Рубежный конроль 8 класс БАЗА Веревкина

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Progress Test 8 grade (базовый уровень)

Variant I

Задание 1. Прочитайте предложения, раскройте скобки и поставьте слова в нужную

1. He (study) __________________________ French for two years and doesn’t even know the
alphabet yet.
2. I (lose) ______________________my key. I am trying to wake my mom by throwing stones at
her window.
3. She usually (drink) ____________________coffee, but today she (drink)
4. What’s the (bad)___________________ film you’ve ever seen?
5. When (to be) _______________________the news on TV?
6. Pam (leave) _________________________the party when Mark arrived
7. When I (clean) ________________________ the attic, I (come) ____________________across
an antique book.
8. The concert (start) _______________________at 8 pm.
9. We (go) ______________________ to the theatre tomorrow.
10. My brother is the (sociable) ______________________________boy in the class.
11. The (old) ______________________________we grow, the wiser we become.

Задание 2. Прочитайте предложения и преобразуйте слова, стоящие в скобках так,

чтобы они лексически и грамматически соответствовали содержанию предложению.
1 I Think you should ____________________ to Greg for being so rude to him. apology
2 Your son is ill-tempered, distrustful, ______________ and stubborn. patient
3 I have just created something totally  _________________ logical
4 There are a lot of ________________ of living in a big city, for example advantages

pollution and noise.

5 ___________ packaging can help to sell a product. attract

Задание 3 Составь словосочетания. Одно существительное лишнее.

1 to break A. weight
2 charity B. experiments
3 to put on C. charity
4 to perform D. shop
5 to meet E. the ice
F. tough deadlines

1 2 3 4 5

Задание 4 Заполните пропуски, обозначенные буквами А-Е, выбрав подходящее слово из списка
1-8. Перенесите номера выбранных слов в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один
раз. В списке три лишних слова.

1)scientist 4)physics 7)famous

2)imaginative 5) laboratory 8)experiments
3)invention 6)scientific
Griffin was a A)_____________. He had studied Biology, Chemistry and B)___________ at the
university and now he wanted to start research and become C)____________. He experimented with
light. The young scientist had a full time job as an assistant to the professor in the D)___________ and
spent all the time there. He had performed a lot of E)___________ before he achieved/got/ some
results. Griffin was a real inventor as he could easily make any thing invisible! He thought he would
get all he had dreamed about due to his F)______________, so he made himself invisible. He wanted
to present his discovery/invention to the /entire/ scientific world but to do this he must be seen/visible
and he couldn’t do that.  So he was mad at people because nobody had ever supported his experiments
and he couldn’t now return to the real world. Griffin used his invention to destroy people. He had
become the Invisible man and everybody was afraid of him. His discovery didn’t help people.


Задание 5 Выбери правильный ответ

1 The financial crisis has brought the prices_______________________ .

a) On b) down c) off
2 We must be quick! We’ve __________________ time.
a) little b) many c) much
3 I didn’t take ______________________pictures on holiday.
a) many b) much c) few
4 I am not keen _________________ Maths
a) on b) at c) in
5 Mrs Smith is very popular _________ her students
a) to b) with c) between
6 Would you like to pay _________ credit card?
a) by b) in c) with
7 My dad went ________ wi th the flu yesterday
a) off b) down c) along

Progress Test 8 grade (базовый уровень)

Variant II
Задание 1. Прочитайте текст, раскройте скобки и поставьте слова в нужную форму.

1. She (speak) ________________________________for an hour on the phone.

2. Ouch! I (cut) ______________________________________just my finger.
3. How you (get) ______________________to work as a rule? – I usually go by bus but
tomorrow I (go) ______________________________in Tom’s car.
4. Thanks, Dad. You're the (good)_____________________________!
5. Money (not bring) ____________________________________happiness.
6. She was sad because she (fail) ______________________ her exam.
7. We (have)________________________ lunch when the phone (ring)____________________.
8. The match (begin) ______________________________________at four o’clock.
9. I (meet) _______________________________________Mary tomorrow evening.
10. Jennifer is the (beautiful) ______________________________girl I’ve ever seen.
11. The (much) _________________________you eat, the more you put on weight.

