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Annu. Rev. Public Health 2008.29:273-295. Downloaded from

• Our comprehensive search Sara N. Bleich,1 David Cutler,2 *Erratum

Christopher Murray,3 and Alyce Adams4

Department of Health Policy and Management, Johns Hopkins School of Public
Health, Baltimore, Maryland 21205; email:
Graduate School of Arts and Sciences, Harvard University, Cambridge,
Massachusetts 02138; email:
Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation, University of Washington,
Seattle, Washington 98102; email:
Department of Ambulatory Care and Prevention, Harvard University, Boston,
Massachusetts 02215; email: Alyce

Annu. Rev. Public Health 2008. 29:273–95 Key Words

First published online as a Review in Advance on obesity, developed countries, energy intake, energy expenditure,
January 3, 2008
drivers of the energy imbalance
The Annual Review of Public Health is online at Abstract
This article’s doi: Obesity has risen dramatically in the past few decades. However, the
relative contribution of energy intake and energy expenditure to ris-
Copyright  c 2008 by Annual Reviews. ing obesity is not known. Moreover, the extent to which social and
All rights reserved
economic factors tip the energy balance is not well understood. This
0163-7525/08/0421-0273$20.00 exploratory study estimates the relative contribution of increased
caloric intake and reduced physical activity to obesity in developed
countries using two methods of energy accounting. Results show that
rising obesity is primarily the result of consuming more calories. We
estimate multivariate regression models and use simulation analy-
sis to explore technological and sociodemographic determinants of
this dietary excess. Results indicate that the increase in caloric intake
is associated with technological innovations as well as changing so-
ciodemographic factors. This review offers useful insights to future
research concerned with the etiology of obesity and suggests that
obesity-related policies should focus on encouraging lower caloric

*This PDF amended on (4 Dec. 2008): See explanation at

ANRV337-PU29-17 ARI 14 February 2008 16:5

INTRODUCTION ploring obesity and its determinants (44). Ex-

perts increasingly point to technology innova-
Today, obesity affects more than 300 million
tions as a key mechanism driving the energy
OECD: adults, the majority of whom live in the de-
Organization for imbalance (14, 21, 44). Technological innova-
veloped world (79). In the past two decades,
Economic tions refer to improvements that have low-
the average level of obesity in the Organiza-
Cooperation and ered the costs associated with consumption
tion for Economic Cooperation and Devel-
Development and a sedentary lifestyle. However, whether
opment (OECD) countries has risen by 8%.
Body mass index obesity is more attributable to dietary excess
Unlike previous centuries, where increased
(BMI): an index for or physical inactivity as a result of these in-
relating a person’s weight was a sign of improved health (24),
novations is unclear. Those in support of the
body weight (in the rapid increase in body mass index (BMI)1
kilograms) to his or reduced energy expenditure theory point to
over the past few decades indicates that a
the increasingly automated work place and
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her height (in meters

Annu. Rev. Public Health 2008.29:273-295. Downloaded from

growing share of the population in devel-

squared) rising time costs of physical activity (45, 56).
oped countries is becoming obese (22, 36,
This argument is weakened by the fact that
available evidence on declines in work-related
Excess body weight is the fifth most im-
physical activity suggests that reductions have
portant risk factor contributing to the burden
been gradual and largely predated the dra-
of disease in developed countries (80). Rising
matic increase in weight gain across the de-
BMI steadily increases the risks of type 2 di-
veloped world in the past few decades (2).
abetes, hypertension, cardiovascular disease,
Those arguing that overconsumption is re-
and some cancers (3). In addition, obesity is
sponsible point to decreases in food prices,
responsible for ∼6%–10% of national health
increases in the mass preparation of food, in-
expenditures in the United States and 2%–
creases in the efficiency of food production,
4% in other developed countries (3, 8, 21,
and increases in the availability of fast food and
46, 73, 75). Moreover, the lifetime medical
calorie-dense foods. Studies linking dietary
costs related to diabetes, heart disease, high
excess to obesity are supported by empiri-
cholesterol, hypertension, and stroke among
cal evidence indicating that food consumption
the obese are $10,000 higher than among the
has increased in parallel with rising obesity
nonobese (6).
(13, 14).
Genetic changes are not the cause of in-
In addition to the behavior and environ-
creased obesity over such a short time period.
mental changes fueled by technological in-
Rather, changes in the energy balance are key:
novations, obesity has also been related to
consuming more calories than are expended
changes in sociodemographic factors. We fo-
leads to weight gain (38). However, the rela-
cus on those factors, which are strongly sup-
tive culpability of energy intake and energy ex-
ported by empirical evidence and amenable to
penditure to the pathogenesis of weight gain
data analysis. In particular, we look at urban-
is the subject of some dispute. Some studies
ization and female labor force participation.
place blame on increased physical inactivity
A vast body of literature relates urbanization
(31, 55, 63, 76), whereas others point to over-
to rising obesity. Rising urbanization is asso-
consumption (14, 50, 53, 72).
ciated with increased opportunities for eating
The complex range of social and economic
and reduced opportunities for physical activ-
factors that tip the energy balance are not well
ity. For example, food options in urban ar-
understood despite a vast body of research ex-
eas are typically more varied and accessible
than rural areas. Moreover, people in rural
The levels of body mass index (BMI), which distin- areas typically have higher levels of physical
guish healthy weight from overweight (BMI at or above activity because of the focus on agricultural
25 kg/m2 ) and obese (BMI at or above 30 kg/m2 ), are based
on how much the risk of chronic disease and death increases work (60). The differences between diet and
for populations as weight increases. activity patterns in urban and rural areas are

274 Bleich et al.

ANRV337-PU29-17 ARI 14 February 2008 16:5

lowest in those high-income countries where sumption is driven by technological in-

urbanization is most prevalent as a result of novations and changing sociodemographic
infrastructure development (59). factors.
FBS: Food balance
Increasing female labor force participation sheets
has been related to rising obesity through
FAO: Food and
changes in time allocation and food consump- RESEARCH METHODS
tion. The proliferation of women in the work- AND PROCEDURES Organization
force has meant that women are devoting
more time to work and less time to food prepa-
ration, a trend that has increased their reliance The data for this study include country-level
on convenient food and fast food (13). Not and individual-level measures obtained from
only are such foods inexpensive, but also they several sources (Table 1).
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Annu. Rev. Public Health 2008.29:273-295. Downloaded from

