic and (o- Scholastt| The lommfttte Was ctarted th 2009, and estabished iD Qooe- rT ctandond to Vai standard 2012-9013 g” Standard 2013 to Qo . | : x" Standard - "Aon to Qous MEANING: oF conrtingous AND torres pa EvAWWeTON fe HolsHe devetepment.of @ leamar: and Conscholastte: areas on and ecole. learning» » Bringing a the strengtns ana ealoess oy learners and Fortitty them do, avetd appropflatiness to -uimproved thels sktlls - Page No. ce S providing Feedback to the teacher . medSsytng thefr teaching strategies whe... necessary. Therejore the assessment fh the er environment Setould Fours on the Flic’. acnatitg an approntak ‘level o cnfovement th dfsterent subecte grep Deverching and billing: Uidividual Sihievetke and mottvatfon . Respock appropridialy do didjerent Si2: Appiing what Ls leaned in varys © environments, clrcumetances . and Ruatons . =. ee Working Gonitty tevaboralively and haxmoufous ly . SS Being aware to analyse and evaluate ont. own Leamin FF> Betng aware of Yelevants social and eAviren- Lmental issues : i is Leading a healltfig and a preductive lye. CCE, Therefore y Ensures’: _ yy Not to label the leavtner as slow. peor, intelligent ote. i Not ' to Make, Lompantaons, “pessitio, leasing le Noe ‘to! make negatfve statements ., Salient Features uses of Continuous aro eomprehensie Evaluation C Cee) + . > Continuous veders 0 reguloxif ty ane Periodicity uth the assessment: Page No. => Evaluation fncludes assessment oy |, © Scholastic areas. Scholastic Assessment : Refers to evaluation of all Academe Sublet, las Spréad ‘over the entire Period og learning Tts Encludes the leamtng, knowledge. , Understanding , analysis and applfcattén og | Te {5a non retenthg appstoach to assessmen! Helps &h Yeading learners | stress. by Clabes Sspediifed portiohs 4 the curtfaular content| lak Intervals. > Physica) education & condidered as as] wwhtegral pastt of Scholasife “assessment: | (®) Formative Assessment (FA) (0 (%) Formative Asseasment () (>) | ty Summative Assessment @® CO Scholaste Assessment - CO Scholastic Assécernent : eee => Life chills 4 =} Attitudes’ and values => Wellness and holastfe exercise , Oo curoillar ackivitfes . cn) Pe malive Pesezsment Gy (0) : FA (0). fa measure | og the learners UW) ocfve parifcLpabion ha specktum “os tear 9 | ociiitfes . Ik can be conducted dunitig the so in) each untt - This may al course ot learning ea Doservarton | _gucents panticlpassn presentat (costve expression — ona other rfiques. tudente paritapaten presenta’ 60 | creative studen' , etpregsion and other “techrRques - SS Page No. # Tt Jouses On the ASS2Ssmen, los the leamars unftten work arfed oup uuig Specitred periods th, the Course % Learnutn | a In CAUses , I ond D apart from imple wrftten work, oral work wht Alo be ee ae The Questor, may be VorUow iy, she Jormaut may fnclude Puzetes and | Micdles ‘th gotten Mode » f i a) Summaife Assessment « pica : Summakfve ' ASsessment & the Osseesment ‘ot leatners ScHolasife attathment at the end cf each tern. This assessment & based on a’ blue! “pie Comprehens thg ‘Appfication , analysis okt., # Tt & a gomma) assessment:: IE veflecte the achievement of the learnor ak the end o rhe dass. It fea blue prht based, Kitten test Te fs time stheduted : Page No. i.) ____ Allernate Assessment. chee). | tor _dlt}ferontly Abled_chtldrop, 4 Past -r Commuricattou Chart Calculator Computer visual Alids visual Daaptattons . Sufbe petra tre Language Sxemptton Alternate Questfon Paper Blternate Content Aitered Uurficulum Trdividualized Cun alum. | f Commuvi feahin chaste: Page No. Cornmusica fon | Chants mey, bo required by crtidran who ara Non verbal land UNable to write ov type Commun cation charts, Maybe any of the jottoung « ? scribe uk be requited