Задание 2. Прочитайте предложения и преобразуйте слова, стоящие в скобках так,

чтобы они лексически и грамматически соответствовали содержанию предложению.

1 It took me two hours to  ____________________ this sentence. memory

2 It is ________________ to lie about one's age. honest
3 I can’t rely on you, you are so _________________ responsible
4 I like the blend of ______________ and modern melodies tradition
5 He is ______________ in everything  success

Задание 3 Составь словосочетания. Одно слово лишнее.

1 lose A. a pay rise

2 to wear B. work
3 sparkling C. oneself
4 get D.
5 introduce E. a uniform
6 F. water

1 2 3 4 5

Задание 4
Заполните пропуски, обозначенные буквами А-Е, выбрав подходящее слово из списка 1-8.
Перенесите номера выбранных слов в таблицу. Используйте каждую цифру только один раз.
В списке три лишних слова.

1) cooking 3) favourite 5) traditions 7) course

2) kitchen 4) cereal 6) meal 8) home-cooked

Now that I’ve been staying with a British family here in Brighton for a week, let me tell you a few
things about English food A)__________ today. I’m sure it’s one of the most interesting aspects of any
national culture. To start with, breakfast here is very different from what my mum usually cooks.  It’s
something very light, like cornflakes or B)_________ with milk, some toast and jam and a cup of
coffee. Lunch  is even more unusual than a four-course C)__________ we usually have in Russia.
There is no soup, no fish or meat with a side dish. I usually have got a box with a packed lunch with
me – there are a couple of ham and cheese sandwiches, an apple or banana, some cookies and a drink.
A lot of local people prefer packed lunch like this. The only D)_________ meal is dinner. It’s my
E)_________. They usually serve green salad, roast chicken or beef and some very delicious dessert.
My host family all prefer ice cream, but I like some home-baked dessert called “trifles”.  I’d like to
learn the recipe and make it when I‘m back home. My parents will take pride of my F)_____________

Задание 5 Выбери правильный ответ

1 These photos bring ______________ so many happy memories.
a) on b) off c) down
2 He isn’t very sociable. He has ___ friends.
a) few b) little c) a lot of
3 There’s no need to hurry. We’ve got ___ of time.
a) many b) plenty c) much
4 Peter is very good ____________ drawing
a) at b) on c) in
5 My mum is proud ____________ my grades at school
a) in b) of c) about
6 It’s impossible to pay _________ cash
a) on b) with c) in
7 The cat went __________ the rat
a) after b) about c) with

Задание 1.

Вариант 1 Вариант 2
1 1. Has been studying 1. Has been speaking
2. Have lost 2. Have cut
3. Drinks/Is drinking 3. Do you get/am going
4. Worst 4. Best
5. Is 5. Do not bring
6. Had left 6. Had failed
7. Was cleaning/came 7. Were having/rang
8. Starts 8. Begins
9. Will go 9. Will meet
10. The most sociable 10. The most beautiful
11. older 11. more
2 1. Apologise 1. Memorise
2. Impatient 2. Dishonest
3. Illogical 3. Irresponsible
4. Disadvantages 4. Traditional
5. attractive 5. successful
3 1. Break the ice 1. Lose weight
2. Charity shop 2. Wear a uniform
3. Put on weight 3. Sparkling water
4. Perform experiments 4. Get a pay rise
5. Meet tough deadlines 5. Introduce oneself
4 1. scientist 1. traditions
2. Physics 2. cereal
3. famous 3. meal
4. laboratory 4. home-cooked
5. experiments 5. favourite
6. invention 6. cooking
5 1. back 1. Back
2. Little 2. Few
3. Many 3. Plenty
4. On 4. At
5. With 5. Of
6. By 6. In
7. Down 7. after

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