have high caloric density to increase palata-

bility, which can accelerate weight gain (30, Energy accounting. To evaluate the relative
48, 67). Healthy food, by contrast, is less con- contribution of energy intake and energy ex-
venient, less accessible, and more expensive penditure to obesity, we constructed a panel
(17). data set of OECD countries using data from
Previous research exploring the relative the food balance sheets (FBS) from the Food
contribution of caloric intake and energy ex- and Agricultural Organization (FAO) and
penditure to weight gain has been limited by obesity prevalence from the OECD Health
the focus on single countries or subpopula- database. We also used individual-level data
tions. This study is the first to use a series of from the United States and England.
cross-sectional observations in a multicountry The FBS data are compiled from national
analysis. Use of data from multiple countries accounts of the supply and use of foods. Food
allows us to observe common trends among available for consumption is calculated as total
the OECD countries. The developed world food production (including imports excluding
was selected because data are most ubiquitous exports) with net losses from processing at the
and obesity rates are among the highest in the mill and food for animal consumption. These
world. data are widely used and cited because they
The main purpose of this study is to iden- provide the most comprehensive picture of
tify the relative contribution of caloric intake food consumption at the national level, mak-
and energy expenditure to obesity and the ing it possible to study trends in per capita
mechanisms driving the energy imbalance. caloric supply across countries and over time.
We first discuss our data sources and meth- Using the FBS does have several limita-
ods. We next provide evidence about trends in tions (19). The data do not reflect actual con-
obesity and caloric supply. We then evaluate sumption and are typically overestimated ow-
whether the rise in obesity is attributable more ing to failure to account for household waste
to increased caloric intake or to reduced phys- and spoilage, as well as transformation of food
ical activity. We subsequently look at the fac- composition during the process of cooking
tors driving this imbalance, focusing on those (16, 69). The resulting measurement error
with the greatest public sector implications. may vary by country (e.g., United States, 26%;
We conclude with a discussion of policy im- United Kingdom, 10%; Japan, 25%) (9, 41,
plications as well as how our findings relate to 70).
the broader obesity literature. We included FBS data only from coun-
We propose a theory based on dietary ex- tries with a reputation for high-quality data-
cess. In particular, we hypothesize that ris- collection methods and that scored well
ing obesity is the result of increased caloric above average in terms of data complete-
intake and that this shift toward overcon- ness. However, differences in methodologies • Obesity in the Developed World 275

ANRV337-PU29-17 ARI 14 February 2008 16:5

Table 1 Description of dependent and independent variables included in the analysis

Indicator Yeara Unit Description Source
Prevalence of obesity
All countries 1978–2002 % of population Percentage of population with a body mass index OECD
(BMI) ≥ 30 kg/m2 Healthb
United States 1988, 2001 % of population BMI was calculated from measured height and NHANES
weight III, IVc
England 1991, 2003 % of population BMI was calculated from measured height and HSEd
Caloric supply 1961–2002 kcal/person/day Total amount of food available for consumption FBSe
(including imports excluding exports); net losses
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from processing at the mill and food for animal

Annu. Rev. Public Health 2008.29:273-295. Downloaded from

Evidence on energy See Appendices
expenditure A, B, and C
Technology variables
Relative food prices 1980–2002 Ratio Ratio of the food price index to the consumer WDIf
price index; reflects changes in the cost of food
prices relative to consumer goods
Pricing freedom 1984–2002 Point estimate The freedom of businesses to set prices; measured EFWg
on an index from 0 to 10 where high scores
indicate little or no government interference
Market entry 1995–2002 Point estimate The ease with which businesses can enter into EFWg
the market place; measured on a scale from 0 to
10 where high scores signify little or no
regulation to entering the market place
Sociodemographic variables
Urbanization 1961–2002 % of total Percentage of population residing in urban areas WDIf
population in each country according to national definition
Women working 1961–2002 % of total Percentage of female labor force participation as WDIf
population a percent of the total labor force
Economic variable
GDP(PPP) 1961–2002 1000 U.S. The per capita GDP expressed in purchasing WDIf
PPP$/capita power parity (PPP)

The survey years included in each analysis vary. Details are provided in the text.
Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development (OECD) Health Database.
National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey III and IV.
Health Survey for England.
Food Balance Sheets.
World Development Indictors.
Economic Freedom of the World Index.

or definitions between countries may lead to countries. Survey respondents are classified as
some incomparability. We employed meth- obese if their self-reported or measured BMI
ods to reduce the impacts of these limitations is 30 kg/m2 or higher. To account for the fact
(described below). that, on average, women under report weight
The OECD Health Data are the most and men over report height (18), we control
comprehensive source of health-related data, for whether the BMI measure is observed or
including obesity prevalence, for the OECD self-reported.

276 Bleich et al.

ANRV337-PU29-17 ARI 14 February 2008 16:5

For the United States and England, degree to which the policies and institutions
individual-level data were obtained from two of countries are supportive of economic free-
nationally representative surveys: the Na- dom. We use the following measures of eco-
tional Health and Nutrition Examination Sur- nomic freedom as previously validated prox- National Health and
veys (NHANES) III (1988–94) and IV (1999– ies for technological innovation: relative food Nutrition
2002) and the Health Survey for England prices (WDI), market entry (the ease with Examination Survey
(HSE) for 1991 and 2003. which new businesses can enter the market HSE: Health Survey
place) (EFW), and pricing freedom (the free- for England
Energy expenditure. We have no single, dom of businesses to set their own prices) WDI: World
comparable source of information on en- (EFW) (14, 29). Sociodemographic change Development
ergy expenditure across OECD countries. is measured as the degree of urbanization Indicators
(WDI) and female labor force participation EFW: Economic
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Therefore, we used World Development In-

Annu. Rev. Public Health 2008.29:273-295. Downloaded from

dicators (WDI) and a number of individual- (WDI). Freedom of the

World index
level data sources to measure physical activity,
which was categorized into four broad types:
highly active work, less active work, active
leisure time,2 and everything else (see Appen- This study is conducted in two parts. In part
dices A and B in this article’s Supplemental I, we use two methods of energy account-
Material online. Follow the Supplemental ing and a 24-h time budget of energy ex-
Material link from the Annual Reviews home penditure to assess the relative contributions
page at of caloric intake and energy expenditure to
The physical activity data used for this the rising prevalence of obesity in developed
study had several limitations. The employ- countries. Consistency in results across these
ment categories in the WDI are broad, mak- methods should provide a relatively convinc-
ing it difficult to capture variations in work- ing explanation for increasing obesity in spite
related physical activity. The data-collection of data limitations. In part II, we use ordi-
methods for leisure time activity and the ac- nary least squares (OLS) regression to as-
curacy and methodology used by the report- sess whether technological innovation and so-
ing country are not uniform across countries. ciodemographic changes are associated with
Moreover, the leisure time activity data in- changes in the energy balance.
clude only measures of physical exercise. Ide-
ally, we would have also included measures of
other activities such as television use, house-
Part I: Calories In or Energy Out
hold chores, or errands because of the poten- Energy accounting. To calculate the rela-
tially large effect of sedentary or household tive contribution of energy intake and en-
activity for some countries or population sub- ergy expenditure to rising obesity, we use
groups. Unfortunately, those data were not two methods of energy accounting. The first
available. method uses country-level data and the sec-
ond method uses individual-level data.
Drivers of the energy imbalance. To mea- Each energy accounting model is based on
sure drivers of the energy balance, we use the biological fact that the energy balance is
the WDI and the Economic Freedom of the equal to the difference between net energy
World index (EFW). The EFW measures the intake and net energy expenditure (28, 38).
The energy accounting analyses address the
question of whether people are eating more or
exercising less. We examine factors that drive
Trends in work commuting (included in Appendix B) were
placed in the “everything else” category, given that changes changes in the energy balance in the second
over the period were very small. part of this article. • Obesity in the Developed World 277

