Formalin: A Threat To Public Health

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A threat to public health

The widespread use of formalin in preservation of fish, fruit and other food items
is posing a threat to public health. The chemical used as a solution in water keeps
fish fresh and makes fruits like mangoes attractive. This chemical, usually used to
stop dead bodies from rotting, is now being used to preserve edible items.
A recent study by Badan Pengawas Obat danwe Makanan (BPOM), Indonesia’s
department controlling and surveying food and drug, has found that a section of
dishonest traders are using formalin widely in preservation of food items,
including fish, tofu, and noodles.
Last December (2005), BPOM performed a laboratorium test of 161 samples of
sea products (including fish, squid, shrimp, oyster, dried salted fish / squid), tofu,
and wet noodles from 6 cities at Lampung, South Sumatra. The test showed 64
samples were found positive containing formalin.
Furthermore, BPOM also performed a simple experiment on the positive samples
in attempt to remove the formalin content. These products were washed
thoroughly and boiled in water with a temperature of 800C for 5 to 10 minutes.
The formalin level was reduced but not fully removed. So the conclusion, once
formalin is added, it cannot be removed.
Formalin is a colourless strong-smelling chemical substance usually used in
industry of textiles, plastics, papers, paint, construction, and well known to
preserve human corpse. It is derived from formaldehyde gas dissolved in water.
Exposure from its gas or vapour can cause irritation to the eyes, nose and
respiratory tract, causing sneezing, sore throat, larynx constriction, bronchitis and
pneumonia. Multiple exposures can lead to asthma. It can also affect the skin
causing dermatitis or allergic reaction.
Serious inhalation or ingestion can cause severe pain with inflammation
ulceration and necrosis of the mucous membranes, which line almost every
internal organ. This may show as symptoms of nausea, vomiting blood, and
diarrhea with bloody stool, blood from the urine, acidosis, vertigo, and circulation

failure then death. 30ml is suggested the lethal dose of formalin. The limit
allowed in air that is still safe for human is less than 2ppm.
Formalin that was recently found in food, might not give such obvious reactions.
However, this substance is known as carcinogenic substance, can precipitate
cancer. A study showed mice exposed to formalin with concentration of 6 to
15ppm for 2 years developed squamous-cell carcinoma in the nostril. Some other
studies also show formalin will cause kidney, liver, and lung problems.
How will you help yourself detecting the foods with formalin inside? The fish will
be stiff, have rubbery meat, hard scales, red gills, clear eyes, doesn’t have the
“fishy smell” and no flies flying around. Unable to break the meat by hand, which
you usually could, only can be cut by a knife. Formalin will make the fish become
stiff, whitish and odorless. Even when cooked, i.e. fried, it will still be stiff. Its
consistency is more rubbery than usual, the surface tends to be hard, won’t spoil
after 24 hours. Normally after 24 hours, tofu would become slimy, brittle and
sour. If it is steamed, submerged in cold water, or kept in the fridge, it may last
longer. Wet noodles. Has yellowish colour, tends to be elastic, with a drug like
odour or ash-like odour when boiled or mixed with hot water.
How to avoid food with formalin? Fish, especially sea fish. Press the fish, if it feels
tender, it should be free of formalin. Choose fish which still has its fishy smell. It’s
best to buy live fish. Avoid dried salty fish. Choose one with smooth surface
consistency. It’s safer to consume egg tofu or water tofu (also known as Japanese
tofu), though this product can’t last long and is very brittle. Wet noodles. Try the
less attractive coloured ones.

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