to write cow? the ifid’s royticarton Co Con Calculator : The atviston: a) provide a calculate yor “ enams ‘fe tale | a4tar athe crtid had enough aime 40 Prackee pace deavithmene ep O agile ' | poneuines fl _catcalarig, Computer | A cid who fs vin dio write ray ibe to untite exams after q has low: Vigion] oy uNatble ‘provided usith a Computer Page No. Ie e answer Pape; Adequate traintng - 1A on the computer Ang , - ther be Saved Préntout taken or crid tYyPes. Visual Atols : A ch8id who fs blihd or ha, , Vision, may required visual OF ds ind, ta) Braflle equipment Lb) Taylor Fram: adapted geometry. Kit. (A) tactile raps Alagrams (e) magrfister Lt) slant board vigual Adaptation : Adaptatttns tor’ children with low vision include the Jolvow tng 62) weston paper tn enlarged Space bel lines Ce) High tontrack matbfall Page No, @ ZO as : By Py ycomboy | ponuononvar oteg pw yompror | um -o7 20f 070) payd.299 FOTO xb “oD. ‘ 7 ° poll 4 £) Y, iis a Id | 950) 1a saded 2 us padre aun | ¢ | Set oe] erro qo | ®7 44 | Arcomroe 2 ; on os 4A, 40d +ed\ad| (a8 Aoqurazveg T-uwaL| @ LaquMead Or For) ay s2q0}00 qeo] (e7¥4 | a 22000 4aqueydag a) us aL b mpan| 9 vedhy. 4A Ad ABdiad toquajdas) Kunal t oct+ov ae I qbeo Qj 04 4} wuUnNL! 3 -syapy) UgPMGr | avawssessy|WAUHFTE) soromg) gwialig® yaar DuTe|aypP Jo VoLyonyornz noryoone3 cowaads Oe | nye 40 ro w Euniraeur | suns | 2 TS busses srurob buntrad puo Judwarjau flap Bp “uguemps pooyhud x06 var * PALaXe ; 40 ii ad mua hiro FT - bruayLbuas 2q of ® PRIQLUXO 10 SLayTIIPU) 20141 huo FT - pooig Parsasuxe 19 sueqeoypuy Feo FL - a0B Ran PABISYXO 20 srapooypuP arte fo FI ~ qualloxy wed pong sof ngqopedey | TEN “gyomps poashud sof mrs bu paic 23 Page No. 23 Mayeq av TQ |moreq tq | moleqg oe Be -1e Fe es in a oh - € Ge | feo a} ai-e t ag- it tO a - 90 2 ot-L) 12 09 - 1S Q qe-1E "9 He - 18 ta an-19 tq ELE ta | 8c- ae 'a ag- Ih 1g 3H—ch \q | té-be ty op- 18 ey | pe py | eee iy ee \W 09-44 7 Ov -LE “apo | DW 290119} Lvl} aputig] LOL) "001 = a9+ai = (St Y4] [FOL (99) a> (7) G4 ‘aq pwopuDAS eyM YALL “GY STIL Cupuxo07 bunpeory nossa | aoe| jprlara|gs9 proves verter buruwe7 quapng \- amxaunuiy mM Form. FA Cb) Teacher Assessment Record en Ch) G-WAO). | | info | ‘05 Goud ppabjeraLfonas a fan | 204 wean aelamp quer i - Wed pragod PropUCIP puD SHOW “AAZVOOIUING pacred AUTUSSsessy ATYIDSL * s}30d5 49 F) Hoyuly uw Fouaritard PAE P Here Faanigard Jad ma fy nH euaraIMUD TOUT FAITH Smey194 | Page No Hod p 40 Hye Fouarsfad Jafiolg ant 49 TAYIMPDADYD FS FATA SMOTIO | dus WISTS srr stud NHApH YY fruemiford | qo MYFApoANp | L ———ypurroig Fayre SOHO | 1 dys UMS ag POST Grade A018 - 2019 brudents Brodata \ Form) g& the Student § aa wight] Blocd Grup} School Seah: pepe men Page No, Cs) / | ] | (yo pou{ wa] ot ros] dt | 98 | roams Sue “ palng w- ual | web (eases YopaLd)- mugnedxa buwiwer z - aKUd avbeabby sues “TOHYIppP LbyM UN) - A) neous ponshud [bah | yrrory Pasig yvamon puo vpninty [7 MMS Fe TW -wo) G- wei T -vasoL hiuypy (aE TI pPGW OE EP 2LDTTIALUND-0) —_&- Wd | Annual Report (Mode form) Subject fet J a | | gnaitsh | [| Maths __— Science Jocial Science to curvtevulum Actuites physical education ‘| ocurfealum scfisies | STORE ——— Auerude and values Good health (yoqe! physical educatton (o- curficullam Activittes ie sy Page No. brrade po 8 Page No - FASS 5 amyubys vows | amyoubig WA aunqoubss ANP VEL ssvy? stop yosad “9 -aN | frop busom 49 -an gotoL. merc | T-wsoL (ane Tapa) (moce\ Form) LFfo SKINS - vage No : pp) | | (\ | ssqueond F188 > be As \ ant pougnod ys gosnFed [ssouanyrassd 1 We VOLT) PUNVINIT) | eh d Ee Ss iz Poe “Nip a || Page No. |_“7_J 790d bun pupa] TPHOMAL- ov SJ squsadord onand/ yaoyo bury2ayong ssmumeysno? 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