ANRV337-PU29-17 ARI 14 February 2008 16:5

At the individual level, a change in the en- Method 1. The first energy accounting
ergy balance is equal to the summation of model estimated the relationship between
changes in energy intake and energy expen- caloric intake and obesity as described below:
diture over time:
percent obesec,t = β0 + β1 (total caloric

Energy balancet,t + α = energy intake supply)c,t + countryc + timet + ec,t ,

t+α where c indicates country and t indicates year.
× energy expenditure, For this model, the country is the unit of anal-
ysis. The outcome variable is percent obese,
where t is time and α is the number of years. and the primary independent variable of in-
Energy expenditure is the sum of three parts: terest is total caloric supply.5 The inclusion
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Annu. Rev. Public Health 2008.29:273-295. Downloaded from

of country- and year-fixed effects control for

K = α + (β + E )∗ Weight + 0.1∗ K ,
shifts in waste and other unobserved factors
across countries and over time. The time-
where K represents the daily calories con-
fixed effects are measured in five-year incre-
sumed; α + β∗ Weight represents the basal
ments (e.g., 1990–1994, 1995–1999, 2000–
metabolic rate, energy associated with keep-
ing the body alive (∼60% of daily energy ex-
The coefficient for caloric supply (β1 ) rep-
penditure); E represents activity-related en-
resents the association between caloric sup-
ergy expenditure (∼30% of daily energy
ply and percent obese. To obtain a predicted
expenditure); and 0.1∗ K represents the ther-
estimate of average percent obese, this coef-
mic effect of food, energy necessary to pro-
ficient is multiplied by the actual change in
cess food (∼10% of daily energy expenditure).
caloric supply for each country individually
This weight equation was parameterized by
and for all countries as a group (e.g., pooled)
Cutler et al. (14) from the most commonly
over the respective survey period. The differ-
used estimates in the literature (68, 77).3 Be-
ence between our calculation (predicted per-
cause it describes a biological phenomenon,
cent obese) and the actual percent obese in-
we can be reasonably confident that this equa-
dicates how much of the change in percent
tion can be applied across developed countries
obese is due to reductions in physical activ-
and aggregated to the population level (20).
ity (i.e., residual unexplained variance). Coun-
Given that individual-level BMI data are
tries were included in the pooled model if they
not available for all of the countries in-
had three or more obesity surveys from 1990
cluded in this analysis, we rely on an aggre-
to 2002. For those countries with four or more
gate measure of percent obese. We compared
trends in mean BMI and percent obese us-
ing individual-level data from England, Japan,
and the United States to estimate the linear annually from 1976 to 2002. For the United States, we used
relationship between BMI and obesity and data from the National Health and Examination Survey
found a high level of correlation.4 (NHES), NHANES I, NHANES II, NHANES III, and
NHANES IV. The correlations between mean BMI and
percent obese were very high: Japan (0.93), England (0.95),
and U.S. (0.99).
The estimates from the literature are as follows. α: 5
There is disagreement in the literature regarding the rel-
men = 879 and women = 829; β: men = 11.6 and ative importance of the key dietary factors that have been
women = 8.7 (68). The estimates from Schofield et al. most associated with obesity, including high-fat, energy-
were accepted as the standard by the FAO/WHO/UNU dense foods and carbohydrate-rich foods with high sugar
(United Nations University) expert consultation on the En- content. Given this lack of consensus, we do not address
ergy Requirements of Adults in 2001 (20). the possibility that calories may differentially impact obe-
For England, we used data from the Health Survey for sity and instead focus on the relationship between total
England fielded annually from 1991 to 2003. For Japan, caloric intake and percent obese, where the data are most
we used data from the National Nutrition Survey fielded clear.

278 Bleich et al.

ANRV337-PU29-17 ARI 14 February 2008 16:5

obesity surveys, only three data points were over the period to estimate the portion of
used in the analysis. obesity attributable to increased calories. We
Using the same basic model structure de- ran this model for the United States using the
scribed above, we also estimated the associ- NHANES III and IV and for England using
ation between the change in caloric supply the Health Survey for England 1991 and 2003.
and the change in the percent obese, exclud- If the hypothesis of dietary excess is correct,
ing fixed effects. we would expect this model to overpredict the
To the extent that caloric supply and phys- growth in obesity, given that our caloric sup-
ical activity are highly correlated, the coef- ply measure does not account for household
ficient on caloric supply above could absorb waste. We show that the results of this model
some of the effect of physical activity, lead- are robust against the overconsumption error
ing to a biased estimate of the independent of the caloric supply data.
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Annu. Rev. Public Health 2008.29:273-295. Downloaded from

contributions of these behaviors.6 We found

evidence of a slight correlation but nothing to Energy expenditure. As an alternative ap-
suggest that the model cannot produce unbi- proach to the energy-accounting method de-
ased estimates of the independent effects of scribed above, we calculated a 24-h time bud-
caloric supply and physical activity.7 get of energy expenditure for each country
Method 2. The second energy-accounting with available physical activity data, includ-
analysis evaluated the effect of additional ing highly active work, less active work, ac-
weight from calories on obesity using tive leisure time, and everything else. Each
individual-level data. We first translated the activity was assigned a metabolic equivalent
actual change in food supply for a particular (MET) score on the basis of the classifica-
country into the predicted weight gain, which tion from Compendium of Physical Activities
was then allocated proportionally across indi- (1), producing MET hours for each activity.
viduals within each country according to their We then estimated the change in calories ex-
BMI percentile. We then compared the pre- pended for each MET score, translated the
dicted BMI gain with the actual BMI gain change in calories into pounds, calculated the
aggregate change in energy expenditure, and
determined the effect of weight change on the
percent obese. These calculations are detailed
Correlations between caloric supply and unmeasured
waste will underestimate the impact of caloric supply on in Appendix C in the Supplemental Material
percent obese, causing our estimate of the coefficient for online.
caloric supply to shrink toward zero. Correlations between To validate our energy expenditure find-
caloric supply and physical activity could go in either direc-
tion. Our estimate would be biased downward if individuals ings, we also related several crude proxies of
who eat more also exercise more (less likely). Our estimate physical activity (the number of passenger cars
would be biased upward if individuals who eat more also per 1000, the number of Internet users per
exercise less (more likely).
1000, and the number personal computers
Using country-level data, we empirically tested the possi-
ble correlations between caloric supply and physical activity per 1000) to the percent obese using an OLS
proxies using an OLS regression model and found that our model with country- and year-fixed effects.
coefficient estimate for caloric supply remained relatively The model includes data from approximately
constant with (β = 0.0042) and without (β = 0.0039) the
inclusion of physical activity proxies (e.g., number of cars 1990 to 2002.
per 1000, type of employment: agricultural, industrial, and
service). However, given the limitations of these proxies, we
also looked to the individual-level data to help understand Part II: Drivers of the Energy
the direction of the bias. Using data from the NHANES
IV we estimated correlations between caloric intake and a
series of physical activity variables measuring exercise re- We use a series of OLS models with country-
lated to moderately active work (r = 0.08), leisure-time
activity (r = 0.10), housework (r = 0.09), and commuting and year-fixed effects and all years of data from
(r = 0.03). Each association was positive but small. all OECD countries to estimate the impact • Obesity in the Developed World 279

ANRV337-PU29-17 ARI 14 February 2008 16:5

of technological innovation and sociodemo- ity (PPP). We do not present a multivariate

graphic factors on caloric supply. Technolog- regression including all the independent vari-
ical innovation is represented by three proxy ables for two reasons. First, the data for each
measures: food prices, pricing freedom, and independent variable are sparse, so putting
market entry. Food prices are measured as the them all together in one model significantly
ratio of the food price index to the consumer reduces the total number of observations and
price index and serve as a proxy for efficiency results in low explanatory power. Second, nor-
in food production. We expect reduced food mal practices of imputation are not designed
prices to be associated with increased caloric to work well on time-series data (42). The
consumption given that individuals consume model relating urbanization to caloric supply
more when prices are low (58). Reduced food is shown below:
prices should lead to the biggest increase in
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Annu. Rev. Public Health 2008.29:273-295. Downloaded from

caloric supplyc,t = β0 + β1 GDP(PPP)c,t

caloric intake when food prices are falling
faster than overall prices. + β2 urbanizationc,t + countryc + yeart + ec,t ,
Pricing freedom is measured as the abil-
where we control for country- and time-fixed
ity of businesses to set their own prices and is
effects represented by c and t, respectively.
measured on a scale from 0 to 10, where 0 in-
Using the coefficients from these models,
dicates high government interference and 10
we use Monte Carlo simulation8 (Clarify soft-
indicates little or no government interference.
ware in Stata) to calculate the expected change
Market entry is defined as the ease of starting a
in caloric supply due to changes in technolog-
new business and is measured on a scale of 0 to
ical innovation and sociodemographic factors
10; low scores signify that countries have reg-
ulations that retard entry into the marketplace
and high scores indicate ease of market entry.
The critical relationship between pricing free- RESULTS
dom/market entry and the broader concept of
technological innovation is the role of regula- Descriptive Trends
tion. Empirical evidence suggests that regula- Trends in obesity. Figure 1 illustrates
tion can stop new technology (15). There is an the level and trend of obesity in developed
inverse relationship between regulation and countries with measured (as opposed to
technological innovation. Therefore, we ex- self-reported) BMI data.9 The United States
pect that countries with more regulation (e.g., has the highest level of obesity at all points in
more price controls and more barriers to mar- time. However, the rate of increase is quite
ket entry) would have lower technological in- similar across countries. For example, Korea,
novation and, subsequently, lower caloric sup- which has a much lower level of obesity than
ply. Ideally, we would have included a variable the United States, has a comparable rate
that measures the ease of market entry only for of increase. Similarities in the speed with
food venders. Unfortunately, these data were which obesity prevalence has increased across
not available. all countries with measured data suggest a
Changing sociodemographic factors were
represented by two variables: percent urban
and percent female labor force participation 8
Monte Carlo simulation is a procedure that generates pos-
(as a percent of the total labor force). We ex- sible outcomes by sampling from a theoretical distribution
pect urbanization and women working to be with predefined parameters. For this analysis, estimates are
positively associated with consumption. drawn from a normal distribution. To increase precision,
each simulation uses 1000 draws.
The influence of each of these factors 9
Although Mexico is included in the OECD countries, it is
was modeled separately, controlling for GDP, not a developed country. For this reason, it is not included
which is measured in purchasing power par- in the analyses conducted for this article.

280 Bleich et al.

ANRV337-PU29-17 ARI 14 February 2008 16:5

30.0 Korea
New Zealand
25.0 United Kingdom
United States
Percent obese




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1978 1983 1988 1993 1998 2003

Figure 1
Level and trend of obesity in selected countries. Obesity is measured and defined as ≥30 kg/m2 ; for
detailed information about country surveys, see
Note: For the United Kingdom, estimates are from England only from 1991 forward. Source: OECD
Health Data (71).

worldwide time-related phenomenon rather Heavier people are getting heavier at a faster
than a country-specific trend. rate and thinner people are getting heavier at
This consistent increase in adult obesity a slower rate.
across the developed world is further illus-
trated in Figure 2, which shows the annual
average change in the percent obese across all International Evidence
OECD countries. We observe the highest an- on Energy Intake
nual change in the United States (0.8%) and Trends in caloric supply for selected coun-
lowest in Japan (0.1%). Although this annual tries are shown in Figure 4. In each country,
change in the United States may seem small, it increases in caloric supply appear to be rising
represents ∼1.5 million more adults becom- in parallel with obesity. Starting with the
ing obese each year. United States, we can see that caloric supply
In Figure 3, we compare percentiles of increased at a modest rate in the 1970s.
BMI over time for England, Japan, and the However, from 1985 to 2000 caloric supply
United States. In particular, the value for each rose by ∼12% or 300 calories a day (64). The
BMI percentile in the distribution in an ear- size of this increase is more than sufficient
lier survey period (x-axis) is compared with the to explain rising obesity in the United States,
same BMI percentile of the distribution in a which, the literature has suggested, may have
later survey period (y-axis). The 45◦ equiva- resulted from an average net increase in calo-
lence line is included to highlight the BMI ries as small as 50–100 calories per day (33).
percentiles demonstrating the largest changes In Canada, we see a similar trend: modest
over time. For example, in the early 1970s, increases in caloric supply until after the mid-
the 95th percentile of BMI in the United 1980s, followed by a sharp increase in trend.
States was 35. By the early 2000s this number From 1985 to 2002, per capita caloric supply
had risen to 40. We observe similar trends in in Canada increased by 530 kcal compared
England and Japan. Consistent with other evi- with the period from 1970 to 1984, where
dence, BMI in all three countries is increasing it increased by only 67 kcal. We observe the
more rapidly at the higher percentiles (23, 40): same pattern in the United Kingdom, where • Obesity in the Developed World 281

ANRV337-PU29-17 ARI 14 February 2008 16:5

.6 .8
Percent obese
.4 .2

USA-SR (1990–2002)
Belgium (1997–2003)

Ireland (1998–2002)
Japan (1978–2002)

Czech Rep (1993–2002)

Iceland (1990–2002)
Austria (1991–1999)

Denmark (1987–2000)
Canada (1995–2003)
Italy (1994–2002)
Finland (1978–2003)
Switzerland (1992–2002)

New Zealand (1989–2003)

France (1990–2002)

Germany (1999–2003)
Spain (1987–2003)
Korea (1998–2001)
Sweden (1989–2003)

UK (1980–1987)

Norway (1995–2002)
England (1990–2002)

Australia (1980–1999)
Slovakia (1993–2002)

Portugal (1996–1999)

Netherlands (1981–2002)
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Annu. Rev. Public Health 2008.29:273-295. Downloaded from

Figure 2
Average annual change in the percent obese. For detailed information about country surveys, see Note: The years of available survey data differ
by country. The United Kingdom and England have been separated on the graph because the most
recent obesity data are not available for the entire country. “USA-Meas” refers to data from the National
Health and Nutrition Examination Surveys (NHANES), and “USA-SR” refers to data from the
Behavioral Risk Factor Surveillance Surveys (BRFSS). Source: OECD Health data (71).

Percentiles of BMI (later period)





15 20 25 30 35 40
Percentiles of BMI (earlier period)

Japan NNS 1978 and 2002 U.S. NHANES 1971–1975 and 1999–2002
England HSE 1991 and 2003 Equivalence line

Figure 3
Changes in BMI percentiles over time: England, Japan, and the United States. Note: This figure shows
the value for each BMI percentile in the distribution in an earlier survey period (x-axis) compared with
the same BMI percentile of the distribution in a later survey period (y-axis). The 45◦ equivalence line is
included to highlight the BMI percentiles demonstrating the largest changes over time. Source: Japan,
National Nutrition Survey (NNS) (51, 52); England, Health Survey for England (HSE) (39); United
States, National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey (NHANES) (12).

282 Bleich et al.

ANRV337-PU29-17 ARI 14 February 2008 16:5

3750 New Zealand
Total caloric supply



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Figure 4
Trends in per capita
2500 daily energy supply,
1970 1975 1980 1985 1990 1995 2000 selected countries.
Year (25).

caloric supply jumped by 190 kcal from 1985 Part I: Energy In or Energy Out
to 2002 and by only 63 kcal from 1970 to Energy accounting. The findings from the
1984. Of the countries shown in Figure 4, first energy-accounting method are shown in
Japan shows the most modest increases in Figure 5. The graph includes the results for
caloric supply. This preliminary evidence the individual countries as well as the pooled
suggests that trends in energy supply since model, represented by the last bar on the
mid-1980 may be of a sufficient magnitude right. Excluding Australia and Finland, the
to explain the rise in weight gain. portion of obesity due to increased calories



50 Figure 5
Attributable fraction
25 of obesity due to
calories in and
calories out. For
detailed information

United States




All countries excluding



New Zealand







Australia and Finland

about country
surveys, see http://
and OECD Health
% due to calories in % due to calories out
database (25, 71). • Obesity in the Developed World 283

ANRV337-PU29-17 ARI 14 February 2008 16:5

ranges from 17% in New Zealand to 100% 19 pounds for those in the bottom percentile
in the Netherlands, Canada, Italy, Norway, and ∼40 pounds for those in the top per-
and Switzerland, with almost all of the coun- centile of BMI. We estimate the correspond-
tries attributing 60% or more of their weight ing weight gain to be 26%, more than three
gain to dietary excess. The pooled model re- times the actual increase (8%) from 1991 to
sults, excluding Australia and Finland, suggest 2000. We found a similar overestimation for
that calories account for 93% of the change in England shown in Figure 6b. There, caloric
obesity from 1990 to 2002. The typical confi- supply increased by 179 kcal from 1991 to
dence interval for the percent change in obe- 2002, which translated into 16 lbs or 7.1 kg.
sity in a typical country is plus or minus 2%. When we proportionately assigned this addi-
The patterns in Australia and Finland are tional weight and recalculated BMI, we pre-
puzzling because they suggest that decreased dicted an increase in obesity of 17%. The ac-
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physical activity is the driving force behind tual increase in obesity over the period was
obesity in these countries. Why do these two only 9%.
countries follow an opposite pattern? One ex- These discrepancies between the actual
planation is that the patterns in Australia and change in obesity and the predicted change
Finland reflect a true reduction in physical ac- in obesity for both the United States and
tivity. However, this is not supported by evi- the United Kingdom beg the question, why
dence on energy expenditure (Table 2) pre- has obesity not risen as much as the models
sented in the following section. An alternative predict? A possible, but unlikely explanation
explanation is that the caloric supply measures is that people are exercising more over the
for these countries are unreliable. Individual- respective periods. However, as we show in
level dietary data from Australia (National the following section, physical activity in the
Nutrition Survey) and Finland (National Pub- United States and United Kingdom has re-
lic Health Institute) conflict with data from mained largely constant. Given these trends in
the FBS for the same time period (5, 57), in- energy expenditure, a more plausible explana-
dicating that the FBS from these two coun- tion for the discrepancy we observe between
tries may lack face validity. For these reasons, the predicted level of obesity and the actual
we present the pooled result on the right- level of obesity is that the increase in food sup-
hand side of Figure 5 without Australia and ply overstates the increase in food consump-
Finland. tion. Thus caloric intake has not increased as
Results from the model using a difference much as has caloric supply. We calculate the
approach (i.e., outcome = change in obe- overestimation of the change in caloric sup-
sity) show that an additional 100 calories was ply and find that the FBS data do overesti-
associated with a 1.6% increase in the per- mate consumption. This analysis is detailed
cent obese (β = 0.016; 95% confidence inter- in Appendix D in the Supplemental Material
val 0.01 to 0.02). This increase suggests that online.
countries with higher increases in food con-
sumption have higher increases in obesity.
The results from the second energy- International Evidence on Energy
accounting method are shown in Figures 6a Expenditure
and 6b. This method evaluates the effect of As a final piece of evidence to support our
additional weight from calories on obesity in theory of dietary excess, we present available
the United States (Figure 6a) and in Eng- data on cross-country comparisons of changes
land (Figure 6b). From 1991 to 2000, caloric in energy expenditure from 1990 to 2001 in
supply in the United States increased by 296 Table 2. The allocation of time to each type
kcal, or a weight equivalent of 26 lbs, resulting of activity is remarkably stable over time and
in an estimated proportional weight gain of across countries. Where energy expenditure

284 Bleich et al.

ANRV337-PU29-17 ARI 14 February 2008 16:5

Table 2 Evidence on trends in physical activitya,b

Hours Hours Δ in Δ in kcal state Δ in Δ%
Country Activity type 1990 2001 METS per day pounds Obese
Australia Highly active work 1.1 0.9
Less active work 2.5 2.7
Active leisure time 0.3 0.3
Everything else 20.1 20.1
Total 24 24 −0.9 55.3 3.25 1.66
Canada Highly active work 1.1 1.0
Less active work 2.8 2.8
Active leisure time 0.4 0.5
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Everything else 19.7 19.8

Total 24 24 −0.4 26.8 1.50 0.86
Finland Highly active work 1.4 1.2
Less active work 2.2 2.3
Active leisure time 0.5 0.6
Everything else 19.8 19.9
Total 24 24 −1.1 69.9 3.47 1.98
Japan Highly active work 1.5 1.3
Less active work 2.1 2.3
Active leisure time 0.8 1.3
Everything else 19.7 19.3
Total 24 24 −0.4 26.1 1.11 0.23
New Zealand Highly active work 1.3 1.1
Less active work 2.3 2.4
Active leisure time 0.7 0.7
Everything else 19.7 19.8
Total 24 24 −0.7 43.9 2.19 1.25
United Kingdom Highly active work 1.2 0.9
Less active work 2.4 2.6
Active leisure time 0.3 0.3
Everything else 20.1 20.2
Total 24 24 −1.3 82.7 4.79 3.10
United States Highly active work 1.1 0.9
Less active work 2.7 2.9
Active leisure time 0.2 0.3
Everything else 20.0 19.9
Total 24 24 −0.7 47.1 2.78 2.12

Notes: For United Kingdom, data on leisure time is for England only. Highly active work refers to agriculture, hunting, forestry, fishing, mining,
quarrying (including oil production), manufacturing, construction, and public utilities. Less active work refers to wholesale and retail trade and
restaurants and hotels; transport, storage, and communications; financing, insurance, real estate, and business services; and community, social, and
personal services. Each activity was weighted by a MET score and an average number of hours per day. MET scores were obtained from the
Compendium of Physical Activity (1). Detailed notes about the calculations for this table can be found in Appendix C in the Supplemental Material
online. The time between which the change in calories turns into steady-state pounds is not known, but probably does not exceed a few months.
Sources: World Development Indicators, LABORSTA database (35), Health Survey for England 1991 (39), Japanese National Nutrition Survey
(51, 52), NHANES III (12). • Obesity in the Developed World 285

ANRV337-PU29-17 ARI 14 February 2008 16:5

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Figure 6 0 20 30 40 60 80
(a) Predicted and
actual BMI: United BMI, NHANES III BMI plus proportionate weight
States. Note: BMI BMI, NHANES IV
plus proportionate
weight is calculated
from the formula
K = α + (β + E )∗
Weight + 0.1∗ K,

from Cutler et al.

(14). Source:


FAOSTAT (12, 25)
(b) Predicted and

actual BMI:
England. Note:
BMI plus

weight is calculated
from the formula

K = α + (β + E )∗
Weight + 0.1 ∗ K,
from Cutler et al.

(14). Source:
Health Survey for 0 20 30 40 60 80
England 1991 and bmi
(25, 39). BMI, HSE 1991 BMI plus proportionate weight
BMI, HSE 2003

appears to have changed the most is with suggests that moderate-intensity activity of
respect to highly active work, which is consis- ∼45 to 60 min per day is required to prevent
tent with patterns observed worldwide (60). the transition to overweight or obese (66).
We observe the largest declines in highly The small changes we observe in highly active
active work in the United Kingdom and the work are expected given that most of the shift
lowest in Canada. Despite this variation, the away from manual labor occurred in the 1960s
changes in highly active work differ at most by and 1970s, before the rapid rise in obesity
30 min between the countries, and research (78). The importance of employment-related

286 Bleich et al.

ANRV337-PU29-17 ARI 14 February 2008 16:5

energy expenditure to weight gain is also chal- presented in Table 3. Simulated results are
lenged by the fact that obesity among children shown in the bottom two rows.
and the elderly has been rising in tandem The first column shows the association be-
with adult obesity, yet these two subgroups tween caloric supply and relative food prices,
largely fall outside of the employment sector. which is measured as the ratio of the food
For each country, the total change in calo- price index to the consumer price index. A ra-
ries and total change in METs are small tio above one implies that food prices are in-
(Table 2). The effect of these changes in creasing faster than the overall cost of living.
energy expenditure on weight gain is less We find a negative and statistically significant
than 3.5% for all countries (Table 2, column relationship between relative food prices and
5). For example, for the average 143-pound caloric supply (β = −317.38; p < 0.0001).
(65 kilogram) person in the United States, Our results suggest that a decrease in the rela-
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the decrease in physical activity was associ- tive food price of 8%, equivalent to the change
ated with a small 2.8-pound (1.3 kg) increase in the United States between 1980 and 2002,
in weight, resulting in a rise in obesity of 2.1%. was associated with a corresponding higher
This is hardly sufficient to explain the 8% in- caloric intake of 25 calories (0.08∗ 317). Across
crease in obesity in the United States over that the developed world, average food prices fell
time period. Our finding of decreasing energy by 12% from 1980 to 2002.
expenditure in the United States is supported Model 2 (Table 3, column 2) examined
by recent research suggesting that physical the relationship between pricing freedom and
activity has, on average, declined for adults caloric intake. We find no statistically signif-
and children (10). Of note, the time between icant relationship between pricing freedom
which the change in calories turns into steady- and caloric intake.
state pounds is not known but probably does Model 3 (Table 3, Column 3) explored the
not exceed a few months. relationship between market entry and caloric
The results of our model relating several supply. We find a positive and statistically sig-
crude proxies of physical activity (the num- nificant relationship between the ease of start-
ber of passenger cars per 1000, the number ing a new business and caloric supply (β =
of Internet users per 1000, and the number 19.73; p < 0.001).
personal computers per 1000) to the percent The results of the model investigating the
obese support our finding that declining en- association between female labor force par-
ergy expenditure is not the primary driver of ticipation (measured in percent) and caloric
excess weight gain. We found a significant in- supply are presented in column 4. Female la-
verse relationship between passenger cars per bor force participation is positively and sig-
1000 and percent obese (β = −0.017; p < nificantly associated with caloric supply (β =
0.0001), which is the opposite direction we ex- 7.05; p < 0.001). A 10% increase in female
pected. This result is similar to a recent study labor force participation is associated with an
of environmental and policy correlates of obe- increase of ∼70 calories.
sity in Europe (65). We found no effect of In- The last column in Table 3 relates
ternet users and personal computers users per urbanization (measured in percent) and
1000 on percent obese. caloric supply. Urbanization is positively and
significantly associated with caloric supply
(β = 11.25; p < 0.0001).
Part II: Drivers of the Energy The last two rows of Table 3 report
Imbalance the results from the first difference analy-
The results of the OLS models of caloric sup- sis using Monte Carlo simulation. For these
ply as a function of technological innovations simulations, we consider how much caloric
and changing sociodemographic factors are supply would change if we increased each • Obesity in the Developed World 287

ANRV337-PU29-17 ARI 14 February 2008 16:5

Table 3 Technological and social drivers of caloric intake (dependent variable: kilocalories)
Independent variables 1 2 3 4 5
Ratio fpi to cpid −317.38c
Pricing freedome 2.05
Market entryf 19.73b
% women working 7.05b
% urban 11.25c
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GDP (PPP) 0.01c 0.01a 0.01c 0.01b 0.01c
(0.00) (0.01) (0.03) (0.01) (0.00)
Constant 3134.98 2840.23 2758.12 3219.36 1881.30
(104.75) (121.40) (159.77) (68.05) (146.18)
Observations 569 152 106 703 728
Adjusted R-squared 0.80 0.82 0.95 0.78 0.80
Simulated  (min and max) 1.5 → 0.5 0 → 10 0 → 10 0% → 100% 0% → 100%
Effect of  −317 kcal 19 kcal 192 kcal 707 kcal 1127 kcal

p < 0.05; b p < 0.01; c p < 0.001. Standard errors are in parentheses under the coefficients estimates. Standard errors
<0.001 are reported as zero (0.00). Simulated results are estimated using the coefficients from the models. The values
selected for the simulation represent the minimum and maximum for each independent variable.
fpi (food price index); cpi (consumer price index).
Measured on a scale from 0 to 10; where 0 indicates high government interference and 10 indicates little or no
government interference.
Measured on a scale of 0 to 10; low scores signify that countries have regulations which retard entry into the market
place while high scores indicate ease of market entry.
Sources: FAOSTAT (25), OECD Health database (71), Economic Freedom of the World Index (29), and the World
Development Indicators.

independent variable from its lowest value to the results of our analysis, which consid-
its highest value. This action is useful for un- ered the possible drivers in increased caloric
derstanding the maximum change in caloric intake. The first column shows the impact
supply possible for each model. For example, of increased food prices on caloric supply.
if we look at column three, we can see that Specifically, a 12% increase in food prices
changing the ease with which businesses can is associated with a decrease of 38 calo-
enter into the market place from the most ries. Although this caloric change may seem
difficult [0] to the easiest [10] is associated small, it would lead to a reduction of ∼3
with an increase of 192 calories. We observe pounds (1.5 kg) for a 143-pound (65-kg)
the largest effect for urbanization. Increasing person at a steady state. The second col-
urbanization from 0% to 100% is associated umn relates market entry to caloric supply
with an increase of 1127 kcal. and indicates that the average 143 pound
Our results suggest that changes in con- (65-kg) person would lose almost 4 pounds
sumption can be addressed through pol- (1.6 kg) if entry into the market place was
icy intervention. Table 4 considers the im- retarded by 20%. The third column shows
pact of some potential policies based on the relationship between urbanization and

288 Bleich et al.

ANRV337-PU29-17 ARI 14 February 2008 16:5

Table 4 Impact of potential policies

Food prices Market entry Urban
Simulated  ↑ 12% ↓ 20% ↓ 5%
Effect of  −38 kcal −40 kcal −56 kcal
 in weight for 143-lb (65 kg person) −3.4 lbs −3.6 lbs −5.0 lbs

Notes: Values are estimated by Monte Carlo simulation using the coefficient values from Table 3. The predicted
change in weight is calculated from the formula K = α + (β + E ) ∗ Weight + 0.1 ∗ K, from Cutler et al. (14).

caloric supply. Decreasing urbanization by relative food prices to be associated with in-
5% is associated with a decrease of 5 pounds creased caloric supply. Our analysis of techno-
(2.3 kg) for the average 143-pound (65-kg) logical and sociodemographic drivers of this
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person. energy imbalance indicates that certain char-

acteristics of development (i.e., lower food
prices, higher percentage of women working,
DISCUSSION AND increasing urbanization, and GDP) are asso-
CONCLUSIONS ciated with greater weight gain, even among
The purpose of this exploratory study is to as- developed nations.
sess the relative impact of caloric intake and Our results are consistent with recent U.S.
energy expenditure on the rising obesity epi- evidence that the increase in adult weight gain
demic in developing countries and to explore is attributable primarily to overconsumption
the drivers of the energy imbalance. The avail- (50). In addition, evidence from two longitu-
able data on energy expenditure, albeit lim- dinal studies, one using infants and the other
ited, suggest that physical activity has declined using Pima Indians, found caloric intake to be
but that the magnitude of the change is proba- the primary determinant of weight gain (72,
bly too small to explain most of the rise in adult 74). In contrast, research using food recall—
obesity. With the exception of Australia and during which time respondents detail every-
Finland, our analyses suggest that increased thing they ate in the previous 24-h period—
caloric intake is the driving force behind the blames primarily physical inactivity for excess
growing obesity epidemic. However, we do body weight (63). However, a major limitation
not diminish the importance of energy ex- of food recall data is underreporting, which
penditure to weight management and overall makes it very difficult to capture an accurate
health. picture of consumption (47, 62).
Also, in our study, we examine two main Our findings with respect to the drivers
mechanisms driving increases in caloric sup- of overconsumption are supported by other
ply: technological innovations and changing research evidence (4, 7, 13, 14, 44, 49, 59,
sociodemographic factors. Technological in- 61). Although we do not model the relation-
novations refer to those factors that reduce ship between these factors and physical activ-
the costs associated with consumption and a ity, changing sociodemographic characteris-
sedentary lifestyle. We focus on technologi- tics such as increased urbanization have been
cal innovations associated with consumption, linked to more sedentary lifestyles (59). Above
given our finding that increased caloric in- and beyond the determinants of the energy
take is the primary driver of weight gain in imbalance explored in this study, the literature
the developed world. In particular, we con- has also identified advertisements, television
sider relative food prices, the ease of busi- use, and limited access to healthy food options
nesses to enter the marketplace, and the ease as important (27, 32, 34, 54).
with which businesses can set their own prices. Certain limitations of our analysis de-
In support of our hypothesis, we find lower serve discussion. We cannot draw causal • Obesity in the Developed World 289

ANRV337-PU29-17 ARI 14 February 2008 16:5

inferences from this observational data analy- and population-based interventions such as
sis. Therefore, our conclusions are restricted healthy eating programs, or price reductions
to associations between factors. This arti- of healthy foods (11, 26, 27, 37).
cle relies mostly on a country-level analy- The uncertainties about the etiology and
sis, which prohibits us from accounting for macro drivers of obesity remain chief bar-
the natural heterogeneity within populations riers to our understanding of weight gain.
and may limit our generalizability to individ- As developed countries continue to develop
uals. In addition, using data from a variety and innovate, the factors associated with in-
of sources is both a strength and a weakness creased caloric intake identified in this re-
of this study. Lack of consistent data across search and elsewhere will likely increase, po-
countries required the use of data from differ- tentially making it increasingly more difficult
ent sources, resulting in measurement error, for individuals to maintain a healthy weight.
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noncomparable measures, and unequal time Additional research is necessary to understand

periods for analysis. Furthermore, we had to better the questions explored in this study. An
use proxy measures for many of our key co- ideal study investigating the relative contri-
variates because of the absence of direct mea- bution of energy intake and energy expen-
sures at the country level. For example, the diture to obesity would use comparable data
overestimation of actual BMI for England and on food consumption and total physical ac-
the United States using the second energy ac- tivity across countries and over time. This
counting method indicates that caloric supply requires the development of accurate track-
is a poor proxy for actual consumption. ing systems. The field also needs more re-
Despite these limitations, our data consis- search within countries and subpopulations to
tently demonstrate that caloric supply, driven improve our understanding of the drivers of
by changing technological and sociodemo- the energy imbalance. Improved knowledge
graphic factors, is highly associated with the in this area will allow for the development of
increase in obesity among the OECD coun- effective targeted and universal interventions.
tries. Our findings also highlight potential However, improving the precision of our
unintended consequences of positive societal estimates and gaining a stronger understand-
trends such as increased food availability ing of the causes of obesity are necessary but
and increased participation of women in the not sufficient. The creation of effective in-
workforce. terventions will require collaboration across
Our findings suggest that relatively small a diverse set of stakeholders, including leg-
changes in the price of food (e.g., junk food islators, educators, the food and health in-
tax) could slow the obesity trend. How- dustries, media, community organizations, re-
ever, more research is needed to assess searchers, and public health organizations.
whether these programs disproportionately And the complexity of obesity dictates that
affect vulnerable populations (e.g., poor, ado- the solution may not be simple. Without sus-
lescents) in areas where access to healthy tained commitment from the broader society
foods is limited. Other strategies may in- and an improved understanding of its deter-
clude increased access to weight-loss services minants, the prevalence of obesity itself and
(e.g., bariatric surgery, pharmacological treat- the associated morbidity and mortality from
ments, commercial weight-loss programs) excess body weight are likely to rise.

1. The rapid increase in obesity across the developed world suggests a common cause.
2. Increased caloric intake is primarily responsible for adult weight gain in developed

290 Bleich et al.

ANRV337-PU29-17 ARI 14 February 2008 16:5

3. The shift toward increased caloric intake is associated with technological innovations
such as reduced food prices as well as changing sociodemographic factors such as
increased urbanization and increased female labor force participation.
4. Efforts should be made to reduce consumption and encourage low-calorie diets.

1. The literature is in disagreement regarding the relative importance of the key dietary
factors that have been most associated with obesity: high fat, energy-dense foods, and
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carbohydrate-rich foods with high sugar content. Going forward, research is needed
to understand the differential impact of caloric type on weight gain.
2. Within-country analyses are needed to understand better the key factors driving in-
creased consumption in the developed world.
3. Accurate tracking systems of food consumption and physical activity that are com-
parable across countries and over time are needed to understand better the relative
contribution of energy intake and energy expenditure to weight gain.
4. A diverse set of stakeholders must collaborate to allow for the development of creative
policy alternatives and effective interventions to reduce the obesity epidemic.

The authors are not aware of any biases that might be perceived as affecting the objectivity of
this review.

We thank Alan Zaslavsky, Joseph Newhouse, Tom McGuire, and Robert Blendon for helpful
comments. We thank Nayu Ikeda for help with the analysis of the Japan data. The analysis of
Japan was based on data prepared for research projects supported by Grants-in-Aid for Scientific
Research from the Japan Ministry of Health, Labour and Welfare (PI: Dr Toshihiko Hasegawa;
H12-iryo-002, H14-kenko-010, and H16-kenko-001). This research was supported primarily
by a Harvard Graduate School of Arts and Sciences dissertation completion fellowship.

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Annual Review of
Public Health

Contents Volume 29, 2008

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Public Health Accreditation: Progress on National Accountability

Hugh H. Tilson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p pxv

Symposium: Climate Change and Health

Mitigating, Adapting, and Suffering: How Much of Each?
Kirk R. Smith p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p pxxiii
Ancillary Benefits for Climate Change Mitigation and Air Pollution
Control in the World’s Motor Vehicle Fleets
Michael P. Walsh p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p1
Co-Benefits of Climate Mitigation and Health Protection in Energy
Systems: Scoping Methods
Kirk R. Smith and Evan Haigler p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 11
Health Impact Assessment of Global Climate Change: Expanding
on Comparative Risk Assessment Approaches for Policy Making
Jonathan Patz, Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, Holly Gibbs,
and Rosalie Woodruff p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 27
Heat Stress and Public Health: A Critical Review
R. Sari Kovats and Shakoor Hajat p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 41
Preparing the U.S. Health Community for Climate Change
Richard Jackson and Kyra Naumoff Shields p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 57

Epidemiology and Biostatistics

Ecologic Studies Revisited
Jonathan Wakefield p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 75
Recent Declines in Chronic Disability in the Elderly U.S. Population:
Risk Factors and Future Dynamics
Kenneth G. Manton p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 91

AR337-FM ARI 22 February 2008 17:45

The Descriptive Epidemiology of Commonly Occurring Mental

Disorders in the United States
Ronald C. Kessler and Philip S. Wang p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p115
The Women’s Health Initiative: Lessons Learned
Ross L. Prentice and Garnet L. Anderson p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p131
U.S. Disparities in Health: Descriptions, Causes, and Mechanisms
Nancy E. Adler and David H. Rehkopf p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p235

Environmental and Occupational Health

Industrial Food Animal Production, Antimicrobial Resistance,
and Human Health
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Ellen K. Silbergeld, Jay Graham, and Lance B. Price p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p151

The Diffusion and Impact of Clean Indoor Air Laws
Michael P. Eriksen and Rebecca L. Cerak p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p171
Ancillary Benefits for Climate Change Mitigation and Air Pollution
Control in the World’s Motor Vehicle Fleets
Michael P. Walsh p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p1
Co-Benefits of Climate Mitigation and Health Protection in Energy
Systems: Scoping Methods
Kirk R. Smith and Evan Haigler p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 11
Health Impact Assessment of Global Climate Change: Expanding on
Comparative Risk Assessment Approaches for Policy Making
Jonathan Patz, Diarmid Campbell-Lendrum, Holly Gibbs, and
Rosalie Woodruff p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 27
Heat Stress and Public Health: A Critical Review
R. Sari Kovats and Shakoor Hajat p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 41
Preparing the U.S. Health Community for Climate Change
Richard Jackson and Kyra Naumoff Shields p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p 57
Protective Interventions to Prevent Aflatoxin-Induced Carcinogenesis
in Developing Countries
John D. Groopman, Thomas W. Kensler, and Christopher P. Wild p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p187

Public Health Practice

Protective Interventions to Prevent Aflatoxin-Induced Carcinogenesis
in Developing Countries
John D. Groopman, Thomas W. Kensler, and Christopher P. Wild p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p187
Regionalization of Local Public Health Systems in the Era of
Howard K. Koh, Loris J. Elqura, Christine M. Judge, and Michael A. Stoto p p p p p p p p205

viii Contents
AR337-FM ARI 22 February 2008 17:45

The Effectiveness of Mass Communication to Change Public Behavior

Lorien C. Abroms and Edward W. Maibach p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p219
U.S. Disparities in Health: Descriptions, Causes, and Mechanisms
Nancy E. Adler and David H. Rehkopf p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p235
The Diffusion and Impact of Clean Indoor Air Laws
Michael P. Eriksen and Rebecca L. Cerak p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p171
Public Health Services and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis
H. David Banta and G. Ardine de Wit p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p383

Social Environment and Behavior

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Creating Healthy Food and Eating Environments: Policy

and Environmental Approaches
Mary Story, Karen M. Kaphingst, Ramona Robinson-O’Brien,
and Karen Glanz p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p253
Why Is the Developed World Obese?
Sara Bleich, David Cutler, Christopher Murray, and Alyce Adams p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p273
Global Calorie Counting: A Fitting Exercise for Obese Societies
Shiriki K. Kumanyika p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p297
The Health and Cost Benefits of Work Site Health-Promotion
Ron Z. Goetzel and Ronald J. Ozminkowski p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p303
The Value and Challenges of Participatory Research: Strengthening
Its Practice
Margaret Cargo and Shawna L. Mercer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p325
A Critical Review of Theory in Breast Cancer Screening Promotion
across Cultures
Rena J. Pasick and Nancy J. Burke p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p351
The Effectiveness of Mass Communication to Change Public Behavior
Lorien C. Abroms and Edward W. Maibach p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p219
U.S. Disparities in Health: Descriptions, Causes, and Mechanisms
Nancy E. Adler and David H. Rehkopf p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p235

Health Services
A Critical Review of Theory in Breast Cancer Screening Promotion
across Cultures
Rena J. Pasick and Nancy J. Burke p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p351
Nursing Home Safety: Current Issues and Barriers to Improvement
Andrea Gruneir and Vincent Mor p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p369

Contents ix
AR337-FM ARI 22 February 2008 17:45

Public Health Services and Cost-Effectiveness Analysis

H. David Banta and G. Ardine de Wit p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p383
The Impact of Health Insurance on Health
Helen Levy and David Meltzer p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p399
The Role of Health Care Systems in Increased Tobacco Cessation
Susan J. Curry, Paula A. Keller, C. Tracy Orleans, and Michael C. Fiore p p p p p p p p p p p411


Cumulative Index of Contributing Authors, Volumes 20–29 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p429

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Cumulative Index of Chapter Titles, Volumes 20–29 p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p p434


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